d o. - I, 1,,/ro: o o o 1977OREGON OREGON SI{RIi4P 1977 SHRIIIP SEASON SEASON by by ffi,p*ulffi WE $CENCE OGCN STATE tith UEWPORT, OREGON Jerry Lukas Jerry Lukas o . iNFORi1ATIONAL INFORIIATIUNAL REPORT 7B-2 REPORT 78-2 o o o o OregonDepartmen t ofofFiFish Department andl,,li Wildlife sh and I dl i fe iiarch1978 l97B iiarch o R7. o ig77 OREGO;J SHRIITP 1977 OREGthI SHRINP SEASOI,I SEASON '--.0regon o o o O p i n k shrimp (e a rd alusjordani) jor d,ani)landings sh ri mp(Pandalus landingsIn Oregon pink in 1977 1977wcr r ecor d 48.6 woree aa record 48.6 n e a r l y p r e v i o u s d o u b l e t h e million pounds, nearly double the previous record 25.4 mIllion r e c o r d 2 5 , 4 p o u n d slanded m i l l i o n pounds l a n d e din in T11lign,pounds, ( F i g u re1). 1 9 7 6(Figure 1976 i ). T h e season se a so nopened o pencdApril Apr il 11 with with an pi"tie of an ex-vessel The ex- vesselprice ot 23 il-icents * nti p e r ,pound, p o u n drup u p 33 cents pr ice at ce n ts.from fro m the th e price at the per the end endof of the the 1976 1976season. season. This pr i c e This price heJd steady steady through tlrroughthe the season, season,helped goocl helpedby held by very very good market marketdemand demand for the for the product. iroCuct. F a v ora b l ew e a th e r, the th c strong strong market, m ar ket, and high abundance/availability Favorable weather, anclhigh abundance/availabi' l i ty of of s h r i r p during d u r i n g most mo stof o f the shrimp th e se a sonallowed for increased incr { asedeffort effor t expended expended season allowed for by UVthe tne 0 r e g o nshrimp s h ri mpfleet fl e e t and a n dincreased i n cre a s edcatch Oregon catch and andlandings. landings. Another Anotherfactor f' actoralso atio was w as a n i n c r e a se dusage u sa g eof o f the ( aver aging th e high h i g h opening opening(averaging an increased 12 ft) box trawl. ft) box 1Z tr awl. The s tandar d The standard - The f o r . yyears e a r s wa a net n e t that th a t opened for wass a o p e n ed4-6 4- 6 ft fl high. high. The higher higher opening openingbox box trawl i ni i eas ed tr awl increased e f f i c i e n c y.b ca p tu ri n gshrimp sh i i rn pwhen efficiency byy capturing whenthey they were ier e up in the up in ihe water waler column c6lumnespecially espec i ai i v eriodsw d uring p h e nlight l i g h t transmission during periods when tra n smissionio bbttomwas the bottom to the was reduced r educedduring dur ing'cloudy cl oudy w e a t h e rand/or a n d /o rduring d u ri n gheavy p l anktonblooms. h e a vyplankton weather bloom s t f g high p ro d u cti o nin in 1977 1977resulted r esultedin in record r ecor dlandings The shrimp landingsat at most mos tOregon Or egon -sh ri mpproduction p o r .t s (Table ( T al tl bg l en1). p ro ce ssor sbought ports L ). Twenty T w e n typrocessors boughtshrimp shr impin in Oregon, Or egon,one onemore mor ethan than in i n 1976, 1576, and used 50 shrirnpmachines processthe and used 50 shrimp machines to process product. lhe product. T a b l e1. 1. Table o Port Port o o o o o o As tori a Astoria Ga rib a ld i Garibaldi iiewport ewport I'linchester hay Winchester Uay Coos 8ay Coos Bay Bandon Bandon Port Orford 0rford Port Go l d B e a ch Gold Beach Bro o kin g s Brookings A n n u aishrimp shr im plandings por ts 1975-77, landingsat Annual at Oregon Or egonports lgTS- 77, i n thousands oundsl/. t h o u s a n do s f ppounds/. in of Year 1975 5,062 5,062 3,830 3,830 5 ,124 5,124 1 ,393 1,393 7,035 7,035 309 309 833 833 13 13 294 294 1976 5 ,688 5,688 3,761. 3,761 7,702 7,702 578 578 6,256 6,256 13 13 7s4 754 - 640 640 1977 3l 3/ 3l 3! 3! 