Managing Financial Policy: Evidence from the Financing of Major Investments Erik Stafford * Harvard University Phone: 617-495-8064 Email: June 2001 ABSTRACT: How do managers set financial policy? This paper uses a sample of unconstrained firms making major investments to examine intended financial policy decisions. The analysis reveals that the financial policies of the sample firms can reasonably be characterized as “pecking order” behavior as described by Donaldson (1961) and Myers (1984): (1) internal funds are the dominant source; (2) equity issues are relatively unimportant; and (3) debt issues are the residual financing variable. There is no evidence that dividend-paying firms adjust dividend policy to accommodate the significant investment. Firms use the investment event as an opportunity to increase their cash reserves, which is inconsistent with a specific form of the pecking order theory of Myers and Majluf (1984). The empirical results suggest (a) transaction costs appear to be an important determinant of financial policies and (b) pecking order behavior does not necessarily provide strong support for the pecking order theory. I thank Gregor Andrade, Harry DeAngelo, Doug Diamond, J. B. Heaton, Peter Hecht, Jean Helwege, Robert McDonald, Lisa Meulbroek, Todd, Pulvino, Raghu Rajan, Matthew Rothman, Jeremy Stein, Per Strömberg, Francis Yared, and seminar participants at Columbia, Cornell, Duke, Harvard, NYU, University of Maryland, University of Rochester, University of Chicago, USC, and the 1999 WFA Meetings for helpful comments and discussions. I am especially grateful to Eugene Fama, Steven Kaplan, Mark Mitchell, and Luigi Zingales for their insightful advice and guidance. Financial support from the Oscar Mayer Foundation and the Sanford Grossman Fellowship is greatly appreciated. How do managers set financial policy? In a world of perfect and complete capital markets, capital structure and dividend policies are a matter of irrelevance [Modigliani and Miller (1958, 1961)]. However, once the Modigliani-Miller assumptions are relaxed, financial policy can become important. Imperfect information and transaction costs make it costly for firms to frequently change their financial policies and therefore make financial slack valuable. For example, if firms have target leverage ratios, fixed transaction costs act against the firm’s desire to move towards the target. The firm establishes an optimal capital structure range, rather than an optimal point, and readjusts when its leverage ratio falls outside this range [see Kane, Marcus, and McDonald (1984) and Fischer, Heinkel, and Zechner (1989)]. Financial slack is valuable because frequent security issues are not required and thus the firm avoids the fixed costs associated with issuing securities. Myers and Majluf (1984) provide a richer model of financial slack based on information asymmetries between managers and investors. In addition to the fixed transaction costs associated with raising external funds, the firm also faces costs arising from the manager being better informed about the value of the firm’s assets and the expected profitability of its investment opportunities. Financial slack is valuable because it allows managers to avoid having to choose between issuing undervalued securities and forgoing positive net present value investments. This paper uses a sample of unconstrained firms making significant investments to examine financial policy decisions. The goal of the paper is twofold: first to document the intended financial policies of the sample firms and second to determine whether accepted theories of financial policy can really explain the observed behavior. Special emphasis is placed on financial slack, which is at the heart of most theories of financial policy. Financially unconstrained firms making major investments comprise an interesting sample from which to study intended financial policies in a setting where these policies are likely to be important. The analysis exploits the fact that the right-hand side of the balance sheet must accommodate a major change on the left-hand side, and that unconstrained firms are likely to 1 reveal their intended financial policies at this time. The sample avoids many of the problems with measuring intended financial policies that arise because of transaction costs. At least some transaction costs are required in most models of financial policy to explain why firms do not continuously issue securities. Therefore, observed leverage ratios generally reflect the combined effects of intended policy and deviations caused by random fluctuation in cash flows and investment, which are not immediately offset. These costs are negligible for firms making major investments, such that deviations from intended policies should be small following the event. To address how firms manage their financial policy when making major investments, I examine various financial policy variables in event-time relative to an industry based comparison group. This methodology provides a natural way to explore the dynamic aspects of financial policies by examining how these policies accommodate major investments in the years before, during, and after the investment. The event-time analysis reveals that the financial policies of the sample firms can be reasonably characterized as “pecking order” behavior, much like those making ordinary investments. In particular, (1) internal funds are the dominant source of financing, accounting for over 65% of investing activities in the event year, as compared to 86% for comparable firms; (2) the relative importance of equity financing is unchanged for the firms making major investments versus ordinary investments; and (3) debt issues are the residual financing variable. Interestingly, dividend paying firms do not reduce or slow dividend growth before or during the event, but instead are more likely to increase their dividends per share. Dividend increases are also observed for firms that raise external financing. Most accepted theories of financial policy have to some extent emerged from the survey studies of Lintner (1956) and Donaldson (1961) that find managers are reluctant to reduce dividends and prefer to finance investment with internal funds. As such, most theories can explain the observed pecking order behavior in these data. In order to address whether the observed pecking order behavior in financial policies is necessarily supportive of the pecking order theory described by Myers (1984, 1991) and Myers and Majluf (1984), I develop a test 2 designed to distinguish between a specific form of the pecking order model and a generic alternative. The pecking order theory described by Myers (1984, 1991) and Myers and Majluf (1984) has costs of external finance that are convex in the amount raised, while a model of financial policy based on fixed transaction costs is associated with concave costs of external finance. Consequently, one prediction of the pecking order model is that firms try to minimize external financing requirements by reducing cash reserves. The data do not support this prediction. In particular, firms appear to use the investment event as an opportunity to replenish their cash reserves, finishing the investment period with high levels of cash relative to their industry peers. This evidence, coupled with the finding that the event firms are more likely to increase their dividends, suggests that firms do not minimize their financing requirements as the pecking order theory predicts. The mere presence of pecking order behavior does not provide strong support for the pecking order theory. Rather, the financing behavior of the sample firms is more consistent with fixed transaction costs being the primary cost of external financing. I. Data Description The dataset for this paper consists of major corporate investments, defined as both significant additions to the capital stock of the firm, and significant deviations from the firm’s typical investment policy. The universe of firms for the purpose of this study are those covered by Value Line from 1970 to 1996, excluding firms in financial industries. To the extent that Value Line firms are unconstrained, these observations provide a unique opportunity to examine the intended financial policies of these firms. There are 2,728 unique firms, representing 35,613 firm-years in the Value Line sample.1 All of the accounting data are from Compustat. In order to compare annual investment expenditures across both firms and time, some type of transformation is required. It is natural to scale investment by a measure of assets in 1 Andrade and Stafford (1999) develop the Value Line based industry classifications used in this paper. 3 place, such as book assets. However, book assets do not reflect current or historical advertising and R&D expenditures. Therefore, I adjust book assets to reflect the accounting treatment of advertising and R&D investment.2 I calculate annual investment intensities as investment (advertising + CAPX + R&D) in year t divided by long-term book assets (book assets plus R&D capital (RDC) plus advertising capital (ADC) minus cash & marketable securities minus working capital (WC)) at the end of year t-1 (see Appendix A for details on variable definitions). Investment Intensityi ,t = Advertising i ,t + CAPX i ,t + R&Di ,t Assetsi ,t −1 + ADCi ,t −1 + RDCi ,t −1 − Cashi ,t −1 − WCi ,t −1 (1) All annual investment intensities greater than 0.25 (approximately the 90th percentile across all firm-years) are considered “large” investments.3 In order to identify “non-routine” investments, annual percentage deviations from each firm’s mean investment intensity are calculated for all firms that have at least four annual observations. All annual percentage deviations greater than 50% are considered “non-routine” investments. Significant investment events are defined as the intersection of the “large” and “non-routine” investments. The final sample satisfies the following additional criteria: 1. Must have been in Value Line for at least two years before the event to avoid sample selection bias. Firms entering the Value Line sample are likely to have recently experienced unusually high growth, and may not be directly comparable to the other firms, which are generally more established. 2. Must not be part of a consecutive series of investment events that is longer than three years. It is not clear whether or not management originally planned these to be unusually long-lived investment events. 2 Based on previous research on capitalizing and amortizing intangible assets (see Ayanian (1983), Hall (1993), and Lev and Sougiannis (1996)) advertising and R&D expenditures are assumed to have useful lives of two and six years, respectively. All expenditures are assumed to occur in the middle of the fiscal year, and that they are subject to straight-line depreciation. Missing advertising and R&D values surrounded by valid observations are set to the average of the surrounding values, while missing values at the beginning or end are set to the value implied by growth at the median annual growth rate of all firms. Finally, when there are insufficient data to calculate the advertising or R&D capital stock, but either the current or the prior expenditure is available, the available expenditure is capitalized using the median capitalization factor. 