2209.21_20 Page 1 of 22 FOREST SERVICE HANDBOOK INTERMOUNTAIN REGION (REGION 4) OGDEN, UT FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS Amendment No.: 2209.21-2005-1 Effective Date: December 23, 2005 Duration: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. Approved: JACK G. TROYER Regional Forester Date Approved: 12/09/2005 Posting Instructions: Amendments are numbered consecutively by Handbook number and calendar year. Post by document; remove the entire document and replace it with this amendment. Retain this transmittal as the first page(s) of this document. The last amendment to this Handbook was 2209.21-2003-1 to 2209.21. New Document 2209.21_20 22 Pages Superseded Document(s) by Issuance Number and Effective Date 2209.21_20 (Amendment 2209.21-2003-1, 12/19/2003) 6 Pages Digest: 22.1 – Adds Exhibit 01, Resources Value Ratings Guide (RVRs) and direction on using the guide. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 2 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS Table of Contents 20.05 – Definitions.................................................................................................................. 3 21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS ............................................................... 3 21.1 - Priorities for Analysis ....................................................................................................... 3 21.2 – Procedures for Analysis ................................................................................................... 3 21.3 – Analysis Procedure Outline ............................................................................................. 3 22 – RANGELAND HEALTH (sec. 20.05) ..................................................................... 5 22.1 – Upland Rangeland Health Criteria ................................................................................... 6 R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 3 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS 20.05 – Definitions Rangeland Analysis. See FSM 2210.5, Range Analysis. Rangeland Health. Rangeland health (or rangeland condition) is the state of vegetation and soil cover in relation to a standard or ideal for a particular rangeland type. 21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS 21.1 - Priorities for Analysis The Forest Supervisor shall establish priorities for analysis considering the following factors: 1. Rangelands placement on the Allotment NEPA Rescission Act of 1995 (P.L. 104-19) schedule. 2. Rangelands with anadromous fisheries or Threatened, Endangered or Sensitive plant or animal habitat subject to consultation. 3. Rangelands not in desired condition. For example, rangelands with water quality limited segments identified on State Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDL) lists. 4. Rangelands without a current rangeland management decision. 4. Rangelands needing to meet Forest Plan direction (standards and guidelines). 6. Rangelands with wild horse and burro and livestock conflicts. 7. Rangelands with controversial issues. 21.2 – Procedures for Analysis Rangeland analysis should be done on a priority basis or as there is a need for information to meet Forest Plan standards, for rangeland project decisions, for management, and/or for maintenance and improvement of rangeland health. The degree of information analyzed will depend upon the purpose of the analysis and the issues relevant to the analysis. 21.3 – Analysis Procedure Outline 1. Identify location and purpose for analysis, including a description of desired conditions. 2. Identify issues relevant to the analysis. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 4 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS 3. Determine makeup of interdisciplinary team and intensity of analysis. 