1 1 , 6 9 7j/ 11,697 5,739 / 5,739 15,361 / 15,361 1,921 1, 9 2 1 / 12,056 / 12,056 - 1,011 1,011 - igs 795 yJ Figuresrepresent representonly poundage on'lythe the shrimp Figures shr im ppoundage landed landedat at each each port, not poundage pr ocessed. (Some ( Some not the the poundage that was wasprocessed. port, that was was tr transhipped anshi pped ports). to other otherports). to I2/ Recorcl annuallanding. landing. Record annual iWot io! o niy d id 0 re g o nhhave a ve .a r ecor d shr im p har only did Oregon a record shrimp harvest; so did our vest; so our neighboring neighbo r i ngstates s tates o f l ' l a s h i n g t o n ( T a b l e2). a n dCalifornia of Washington and C a l i f o r n i a (Table 2 ) . Shrimp S h r i m plandings i n Washington l a n d i n g sin l l a s h i n g t o were n w e r eslightly ilightly p r e v i o u srecord a b o v etheir t h e i r previous r e c o r din p r e l i m i n a r ylanding above i n 1975. 1 9 7 5 . California's C a l i f o r n i a ' s preliminary l a n O i n gdata shows d a t a shows a season seasontotal greater than tota'l three three times times greater a than their their record record1975 years 1975season. season. Through Thioughthe the years p ro d u cti o nh 0 r e g o n ' s shrimp s h ri mpproduction a s been the largest Oregon's has been the Pacific coast lar gest of of the the three thr ee lower lower Paciffc c oas i states states. a o -2-2- o o 50 2 45 61 o 4A 40 35 35 o ln T' -I, g : o 0. 30 30 0 o q4- o 25 25 LA U, o o 0 20 20 117 E ( 4e 15 I o 55 (2) 10 5 i11 11 . o t-_{* 57 59 63 65 67 69 71 73 75 75 77 77 Year Year o F i g u f e1. Figure 1. o 6 611 A n n u a lOregon . 0 r e g oshrimp Annual snh r i m plandings r a n d i n g sand a n dnumber n u m b eorof s h r i m pboats, f shrimp b o a t s , number number o f double-rigged d o u b ' l e - r i g g eboats of bdo a t s in p i r e n t h e s i sand i n parenthesis a n d included i n c l u d e l in i n total. total. o --3J- T a b l e2. 2. Table o Year o 1968 1968 1969 1969 1970 1970 1 971 1971 t972 1972 1973 1973 1974 1974 1975 1975 t976 1976 o te77Ij 1977 t/ 1/ o o o o o a o A n n u a llandings a n d i n g sof p r o v i n c eand o f shrimp s h r i m pby b y state, s t a t e , province Annual a n dentire entire p a c i f i c c o a s t , 1968-1977 ( i n thousands 1 9 6 8 - l g l 7(in p o u n d sprimarily ; rimarily t h o u s a n dof p Pacific coast, os f pounds; pl.lFCcrab Pwdalta sp. Source: PIIFC Pczndalus sp.) ) Source: Crab and and shrimil Shrimp Data Series. oata-series. Alaska Br. Columbia 42,023 42,023 47,85I 47,851 74,256 74,256 9 4,Bg1 94,891 8L,262 81,262 1 19,964 119,964 108,275 108,275 97,6?L 97,621 129,011 129,011 116,872 116,872 1, 5 6 6 1,566 2,llg 2,119 1 ,538 1,538 735 735 794 794 1,729 1,729 2,644 2,644 r1,728 ,728 8,470 8,470 6,200 6,200 Washington 1,164 1,164 1 ,425 1,425 9?6 926 678 678 1,582 1,582 5,?71 5,271 9 ,325 9,325 1 0,167 10,167 g 9,261 r26L 1 1,400 11,400 Oregon L0,976 10,976 1 0,505 10,505 1 3 ,7 3 5 13,735 9,29L 9,291 20,861 20,861 24,5t7 24,517 19,969 19,968 23,893 23,893 25 '39? 25,392 48,5Bo 48,580 California Total 2,?75 2,275 2,948 2,948 4,048 4,048 3 ,081 3,081 ?,490 2,490 1,244 1,240 2 ,264 2,264 4 4,993 r993 3,468 3,468 15,630 15,630 58,004 58,004 64,g4g 64,848 94,502 94,502 108,676 108,676 106,989 106,989 L5?,7A4 152,704 L4?,496 142,496 138,402 138,402 L75,602 175,602 198,682 198,68a Preliminary Preliminary Theopening openingmonth monthof of Oregon's The 0regon'sshrimp shrimpseason seasonwas wasrather rather uneventful. uneventful. Weather l,Jeather . hampered effort yet 3.3 somewhat 3.3 million hampered effort somewhat yet pounds were million'pounds (table3). werelanded landed(Table l). This Tnis was was the the ptg9uctionin in April ApriI since best since1973. 1913. In In i,tay, I andingsincreased iniieiseo tremendously. May, landings t.e'irenoousiy, lqt! production 0ver Over 10.2.million 10.2 million pounds pounds were were harvested, harvested,a recorl for for aa one-month period. Ilearly a record period. oie-rnonth treaiiy-half half productionfor of the the production for the perpeiuaand of the month monthcame camefrom from state state area area22, 22, between betwienCape CapePerpetua ana CoosBay; andmore Coos Bay; and more specifically specifically from froman an area areacalled calledthe the-mudhote oif'tfre-Umpqua mudhole off the Umpqua River. River. Monthlylandings landingsfrom fromJune Junethrough Monthly throughAugust Augustwere wereconsistently consistentlyover over8B million million'doun6s pounds per than monthly per month' month, sixty sixty percent_greater percent greater than monthly production production dirring during a a comparable period comparablb period year. September's last year. last September's tandingsdropped dropped somiwhat landings somewhat but but were werestill stiTl at ai-a'ttig[ a high level. i.i.f. T h eb o u n d a r i eof osf the The boundaries t h e state s t a t e areas a r e a slisted t i s t e d in i n Table T a b l e22 are a r e shown s h o win n i n Figure F i g u r e2. 