ב"ה Insights into A Ashreii Th he Beauty of Psalm 145 By Rabbi Lazer Gurkow Lessson 1 ‐ Six Days, SSix Ways The six days of creation c as six s distinct w ways of relatiing to G‐d. Based on the t verse (Psalms 145:2) "Everyday I will bless YYou, and I wiill extol Yourr name forevver." Chapter 145 1. A psalm of praiise by David: I will exalt You, my Go od the Y Name forever. 2. Every day I will King, and bless Your e Your Name N forevver. 3. The Lord L is bless You, and extol dingly exalted; there iss no limit to t His great and exceed ness. 4. One generation n to anothe er will laud Your greatn workss, and tell off Your migh hty acts. 5. I will speak of o the splend dor of Your glorious maajesty and of o Your won ndrous deedss. 6. They will proclaim the might of o Your awe esome acts, aand I will reccount Your greatness. g 7.. They will exxpress the reemembrance e of Your ab bounding go oodness, and sing of Yo our righteo ousness. 8. The T Lord is graciouss and compaassionate, slow to anger and of great kindneess. 9. The Lord L is good to all, and His H mercies extend e over aall His workss. 10. Lord, all a Your workks will give thanks t to You u, and Yourr pious oness will bless You. 11. The ey will declarre the glory of Your kingdom, and a tell of Your strenggth, 12. to make m known to men Hiss mighty acts, and the glo orious majesty of His kingdom. 13. Your kingship is a kingsh hip over all worlds, w and Your domin nion is throu ughout all generations. 14. 1 The Lord d supports all who fall, and htens all who w are bent. 15. The eyes of all look straigh expectantly to Yo ou, and You give them their food at a the proper time. 16. You Y open Your hand and d satisfy the desire of eveery living th hing. 17. The e Lord is rigghteous in all a His ways, and benevo olent in all His deeds. 18. The Lord iss close to all who call upon u Him, to t all who call upon Him H in truth. 19. He fulfiills the desire of those e who fearr Him, T Lord waatches hears their cry and delivers them. 20. The over all who love l Him, and will destroy all the d. 21. My mouth will uttter the praisse of the Lord, and wicked let all flesh bless His H holy Nam me forever. Insightss into Ashreei – Lesson One www.chab bad.org/1398118