Considerations for Decision-making: NaturaL Systems Land Cover I Early forest and non-forested upland: higher elevation areas without green vegetation and distinct TabLe 6 Figure 5 similar areas on the valley floor This category in- Acres by Land cover type Acres by Land cover type Land cover and vegetation can be mapped in numerous ways. The appropriate system for classifying cludes recently harvested areas, open grassland, non- vegetation types depends on the needs of potential Acres Type Percent forested alpine areas and barren areas. users and resources available. Although the U.S. I 8,777 3.13 306,662 51.08 Regrowth forest I 29,443 21,56 Early forest and non-forested upland I I 4,825 9.12 Native vegetation, valley floor 8,0623 I .34 Irrigated crops I 2,023 2.00 7,820 .30 49 0.01 2,733 0.46 Urban (see definition in note) Forest Service and Bureau of Land Management have Native vegetation, valley floor: vegetated areas of detailed vegetation cover information fortheir lands, the valley floor that did not appear to be associated gathered through eId surveys, this information is not with agricultural activities. This category would available forthe entire watershed. The only land include wetlands and riparian vegetation associated cover information readily available forthe entire for general purposes. The USGS Willamette Basin Land Cover map was D with streams. watershed was the USGSWillamette Basin Land Cover developed from satellite imagery and useful Mature forest EFM Irrigated crops: areas that formed distinct fields and areas that were non-vegetated in June, but were vegetated in August (the vegetative patterns between Grass fields, small grains the June and August images were compared). Perennial snow Grass fields, small grains: the grass-seed producing Water derived from LandsatThematic Mapper (satellite) data collected in June and August I 992 and I 993. Satellite imagery is a broad spectrum of light divided into bands, each ofwhich reflects different character- istics ofthe land cover The satellite image was then refined using three data layers: elevation, slope, and fields ofthe valley floor as well as hay fields, pastures and fields ofsmall grains. Perennial snow: the snowpack on Cascade Range peaks in August. soils. These layers were used to resolve discrepan- cies. For example, an area coded as both forest and Water: Open water including some intermittent irrigated crop would be designated forest if it was open water high elevation and irrigated crop if it was low elevaAs indicated in Table 6 and Figure 5, the vast majority Relative Surface Erosion Potential The USFS information contained pre-calculated For more information about these erosion potential soil to erode, based on slope and soil type. Existing is based on expected losses ofsurface soil when all categories, see the Mt. Hood National Forest Soil and future land uses were not considered when vegetative cover including forest lifter is removed. evaluating whether soil was likely to erode. The interpretation also considered climate, slope, soil soil and bedrock materials. Method 2. NRCS Data the entire watershed. Two sources,the U.S. Forest Soil types were grouped into three general catego- In the absence ofa pre-calculated factor for erosion ries, based on their erosion potential: potential, soil scientists from the NRCS and the U.S. amounts of agriculture and urban land making up the because no single detailed soil inventory exists for remainder Urban: areas of urban development with a popula- tion density of I 000 or more persons per square Note: Urban areas were not classified from satellite Service (USFS) and the federal Natural Resources mile, as defined by the USGS and based on I 990 data. Instead, an urban layer provided by the USGS'S Conservation Service (NRCS), cover different par- Water Resources Division was superimposed over the tions ofthe watershed and have different information satellite