FÔREGONJ Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission November 4, 2005 I I EXHIBIT I [Fish &WIIdUte1 SUBJECT Bay Clam Dive Fishery PRINCIPAL STAFF PERSON Jean McCrae, Developmental Fisheries COMMISSION ACTION REQUESTED Adopt rules removing bay clams from developmental fisheries species list and establishing limited entry system for the commercial bay clam dive fishery. DOCUMENTS ATTACHED 1. Phone: (541) 867-4741 Agenda Item Summary 2. Notice of Proposed Rulemaking 3. Statement of Need and Fiscal Impact 4. Proposed Administrative Rules 5. Public Comments RELATED STATUTES ORS 496.146, 506.036, 506.109, 506.119, 506.129, and 506.450 through RELATED RULES OAR Chapter 635, Divisions 005 and 006 506.465 Read and Approved by: Redacted for privacy Date /g2CC Division Administrator AttorneyGeneral Director ave Saptd7L4 __Redacted for privacy Date ________Date 10-27-05 tOJZSJt7ff Attachment 1 Agenda Item Summary BACKGROUND This agenda item presents proposed rule changes to developmental fisheries regulations based on recommendations by the Developmental Fisheries Board, developed through a number of public meetings. The Board was created by the 1993 Legislatute to make recommendations to the Fish and Wildlife Commission on developmental fisheries. State policy requires the Commission to institute a management system for developmental fishery resources that addresses both long term commercial and biological values and that protects the long term sustainability of those resources through planned commercial development when appropriate (ORS 506.455). PUBLIC INVOLVEMENT The Developmental Fisheries Board has held three public meetings so far in 2005 (February, May, and August). The Board received extensive public input at these meetings on issues outlined in this staff report. Minutes of Board meetings are available upon request. ISSUE 1 Whether to iemove bay clams from the developmental species list and create a limited entry system for the bay clam dive fishery (OAR 63 5-0060850 and 63 5-006-1005 through 1110) ANALYSIS In 2004, members of the bay clam dive fishery requested bay clams be moved off the developmental species list and placed in its own limited entry system. The industry contends the fishery has reached it full potential as it currently exists and they would like the permits to be transferable. In the six public meetings held in 2004 and 2005, the Board discussed numerous proposals developed by the industry and ODFW staff The Board recommends the fishery be moved into a limited entry system that is similar to the current permit structure. Background of Fishery ment Commercial harvest of bay clams (cockle, butter, gaper, littleneck, and softshell clams) has occurred in Oregon estuaries for many years (Table 1). Prior to 1985, a permit was not required. Beginning in 1985, a shellfish harvest permit was required, but there was no limit to the number of permits that could be issued. Except for an experimental fishery with suction dredge gear, most occurred in intertidal areas until the mid-l990s. In the mid- 1 990s, harvest from subtidal areas with dive gear began. Harvest from subtidal areas raised concerns because most harvest had been from intertidal areas and the subtidal clam population was considered broodstock for intertidal areas. As a result of the increased dive activity, the Oregon Fish and Wildlife Commission adopted a rule requiring a developmental fishery permit for the commercial harvest of bay clams beginning in 1996. The number of permits using dive gear was restricted; however, the number of intertidal harvest permits was left unrestricted. Initially, 20 permits, issued to individual divers, were authorized (Table 2). In 1997, the number of permits was reduced to 10, so permits could then be issued to a vessel where up to two divers could work off the same permit. Initially, all permits were issued for the entire coast. Tn 1999, five additional permits were added, but harvest under these new permits was restricted to south coast areas (south of Heceta Head). All available permits have been issued each year (Table 2). Most permit holders renew their permit for the next year by meeting the minimum annual renewal requirements: 5 landings of at least 100 pounds or an annual total of at least 2,500 pounds. Because most of the permit holders are meeting the renewal requirements, there have been only a few pennits available for new applicants through the lottery system in the last few years. Harvest Total harvest of bay clams has fluctuated over the years. There have been high total harvest levels over the last five years (Table 1). The method of harvest has changed from a mixture of dive and intertidal hand harvest to almost totally by dive harvest. Clam harvest using dive gear has accounted for an average of 96.2% of the total annual commercial bay clam harvest since 1996 (Table 3). The area of harvest has changed from 5-6 bays each year to almost all the harvest coming from Tillamook Bay (Port of Garibaldi). Except in 2004, over 90% of the harvest has come from Tillamook Bay each year sincel994 (Table 3). In 2004 there was a slight increase in harvest from Coos Bay (Port of Charleston). Cockle clams have made up the majority of the harvest, with butter clams comprising a significant proportion of the harvest in some years (Table 4). In 1996, quotas for cockle harvest with dive gear were established for Tillamook and Netarts bays. Effort The total number of permits issued has decreased since the dive fishery has developed (Table 1), From 1985 to 1995, the number of permits issued averaged over 100 per year. Since 1996, the number of intertidal permits has averaged 23 per year. It is difficult to quantify the actual number of divers involved in the fishery. On a vessel permit, up to two divers can work off of the vessels at any one time. Over the course of a year several different pairs of divers could work off the same vessel permit. Landings on fish tickets may be reflected by diver or by vessel. Also, a person with an individual permit may work off of, and make landing attributed to, a vessel permit. Even though effort data are not precise, it is evident from the landings the majority of the harvest can be attributed to a few individuals. Gear Harvest of bay clams has traditionally been by hand methods. k the mid1970s, experimental fishing was conducted using a high-powered suction thdge and water jet. Harvest with mechanical gear was discontinued because of concerns of the sporadic recruitment of gaper clams and overefficiency of the gear. hi more recent years, ODFW has also not allowed mechanical gear due to lack of data on sustainable harvest levels. In mid-2002, low-powered water jets were allowed on an experimental basis in Tillamook and Coos Bays. Quotas were established for each species of clams based on survey data in Tillamook Bay and on historical harvest levels in Coos Bay. Removing a Species from the Developmental Species List To remove a species from the Developmental Species list (OAR 635-006- 0840): The fishery needs to meet the definition of a developed fishery; or The species is being harvested in excess or optimum sustained yield; or The species is listed as threatened or endangered; or Continued commercial harvest may lead to gear conflict, habitat damage, excessive discard; or Excessive user group conflicts. The reason for removing the bay clams from the species list is because the dive fishery, as it currently exists, can be considered essentially developed. The definition of a developed fishery (OAR 635-006-08 10) is "a fishery where the level of participation, catch, and effort indicate the fishery has approached optimum sustained yield and/or there is sufficient biological information, information on harvest methods, gear types, and markets to develop a long-term management plan for the species.". While specific criteria have not been established to detemilne if a fishery meets the definition of a developed fishery, there are elements that help define a developed fishery versus an underdeveloped fishery. A developed fishery will have a least some periodic assessments, the level of harvest will be at or near optimum yield, a harvest program is established (which may include seasons, gear, size, bycatch restriction, or closed areas), and the participation in the fishery is basically stable. An underdeveloped fishery will have no assessments, the level of harvest will be less than optimum yield, no harvest program will be established, and participation in the fishery will vary from year to year. The individuals involved in the dive fishery have remained the same for some time. Of the ten coast-wide permits, eight individuals have had a permit for five years or more; five have had a permit for eight years. Basic life history of the major bay clam species is fairly well known and regulations have been established based on these characteristics (size limits & seasons). ifi addition, closed areas have been established for the dive fishery as conservation areas. Periodic assessments of bay clams are currently intermittent. However, current harvest quotas are based on relatively recent surveys and future surveys are a priority for ODFWs new shellfish program. Even though harvest levels could very well be increased with updated survey data, current harvest levels are near optimum levels given the current survey data. Proposed Limited Entry System Once a species is removed from the list, a management plan needs to be established (OAR 635-006-0840). With considerable input from the public, especially the commercial clam industry, the Developmental Fisheries Board recommends putting the bay clath dive fishery into a limited entry system with a structure similar to the current developmental permits. The limited entry system would consist of the following details: Definition of the fishery A limited entry permit will be needed to commercially harvest bay clams (cockle, butter, gaper, littleneck, & softshell clams) from subtidal areas in Oregon estuaries using dive gear. Intertidal harvest by hand would remain unlimited. Pennit ReQuirement Up to 10 permits will be issued to commercially harvest bay clam in any estuary (coast-wide permits). Up to 5 permits will be issued to commercially harvest bay clams in estuaries south of Heceta Head (south coast pennits). Permits may be issued to an individual or to a vessel, designated at the beginning of the year. Designation may not change during the year. Limit of two divers operating off a vessel in the water at any one time. Eligibility for Permit An individual or vessel is eligible for a coast-wide limited entry permit if they had a coast-wide Developmental Fisheries bay clam dive permit in 2005 (and met renewal requirements). An individual or vessel is eligible for a south-coast limited entry permit if they had a south-coast Developmental Fisheries bay clam dive permit in 2005 (and met renewal requirements). Renewal of Permits Annual renewal requirements will be five landings of at least 100 pounds or an annual total of 2,500 pounds. Renewal requirements will be waived in the case of the death of the permit holder. ppeals Process Appeals will be heard by a hearings officer with final decision by the Commission. Issuing New Permits New permits will be issued through a lottery. Transfer Provisions Permits will be filly transferable. Temporary transfers for medical reasons will be allowed for individual permits. lcs Logbooks will be required. Logbooks will need to be turned in, to renew the permit. Other regulations Existing permit stipulations for bycatch, closed areas, size limits, and annual quotas in Tillamook and Netarts will be added to shellfish OARs. OPTIONS 1. Amend rules to remove bay clams from the developmental fisheries species list and create a limited entry system for the bay clam dive fishery. 2. No action: status quo - bay clams would remain under developmental fisheries. Option 1. STAFF RECOMMENDATION DRAFT MOTION EFFECTIVE DATE I move to amend OAR Divisions 005 and 006 as proposed by staff in Attachment 4, to remove bay clams from the developmental fisheries species list and establish a limited entry system for the commercial bay clam dive fishery [with the following changes...] Jaunary 1,2006 Appendix Tables to Attachment 1 Table 1. Oregon commercial clam harvest and effort, 1970-2005. Pounds harvested Number of harvesters 40 50 37 258 230 100.3 124.0 354 174.8 1973 25,884 28,526 61,523 17,156 19 187 1974 16,315 23 182 1975 25,908 88,054 85,733 216,926 94,912 80,467 81,138 134,105 136,185 120,574 99,254 82,829 46,283 44,696 60,482 72,756 87,842 62,044 127,730 180,934 126,967 66,733 75,681 55,246 87,531 110,666 120,040 153,830 190,750 19 91.7 39.6 227.3 946.8 304.0 943.2 741.5 442.1 222.5 245.3 Year 1970 1971 1972 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 35 yr average 20 yr average 15 yr average 169,061 92,413 100,971 112,406 Number of landings 7 116 97 29 155 15 218 19 128 36 30 46 336 538 41 811 30 44 36 34 28 24 704 614 664 385 258 38 176 Average pounds per landing Number of pemiits dive intertidal - - - - - 168.0 171.3 - 161.7 65 124.7 65 120.2 173.2 121 221 273.7 111 189.5 92 40 29 384 473 410 185.7 126 151.3 115 38 733 174.3 111 32 24 428.8 113 11 422 393 450 288 233 20 291 18 324 295 382 374 568 21 10 12 18 19 33 323.1 148.3 136 132 20 13 262.8 237.1 11 10 10 300.8 341.6 15 15 22 30 20 406.9 402.7 510.0 297.6 15 6 15 35 15 23 15 49 Table 2. Numbers of pennits, renewals, and applications for bay clam dive permits, 1996-2005. permits issued Year *sc *cw 20 1996 1997 1998 1999 - - - 5 7 5 5 7 9 5 5 8 3 8 0 5 8 5 5 9 10 11 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 *cw_coast wide; permits issued through lottery cw sc permits renewed from previous year cw sc - - applications for lottery cw Sc - - 2 - 15 - - 3 1 3 0 3 1 2 0 5 11 5 2 2 2 2 12 7 7 7 3 9 4 1 1 17 13 5 0 0 - - 5 3 sc-south coast Table 3. Percent landin2s. by nort. for the commercial bay clam dive fishery. 1992-2004 Year Nehalem Garibaldi Netarts Newport Waldport 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 14.3 0.7 4.5 12.1 1.1 2000 1.0 2001 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.5 65.6 65.8 92.2 93.0 94.6 93.8 91.5 90.3 96.7 95.8 95.4 93.7 87.7 2002 2003 2004 29.0 3.6 6.5 1.8 6.2 7.3 1.9 Winchester Charleston 6.3 51.6 0.6 112.1 162.2 124.7 0.7 1.3 2.9 5.6 1.1 2.1 2.2 2.0 1.2 7.8 2.0 3.0 4.1 6.0 11.8 0.3 0.5 Total lbs (thousands) 66.5 74.4 54.2 85.9 107.6 119.2 153.8 186.3 131.0 Table 4. Percent landings, by species, for the commercial bay clam dive fishery, 1992-2004. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 softshell butter littleneck gaper 0,1 0.5 5.3 17.2 32.6 3.7 7.3 6.7 12.3 10.9 3.7 1.0 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.4 17.9 4.8 0.8 - 1.1 - - - 6.3 2.1 17.0 53.4 44.8 37.4 22.1 22.5 48.5 27.4 10.1 5.2 5.7 4.7 8.0 3.6 3.7 9.0 8.0 7.4 cockle 64.4 57.2 94.3 76.3 86.0 64.7 31.0 43.5 58.0 73.4 67.8 43.1 64.8 % harvest with dive gear 81.4 87.8 89.6 98.7 99.6 99.2 98.1 97.2 97.9 99,3 99.1 97.7 77.5 Attachment 1I Appendix Tables to Attachment Oregon commercial commercial clam clam harvest harvest and and effort, effort, 1970-2005. 1970-2005. Table Table 1. Oregon Year 1970 1971 1972 1973 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 35 yr average 20 yr average 15 15 yr yr average Pounds harvested Number Number of of harvesters 25,884 28,526 61,523 17,156 16,315 25,908 88,054 85,733 216,926 94,912 80,467 81,138 134,105 136,185 120,574 99,254 82,829 46,283 44,696 60,482 72,756 87,842 62,044 127,730 180,934 126,967 66,733 75,681 55,246 87,531 110,666 120,040 153,830 190,750 169,061 40 50 37 19 23 19 7 29 15 19 36 30 46 41 30 44 36 34 92,413 100,971 112,406 28 24 38 40 29 38 32 24 21 10 11 20 18 12 18 19 33 Number of landings landmgs 258 230 354 187 182 116 97 155 218 128 176 336 538 811 704 614 664 385 258 221 384 473 410 733 422 393 450 288 233 291 324 295 382 374 568 Average pounds per landmg landing 100.3 124.0 174.8 91.7 39.6 227.3 946.8 304.0 943.2 741.5 442.1 222.5 245.3 168.0 171.3 161.7 124.7 120.2 173.2 273.7 189.5 185.7 151.3 174.3 428.8 323.1 148.3 262.8 237.1 300.8 341.6 406.9 402.7 510.0 297.6 Number of of permits dive I intertidal --- - - - - -- - -- - --- - - - 65 65 121 136 111 92 126 115 111 113 132 20 11 10 15 15 15 15 15 15 13 10 22 30 20 6 35 23 49 Iam d' [,or bay b aycclam Ive permIts, 19962005 appllcatlOns for 0 f:permits, permIts, renewals, renewa s, and and applications Table 2. 