c a ome We it ars 1-' ' ' V S T Fo HIS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed AT u/ E. ca ta lo g r. 41 / / -'1 H i, ', Cooperative Extension Service Oregon State University Corvallis Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, Gene M Lear, director Oregon State University, and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating Printed and distributed in furtherance of Act', of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914 Spta Sekdcile Spray Schedule for Home Orchards The spray schedule in this leaflet was prepared for the home gardener. It does not meet the exacting requirements of the commercial fruit grower. The number of recommended materials and the time of applica- Apple and Pear sects and diseases listed on the label. To get good pest control, thorough spray coverage of trees is necessary. It is hard to get complete coverage with hand equipment, but it can be done. Good cover- Lime sulfur if cups. (WARNING: lime sulfur Scab only. Cyprex iT (Cyprex does not control mites or Pink ............................................................ Just before blossoms open. Scab, mildew. Petal fall* .................................................. Scab, mildew. Lime sulfur f cup, or Cyprex iT plus Karathane iT. Lime sulfur f cup, or Cyprex iT plus Karathane iT. DDT or methoxychlor 2T plus malathion 2t, or aphids). When blossom petals have fallen. Two weeks later ........................................ Codling moth,t spider mites, aphids, Three weeks later .................................... Codling moth, spider mites, psylla. Codling moth, spider mites, psylla. Codling moth, spider mites. ziram tend to settle out. Shake or stir the spray mixture frequently during application. Mature fruit will not have excess chemical residues if you observe the proper interval between the last spray and harvest, as indicated on the manufacturer's label. All fruits should be washed before eating. diazinon iT plus wettable sulfur 6T. pear psylla,1 scab, mildew. Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed AT u/ E. ca ta lo g as DDT, methoxychlor, Sevin, wettable sulfur, and will discolor painted buildings.) Just before buds open. age means thoroughly wetting the leaves, twigs, and branches. When mixed with water, some chemicals such Four weeks later -------------------------------------Four weeks later -------------------------------------- pear pear Apply this spray to late-maturing varieties only. Post harvest, pears only -------------------------- pesticides. chlor + malathion or diazinon fail to control mites, add Keithane iT. Diazinon iT. Leaf curl. Lime sulfur 15 cups, or Puratized 10 Spray if t, or TAG 1St. fore January 15. Bloom stage .............................................. Brown rot blossom blight. Captan 2T, or wettable sulfur 6T, or TAG if t. Coryneum blight. Wettable sulfur 6T. Peach and prune root borer. Young trees are especially susceptible to Apply DDT 5 cup to lower limbs and trunk and around base of tree. Spray once per week during bloom. Apply first spray when first bloom appears. One week after blossom petals have fallen ...................................................... Summer spray .......................................... July 10 to 15, and again 3 weeks later, Ten to 14 days before picking ................ TH lected on the basis of their effectiveness, availability, and safety. These pesticides, with the possible exception of the mercury fungicides, are among the less hazardous to the user. All can be used safely if common sense precautions are observed. Follow the manufacturer's precautions on the pesticide label. These are not intended to frighten the user, but to impress upon him the need for careful use of diazinon iT. DDT or methoxychlor or Sevin 2T plus malathion 2t or diazinon iT. DDT or methoxychior or Sevin 2T plus malathion 2t or diazinon iT. If DDT or Sevin or methoxy- Blister mite, pear psylla. Two sprays December 15 and be- The pesticides suggested in this leaflet have been se- DDT or methoxychlor 2T plus malathion 2t or In fall after all fruit is harvested. Dormant .................................................... Pesticides Can Be Used Safely (See dilution table on next page) Blister mites, scale, scab. Early spring (dormant) -------------------------- tion are a minimum. Many commercial combinations of fungicides and insecticides are available. If used as the manufacturer recommends, these are effective in controlling the in- Materials and Amount Per 1 Gallon of Water Insect or Disease Time of Application injury. Brown rot, western spotted cucumber beetle (western Oregon only). After picking (September or October) Coryneum blight. Bloom stage .............................................. Brown rot blossom blight. Methoxychlor or Sevin 2T plus wettable sulfur oT. If spider mites become a problem, add malathion 2t 50% B.C. or Keithane 2T. Copper spray plus spreader-sticker (follow manufacturer's directions). Cherry Store pesticides in a safe place, out of reach of children. Destroy empty containers or those without labels. Do not keep pesticides in beverage bottles or other containers which previously have been used for food or drink. When mixing and using pesticides, avoid getting them on your skin. Wash your hands after spraying. appears. Early summer .......................................... Cherry fruit fly, brown rot. When fruit flies first emergedate Use methoxychlor 3T, or Sevin 2T, or diazinon iT. Apply every 7 to 10 days until harvest. Flies rest on foliage other than cherry, so spray as much of surrounding foliage as practical. (5% meth- announced by county agents. Usually when Royal Annes first turn red. If rains occur, add wettable sulfur for oxychlor or 10% Sevin dust is also effective, but will require a good duster for thorough appli- brown rot control. If heavy rain follows spraying, repeat spray, Summer sprays (if pests appear) Captan 2T, or wettable sulfur 6T, or TAG if t, or Puratized 10 Spray if t. Spray once per week during bloom, Apply first spray when first bloom cation.) Aphids, mites, pear-slug. Malathion 2t 50% E.C. or diazinon iT 25% E. C. If aphids are present, use malathion IT or diazinon IT plus wettable sulfur ST. Malathion or diazinon, when combined with Karathane, may cause injury to apples. moth is the adult stage of the insect that causes wormy apples and pears. fS Codling I'ear psylla attacks only pears. They cause fruit and leaves to be sticky from the honeydew they secrete. Fo IS ht r m P U tp :// os BL ex t c IC te ur A ns re TI io nt ON n. in or fo IS eg rm O on at U st ion T O at : F e. D ed AT u/ E. ca ta lo g TH Formulations and Concentrations of Materials to Use in Spray Schedules Material Formulation and Concentration