!oeJ c, ~.. i.J•.fl.) L ~. ..e ~lAlo\ SI'e. J.) Tle. S./ow • iAf .,.~ G.t.wt~ F,c..fs .•• S.lA f Coes (t. ~, •. 71t ,~ .f leo•••••,.' 6-"IJf'J, t~ ","•.,.•• 1,', If 6-fOW+~ M.J,,/ 1>,"''''''$ .t c.",:f.t./ to ) 6.IJ,•• tilt 'f I, • P.,tA ,~J,"11t e."w"'~ ~&" •• '" 1.~;Jt 1170 "" 737 .-,'ftffS lA~etf.tS~Mti") \J~~ ,nw~~ (o1Av\oW,'cS Qt\.( ovtf "'Me ,'s & '\A~.wo~ i~ aU .t etMOMl,S ! ~'tOS' ~,.'/ ••",,/"I z..••"" (,••• iwtL S) •",t,.r f.# ~i/& 3' I '00 ~'J 'B Me".',. t, 8,.,,'1 7, too c",~~ %,,~,.~ s ~ -f • .-. t.~"·4 "Ji,e f' tO~30 (h-..-.,,) t) ~ 71~ '1 2, I, "~'1 I, , 's- "3 I.il7 fiGURE ~ 1.6 The Distribution of Growth Rates, 1960-2000 7.00/0-7.5% Singapore 6.5%-7.0% Taiwan 6.0%~.5% 5.5%~.0% 5.0%-5.5% 4.5%-5.0% 4.0%-4.5% Japan, China, Ireland 3.5%-4.0% Romania, Portugal, Malaysia 3.0%-3.5% Norway, Greece, Spain 2.5%-3.0% United States, France, India, Israel, Brazil, Italy 2.0%-2.5% United Kingdom, Sweden, Canada, Turkey, Australia 1.5%-2.0% Algeria, Nepal, Zimbabwe, Colombia, Mexico 1.0%-1.5% Philippines, Argentina, Kenya, Ecuador, Jordan 0.5%-1.0% 0.0%-0.5% Benin, Bolivia, Ethiopia, Cameroon -0.5%-0.0% Venezuela, Senegal, Rwanda, Burundi, Mali Nigeria, Chad, Madagascar. zambia -1.0%--0.5% -1.5%--1.0% -2.0%--1.5% Niger -2.5%--2.0% Central African Republic 0 5 10 15 20 Number of countries Growth in output per person (percent per year) 1948-72 Canada 2.9 France Germany 4.3 5.7 Italy 4.9 Japan 8.2 2.4 2.2 U.K. U.s. 1972-95 1.8 1.6 2.0 2.3 2.6 . 1.8 1995-2000 1.5 299 207 2"2 1.7 4.7 lE! 2aS r FIGURE 1.7 GOP per Capita by Country Group, 1820-1998 Country group and population in 1998 (in millions) --Western Europe --EasternEurope •...•.•••. Fonner USSR , Western Offshoots --LatinAmerica Japan = 388 121 291 323 508 China 1,243 ••••••••••India 975 Other Asia 1,172 = - - Africa 760 World 5,908 126 .,.- , ------ .,..,." . --- ....--.-. .... .., ._-..----- .-.-----.- - - - '- ::'... - -••••.,;._•••••••• ~ -~ ~~--~~ ••••••.•••-_ ~~~~ "--~ . _. :..... ..••.~ ,,",.' ••••••••••• :;.,.#- • ~ __ ... ..",..&;:,.,,,, c:=:= . ~ - 100 0 .- N CIO 0 .-! ID CIO •.. FIGURE 0 .- CIO CIO 0 0 .- en 0 0 en en N .- 'It 0 .- ID en 0 0 0 0 .- CIO en N Year 1.8 World Inequality and lis Components, 1820-1992 Inequality 0.9 0.8 0.7 0.6 0.5 0.4 = =-~_--= 0.3 "'BoUrguignon and Morrison (2002). tMathematical Note: The mean logarithmic deviation is defined as l n ± In(~), ;=1 Xi where i is the mean value of x and n is , the number of observations. 0.2 0.1 o g o N Year ~<iDPjler'·~ ~ 4. AYlliw3E.AIooIAL. CiIt9WIH 19,80 '* (l980-20001 OPR,I!AL.(IDp i'S C4m... blrI1AL 1.EYF.L .... .. v~ Coc:tqI ODP inU.s, ~Jl=' equlnJllIit adUlt. Peon World TallleI; wnjon 6,1 (MiWlle. ~:(bttp:l/pla;t.~edilt)). Ni:IU: The cI.1la_ ~f: -4 10;000 "'5,000 15,000 RC;.~'<lOP pcrCapiUl. flG'URE 5. A~~~ ~9W:m(19!lO-2000)ON CAPITA (AS IN·P.l<;. 4 •• ~"T WITH AIiSA ~o\L N()te~The dalaate vaiucstor~ $owlet; Peon WoddTablel, GDPin 10;000 1980 ~ t;6'vELOP·RfW. GI;)P.~ wPofout...\TION IN mO) V.s. dollars per equl~em:.adlI1t,. veniOll 6.1 ("..uableonlinc: _:t{pWU<lOll;UPCan.edul}). FIGURE 2.3 Relationship Between tatitude and Income per Capita GDPper capita,. 2000 (ratio scale) 100,000 United States........... /ingapore • •• e o •• o· • •• e fIJ.'tIIJ. ••• tf fIJ (!lO • 00 0e • • .- • • 00 • f!P •• ,I. _. .( •• tit·. • • • ':It,·, V •••• I • India 0 .4ft. ••• , ••• • ,Turkey .