2, A l s o shown shown a r e the t h e 1977 Also are with 1 9 7 7annual a n n u a landings l a n d i n g sw i t h 1976 1 9 7 6landings l a n d i n g ifor i o r -comparison. comparisoi. pounds Only5,000 5'000pounds of shrimp of Oregon-landed Oregon-landed shrimpwere werecaught caughtoff off Vancouver Vancouver ---- Only Island Islandin in 1977,an tlu.t-had.been. 1977, an area area that had been a-good producerfor fbr Oregon 0regon-(in,r a good producer (and Washington) boats in lrust,ington) uoiii"in (Table5). 1974 1976(Table 1974 and and 1976 5). The TheCanadians Canadians closedthe the area irea'at endof of June Juneand closed at the the end anddid did not reopen it during duringthe not reopen it the remainder remainder of the the season. season. Over8B million pounrJs Over million pounds of of shrimp shrimpwere werecaught caughtby by Oregon 0regonboats off the boatsoff the coast coastof of t'lashington.The Washington. prbductioncame The maiority majority of qf the the production fromarea cimefrom aiea 30 off Grays 30 off GraysHarbor Harborand and was recordannual annualcatch catchfor for this (Table4). was aa record this area area(Table poirnds per month 4). Over 0ver aa million million pounds per month wastaken takenfrom fromthis this area areafrom was August. fromMay l4aythrough througlr August. Double Doublerig rig vessels vesseisaveraged averaged e r hour 1 ' 0 5 2llbs bs p produition h o u rand 1,052 per vessels a n dsingle s i n g l erig r i g v e s s e i sa p i r hour. v 6 r a g e822 d Z ilbs B l b s per averaged h o u r . Production fronr the uestruction grouids Islandgrounds (area (area32) from the Destruction Island greaterthan 3?) was wis greater in 1976 thin in 1976but but not not aa record. record. Over Over 40 40 million million pounds pounds of of shrimp shrimpwere werecaught caughtin in coastal coastalwaters waters off off Oregon.. 0regon. production Shrimp fromnorthern (areas24, northernOregon Shrimp production from (areas Oregbn i4, 26 zs and ino 28) iei was wis 12.2 !2.? million nillion p o u n d sslightly ' . s l i g h t lmore y o r ethan m t h a nthe p o u n d llanded sa n d e din pounds, pounds t h e 11.5 1 1 . 5million -million i n 1976. tgZO. A r e a28 Area 28 production at 3.7 pounds 3.7 million million pounds production at was record. tvionthly was aa record. landingswere t{eresporadic Monthly landings sporadic peaksin with in June andAugust with peaks June and August and productionduring andlow low production duringthe reit of the rest of the the season. season. ffom areai 24 Shrimp landings from areas 24 and 26 and 26 wbre downfrom fromthe tne 1976 were down of iecordlandings rgio record iiraings-oi lltlnp.Jglaings pounds. 1 0 . 5m i l l i o n pounds. 10.5 million l.' --44- Table3. 3. 0regon Table im pcatch Oregon1977 1977monthly monthlyshr shrimp catchand andcatchcatch-per-effort per - effor t by statis ti c al statistical area for for single singleand anddouble-rigged d o u b l e - rgi g e dvessels. area v e s s esl . tate State April Area o o 3 344 C C cC/E1 /El c/E; C/E2 o C clE, C/C1 clE; C/C2 29C 29 C c/E, C/C1 clE; C/E2 o 5 .1 5.1 ?BCC 28 ClEt C/E1 ClEz C/C2 26c C 26 ClEt C/E1 24C C 24 clEt C/E1 22c 22 2tc 21 C c/Er C/C1 c/E; C/E2 C cC/C1 lE, c/E; C/E2 a 20c 20 C 246.9 246.9 I,090 1,090 919 919 t199 c ClEr C/C1 C I E; C/E2 18C 18 460 460 646 646 1 1 ,B. 11.8 - 253 253 646.2 646.2 338 338 s52 552 679.7 679.7 374 374 667 661 Total Total - - Oct. Total Total 5.1 5.1 - 422.4 422.4 895 895 1,407 1,407 - 584.B 584.8 1,224 1,224 1 ,365 1,365 111.0 111.0 679 679 811 811 1 , 1 9 2 . 3 1,401.1 1,192.3 1 , 4 0 1 1, . 