2. Numbers dive permits, 1996-2005. Table Numb ers of Year from from previous prevpjea_ year *5 *cw 'cw 'sc 20 1996 1997 II 11 10 1998 1999 10 5 10 2000 5 10 2001 5 10 2002 5 2003 10 55 2004 10 55 10 55 2005 *cwcoast *cw-coast wide; wIde; SC-SQuth sc-south coast cw 5 7 7 9 88 88 88 9 10 applications lottery for loftery sc cw CW permits issued pennits permits renewed permits issued through lottery sc SC cw sc - - - - - - - - 2 - 15 - 12 7 7 7 II 11 17 13 - - - 3 - I1 3 33 0 2 4 55 33 0 2 0 5 33 I1 0 I1 2 2 2 I1 0 - - - - 55 - 55 9 3 - . Ibay bavc rt for [,orthe tb ecommercial d'lYefishery, fiISh erv, 1992-2004. 1992-2004 an mgs by T abl e 3. 3 Percent P ercentId' am dive commerCIa Table landings, port, clam bwpo Year 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 Nehalem Garibaldi Netarts Newport Waldport 14.3 29.0 3.6 6.5 1.8 6.2 7.3 1.9 1,9 1,0 1.0 0.7 0.4 0.3 0.5 65.6 65.8 92.2 93.0 94.6 93.8 91.5 90.3 96.7 95.8 95.4 93.7 87.7 0.7 4.5 12.1 0.7 1.3 5.6 2.1 l.l 1.1 6.3 2.2 2.0 0.6 2.9 l.l 1.1 Wiuchester Winchester Charleston 1.2 7.8 2.0 3.0 4.1 6.0 11.8 0.3 0.5 Totallbs Total lbs (thousands) 51.6 112.1 162.2 124.7 66.5 74.4 54.2 85.9 107.6 119.2 153.8 186.3 131.0 Percentlandings, landings, by by species, species, for for the the commercial bay clam dive fishery, fishery, Table 4. Percent 1992-2004. 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 softsbell softshell 0.1 - - - - - - - - - - bntter buffer 0.5 5.3 1,1 l.l 6.3 2.1 17.0 53.4 44.8 37.4 22.1 22.5 48.5 27.4 littleneck 17.2 32.6 3.7 7.3 6.7 12.3 10.9 3.7 1.0 0.7 0.3 0.3 0.4 gaper 17.9 17,9 4.8 . 0.8 10.1 10,1 5.2 5.7 4.7 8.0 3.6 3.7 9.0 8.0 7.4 cockle èockle 64.4 57.2 . 94.3 94,3 76.3 86.0 64.7 31.0 43.5 58.0 73.4 67.8 43.1 64.8 % harvest with dive gear 81.4 87.8 89.6 98.7 99.6 99.2 98.1 97.2 97.9 99.3 99.1 97.7 77.5 Attacl:u:rent Attachttent 22 of State Secretary of OF PROPOSED RIJLEMAIGNG RULEMAKING HEARING* NOTICE OF A Statement Need and and Fiscal Impact Impact accompanies accompanies this this form. fonn. Statement of ofNeed ofFish Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife (ODFW) Fish Division 635 Agency and alld Division Administrative Rules Rules Chapter ChapterNumber Number Marci Wightman (503) 947-6034 Rules Rules Coordinator Telephone 3406 Cherry Avenue 97303 Avenue NE, NE, Salem, Salem, OR OR 97303 Address 11/04/05 8:00 am Hearing Date Time Columbia Co. Co. Fairgrounds Pavilion Building 58892 58892 Saulser Road St. St. Helens, OR Fish and Wildlife Commission Hearings Officer Location Are auxiliary auxiliary aids aids for persons with with" disabilities available upon upon advance advance request? request? Yes No RULEMAKING ACTION ADOPT: Secure rule numbers numberswith withthe the Adnilniatrative Administrative Rules Rules Unit Unitprior prior to to filing. filing. Secure approval approval of ofrule Rules in Chapter 635, Divisions 005 and 006 F I LED FILED SEP Z005 SEP 11 442005 AMEND: ARCHIVES DIVISION ARCHIVES DIVISION SECRETARY OF STATE SECRETARY OF Rules in Chapter 635, Divisions 005 and 006 REPEAL: Rules in Chapter 635, Divisions 005 005 and 006 be repealed repealed as as determined deterrninedjustified. 006 may maybe justified. Renumber: rulenumbers numberswith witllthe theAdministrative AdmillistrativeReles RulesUnit Unitpsior priorto to filing. filing. Rents mber: Secure Secure approval approval of cfrule and Renumber: Renumber;Secure Secureapproval approvalofrule of rulenumbers numberswith withthe tJ1CAdministrative Administrative Rules Rules Unit Unit prior to filing. filing. Amend and ORS ORS 506.465 ORS 506.036, 506.036, ORS 506.109, ORS 506.119, ORS 506.129, ORS 506.450 thru ORS Auth.; ORS ORS Stat. Auth.: Other Authority ORS 506.119, 506.119, ORS ORS 506.129, ORS 506.450 506.450 thru thru ORS ORS 506.465 506.465 ORS 506.036, ORS 506.109, ORS Slats. Implemented: Stats, RULE SUMMARY Remove bay clams from developmental fisheries species list and adopt rules establishing establishing limited limited entry entry system system for and technical corrections corrections to the regulations may occur for the commercial bay clam dive fishery. fishery. Housekeeping and to ensure rule consistency. ORS public comment comment on on whether whether other options options should should be be considered considered for for achieving achieving the the rule's rule's substantive goals while while reducing negative negative ORS I183.335(2)(G) 83.335(2)(G) requests public business. economic of the rule on business. economic impact of 4, 2005 November 4. Last Day Day for for Public Public COIllll1ent Comment Redacted for privacy (I Signature and Date June LeTarte "'The Bul/eli!! isis pubt published theOregon OregonAdmin Administrative Rules submiued to the Adniintatrative Administrative Rules Stilte eThe Oregon Oregon au/foist inhcd o~ un the the 1st t etof oreach each mo~th month and and updates epdateothe therule rub texl tent found ftetd ininttte ratrattee Re tea Compilation. Comptiattun- Notice Notice forms retina must be submitted Retsa Unit, Oregon State 800 Sunmn's Sl.lmmerStreet Street NE, NE,Saints, Salem,Oregon Oregon97310 97310by byRot 5:00 thet 5th 15thday daycr5/se oflbepp'eceding preceding month mo~tb sn/ens I.llliess this tbis desdtsne deadline fe/ta falls one On aSaturday, Saturday, Sssday Sunday or or tegat legal hoLiday holiday when Ne/ice NOlice rornre foI1Tl.l are on Archives, ItO propmono~the sre accepted until 5:00pm et the preceding ps'eceding workday workday920-1997 ARC 920' 1997 Attachnent Attacl:1Irent 3 3 Secretary of of State AND FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT OF NEED AND A Notice of Proposed Proposed Rulemaking Rulemaking Hearing Hearingora ora Notice of Proposed Proposed Rulemaking Rulemaking accompanies accompanies this this form. form, Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife - Fish Division 635 Division Agency and Dirision Administrative Rules Chapter Number In the the Matter Matter of amendment amendment of OAR Chapter 635, Divisions 005 005 and 006 006 relating to Developmental Fisheries Program and Commercial Shellfish Fishery Statutory Authority, Statutes Implemented, of Need, Statement of Principal Documents Relied Upon, Statement of Fiscal Impact )) )) )) ) ) )) Statutory Authority:ORS ORS506.036, 506.036,ORS ORS506.109, 506.109,ORS ORS506.119, 506.119,ORS ORS506.129, 506.129, ORS ORS 506.450 506.450 thruORS thru ORS 506.465 506.465 Statutory Authority: Authority: Other Authority: Statutes Implemented: Implemented:ORS Statutes ORS 506.036, 506.036,ORS ORS506.109, 506.109,ORS ORS506.119, 506.119,ORS ORS506.129, 506.129,ORS ORS 506.450 506.450 thru thru ORS ORS 506.465 506.465 Need for the Rule(s): Program regulations; regulations; These rules are needed to implement changes in the Developmental Fisheries Program from the the developmental developmental species list list and and adopt adopt rules rules establishing establishing aa limited limited entry entry to remove bay clams from bay clam clam dive dive fishery. fishery. system for the commercial bay Documents Relied Upon: Staff report 4, 2005 2005 repOrtfor forthe the Oregon Oregon Fish Fish and and Wildlife Wildlife Commission Meeting of of November November 4, available for public inspection in in the the Department Department of.Fish ofFish and and WIldlife, WIldlife, Fish Fish The above document is available Division, 3406 Cherry Avenue Avenue NE, NE, Salem, Salem, OR, OR, between between 8:00 8:00 a.m. a.m. and and 4:30 4:30 p.m., p.m., on on normal normal Division, 3406 Cherry working days, Monday through Friday. Attached Fiscal and Economic Impact: Attached Advisory Committee Committee consulted?: Administrative Rule Advisory If not, why?: If Yes, bay clams clams from from the the Yes, the Developmental Fisheries Board met and considered requests to remove bay developmental species list and adopt rules establishing a limited entry system for for the the commercial commercial bay clam dive fishery. Redacted for privacy June LeTarte leTarte Administrativ~Rates Rule.! Unit, Unit,Archives ArchivesDivision, Division, SeCrel.a1)'ofState, of State,800 800Summer SummerStreet StreetNE, NE,Salem, Salem,Orego, Oregon9731097310 Administmtive Secrerasy ARC _ 1997 ARC 925 925997 Economic Impact Statement for the November 4,2005 4, 2005 Hearing in the Matter of the Amendment of of Rules Relating Relatin.g to to the Developmental Fisheries Program and the Commercial Commercial Shellfish Shellfish Fishery Fishery Fiscal economic impact: impact: The The rules rules are needed needed to remove remove bay clams clams from from the the Fiscal and economic developmental adopt rules rules establishing establishing a limited limited entry system for the the developmental species species list list and and adopt commercial conm-iercialbay bayclam clamdive divefishery. fishery.The Theproposed proposedrules rules will will affect affect state state agencies, agencies, units units of local government and the public, respectively, as discussed below. a. The state agency agency which affected by The only state which should should be be affected by adoption adoption of of these these rules rules is is the Oregon Department Department ofFish of Fish and and Wildlife. Wildlife. The main cost to the agency ofthis of this rule change change would involve oftheinfom1ation systems required to issue issue clam permits and invqlve modification of theinfomrntion systems to process fish fish· tickets. tickets. Clam Clam permits permits are are unique unique because because they can be issued issued and and to process they can transferred individuals and vessels. vessels. Therefore, Therefore, aa special special temporary temporary solution solution will will transferred to to both individuals until clam clam permits permits can can be be incorporated incorporated into into an an integrated integrated system system that that will will be be be required until developed year. This full time employees employees at the Information Information developed next year. This work will require two frill Services level for for 160 160 hours. hours. The The cost cost of ofpersonal personalservices services will will be beapproximately approximately Services 66 level $5,500. oflocal governmentare are expected expectedto to be be affected affected by by these these rules. rules. Nounits unitsof b. No local government c. The The public public could could be affected by the adoption adoption of these these rules. rules. In In the the long long run, run, be affected by the these rules rules is expected to to yield positive ecOnomic economic effects effects by by implementation of implementation of these is expected yield positive controlling controlling further further entry entry into into the the fishery. fishery. Since Since entry entry will will be limited and permits will be transferable, pennits transferable, pennits will will become become an an asset asset with with economic economic value. value. Owners Owners of a permit permit to other other fishermen. fishermen. Those Those who wish to to enter enter the the would profit from from its its transfer transfer to would be able profit perruit would would depend depend on the the fishery would fishery would incur incur the the permit permit cost. cost. The The value value of aa permit of benefits fishery. It is not possible to associated flow Of benefits gained gained by using using the permit in the fishery. calculate potential not available. available. Those Those calculate potential owner owner benefits benefits because because fishery fishery cost cost data data are not permits that that include the entire Oregon coast will will have have a greater value value than those that are permits Oregon coast of Heceta Head. constrained to areas south of The rules are believed to be fully compatible with legislative direction direction on on the goals goals of fish fish and wildlife management in Oregon. Wedo donot notbelieve believethat thata aless lessintrusive intrusiveororless lesscostly costlyalternative alternative adaptation adaptation to only only small W consistent with with the the purpose purpose of of the the rule. rule. business is consistent Most businesses affected by these rules rules are are believed believed to to be be "small business." Attachment 4 DEPARTMENT OF FISH FISH AND WILDLIFE DIVISION 005 COMMERCIAL SHELLFISH FISHERY Clam Fishery Clam 635-005-0020 635·005·0020 Closed Seasons and Areas ItIt is is unlawful unlawful to take for commercial purposes: 30,except except[as-authorized [as authorizedundoc-a--Dovolopmentak--isheriec under a Developmental Fisheries Pecmit Permit Gaper clams clams from from January January11through throughJune June30, (1) Gaper entry bay bay clam clam dive divefishery fisherypermit permit(OAR (OAR635-006-1015), 635·006·1015), an {OAR 635005 0900lJ under {QAR-6a-Qg-oQoo)} under aa limited entry an incidental catch gaper clam clam per eight butter clams, clams, or 25 25 pounds of gaper clams catch of one paper clams per 100 100 pounds pounds of of butter butter clams, clams, whichever allows the the greater greater gaper clam incidental catch. catch, (2) Razor Razor clams clams from from July 15 through September September30 15 through 30 inthe inthearea areanorth northofofTillamook TillamookHead HeadininClatsop ClatsopCounty. County. (2) (3) (3) Any clams from: (a) (a) Little Little Nestucca Bay; (b) Big Big Nestucca Bay; (b) (c) (c) Netarts Netarts Bay, Bay, except cockles may be taken; River and Bay; Bay; (d) Salmon River (e) Siletz River and Bay; Bay; All state state parks south of of Tillamook Head. (f) All (1) TillamookBay, Bay, under underaabay bayclam clamdive divepermit permit(OAR (OAR635-006-1 635·006-1015), areas: (4) Bay Bay clams clams in Tillamook 01 5),from from the the following following areas: (!!) the floating toilet toilet site site south south to toSandstone Sandstone Point Point and and 500 500 feet feet westward westward from from the the (a) The The "Ghost "Ghost Hole" Hole" from from the Highway 101 101 shoreline; shoreline; (Q) Thearea area east east of ofaa line line connecting connecting the the Coast Coast Guard Guard tower on the north jetty jetty and and buoy marker 13; 13; () The (f.) harvest area area near near Kincheloe Point. Point. (c) An An area area 100 100 feet feet around around and and inclUding including the recreational clam harvest (§.) in Netarts Netarts Bay, Bay, under underaabay bayclam clamdive divepermit permit(OAR (OAR635-006-1 635-006·1015), areas: (5) Cockle clams in 01 5),from from the the following following areas: (!!) reserve and and across across (a) An An area area extending extending 500 500 feet feet to to the the north north adjacent adjacent to to Oregon Oregon State State University's University's shellfish reserve the entire width of of the the bay; bay; (!?) (b) Areas Areas of heavy recreational harvest. (§) Coos Bay, Bay, under underaabay bayclam clam dive divepermit permit(OAR (OAR635-006-1 635-006·1015), areas; (6) Bay clams in Coos 01 5),from fromthe the following following areas: (!!) (a) In In depths depths less than 10 feet from from mean mean lower low water; (!?) bridge, (b) The The area area of of South South Slough Slough east of of the the Charleston bridge. Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.109, 506.109, 506.119 506.119 Stats. Implemented: ORS 506.129 506.129 Hist.: 635-005·0030 635-005-0030 Size Size Limit Limit legal size size of of razor razor clams clams taken taken for for commercial commercial purposes purposes isis 3-314 3-3/4 inches from tip to tip of of the the shell. shell. ItIt isis (1) The minimum legal clams taken unlawful to possess any razor clams taken for commercial commercial purposes purposes which which are are less less than than the the minimum minimum legal legal size. size. (2) is no no size sizo limit limit on on clams -elamsother otherthan than razor razor clams.] clams] The Theminimum minimumlegal legalsize sizeofofcockle cockle clams clams taken taken for (2) [Thoro [There is commercial under a bay bay clam clam dive dive permit permit(OAR (OAR635-006-1015) 635-006.1015) is 2-1/4 inches widest commercial purposes purposes under is 2-114 inches at at the widest dimension. unlawful to to possess possess any any cockle cockle clams clams taken taken for for commercial commercial purposes purposes under under aa bay bay clam clam dive dive dimension. It is unlawful permit which are less than the minimum legal size. (31 The minimum legal size of gaper clams taken for commercial purposes under a bay clam dive permit (OAR 635·006·1015) is 4 inches at the widest dimension. It is unlawful to possess any gaper clams taken for commercial purposes under a bay clam dive permit which are less than the minimum legal size. Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 506.119 and 506.129 506.129 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: 635-005-0032 Catch Catch Limits (1) Bay, the annual quota for for cockle cockle clams clams harvested harvested by bythe thebay bayclam clamdive divefishery fishery(OAR (OAR635-006635-006(1) In In Netarts Netarts Bay, 1015) 1015) is is 8,000 8,000 pounds. pounds. (g) Bay, the cockle clams clams harvested harvested by by the the bay bayclam clam dive divefishery fishery(OAR (OAR 635-006635-006(2) In In Tillamook Tillamook Bay, the annual quota for cockle 90,000 pounds, 1015) 1015) is 90.000 pounds. (;!) (3) Staff Staff will will initiate rulemaking rulemaking to to close close the the commercial commercial season season for for cockle cockle clams clamsfor foran an area area when when the the qUota quota is reached, reached. Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.109, 506.119 ORS 506.109, Stats. Implemented: ORS ORS 506.129 506.129 Hist.: DEPARTMENT OF OF FISH FISH AND AND WILDLIFE WILDLIFE DIVISION 006 Developmental Developmental Fisheries Program 635-006-0810 Definitions (1) purposes of OAR 635-006-0820 through [635-666-6960] [635 006 0950] OAR 635-006-1210 635-006-1210 the the following following definitions definitions shall shall (1) For the purposes apply: (g) meansaafishery fishery under under aa limited limited entry entry system system according according to to the the provision provision of of aa federal fishery (2) [(-'1-)] [(4)] "Actively managed" managed means management plan. plan. (;!) means cockle clams clams (C!k,ocardjum (Clinocardium mitral/il), nuttallil), butter butter clams clams (Saxidonus (Saxidonus giganteus), giganteus), gaper gaper clams clams (3) "Bay "Bay clams" means (Tresus capas, nuttallii), native littleneck clams (Protothaca stamines), and softshell clams (Mva arenaria). (1;) [(2)] [(~)] Board" "Board"means meansthe theDevelopmental Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Board Board appointed appointed by by the the Commission. Commission. (4) (§J [(3)] "Commission" means means the Oregon Oregon Fish Fish and Wildlife Commission. (5) (§) [(4)] "Department" meansthe theOregon OregonDepartment Departmentof ofFish Fish and and Wildlife. Wildlife. (6) [)]"Department" means (Z) [(5)] [(5)]"Developed "Developed fishery" fishery"means meansaafishery fisherywhere wherethe thelevel levelofofparticipation, participation,catch, catch,and andeffort effortindicate indicatethe thefishery fisheryhas has (j) biological information, information, information information on harvest methods, methods, approached optimum optimum sustained sustained yield yield and/or there is sufficient biological approached long-term management plan plan for the species. gear types, and markets to develop a long-term @ [(6)] [(a)] "Developmental fisheries species" means food fish species adopted by by the the Commission Commission to to be be managed managed under under (8) Program. the Developmental Fisheries Program. (l!) [(+)] "Director" means means the the Director Director of of the the Oregon Oregon Department Department of Fish and Wildlife. [(i)] "Director" ifi) (1Q) [(8)] [(6)] "Domestic partner" means an individual who, with a permit holder has formed a partnership partnership in in which (10) who, together with which both: (a) Are at least 18 years of age; (b) share a close personal relationship and are responsible for each other's welfare; (c) are each other's sole domestic partner; partner; (d) are not not married married to to anyone anyone and and neither neither has has had had another another domestic domestic partner or aa spouse spouse within within in in the the previous previous six six (d) months; closer than than would bar marriage marriage under ORS ORS 106.020; (e) are not related by blood closer 106.020; (fjhave:sf"laie:dahoUseholdf6raFleasFsTxrrr6i1fhs;arid' ... .. .. ... . .. ..... (f)hav&share&ahousehottfor adeastsirmonths; (g) financially responsible for basic living living expenses, expenses, including including expenses shelter, and (g) are jointly financially expenses for food, food, shelter, and maintaining maintaining a household. (11) [(9)] "Immediate "Immediate family" family" means means aa permit permit holder's holder's spouse, spouse, domestic domestic partner, partner, children, children, father, father, mother, mother, brother, brother, (11) [(9)] sister, stepchildren, and grandchildren. (ll) an estimate of of the largest largest average average annual annual catch catch or or yield yield that that can can [(40)] "Maximum sustainable yield" (MSY) means an (j [(W)] be taken over a significant period of of time from each stock under under prevailing ecologicaland ecological andenvironmental environmentalconditions. conditions. (13) [(-'1--'1-)] "Underutilized "Underutilized species" group of species species that is is not not presently presently harvested harvested in (13) [(44)] species" means means aa food food fish fish species species or or group significant quantities due due to to poor markets gear development development or or may may be be caught significant quantities markets or inadequate inadequate gear caught but not utilized utilized due to poor markets. [(~)] "Optimum provide the greatest greatest (14) (14) [(1-2)] "Optimumsustained sustainedyield" yield" (OSY) (OSY)means meansthe the desired desired catch catch level level of of a fishery that will provide economic, social, considerations that overall benefit to the state taking into account economic, overall social, and and ecological considerations that will will maintain maintain aa level level population that insures the long-term long-term productivity productivity of the sustain itself into into the of population the stock and and does does not impair its ability to sustain the future. (15) [(-'1-3)] "Overfishing" "Overfishing" means a level or rate of fishing mortality mortality that jeopardizes the the long-term long-term capacity capacity of aa stock stock or or (15) [(43)] stock complex to produce MSY. Stat. Auth.: ORS Stat. 506.109,506.119, 506.455, and 506.465 506.465 ORS 506.109, 506.119, 506.450, 506.450,506.455, Stats. Implemented: ORS ORS596.12g; 596.129; Hist.: 635·006·0850 635-006-0850 Developmental Fisheries Species Species List Developmental (1) Developmental Fisheries Fisheries species, restrictions, and and landing landing requirements requirements for renewal of (1) The Developmental species, permit permit and and gear restrictions, for renewal Category A permits are as as follows: (a) FISH (A) Pacific hagfish hagfish (Eptatretus (Eptatretus stout!) stouti) fishery has aa qualifying qualifying requirement requirement of of five five landings. landings. Annual Annual renewal renewal (A) Pacific fishery has requirements are five landings of at least least 1,000 1,000 pounds pounds each or or aa total total of of 25,000 25,000 pounds. pounds. In In addition, addition, landings landings must must be be requirements Hagfish permits permits are are valid valid for for 90 90 days days from from date date of of issue, issue, unless unless five five landings landings made in made in at least three different months. months. Hagfish 90 days days from from date date of of issue, issue, inin which which case case of at least 1,000 1,000 pounds pounds each each or or aa total total of of 25,000 25,000 pounds pounds are are made made within within 90 the the permit is valid valid for the remainder of the year. year. There are 25 permits for harvest of which which there there are are no no trawl trawl permits; permits; (B) Blue Blue shark shark (Prionace (Pr/onace glauca) glauca) fishery fishery has has aa qualifying qualifying and and annual annual renewal renewal requirement requirement of of either either five fivelandings landings (B) consisting of at least 500 pounds each landing or one landing consisting landing consisting of at at least least 5000 5000 pounds. pounds. There There are are 10 10 permits permits no high high seas seas drift drift net net permits permits and and no no large large mesh mesh gill gill net net permits. permits. No No permit permit isis needed needed for for for harvest of which there are are no required; hand lines or hand harvest. Experimental gear permits may be required; hand either five five landings landings (C) Swordfish Swordfish (Xiphias (X/phias glad/us) glad/us) fishery qualifying and and annual annual renewal renewal requirement requirement of either (C) fishery has has a qualifying 5000 pounds. pounds. Permits are valid valid for consisting of at least 500 pounds each landing or one landing consisting of at least 5000 consisting and and renewal renewal requirements requirements are are calculated calculated from from February February 1 through through January January 31 31 of the the following following year. year. There There are are 20 20 permits permits for for harvest by floating floating longline longline and and 10 permits for harvest by other gear. gear. Specially adapted adapted drift/gill drift/gill net may be be permitted. Five single-delivery single-delivery permits permits will will be be issued issued to to those those who who applied applied permitted. Experimental gear permits may be required. Five by Developmental Fishery Fishery Permit. Permit. Gill Gill net net gear gear must must conform conform to to California California gear gear by annual annual filing filing date, but did not receive a Developmental restrictions; (D) Northern anchovy anchovy (Engraulis (Engraulis mordax) mordax) and Pacific herring herring (Clupea qualifying and and annual annual (0) Northern and Pacific (Clupea pallasi) pallasi) fishery fishery has has a qualifying renewal renewal requirement requirement of either five five landings landings consisting consisting of of at at least least 500 500 pounds pounds each each landing landing or one one landing landing consisting consisting of at least 5000 pounds. pounds. There There are 15 15 permits permits for for ocean ocean harvest. harvest. Specially Specially adapted adapted small small mesh mesh drift/gill drift/gill net may be at least net may permitted. Experimental gear permits may be permitted. No permit is needed for hand lines or hand harvest. Experimental be required; required; (E) (Sardinops sagax) (E) Pacific sardine sardine (Sardinops sagax) fishery fishery has has a qualifying qualifying requirement requirement of of either either five five landings landings consisting consisting of of at at least least 500 pounds 500 pounds each each landing landing or or one one landing landing consisting consisting of of at at least least 5000 5000 pounds. pounds. Annual Annual renewal renewal requirements requirements are are five five ex-vessel price. landings 80,000 pounds pounds or landings landings totaling landings totaling totaling at at least 80,000 totaling at at least $25,000, $25,000, based based on on ex-vessel price. There There are are 20 20 permits be permitted. permitted. Experimental Experimental gear gear permits permits permits for ocean harvest. harvest. Specially Specially adapted adapted small small mesh mesh driftlgill drift/gill net net may may be the may be required. required. This rule rule incorporates, incorporates, by by reference, reference, the sardine sardine management management measures measures for 2004 2004 included included in the may extent they they are are Pacific Council Decisions for the November November 2003 Pacific Council List List of Decisions for the 2003 PFMG PFMC meeting, meeting,and and inin addition addition to to the the extent Federal Regulations, Regulations, Title 50 Part Part 660, 660, as as amended amended to to incorporate incorporate the the consistent consistentwith withthese theserules, rules,Code Code of of Federal Title 50 standards persons must must consult consult the the Federal Federal Regulations standards recommendations recommendationsofofthe the Pacific Pacific Council. Council. Therefore, Therefoe, persons Regulations in in addition to this rule Where regulations refer to to the addition to rule to to determine determine all all applicable applicable sardine sardine fishing fishing requirements. requirements. Where regulations refer the fishery nautical miles from from shore coterminous with the Exclusive management area, area, that area is extended from shore to three nautical be obtained obtained by by contacting contacting Economic Zone. of the the Pacific Pacific Council Council decisions decisions and and the the Federal Federal Regulations Regulations may may be Economic Zone. A copy of the . the Fish Fish Division at (503) 947-6200; (b) IN INVERTEBRATES VERTEBRATES and annual annual renewal renewal requirement requirement of of five five landings landings (A) crab (Lopho/ithodes (Lopho/ithodes foraminatus) foraminatus) fishery qualifying and (A) Box crab fishery has a qualifying consisting of at least 100 100 pounds each landing. There are 25 permits for harvest with pots pots only; (B) Grooved Grooved tanner crab crab (Chionoecetes (Ch/onoecetes tanneri), tannen), Oregon Oregon hair hair crab crab (Para/omis (Paralom/s mul/tspina) mulltsplna) and and scarlet scarlet king king crab crab (B) qualifying and annual annual renewal renewal requirement requirement of five landings landings consisting consisting of at at least least 100 100 (Lithodes couesl) (Lithodes couesi) fishery fishery has a qualifying pounds each landing. There are 10 permits for harvest with pots only; only; (C) Spot prawn prawn (Panda/us.platyceros) (Pandalus platyceras) fishery qualifying and and annual annual renewal renewal requirement requirement of five five landings landings (C) fishery has has a qualifying 100 pounds pounds (round (round weight) weight) each each landing landing or or one one landing landing consisting consisting of of at at least least 1000 1000 pounds. pounds. After After consisting of at least 100 be issued issued and and trawl trawl permits permits may maybe berenewed renewed as aspot potpermits. permits.After After2003, 2003, 2002, new permits permits for trawl trawl gear gear will will not not be 2002, pot gear gear only; only; no no new new permits permits will will be be issued issued until until the the number number of of permits permits issued issued is is below below 10, 10, permits will permits will be issued for pot after which which there there may may continue continue to to be be 10 10permits. permits. Permits Permits are arearea areaspecific. specific. Experimental Experimental gear gear permits permits may may be be after required. Permits are issued issued geographically, geographically, split at at Heceta Heceta Head Head with with 50 50 percent percent issued issued north north and and 50 50percent percentissued issued required. until after the the date of of the lottery; lottery; south of Heceta Head, until (0) Coonstripe (D) Coonstripe shrimp shrimp (Panda/us (Pandalus danae) danae) and sidestripe sidestripe shrimp shrimp (Pandalopsis (Panda/opsis dispar) dlspar) fishery fishery has has aa qualifying qualifying and and annual renewal renewal requirement requirement of five landings landings consisting (round weight) annual consisting of at least 100 pounds pounds (round weight) each each landing. landing. There There are are 10 pot gear; gear; 10 permits for harvest by pot [(EO) gay clams including cockle clams (C#Recardildm RldtfalNi), butter clams (SaxideRlds gigaR/elds), gaper clafflS (Treslds capas, Rldtfa!iii), naV-ve littleneck clams (Prefefhaca sfamines), and seftshell clams (M}'a areRaria) fishery has ne qualifying and annual renewal requirements fer intertidal hand harvest, an unlimited number ef permits, and a $25 permit fee. There are 11 permits (individual er vessel) fer subtidal dive harvest, effective March 1g, 1997 December 