-. ••• _ •••••• w· fIJ· • • • 0,. United Kingdom • / • J - I ." Norway • •• -Moldova .Mongolia • I .. . _ I 0 •••• 0.. · •• China Iceland tajiklstan 100 o 30 40 50 60 70 80 Latitude (absolute degrees distant from the equator) FIGURE 2.4 Relationship Between Income per Capita and Population Grolillth Population growth rate, 1960-2000 (% per year) 5.0 4.5 4.0 Cote d'ivoire 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 • • ,. / • - ••• •• Mexico • •• e: ,. • • China..---/I o .Israel •• .singapore ~...... India. 1.5 Honduras . \..:J ••I·:•• • I.;'...e i./ Nioeria - \. • sHong Kong South Korea , •• - ~ :. e oUnited States 1.0 0.5 0.0 100 100,000 GDPper capita, 2000 FIGURE 3.1 GOP and Capital per Worker, 2000 Capital per worker (2000 dollars) 1,000,000 Japan~ United States \ .;11': "'-...,. .", ... ' ..••• M";ro,, China~ (I" ••••• •• • . .,. .- '-Igena" ~. '......... •••.......... J'.. • •••• • • ._ •• , • India • ••• 10,000 100,000 GDP per worker (2000 dollars) Empirically, countries with higher investment rates have higher capital to output ratios: Capital-output ratio, KIY 5 Japan Switzerland. • Romania. • Austria United Kingdom • Jamaica Z b b Zambia. 1m a , • Nicaragua • liW.J .[ell \ Madagascar -.:: # it fit •• (.-. Ethiopia • !:I Kenya ~ -. • Brazil .~ ~ T k •• ur ey ~ India e e •~i. • • United States Argentma lit e .),. • w. .••.r. .\ 'it 1 ven.uela Nigeria uruguay.: •• Chad • Ii'~ .'-. Ghana \ Luxembourg • Israel e Hong Kong ~1aylasia • ._Ireland Ch'ma ~1exico Ecypt ~ Uganda Investment rate, S (%),2000 FIGURE5.3 Explaining Capital in the Solow Model Macroeconomics, Charles I.Jones Copyright (l:)2008 W. W. Norton & Company In,ternational Evidence on In,vestment Rates and Incorn,e per Person Income per person in 1992 (logarithmic scale) 100,000 us. I Mexico " •II Pakistan I". Ivory' I • Coastl Egypt I I I I I Cha 100 / I I I I I .••••••. •• I I India. .1 •• Canada Denma~Germany I I.. I: • Brazil • I· I ,,"- I~ Israel ~" UK Franc/taly / I Finland Singapore I II I I • ~-Peru '\ I I ••• Japan • I '!:...doneSia. \ I I Zimbabwe Kenya d Uganda o 25 30 35 40 Investment as percentage of output avera e 1960 -1992 Economic Gtowth I FIGURE 3.3 Capital's Share of Income in Iii Cross-Section of Countries capital's share of national income 1.0 0.9 0.8 0.7 Ecuador 0.6 •• 0.5 / • • Botswana - 0.4 0.3 0.2 •• 0.1 Sri Lanka \ Average = 0.35 •• ._- South·Korea/ _. • Greece \ Spain ..'..\ •• • I • Canada I • United States 0.0 o 25,000 30,000 35,000 40,000 GDP per capita in 2000 S\AW\~ B ,,'t ~ ,ro....,.,.~ Fi.c.A-s ,.) f.lidtti CoO. Ii~, $lAs"",'" eel ,~.wtJ.ill e,e, eft ,.~ t '" c.o~e. i, " rec.t ••+ ,~ett."",c•••"" Oelo", IIH iflerfASeJ ;'t Pt.~tlc."·IJ,I? -io ,·~" •• e we,( .tfse.+ ,~ "'tAl,h',••In'''''''~('t., ~& s.·,,,/'" 'M.I+4tAsl ••• r,.,'·). ~ a.) S i~c.e tAt r..J••,.J.,i.1 "tll.I•.It""J le~ C."I' jl.; o.,.~PlAt Ita J , """Ill 0 lit,. "';"e I .,.,/ , 'J.s ,""'t~,.,Iot "oes ".f +CrJ /to J,,,,,,,;""t~. If Q•• ~t~,· ••,J ,,,w-H. ~tS .cce/eAfe.l Gf~f"f\l ~e J.) (, fAtF r.w"'S_lAhs ~ rt\-I-ts /.. •• h·.I1~ QwJ ctli~r "1.) rt i" 100 '11.41'$. l.v."~S.Jc",J",.Js Q~ ASS .~r' .. l"",~ i"t,~/,~ p'f' i",c,o•• es I e••,,.~ -h'Me, N.we.,tf, 'a .,,.p-I..,.,'o", e",'tle"ct f tt)IA,,-Ir"t S. .CtoSj CAlArb-,tS '!t&f.SW OVl.,"1 w,'C) .1'" we,)4Ht1 Httfe ,'s S,MC le(e",-I- c,,,,•• 4u CDl'l"U'&~ Ct . 51) Pet c.,i-k i"••W\IS w W .tt i"~1~J,·~"e. ~~"., oh·o~ it" ,.,,,,\ •. fOliA'vd; Cot,,./,,J.,J ~.It'••••.. ) L"'CoOMt G,e IOflJ tA~ tNtttJ •• ,tfW~. ') 1~esJ--re$ of J..1Jo, ~ C.,,"I-.J '''.t nWllle.. /cJ nc~"~'tI'I~ i" ,J."f (.o•• "eof'~ ~,•• I Qc.foSS ~~~,'(S. ,.) 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