1,036.4 1 , 0 3 6 . 4 1,189.9 1, 1 8 9 . 9 9 8 7 987 1'118 1,118 752 897 752 897 1 ,146 1,146 1 ,1 9 8 1,198 935 935 1,046 1,046 1 0.4 10.4 6 9.1 69.1 sB1 581 708 708 - 418 418 434.2 434.2 1,253.8 1,253.8 779 779 L ,2 5 9 1,259 83? 832 994 994 275.1 275.1 460 460 795 795 130.0 130.0 ?78.4 278.4 644.0 644.0 1 1 1B . 111.8 54B 548 667 667 51 8 2 2 . 4 5,822.4 822 822 1,052 1,052 150.6 150.6 54.4 54.4 358 358 659 659 827.0 827.0 65? 652 944 944 480 480 72t 721 4 4 8 . 6 1,125.6 448.6 1 ,1 2 5 . 6 739 613 739 613 807 807 982 982 ?44,7 240.7 855. 855.8B 1,475.5 11, 4 7 5 . 5 724 724 507 507 876 876 785 785 632,2 632.2 530 530 567 567 6 02.5 602.5 462 462 923 923 1 1 . 5 I1,400.0 11.5 ,400.0 125 125 556 556 83 83 877 877 1 0 16. 101.6 436 436 442 442 1, 3 9 6 . 6 1,396.6 1,045 1,045 1,170 1,170 1 ,1 4 6 1,146 399 399 1,063 1,063 1,844.1 1,844.1 7?8 728 909 909 - - 536 536 815 815 171.5 171.5 424 424 636 636 1 5 61. 156.1 397 397 633 633 3t.2 31.2 4.1 4.1 35.5 36.5 323 323 464 464 - - 237 237 2,030 2,030 465 465 75t 751 3 , 6 8 62, 3,686,2 695 695 886 886 5 , 6 4 1I. 5,641.1 582 582 7 51 751 2,836.0 2,836.0 437 437 794 790 866. 4.802.7 2 866.33 4.802.1 , 9 1 5 . 4 1,469.8 2,815.4 1,469,9 1,224.0 1 , 2 2 4 . 0 4,486.2 4 , 4 8 6 , 2 1,544,9 1 , 5 4 4g. 17,208.7 L7,209.7 538 538 1 ,0 5 7 1,057 72A 720 514 514 709 709 6?6 1, 1 0 3 1,103 626 786 786 895 895 1,706 1,706 1,305 1,305 77L 771 961 961 I , 2 5 0 1,086 1,086 1,250 l,?32 1,232 5 5 6 . 2 I1,079.5 556.2 1, 51 5 .3 , 0 7 95 . 1,515.3 832 832 1 ,330 1,330 1,235 1,235 1,065 1,065 1,g5g 1,959 I,Blg 1,819 110.7 110.7 1 ,403 1,403 - - 107.5 107.5 - 1i0.4 110.4 5 5 9 , 7 3,212.5 558.7 3,21?,5 780 780 1 ,1 9 3 1,193 954 954 1,503 1,503 1 1 2 . 5 1,038.8 112.5 1 , 0 3 8B. 1,035 1 , 0 3 5 1,630 1,630 1,955 1,956 - - - 1,465 1,465 C 13.7 13.7 ClEt C/Ci - clEz C/E2 o flo C - Sept. 565 565 137.5 137.5 c/Er C/E1 c/E2 C/E2 o - August - - c/Ez C/C2 o - July 5 65 565 clE2 C/C2 o June - 3?C C 32 ClEt C/E1 cl82 C/E2 3 300 c May I1,280 ,280 23.6 23.6 - 888 888 890 890 313.6 313.6 904 904 I ,337 1,337 7 9. l 79.1 1,530 1,530 - - - ?8.9 28.9 4,0L2 4,012 - 472.8 1,040.1 1,040.I 472.8 B , 4 3 5I , 8,435e1 994 994 1,251 1,251 1,120 1,120 1,341 1 , 3 4 1 1,830 1,830 1,526 1,526 120.6 120.6 1,396 1,396 - 380.0 380.0 2,L66 2,166 1,593 1,593 - 5 9 ,1 59.1 1,755.1 1,755.1 L,779 1,779 1,424 1,424 1,920 1,920 134.8 134.8 Bll.9 811.9 - 1,002 1,002 1,585 1,585 - 1,424 1,424 88.9 88.9 155.0 155.0 4,012 4,012 I,838 1,838 - 3,328 3,328 g , 1 4 9 . 2 6,933.5 3 , 2 7 C I . 810,209.9 3,270.8 10,209.9 8 , 4 5 6 , 8 8,287.6 8,456.8 B , ? 8 7 . 6 8,148.2 6 , 9 3 3 . 5 3,273.1 3 , 2 7 3 . 1 48,580.0 48,580.0 564 564 1 ,0 4 5 1,045 870 870 745 745 893 893 1,076 1,076 817 817 865 865 ggl 72r 721 1,?82 1,282 1 ,151 1,151 891 1,051 1,051 t,tgg 1,171 1,139 1,171 1,062 1,062 -5- o . o e);ui B,C. 1! o 1,466,175 314 5,086 o . - - - ii--- 18 t08,7gg 1,3961578 ) / o s 1,729''436 1,728,436 cape - lizabe 5 5,822,405 r822,405 lllllapa Willapa Bay 955,104 955,104 N 826)996 826,996 9 9 6 ,7 4 5 ?8 986,745 3 ,696,191 28 3,686,181 _____________________________________ 29. o re 26 7 ,236 1937 7,236,837 cohabLa columIia i.R. Cape \i Cape f,'alcon ((: Falcon 5,641,0gg 5,641,099 Caeca& Fead Cascade Head o ztl 24 3 ,311,713 3,311,713 m, 2,835,952 2,835,952 Perlmtua (Cape Cape Perpetua o o n n 21 22 6,752,0gB 6,752,098 17,2081670 17,208,670 Coos Bay 8ay Coos 1,674,022 1,674,022 8 ,435,057 8,435,057 n 2° 7o4,B8B 1 ,755,138 755,138 l9 ro5,47g 105,478 811,851 811,851 18 361,613 361,613 155,009 155,009 18 1 Cape Blanco Blanco (Cape Eogue River Rogue Rfiier _____________\\ zrJE'u;00'0 25,392,006 78360,TU 48,580,022 o ( p \ a I- Flgure2. 2. FIgure 0regon 1976and and 1977 1977shrimp shrimplandings Oregon 1976 landlngsby by state state statlstlcal area. statistical area. CAL, 1.9 1.9 - 97 259.9 218.8 556 753 539 9.8 1.9 416 552 461.5 190.2 497 902 1,553.6 606.7 - - 1,253 933 1,829.3 34.4 722 356 113.9 35.8 383 702 2,936.0 2,271.4 592 726 2,630.4 2,224,9 827 931 . - 642.5 359.6 624 677 H r.