4. Compile base information about the resources and issues identified for analysis. a. Locate existing maps or create Geographic Information System (GIS) maps from digital ortho-quads, digital raster graphics, satellite imagery, or aerial photos. Append associated tabular data from corporate databases. Consider the following map layers for inclusion if warranted by issues: (1) Land area, ownership, and rangeland management unit boundaries. (2) Vegetation cover types, community types, and complexes. Layers may include historic, existing, and potential descriptions. (3) Ecological unit inventory, soil types and geology at appropriate mapping scales. (4) Streams, lakes, ponds, seeps and springs, wells, or other water resources. (5) Biological resources including threatened, endangered, and sensitive species or habitat, and known wildlife grazing. (6) Cultural or heritage resources. (7) Recreation areas and uses, including roads, trails, gates, campgrounds, and so forth. (8) Monitoring sites. b. Compile other documentation relevant to the analysis area, including but not limited to Forest Plan guidance, previous environmental analyses, watershed assessments, allotment management plans, annual operating instructions, permits, resource assessments and inventories, monitoring reports, and photos. c. If warranted, map rangelands using available technology. Different types of maps may be produced, depending on the issues. Contact the Regional Office Rangeland Management staff or Engineering staff for assistance in producing vegetation maps. Local expertise in vegetation is needed to produce these maps. Compare these maps with old digitized site analysis maps and the early 1910 and 1920 allotment maps for long term trend determinations. d. Map rangelands that are functioning, functioning-at-risk, or not functioning regarding desired condition in relation to rangeland health and sustainability. Express trend regarding desired conditions determined from changes in repeated measurements of attributes as meeting, moving toward, or not meeting. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 5 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS 5. Verify mapped information, for example, present plant community or vegetative cover types. 6. For each rangeland vegetation type within the analysis area: a. Describe current conditions. b. Describe reference conditions. c. Interpret information for functionality and trend. Map interpreted information as needed, for example, area’s functional rating and trend, desired condition descriptive elements or attributes, areas meeting or not meeting Forest Plan Standards and Guidelines, and management alternatives. 22 – RANGELAND HEALTH (SEC. 20.05) Describe rangeland health through the desired condition of vegetation, soils and associated resources for which objectives have been stated. Objectives could be stated by what desired vegetative status is needed to achieve certain specified resource values, or it could be a description of plant community. The desired health is the result of all combined resource values desired on a rangeland type. Rangeland health is defined using the terms functioning, functioning-at-risk, or not functioning rangelands. Rangelands are functioning when they are meeting a desired condition identified in long term specified management objectives, standards, and/or guidelines; and have the capability across the landscape for renewal, for recovery from a wide range of disturbances, and for retention of its ecological resilience. Rangelands are functioning-at-risk when short-term objectives are being met but functionality criteria are not yet present. For example: if the objective is to achieve 90 percent ground cover with the desired plants present and these objectives are met, the rangeland is functioning. If the short-term objective is to move from 40 to 70 percent ground cover in five years (while moving toward the long term objective of 90 percent ground cover) and the desired plants are increasing with no noxious weeds present, then satisfactory progress is being made toward