3 Annual investment intensities greater than 1.0 are dropped from the sample (20 observations). 4 3. Firms with multiple investment events must have at least four years between them. This is to allow for meaningful analysis of pre- and post-event financial policy. 4. The firm does not make an acquisition or merger in the year of the significant investment. In particular, if the firm makes an acquisition greater than 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets, or CRSP identifies the firm as an acquirer, the observation is excluded. I exclude mergers because they may be largely financial transactions rather than investment events (see Shleifer and Vishny (2001)). The events are not meant to be anomalous in economic terms, only in their potential to reveal intended financial policies. For example, Nucor, a “mini-mill” steel producer (steel industry), completed two significant investment events over the sample period, the first investment event lasting one year and the second lasting two years. In January 1981, Nucor announced plans to build a steel joist and grinding ball plant in Brigham City, Utah, spending over $100M on capital expenditures for the year. Construction on the plant began in the spring of 1981, and steel production at the plant began by the end of the same year. By 1987, Nucor had experienced great success in the steel industry and again looked to expand its capacity. In April 1987, Nucor announced a joint venture with a large Japanese steel maker (Yamato Kogyo Co.) to build a $175M mill in Arkansas. Nucor owned 51% of the joint venture, which began production in the second half of 1988. In 1987, Nucor also began construction on a $250M flat-rolled steel mill in Indiana, becoming the first mini-mill to enter this segment of the steel market. The Indiana mill increased the firm’s steel capacity by 40%, and became operational in the middle of 1989. The final sample includes 794 significant investment event-years by 538 different firms. Table 1 displays the number of events by year and by industry, as well as the number of Value Line firms that otherwise meet the sample criteria, and Appendix B describes a few more of these events. 5 II. Methodology for Analyzing Event-Time Financial Policy To address how firms manage financial policy when making significant investments, I examine various financial policy variables in event-time relative to an industry based comparison group. There is a dynamic aspect to financial policy that is generally difficult to capture unless some type of event-time analysis is performed. The event-time analysis provides a natural way to explore how financial policy accommodates major investments in the years before, during, and after the event. In order for the output to be useful, a meaningful comparison group and adjustment procedure are required to determine the level of, or change in, the variables expected in the absence of a major investment. There are two important considerations in determining the “abnormal” financial policy variables: (1) mean reversion in accounting variables; and (2) crosssectional dependence of abnormal variables. First, a wide variety of accounting variables exhibit mean reversion, which may induce spurious correlations if event firms tend to have either “high” or “low” levels of the variable before the event. Second, major corporate actions are not random events, and thus may not represent independent observations. The very nature of an event sample is that all of the sample firms have chosen to participate in the event, while other firms have chosen not to. This may lead to positive cross-correlations in abnormal financial policy variables, leading to overstated test-statistics if not accounted for. A. Calculating Abnormal Financial Policy Variables The comparison group consists of all firms in the same industry, with similar levels of the variable in the year prior. Specifically, for each variable examined, three groupings of the Value Line sample firms are formed (independent of industry) based on whether the level of the firm’s financial policy variable falls below the 33rd percentile, between the 33rd and 67th percentiles, or above the 67th percentile of the distribution of the variable across all firm-years in the year before the event. These groupings are then intersected with the industry classifications to form the 6 comparison groups. This method of grouping assumes that firms in the same industry are subject to similar shocks that may affect the cross-sectional variation in the variable, but which are unrelated to the actual investment event. Moreover, by matching on the prior-year level of the variable, spurious correlations related to mean reversion in accounting variables are less likely. This comparison group definition is similar in spirit to the matching procedure advocated by Barber and Lyon (1996), which controls for both the pre-event level of the variable and the industry of the sample firms. Once the comparison group is identified, an abnormal financial policy variable is calculated for each sample firm by subtracting the mean of the variable associated with the comparison group, as in equation (2). This adjustment should roughly account for the typical behavior of firms in the comparison group, and thus provide a meaningful benchmark against which to evaluate the sample firms’ financial policy variables. AbnX i ,t = X i ,t − mean( X j ,t ) (2) where i indexes all event firms and j indexes all firms in the comparison group for firm i. Finally, the mean and standard error are calculated using a variant of the “time series of cross-sections approach” developed by Fama and MacBeth (1973). In this approach, the time series mean of annual cross-sectional means of the individual abnormal financial policy variables is calculated, and a t-statistic is calculated using the time series standard error. In other words, each year in calendar-time, I calculate the mean abnormal financial policy variable for all firms completing a significant investment that year, AbnX t . The mean and standard deviation of the time series of annual means ( T ⋅ mean( AbnX t ) / std ( AbnX t ) ). is then used to calculate the t-statistic, This time series of cross-sections approach produces standard errors that are robust to cross-sectional dependence because the variation in the annual means includes the effects of cross-correlated abnormal financial policy variables. B. Simulation Evidence One concern with any type of adjustment is that the properties of the resulting statistic 7 may not be known, particularly when the underlying data are not well behaved. This problem is common to most corporate event-time studies, and Barber and Lyon (1996) document how sensitive results can be to different methodologies. To further complicate the matter, there are several differences between the financial policy variables in this study and the operating performance variables examined by Barber and Lyon, which may be problematic. The most severe is that many financial policy variables are bounded below at zero, and often have a large mass at zero, whereas profitability measures, such as return on assets, are close to normally distributed. Moreover, the sample size of 50 firms that Barber and Lyon examine is many times smaller than the significant investment sample in this study. In order to determine whether the adjustment procedure described above is reasonable for the variables of interest in this study, I perform simulations to test the size of the test statistics. The details of the simulation procedure and the results are in Appendix C. The simulation results on the specification of the test statistics are presented in Table C.1. In particular, the fraction of random samples that reject the null hypothesis are reported. For virtually all of the variables studied, the adjustment procedure produces well-specified t-statistics. The only exceptions are that the test statistics for the cash-to-sales, dividend-toincome, and long-term debt-to-sales ratios tend to reject too often when negative. Overall, the abnormal financial policy methodology appears to produce well-specified t-statistics, which should be robust to cross-correlated observations. C. Investment Activity in Event-Time To demonstrate the effectiveness of the event-time approach, abnormal investment activity results are displayed in Table 2. The sample consists of firms making significant investments, and as such, it is important to examine how the investment activity of these firms evolves in event-time. Beginning of period long-term book assets scales all the various components of investment activity. This table confirms that these are indeed significant investments, as the event firms on average have investment intensities over 14 percentage points 8 higher than comparable firms, during the event year (t-statistic = 21.7).4 This is more than double the average aggregate investment intensity for Value Line firms from 1972-1996, which is 12.7%. On average, it appears that there is an investment run-up the year before the event, culminating in year t with the significant investment. The investment event is immediately followed by a sharp decline in investment activity in years t+1 and t+2. This same general pattern persists when sales, rather then long-term assets, scale investment activity. Finally, most of the abnormal investment comes from CAPX. Advertising expenditures are marginally higher during the event year and R&D expenditures are significantly larger. III. Financial Policy Surrounding Significant Investments The estimates presented in this section provide insights into how financial policies adjust to accommodate the significant investment in year t, and capture the average financial position of firms in the years surrounding the event. Emphasis is on cash flows, dividends, external financing, and the resulting capital structures. The reported coefficients are averages of adjusted financial policy variables for firms making significant investments in year t. A. Cash Flows Firms tend to finance the majority of their investment with retained earnings, and it is therefore useful to first examine the cash flows of the sample firms. Table 3 presents several different abnormal cash flow measures for firms making significant investments. In order to facilitate event-time comparisons, all cash flow measures are scaled by sales rather than total book assets, as sales should be less sensitive to the investment event.5 Thus, the variables are 4 Equivalently, the average investment intensity for the event firms is 14.2 percentage points higher than what is expected, given the firm’s industry and the amount invested in the year prior. 