data. "Urban" is defined here as areas that in their data bases. The Mt. Hood National Forest have a population ofimore than 1,000 persons per Soil Resource Inventory (SRI) covers USFS land. Soils square mile. These areas consist ofmany land uses, in the remaining area were mapped by NRCS as part Moderate: Some loss ofsurface soil materials can be including residential, agricultural, commercial and indus- ofthe Clackamas County Soil Survey A few areas expected. Rill erosion and some small gullies or trial (refer to the Existing Land Use map for more had no data available because they are outside detailed information in these areas). agency survey boundaries. amount of light and correspond to older forest stands. Regrowth forest: forest stands that reflected more light than the mature forest and correspond with younger forest stands. Resource Inventory characteristics, and hydrologic characteristics of the This map was derived using two soils data bases Mature forest: forested areas that reflected the least occur information on erosion potential. The interpretation ofthe Clackamas watershed is forested, with similar census data. gullies, or considerable loss from sheet erosion may This map shows the potential of undisturbed surface ti 0 n. The nine land cover categories are defined as follows: Method 1. Forest Service Data Forest Service were consulted for the best method Slight: Little or practically no loss ofsurface soil materials is expected. Some minor sheet and nIl erosion may occur sheet erosion may occur High: Considerable or large loss ofsurf'ace soil Because there are two different soils data bases, two methods were used to represent erosion potential: materials can be expected. Rill erosion, numerous of determining erodibility. Two pieces of information, 'K-factor" and "average slope," are available for each mapped soils unit and were recommended for use in calculating erodibility. K-factor is an erodibility factor that is adjusted for the effect of rock fragments. Average slope is the average of high and low slope values within a soil mapping unit. Figure 6 Relative Infiltration Rate High potential for surface erosion Soils having moderate infiltration rates when For this map, current land use was not factored into thoroughly wetted and consisting primarily of infiltration rates, except in highly developed urban moderately deep to deep, moderately well to areas. Because oftheir high imperviousness (inability well drained soils, soils with moderately fine to be penetrated by water), developed commercial to moderately coarse textures and moder- and industrial lands were assigned to the category of ately slow to moderately rapid permeability lowest infiltration, regardless ofwhat kind ofsoil was These soils have a moderate rate of water underthe buildings and parking lots. This map shows soil infiltration rates based on soil type. Soil infiltration refers to the ability of water to Subwatershed penetrate the ground surface and pass through the Upper Clackamas River soil below. For example, sandy soils have rapid 6% Hot Springs Fork Collawash River infiltration rates, meaning that when it rains, the water 20% Collawash River will soak rapidly into the ground. Dense clay soils, on 21% Oak Grove Fork Clackamas River transmission. - 3% the other hand, have slow infiltration rates. On these Fish Creek 30% Roaring River 4% South Fork Clackamas River soils, any rain that falls may run offto other areas or Soils having slow infiltration rates when remain as puddles on the ground. thoroughly wetted and consisting chiefly of 15% Slope soils with a layerthat impedes downward Slope, orthe change in elevation over distance, is movement ofwater soils with moderately shown on this map. Note that the lower portion of fine to fine texture, soils with slow infiltration the watershed, west of Estacada, is relatively flat. due to salts or alkali, or soils with moderate More rugged terrain occurs in the middle watershed watertables. These soils may be somewhat nearthe Cascade mountains. The eastern portion of poorly drained. the watershed is high plateau, especially around Like the Relative Surface Erosion Potential map, this Middle Clackamas River 38°/o North Fork Clackamas River map was derived using two soils databases because 4% no single detailed soil inventory exists for the entire Eagle Creek Goose Creek watershed. 