- 14.0 469 105.9 40.3 439 1,061 626.0 479.4 639 846 734.0 617.3 590 808 fi '-{ li A rD 1... (tr h, (, 3,852.1 567 2,915.8 560 5,575.9 1,762.1 465 720 9,295.8 4,381.0 671 1,001 8,665.9 5,947.8 617 795 5,366.6 3,607.4 362 550 4,936.9 3,891,7 608 757 }-' fi t\) 5Ul (Or S l\) t\t n) \|@\l(O Plq t!a- t\) 2,780.4 2,076.6 603 813 t-. C>. . (l, {er Or S ooHB g\r It 4/ V 238.9 636 1,302.7 1,087 3,666.9 431 159.4 398 F +. 2.1 .'fi i f; i Sio B qniS 4,062,8 580 4,686.9 565 199.7 494 1,534.4 0 357 ,J - 7,011.3 400.4 632 1,213 10,757.4 3,228.6 627 778 5,661.5 2,888.2 563 355 9,502.4 6,048.1 731 1,180 },{ &r|) 754.1 246.5 654 1,500 - - - 251.8 41.6 213 633 14.8 14.8 - 388 '\' H Y { S ,H-{* ,S-i' df gi gf; 472 25.6 18.8 s:ila 0 ; 0 ^.. ofi,;.' 677 t @. 'ooS -E ...,* .-g il t S; gt Ht 576.0 0.6 0 158 cn 1,454.6 0 'oo$ 141.9 443 os 802.3 89.1 549 810 slFF EG;L sspF r^rl^ro,m SL 15.0 157 g:FF 1,344.9 j' Sa vO a (^t h.,o r v l-. (^, . ctr |.t, 307.2 554 t*r Cf, fJrQ. 975 F.F )- . 8.3 t\) (^t ch@ 187.0 0 727 -9* 20 @@ - ( , @ @ 556.0 0 879 ,so.H ,*o-fi kbg,r ig (i6oc.., d t c b - ru |,r ' ir.-r AF 1.550.4 1,228 F.FJ 1,038.2 392.3 565 1,261 O\ o7r;-. F. (Jt q, N) 2,240.7 38.8 1,098 2,589 ;r lur \ 58 I (tt F. r$r-, l_u '\. F' 21 qJ & -5/ td r^rb . {a1^, rrrtrrm6 5, - f$ -\.<a l- / F. lo 1.t :__*sr !p 4 9( 'O t . r . r. <) E 8t" ). w (^, <) chN 927.0 463.0 903 1,352 . lq, EEIX$H*i;$Hl l;nf; $ f sf nr H$ -b; i- sg, V i..EH 8L dih H Srr 4/ t-r -B \ O t\t 2,207.6 675 - 5 l{ 251.1 430 r\) (Jr 'fih f{ .:u 325.9 556 P.'to f{ (>|\).slOr b '; b -lEk dBFF ssF,s =-ga;-bH s5ir" s:ig dsig $r $i f;* (,l Co 0 +oF * *$$ gr *,8 -b -,J E t XSaI $; Rt 430.2 337.0 368 926 qrvl <lrsr li 601.3 497 (r& l*.1 '/ t\) q '1 \, g qr t\) . ! V&(h(in Hs 1/ * *SH sgii saf3 rsLi" ctr >r H (., \.Ft-rl-. ::- f n-v-':_ lrp ._FS h' 1,350,1 142.0 551 717 t o,$r6ru E$rF NHilR$gfilxe;H€H* sI sI 787.1 1,220.0 662 2,660.8 635 22 I 1,182 1,067.4 690 1,771.6 792 24 o 775 - 26 o$ 2,526.3 1,983.1 746 t{ 0 0 tv r\) '^.' 475.2 & F, ' <) -d -E s$iP nrinroio ti" SL C/E2 Fdiil H*f: C | | oo 692 25.2 494 1 28 o C f Fi; 166.4 . fv t$ ;r, b't C/E2 .. C CIE Nr.\t H ;t L-Eli x1I63 - 29 o C/E1 C/E2 91 r\) m 0 30 o 893.2 838.6 872 1,248 H gN,F f ' C 32 o C2 C/E1 O C Cz / C/E1 21 It C/E qn C ss[[ C 0o& q, (s C/E em .34 o C,1E2 F, .? /E2 SSS' SSS "' q. rfrm frrm m N' ;' ' i",l"e 1971 l\,F 1970 -l-\l r 3 (.o \O l) -o5!(l6a rq Fr 1973 Q$5rr, FI t'z-l 666G rJSg Year o t?! m (A, ts to v 1969 .\,l. 1974 & (o 1972 es\* 1975 (tr € 1968 o o Annual Oregon shrine landings in thousands of pounds and catch-per-effort by statistical area for single and double-rigged vessels, 1968-1977. ,1, urt d3r IA GL ct o o :' g A, o e fl G, o r? t+ I (+ gl n r+ cr l< o a +l -fr c) .' t 9 'D o o, |+ n {E rO \l r-. ( p 3O or 0. &r Fc' rot og ao (D.t Q (D* u o,Gt (fi J. dD3 ' tt -a ... :t ('t o, 1€ C{. a ( ):-t t (r. 6"il r: ' AB E an 0, 3 (OO {r> 'ct ':5' v I s 9, { Table 4. Ata of Catch 19 281.2 895 140.4 551 168.0 740 46.7 0 341 - c 0.9 132 0 692 171 . o a o o o o o o (u 10 r{ ro (Y) o Ft (\, oo re.O.) r rJ) r\o () € . i r/)(\J Fl Ft <t Fl .(\lGh . Fr N lf, (tt (I)(\l (Y) (\J .COC! . Fa l\ lft <if FI() QO Cr) -r er Otc)rr)sf . r@C\t tr) F. (Y) fr'e OS F{ g3 r{q).qf r r(\.1 6.l u) F{ qf ctl . tnl\ N rf) .-, '{ t!1 t+ rl) r(\lF CC' t\ € f/) lJ) r.C)NoOOr gr€O6", r oglto sf <f r€| or orf, f\ (\l c) r <f, l\ (g Fl (Y) tf| C, . .gt() $ldrr)€g F{ 10 (r.l l\ o. oGO(Yl @?-rl\SJ . rf c) (o .CV(\l <f Fl l.f, . . cf CO Ft Fl oqi F{ | rJi} (rO cf F. OO iaa U)Or l\ Nl r\t3 (\t rd colc, .{Fl fa@ GtN . f\ qf aara ql. (t'$l tr)\t (o r\tct (\tfou)({) . .Ot@ CO Fl (Y) @ o rc')lJ) r^o ql sf (.o iaaG o.t rf| (\Jsf aaaa (\l l\Fl<f o rt\CO Hgr(rr)r') Fl ctl f\(y)@O .-.(!(v-t sctrRr\ - ^ r (\l Gl Fl oOLrl Cr't tJ) N c)r{l\O . .rY)Or rocltsrt\ c.l (I, Fr F. st sr \O(o ER*@ qq (Y) St rf)ro Or(.o stor(\,Gl o.t€ COu) O C/' rl) Fl e oeprJ) Nt\$t\ \t()cvu) (\t of) @Gr Fr Fr sf (\l o e<l'sf |flrr}rrttr) Nt tJ) NO/' Ff aaaa ddRR F{ Fl . "Jdsg LO (Orr)t')O tO Qor'<9: rO'.QdFl OtO1 a Fl aa or F. Fl r-l tf) . rc' dN \. t{t trj (\t\()L)gi(J u) u-t I tf,t Ft .{ .{ (L q)$Jrr)tft Qqr (Y) $J sr Fa c! 751 751 565 1t 5 g G' Fl . .