5 The investment event is essentially tantamount to a significant increase in total book assets. However, there is no such mechanical relation between the investment event and sales. 9 actually cash flow margins, which are typically interpreted as measures of profitability. The particular cash flow variables examined are EBITDA, operating cash flows, pre-tax cash flows, and after-tax cash flows.6 Firms that make significant investments have slightly higher cash flows than comparable firms do in the years before the investment, consistently peaking in year t-1. For example, in the three years prior to the investment event, average abnormal operating margins range from 0.0054 to 0.0095 (corresponding t-statistics are 1.34 and 2.34). The aggregate average cash flow margin for all Value Line firms is 0.13 (results not reported), implying that firms making major investments have cash flow margins roughly 4% to 7% higher than non-event firms prior to the event. During the event year, and following the investment, cash flow margins are indistinguishable from those of the comparable firms. The average abnormal operating margins during the event and in the two years after the event are -0.003, 0.0003, and 0.003 (t-statistics equal -0.44, 0.06, and 0.48, respectively). The results from examining changes in the cash flowto-sales ratio are consistent with the level results. The three-years before the event are characterized by marginally positive abnormal increases in cash flow margins, and then changes are generally flat following the event. Cash flow margins and return on assets are often used as measures of operating performance. The assumption is that if the profitability of a firm is at least as high as that of comparable firms, then the firm is performing efficiently. However, the denominators in each of these measures are also related to performance. For example, examining the cash flow margin for a firm experiencing a large decrease in sales, with no change in profitability, may disguise the fact that the firm is enduring serious operating problems. To ensure that the previous cash flow inferences are consistent with strong operating performance, sales growth is also examined 6 Variable definitions are reported in Appendix A. 10 (results not reported). The average abnormal sales growth of the event firms is invariably nonnegative and reliably positive in the year before the event and during the event year. This suggests that the “operating performance” of the sample firms is indeed slightly higher than that of comparable firms in the years before the significant investment, and certainly no worse than average subsequently. B. Dividend Policy Do managers reduce dividends or slow dividend growth to accommodate major investments? While there is a large literature devoted to dividend policy, there is little empirical evidence on the interaction between dividend policy and significant investments [see the review by Allen and Michaely (1995)]. Firms making major investments provide a unique sample for studying this aspect of financial policy, as the investment event exerts strong pressure on the firm to alter its dividend policy. A dividend reduction may allow the firm to avoid the direct transaction costs of issuing securities, as well as the potential costs associated with asymmetric information. On the other hand, dividends may serve an important signaling role, such that a dividend cut is not actually a feasible source of financing. Table 4 reports the fraction of Value Line and event firms satisfying various dividend policy criteria and test statistics denoting whether the fractions are significantly different across the two samples. There are several interesting observations. First, dividend increasesdefined as a 25% increase in dividends per share, adjusting for stock splits and stock dividendsare significantly more likely for event firms in the years before, and the year of, the investment event. In particular, during any given year, 11.6% of the Value Line firms increase their dividends per share at least 25%, whereas in both the year before the event and the year of the event, roughly 20% of the firms making major investments increase their dividends by this amount. At the same time, dividend decreases are significantly less likely for event firms in the years before and during the investment event. Firms making significant investments are only half as likely to reduce their dividends per share by at least 25% as other Value Line firms in the two years before 11 the event, and during the event year.7 Moreover, these general findings hold for the subset of event firms that raise external financing in year t.8 This suggests that dividends do not accommodate investment in the sense of providing a source of funds, but rather dividend payments exert additional pressure on an already tight sources and uses constraint. Second, it appears that firms making major investments are significantly less likely to pay dividends in the years before the event than other Value Line firms. However, by the time the event has occurred, the payment frequency of event firms is indistinguishable from that of the rest of the Value Line sample. Consistent with this evidence, the event firms are nearly twice as likely to initiate dividends in the years before the event, and just as likely in the years afterwards. Dividend omissions by the event firms are not reliably different from other Value Line firms, except during the event year and again two years after the investment. During the event year, firms are less likely to omit dividends, whereas, two years after the investment, firms are twice as likely to omit dividends. There is some hint that dividend policy may accommodate investment at longer horizons, much the way it does for small, rapidly growing firms. In other words, firms that expect to invest more than their cash flows allow are less likely to pay dividends at all. Overall, it appears that once dividends are paid, which describes the vast majority of the sample, firms are extremely reluctant to reduce payouts, or even to slow their growth unless they hit bad times (also see Fama and French (2001)). However, dividend policy may accommodate investment for the event firms much the same way it does for small, growth firmsboth are less likely to pay dividends at all. 7 These general findings (event firms are significantly more likely to increase dividends in year t, and marginally less likely to reduce dividends in years t-1 and t) are also true for the group of firms that make substantial dividend payments in year t-3, defined as those above the 75th percentile of dividends-to-sales. The notion being that firms that actually pay substantial dividends will have a greater source of funding from a dividend cut, than firms with low dividend payout, and thus may be more likely to use this financing option. 8 Firms raising external financing are identified as those with debt issues plus equity issues in year t larger than 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets. The results are virtually identical if these firms are instead identified as those with debt issues plus equity issues greater than 25% of investment in year t. 12 C. External Financing On average, external financing accounts for 32.9% of investing activity for firms making significant investments, while external funds account for only 14% of investing activities for firms making ordinary investments (see Stafford (1999)). Even for this sample, where external financing is more likely to be necessary, internal funds are by far the dominant source of financing. Moreover, the relative importance of debt and equity financing for firms making significant investments is similar to that for other firms. Debt issues account for 89.2% of external financing for ordinary investments and 93.8% for significant investments, on average. Table 5 reports the event-time frequency of debt and equity issues for firms making significant investments and for the full Value Line sample. Again, it is clear that debt issues are the dominant source of external financing. Over 56% of the event firms issue debt worth over 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets in the year of the event, compared to 25% of all Value Line firms. This is also dramatically larger than the 11.7% of event firms issuing equivalent amounts of equity in the event year. The vast majority of security issues occur during the actual event year. Nonetheless, debt issues also appear to be significantly more likely in the year after the event, suggesting that there is some follow-up financing that is required. In particular, 25% of all Value Line firms issue debt over 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets in any given year, whereas, over 32% of the firms making significant investments issue an equivalent amount of debt in year t+1 (t-statistic of difference is 2.17). The event-time frequency of equity issues is not as dramatic, as they are more evenly spaced over years t-1 through t+1, peaking in the year before the event. Table 6 presents abnormal external financing variables, which largely confirm the results presented so far. Net debt issues are by far the primary source of external funding for firms making significant investments, with an abnormal measure more than 7 times larger than that for net equity issues. In the years before the event, net debt issues are somewhat lower for event firms than for comparable firms. Virtually all debt financing occurs in the year of the event. In 13 addition, most of the net debt financing comes from long-term debt issues, as long-term debt reductions for event firms are indistinguishable from those made by comparable firms. Moreover, short-term debt issues are not particularly important, although they are marginally higher than expected in the year of the event. Again, equity issues are more evenly spaced over years t-1 through t+1. Equity repurchases by firms making significant investments are not reliably different from comparable firms, which is interesting in light of the dividend policy evidence. In other words, not only are firms reluctant to reduce dividends in the years before and during major investments, but equity repurchase programs appear to continue unaltered as well. In the year after the investment event, the average abnormal equity repurchase is significantly lower for the sample firms than for the comparable firms. This is sufficient to make abnormal net equity issues in year t+1 marginally positive, despite the average amount raised from equity issues being similar for event firms and comparable firms. The financing of significant investments appears to be quite similar to that for ordinary investment, with internal funds being the dominant source, equity issues remaining relatively unimportant, and debt being the residual variable. Although equity issues are significantly more likely for event firms than for comparable firms, debt financing overwhelms both the amount of equity financing and the frequency of equity issues. D. Leverage In the three years before the event, long-term debt to total book assets is significantly