meeting the long-term objective, but the rangeland is functioning-at-risk because those long-term objectives are not yet present. Non-functioning rangeland health occurs when the desired condition is not being met and shortterm objectives are not being achieved to move the rangeland toward the desired conditions, and the rangeland has lost the capability across or in critical areas of the landscape for ecological resilience. Stable state communities in an altered health from a desired community may mean readjusting the health and functionality criteria to what can be achieved under the current ecological conditions. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 6 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Upland Rangeland Health Criteria Consider a minimum of four criteria when determining the functionality of upland rangelands: 1. Non-Native Invasive Plant Species. If non-native invasives or noxious weeds are present, the rangeland is functioning-at-risk at best, and if the non-native invasives plant population is abundant and/or dense, the rangeland is not functioning, even if adequate ground cover is present. This interpretation is made because of the aggressive nature of non-native invasives in both pristine and disturbed landscapes. 2. Ground Cover. If ground cover is greater than a described threshold to prevent adverse soil impacts, the rangeland is functioning from a watershed sustainability standpoint. A minimum of 60 percent ground cover is a general standard for limiting water erosion for the Region, except for certain geologic and soil types that this criterion cannot be achieved; for example, like the Mancos Shale. Ground cover is basal vegetation, litter, moss/lichen, or rock greater than three-fourths inch diameter. The minimum ground cover needed for proper functioning sustainable ecosystems for primary vegetation cover types in the Region are (revise these for site-specificity for rangeland project analysis or Forest Plan analysis): Cover Type Alpine Aspen Mountain Big Sagebrush Tall Forb Pinyon-Juniper Mountain Mahogany Gamble Oak Mountain Brush Percent Ground Cover For Functionality 90 80 70 80 60 75 75 70 3. Shrub Cover. This rangeland health indicator only assesses the properly functioning aspect of an entire shrub cover type and is essentially a landscape level indicator. The desired mix of cover classes for sustainable and functional sagebrush ecosystems for all ecological purposes and needs is: 10 percent of the sagebrush area has 0-5 percent shrub canopy cover. 50 percent of the sagebrush area has 6-15 percent shrub canopy cover. 40 percent of the sagebrush area has greater than15 percent shrub canopy cover. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 7 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS If the mix of sagebrush cover is outside the desired cover class distribution, the cover type may be functioning at risk for the overall ecological health and diversity of a sustainable sagebrush community at a landscape level. 4. Species Composition. Determining if the proper vegetation is present on a site is the most difficult question in determining rangeland health. A general evaluation may be conducted using a basic species composition list or a community or cover type; however, species lists may need to be revised to adequately assess a site’s ability to meet more specific health or other management objectives if the site is in a depressed stable state or if the site is occupied by invasive species. A rangeland site is functioning when all the desired plants are present in the desired amount. The interpretation of desired species and amounts will change when goals change for specific purposes, like watershed sustainability, forage production, sage grouse habitat, low risk wildfire community, or a pleasing wildflower setting in a sagebrush community. Exhibit 01 displays resource values ratings (RVRs) for Intermountain Region plants to assist in determining what a desired plant community is. A watershed stability rating and forage preference ratings are given by season and a yearlong value. To determine the current plant community status in relation to a desired plant community a similarity analysis may performed. Information from the Range Inventory Standardization Committee Report (1983) suggests that a value of 75 percent similar or greater may be used to differentiate between meeting and not meeting management objectives. