2007 Extension Research Report Insect Management EVALUATION OF SELECTED SYNTHETIC AND BIORATIONAL INSECTICIDES FOR CONTROL OF CABBAGE LOOPER AND IMPORTED CABBAGEWORM Alton N. Sparks, Jr., University of Georgia Cooperative Extension, Department of Entomology Tifton, GA 31794, asparks@uga.edu treatments were tank mixed with Penetrator Plus at 0.25% by volume. Treatments were applied with a CO2 pressurized backpack sprayer (60 PSI) in a total volume of 40 gpa with 3 hollow-cone nozzles per row (one over-the-top; two on drops). Insecticide application dates are indicated in Table 1. Caterpillar densities in the test were monitored with visual examination of plants. On each sample date, five randomly selected plants in each plot were visually examined for lepidopterous larvae. Larvae were classified by species (diamondback moth, cabbage looper, imported cabbageworm), or classified as small if they were too small for field identification, and counted. Counts were recorded, and are reported, as number of larvae per 5 plants. As damage from caterpillars accumulated, plots were visually inspected and the severity of damage to the foliage was rated. Plots were rated on a 0 to 6 scale as follows: 0 = no damage 1 = slight or minimal damage on less than ½ of the plants in the plot 2 = slight damage on greater than ½ of the plants in the plot 3 = moderate damage on less than ½ of the plants in the plot 4 = moderate damage on greater than ½ of the plants in the plot 5 = severe damage on less than ½ of the plants in the plot 6 = severe damage on more than ½ or the plants in the plot Half increments were used. “Slight” damage would consist primarily of tiny holes in leaves or Introduction Caterpillars are the primary pests of Brassica crops in Georgia. Numerous species can be found on these crops, with the most frequent species in south Georgia being the diamondback moth, cabbage looper and imported cabbageworm. As key pests of these crops, caterpillars can require frequent insecticide applications and the potential for insecticide resistance is always of concern. Proper rotation of insecticides requires multiple efficacious chemistries; thus, screening of materials for activity against these pests is needed. This test was conducted to evaluate selected insecticides and insecticide combinations against common caterpillar pests of Brassica crops. Material and Methods A small plot trial was conducted at the University of Georgia’s Horticulture Farm in Tifton, Georgia. Collards were transplanted into single rows on six foot beds. Experimental plots measuring one row (assumed 36 in for treatment) by 25 feet were arranged in a randomized complete block design with four replications. Treatments evaluated included BAS 320 I (2SC) at 16 oz/ac, alone, as a tank mix with Mustang Max at 3.2 oz/ac, and in rotation with Proclaim 5SG at 3.2 oz/ac. Additional synthetic insecticides evaluated were Rimon 0.83EC at 12 oz/ac, Assail 30WDG at 4 oz/ac, and Proclaim 5SG at 3.2 oz (as the standard insecticide). Biorational insecticide treatments evaluated were Kryocide at 10 lb/ac and Kryocide at 10 lb/ac tank mixed with Microthiol at 2 lb/ac. A non-treated control was included for comparison. All 82 ‘windowpaning ’ typically associated with very early instar larvae, with damage usually on one leaf of a plant. “Moderate” damage may consist of excessive windowpaning or presence of a few larger holes in multiple leaves. Severe damage consists of multiple large holes or large portions of leaves consumed, generally with multiple leaves damaged on a plant. A rating below 3 would likely meet commercial acceptance. Data were analyzed using the PROC ANOVA procedure of PC-SAS. Where significant differences were detected (P<0.05), means were separated