lower for event firms than for comparable firms, with average abnormal long-term debt ratios ranging from -0.014 to -0.02 (corresponding t-statistics are -3.71 and -4.74, see Table 7). As indicated in the previous table, most of the financing during the event year is provided by debt issues, resulting in a large increase in leverage. At the end of the event year, the average abnormal long-term debt ratio is 2.41 percentage points higher than expected, with a t-statistic of 5.62. The average aggregate long-term debt ratio for the Value Line firms is 0.223 (see Stafford 14 (1999)), implying an average increase in long-term debt ratios for firms making significant investments over 10%. In the years following the event, long-term debt tends towards the average of the comparison firms, and is in fact indistinguishable in years t+1 and t+2. Examining total liabilities produces similar results, as short-term and long-term debt ratios behave similarly, although by year t+2, abnormal total liabilities are significantly negative. On the whole, firms making significant investments have significantly lower levels of debt than comparable firms prior to the event, but similar to the comparison group afterwards. As such, common equity as a fraction of total assets behaves just the oppositehigher than average prior to the event, over correction the year of the event, and then drifting upwards afterwards. E. Pecking Order Behavior in Financial Policy The event-time analysis suggests that the pecking order descriptions of Donaldson (1961) and Myers (1984, 1991) can reasonably characterize the financial policies of firms that make significant investments. Internal funds are the dominant source of financing, the relative importance of equity issues is the same for firms making significant investments as for firms making ordinary investments, and debt issues are the residual financing variable. Interestingly, dividend-paying firms do not reduce dividends or slow dividend growth in the year of the investment event or in the prior years, which is consistent with the finding of Fama and French (2001) that dividends do not accommodate ordinary investment. V. Does the Pecking Order Theory Really Explain Pecking Order Behavior? A. Implications of the Pecking Order Theory for Firms Making Major Investments Myers and Majluf (1984) and Myers (1984, 1991) develop Donaldson’s (1961) observations on financing decisions into the pecking order theory. The model assumes that dividends are “sticky” in the sense of Lintner (1956), and that they are only gradually adjusted to accommodate growth opportunities. Unpredictable shocks to profitability and growth 15 opportunities create situations where internally generated funds are insufficient (or more than sufficient) to finance investment. When there is an internal fund deficit, and external financing is necessary, firms issue the safest securities first. Safety refers to value being insensitive to the value of the firm’s assets, such that information asymmetry has less impact on pricing. Riskless debt is the most preferred security, followed by risky debt, hybrid securities such as convertible debt, and equity only as a last resort. The pecking order theory of financial policy usually takes investment and dividend decisions as given as well, leaving the manager to concentrate on financing decisions [see Shyam-Sunder and Myers (1999)]. In addition to the transaction costs associated with raising external funds, the firm also faces costs arising from the manager being better informed about the value of the firm’s assets and the expected profitability of its investment opportunities.9 The pecking order theory implies that financial slack is valuable because it reduces the possibility that the firm will bypass positive NPV projects or risk issuing underpriced securities. This intuition is extended by DeMarzo and Duffie (1997) who develop a model where a firm has private information about the value of its underlying assets, and as a result, faces a downward sloping demand function when selling claims on these assets. In essence, the firm faces a “lemons” problem when issuing securities because investors suspect that the amount issued is greater when the private information implies that the securities are overvalued. Consequently, when the firm seeks to raise a large amount of external funds, investor’s willingness to pay is reduced. Similar reasoning is used by Froot, Scharfstein, and Stein (1993) and Froot and Stein (1998) to justify their assumption of convex costs of external financing (convex in the amount raised). They argue that increasing marginal costs of external financing are consistent with either asymmetric information or agency costs. Increasing marginal costs of external financing appear 9 The traditional pecking order theory of Myers and Majluf (1984) actually ignores transaction costs. 16 to describe how information asymmetry leads firms to prefer internal financing, which is at the heart of the pecking order theory. Testing theories of financial policy is difficult because the theories have evolved to describe important empirical aspects of typical financial policies. As such, most empirical findings are consistent with most theories. For example, to the extent that major investments are somewhat anticipated and that cash flows and profitability are correlated with investment opportunities, it is likely that firms making significant investments will have low leverage before the event. Thus, most models predict that debt issues will cover the deficit. This suggests that distinguishing between models of financial policy by examining the type of financing or whether the firm increases its leverage will be difficult. However, it may be possible to distinguish between theories by comparing each model’s prediction about the amount of external funds raised, and resulting cash balances. The key to testing the pecking order theory is the shape of the cost of external financing function. With convex costs of external financing, the pecking order predicts that firms requiring external funds will first exhaust internal funds, including excess cash balances, and then issue debt to cover the deficit. The marginal costs of financing increase as additional external financing is required, creating an incentive for the firm to minimize the amount of external funds raised. On the other hand, a model with concave costs of external finance predicts that firms making significant investments requiring external financing will use this as an opportunity to readjust their capital structures, including their cash balances. The actual amount of external financing raised, and thus, what is done with excess cash, is at the heart of most theories of financial policy, and firms making significant investments provide a unique sample to test these theories. Since some epsilon transaction costs are required to explain why firms do not continuously issue securities in the pecking order theory, there may be an “S” shaped cost of external financing function, concave at first where transaction costs dominate, and then convex once informational asymmetries become dominant. The significant 17 investment sample is likely to consist of firms that are at the convex portion of the function, if the convex portion in fact exists, because these firms are raising a substantial amount of funds. At the same time, the analysis assumes that the shape of the cost of external financing function is constant through time.10 Again, the sample of firms identified conditioning on major investments dominates a sample created by conditioning on large security issues. To directly select the sample based on large security issues would increase the likelihood of identifying firms that have experienced a “shock” to their cost function. This procedure would identify firms that have issued securities because the costs of external financing are temporarily low due to the convex portion of the cost function temporarily disappearing. B. What Happens to Cash Holdings? If the cost of external financing is convex in the amount raised, then firms will minimize this variable when making significant investments, and thus end the period with low levels of cash holdings. On the other hand, if the cost of external financing is concave in the amount raised, then firms may raise more funds than they immediately need, and end the period with financial slack.11 For example, a simple target-adjustment model of capital structure and cash holdings, where fixed transaction costs govern adjustment, would have concave costs of external financing (see Miller and Orr (1966)). The predictions are sharper for firms actually requiring external financing to complete the significant investment, so special attention is focused on these firms. Specifically, firms raising external funds are identified as those with debt issues plus equity issues greater than 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets.12 10 Shocks to the cost function that temporarily reduce costs, but do not change the shape of the cost function should not be problematic. The decision of whether to invest or not may be affected by the level of the cost function, but the decision of how much external financing to raise is governed by the marginal cost. 11 Firms facing a concave cost of external financing function do not necessarily raise more external funds than the amount they invest. The amount that the raise and thus the change in cash holdings is dependent on the level of cash holdings prior to the investment. For example, firms with significant excess cash before the investment event may reduce cash holdings even if the marginal cost of external financing is decreasing because the marginal benefits of additional external financing are relatively low in the presence of high levels of internal funds. 12 The results are similar if firms issuing external financing greater than 25% of the significant investment are examined. 18 The primary variable of interest is the cash-to-sales ratio.13 This ratio should be comparable across firms in the same industry, and should allow for meaningful comparisons for the same firm in event-time. Moreover, examining the cash-to-sales ratio is consistent with the manner in which valuation analyses are typically executed, where cash and working capital requirements are generally estimated as a percent of forecasted sales. In addition, scaling by sales avoids the problems inherent in scaling by assets, which are changing dramatically due to the significant investment event. One concern with using the cash-to-sales ratio is that the tests will be leaning heavily on the post-event level of sales being at the new equilibrium level. All of the following tests are repeated using cash in year t, and sales in year t+1, and the results are materially unchanged. A simple way of examining what happens to cash levels when external financing is raised is to compare event firms’ cash-to-sales ratios to other firms in the industry. Specifically, the cash-to-sales ratios for event firms are compared to those of other firms in the same industry, and the percentile that minimizes various transformations of the forecast errors is calculated. For example, the target adjustment model is estimated assuming that the target is the nth percentile (n = 1 ... 