NSTP DECLARATION SHEET FOR "EARLY REIMBURSEMENT" OF EXPENSE CLAIM Date: _________________________ Student: ________________________ Dept. _____________________________ Supervisor of Student: __________________________ STUDENT DECLARATION: I understand that I have requested to be reimbursed for NSTP related expenses prior to having filed a Student Research Report on the accomplishments of my 2015 field season. I hereby agree to complete a Student Research Report by the November deadline of 2015, as required by the NSTP program. Student Signature: _________________________________ SUPERVISOR DECLARATION: I hereby declare that the above student has conducted research under my supervision in northern Canada during 2015, as defined in the guidelines of the Northern Scientific Training Program. I understand my student has requested to be reimbursed for NSTP expenses prior to having completed the Student Research Report for this year. I also understand that reimbursement of NSTP- related expenses is usually done after the Student Research Reports are filed, typically in November of each year. I fully agree to ensure, as best I can, that the Student Report is indeed completed on time in consideration for the SFU Northern Studies Committee agreeing to approve reimbursement of my student's NSTP-related expenses prior to the completion of the Student Report. I further understand that if the Report is not submitted, the Northern Studies Committee may expect me to reimburse the University NSTP fund for the amount paid out to the student from any applicable research grants that supported the research of the student. Supervisor Signature: ______________________________