4% Deep Creek Both the Mt. Hood National Forest Soil Resource Richardson Creek 8% Timothy Lake. By comparing the slope, elevation and Inventory (SRI) and the NRCS Clackamas County Clear Creek Soils having very slow infiltration rates when 5% Soil Survey contain the propertyhydrologic soil Rock Creek 11% thoroughly wetted and consisting primarily of group," defined by the U.S. Forest Service as: Lower Clackamas River patterns. clay soils with a high swelling potential, soils 7% 0% ecoregion maps, it is possible to see basin-wide 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% Percent with high erosion potential Used in watershed management planning to esti- with a permanent high watertable, soils with As shown in Figure 7, slope measurements can be mate runofffrom rainfall. Soil properties that influ- a claypan or clay layer near the surface, soils expressed in percent. Percent slope is calculated as ence the minimum rate of infiltration obtained for a with very slow infiltration rates due to salts the vertical elevation (rise) divided by the horizontal bare soil after prolonged wetting are considered. or alkali, and shallow soils over nearly imper- distance (run),then multiplied by 100. These properties include: depth of seasonally high vious material. These soils have a very slow watertable, infiltration rate and permeability after rate of water transmission. Data for this map came from a USGS Digital Eleva- The formua, used by NRCS H the unkiersa soI Figure 6 shows the percentage of land area within Oss equaton to evauate pHme farmland (K-factor each subwatershed that has a high potential for x average slope), produced pont vaues rangng from surface erosion. For example, in the Middle to 50. These vaues were cIassfied into three categories: tion Model (see Page 6 for more information). prolonged wetting, and depth to very slowly permeable layers. The influence of ground cover is treated independently." Clackamas River subwatershed, 38 percent of the land area has a high potential for erosion. In the Rock Creek subwatershed, only I percent ofthe land Slight (less than 2) The hydrologic soil groups, as defined by the Forest Figure 7 Service, are: Slope equation and examples has a high potential for surface erosion. Like the Moderate (2-8) Relative Surlace Erosion Potential map, a high ranking High (8-50) Resource managers can use the Reative Surlace Erosion Potential map to determine general areas within the watershed that are less likely to erode. A. Soils having rapid infiltration rates even when for erosion potential is based on several factors, thoroughly wetted and consisting primarily of including soil type and slope. deep, well to excessively well drained sands Percent of slope rise run x 100 and gravels. These soils have a high rate of water transmission. 30' 30' Although the soil erosion information is not site- I 0' 30' specific, it can help guide decisions about where to build new roads, where to concentrate development, or where to harvest timber Slope = 100 percent rise run Slope = 300 percent Slope = 33 percent rise > run rise < run ' ', ,.L IR c ' > c" . H ppyV II 4i WYW2d4 J1 h !- ' -: vi , \ S A- # ak:' I \ / t wk : ILi44,0 " \f' I .. r ;c1 4j'. ' A . .- I çb r " I 2 ' : - 600 NORTHEAST GRAND AVENUE .\ ) _\ cI L içç TEL 53 :- PORTLAND, OREGON 97232 2736 i 503797 1 909 4.d j1\\\ I \I ,' Land Cover , Irç . ' ,. lAk. , C cSic::_. 