99) of all cash-to-sales ratios of non-event firms in the same industry in year t. Then the various statistics (mean, square root of the average squared errors (RMSE), median, and mean absolute deviation (MAD) of the forecast errors) are calculated and the percentile that minimizes the statistic is reported. The rankings from this procedure are reported in Table 8. For the full sample, the mean forecast error of the cash-to-sales ratio is minimized at the 62nd percentile of the industry firms, and the median forecast error is minimized at the 46th percentile. The changes in the cash-to-sales ratio are also analyzed, with the mean forecast error of changes in the cash-to-sales ratios being minimized at the 36th percentile, and the median at the 43rd percentile. Recall, a target-adjustment model predicts that firms raising external funds 13 The results are materially unchanged if the tests use cash scaled by long-term assets. 19 will move towards their targetlikely near the center of the industry distributionwhile the pecking order predicts that these firms will end up somewhere in the left tail. It appears that the event firms raising external funds finish the year of the event with fairly high levels of cash relative to their industry peers, and that changes in their cash holdings are not particularly extreme. I also separate firms based on the type of external financing because firms that issue debt may not be at the convex portion of the cost of external financing function. If firms are able to issue risk-free debt, the pecking order assumes that the cost of external financing is concave in this range. However, by the time the firm issues equity the firm is surely at the convex portion of the cost of external financing function, if the convex portion in fact exists. Interestingly, the results are virtually identical for the full sample, the debt issuing sub-sample, and the equityissuing sub-sample, with each group ending the period with cash holdings near the center of the industry distribution, or slightly to the right of the center. This suggests that these firms are not minimizing the amount of external financing raised. Additional insights come from grouping the event firms into thirds based on their preevent cash-to-sales ratios. Firms raising external funds, that had low cash-to-sales ratios relative to their industry in the year prior to making a significant investment, increase their cash-to-sales ratio considerably more than otherwise similar firms in the industrythe mean forecast error for changes is minimized at the 67th percentile, and the median at the 62nd percentile. Likewise, firms that raise external financing and have high levels of cash relative to their industry prior to the event, reduce their cash holdings dramatically over the event year, with the mean error of changes in cash-to-sales minimized at the 10th percentile, and the median at the 12th percentile. Clearly, there is a tendency for firms to move towards the center of the industry distribution, and it appears that the adjustment is somewhat faster for firms making significant investments. The empirical evidence is roughly consistent with the predictions of a simple targetadjustment model, and largely at odds with the pecking order model. In particular, the fact that 20 firms with low levels of cash prior to the event increase their cash holdings much more than the typical firm in the industry, and that the firms in the middle grouping of prior-period cash levels also increase their cash more than other firms in the industry seems to go against the pecking order, which predicts the opposite. C. Regression Analysis on the Determinants of Cash Holdings To statistically test the marginal impact of the investment event on cash holdings, I use the regression model of cash balances developed by Opler, Pinkowitz, Stulz, and Williamson (OPSW) (1998). The natural logarithm of both the cash-to-sales and cash-to-assets ratios are regressed on the determinants used by OPSW and a dummy variable which equals one if the firm just completed a significant investment that required external financing, and equals zero otherwise. For each dependent variable, two specifications are estimated: one pooled across all Value Line firm-years, and one using the time-series of cross-sections approach developed by Fama and MacBeth (1973). The results are reported in Table 9. For the most part, the pooled regressions using the Value Line sample produce results that are very similar to those of OPSW. The dummy variable indicating whether the observation is associated with a significant investment is consistently positive, significantly positive in the pooled regressions, and insignificantly positive in the time series of cross-sections regressions. In the pecking order model, observed cash holdings are typically well above the minimum level of cash holdings required for efficient operations of the firm, as financial slack generally has value. This should especially be true for the successful Value Line firms used in this study, which have built up slack through retained earnings after years of strong profits. Thus, finding that the marginal impact of the significant investment on cash holdings is slightly positive, provides strong evidence against the pecking order theory’s prediction that these firms are minimizing the amount of external financing that they raise. Instead, firms appear to be increasing their financial slack by replenishing their cash reserves. 21 D. Summary and Implications of the Financing Results The costs of external finance appear to be concave in the amount raised for the sample firms, rather than convex as the pecking order theory predicts. Firms making significant investments that require external financing finish the investment period with high levels of cash holdings relative to otherwise similar firms. In addition, there is a tendency for dividend-paying firms to increase their dividend payouts in the years before and during the event, exerting additional pressure on an already tight sources and uses constraint. The investing firms do not appear to be minimizing the amount of external financing that they raise, as the pecking order predicts, or more generally, as any model with convex costs of external financing predicts. This does not mean that information asymmetry is irrelevant, or that the manager’s private information is an unimportant determinant of financial policy, only that at the time of the investment, the increasing costs associated with asymmetric information appear to be small relative to fixed transaction costs. For example, asymmetric information may be time varying, such that firms make significant investments and raise external financing at times when the costs associated with the manager’s private information are low [see Korajczyk, Lucas, and McDonald (1991)]. However, for time varying information asymmetries to explain the results completely, firms must have unusually large propensities to invest following shocks to the cost of external financing. In other words, it must be the case that when external funds are temporarily low because of reduced information asymmetries, firms not only raise external funds, but decide to simultaneously engage in major investments. The empirical results on the amount of external financing and the post-event cash holdings implicitly assume that the marginal value of financial slack for firms making major investments is no greater than that for otherwise similar firms. This seems reasonable since the sample firms have just completed a major investment and are therefore less likely to make large investments immediately afterwards. In fact, the event-time analysis shows that investment activity for the sample firms tends to be significantly lower than that for comparable firms. 22 Finally, transaction costs appear to be an important factor in explaining the financial policy of the sample firms. At least some transaction costs are necessary to explain the amount and pattern of external financing. Since there is no evidence that the sample firms face convex costs of external financing, it may be useful to model the costs associated with asymmetric information as additional fixed transaction costs, rather than as additional increasing costs. This suggests that further tests of financial policy theories, especially of the pecking order theory, should focus on the implications of models that explicitly recognize the existence of transaction costs, or at least specify a reasonable transaction cost based alternative. VI. Conclusion This paper documents how financial policy evolves in event-time for firms making major investments. The analysis exploits the fact that unconstrained firms making significant investments reveal their intended financial policies. The sample is restricted to Value Line firms to ensure that the firms are unconstrained. Theoretically, this may bias the sample against the pecking order theory, as information asymmetries, which are at the heart of the pecking order theory, should be substantially reduced for the Value Line firms. Nonetheless, pecking order behavior shows up very clearly. Despite an increased reliance on external financing by these firms, internal funds are still the dominant source of financing, accounting for over 60% of their investment. Although equity issues are significantly more likely for firms making major investments, their relative importance is unchanged. Debt issues cover the vast majority of internal funding deficits. In addition, it appears that once dividends are paid, firms are extremely reluctant to reduce payouts, or to slow their growth, even to avoid the costs associated with issuing securities. In fact, firms making major investments are more likely to substantially increase their dividends per share in the years before and during the investment event than are other Value Line firms. In addition, this paper attempts to distinguish between the observed pecking order 23 behavior and the pecking order theory of Myers and Majluf (1984) and Myers (1984). The empirical results suggest that (a) transaction costs are an important determinant of financial policy and (b) pecking order behavior does not necessarily provide strong support for the pecking order theory. In particular, firms making significant investments that require external financing raise substantially more funds than appears necessary, using industry peers as a benchmark. This result is robust to several different methodologies and holds for both firms issuing debt and those issuing equity. 