31, 1997, and 10 permits thereafter fer statewide harvest and five permits fer harvest seuth ef Heceta Head. Qualifying requirements are either five landings consisting ef at least 200 peunds each landing er an annualtetal ef 2500 peunds fer ene calendar year during the qualifying peried ef January 1, 1990 through Octeber 16,U 1995. Annual renm'lal requirements are either five landings consisting ef at least 100 peunds each landing er an annual total ef 2500 POHflE!;r. flflJMfliEW&M1Jfl]lIS*$IflP*(fâflUiJVPJC$M*S]WI5 !LIJJMtiL111fl!1 a .!S(LtIAJUd incidental catch catch of gaper clam clam per eight butter clams, pounds of 100 pounds pounds of of buttec butter of gaper gaper clams clams per 100 An incidental of one ono gapor clams, or 25 pounds clams, the greatergaper gaper clam clam incidental incidental catch, catch, isis allowed alloy/ed during during the the closed-season closed season notwithstanding notwithstanding clams, whichever whichever allows allows tho-géator OAR 635 635 005 0020;] (§ [fB] Giant Giantectopus octopus (Octopus (Octopus dofleini) doffeini) fishery fishery has has aa qualifying qualifying and and annual annuai renewal renewal requirement requirement of of five five landings landings () [(F-)] pounds each each landing. landing. There are 10 10 permits permits for for harvest harvest using using octopus octopus pets pots only; only; consisting of at least least 100 pounds (F) Marine snails snails (various (various species) species) fishery fishery has has aa qualifying qualifying and and annual annuai renewal renewal requirement requirement of of five five landings landings [(C)] Marine (f) [(G)] 100 pounds pounds each each landing. landing. There are 10 10 permits permits for for subtidal subtidal harvest harvest only; only; consisting of at least 100 (Q) [(14)] [(M)] Flat 3,000 pound pound annual annual quota quotalimit, limit,an an (G) Flatabaione abalone (Haliotis (Hal/otis wa/al/ensis) wala/Iensis) fishery fishery has has aa single single permit authorized, aa 3,000 annual 10 landings landings of of at at least ieast 20 20 pounds pounds each each landing, landing, aa 4-1/2 4-1/2 inch inch minimum minimum size, size, year-round year-round annual renewal renewal requirement of 10 abalone iron, iron, and and such such additional additional permit permit conditions conditions as as the the Director Director season, from nenintertidal nonintertidai areas areas with with an abalone season, taken taken from 635-006-870 and OAR OAR 635-006-0880. 635-006-0880. deems appropriate as required by by OAR OAR 635-006-870 Fisheries Species Species List, List, Category Category "B," "B," is is as as follows: follows: (2) The Developmental Fisheries (a) FISH (Lamna ditropis); ditropis); (A) (A) Salmon shark (Larnna (B) (B) Carp Carp (Gyprinus (Cyprinus carpio); (C) deani); (C) Black hagfish (Eptatretus deani); (D) Yellow perch (Perca f/avescens); ffavescens); (E) (E) Eelpouts Eelpouts (family Zoarcidae); (F) Brown Brown bullhead bullhead (Ameiurus nebulosus); nebu/osus); (F) (G) (G) Skilfish Skilfish (Erilepis zonifer); (H) Northern squawfish (Ptychochellus (Pfychochei/us oregonensis); ore gonensis); (I) (G%/abis saira); (I) Pacific saury (Co/olab/s (J) Pacific sandfish (Trichodon trichodon); (Trichodon trichodon); (K) Eulachon (Tha/eichthys (K) (Tha/eichthys pacificus), whitebait whitebait smelt smelt (Allosmerus (AI/osmerus a/on e/ongatus), gatus), night night smelt smelt (Spirinchus (Spirinchus starks/), starksl) ,Iongfin longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) tha/eichthys) and surf smelt (Hypomesus pretiosus); pretiosus); (l) (Bramajaponica); (L) Pacific Pacific pomfret (Bramajaponica); (M) Slender sole (Eopsetta (Eopsetta exilis). exi/is). (b) (b) INVERTEBRATES (Emerita ana/oga); ana/oga); (A) Pacific sand crab (Emerita (B) Freshwater mussels (families Margaritifera, Margaritifera, Anodonta, Gonidea, and and Corbicula); Corbicula); (Glinocardium nuttalli/); nuttallil); (C) Ocean cockle clams (Clinocardium (D) (Loligo opa/escens) (D) California market squid (Lo//go opalescens) and and other squid squid (several (several species); (AI/ocentrotus frag//is); fragilis); (E) Fragile urchin (A//ocentrotus (F) (F) Sea Sea cucumber (Parastichopus spp.). (3) (3) The The Developmental Fisheries Species List, Category "C," is as follows: (a) FISH (A) (A) Spiny dogfish (Squa/us (Squalus acanthias); (B) (Ga/eorhinus zyopterus); (B) Soupfin Soupfin shark (Galeorhinus zyoptsrus); (C) Skate (family Rajidae); (D) American shad (A/osa sapidissima); (E) Pacific cod (Gadus macrocephalus); micro/epis); (F) Pacific flatnose (Antimora micro/epis); greri-a dicr:Go'yph&eno/des acro-!episj;vvv (G)P<3cific :(Q) -Pa cifis gren<3dier(cCQrypbaenoides.acIo/epis); (H) Jack mackerel (Trachurus symmetricus); (I) Chub Chub (Pacific) mackerel (Scomber (I) japonicus); (Scomberjaponicus); (J) Greenstriped Greenstriped rockfish (Sebastes e/ongatus); (J) a/on gatus); (K) Redstripe Redstripe rockfish (Sebastes (K) (Sebastes pror/ger); proriger); (L) rockfish (Sebastesjordani); (l) Shortbelly Shortbelly rockfish (M) Sharpchin rockfish (Sebastes (M) (Sebastes zacentrus); (N) Splitnose rockfish (Sebastes diploproa); dip/oproa); (0) (0) Pacific Pacific sanddab sanddab (Githarichthys (Citharichthys sordidus); (P/euronectes isolepis); iso/epis); (P) Butter sole (Pleuronectes sale (P/euronectes vetulus); vetu/us); (Q) English sole (R) Rex sole (Errex zechirus); (5) (S) Rock Rock sole sole (Pleuronectes (P/euronectes bi/ineatus); bilineatus); (T) Sand sole (Psettichthys (Psettichthys me/anostictus); (U) Curlfin (lemon) sole (P/euronichthys (P/euronichthys decurrens; decurrens); (V) Spotted raffish ratfish (Hydro/a gus colliel); (Hydro/agus co/I/el); (W) Wolf-eel (Anarrhichthys (Anarrhichthys ocel/atus); oce//atus); (X) Walleye pollock (Theragra chalcogramma). cha/cogramma). - - -: - (b) INVERTEBRATES crab (Cancer (Cancer productus); productus); (A) Red rock crab urchins (Strongylocentrotus (Strongylocentrotus purpuratus); purpuratus); (B) Purple sea urchins (Pacifastacus Ieniusculus). lenlusculus). (C) Crayfish (Pacifastacus Sta!. Stat. Auth.: Auth.: ORS 506.109 and 506.119 Stats. Implemented: ORS ORS 506.129, 506.450, 506.455, 506.460, and and 506.465 506.465 His!.: Hist.: 635-006-0910 for Issuance, Issuance, Transfer Transfer and and Renewal Renewal of Developmental Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Species Species Permits Permits Procedures for (1) Applications: An applicant for aa permit permit must submit aa complete complete application application in in writing writing accompanied accompanied by an annual annual fee fee of of $75. $75. (a) mustsubmit (a) An [m<eept for bay clams which is $25.] TheThe application shall include thethe species ofof fish [eeep4_for_bay_e1acns_wIri4eh4s_$26.] application shall include species fishtotobebetaken, taken,the themethod method and and gear the area area from from which which the the Developmental Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Species Species are are to be be taken, taken, the the vessel vessel proposed used, and and the proposed to to be used, other information information as as the the Department Department may may require; require; operator, and other received postmarked postmarked or date-stamped (b) complete applications applications must be received (b) Except as listed below, complete date-stamped by by January January 1 of the to the the developmental developmental fishery fishery list in OAR OAR 635-006-0850, 635-006-0850, and year for new new species species added added to year of issue for list in and thereafter thereafter by by the the annual of February February 11 of of the the year year of of issue. issue. annual filing date of January11of ofthe theyear yearof ofissue; issue; and and (A) Applications for box crab permits must be be postmarked postmarked or date-stamped date-stamped by b January (B) Applications for new new hagfish hagfish permits permits will will be be accepted accepted on on aa first-come, first-come, first-serve first-serve basis. basis. application shall shall be be considered considered complete complete ifif it is legible, has has all information information requested requested on the form, form, and is is (c) (c) An application is legible, on the accompanied in full. full. Any Any application application which which is not not complete complete shall shall be be returned returned and, and, unless unless itit is accompanied by by the the required required fee fee in thereafter resubmitted resubmitted and and deemed deemed complete complete by by the the filing filing date, date, the the individual individual shall shall not not be be considered considered to to have have applied applied thereafter in in a timely manner; an applicant applicant must must first firsthave have obtained obtained the theappropriate appropriate vessel vessel license license (or (orindividual individual (d) for aa permit, permit, an (d) Before applying for is issued issued to to individual) individual) for for the the year year the the permit permit will will be be issued. issued. license if permit is is provided provided by by ODFW. ODFW. The The (e) Applications for new hagfish hagfish permits permits must include include a business business plan. plan. The plan plan format format is (e) Applications not limited limited to, to, aa description description of of vessels vessels and and gear gear currently currently owned owned or or expected expected to to business include, but but is not business plan plan may include, purchase, identification of of the the market, market, and and aa letter letter of of intent intent to to buy buy from from aaprocessor. processor. three work (f) designated in (f) The vessel operator designated in subsection subsection (a) (a) above above may may change change up up to to twice twice aa year, year, with with at least three days' notice by the permit holder holder to ODFW, Newport office. (2) Number of permits allowed: shall not not submit submit more more than than one one application, application, per per vessel (or (or per per person person for for individual individual permits), permits), for for each each (a) An individual shall developmental fishery species species gear gear category; category; (b) A permit permit holder holder who who holds holds aa valid valid developmental developmental fisheries fisheries permit permit may may not not apply apply for for any any additional additional permits permits for for the the an individual individual permit) permit) and and species species gear gear category category unless the the Department Department proposes proposes to deny deny same vessel (or person person for an same vessel that permit; awarded another another permit holder holder who who holds holds aa permit permit at at issue issue either either before before the the Commission Commission or or aa court court of oflaw, law, isisawarded (c) If aa permit permit for the same same species species gear gear category category through through the lottery lottery and theteafter thereafter prevails prevails before before the Commission Commission or permit or in court, holder shall shall immediately immediately surrender surrender one one of of the the permits permits to to any any Department Department office, office, so so that that only only one one valid valid court, the permit holder is held. held. permit per species species gear gear category category is (3) Issuance of permits: 'If the number of applications applications received new hagfish hagfish permits, if (a) Except for new received by by the the filing filing date date is is less less than than the the number number of of submitted complete permits available, all applicants who have submitted complete applications applications shall shall be be issued issued a permit within within 14 days of the filing date. be issued issued on on aa first-come, first-come, first-served first-served basis, receipt of each each (A) remaining permits permits shall (A) Any remaining shall be basis, within within 14 14 days days of receipt issued. Priority shall be be based based on on postmark postmark or or datedatecompleted maximum number permits is issued. completed application, application, until until the the maximum number of permits stamped date; of applicants applicants who did did not not receive receive aa permit permit shall shall be be placed placed on on an an alternates alternates list, list, in in the the order order they they are are names of (B) The names berefunded refunded received, untii until the the next next annual annual filing filing date. date. Applicants Applicants whose whose names names are are placed placed on on the the alternates alternates list listshall shall be received, their permit fee minus a $10 application application fee. fee. Permits Permits which which become become available available before before the the end end of of the the year year shall shall be be made made in the the order order listed. listed. The The applicant applicant shall shall be notified notified of an an available available permit permit and and shall shall available the alternates alternates list, list, in available to to the is mailed. The permit permit shall be be resubmit a complete application and permit fee within 30 days of the date the notification is issued within 14 14 days days of of receipt receipt of of the the resubmitted resubmitted application application and fee. If an alternate alternate fails to to apply, apply, he he shall shall forfeit forfeit the the permit and the permit shall then be made available to to the next name on on the the alternates alternates list. list. is greater greater than than the the number number (b) new hagfish hagfish permits, permits, ifif the the number of of applications applications received received by the filing date is (b) Except for new of permits available, available, the Department Department shall how many shall determine determine first first how many applications applications there there are are with with preference preference points points as as accrued under OAR 635-006-0915, except for for new species OAR 635635accrued 635-006-0915, except species that have qualification restrictions restrictions set forth forth in OAR 006-0850. Evidence of landings must be supplied by the applicant and and submitted submitted with with the the application. application. (A) these applicants applicants does not exceed exceed the number of permits, permits, they shall shall be given given all all available available permits permits (A) If the number of these in a lottery; and and any remaining applicants shall be placed in (8) applicants who have have preference preference points exceeds the number number of of permits, permits, then then these these applicants applicants only only (B) If the number of applicants shall be placed placed in in aa lottery, lottery, and and -grouped grouped by by the the number number of preference preference points points they have accrued accrued for each species gear shall category. Applicants preference points points for each species gear category will will be drawn drawn first. category. Applicants with with the the highest number of preference permit Applicants preference points Applicants having having the highest number of preference points per per species species gear gear category category will will be be drawn drawn next. next. This This permit all the the available available permits permits have have issuance process process will continue continue through through descending descending numbers numbers of preference points until all issuance preference points been issued, unless all qualified applicants with preference points have been been issued issued permits permits prior to to that that point. point. Permits Permits 14 days days of of the lottery; lottery; shall be issued within 14 remaining applicants (who do not have have preference preference points) shall be be placed placed in in aa lottery lottery and and their their names names (C) In addition, remaining shall be drawn; an alternates alternates list, list, in in which which applicants applicants who who have have preference preference points points are arelisted listed first first Department then then shall shall prepare prepare an (D) The Department (in order drawn), drawn), and and