(.oOt (o c) q+ (r) roc\J . . <Jr F{ d \ Irl tr.l 6J'\ L'()(J(J - C2 C/E1 C/E2 +J c o (J "qt 811.9 307.0 1,585 1,424 1,755.1 571.0 1,424 1,920 8,435.1 4,844.4 1,120 1,526 17,208.7 12,601.1 786 1,232 2,836.0 2,639.1 437 790 5,641.1 4,649.2 582 3,686.2 2,870.3 695 886 827.0 587.3 465 5,822.4 5,239.9 822 1,052 1977 u C/Ei C/E2 o o g ,El F. C2 1,396.6 1,196.5 1,045 1,170 5.1 5.1 C r\ F{ Le at ,n -7- Gtto (!1 tl tl L+r+, alt fU an (u ol L I c, o :' o .lJ vra E. t3 pO L o .c (J c r(l) p0 .t, .u I c) +, .u cu at (uc{ (.) :,\ EUJ e .. 3/l .. (u (J g .r o(u vl vl >.F orrv)> hvl ('r a, ct, J s('tl Ctt.r +r-o ur |c I gr€rAl o L (D gG,(\J -C e.p ct -(,.(t.lr-< t >,8 E o < g 'F >L-g-c €-o 5+,+, E C)r.e oc..c 3 3 +, La'v R 3 8..9.9 "o 1' -s :,: cou(,(, dalt {t, !+ r-a (\r 6,1 {t'tt+, g g E Gl .e.p c),l,u fD e I e*{.EE an an Itl .e <Lr(J.<< )t*-Flll--t / 361.6 227.1 526 993 t\ 5/ 105.5 81.7 383 829 or fr !' 155.0 126.1 4,012 1,838 704.9 254.8 690 963 1,674.0 538.5 724 875 3,311.7 2,899.1 374 582 (o l\ 29 combined through 1973 C2 is landed catch by double-rig vessels; included in C, all columns = catch per hour by C/E1 vessels; C)E2 - catch per hour by double-rig vessels iwea 24 included with Areasingle-rig 26 data Area 21 included with Area 22 data Areas 30 and .!/ rea of Catch Year 6,752.1 4,491.3 595 800 7,236.8 6,459.1 433 658 986.7 727.3 628 730 955.1 665.1 544 542 1,728.4 1,358.0 702 745 108.8 92.2 551 594 1,466.2 1,120.3 1,462 1,394 C 1976 Continued. Table 4. S S S o o o o - B-8In production carne In soutirern southern Oregon Oregon the the highest highest production 22 with with a record came from from area area 22 record p o u n d sof i l l i on pounds 17.2 m 17.2 million shrimp. o f sh ri rn p . Appr oxir nately poundscame m illion pounds fr om the Approximately 77 million cam efrom t he m u d h o l e an ,a n area a re a about a b o u t10 b y 15 mudhole, l 0 by miles square. squar e. Double-rig 1 5 miles Double- r igshrimp vesselsaveraged shr impvessels av er aged er h lbs p 1 , 2 3 2 lbs o u r from fro m that a r ea and th a t area single- r ig vessels 1,232 per hour averaged 786 and single-rig vesselsaver agbd 786lbs lbs per per h o u r . Another An o th e rhigh p ro d u cti o nshrimp hour. h i g h production gr oundoff shr inr pground off southern souther nOregon 0r eg6nwas wasarea ar ea 21 2L betweenCoos Coos3ay iiay and andCape between CapeBlanco. Blanco. The The harvest harvest from from this this area area was r{asaa record record 8.4 8.4 p o u n d of so f _shrimp. m i l l i o n pounds million s h r i m p . _Catch p e r hour p o u n d sfor C a t c hper h o u r at a t 1,526 pounds 1.,526 f o r double-rig d o u b l e - r i gvessels vessels p o u n d sfor a n d 1,120 1 ' 1 2 0 pounds fo r single-rig si n g l e -ri g vessels and the vesselsexceeded exceeded thb overall over all season seasonaverage. aver a ge. L a n d i n g sfrom fro m both b o th area a re a 19 year s production 1 9 and 20 surpassed sur passed pr oductionbut Landings last and 20 last years but were w er enot not records. records. p o u n d sof 1 5 5 ,0 0 U Only pounds o f shrimp sh rim pwere wer ecaught in California ( Ar ea18) caughtin Califor nia waters water s(Area 18) and and 9 n l v 155,000 l a n d e din i . n Oregon. landed 0 re g o n . Shrimp p ro d uctionfrom S i rri rn pproduction fr om this tfiis area ar ca by by Oregon Or egonboats boatshas has usually us uai l y a m o u n t eto tdo only p o rti o n of o n l y aa small sma l l portion pr oduction(Table amounted of Oregon's (' shr Table 0r egon' stotal total production 5) . D 5). ur i ng During imp a rs tthe h e .past p a s t ten t en ye i t has l ra sranged years it asas high ra n g edper cent. Shrimp caught high as as only only 2.6 2.6 percent. i n' iaught in l'lashington and landed landedin in Oregon 0regon-have Washington waters waters and have amounted to amounted io an an average averageof perient of 11.6 if.6 percent production. The of 0regon's production. of Oregon's peak was The peak percent came in 1974 1.974when lvhenover over 30 was in 30 percent canefrom froii off off llashi ngton. Was ngton. o T a b l e5. Table 5. Ye a r Year o o D i stri b u ti o n of o f catch pr ovinceof catch by state and by state Distribution andprovince of annual annualOregon Qr eg on sh ri mplandings l a n d i n g sin in thousands poundsand per cent, 1968-77. thousands of pounds shrimp of andpercent, Lg6s- 71. .Ur. Columbiaa Pounds Percent rce n t 1968 i96B 1969 1969 1970 1970 1971 1971 1972 1972 1973 1973 1974 1 9 7 4 893.2 93 .2 1975 1975 1.9 1 .9 1976 1 9 7 6 1,466.2 t,466.2 1977 t977 5.0 5 .0 - 4.5 4 .5 *n tr. 5.8 5.8 tr. tr. Washington Pounds Percent ?5.2 25.2 1 1,233.8 , 2 3 3B . 