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The firm completed a significant investment over the period 1982-1983, which involved a substantial increase in both capital expenditures and R&D, relative to the firm’s typical investment patterns. In the early 1980s, analog computers were losing ground to digital computers. Electronic Associates was losing market share in the simulation end of the market, which had typically been one of the firm’s core businesses. In 1982 and 1983, the firm invested heavily in the development of the SIMSTAR system, which was announced to the public in 1983. Development of the SIMSTAR system required increased R&D expenditures of $3.2M and $4.2M in 1982 and 1983, respectively, up from a five-year average of $1.1M. The SIMSTAR project also required a near doubling of the firm’s capital expenditures in 1982, from $1.3M to $2.2M. The increase in CAPX was primarily used to for an addition to the firm’s manufacturing facility, which was necessary for the SIMSTAR project. UAL UAL is the parent company of United Airlines (air transport industry). The company completed one significant investment, lasting from 1990-1992. In 1990, after fighting off a lengthy takeover battle, UAL agreed to purchase up to 128 Boeing wide-body jets in a $22B order. This was the largest aircraft order ever placed by an airline. The deal included firm orders for 34 of the new Boeing 777, with an option to purchase 34 more, and 30 Boeing 747-400 jumbo jets, with an option for 30 more. In 1992, UAL decided to switch suppliers from Boeing to Airbus Industrie by agreeing to purchase up to 100 A-320s, in a $3B agreement. Initial deliveries were scheduled for the fall of 1993. 28 Appendix C --- Simulation Evidence on Event-Time Methodology For each of the selected financial variables, all of the firm-year observations in the Value Line sample are allocated to one of three groups, based on thirds of the rankings of the variable in year t-1. 14 The intersection of these prior-year groupings and the annual industry classifications form the year t comparison groups. 15 The mean financial policy variable is calculated each year for each of the comparison groups to form a set of benchmarks. Once the benchmarks are calculated, a pseudo-sample 16 of 500 firms is randomly selected, with replacement, from the Value Line sample. For each of the firms in the pseudo-sample, abnormal financial policy variables are calculated as the difference between the firm’s financial policy variable and the benchmark variable. The mean of the individual firm abnormal variables is calculated, and statistical significance is assessed. The statistical significance of the mean is assessed via the time-series of cross-sections t-statistic and the pooled t-statistic of the mean. These steps are repeated 1,000 times (benchmarks are only calculated once). The specification (size) of the test statistics is determined by measuring what fraction of the 1,000 pseudo-samples reject the null hypothesisabnormal measure equals zeroat the 5% significance level. The simulation results on the specification of the various test statistics are presented in Table C.1. In particular, the fraction of random samples that reject the null hypothesis are reported for both types of t-statistics. The statistical significance of the difference between the fraction of random samples rejecting the null and the theoretical value of 5% is determined using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution. The results suggest that both types of t-statistics are generally well specified. For the time-series of cross-sections t-statistic, the only exceptions are the abnormal cash-to-sales ratio, the dividend-to-equity income ratio, and the long-term debt-to-sales ratio, all of which reject too often when negative. For the pooled t-statistic, the problem variables are the ∆cash-to-sales ratio, the dividends-to-equity income ratio, and the long-term debt-to-sales ratio, which are rejected too infrequently when positive, and the cash-tosales ratio, which rejects too often when negative. 14 Note that the prior year rankings of the financial policy variables are based on all firm-years. The results are materially unchanged if these rankings are determined each year. 15 At least five firms are required for the comparison group to be considered valid. 16 Results from simulations based on sample sizes of 50, 100, 250, and 750 firms are generally similar. 29 Table C.1 --- Simulated Specification Levels (Size) of Various Test Statistics for Abnormal Financial Policy Variables Percent of 1,000 random samples rejecting the null hypothesis: statistic equals zero. Random samples of 500 firms are drawn from the population of Value Line firms from 1972 to 1996, excluding firms in the financial sector. For each random sample, the mean of the 500 individual firm abnormal financial policy variables is calculated. The mean and standard error for the timeseries of cross-sections t-statistic are calculated from the time-series of annual average abnormal variables, where individual firm abnormal measures are first averaged in calendar-time. The pooled t-statistic is calculated from the grand average and standard deviation of all individual firm abnormal variables. Individual firm abnormal variables are calculated by subtracting the mean variable of the associated comparison group from each of the randomly selected individual firms. Comparison groups are rd rd th composed of the firms in the same industry, with similar levels (three groupings: less than 33 percentile; 33 to 67 percentile; th and greater than 67 percentile) of the variable in year t-1. Sales are Compustat data item (12). Total book assets are calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available. Cash is Compustat data item (1). EBITDA is Compustat data item (13). Dividends are measured as cash dividends (127). Equity income is measured as income before significant items available for common (237). Dividends per share (26) are adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. Long-term debt (LTD) is Compustat data item (9). Long-term debt issues are measured as long-term debt issuance (86) minus long-term debt reductions (92). The difference between the current and previous year is denoted by ∆. The statistical significance of the difference between the fraction of random samples rejecting the null and the theoretical value of 5% is determined using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution. Variable Time Series of Cross-Sections t-statistic <-1.96 >1.96 Total <-1.96 Pooled t-statistic >1.96 Total Cash(t) / Sales(t) log(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) ∆Cash(t) / Sales(t) ∆(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 4.7%*** 3.0% 3.6% 3.3% 2.1% 2.7% 2.0% 3.0% 6.8%* 5.7% 5.6% 6.3% 4.0%** 2.6% 2.9% 2.9% 2.1% 3.0% 1.1%** 1.7% 6.1% 5.6% 4.0% 4.6% EBITDA(t) / Sales(t) ∆(EBITDA(t) / Sales(t)) EBITDA(t) / Total Assets(t-1) ∆(EBITDA(t) / Total Assets(t-1)) 2.6% 2.1% 3.6% 2.0% 2.1% 2.3% 2.2% 3.0% 4.7% 4.4% 5.8% 5.0% 3.0% 3.1% 2.4% 2.1% 2.7% 2.1% 1.8% 1.9% 5.7% 5.2% 4.2% 4.0% Dividends(t) / Equity Income(t) Dividends(t) / Sales(t) Dividends(t) / Total Assets(t-1) ∆(Dividends(t) / Equity Income(t)) ∆(Dividends(t) / Sales(t)) ∆(Dividends(t) / Total Assets(t-1)) ∆DPS(t) / DPS(t-1) 4.3%*** 2.9% 2.6% 3.0% 2.0% 2.0% 2.5% 1.9% 3.4% 1.9% 1.8% 3.2% 3.2% 2.9% 6.2% 6.3% 4.5% 4.8% 5.2% 5.2% 5.4% 3.6% 3.6% 3.6% 2.9% 2.4% 2.6% 2.0% 1.2%* 1.5% 2.3% 1.6% 3.4% 3.0% 3.0% 4.8% 5.1% 5.9% 4.5% 5.8% 5.6% 5.0% LTD(t) / Total Assets(t) ∆(LTD(t) / Total Assets(t)) LTD(t) / Sales(t) ∆(LTD(t) / Sales(t)) 2.4% 3.3% 4.0%** 2.7% 3.2% 2.9% 1.6% 2.6% 5.6% 6.2% 5.6% 5.3% 3.0% 2.3% 3.3% 2.7% 2.3% 2.4% 1.3%* 2.3% 5.3% 4.7% 4.6% 5.0% LTD Issue(t) / Total Assets(t-1) LTD Issue(t) / Sales(t) 3.0% 3.6% 2.4% 1.8% 5.4% 5.4% 2.5% 2.7% 2.4% 2.0% 4.9% 4.7% *, **, *** Denotes significantly different from theoretical value at 10%, 5%, and 1% level, respectively. 30 Table 1.A --- Significant Investments by Year Significant investment events are defined as the intersection of firms making “major” and “non-routine” investments. Firms with investment intensities greater than 0.25 are identified as making major investments. Non-routine investments are those with an annual percentage deviation from the firm’s average investment intensity greater than 50%, where there are at least four annual observations. In addition, the firm must have been in Value Line for at least two years prior to the event; must not be part of a consecutive series of events lasting longer than three years; must have at least four years between multiple events; and cannot complete a merger in the year of the significant investment. Annual investment intensities are calculated as the sum of advertising (45), capital expenditures (128), and research and development (46), all when available, divided by beginning of the period long-term book assets. Long-term book assets are calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available, minus cash & marketable securities (1), minus working capital (see Appendix A for details). Significant Investments Percent of Value Line Firms Year Value Line Firms 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 924 1,142 1,141 1,215 1,204 1,242 1,251 1,264 1,250 1,249 1,211 1,215 1,225 1,200 1,131 1,119 1,109 1,111 1,135 1,167 1,193 1,176 1,159 1,142 1,105 21 43 65 34 26 31 43 64 76 70 28 20 37 29 32 20 17 16 16 13 10 16 21 25 21 2.3% 3.8% 5.7% 2.8% 2.2% 2.5% 3.4% 5.1% 6.1% 5.6% 2.3% 1.6% 3.0% 2.4% 2.8% 1.8% 1.5% 1.4% 1.4% 1.1% 0.8% 1.4% 1.8% 2.2% 1.9% 29,280 794 2.7% 31 Table 1.B --- Significant Investments by Industry Industry Advertising, Publishing & Newspaper Aerospace & Defense Air Transport Apparel & Shoe Auto & Truck Auto Parts Beverage Broadcasting & Cable TV Building Materials, Cement, Furniture & Homebuilding Chemical Coal & Alternate Energy Computer Diversified Drug Drugstore Electrical Equipment & Home Appliance Electronics & Semiconductor Food Processing Food Wholesalers & Grocery Stores Hotel & Gaming Household Products Industrial Services (Including Environmental) Machinery Manufactured Housing & Recreational Vehicles Maritime Medical Services Medical Supplies Metal Fabricating Metals and Mining Natural Gas Office Equip. & Supplies Oilfield Services & Equipment Packaging & Container Paper & Forest Products Petroleum Precision Instrument Railroad Real Estate Recreation Restaurant Retail (Special Lines) Retail Store Steel Telecommunications Textile Tire & Rubber Tobacco Toiletries & Cosmetics Toys Trucking & Transportation Leasing Utilities Total Value Line Firms Investment Events Percent of Value Line Firms 801 662 361 741 164 572 306 213 1,445 1,265 170 897 960 461 244 863 957 1,167 613 293 243 490 1,617 220 131 178 562 405 528 1,136 350 451 452 588 965 593 253 74 386 313 613 681 610 497 356 211 195 261 150 350 2,266 11 21 30 28 4 14 13 6 39 39 7 28 4 7 7 20 45 23 15 17 6 12 39 3 10 5 5 9 27 13 13 17 9 30 57 16 1 0 10 7 18 20 20 2 10 7 9 8 5 13 15 1.4% 3.2% 8.3% 3.8% 2.4% 2.4% 4.2% 2.8% 2.7% 3.1% 4.1% 3.1% 0.4% 1.5% 2.9% 2.3% 4.7% 2.0% 2.4% 5.8% 2.5% 2.4% 2.4% 1.4% 7.6% 2.8% 0.9% 2.2% 5.1% 1.1% 3.7% 3.8% 2.0% 5.1% 5.9% 2.7% 0.4% 0.0% 2.6% 2.2% 2.9% 2.9% 3.3% 0.4% 2.8% 3.3% 4.6% 3.1% 3.3% 3.7% 0.7% 29,280 794 2.7% 32 Table 2 --- Abnormal Event-Time Investment