thereafter thereafter remaining remaining applicants applicants are are listed, listed, in order in in which which they they were were drawn. drawn. All All in the order (in the order applicants application applicants whose whose names names are are placed placed on on the the alternates alternates list list shall shall be be refunded refunded their their permit permit fee fee minus minus a $10 application alternates list. fee. Any permits available available before before the shall be made available available to fee. the end end of the year shall to the first name on the alternates list. be notified notified of of an an available available permit permit and and shall shall resubmit resubmit aa complete complete application application and and permit permitfee fee within within 30 30 shall be The applicant shall is mailed. mailed. The The permit permit shall shall be be issued issued within within 14 14 days days ofofreceipt receipt ofofthe theresubmitted resubmitted days of of the the date date the the notification notification is days application and fee. IfIf an an alternate alternate fails fails to to apply apply for for the the lottery lottery permit permit within within 30 30 days, days, he he shall shall forfeit forfeit such such permit permitand and the the name on the alternates list. list. permit shall shall then be made available to the next name holder voluntarily voluntarily turning turning in in aa permit. permit. (c) Permits may be made available before the end of the year by a permit holder Developmental Fishery Fishery Board Board shaD shall evaluate (d) A subcommittee of the Developmental evaluate the the business business plans plans submitted submitted by hagfish hagfish fishery is likely likely to to actively actively prosecute prosecute the the fishery. fishery. IfIf more applicants to determine ifif the applicant applicant is more applicants applicants submit acceptable business there are are available available new new permits, permits, then then the the available available permits permits will will be be distributed distributed as as otherwise otherwise business plans plans than than there (3)(a) and (b) of of this rule. rule. specified in subsections (3)(a) to whom whom permits permits are issued: Permits Permits shall an individual individual person assigned to (4) Persons Persons to (4) are issued: shall be be issued issued to to an person or or entity entity and and assigned to a vessel, hand harvest methods methods are vessel, except when hand are used. used. The permit holder is the owner or controller of the vessel or the hand harvest methods are are used. used. individual person when hand (5) Transfer of permits: permits: Permits Permits for Developmental Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Species are not not transferable transferable to to another another person person or or entity; entity; leased and controlled by the permit provided provided however however that that permits permits may may be be reassigned reassigned to to another another vessel vessel owned owned or or leased and controlled holder up to two times annually. annually. the event of the the death death of of aa permit permit holder, holder, the the permit permit of of the the deceased deceased may may be be issued issued to to an an immediate immediate family (a) (a) In In the 635 c 006-0810. Permit transfer shall member as as defined defined by OAR 635-006-0810. shall require require a copy of the death certificate and the original requested by the family member member to the the deceased deceased which which shall shall be be presumed presumed by by possession possession of of the the permit, permit, and and must be requested permit and death certificate. (b) To reassign the vessel on a permit, a permit holder shall shall first apply on a form provided by the Department and and shall shall fee; include a $25 fee; is not the registered registered owner being reassigned, (c) holder is (c) If the permit holder owner of of the the vessel vessel to to which which aa permit permit is is being reassigned, aa copy copy of of aa signed lease lease agreement agreement with vessel must accompany accompany the The lease lease agreement agreement must must signed with the the owner owner of the vessel the application. application. The be in in control of of the the daily daily activities activities of of the the vessel vessel during during the the time time of ofthe the lease. lease. holder will will be show the permit holder effective until permit holder holder has has received received approval approval from from the the Department Department and and an an (d) reassignment shall (d) No reassignment haII be be effective until the permit updated permit. (e) is reassigned reassigned to to aa vessel vessel under under the the ownership ownership of other other than than the the permit permit holder, holder, the permit permit holder holder or (e) IfIf aa permit permit is activitiesiinder the:permit. • ·.·· designate d v-aset opr-tcr-mus-t be board:the vesseL durEng harvest activitiesunderthepermit.• eJesigmJl<'dve§sel.oper"tor·.must.beaboardJhevesseLduringharvest (6) Renewal of permits: of the appropriate appropriate fee fee and and aa complete complete application application datedate(a) (a) Permits may be renewed by submission, to the Department, of except renewal applications for box stamped or postmarked before January 1 of the year for which renewal is sought, except crab permits must be be postmarked postmarked or or date-stamped date-stamped before before December December 11 of of the the year year prior prior to to which which renewal renewal isis sought; sought; complete if it is legible and (b) An application for renewal shall be considered complete and has all information requested requested on the the form form .returned, and and is accompanied accompanied by the and the required required fee fee in in full. full. Any Any application application which which isis not not complete complete shall shallbe bereturned, and unless unless itit is is thereafter thereafter resubmitted resubmitted and and deemed deemed complete complete before beforethe the deadline deadlinelisted listed inin (6)(a) (6)(a) above, above, the the individual individual shall shall not not be be have applied applied for renewal renewal in in aa timely timely manner; manner; considered to have is the the responsibility responsibility of of the the permit permit holder holder to to ensure ensure an an application application is is complete complete and and is is filed filed in in aatimely timelymanner. manner. (c) ItIt is (c) return an an application application for incompleteness or an individual individual to to receive receive a a returned returned Failure the Department Department to Failure of of the to return for incompleteness or of of an -application shall not not be be grounds grounds for for treating treating the the application apphcation as as having having been been filed filed in in aa timely timely and and complete complete manner; manner; application shall and complete filing permit, a permit holder must annually lawfully land the required required (d) (d) In In addition addition to to timely and filing to renew a permit, in OAR 635-006-0850. 635-006-0850. However, However, if a permit permitholder holderobtained obtained aapermit permitlater laterthan than July pounds and/or landings listed listed in pounds July 11 berequired required to to make make the theannual annual landing landing requirement requirement by by the the following following prior year, year, the permit permitholder holdershall shall not notbe of the prior be required required to to demonstrate demonstrate the the annual annual landing landing January. Instead, at the next next renewal renewal thereafter, the the permit permit holder holder shall shall be in which which the the permit permit was was held. held. year in requirement was fulfilled during the first full year vessel can qualification to category Landings made by one vessel (e) Landings can not be used for qualification to renew more than than one permit per permit category in in any given given year. - - (f) In In addition to the above landing requirements, requirements, logbooks logbooks required 635-006-0890 must be turned turned into an required under OAR 635-006-0890 ODFW deadline for renewal of of a permit. permit. ODFW office by the application deadline (7) authorized to issue issue (7) Authority of Director: Consistent with OAR 635-006-0810 through 635-006-0950, the Director is authorized Developmental Fisheries Permits under under the authority of ORS ORS 506.460. Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.109, 506.119 506.119 Stats.lmplemented: ORS 506.129, 506.129, 506.450 506.450 Stats.lmplemented: ORS Hist.: Restricted Permit) Participation Systems Systems Restricted [Vessel Ivessel-Permiti 635-006-1010 Definitions For the 635-006-1015 through through 635-006-1 635-006-121 0: the purpose of OAR 635-006-1015 210: (1) "Bay clam dive fishery" fishery" shall shall mean mean the the commercial commercial fishery bay clams clams (including: (including: cockle cockle clams, clams, "Bay clam fishery for bay (1) Ciinocardium nuttalli/: nuttailli; butter Clinocard/um butter clams, clams, Saxidonus Sax/don us giganteus; q/qanteus; gaper gaper clams, clams, Tresus Tresus capas, capas, nutta/Ili: nuttalli/; native native littleneck clams, clams, Protothaca Protothaca stamines; stam/nes; and and softshell softshell clams, clams, Mya Mya arenaria) arenar/a) from from subtidal subtidal areas areas in in Oregon Oregon littleneck using dive dive gear. gear. estuaries using (g) [(1-)] [('1-)] "Black commercial fishery rockfish, blue blue (2) "Black rockfish! rockfish I blue blue rockfish! rockfish I nearshore nearshore fishery" fishery" shall shall mean mean the the commercial fishery for for black rockfish, rockfish and nearshore fish. rockfish (3) [(a)] [(2)] "Brine "Brine shrimp fishery" shall mean the commercial fishery for adult (;J,) adult Artemia Artemia spp. spp. from from Lake Lake Abert Abert (Lake (Lake County). County). (~) [(J)] "Completion" "Completion" of vessel for the the purposes purposes of of initial initial eligibility eligibility for for an an Oregon Oregon ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab permit permit (4) [(2)] of a vessel pursuant to ORS 508.931 as: 508.931 is defined as: (a) (a) A A date date identified identified in in aa contract contract document document as as the the proposed proposed or or actual actual date date of of completion; completion; or or (b) (b) The The date an an insurance insurance policy was was in in effect effect covering covering the the vessel vessel for for loss loss or or liability; liability; or or (c) (c) The The date of inspection for certification by the U.S. Coast Guard; or (d) (d) Other written written document document acceptable acceptable to to the the Department Department that that establishes establishes the the actual actual date date the the vessel vessel was was completed completed for for the purposes of of entering the the Oregon Oregon ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab fishery. fishery. (§.) December 11 of of one one year year through through August August 14 14 of of the the next next year. year. (5) [(4)] [(4)] "Crab "Crab fishing season" is the period from December (§.) (6) [(e)] [(5)] "Length" "Length" or or "Overall "Overall Length" Length" of of aa vessel vessel means means the the manufacturer's manufacturer's specification specification of of overall overall length, length, United United States States Coast registered length overall length as surveyed by a Coast Guard Guard or Marine Board registered length documentation documentation stating stating overall length or overall certified In determining in a straight line parallel parallel to the certified marine surveyor. surveyor. In determining overall overall length, length, marine marine surveyors shall shall measure in keel keel from from the foremost foremost part of the vessel vessel to the aftermost aftermost part, part, excluding excluding sheer and excluding excluding bow sprits, sprits, boomkins, boomkins, rudders the transom, transom, outboard outboard motor platform. For rudders aft aft of the motor brackets, brackets, or or transom transom extensions extensionsas asinin aa dive dive step step or or platform. For the the purpose initial ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab is overall overall length length of the the vessel vessel on on purpose of of initial crab permit permit issuance, issuance,length lengthof of the the vessel vessel is September 9, 9, 1995. 1995. September (Z) [(6)] "Ocean "Ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab fishery" fishery" for for the the purposes purposes of of ORS ORS 508.926, 508,926, means means all all fishing fishing for for Dungeness Dungeness crab crab in in (1) [(6)] Oregon Oregon waters waters of the the Columbia Columbia River and and all all other other ocean ocean water water seaward seaward of of Oregon's Oregon's coastline coastline and and river river mouths. mouths. (§.) [(+)]"Owner" "Owner"isisany anyownership ownershipinterest interestinina avessel, vessel,including includinginterests interestsarising arisingfrom frompartnerships, partnerships,corporations, corporations, (8) [()] limited liability partnerships. partnerships. Owner Owner does does not include aaleasehold leasehold interest. interest. limited liability corporations, or limited liability not include (~) [(g)J "Replacement "Replacement vessel" lost due due to fire, (9) [(8)] vessel" isis aa vessel vessel purchased purchased to to replace replace aa permitted permitted vessel vessel which which has has been been lost capsizing, sinking or other event. event. For For the the ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab fishery, aa replacement replacement vessel vessel shall shall be be no no more more .than ,than capsizing, 10 10 feet feet greater than than the vessel which itit replaces. (10) "Sea urchin urchin fishery" fishery" shall mean mean the commercial commercial fishing fishing for Strongylocentrotus Sfrongylocentrotus franciscanus, franc!scanus, S. S. purpuratus, purpuratus, (10) [(9)] [(0)] "Sea and S. S. droebachiensis. (11) [(WI] "Under "Under construction" construction" for purposes of initial eligibility eligibility for an Oregon Oregon ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab permit permit (11) [(14)] for the the purposes of initial for an pursuant ORS 508.931, between December signed and and pursuant to to ORS 508.931, means means that that between December 1,1988, 1, 1958, and and August August 14,1991, 14, 1991, a contract was was signed earnest 10% of the value of the contract, or invoices invoices have have been been paid paid for for 10% 10% or or more more of of earnest money paid paid equaling equaling at least 10% total construction construction cost, constructed vessel, laying of the new the total cost, to produce a newly constructed vessel, including, including, but but not not limited limited to, to, the the laying keel. vessel's keel. (12) [('1-'1-)] "Yaquina "Yaquina Bay Roe-herring Roe-herring fishery" fishery" shall shall mean mean the the commercial commercial net net fishery fishery for for Pacific Pacific herring herring (Clupea (Clupea (12) [(14)] between January 1 and April April 15 15 in in Yaqu-ina Yaquina Bay pursuant to OAR OAR 635-004635-004harengus pallasi) harengus pallasf) which which occurs annually between 0027. (11) [('1-J)]"Initial "Initialeligibility eligibility for forvessels vessels totoparticipate" participate" for for the the purposes purposes of of application application for for an an Ocean Ocean Dungness Dungness crab crab (j) [(4-2)] permit permit pursuant pursuant to to ORS ORS 508.931 508.931 means means eligibility eligibilityofof aa vessel vessel on on which which to to make permit permit application application is is confined confined to to have never never obtained obtained an an initial initial permit. permit. vessels which have 506.119 Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 ORS 506.109, 506.109, 506.129, 506.129, and and 508.921 508.921 through throu9h 508.941; 508.941: Stats. Implemented: ORS H Hist.: 1st.: 635-006-1015 Requirement Requirement for