INTERVIEWS AND ARTICLES ABOUT ROY Sue Limb. ‘My first love’. Daily Mail, 7 October 1995: 39. John Crace. ‘Celebrity scholars: A cut-out-and-keep guide to the academics whose phones are always ringing. No 36: Roy Porter’. The Guardian (Education Section), 8 October 1996. ‘Four weddings and a few books. “I have always been greedy and excessive,” says the prolific author and medical historian, Roy Porter. As he confesses to Hunter Davies, “It could explain all my wives …”.’ Sunday Telegraph Magazine, 7 December 1997: 8-11. ‘Old quacks and future nostrums. Phil Baty talks to Roy Porter, the historian of medicine whose knowledge of medieval plagues was used by a government confronting the horror of AIDS.’ The Times Higher Education Supplement, 9 May 1997: 18. ‘Living longer but in fear’. Article by Roy (from his collection) but the source is not identified. ‘Lifeline – Roy Porter. Roy Porter has always loved history. He read it at Cambridge, and being at Darwin’s college, he became fascinated by the history of science; that led to the history of medicine. In 1979, after 15 years in Cambridge, he moved to the Wellcome Institute for the History of Medicine, London, where he teaches’. The Lancet 1997; 350 (9088). ‘Preaching to the converted’. Michael Glover reports on Richard Dawkins lecturing at the Queen Elizabeth Hall, London, 3 March 1998. He is introduced by Roy Porter. The source is not identified. ‘Roy Porter: historian of science extraordinaire ... interviewed by David Oldroyd’. Metascience 1999; 8 (2): 278-287. ‘The changing image of the doctor – a view from the cartoonists’. Report of a lecture given by Roy Porter at a joint meeting of the British Society for the History of Pharmacy and the museum of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society, 17 May 2000. The Pharmaceutical Journal; 264: 891. ‘Cheering times’. Report on Roy Porter and Peter Ackroyd reviewing each other’s books on London. ‘Londoner’s diary’, The Evening Standard, 12 October 2000: 12. ‘The books interview – higher stages of enlightenment. Roy Porter has been the least donnish of historians, and the most prolific. Now the future beckons ... By John Walsh’. The Independent (Weekend Review), 7 October 2000. 245 Anne Spackman. ‘Georgian squares revert to ritzy residential Pads: they were the haunts of social grandees before common interests took over.’ Financial Times, 12 May 2001. Comments on Roy’s history of London. ‘My cultural life: Roy Porter. After hours – the historian loves Ian McKellen, Laurence Sterne, Georgian architecture and the samba, but has no time to hate because he hates wasting time’. The Times (Play Section), 23-29 June 2001: 4-5. ‘Not past his sell-by date. Recently retired academic Roy Porter tells Christopher Wood why we – and his bank manager – can look forward to more books’. The Times Higher Education Supplement (Textbook Guide, Issue 10), 30 November 2001: 2. ‘El pasado de la medicina: la historia y el oficio. Entrevista con Roy Porter (Medicine in the past: the history and the historian’s profession. Interview with Roy Porter) ... Marcos Cueto’. História, Ciências, Saúde: Manguinhos (January-April 2002); 9 (1): 205-212. ‘Memorial services’. Notice of Roy’s memorial service. The Times, 23 April 2002. Mike Pike. ‘Before they were famous’. News of Old Wilsonians, April 2002: 9-11. David Howlett. ‘Roy Porter: The Churchill years – an impression’, 24 August 2002. Other miscellaneous cuttings and notices. 246