Activity by Firms Making Significant Investments Average abnormal investment activity as a percent of beginning of period long-term book assets for Value Line firms making significant investments. All observations are adjusted by subtracting the average value from the associated comparison group. rd The comparison group is composed of the firms in the same industry, with similar levels (three groupings: less than 33 rd th th percentile; 33 to 67 percentile; and greater than 67 percentile) of the variable in year t-1. The time-series of annual average abnormal investment activities is used to calculate the mean and standard error of the mean. Long-term book assets (LTA) are calculated as book assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available, minus cash and marketable securities (1), minus working capital (see Appendix A). Advertising is Compustat data item (45) and is reported when available. Capital expenditures (CAPX) is Compustat data item (128) and is reported when available. Research and development (R&D) is Compustat data item (46) and is reported when available. Investment is the sum of advertising (when available), CAPX (when available), and R&D (when available), but is only calculated if at least one item is available. Acquisitions are measured as Compustat data item (129). The sale of PP&E is Compustat data item (107). The net purchase of investments is calculated as the difference between purchase of investments (113) and sale of investments (109). Investment activity is the sum of investment, acquisitions, sale of PP&E, and net purchase of investments. All coefficients are multiplied by 100, t-statistics are reported in parenthesis, and the number of observations is in square brackets. Variable t-3 t-2 t-1 t t+1 t+2 Advertising(t) / LTA(t-1) 0.15 (0.93) [552] 0.18 (1.43) [554] 0.18 (1.74) [550] 0.29 (1.80) [707] -0.32 (-2.64) [555] -0.19 (-1.41) [522] CAPX(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.15 (-0.41) [482] 0.14 (0.34) [471] 2.44 (6.64) [497] 12.99 (27.73) [586] -0.91 (-3.19) [455] -0.75 (-1.90) [467] R&D(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.07 (-0.62) [553] 0.11 (1.11) [561] 0.25 (2.31) [553] 0.47 (5.04) [722] -0.05 (-0.63) [554] 0.08 (0.94) [525] Investment(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.44 (-1.16) [490] 0.24 (0.46) [492] 2.43 (5.73) [492] 14.17 (21.70) [582] -2.63 (-6.45) [421] -1.63 (-4.34) [431] Acquisitions(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.76 (-2.97) [380] -0.77 (-3.99) [429] -0.85 (-4.15) [459] -1.21 (-9.51) [581] -0.43 (-1.49) [417] -0.03 (-0.13) [404] Sale of PP&E(t) / LTA(t-1) 0.06 (0.40) [248] 0.12 (0.82) [291] 0.03 (0.15) [320] 0.15 (1.39) [415] 0.11 (0.69) [283] 0.38 (2.22) [264] Net Purchase of Inv.(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.03 (-0.29) [246] -0.25 (-2.93) [267] -0.05 (-0.62) [280] 0.11 (1.45) [403] 0.08 (0.55) [297] -0.01 (-0.12) [268] Investment Activity(t) / LTA(t-1) -1.18 (-2.03) [463] -1.26 (-1.96) [463] 1.93 (3.58) [470] 14.63 (17.37) [613] -2.74 (-5.23) [421] -1.52 (-2.47) [408] Investment Activity(t) / Sales(t) -0.91 (-1.98) [494] -0.43 (-1.48) [483] 0.96 (1.82) [489] 6.55 (13.36) [611] -1.17 (-1.84) [419] -1.47 (-2.86) [420] 33 Table 3 --- Adjusted Event-Time Cash Flows of Firms Making Significant Investments Average adjusted cash flows as a percent of sales for Value Line firms making significant investments. All observations are adjusted by subtracting the average value from the associated comparison group. The comparison group is composed of the firms rd rd th th in the same industry, with similar levels (three groupings: less than 33 percentile; 33 to 67 percentile; and greater than 67 percentile) of the variable in year t-1. The time-series of annual average abnormal investment activities is used to calculate the mean and standard error of the mean. Sales are Compustat data item (12). Earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization (EBITDA) is Compustat data item (13). Operating cash flows are measured as EBITDA plus advertising (45) (when available) plus R&D (46) (when available) minus the change in working capital. Working capital is measured as the difference between non-cash current assets minus non-debt current liabilities. Non-cash current assets are current assets (4) minus cash and marketable securities (1). If either of these items are missing, the sum of inventories (3), accounts receivable (2), and other current assets (68) is substituted. Non-debt current liabilities are current liabilities (5) minus debt in current liabilities (34). If either of these items is missing, the sum of accounts payable (70), income taxes payable (71), and other current liabilities (72) is substituted. Pre-tax cash flow is income before significant items (18) plus significant items & discontinued operations (48) (when available) plus interest (15) plus taxes (16) plus depreciation (14) plus advertising (when available) plus R&D (when available) plus equity in net loss (106) (when available) plus funds from other operations (217) (when available) plus loss on sale of equipment (213) (when available) minus change in working capital. After-tax cash flow is pre-tax cash flow minus taxes, plus income statement deferred taxes (50). The symbol ∆ denotes the change from the previous year. All coefficients are multiplied by 100, t-statistics are reported in parenthesis, and the number of observations is in square brackets. Variable t-3 t-2 t-1 t t+1 t+2 EBITDA(t) / Sales(t) 0.02 (0.06) [462] 0.55 (2.56) [478] 0.69 (1.83) [479] 0.07 (0.21) [616] -0.87 (-2.40) [437] -0.05 (-0.22) [405] Operating Cash Flow(t) / Sales(t) 0.54 (1.34) [446] 0.65 (1.41) [463] 0.95 (2.34) [485] -0.26 (-0.44) [599] 0.03 (0.06) [435] 0.27 (0.48) [422] Pre-Tax Cash Flow(t) / Sales(t) 0.19 (0.46) [438] 0.62 (1.03) [438] 0.66 (1.24) [463] -0.09 (-0.16) [603] 0.18 (0.25) [430] -0.02 (-0.03) [411] After-Tax Cash Flow(t) / Sales(t) 0.12 (0.41) [462] 0.51 (0.95) [459] 0.81 (1.93) [467] 0.29 (0.65) [609] 0.73 (1.21) [434] -0.01 (-0.01) [409] ∆(EBITDA(t) / Sales(t)) -0.19 (-0.86) [462] 0.44 (2.68) [478] 0.41 (2.02) [479] -0.42 (-2.18) [616] -0.62 (-2.78) [437] 0.53 (2.92) [405] ∆(Operating Cash Flow(t) / Sales(t)) 0.56 (1.25) [446] 0.91 (2.31) [463] 0.49 (1.45) [485] -0.92 (-1.92) [599] -0.18 (-0.54) [435] -0.05 (-0.10) [422] ∆(Pre-Tax Cash Flow(t) / Sales(t)) 0.05 (0.09) [438] 1.06 (1.88) [438] 0.80 (2.13) [463] -0.63 (-1.21) [603] 0.13 (0.30) [430] -0.08 (-0.13) [411] ∆(After-Tax Cash Flow(t) / Sales(t)) 0.35 (1.02) [462] 0.50 (1.12) [459] 0.44 (1.32) [467] -0.40 (-0.86) [609] 0.56 (1.33) [434] 0.19 (0.37) [409] 34 Table 4 --- Various Dividend Policy Descriptive Statistics for Firms Making Significant Investments (1972-1996) Dividend policy measures for firms making significant investments from 1972-1996. Dividends are measured as common dividends (21). Dividend increases and decreases are based on dividend per share growth, adjusted for stock splits and stock dividends. Dividends per share are Compustat data item (26). Dividend initiations are based on positive common dividends in year t, and zero dividend payments in year t-1. Dividend omissions are based on zero common dividends in year t, and positive dividend payments in year t-1. Firms raising external funds are identified as those issuing (net) securities greater than 5% of beginning of period total book assets in the year of the significant investment. External funds are measured as the sum of debt issues and equity issues. Debt issues are measured as long-term debt issuance (86) minus long-term debt reductions (92) plus the change in current debt (301). Equity issues are measured as sale of common and preferred stock (108) minus purchase of common and preferred stock (115). Total book assets is calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available. The t-statistics testing the significance of the difference between the Value Line sample and the event firms are reported in parenthesis. N denotes the number of firm-years with valid data. Value Line Firm Years t-3 Firms Making Significant Investments t-2 t-1 t t+1 29,740 611 611 612 794 569 534 % of firms not paying dividends 18.4 23.2 (3.08) 22.7 (2.77) 21.6 (2.02) 19.5 (0.81) 18.3 (-0.08) 20.4 (1.20) % of firms increasing dividends > 25% 11.6 17.0 (3.54) 16.4 (3.18) 21.6 (6.64) 19.1 (5.79) 13.7 (1.36) 9.5 (-1.35) % of firms decreasing dividends > 25% 4.4 3.4 (-1.04) 3.3 (-1.06) 2.0 (-2.51) 2.1 (-2.70) 5.9 (1.58) 8.8 (4.47) % of firms initiating dividends 1.4 2.5 (2.14) 2.1 (1.46) 2.0 (1.12) 2.4 (2.29) 1.0 (-0.93) 0.5 (-1.81) % of firms omitting dividends 1.8 2.1 (0.69) 1.6 (-0.24) 0.8 (-1.78) 0.8 (-2.16) 1.3 (-0.86) 3.0 (2.21) t+2 All Firms Making Significant Investments N Firms Making Significant Investments & Raising External Funds N 7,059 331 332 332 439 322 303 % of firms not paying dividends 18.0 23.6 (2.63) 22.3 (2.03) 21.1 (1.46) 18.9 (0.49) 19.9 (0.87) 23.1 (2.31) % of firms increasing dividends > 25% 13.1 14.6 (0.69) 16.5 (1.59) 21.8 (4.12) 18.5 (2.96) 13.4 (0.17) 11.7 (-0.60) % of firms decreasing dividends > 25% 3.3 4.2 (0.78) 3.3 (0.03) 2.8 (-0.44) 1.8 (-1.57) 7.1 (3.44) 10.0 (5.74) % of firms initiating dividends 1.1 1.8 (1.30) 2.4 (2.36) 1.5 (0.76) 2.3 (2.44) 1.5 (0.70) 0.9 (-0.25) % of firms omitting dividends 1.2 1.8 (1.08) 1.2 (0.05) 0.3 (-1.48) 0.7 (-0.96) 2.1 (1.51) 3.7 (4.24) 35 Table 5 --- Debt and Equity Issue Frequency for Firms Making Significant Investments (1972-1996) Number of debt and equity issues of various sizes for firms making significant investments. Security issues are measured relative to long-term book assets at the beginning of the year. Long-term book assets are calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available, minus cash & marketable securities (1), minus working capital (see Appendix A for details). Debt issues are measured as long-term debt issuance (86) minus long-term debt reductions (92) plus the change in current debt (301). Equity issues are measured as sale of common and preferred stock (108) minus purchase of common and preferred stock (115). The number of event firms issuing securities greater than x% of beginning of period total book assets are reported, as are the number of Value Line firms involved in similarly sized transactions (VL(t)). N is the total number of firm-years with valid data. The t-statistic testing the significance of the difference between the fraction of event firms issuing securities and the fraction of Value Line firms issuing securities is calculated using the normal approximation to the binomial distribution. VL(t) Number of Firms t-2 t-1 t t+1 VL(t) Percent of Firms t-2 t-1 t t+1 t-statistic of Difference from VL(t) t-2 t-1 t t+1 External Financing (Debt Issues + Equity Issues) > x% 1% 3% 5% N 13,448 10,491 8,428 29,575 222 164 130 545 255 200 162 556 532 486 439 717 290 221 182 508 45.5% 35.5% 28.5% 40.7% 30.1% 23.9% 45.9% 36.0% 29.1% 74.2% 67.8% 61.2% 57.1% 43.5% 35.8% -1.42 -1.44 -1.17 0.13 0.15 0.18 13.31 14.89 15.19 3.97 2.50 2.19 12,882 9,897 7,806 31,092 188 141 115 568 201 164 