for Permit (1) (1) The following following provide general requirements for permits: (a) Gillnet Gilinet salmon - see ORS 508.775; (b) Troll 508.801 and 508.828; Troll salmon - see ORS 508.801 (c) (c) Shrimp - see ORS 508.880 and 508.883; (d) Scallop - see ORS 508.840 and 508.843; (e) Roe-herring: unlawful for an an individual individual to operate operate a vessel vessel in in the the Yaquina Yaquina Bay Bay roe-herring roe-herring fishery fishery without (A) (A) It is unlawful without first first obtaining obtaining aa to OAR OAR 635-006-1035 635-006-1035 through through 635-006-1095; 635-006-1095; issued pursuant pursuant to vessel permit issued unlawful for aa wholesaler, wholesaler, ëanner canner or buyer to buy or receive receive roe-herring roe-herring taken in in the the Yaquina Yaquina Bay Bay roe-herring roe-herring (B) (B) It is un/awful (1 )(e) of of this this rule rule has has not not been been issued. issued. fishery from aa vessel vessel for for which which the the permit permitrequired required by bysection section (1 Urchin: (f) Sea Urchin: unlawful for an an individual individual to to take take or or attempt attempt to to take take sea sea urchins urchins for for commercial commercial purposes purposes without without first obtaining obtaining (A) It is unlawful OAR 635-006-1035 through 635-006-1095; a permit issued pursuant to OAR unlawful for aa wholesaler, wholesaler, canner, canner, or buyer to buy or receive sea sea urchins urchins taken in in the sea urchin urchin fishery from from aa (B) It is unlawful (1 )(f) of this rule has has not not been been issued. issued. which the the permit permit required required by by section section (1 person for which Dungeness crab: crab: (g) Ocean DUngeness unlawful for for an an individual individual to to operate operate aa provided under under the the reciprocity reciprocity provisions provisions of of ORS ORS 508.941(3), 508.941 (3), itit isis unlawful (A) Except as provided in the ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab fishery fishery without without first first obtaining obtaining aa vessel vessel permit permit issued issued pursuant pursuant to to ORS ORS 508.931 508.931 or or vessel ih 508.941. A Dungeness crab 508.941. A Dungeness crab vessel vessel permit permit isis not not required required for for vessels vessels that that are are engaged engaged solely solely inin setting setting gear gear for for aa permitted vessel and which do do not not retrieve, retrieve, retain or possess Dungeness crab. crab. the Commission Commission establishes establishes a vessel vessel crab crab pot pot limitation limitation or or allocation allocation system system beyond beyond the the 2002-03 2002-03 ocean ocean crab crab (B) IfIf the is the control control date date for eligibility criteria related related to past past participation participation in in the ocean fishery. 14, 2001 is season, August 14, addition to certifying certifying that the vessel vessel is free of crab crab on on November November 30 30 each each year, year, as as required required by OAR 635-005635-005(C) In addition Oregon hold hold inspection inspection certification certification form maximum and certify on the Oregon 0045(1), each vessel operator must declare and form the maximum in that season's season's fishery before fishing. fishing. used in number of pots that will be used substituted for an ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab permit. Once a vessel has obtained (D) (D) A single delivery license may not be substituted an ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab landed by by the the vessel vessel using.a using a combination combination of of an an ocean ocean an ocean crab permit, permit, Dungeness Dungeness crab crab may may be belanded commercial fishing fishing and license. However, However, crab Dungeness single delivery Dungeness crab crab permit permit and and a single delivery permit permit in in lieu lieu of a commercial and boat license. crab anyone may not be landed more than twice in any one crab season season using single delivery permits. (h) (h) Developmental Fisheries: See ORS 506.450 through through ORS 506.465 and OAR 635-006-0800 through 635-006-0950. 1, 2001 2001 is the control date to establish eligibility criteria purpose of future limited limited entry programs (i) (i) July 1, criteria for the purpose programs for for the the commercial groundfish fishery. U) -- see ORS Black rockfish rockfishI/blue bluerockfish rockfishI /nearshore nearshorefishery fishery--see ORS508.945. 508&4. U) Black (k) Brine Shrimp: attempt to take brine shrimp shrimp for commercial (A) (A) It is unlawful to take or attempt commercial purposes purposes without without first first obtaining obtaining aa brine brine shrimp shrimp to OAR OAR635-006-1 635-006-1035 OAR 635-006-1095; 635-006-1095; permit issued issued pursuant pursuantto fishery permit 035 through OAR (B) It is unlawful for a wholesaler, canner, or buyer to buy or receive brine brine shrimp shrimp taken taken in in the the brine brine shrimp shrimp fishery from (B) permit required required by by this rule rule has has not not been issued. issued. a person for which the permit (1 )(k) of of this this rule. rule. (C) The Department may may issue issue no no more more than than three three permits permits required required by bysection section(1 H1Bayciam-dive fishery;:: (A) It is unlawful: (i) (i) To To take take or or attempt attempt to to take take bay bay clams, clams, using using dive dive gear, gear, for for commercial commercial purposes purposes from from subtidal areas areas in in any any Oregon Heceta Head Oregon estuary estuary North North of Heceta Headwithout without first first obtaining a coast-wide bay bay clam clam dive dive fishery fishery permit issued pursuant to toOAR OAR635-006-1025 635-006-1025through throughOAR OAR635-006-1 635-006-1095; pursuant 095; take or attempt attempt to take-bay take bay clams, clams, using using dive gear, gear, for commercial commercial purposes purposes from (ii) (ii) To To take from subtidal subtidal areas areas in in Oregon Heceta Head Oregon estuaries estuaries south of l-ieceta Headwithout without first first obtaining obtaining either a coast-wide bay clam clam dive dive fishery fishery permit south-coast bay bayclam clamdive divefishery fisherypermit permitissued issuedpursuant pursuant OAR 635-006-1025 throughOAR OAR 635-006635-006or aa south-coast to to OAR 635-006-1 025 through 1095; (Ui) For Foraawholesaler, wholesaler,canner, canner,or orbuyer buyer to to buy buy or or receive receive bay bay clams clams taken taken in in the the bay bay clam clam dive dive fishery fishery from a (iii) not issued issued aa permit permit reguired reguired by by this this rule. rule. vessel or person not anyone (iv) To take or attempt to take bay clams where where more more than than two two divers operating from any one boat were in the water at the same time. by section section (1)(l)(A)(i) (1)(1){A){i) of this this rule rule (B) The (B) The Department Department may may not issue more more than than ten ten coast-wide permits reguired by south-coast permits permits reguired reguired by by (1)(I)(A)(ii) (1 )(I){A){iil of this rule. rule. nor more than five south-coast vessels, designated Designation (C) Permits (C) Permits may may be be issued issued to to individuals individuals or to vessels, designated at at the the beginning beginning of of the the year. year. Designation during the the year. year. may not change during and not not in in lieu lieu of of the the commercial commercial fishing fishing and and boat boat (2) The permits required by section (1) of this rule are in addition to and license required by ORS 508.235 and Q ORS 508.260. (3) No vessel may may hold hold more more than than one one vessel vessel permit permit for for aa given given fishery fishery at at any anyone one time. time. (~) permits are issued issued on on an an individual individual basis, basis, no individual may hold more more than than one one permit permit for a a given given (4) If permits fishery at any anyone one time. m) Uniess otherwise provided, provided, [\IeS£eI] 31 of of the license license year. year. (5) [(4)] [(4)] Unless [vessel] permits permits must must be be purchased purchased by by December December31 (§) [(e)] be transferred away away from from aa vessel vessel without without the the lien lien holder's holder's written written permission. permission. (6) I(s)] No vessel permit may be (I) [(e)J shall be in such form and contain such information as the Department may prescribe. prescribe. [(6)] Applications Applications for permits shall (1) of application. application. Proof of length length of a vessel may be required at the time of Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 Implemented: ORS ORS 506.109, 506.109, 506.129, 506.129, and and 508.921 508.921 through through 508.941; 508.941; Stats. Implemented: Hist.: 635-006-1025 635-006-1 025 Permit Fee PermitFee in limited limited entry entry fisheries fisheries is is as as follows: follows: participate in The annual fee to participate (1) $75. See See ORS ORS 508.790 508.790 and and Section Section 6, 6, Chapter Chapter 512, Oregon Oregon Laws Laws 1989. 1989. (1) Gillnet Gillnet salmon salmon --$75. (2) $75. See See ORS ORS 508.816 508.816 and and Section Section 6, 6, Chapter Chapter 512, 512, Oregon Oregon Laws Laws 1989. 1989. (2) Troll Troll salmon salmon --$75. ORS508. 508.901. $75. See See ORS (3) Shrimp --$75. 901. (4) Scallop - $75. See ORS 508.858. ORS 508.765. 508.765. (5) Roe-herring - $75. See ORS (6) ORS 508.760. 508.760. (6) Sea Urchin - $75. See ORS (7) $75. See ORS 508.941(4). 508.941(4). (7) Ocean Ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab --$75. (8) Black rockfish/blue rockfish/nearshore fishery -- $75. $75. See See ORS ORS 508.949. 508.949, (8) (9) (9) Brine Shrimp - $75. $0. (10) (10) Bay Bay clam clam dive dive fishery fishery --$0. Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 Stats. Implemented: ORS 506.109 Hist.: 635-006-1 035 635-006·1035 Eligibility Requirements for for aa Permit Permit Eligibility Requirements is as as follows: follows; Eligibility for a limited entry permit permit is see ORS ORS 508.784. 508.784. (1) (1) Gillnet salmon - see (2) Troll salmon - see ORS 508.810. 508.810. (2) 508.886 and and 508.895. 508.895. (3) (3) Shrimp - see ORS 508.886 (4) (4) Scallop Scallop - see ORS 508.852. (5) TheODFW ODFWshall shallissue issueaapermit permitas asper perORS ORS 508.765: 508.765: (5) Roe-herring Roe-herring -The (a) year's permit; permit; . (a) By renewal renewal of previous year's is held in in accordance accordance with with OAR OAR 635-006-1085. 635-006-1085. (b) lottery is (b) Through the lottery ifif a lottery (6) Urchin - An individual licensed licensed as (6) Sea Sea Urchin as a commercial commercial fisherman fisherman under under ORS ORS 508.235 508.235 isis eligible eligible to to obtain obtain the the permit permit required required by OAR 635-006-1015: (a) (a) By By renewal renewal of previous previous year's permit; permit; or (b) (b) Through Through the the lottery if a lottery is is held held in in accordance accordance with with OAR OAR 635-006-1085; 635-006-1085; or or (c) Through a duly authorized medical transfer of an existing permit in in accordance accordance with with OAR 635-006-1095; in OAR OAR635-006-1 635-006-1095. (d) renewed permits permits into into one one new new permit permit as as provided provided in (d) By combining three currently renewed 095. (7) (7) Ocean Dungeness crab: (a) See ORS ORS 508.931; (a) (b) license waiver (b) For the the purposes of eligibility for the ocean Dungeness crab fishery permit, a boat which received aa license issued issued pursuant pursuant to to ORS ORS 508.808 508.808 shall shall be be considered considered as as having having possessed possessed aa boat boat license license for for that that year; year; licensed in accordance with ORS 508.260 for (c) ORS 508.941 508.941 require that the vessel be previously licensed (c) ORS ORS 508.931 508.931 and and ORS an ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab fishery fishery permit. permit. A A single single delivery delivery license license may may not not be be the purposes purposes of initial initial eligibility eligibility for for an the license for for this this purpose. purpose. substituted for a boat license (8) (8) Black Black rockfish rockfish /I blue blue rockfish rockfish/ Inearshore nearshorefishery fishery----see seeORS ORS508.947. 508.4j. (9) Brine Brine Shrimp licensed under under ORS ORS 508.235 508.235 is is eligible eligible to obtain obtain the permit permit required required by (9) Shrimp -- A A commercial commercial fisherman fisherman licensed 635-006-1015: OAR 635-006-101 5: (a) (a) By By renewal renewal of of previous previous year's year's permit; permit; or or shrimp permit permit under under the. the Developmental (b) If issued a brine shrimp Developmental Fisheries Fisheries Program prior to 2004. (10) Bay clam dive fishery - An individual licensed as a commercial harvester under ORS 508.235 or a vessel is eligible to obtain the permit reguired by OAR 635-006-1015: (.!!) For a south coast bay clam dive permit for the year 2006, if a bay clam south-coast dive permit was issued to the individual or vessel under the Developmental Fisheries program (OAR 635-006-0900) in 2005 and lawfully made five landings consisting of at least 100 pounds each landing or an annual total of 2,500 pounds of bay clams, using dive gear in Oregon in 2005; or (h) For a coast wide bay clam dive permit for the year 2006, if a bay clam coast-wide dive permit was issued to the individual or vessel under the Developmental Fisheries program (OAR 635-006-0900) in 2005 and lawfully made five landings consisting of at least 100 pounds each landing or an annual total of 2,500 pounds of bay clams, using dive gear in Oregon in 2005. (£I After 2006, by renewal of the previous years' permit and satisfaction of the requirements in OAR 635-0061075{1 1075(1 Hi). Ui). ORS 506.119; Stat. Auth.: ORS ORS 506.109 506.109 Stats. Implemented: ORS Hist.: 635-006-1065 635-OQG-1065 Review of Denials for bay bay clam clam dive divefishery fisherypermits, permits,ananindividual individualwhose whoseapplication application for forissuance issuance or or renewal renewal of a limited limited (1) (1) Except for Department's decision decision by by doing doing so so in in writing writing to to the the entry permit is denied by the Department may request review of the Department's Commercial Commercial Fishery Fishery Permit Permit Board. Board. The The procedure procedure for for requesting requesting review review and and the the applicable applicable standard standard of of review review shall shall be be as as follows; follows: (a) salmon- see (a) Gillnet salmOnsee ORS 508.796; 508.796; (b) see ORS ORS 508.825; (b) Trollsalmon TrolIsalmon -- see 508.825; see ORS ORS 508. (c) (c) Shrimp Shrimp-see 508. 910; 910; (d) Scallop - see ORS 508.867; 508867; ORS 508.765. 508.765. For the roe-herring fishery, (e) (e) Roe-herring - see ORS the roe-herring fishery, the the Board Board may may waive waive requirements requirements for for permits permits if the the Board finds that: some (A) individual for personal personal or economic economic reasons reasons chose chose to commercially fish permit vessel vessel in some (A) The individual to actively commercially fish the permit other ocean fishery during the roe-herring season; season; or meet the the requirements requirements as as the result result of of illness, illness, accident accident or or other other (B) The Board Board finds finds that the the individual individual failed failed to meet (B) The control circumstances circumstances beyond beyond the the individual's individuals control. (f) Urchin - see ORS ORS 508.760. urchin fishery, fishery, the Board Board may may waive waive requirements requirements for permits permits ifif the the (f) Sea Urchin 508.760. For For the the sea urchin Board requirements was illness, injury or circumstances circumstances beyond beyoCld the the Board finds finds that failure failure to to meet the requirements was due due to to illness, the control control of the permittee; 508.941. (g) (g) Ocean Dungeness crab - see ORS 508.941, (h) (h) Black Black rockfish rockfish /I blue blue rockfish rockfish /I nearshore nearshore fishery fishery--- see ORS 508.960. 