
Draft Work Plan for HLC Criterion 3 Committee and Subcommittees: October, 2008­May 1, 2009 Oct. 23: Preliminary planning for work on chapter for Criterion 3 § Members of Criterion 3 committee meet to divide work according to core criteria and name a chair for each Criterion 3 subgroup/subcommittee. § Members of Criterion 3 committee review/suggest revisions for draft work plan. Oct. 23 – Nov. 7: Brainstorming Content and Evidence § Criterion 3 subcommittees brainstorm possible content and evidence for their Criterion 3 sub­area. § Brainstormed list is sent by e­mail to all members of Criterion 3 committee by November 7. § Members of Criterion 3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d subcommittees e­mail to entire Criterion 3 committee any other ideas for content/evidence that occur to them as a result of seeing other subcommittee e­mails or just continuing to think about Criterion 3. Nov. 10­ Nov. 21: Developing outlines for self­study chapter for Criterion 3 § Each Criterion 3 subcommittee creates a draft outline of content for the section of the self­study chapter dealing with their area, including both content to be covered and evidence supporting the content. § Criterion 3 full committee meets to review draft outlines and supporting evidence. November 24­December 5: Requesting evidence from data coordinators § Donna and Barry send requests for data or reports to the data coordinators for posting on SharePoint. December 5­February 6: Writing drafts of sections of Criterion 3 self­study chapter § Criterion 3 subcommittees (3a, 3b, 3c, and 3d) appoint a writer or writers to create a draft for their portion of the chapter on Criterion 3. § Draft of the chapter is shared with the rest of the subcommittee for suggestions, comments, etc. § Drafts from all subcommittees are sent to all members of the Criterion 3 committee for review prior to a whole­committee meeting during the first week of February. Feb. 9­27: Revising section drafts of the Criterion 3 self­study chapter § Drafts from all subcommittees are revised as needed, by the writer/writers for the subcommittees. § Requests for additional evidence are sent to Barry and Donna to send to data coordinating committee. § Revised drafts of sections, with supporting evidence identified, are sent by e­mail to all Criterion 3 committee members. March 1­April 1 § Donna and Barry use drafts to pull together the Criterion 3 chapter. April 1­ April 15 § Complete draft of Criterion 3 chapter is e­mailed to all members of the Criterion 3 committee for review and suggestions, comments, etc. § Possible meeting of entire Criterion 3 committee to share ideas/discuss possible revisions April 15 – April 30 § Revised Criterion 3 chapter is sent to Criterion 3 committee for final review. May 1 § Final version of Criterion 3 chapter is delivered to Bev Kopper, self­study chair.