123 577 536 479 431 757 279 213 173 536 41.4% 31.8% 25.1% 33.1% 24.8% 20.2% 34.8% 28.4% 21.3% 70.8% 63.3% 56.9% 52.1% 39.7% 32.3% -2.32 -1.79 -1.20 -1.90 -0.94 -0.97 13.81 14.77 15.24 3.60 2.48 2.17 124 65 46 560 144 93 75 579 199 120 87 746 109 63 46 537 21.3% 11.8% 8.0% 22.1% 11.6% 8.2% 24.9% 16.1% 13.0% 26.7% 16.1% 11.7% 20.3% 11.7% 8.6% 0.23 -0.05 0.05 1.05 1.27 1.58 1.86 1.45 1.26 -0.25 -0.02 0.14 53 25 17 508 10.0% 4.9% 2.8% 8.3% 3.7% 2.2% 8.5% 4.9% 3.4% 19.1% 10.3% 7.3% 10.4% 4.9% 3.3% -0.39 -0.25 -0.12 -0.35 0.00 0.17 3.55 2.17 1.95 0.10 0.01 0.14 Debt Issues > x% 1% 3% 5% N Equity Issues > x% 1% 3% 5% N 6,637 3,682 2,493 31,171 Combination Issue (Debt Issues > x% & Equity Issues > x%) 1% 3% 5% N 2,958 1,442 825 29,575 45 20 12 545 47 27 19 556 137 74 52 717 36 Table 6 --- Adjusted Event-Time External Financing by Firms Making Significant Investments Average adjusted external financing as a percent of beginning of period total book assets for Value Line firms making significant investments. All observations are adjusted by subtracting the average value from the associated comparison group. The rd comparison group is composed of the firms in the same industry, with similar levels (three groupings: less than 33 percentile; rd th th 33 to 67 percentile; and greater than 67 percentile) of the variable in year t-1. Long-term book assets (LTA) are calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available, minus cash & marketable securities, minus working capital (see Appendix A for details). Net debt issues are measured as long-term debt issues (86) minus long-term debt repurchases (92) plus the change in current debt (301). Net equity issues are the difference between equity issues (84) and equity repurchases (93). All coefficients are multiplied by 100, t-statistics are reported in parenthesis, and the number of observations is in square brackets. Variable t-3 t-2 t-1 t t+1 t+2 Net Debt Issues(t) / LTA(t-1) -1.40 (-1.74) [267] -0.53 (-0.60) [280] 0.06 (0.04) [295] 5.88 (5.37) [376] 0.60 (0.67) [244] -0.06 (-0.03) [215] Net Debt Issues(t) / Sales(t) -1.04 (-2.66) [269] -0.52 (-0.93) [280] -0.34 (-0.52) [304] 3.43 (6.63) [372] 0.51 (0.55) [254] -0.21 (-0.19) [228] Debt Issues(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.50 (-0.57) [371] -0.82 (-0.92) [416] 1.50 (1.35) [438] 6.87 (7.58) [587] -0.98 (-1.05) [399] -1.05 (-1.14) [383] Debt Reductions(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.66 (-1.32) [374] -0.26 (-0.50) [418] 0.05 (0.06) [452] -0.30 (-0.47) [602] -0.44 (-0.72) [419] -0.16 (-0.36) [382] Net Equity Issues(t) / LTA(t-1) -0.28 (-0.58) [351] -0.21 (-0.48) [401] 0.99 (1.73) [422] 0.73 (2.39) [548] 0.51 (1.67) [408] 0.08 (0.42) [355] Net Equity Issues(t) / Sales (t) -0.35 (-1.37) [356] -0.29 (-1.42) [409] 0.26 (1.31) [434] 0.18 (1.31) [552] 0.30 (2.81) [407] -0.10 (-0.84) [371] Equity Issues(t) / LTA(t-1) 0.64 (1.00) [361] -0.25 (-0.76) [412] 2.15 (1.40) [439] 0.75 (2.32) [582] -0.09 (-0.34) [414] 0.18 (0.85) [370] Equity Repurchases (t) / LTA(t-1) 0.00 (0.01) [419] 0.21 (1.20) [479] 0.09 (0.56) [498] 0.05 (0.34) [665] -0.35 (-3.73) [487] -0.06 (-0.49) [464] Change in Current Debt(t) / LTA(t-1) 0.06 (0.32) [399] -0.11 (-0.69) [452] 0.01 (0.06) [484] 0.16 (1.71) [629] 0.14 (1.21) [460] 0.21 (1.07) [432] External Funds (t) / LTA(t-1) -2.49 (-2.17) [253] 0.45 (0.27) [268] 0.16 (0.14) [268] 6.25 (4.74) [340] 1.50 (0.61) [226] -0.54 (-0.34) [204] External Funds(t) / Sales (t) -1.47 (-2.29) [256] -0.79 (-0.93) [271] 1.56 (1.07) [280] 3.60 (3.07) [347] 3.09 (1.21) [233] -0.37 (-0.37) [210] 37 Table 7 --- Adjusted Event-Time Capital Structures of Firms Making Significant Investments Average adjusted percent of total book assets accounted for by various types of claims for Value Line firms making significant investments. All observations are adjusted by subtracting the average value from the associated comparison group. The rd comparison group is composed of the firms in the same industry, with similar levels (three groupings: less than 33 percentile; rd th th 33 to 67 percentile; and greater than 67 percentile) of the variable in year t-1. Total book assets (TA) is calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available. The book value of long-term debt (LTD) is Compustat data item (9). The book value of short-term debt (STD) is measured as debt in current liabilities (34). The book value of preferred stock (PREF) is measured at par value (130). The book value of common stock (EQTY) is Compustat data item (60) plus ADC (when available) plus RDC (when available) plus balance sheet deferred taxes and investment tax credit (35) (when available) plus balance sheet minority interest (38) (when available) plus post-retirement benefit liability (330) (when available). Total liabilities (TOTLB) balance the identity: TOTLB = TA – EQTY – PREF. The difference between the current and the previous year is denoted by ∆. All coefficients are multiplied by 100, t-statistics are reported in parenthesis. The number of observations is in square brackets. Variable t-3 t-2 t-1 t t+1 t+2 LTD(t) / TA(t) -1.37 (-3.71) [507] -1.46 (-3.53) [513] -1.99 (-4.74) [512] 2.41 (5.62) [653] 0.22 (0.75) [468] -0.60 (-1.69) [432] STD(t) / TA(t) -0.20 (-0.89) [478] -0.13 (-0.65) [506] -0.22 (-1.49) [502] 0.07 (0.38) [645] -0.01 (-0.04) [458] -0.15 (-0.64) [432] TOTLB(t) / TA(t) -1.61 (-3.36) [486] -1.74 (-3.27) [480] -2.82 (-6.13) [481] 1.24 (2.41) [634] -0.48 (-0.90) [442] -2.23 (-3.98) [402] PREF(t) / TA(t) -0.08 (-1.25) [567] -0.09 (-1.90) [562] -0.08 (-2.16) [564] -0.07 (-1.72) [719] -0.05 (-0.97) [521] -0.01 (-0.15) [488] EQTY(t) / TA(t) 1.48 (3.33) [480] 1.33 (1.95) [482] 2.46 (5.08) [493] -1.19 (-2.91) [637] 0.67 (1.23) [446] 2.40 (3.99) [405] ∆(LTD(t) / TA(t)) -1.18 (-3.69) [507] -1.20 (-5.15) [513] -1.32 (-4.38) [512] 3.11 (8.44) [653] 0.55 (2.63) [468] -0.55 (-1.62) [432] ∆(STD(t) / TA(t)) -0.08 (-0.40) [478] -0.12 (-0.75) [506] -0.39 (-2.31) [502] 0.08 (0.38) [645] -0.20 (-1.08) [458] -0.14 (-0.64) [432] ∆(TOTLB(t) / TA(t)) -0.69 (-1.63) [486] -1.08 (-2.78) [480] -1.60 (-5.08) [481] 2.37 (6.31) [634] 0.23 (0.54) [442] -1.40 (-4.22) [402] ∆(PREF(t) / TA(t)) -0.06 (-1.86) [567] -0.03 (-1.09) [562] -0.01 (-0.49) [564] 0.00 (-0.07) [719] 0.05 (1.47) [521] 0.05 (0.73) [488] ∆(EQTY(t) / TA(t)) 0.95 (2.33) [480] 0.90 (1.90) [482] 1.43 (5.39) [493] -2.50 (-6.81) [637] -0.31 (-0.65) [446] 1.31 (3.45) [405] 38 Table 8 Post-Event Cash-to-Sales Rankings Relative to Industry For Firms Making Significant Investments & Raising External Funds This table displays the percentiles that minimize forecast errors of post-event cash-to-sales ratios for firms making significant investments and raising external funds greater than 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets. Forecast errors are th calculated as the difference between the actual cash-to-sales ratio of event firms and the n percentile of all non-event firms in the industry during the year with available cash (6) and sales (12) data from Compustat. Firms raising external funds are identified as those issuing (net) securities greater than 5% of beginning of period long-term book assets in the year of the significant investment. External funds are measured as the sum of debt issues and equity issues. Debt issues are measured as long-term debt issuance (86) minus long-term debt reductions (92) plus the change in current debt (301). Equity issues are measured as sale of common and preferred stock (108) minus purchase of common and preferred stock (115). Long-term book assets is calculated as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available. The percentile is chosen to minimize the forecast error mean (Mean), square root of the average squared errors (RMSE), median (Median), and mean absolute deviation (MAD). The number of observations is denoted by N. Mean Percentile that minimizes forecast error: RMSE Median MAD N Full Sample Cash(t) / Sales(t) d(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 62 36 57 41 46 43 43 46 349 347 Debt Issuers Cash(t) / Sales(t) d(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 62 35 58 40 46 43 43 46 352 350 Equity Issuers Cash(t) / Sales(t) d(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 65 59 61 62 50 57 47 62 73 72 Low Level of Cash/Sales in Year t-1 Cash(t) / Sales(t) d(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 33 67 27 61 21 62 20 54 97 97 Medium Level of Cash/Sales in Year t-1 Cash(t) / Sales(t) d(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 51 46 49 47 45 45 43 47 95 95 High Level of Cash/Sales in Year t-1 Cash(t) / Sales(t) d(Cash(t) / Sales(t)) 78 10 77 15 71 12 70 15 108 108 39 Table 9 --- Regression Analysis on the Determinants of Cash Holdings for Value Line Firms (1972-1996) The dependent variable is either the natural log of cash/sales or the natural log of cash/assets, where assets are long-term assets. Long-term assets (Assets) are measured as assets (6) plus advertising capital (ADC), when available, plus R&D capital (RDC), when available, minus cash & marketable securities, minus working capital (see Appendix A for details). Sales are Compustat data item 12. Market assets are calculated as total book assets (assets plus ADC plus RDC) minus book equity (60) plus market equity (199*54). Size is measured as the natural log of long-term book assets. Operating cash flows are measured as EBITDA (13) plus advertising (45) (when available) plus R&D (46) (when available) minus the change in working capital. Capital expenditures are Compustat data item 128. Debt is the sum of short-term debt (34) and long-term debt (9). Industry cash flow volatility is the cross-sectional standard deviation of EBITDA/Sales for firms in the same industry during the year. The dividend dummy equals one if the firm pays a cash dividend (127) during the year, and equals zero otherwise. The significant investment dummy equals one if the firm completes a significant investment and raises external financing during the year. Pooled Time Series of Cross-Sections æ Cash ö æ Cash ö logç logç ÷ ÷ è Sales è Assets æ Cash ö logç è Sales æ Cash ö logç è Assets Intercept -3.19 (-52.69) -2.95 (-49.65) -2.86 (-34.22) -2.60 (-28.73) Market-to-Book Assets 0.20 (14.04) 0.14 (9.86) 0.24 (11.98) 0.16 (9.25) Size -0.10 (-20.45) -0.18 (-36.17) -0.10 (-15.97) -0.17 (-25.31) Operating Cash Flows / Assets 1.22 (21.97) 1.73 (31.79) 1.19 (10.71) 1.72 (13.88) Working Capital / Assets -1.12 (-40.60) -0.13 (-4.65) -1.10 (-27.30) -0.11 (-2.11) Capital Expenditures / Assets -1.64 (-17.00) -1.76 (-18.72) -1.76 (-13.59) -1.88 (-17.27) Advertising Expense / Assets -1.32 (-7.89) -0.87 (-5.28) -1.27 (-6.84) -0.92 (-4.88) R&D / Assets 5.24 (26.92) 1.84 (9.63) 4.91 (15.25) 1.65 (5.18) Debt / Assets -0.36 (-9.79) -0.90 (-25.16) -0.38 (-4.20) -0.92 (-11.14) Industry Cash Flow Volatility 1.85 (11.75) 5.90 (37.95) 1.82 (5.35) 5.88 (14.88) Dividend Dummy -0.19 (-9.58) -0.18 (-9.59) -0.15 (-5.09) -0.15 (-4.49) Significant Investment Dummy 0.15 (2.23) 0.11 (1.67) 0.05 (0.73) 0.02 (0.29) R 0.17 0.31 N 30,042 30,059 Dependent Variable 2 40