1 ,262,3 1,262.3 4 7 1 .3 471.3 I,553.6 1,553.6 1, 9 4 3 2 1,943.2 . 6,104.8 0,104.8 4,240.4 4,240.4 2,792.3 ?,792.3 il,045.0 8,046.0 16.6 16.6 11.7 II.7 9.2 I .2 5.1 5.1 7.4 7 .4 7.9 7.9 30.6 30.6 17.7 1 7. 7 1 1 .0 11.0 16.6 1 5.6 Oregon Pounds Percentf 10,669.9 10,669.9 9, 1 6 6 . 6 9,166.6 12,303.6 1 2, 3 0 3 . 6 8,772.5 8,772.5 19,120.6 19,120.6 22,572.2 22,572.2 12,944.1 1 2 , 9 4 ,4L 19,649.6 1 9, 6 4 9 . 6 2 A, 7 7 1 . 7 20,771.7 4 40,374.0 0,374.0 97.2 97.2 87.0 87.0 89.6 89.6 94.4 94.4 91.7 91.7 92.1 92.1 6 4 .B 64.8 82.2 B ?.2 8 1 .B 81.8 8 3.1 83.1 California Fo-uund-sffi-ffi Pounds Percent ?8t.2 281.2 140.4 140.4 168.0 168.0 46.7 46.7 187.0 187.0 0.9 0.9 25.6 25.6 .6 .6 2.6 2.6 1.3 1.3 1.2 t.2 0.5 0.5 0.9 0.9 tr. tr. 0. I 0.1 tr. tr. 361.6 3 6 1 . 6 1.4 1.4 155.0 1 5 5 . 0 0.3 0.3 o Total Pounds Pounds 10,976.3 1 0 , 9 7 63. 10,540.8 1 0 , 5 4 0B. 13,733.9 13,733.9 9,290.5 9,290.5 20,861.2 20,861.2 2 4 , 5 1 63, 24,516.3 19,967.7 L9,967.7 23,99?.5 23,892.5 25,391.8 2 5 , 3 9 1B. 48,580.0 48,580.0 o t r . == ttrace; tr. r a c e ; less l e s s than percent than0 . 1 percent 0.1 o At each e a chof o f the p o rts along tl re .ma j o rports At major alongthe the Oregon 0r egoncoast coastshrimp shr im plandings landingsare ar e sampled s am pl ed o n aa m o n t h l ybasis b a s i s by F i s h and b y Fish on monthly biologists. a n dWildlife l , l i l d l i f e Department Deparimen bti o l o g i s t s , From F r o manalysis - a n a l y s iof bsf tthese h e s e ssamples a m pl e sw wee can monitor ca n mo n i to r the th e age sex composition age and and sex along compositionof shrimp shr im pcaught caughfal ong o Our sarnplesshowed showedthat that shrimp Our samples shrimpcaught primarily two caughtoff lJashingtonwere off Washington vrereprimarily and and tr^ro t h r e e - y e a rold ( T a b l e6). o l d shrimp s h r i m p(Table three-year ( t g Z 6year 6). A ge-one y e a r class) s h r i m p(1976 Age-one shrimp c l a s s ) were w e r enever - n e v ein irn r e ? t abundance q ny g ab u n d a n ce d u ri n g the any great during th e season seasonexcept exceptfor for September. Septem ber .The year The1975 year class l97S c l as s ((age a g e III) I) w a s sstrong trong a was and n d ccontributed o n t r i b u t e dheavily h e a v i l v to t o the t h e landings l a n o i n g i during O u r i n gthe t h e -season. season. o the t h e coast. coast. I o --99T a b l e6. 6. Table O 4umberr ivlonth ionth A p r iI April o p e r pound p o u n dand co u n t per andage per centby ageclass class percent Count of by number num ber of area ar ea 29, 29,30 30 a n d 32 (t',iashingtoir 3 2 shrimp sh ri mp(Washingtoi and coast) coast) as as summarized sum m ar ized fr onrmonthly nr onthl i from ma rke tsamples. sa rn p l e s. market i4ay 4ay June June JJuly uly A u g uts August September September October October s anrpl ed sampled 6L4 614 446 446 1,006 1,006 i,164 1,164 553 553 602 602 100 100 r1 mp Shrimp pound perr pound cornpos i ti on, inn percent, per cent, by by number Age composition, 136 136 L?9 129 104 104 9 98B 104 104 1 01 101 B5 85 II II II 0 0 0.? 0.2 2.2 2.2 3.3 3.3 7,6 7.6 1 9.6 19.6 8.0 8.0 67,6 67.6 6 3.9 63.9 55.0 55.0 5 5 .i 56.1 5 9 .B 59.8 5 1 .3 51.3 63.0 63.0 III+ 111+ 32.4 32.4 3 5.9 35.9 42.8 42.8 40.6 40.6 32.6 32.6 29.L 29.1 29,CI 29.0 o g ra d eoff S h r i tn pgrade o ff northern Shrimp n o rth e rnOregon. 0r egonwas goodduring consistently good dur ing the was consistently the season sea s on (Table7). 