with LSD (P=0.05). significant reductions (as compared to the check) on 3 of the 6 sample dates. Addition of Microthiol to the Kryocide did not consistently aid control, and in fact, significantly decreased control on two sample dates. Assail provided no control of looper larvae. Damage rating data (Table 3) show trends similar to the data for looper larvae. All treatments, with the exception of Assail, consistently reduced damage ratings, as compared to the check. The first two damage ratings show similar results. Both Kryocide treatments provided some reduction in damage, but this reduction would not likely meet commercial standards. BAS 320 applied alone provided ‘borderline’ control, with an average rating slightly above 2 (light damage throughout the plot). The Rimon, Proclaim, BAS 320+Mustang Max and the BAS/Proclaim rotation provided the greatest suppression of damage, followed closely by BAS 320 alone. Damage suppression was obvious through 14 Dec. (23 days after the last application). It is assumed that this rating actually reflects differential control in late-November, with little additional damage in December as some of the treatments are known to provide relatively short residual control. Results and Discussion Cabbage loopers were the predominant species in this test and likely caused the vast majority of the damage. Thus, only the looper data is presented (Table 2). On the first sample date (3 days after the initial application), no significant differences were detected, indicating no obvious knockdown activity with any of the treatments. Thereafter, Rimon, Proclaim and all of the BAS 320 treatments provided significant reductions in looper densities, with no significant differences among these treatments (although BAS 320 applied alone frequently had the highest numeric counts among these treatments). Kryocide did provide some suppression of looper larvae, with Table 1. Application dates for insecticide treatments, efficacy study in collards, UGA Horticulture Farm, Tifton, GA, 2006. Date Treatments applied Insecticide applied in the BAS 320/Proclaim rotation 20 Oct. All treatments BAS 320 I 24 Oct. Both Kryocide treatments 25 Oct. All except both Kryocide treatments 28 Oct. Both Kryocide treatments 8 Nov. All treatments Proclaim BAS 320 I 13 Nov. All treatments Proclaim The Krycoide and Kryocide+Microthiol treatments were re-applied on 24 Oct. because of a rain event on 23 Oct. 83 Table 2. Collards Efficacy Trial, Horticulture Farm, UGA Tifton Campus, Tifton, Georgia, 2006. Looper larvae per 5 plants Treatment 23 Oct. 27 Oct. 30 Oct. 6 Nov. 13 Nov. 21 Nov. Check 6.75 a 11.25 ab 10.50 b 6.75 a 8.25 a 13.25 a Assail 7.50 a 14.25 a 16.50 a 5.50 ab 8.25 a 13.25 a Kryocide 5.25 a 5.75 cd 3.00 c 3.50 abc 3.50 b 10.75 a Kry.+Micro. 5.75 a 8.50 bc 8.00 b 5.25 ab 1.75 b 6.75 b BAS 320 I 5.75 a 3.50 de 1.25 c 1.00 bc 2.00 b 0.75 c BAS + MM 2.25 a 0.00 e 0.75 c 0.00 c 1.00 b 0.75 c BAS / Proc. 3.25 a 4.00 cde 0.50 c 0.25 c 0.25 b 0.00 c Rimon 2.50 a 2.00 de 0.25 c 1.75 bc 0.75 b 0.50 c Proclaim 4.00 a 0.50 e 0.25 c 0.50 c 0.00 b 1.25 c Numbers within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD; P=0.05). Table 3. Collards Efficacy Trial, Horticulture Farm, UGA Tifton Campus, Tifton, Georgia, 2006. Plot Ratings (0 to 6) Treatment 10 Nov. 16 Nov. 22 Nov. 14 Dec. Check 5.00 a 5.63 a 5.75 a 6.00 a Assail 4.63 a 4.75 ab 5.00 a 5.13 b Kryocide 3.38 b 4.00 b 3.63 b 5.00 b Kry.+Micro. 3.63 b 4.13 b 3.88 b 4.88 b BAS 320 I 2.13 c 2.13 c 2.50 c 2.00 c BAS + MM 0.50 e 0.75 d 0.63 d 1.00 d BAS / Proc. 1.38 cd 1.88 c 2.00 c 1.13 d Rimon 1.50 c 1.75 c 0.88 d 1.00 d Proclaim 0.63 de 0.75 d 1.00 d Numbers within columns followed by the same letter are not significantly different (LSD; P=0.05). 84 1.00 d