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: 12/23/2005 DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 8 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MANAGEMENT HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND INVENTORY AND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01 REGION 4 RANGE MANAGEMENT RESOURCE VALUE RATINGS GUIDE Column Descriptions Y S S F W Genus and Species Forage preference Forage preference Forage preference Forage preference Forage preference - followed with a P, the plant is poisonous yearly spring summer fall winter Column heading identifies type of animal rated. E Erosion Control potential (watershed protection) Abbreviations Used H M L = = = High Medium Low Definition of Codes Preference of plant by cattle, sheep, horses, mule deer and elk - The relish and degree of use shown by selected ungulates for a plant or plant part. a. b. c. HIGH - highly relished and consumed to a high degree. MODERATE - moderately relished and consumed to a moderate degree. LOW - not relished and normally consumed to only a small degree or not at all. Watershed - Erosion Control Potential - A plant exhibits growth habit, plant structure, high potential biomass, and/or a root system that has the potential to reduce soil erosion. a. HIGH - A plant that has aggressive growth habits, persistent plant structure, high potential biomass, and/or a good soil-binding root-rhizome-runner system in established stands. b. MODERATE - A plant that has moderately aggressive growth, moderately persistent plant structure, moderate potential biomass, and/or a moderate soil-binding root-rhizome-runner system in established stands. c. LOW - A plant that has poor growth, persistence, biomass and/or a soil-binding root system that makes it generally inadequate for erosion control. R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 9 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued GRASS AND GRASSLIKE Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW E W Achnatherum nelsonii ssp. dorei Achnatherum pinetorum Achnatherum scribneri Agropyron cristatum Agropyron smithii Agropyron spicatum Agropyron trachycaulum Agrostis exarata Agrostis idahoensis Agrostis scabra Agrostis stolonifera Agrostis variabilis Alopecurus pratensis Andropogon hallii Aristida longiseta Aristida oligantha Aristida purpurea Aristida purpurea var. fendleriana Arrhenatherum elatius Avena fatua Avena sativa Beckmannia syzigachne Bothriochloa barbinodis Bouteloua aristidoides Bouteloua barbata Bouteloua curtipendula Bouteloua eriopoda Bouteloua gracilis Bouteloua hirsuta Bouteloua simplex Bromus briziformis Bromus carinatus Bromus ciliatus Bromus diandrus Bromus hordeaceus ssp. hordeaceus Bromus inermis Bromus japonicus Bromus porteri Bromus rubens Bromus tectorum Buchloe dactyloides Calamagrostis canadensis Calamagrostis montanensis Calamagrostis purpurascens Calamagrostis rubescens Calamagrostis stricta Calamovilfa longifolia Carex albonigra Carex aquatilis Carex atherodes Carex aurea Carex douglasii Carex duriuscula Carex ebenea Carex egglestonii Carex elynoides Carex filifolia Carex geyeri HHHHM MHMMM HHHHM MHMMM HHHHM M M M M H H M MMMLL MMMLL MHMLL MMMLL MHMML M MHMMM MHMMM HHHHH MHLLM MHMMM M MHMMM MMLLM MHMMM MHLLM MHMMM H HHMMM MMLLM MHMMM MMLLM HHMMM M MHMMM MMMMM HHHMH MMMMM HHHMH M MMMLL LMLLL MHMMM LMLLL MHMML M MHMLL LMLLL MHMMM LMLLL LMLLL M MHMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL M MMMLL LMLLL MHMMM LMLLL MHMML M