øc7 COL j r 1 H Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed AT u/ E. ca ta lo g TH I I Extension Circular 631 D1 -. .1 S Revised January 1976 . Sftq Sc4edcde Spray Schedule for Home Orchards ber of recommended materials and the time of application are a minimum. Many commercial combinations of fungicides an(l insecticides are available. If used as the manufacturer recommends, these are effective in controlling the insects and diseases listed on the label. To get good pest control, thorough spray coverage of trees is necessary. It is hard to get complete coverage with hand equipment, but it can be clone. Good cover- age means thoroughly wetting the leaves, twigs, and branches. When mixed with water, some chemicals such as methoxvchlor, Sevin, wettable sulfur, and ziram tend to settle out. Shake or stir the spray mixture frequently during application. Mature fruit will not have excess chemical residues if you observe the proper interval between the last spray and harvest, as indicated on the manufacturer's label. All fruits should be washed before eating. Time of Application Materials and Amount Per 1 Gallon of Water Insect or Disease (See dilution table on next page) Apple and Pear Blister mites, scale, scab. Early spring (dormant) Lime sulfur ------------------------------------------------------------ Cyprex iT (Cyprex does not control mites or Scab, mildew. 1)IOSSOII1S Ol)Cfl. Scab, mildew. I 'etal fal 1* \Vlieii blossoiii petals have fallen. Too wuiTs later -------------------------------------Iliree weeks later ------------------------------------ Codling niotli,± spider mites, aphids, pear psvl 1a4 scab, no dew, t'odling moth, Slider mites, lear CodI ing mites, spider niotli, pear Loin' weeks later -------------------------------------- \Ily this .\letlioxvclilor or Sevin 2T p1us malathion 2t or diazinon lT. If Sevin or inetlioxvclilor + mualatluon or diazinon fail to control mites, add Eeltliane IT. Clister mite, lear I )iazinon iT. varieties oul. Ii5 Ilti. fall alter all fruit is harvested. Iii Peach sense precautions are observed. Follow the manufacturer's precautions on the pesti- cide label. These are not intended to frighten the user, but to impress upon him the need for careful use of pesticides. Itloomim st:ie ---------------------------------------------- I_ca I.imc sulfur I clips, or Fixed Copper Spray p1tis a reliable spreader-sticker, Follow manufacturers curl. I' direct ioiis. C:iptan 2T, or wettable sulfur 6T. llrosvn rot Ilossoto liliglit. Spray once per week (Ill ring bloom. Apply first spray obeti fu'st blo to appears. I) tie week after blossom fallen petals have ------------------------------------------------------ Stimi tiler SI ray -----------------------------------------J tily 10 to 15, and again 3 weeks later. 1'eii to TH lected on the basis of their effectiveness, availability, and safety. These pesticides are among the less hazardous to the user. All can be used safely if common P15 nialathion 2t or 1 T. Cmll:iig nmtli. spider mites. sTray to late-maturing lost harvest, pears unIv ------------------------ Metlioxyclilor or Sevin 3 (liazulon psvlla. Two spraysDecember 15 and before January 15. The pesticides suggested in this leaflet have been se- aphids). Lime sulfur cup, or Cyprex iT plus Naratliane iT. Lime sulfur t cup, or Cyprex I T plus Karat liane iT. Metlioxvclilor 2T plus nialatliion 2t, or (liazinon II plus wettable sulfur 6T. Metlioxychior 2T plus nialatluon 2t or diazinon 1T. psylla. Poor weeks later -------------------------------------- Dormant -------------------------------------------------- Pesticides Can Be Used Safely cups. (WARNING: lime sulfur ( Scab only. l'iok Just before 1 wi I disco1 r painted buildings. Inst be fore buds open. Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed AT u/ E. ca ta lo g The spray schedule in this leaflet was prepared for the home gardener. It does not meet the exacting requirements of the commercial fruit grower. The num- I-I lass Is-lore picking ( rvncumu hI iglit 1 'cad i \Vettahle stil fur 6T. - and prune root \' mug 1 orer. trees arc especially susceptible to injury. Itrowmu rot, westcrum spoiled cium'muimmhem' beetle (west urn ( )reon only) Af'rjmieIcimig (Seplcuila'r or October) Apply Tliiodan 4T to lower limbs and trunk and around base of tree. Use coarse spray. Avoid spraying fruit. Two applications are vital. Metlmoxvclilur or Sevin 2'!' 111115 wettable sulfur fiT. If spimler mites become a problem, add nialat uk ii 2t 507- L.C, or Kcltlmane 2T. (oIlier spray plus spreader-sticker (follow mann- Corvneum blight. factuirer's directions) - ..ne rry Store pesticides in a safe place, out of reach of children. Destroy empty containers or those without labels. Do not keep pesticides in beverage bottles or other containers which previously have been used for food or drink. When mixing and using pesticides, avoid getting them on your skin. Wash your hands after spraying. lilootu stage .............................................. ('aptatu 2'l', ou' svettable sulfur fiT. lirowii rot blossom Idiglit. Spra' once per week (luring bloom. Apply first spray when first bloom appears. La rlv summer -----------------------------------------\Vlmcn fruit flies emergedate lii lIn rot ( 'Imerry I runt 115 announced by county agents. Usually when Royal Annes first turn red. if rains occur, add wettable stil fur for brown rot control, if heavy rain follows spraying, repeat spray, Summer spr is s (if pests ippcsr) * If icy aphimls are present, use malaihion Apply every 7 to 10 (las's until harvest. Flies rest on lid iage (it Tier than cli erry, so spray as iii ucli of smirrouimding foliage a practical. (5% mcliioxyclilor or 10% Sevin dust is also effective, hut will require a good duster for thorough application,) Aphids tiiitcc iT Usc immetlioxyclilor 3T, or Sevin 2T, or diazinon I F. PC \I il ill ion 2t ss% F C or di union I I 2% I u sIn... or diazinon IT plus weiialile sulfur ('I'. 'ilriI,tlrun or diazmno,i, svtmm'tu corohimmed svil is the admitt stage of the insect timat causes wormy aputes and p 'rim. 'erie psytla attacks nitTy pears. They cause fruit anti leaves to c sticky frau it' tmmmmmeymlew they secrete. 'I' Cutting mull Karattaime, may cause nj try to Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed AT u/ E. ca ta lo g TH Formulations and Concentrations of Materials to Use in Spray Schedules Material Formulation and Concentration