7).' The ine 1976 (Table w7ay"ar year class ciuit shrimp tr'iirp (age greatabundance noi occur in any I) did not 6ccurin anygreat iig.-ij'ata abundance i n the t h e samples s a mp l e staken ta ke n during d u ri n g the in th e season. season. o O f f Coos Co o sBay B a yand a n d Bandon B a n d o (area n(a r ea21 21 and Off and22) 22) market m ar ketsamples sam plesindicated intJicatedthat tha t yU r a tthrough h r o u g hJJuly, g e two tw o shrimp sh ri rn pw er e major age were major contributors contiibutor s to ( Table8). to the the catch catch(Table B t. By By a r class JJuly u l y the t i e 1976 1 9 7 6ye ( ageI) cl a ss shrimp sh ri mp(age year gr ewenough I) grew enougfr to be be more m or evulnerable vulner ableto to i o the tfr e g e a r and a n d contributed c o n tri b u te dnearly n e a rl y aa third thir d of ( by number) of the gear the landings landings(by num berduring )dur ing the the remainder r em ai nder o f the t h e season. s e a so n of o o T a b l e7. Table 7. iionth lonth Apri I April o i'lay June June July July Augus t August September September 0ctober October C o u n tper - p epound p r o u n dand a n dage p e r c e n tby a g eclass Count c l a s s percent b y number n u m b eof or f a r e a 24, ? 4 , 2266 area (nor ther nOregon) a n d .2 8 sh ri mp(northern 0r egon)as and 28 shrimp from as summarized sum m ar ized fr om monthly m onthly m a r k e tsamples. samples. market Uumberr Ied sampled 601 601 679 679 949 949 1,061 1,061 506 506 i {o samples sa mp l e s Uo 199 199 r mp Shrimp ound per pound B5 85 105 105 BO 80 81 B1 OJ 83 ug 69 percen, bby compos i ti on, inn percent, Age composition, Y I number I II II III+ 111+ 2.0 2.0 46.2 46.2 6 2.1 62.1 50.4 50.4 5 5 .g 55.9 53.5 53.5 5 1 .B 51.8 26.4 26.4 43.6 43.6 I 11.5 11.5 6.0 6.0 9.1 9.1 1 0 .5 10.5 - 6.5 6.5 - 5 9 .3 59.3 35.0 35.0 36.0 36.0 - 34.2 34.2 o M a r k etsamples sa mp l e sof o f shrimp Market sh ri mpcaught caughtin area ar ea 20 20 off Por t Orford off Port 0r for d showed that showed that the the y e a r a g e II) 1 9 7 5 1975 year c class l a s s ((age I I ) shrimp s h r i m pmade m a d eup proportion of the the largest up the largest proportion catch the catch ((Table T a b l e9). 9 ) . At A t the t h e end e n dof o f the t h e season s e a s o nthere ther e was vvasaa strong str ong showing showingof of age s hr i m p. ageone oneshrimp. a o --1010T a b l e8. 8. Table o o p e r pound p o u n dand C o u n tper per ccnt age Count and percent age class by number cl ass by num berof of area ar ea 21 21 (C oos a n <l 2 2 sh ri mp(Coos Bay-[3andon) and 22 shrimp Bay- Eandon) as m ar ized fr om m as sum summarized from onthly monthly m a r k e tsamples. samples. market dumberr i'lonth Iionth _ sampled sampled ApriI April 942 942 1 ,205 1,206 1, 3 7 8 1,378 1 ,304 1,304 925 925 798 798 1 ,513 1,513 f4ay 4ay June June ..)uly July Augus t August Septemtrer September 0ctober October rnp Shri Shrimp p ound per P e r pound 138 138 109 109 110 110 1 13 113 117 117 91 91 94 94 percen com posr ti on, inn percent, Age composition, t, byy nnumber I I II I I II+ 111+ 6.6 6.6 1 ,L.4 11.4 17,7 17.7 29.L 29.1 39.5 39.5 27.4 27.4 26.9 26.9 7 3 .B 73.8 58.6 58.6 65.0 65.0 53.9 53.9 49.3 49.3 49.9 49.9 61.3 61.3 196 . 19.6 3 0.0 30.0 L7.3 17.3 17.0 17.0 ll.2 11.2 22.7 22.7 11.8 11.8 I o o o T a b l e 9. Table 9. o i'ionth onth ApriI April May May .June June o S per p o u n dand C o u n tper Count perce'ntage pound and percent age class cl ass by by number number of of area ar ea 20 20 (p o rt Orford) sh ri mp(Port 0 rfor d) as shrimp as summarized summari zed from from monthly monthlymarket m ar ket ssamples. amples. ilumberr sampled - sagl_led i'io amp'les 10 s samples 408 408 i',lo sa mpel s i'o samples July July 401 401 Augus i'lo samples Augustt Wo samples September September 200 200 0ctober October 4A4 404 sh rl mp Shrimp per pound pounci per - 137 l3; - 109 109 - si 94 108 108 compos oll , inn percent, percent, by number Age composition, I It II ? I - 7,1 7.1 - 5.0 5.0 - 2 3.; 23.0 4 0 .B 40.8 - 80.6 80.6 I111+ II+ - nlz 12.3 - - 76.0 7 6.0 19.0 19.0 - ools 60.5 4 6 .3 46.3 - rols 16.5 t2.9 12.9