MHMLL LMLLL MMHLL MMHLL MMMLL M MMMMM MMMLM MMMML MMLLM MMMMM M MMMMM MMMMM MMMML MLMML MLMML H LMLLL LMLLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL M LMLL- LMLL- LMLL- LMLL- LLLLL MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL LLLLL L LMLLL LMLLL MLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M MMMMM MMLLM MHMMM MMLLM H M MHM-M MHL-M MHM-M LML-L LML-L L MHM-L MHL-L MHM-L LML-L LML-L L MMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LLLLL M MLMLM LLLLM MMMMM LLLLM LLLLL H LLMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLMLL LLLLL M LLM-LLM-LLM-LLL-LLL-L MHMMM MMMLM MMMMM LMLLL LMLLL M MHMMM MMMLM MMMMM LMLLL MMMLL M MHMMM MMMLM MMMMM LMLLL MMMLL M MHMLL MMMLM MMMMM LMLLL LMLLL M LMMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL LLLLL L HHL-MML-- HHL-MML-- MHM-- L HHHMM MHMMM MHMMM MMMLL HHHMM M HHHMM MHMMM HHHMM MHMMM MHMMM M LML-LLL-LML-LML-MML-- L HHM-- HHM-- HHM-- MMM-- MHM-- L HHHMM MHMMM HHHMM MMMLM HHHMM H HHM-- HHM-- HHM-- MMM-- MMM-- L MHMMM MHMMM HHHMM MHMMM MHMMM M MML-- MML-- MML-- MML-- LLL-L MHLLH MHLLH MHLLM MHLLH MHLLH L HHHMM HHHMM HHHMM LLMLL HHHMM H HHHMM MMHLL MHMMM MMMML MMHHM H MMHMM MMMMM MMMMM LMLLL MHMML M LMLLL LMLLL MMMMM MMMML MMMML M MMHHM LMMLL MHMMM MMLLM MLMML H HHHMM MMMML HHHHH MMMLM M H HHMLH MHLLM HHMLH LMMLL MMLLM H H H H H H M HHHHM MMMMM MHMMM MMMMM MHHMM H H M H M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHMLL LLMLL MHMLL MMMLL MMMLL M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM H MMMLL MMMLL MMMMM LMLLL MMMLM H HHHMM LMMLL HHHMM MHMMM HHHMM M R4 Common Name Dore's needlegrass pine needlegrass Scribner needlegrass crested wheatgrass western wheatgrass bluebunch wheatgrass slender wheatgrass spike bentgrass Idaho bentgrass rough bentgrass creeping bentgrass mountain bentgrass meadow foxtail sand bluestem Fendler threeawn prairie threeawn purple threeawn Fendler's threeawn tall oatgrass wild oat common oat American sloughgrass cane bluestem needle grama sixweeks grama sideoats grama black grama blue grama hairy grama matted grama rattlesnake brome California brome fringed brome ripgut brome soft brome smooth brome Japanese brome Porter brome red brome cheatgrass buffalograss bluejoint plains reedgrass purple reedgrass pinegrass slimstem reedgrass prairie sandreed blackandwhite sedge water sedge wheat sedge golden sedge Douglas' sedge needleleaf sedge ebony sedge Eggleston's sedge blackroot sedge threadleaf sedge Geyer's sedge R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 10 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued GRASS AND GRASSLIKE Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW E W Carex heteroneura Carex inops ssp. heliophila Carex lanuginosa Carex microptera Carex nebrascensis Carex nigricans Carex obtusata Carex paysonis Carex praegracilis Carex raynoldsii Carex rossii Carex rostrata Carex rupestris Catabrosa aquatica Cenchrus longispinus Dactylis glomerata Danthonia californica Danthonia intermedia Danthonia parryi Danthonia unispicata Deschampsia cespitosa Distichlis spicata Echinochloa crus-galli Eleocharis acicularis Eleocharis palustris Elymus canadensis Elymus cinereus Elymus glaucus Elymus lanceolatus ssp. lanceolatus Elymus scribneri Elytrigia repens Eragrostis cilianensis Eragrostis trichodes Festuca arizonica Festuca campestris Festuca idahoensis Festuca ovina Festuca rubra Festuca thurberi Festuca viridula Glyceria elata Glyceria grandis Helictotrichon hookeri Hilaria jamesii Hordeum brachyantherum Hordeum jubatum Juncus balticus Juncus longistylis Juncus parryi Kobresia myosuroides Kobresia sibirica Koeleria cristata Leersia oryzoides Leymus salinus ssp. salinus Leymus simplex Leymus triticoides Lolium arundinaceum Lolium perenne MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM L MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM H HHHHM MHMMM HHHHM MMMML MHMMM M HHHHM MMMMM HHHHM MMMMM MHHMM H MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM H MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM H MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM H MMLLL LMMLL LMLLL LMLLL MMMLL H LLMML LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL MMMLL H MHHMM MMMML MMMMM MMMMM MHHMM M HHHMM MMMMM HHHMM MMMMM MMMMM M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM M MHMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM HHHMM M HHHHL MMMML HHHHL HHHHL HHHHL M MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML HHHML M MMMML MMMML HHHML MMMML MMMML M HHHHM MHMMM HHHMM MMMML MHHMM H MMMML LLLLL MMMML LLLLL LLLLL H MMMLL MMMML MMMML MMMLL MMMLL L MMMML MMMML MMMLL MMLLL MMMLL H MMMML MMMML MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL H MMMMM MMMLL MHMMM LMLLL MMMLL M HHMMH MMLLL HHLLM MHMMM HHHMM H MHMLM MMMLL HHMLM MMMLM HHMMH H MHMMM MMLLM HHMMM MHLLM MHMMM H LMLLL LMLLL HHHHL LMLLL MMMLL M MMLLM LMLLL MHMMM MMMLM HHHMM H LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L HHHHM MMMML HHHHM MMMMM LLMLL M MHMMM LMMLL HHHHM MMMLL MMMLL M HHHMH MHHMM HHHHM MMMLM HHHMM M HHHHH MHHMM HHHHH MHMMM HHHMH M HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM MHMMM HHHMM M HHHMM MHMLM HHHMM MMMMM HHHMM H HHHMM MMMLL HHHMM MMMLL HHHMM H HHHHM HHHMM HHHHM MHMMM HHHMM H HHHHM MLMML HMHHM LLLLL HHHHM H HMHHM MLMML HMHHM HMHHM HHHHM H H M H M HHHHM MHMM HHHHM MMHMM MMHMM H MMLLL LMLLL MHLLL MHLLL MMMLL M MHLML LMLLL MHLML MHLML MHLML L MHMMM LMLLL MHLLL LMLLL LMLLL H MHMMM LMLLL MHLLL LMLLL LMLLL H MHMMM LMLLL MHLLL LMLLL LMLLL H MMMML MMMML LLLLL LMLLL LMMLL H MMMML MMMML MMMML LLLLL MMMML M MHHMM MHHMM MHHMM MHHMM MHHMM M MMMML MMLLL MMMML MMLLL MMLLL L LMLLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL H MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLM M MMMLM LLLLL MMMLM LMLLL MMMLM M HHHMM MMMMM HHHMH MMMLM MHMMM H HHHMM HHHMM HHHMM MMMLL HHHMM M R4 Common Name different nerve sedge sun sedge woolly sedge smallwing sedge Nebraska sedge black alpine sedge obtuse sedge Payson's sedge clustered field sedge Raynolds' sedge Ross' sedge beaked sedge curly sedge water whorlgrass mat sandbur orchardgrass California oatgrass timber oatgrass Parry's oatgrass onespike danthonia tufted hairgrass inland saltgrass barnyardgrass needle spikerush common spikerush Canada wildrye basin wildrye blue wildrye streambank wheatgrass spreading wheatgrass quackgrass stinkgrass sand lovegrass Arizona fescue rough fescue Idaho fescue sheep fescue red fescue Thurber's fescue greenleaf fescue fowl mannagrass American mannagrass spikeoat James' galleta meadow barley foxtail barley Baltic rush longstyle rush Parry's rush Bellardi bog sedge Siberian bog sedge prairie Junegrass rice cutgrass saline wildrye alkali wildrye beardless wildrye tall fescue perennial ryegrass R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 11 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued GRASS AND GRASSLIKE Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW E W Melica bulbosa Melica spectabilis Monroa squarrosa Muhlenbergia asperifolia Muhlenbergia cuspidata Muhlenbergia Montana Muhlenbergia porteri Muhlenbergia pungens Muhlenbergia racemosa Muhlenbergia richardsonis Muhlenbergia torreyi Nassella viridula Oryzopsis hymenoides Panicum capillare Panicum virgatum Pennisetum glaucum Phalaris arundinacea Phleum alpinum Phleum pretense Piptatherum micranthum Pleuraphis rigida Poa alpina Poa arida Poa bulbosa Poa compressa Poa fendleriana Poa glauca Poa nevadensis Poa palustris Poa pratensis Poa reflexa Poa secunda Poa wheeleri Psathyrostachys juncea Redfieldia flexuosa Schizachyrium scoparium Schoenoplectus acutus var. acutus Schoenoplectus maritimus Schoenoplectus pungens Schoenoplectus tabernaemontani Secale cereale Setaria italica Setaria viridis Sitanion hystrix Sorghastrum nutans Sorghum bicolor Spartina gracilis Spartina pectinata Sporobolus airoides Sporobolus contractus Sporobolus cryptandrus Sporobolus heterolepis Stipa comata Stipa lettermanii