508.. requirements for for renewal renewal of of permits permits in in all all fisheries fisheries (2) (2) The Board may delegate to the Department its authority to waive requirements Department. in such specific instances as the Board sets forth in a letter of delegation to the Department. (3) For those fisheries requiring a Board review, the fee is is nonrefundable. However, However, ifif the the Board Board (3) a $75 $75 application application fee for Board grants. the ElPplicEln!'s .rEl'luElst,JhEl oQOLElf!JDd_ableJee.shall applylowaIdtbl'Lp_eJOJ[lfee_. (4)orders isSUed' b'l the B6aYdaren6tsUl5jeC!loreVfewbytfieCommission;l5uTiTlaybe as piovidiidin ORS may De appealed appeaiea as 183.480 to ORS 183.550. toORS 183.550. (§.) B.ay clam dive fishery permit: (.!!) An individual whose application for issuance, renewal or transfer of a bay clam fishery permit is denied by the Department may, within 60 days of receipt of denial, make written request, to the Commission, for a hearing for review of the denial. The request shall identify why the permit should be granted. (h) In accordance with any applicable provisions of ORS 183.310 to ORS 183.550 for conduct of contested cases, a hearings officer shall review the proposed denial by the Department of an application for issuance, renewal or transfer of a permit. (£) Commission review review of the hearing hearing officer's officer's proposed proposed order 30 days days of (c) A A party must petition for Commission order within within 30 the party party wants wants the the proposed proposed order order changed. changed. A party must identify identify what what parts parts service of the proposed order ifif the the proposed proposed order order it objects objects to, to, and and refer refer to to parts parts ofofthe theadministrative administrative record record and and legal legal authority authority of the supporting its position. (fl.) Final Orders shall be issued by the Commission and may be appealed as provided in ORS 183.480 to ORS 183.550. Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 506.109 Stats. Implemented: ORS 506.109 Hist.: 635-006-1075 635-006-10 75 Renewal Renewal of of Permit (1) An [vessel] permit may may renew the the permit permit as as follows: follows: An individual who obtained a limited entry [vesset] (a) Gillnet salmon- see ORS 508.781; 508.781; seeORS ORS 508.807; 508.807; (b) (b) Troll Troll salmon salmon -see ORS 508. 508. 892; 892; (c) Shrimp - see ORS 508.849; (d) Scallop - see ORS 508.849; and a complete complete (e) Roe-herring permit permit - Permits (e) Roe-herring Permits may may be be renewed renewed by by submission submission toto the the Department Department of of aa $75 $75 fee fee and application; (f) Sea Urchin permit: by submission submission to. to. the application date-stamped (A) Permits may be renewed by the Department Department of of aa $75 $75 fee fee and and a complete applibation date-stamped or postmarked by January31 January 31 of ofthe the year year for for which which renewal renewal is is sought; sought; and and in Oregon. Oregon. IfIf aa permittee permittee obtained obtained aa shall have have annually annually lawfully landed landed 5,000 5,000 pounds of of sea sea urchins urchins in (B) The permittee shall permit later later than than January January of the prior year year (because (because the permit was obtained through result of of permit the permit was obtained through the the lottery, lottery, or or as as a result surrender of permit holder), holder), the permittee permittee shall.not shall not be be required required to make make the the Permit Board Board actions Permit actions or surrender of a permit by aa permit 5,000 pound pound landing landing by the following following January. next renewal renewal thereafter, January. Instead, Instead, at at the the next thereafter, the the permittee permittee shall shall be be required required to demonstrate that the 5,000 pound pound landing landing requirement requirement was was fulfilled fulfilled during during the the first first full full year year (twelve-month (twelve-month period) period) in in which the permit was held. ORS 508.941. 508.941. A permit which which is is not not renewed renewed by by December December 31 31 lapses, lapses, and and (g) Ocean Ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab permit - see ORS for subsequent subsequent years. years. may not be renewed for see ORS ORS 508.947. 508.947. (h) Black rockfish I blue rockfish I/ nearshore fishery fishery---- see permit: . (i) Brine Shrimp permit: be renewed renewed by by submission submission to to the the Department Department of of aa $75 $75 fee fee and and aacomplete completeapplication application date-stamped date-stamped (A) Permits may be 31 of the year for which renewal renewal is or postmarked by January 31 is sought; sought; and and (B) The permittee shall shall have have lawfully lawfully landed landed 5,000 5,000 pounds pound of in Oregon Oregon in in the prior year. year. of brine brine shrimp shrimp in U) Bay clam (j) clam dive fishery: (8) Permits may may be be renewed renewed by by submitting submitting to to the theDepartment Department aa complete complete application application date-stamped date-stamped or (A) Permits postmarked by January31 January 31 of of the the year year for which renewal renewal is is sought sought and; and; <.§) The permittee shall have lawfully made five landings consisting of at least 100 pounds each landing or an annual total of 2,500 pounds of bay clams, using dive gear in Oregon in the prior calendar year; (!<) Logbooks reguired under OAR 635-006-1110 must be turned in to an ODFW office by the application deadline for renewal of a permit. (Q) If a permit is transferred under OAR 635-006-1095(10), annual renewal reguirements are waived in the year the transfer occurred. (2) An application for renewal in any limited entry fishery shall be considered complete if it is legible, has all information and is is accompanied accompanied by by the the required required fee fee in in full. full. Any Anyapplication application which which is. is not not complete complete shall shall be be requested in the form, and requested returned, and and unless returned, unless it is thereafter thereafter resubmitted resubmitted and January 31, the individual individual shall shall not not be be and deemed deemed complete complete by by January 31, the considered to have applied for renewal in a timely manner. the responsibility of the the permittee permittee to ensure that an application application is in a timely mannsr. manner. (3) (3) It is the.responsibility to ensure that an is complete complete and and is is filed filed in return an application application for incompleteness i~completeness or an individual individual to to receive receive aa returned returned Failure the Department Department to Failure of of the to return or of of an treating the application as been filed application shall not be grounds for treating as having been filed in a timely and and complete complete manner. manner. 506.119 Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 Stats.lmplemented: ORS 506.109, 506.109, 506.129, 506.129, and and 508.921 508.921 through through 508.941 508.941 Stats. Implemented: ORS Hist.: 635-006-1085 Lottery for for Certain Certain Limited Limited Entry Entry Fisheries Fisheries limited entry fisheries crab. (1) A lottery process is provided in all limited fisheries except ocean ocean Dungeness crab. be conducted conducted as as follows: follows: issuance of of permits permits shall shall be (2) A lottery for issuance see ORS ORS 508.792; 508.792; (a) Gillnet salmon -- see see ORS ORS 508.819; 508.819; (b) Troll salmon - see (c) Shrimp Shrimp -see seeORS ORS 508. 508. 904; 904; ORS 508.861. 508.861. If the number of permits permits issued in in accordance accordance with ORS 508.849 508.849 falls Scallop - see ORS (d) Scallop with ORS falls below below 25, 25, the the Department in in the next succeeding succeeding calendar calendar year year may issue issue permits permits by by a lottery system. system. However, However, the the total total number number of of not exceed exceed 25; 25; permits issued shall not (e) If the the number number of of permits permits issued issued in in accordance accordance with with OAR OAR 635-006-1035 635-006-1035 faIls falls below below six, six, the the (e) Roe-herring Roe-herring - If succeeding calendar system. However, However, as any Department in Department in the next succeeding calendar year year may may issue issue permits permits by a lottery system. as a result of any such lottery, the total number number of of permits permits issued issued shall shall not not exceed exceed six; six; (f) Sea Urchin: ofpermits permits which which have have been been renewed, renewed, and/or which an an appeal appeal is is pending, pending, with the (A) If the the total total number number of and/or for for which with the Commercial Fishery Permit Board and/or awarded through a prior lottery, is less than 30, a lottery shall be held on the Commercial awarded through Aprii; 4th Friday in April; must be be 18 18 years years of of age age or older and furnish proof proof of of age age to to be be eligible eligible for the lottery; lottery; (B) An individual must individual may may not not already already hold hold aa valid valid urchin urchin permit, permit, however, however, an an individual individual whose whose permit permit is at at issue issue in in aa (C) An individual (C) Board proceeding proceeding or before before aa court of of law law may may participate participate in in the lottery; lottery; Urchin Permit pending Sea Urchin Permit Board is at at issue issue either either before before the the Sea Sea Urchin Urchin Permit Permit Board Board or or aa court court of oflaw lawisisawarded awarded permittee whose whose permit permit is (D) IfIf aa permittee court, the permittee shall another permit through through the lottery and thereafter prevails anqther prevails before before the the Board Board or in court, the permittee shall immediately immediately to any Department Department office, office, so that only only one one valid valid permit permit is is held; held; of the permits permits to surrender one of qualifies to participate participate in the lottery lottery shall shall send send aa complete complete lottery lottery application application to the Department, Department, (E) An individual who qualifies date-stamped or postmarked no later than April 15 15 of the year year for for which which the the permit permit is is to to be be issued. issued. An An individual individual shall shall to participate participate in in the the lottery. lottery. For For successful successful applicants, applicants, the the application application fee fee shall shall not submit more than one one application application to the permit permit fee fee of of $75; $75; apply toward the (F) The names of lottery applicants shall All other names of lottery applicants (F) shall be drawn to obtain the available permits. All , shall shall be drawn drawn and and placed placed on on an an alternate alternate list list in in the the order order inin which which they they were were drawn, drawn, and and shall shall be be issued issued permits permits permits by by aa next 24 24 months months as as they they may may become become available available through through Permit Permit Board Board actions actions or surrender surrender of permits during the next permit holder; drawn in in the lottery lottery shall shall thereafter thereafter apply apply on on the the prescribed prescribed form, form, to to the the Department Department (G) (G) An An individual whose name is drawn to obtain a permit. Such Such application application must must be be received received by by the the Department Department within within 30 30 days days of of the the date date the the notification notification was was lottery; mailed to the successful applicant following the lottery; to apply for the the lottery lottery permit permit within 30 days days shall shall forfeit forfeit such such permit. permit. The The permit permit shall shall then then (H) Any individual who fails to first name name on on the the alternate alternate list, list, and and shall shall be be applied applied for for inin accordance accordance with with section section (G) (G) of ofthis this be made available to the first rule; are not not issued issued by by renewal renewal or through the lottery, permits permits thereafter may be issued issued on (I) If all permits are on a first come first applications shall be mailed mailed to the Department Department and priority served basis up to the total total number number of of permits permits allowed. allowed. All applications served or date-stamped date; date; shall be based on postmark or years based upon its its assessment assessment of the condition condition of the (J) Commission may (J) The The Commission may suspend suspend the the lottery lottery for for up up to to two years resource and recommendations of the Sea Urchin Permit Review Board. in (g) Black rockfish rockfish / blue blue rockfish rockfish // nearshore nearshore fishery fishery --- see see ORS ORS 508.955. 508.955. If the the number number of of permits permits issued issued in (g) Black accordance 508.947 falls rockfish and and blue blue rockfish rockfish permits permits or or 50 50 for for black black rockfish rockfish and and accordance with with ORS ORS 508.947 falls below 80 for black rockfish blue permits with blue rockfish rockfish permits with a nearshore endorsement, endorsement, the the Department Department in in the the next succeeding sucbeeding calendar calendar year year may may issue issue black rockfish rockfish and and permits lottery system. system. However, However, the the total number of permits permits issued shall not exceed exceed 80 for black permits by aa lottery blue rockfish permits or 50 for black black rockfish rockfish and blue blue rockfish permits permits with with aa nearshore nearshore endorsement. endorsement. or 50 (h) Bay Bay clam clam dive dive fishery fishery -- lithe If thenumber numberofof permitsissued issued accordance with OAR 635-006-1035 below (ii) permits in in accordance with OAR 635-006-1 035 falls below ten for coast-wide permits or five for south-coast permits, the Department may issue permits by a lottery system. However, as a result of any such lottery, the total number of permits issued shall not exceed ten for coast-wide permits or five for south-coast permits; (3) Each Each applicant for a permit lottery shall complete the application form prescribed by the Department. (3) accepted for in the judgment judgment of the Department, Department, are (4) (4) Application Application for for vessel vessel permits permits shall shall only only be be accepted for vessels, vessels, which which in are capable Vessels of aa size size or or design design incapable incapable of of capable of operating operating the gear gear necessary necessary to legally participate in the fishery. Vessels hil rvesJing•. lhepefmittedsPfl,ll;ls'afeno!l;lligibJl;lforJheJotlery., not eUgib1efor::the:Lottery: per vessel may may be be submitted for each each permit permit fishery fishery lottery. lottery. (5) Only one application per is not legible, iegible, has incomplete incomplete information, information, or postmarked after deadline will be (6) application which (6) Any application which is or is postmarked after the the deadline will not be entered lottery. Applications Applications for all [ve&6el] accepted at the Headquarters Headquarters Office the entered in in the lottery. for all [vesset] permits permitswill will be be accepted at the Office of of the postmarked or or date date stamped stamped no no later later than than June June 30 30 of of the the year year for forwhich which Department of Fish and Wildlife, and shall be postmarked is issued. issued. the permit is 506.119 Stat. Auth.: Auth.: ORS ORS506.119 Implemented: ORS ORS 506.109 506.109 Stats. Implemented: Hist.: 635-006-1095 Transferability of of Permits Permits Transferability permit away away from aa vessel vessel without without the written written consent of each person person holding Any transfer of a permit holding aa security security interest interest in in is void. void. The following following rules rules apply apply to to transfer transfer of of limited limited entry entry fishery fishery permits: permits: such vessel is (1) (1) Gillnet salmon - see ORS 508.793. (2) Troll salmon - see ORS ORS 508.822. 