Proceedings of the California Forest Soils and Forest Management

Proceedings of the California Forest Soils
Council Conference on Forest Soils Biology
and Forest Management
February 23-24, 1996
Robert F. Powers
Sacramento, California
Donald L. Hauxwell
Gary M. Nakamura
Technical Editors
The Functional Role of Forest Soil Arthropods: The Soil Is
a Living Place......................................................................................7
Andrew Moldenke, Marjet Pajutee, and Elaine Ingham
Ecological Significance of Nitrogen Fixation by Actinorhizal
Shrubs in Interior Forests of California and Oregon .........................23
Matt D. Busse
Fungal Succession and Diversity in Ectomycorrhizal
Associations: A Case Study..............................................................43
William L. Bigg
Influence of Forest Harvesting on Soil Organisms
and Decomposition in Western Washington .....................................53
Robert L. Edmonds, James L. Marra, Amy K. Barg,
and Grace B. Sparks
Northern Flying Squirrels Mycophagy and Truffle
Production in Fir Forests of Northern California................................73
Jeffrey R. Waters, Kevin S. McKelvey, Cynthia J. Zabel,
and Daniel L. Luoma
American Matsutake (Tricholoma magnivelare) Across
Spatial and Temporal Scales ............................................................99
Michael P. Amaranthus, David Pilz, Andrew Moore, Rick Abbott,
and Daniel L. Luoma
Managing Our Grandchildren’s Forests: The Role
of Soil Biology and Soil Ecology .....................................................109
James R. Boyle
Pacific Southwest
Research Station
USDA Forest Service
General Technical
June 2000