1, METR:: SaLmon II II II II II II t II II II II II II II II III II II II II tI II II III II 6LL i\ L' (7// )\\\ NA9DS kO \\i.r \ River . ) Ia wa1c ,_L_ ' FERNWQOL /((.fl, J/ r ¼\ 1 \ :" LEGEND Jan " Classification represents a population C /,)' ' densiiy ofi AOO4- persons per square mile. These areas consist ofmany land uses, including Residential, . Agricultural. Commercial and Industrial. Refer to the Existing Land-Use Mapfor detail on land use within the Urban areas. Urban \, \ Subwatersheds Roads Mature Forest Riversand Streams " Early Forest or Non4orestedUp1and ' __ . / "V' . )h , _ c) \ Cit..v Limits CountyLine Valley Floor ; ' . \ ¼_\/' '' I ; /\ . \\ Irrigated Crops i / - ' /1/ / . , - (I M A RI 0 N CO. lliI CosM.pfros Lrn4/ LAND COVER USGS 5992-93), (JOs ' \ \ Brno5.y CITYLIMITS Ps,S!rnd 19% sfr1 1,2001 4,800 N w 4' E SUWARSJDS Me,rn, USFotS,v 5991) ; 2 3 '5' 5 . \ / - , A )\ % U ' SI '/ -V \ ' 5' ' '' ,'' : S / ' ) . 4 i J. . ' \ q ! / ,V . \ . : 1 . ,' p 0 Y ',T .1 Scale in Miles 4ffi;P';°dr i '. 5O7E IHISMAP !S1,V7ENDED TO BE USED TOmER 147771 E CORRESPONDING TEXTINCLUDED IN ThT CIACKAMASRIVER WAIERSHEDAILAS. I /y\ ' .% . /' Saie.1.24, 124,066 ,, : - ( JJ ' /) ,. f S\ - - ;sh R1 \ ? "( . . .\ l ' < CLACKAMAS CO. . \\ '\ ,I Water \ ' 41WA S PerennialSnow I i$ 4 ' '. \ . \ ' '4. . '. ) . \ 4. ,\ '.n 7' 'I, \.. \ I . \ \ / ' ., ,- ) I . \. ; : ' ,/ * see note above Regrowth Forest /\ . ,A / : . (\ Mt Sco Happy Valle stI Mt Talbett 1). Efl,o' ulackamasiiver Watershed Project SpritlgS - a 4; . . Rsver . ..... Oregon City 'I Relative Surface Erosion Potential RD S Rid PORTLAND, ORESON 97232 2736 600 NORTHEAST GRAND AVENUE a S 4'o FAX 5037971909 TEL 503 797 1742 C) Internet METR0 Salmon 1 WARDS a I t o HWY 2!! I' S Violalla I C) I FERWW.Q Fork ; RIv4r ivê Fork ,\ (L4Ttl -\ amas River Oai \L Timoihy Lake a LEGEND I No Data Available gI'I Subwatersheds Slight ,A/ Roads Moderate /V Rivers and Streams High /v City Limits / County Line Hot Springs Fork Cotfawash River S Co//awash River CLACKAMAS Co. MARION CO. COILS. Noo)lk 0)3)3003 Coor3)ioo Sovioo - Coo,oy SoilSo,v 8991), 003)0 1 24099 USForS S3OO Co)lR)0o)3,o 9080t0)y SRI) 979! SoIo I .93360 0I CITYLIMITS. Porilood MHropo!CSOA)oo 0030335 Coornosso )o)d C)ot!Jothdi))io,) iooiogmop )1996 Soilol,1,200-1 4,699 RIVERSAND SCREAMS Orgoo Dopo,0000i ofFth ood Wildhft 0999), Soü 1.100000 ROADS UCF.o'oC)So3o 099i)Sol 14,800 VSB3ro3fLrn4M3ogoo,00! Z9%)So!o1 4,866 C/sad 09i°8)SoIo I 24,000 USCnoo3 ThGERL,oFilo 0990), ))JM3)OdCi000ghl9%hyMo)m. Yt/BWATh1CSHEDS MoCo,olo00op66CC000fUSGS!opo,00jo. Coio.1.)4,O66 USFtC)So4o 0991) 50810 1.24,000 SOlE. SIIOMAF JSINIEOIDED TUBE USED TOGEIHER COTIH 0018 CORRESPONDING IEXTINCLVDEV iN DIE CLACKAMACPJVEIC WAIERSHEDACLCS Sc1e in Miles 77,0 )0JC))OC)fl3000 03 a 3)'303 0030)) ro3g000)o). Cro )8k000t000r000000fth4,o30 MoSo 500003000p! ThC) 030 00 30,700003, 3p )))O4 O tOpl).d, )0d)d)0g h r 0000Cy of )O)dS0Mbtha orfi000fo,o po660lorpo,'p000, 3O3o)p3ot))g )hS PSd))) Ho.00r, 0OCJC 3))o0of3))oOo))O 1(00 O)O)O!O 0 1 2 3 4 5 a a, .x,/ '' j ,, 1g A!&b L C I v E RICI , Goe1 _.___, , % __\\ 4 - % % - \ Infiltration Rate J (Based on Soil Type) % \_ I IRd;'/ ss TELS037:717:2FAx:o37::lEos t/.44G r- PORTLAND, OREGON 97232 2735 600 NORTHEAST GRAND AVENUE U, 'N '-agle C" eel ; ,. - METRO Sa'mon RG' MoIaDa 1&JAllhatI ": (\ I \ 7.. # 1 South Fork C/ac'mR1vr FEANW.o I , , ;A/$:r;s: tiJ EN 2i . .;m K, : :'( \ i_ 'oanngfliver NARDS C 4s' \__ . I ii AiieG . No Data Hydrologic Group "A " (Rapid infiltration rate) Hydrologic Group "B " /V Roads \ Rivers and Streams A! C" :::e ' ) '"n " # fflailone) i , Hot priiigs Fork 'CJT!aw'sh Rive?. ___________\ 1 tills CLACKAMAS Co\ MARION CO. ' SR osS Co,SSCGSoS1Sa99J), i p ó w qy(/ ' . k ' ) . 'iC,o//awash J \ -y ,' ScaleinMiles 0 1 2 3 4 , rdTgb,. #* E 5 4 - '4 '4W 'r s% ddhsdghs,rp,J %IS . : 1 / 4It;4' ' 33oO i\ h f " ' ( i'i_ W P'&JdIV . :r: J - U : I; I aw9), skJ 'N c I low infiltration rate) USFrSSi SIRs , Subwatersheds 1 5d ' kamas River " ?, . (I j '' WT S / - II