508.822. seeORS ORS 508. 508. 907. 907. (3) Shrimp Shrimp -see (4) Scallop - see ORS 508.864. (5) Roe-herring: (a) (a) A A permit is transferable to: (A) repiacement vessel permit holder; holder; or, upon request request of a permit permit holder, holder, the the Department Department may authorize authorize (A) A replacement vessel of the permit or, upon transfer transfer of a permit to to a repiacement replacement vessel vessel owned owned by by an an individual individual other other than than the the permit permit holder. holder. However, However, any any transfer transfer vessei is of a permit away from written consent of each person person holding a security interest in such vessel from a vessel without the written void; (B) The The purchaser of the vessel when the vessel is sold. (6) (6) Sea Sea Urchin: 31 or or more, more, the the Department Department may may authorize authorize aa permit permit to to be be (a) Medical Transfers: number of permits is (a) Medical Transfers: IfIf the the number of permits is at 31 transferred days upon upon petition petition by aa permittee permittee on on the the form form provided provided by by the the transferredtoto aa specified specified individual individualfor for up up to to 90 90 days be based based on aa finding that that the the current current permit permit holder holder is is Department. decision to allow a transfer shall be Department. The The Department's decision unable injury or illness illness which which prevents prevents diving, diving, based based on on medical medical evidence evidence submitted submitted unable to to participate in the fishery due to injury by the evidence the the permit holder and such other evidence the Department considers considers reliable. reliable. At At the the end end of the the transfer period, period, the renewed by the the Department Department to to the the original original transferee transferee or to to aanew newtransferee, transferee, provided provided that that the the transfer transfer may may be be renewed prevent the the permittee's permittee's permittee medical evidence evidence documenting illness continues to prevent permittee again again submits medical documenting that that the the injury or illness is aa two-year two-year limit limit on on the the eligibility eligibility of ofeach eachindividual individual permit permit for for medical medical transfer transfer status, status, return diving. There There is return to to diving. beginning with with the the start start date transfer of that permit on on or after January 1, 1, 1996, 1996, and and ending ending two beginning date of the first medical medical transfer years the total total number number of permits years from from that that date. date. When When the permits reaches reaches 30 30 or less the Department shall shall not allow any permit transfers for any medical reason; reason; (b) If the Department, Department, or the Board, Board, after of aa denial denial by by the the Department, Department, allows allows a transfer, transfer, the original original permit permit (b) after review reviewof Department of the name, address address and holder shall holder shall give give written written notice to the Department the name, and telephone telephone number number of the the transferee. transferee. The The original time during during the the transfer transfer period period specified specified in in subsection subsection (6)(a), (6)(a), request request the the Department Department original permit holder may, at any time to transfer the the permit permit back back to the the original original permit permit holder. holder. Such Such transfer transfer requires to transfer requires 30 30 days' days' written written notice notice to to the the upon expiration expiration of the specified in (6)(a), or upon upon cancellation cancellation of aa transfer transfer Department. In Department. In any event, upon the transfer period specified due to lack of medical evidence of continuing inability to dive, the permit shall revert automatically to the original permit is renewed, renewed, as as provided provided in in subsection subsection (6)(a) (6)(a) of of this this rule; rule; transfer is holder, unless the transfer of sea sea urchins urchins by all transferees of of aa permit permit shall shall not not exceed exceed the the greater greater of of either either of of the the following following (c) The total landings of amounts: per 90-day 90-day period, period, not not to exceed 5,000 5,000 pounds pounds annually; annually; or or (A) Up to 5,000 pounds per season's catch, catch, for for each each 9090(B) (B) Twenty-five Twenty-five percent of the amount landed landed by the original permit holder in the previous season's period. day period. (d) Combination Permit Transfers: IfIf the number of permits is is at 31 31 or or more, more, the the Department Department may may transfer transfer permits permits from from one person to another as as follows: follows: (A) The individual individual receiving receiving the transferred transferred permit purchaser) obtains total permits, permits, each each of of (A) permit (the (the purchaser) obtains no no more than three total which which the the permit is purchased, purchased, from from existing existing permit holders; holders; which is valid for the current year in which to the the purchaser; purchaser; and and (B) new permit permit issued issued to (B) The The Department combines the three permits into a single new (C) No No transferred transferred permit permit is valid valid for for harvesting harvesting sea sea urchins urchins until until conditions conditions (d)(A) (d)(A) and and (d)(B) (d)(B) are are met. met. Individual Individual (C) been transferred permits which permits which are transferred may not be used individually and are not renewable. Once a permit has been the permit permit has has been been transferred transferred has has up up to to 24 24 months months from from the date date of of in accordance accordance with with (d)(A) the individual individual to to whom *hom the transfer to to combine it with two others others to to create create aa valid valid new permit. permit. Department shall (e) permits reaches (e) When When the the total total number of permits reaches 30 30 or or less, less, the the Department shall approve approve the the transfer transfer of of any any permit permit to to any purchaser of the permit, provided provided that not more than one sale or transfer transfer of of the the permit permit occurs occurs within within that that calendar calendar year; No permit permit issued issued to an an individual individual throUgh through the lottery lottery after after 1998 1998 may may be be transferred transferred Lottery-issued permit transfers: No (f) Lottery-issued to individual until cumulative total 20,000 pounds pounds of sea urchins urchins have been landed on commercial commercial fish to another individual until a cumulative total of 20,000 fish receiving indiv.idual issued the permit through the the lottery. lottery. receiving tickets by the individual (7) (7) Ocean Ocean Dungeness Dungenesscrab crab- -see seeORS ORS508.936·and: 508.936nd: i.s transferable has landed at least least 500 500 pounds pounds of of ocean ocean (a) (a) The The vessel vessel permit i.s transferable provided provided the the vessel vessel holding holding the the permit permit has Dungeness Dungeness crab crab in in each each of two two crab crab fishing fishing seasons seasons in in the the last five five crab crab seasons seasons which includes landings made during season open open at the time of of application. application. Crab fishing season means ocean Dungeness crab season. However, However, the any season 60-month waiting the Board landing requirement requirement as Board may may waive waive the the landing as well well as as the the 60-month waiting period period provided provided by by ORS ORS 508.936 508.936 ifif the these requirements requirements would individual seeking Board strict adherence adherence to Board finds finds that that strict to these would create create undue undue hardship hardship to to the the individual seeking to to transfer a permit. permit. The board board also also may may delegate delegate to to the the Department Department its its authority authority to to waive waive these these requirements requirements in in such such transfer specific instances as the in aa letter letter of of delegation delegation to to the the Department; Department; the Board Board sets sets forth forth in is transferable: transferable: (b) The vessel permit is (A) To another vessel; or (B) To To the the purchaser of the vessel when the vessel is is sold. (B) transferred, with shall not notbe: be: (c) The vessel vessel to which a permit is transferred, with the the exception exception of vessels vessels covered covered by (Z)(d), (fl(d), shall longer than than the the vessel vessel from which which the the permit permit isis transferred; transferred; and and (A) More than 10 feet longer in length. length. (B) More than 99 feet in )(e) of ORS 508.931 508.931 may only be transferred transferred to vessels vessels Permits obtained qualifying under section (d) Permits obtained as a result of qualifying section (1 (1)(e) length of of a Jength of 26 26 feet or less; (e) The length length of of aavessel vessel for forpurposes purposes of oftransferring transferring permits permits is is the the length length of of that thatvessel vessel on onSeptember September 9, 9, 1995, 1995, (e) modified to to increase increase its its length; length; subsequently modified unless subàequently (f) Except for vessels described in in section section (d), (d), transfer transfer of ofpermits permits isis limited limited to tovessels vesselsno nomore morethan than10 10feet feetlonger longerthan than vessels described regardless of of length length of of vessels previously previously holding holding the permit; permit; the permitted vessel, regardless the event aa vessel vessel is is destroyed destroyed due due to to fire, fire, capsizing, capsizing, sinking sinking or or other other event, event, the Ihe vessel vessel owner owner has has up up to to two two (g) In In the (g the ocean ocean Dungeness Dungeness crab crab fishery permit permit to aa replacement replacement vessel. vessel. years to transfer the nearshore fishery -- see see ORS ORS 508.957. 508.957. (8) Black rockfish /I blue rockfish I nearshore fishery-( fishery: Permits Permits are are transferable. transferable. (9) Brine shrimp fishery: clam dive fishery: ' " (10) (10) Bay clam ~The permittee may request the Department to transfer a bay clam dive permit up to t'l0 timet per calendar year. Y!E. (Q) theevent eventofofthe thedeath deathofofa apermit permitholder, holder,the thepermit permitofofthe thedeceased deceasedmay maybe beissued issued to toan animmediate immediate () InInthe .. family member upon request, request. validated validated by the Department's receipt the death death certificate and and the the Department's receipt of a copy of the original permit. (b)(c)(£)The TheDepartment Departmentmay mayauthorize authorize aa permit permit issued issued to to an an individual individual to to be be transferred transferred to a specified specified individual () individual l;. for up up to to 90 90 days days upon upon petition petition by by the the permittee permittee on on the the form form provided provided by bythe theDepartment Department due due to to aa medical medical condition. (~) The (A) The Department's Department's decision decision to to allow allow aa transfer transfer shall shall be be based basedon on aafinding finding that that the the current current permit permit holder holder is is unable to participate in the fishery due to injury injury or or illness illness which which prevents prevents diving, diving, based based on on medical medical evidence evidence unable submitted by by the the permit permit holder, holder, and and such such other other evidence evidence the Department considers reliable. (.§.) At the end of the the transfer transfer period, period, the the Department Department may permit holder holder or or (B) may reinstate reinstate the the permit permit to the original permit to new transferee, transferee, provided provided that the original original permit permit holder holder again again submits submits medical medical evidence evidence documenting documenting to a new that the injury continues to prevent their return iniury or illness continues return to diving. (£) There on the the eligibility of of each each individual individual permit permit for formedical medical transfer transfer status, status, beginning beginning (C) There is is aa two-year two-year limit limit on with the start start date date of of the the first first medical medical transfer transfer of of that that permit permit on on or orafter afterJanuary January 1,2006, 1,2006, and and ending ending two two years years . from that date. lQ)(~!} Department, after after review review of of aa denial denial by by the the Commission, Commission, allows allows aa transfer, transfer, the the original original permit permit holder holder (g)L) If the Department, L chr.Il ,j,,ritfannotice nn*ira to tn the tha Department flannrtmant nf ddracc and rind telephone talanhnna number nrimhnr of nfl-ha trnncfnrnn Tha shall niwn give written of fhn the n,n-.a name, address the transferee. The oriqinal permit holder mav. at anv time durinq the transfer period specified in subsection 110HA). reouest the Department reinstate the permit back to their possession. Such transfer requires 30 davs' writt'en notice to the· Department. In anv event upon expiration of the transfer period specified in (10),( At or uponi cancellation of a transfer due to lack of medical evidence of continuino inabilitv to dive the permitshall revell automaticallv to the oriainal permit holder unless the transfer is renewed as orovided in subsectiol\l 110 A\rif this rule. Cr"- eO) Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 ORS 506.109,506.129,508.760 508.762 Stats. Implemented: ORS 506.109, 506.129, 508.760 and 508.762 Hist.: Hist: ~V lG'\ 635-006-1110 Logbook Required (1) Sea urchin urchin fishery: fishery: The The Department Department shall shall provide a logbook logbook to to each each individual individual permitted permitted to to harvest harvest sea sea urchins. urchins. (1) responsible for maintaining maintaining the logbook in in accordance accordance with with the the instructions instructions contained contained therein therein and and Each Each individual individual is is responsible shall, uponrequ~§tat"D."lJtb.QrizeJL reuestcf an aitLQrizd rr"-R[~senta!bLeQLtbeJ:)ep-"!Jtment,permiJ sball ,uRaD. .examjnaJion . and transcription oJ rsentaJive of ---------- par1m ent, pemiJLexaminationantLtranscription of iiifbrrnalibh frbmsUchlbgbooKThfoimationso'received by lfie Deparlmenlsnall"beconsTdered-as HFifbrmatiOui from - UhTobook:Thfofffiatidnia±edeF'ed bVth&Dèàftftëhtihálibé öH1dêéd confidential: . (2) Black (2) -- see ORS 508.953, 508.953. Black rockfish rockfish I/ blue blue rockfish rockfish I/ nearshore nearshore fishery fishery-(;J,) Bay The Department (3) Bay clam clam dive dive fishery: fishery: The Department shall shall provide provide aa logbook logbook to to each each permit permit holder holder permitted permitted to to harvest harvest bay clams. Each permit holder is responsible for mai.ntaining the logbook in accordance with the instructions contained therein and shall, upon request of an authorized representative of the Department, permit examination and transcription of information from such logbook. Catch records and trade secrets documented in the log book are confidential. ORS 506.119 Stat. Auth.: ORS 506.119 Stats. Implemented: ORS ORS 506.109 506.109 Hist.: Attachment 55 Attachment Public Correspondence No public correspondence received as of October 20, 2005 2005 October 20,