Stipa occidentalis Stipa richardsonii Stipa thurberiana Taeniatherum caput-medusae HHHHM MHMMM HHHHH MHMMM MHHMM M HHHHM MHMMM HHHHH MHMMM HHHMM M LMLLL LMMLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL L M M M M M L MMMLM MMMLM MMMLM MMMLM MMMLM M MHMMM MMMMM MHMMM MMMMM HHHMM M HHHMH MMMMM HHHMH MLMML MLMML M M M M L L HHHMM MMMLL HHHMM MMMLL MMMLL M MMMLL LMLLL MMMML MMMLL MMMLL M MMMML MLMML MMMML MMMLL MMMLL M HHHHM MHMMM HHHHM MHMMM HHHMH M HHHMH HHHMH HHHMH MHMMH MHMMH H MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL LMLLL L MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL LMLLL M MMMLL LMLLL MMMML LMLLL LMLLL L MHMLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL H HHHHL MHHML HHHHM MMMHM MMMHM M HHHHM MMHHM MMLLM MMHHM MMMHM M HHHMH MHMMH HHHMH MHMMH MHMMH M HHHML MHMLL HHHML MHMLL LMLLL M HHHHL HHHHL HHHHL HHHHL HHHHL M MMMMM MMMLL MHMMM MMMLL MMMLL M MHMLM MHMLM MHMLM MHMLM MHMLM L HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM M HHHHM HHHMM HHHHM MHMMM HHHMM M H M H M H M HHHMH MMMMM HHHHM MMMMM HHHMM M HHHMM MMMMM HHHHM MMMMM HHHMM H HHHHH HHHMM HHHHM HHHMH HHHMH H HHHMM MHHML HHHMM MHMMM HHHMM M MHLMM MHLMM MHLMM MHLMM MHLMM M HHMMM MMMMM HHHMM MMMLL HHHMM M HHMMH HHMMH HHMMH HHMMH HHMMH M MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL LLLLL H HHHML HHHML HHHML HHHML HHHML M MLMML LLMML LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL M MLMML LLMML LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL M MLMML LLMML LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL M MLMML LLMML LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL M HHHML MMMLL HHHML LMLLL MMMLL L MMMLL LMLLL MMMML LMLLL LMLLL M MMMLL LMLLL MMMML LMLLL LMLLL L MHLLM MHLLL MHLLM MHLLM HHHMH M HHHMM HHHMM HHHMM LMLLL LMLLL M H H H M H LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL H MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL LMLLL H MHMMM MMMLL HHHMM LMLLL MMMLL H MHMML LMMLL MHMML MHMML MMMLL H MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL M HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM HHHHM MMMML M HHMLH MHLLM HHMLH MHLLM MHLLM M MMMLL MMMLL MMMML MMMLL MMMLL M HHHML MMMML HHHML MMMML HHHML M MMMLL MMMLL MHMLL MMMLL MHMML M MMMLM MMMLM HHHLM MMMLM MMMLM M LML-LLL-LLL-LLL-LLL-L R4 Common Name oniongrass purple oniongrass false buffalograss scratchgrass plains muhly mountain muhly bush muhly sandhill muhly marsh muhly mat muhly ring muhly green needlegrass Indian ricegrass witchgrass switchgrass pearl millet reed canarygrass alpine timothy timothy littleseed ricegrass big galleta alpine bluegrass plains bluegrass bulbous bluegrass Canada bluegrass muttongrass glaucous bluegrass Nevada bluegrass fowl bluegrass Kentucky bluegrass nodding bluegrass Sandberg bluegrass Wheeler's bluegrass Russian wildrye blowout grass little bluestem hardstem bulrush cosmopolitan bulrush common threesquare softstem bulrush cereal rye foxtail bristlegrass green bristlegrass squirreltail Indiangrass perennial sweet Sudan alkali cordgrass prairie cordgrass alkali sacaton spike dropseed sand dropseed prairie dropseed needle and thread Letterman's needlegrass western needlegrass Richardson's needlegrass Thurber's needlegrass medusahead R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 12 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued GRASS AND GRASSLIKE R4 Scientific Name Thinopyrum intermedium Thinopyrum intermedium ssp. barbulatum Thinopyrum ponticum Triglochin maritimum - P Triglochin palustre Trisetum spicatum Vulpia octoflora var. octoflora Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW E W R4 Common Name HHHMM MHMMM HHHHM MHMLM HHHMM H MHMMM MMMMM MHMMM MMLLM HHHMM H intermediate wheatgrass pubescent wheatgrass MMLLM LLLMM M HHHHM LML-- rush wheatgrass seaside arrowgrass marsh arrowgrass spike trisetum sixweeks fescue MMLLM HHMMM MMMMM LLLLL M L MHMMM HHHHM MMM-- LML-- MMLLM MHLLM H L L L MHMMM HHHHM MMM-- LML-- H H H L L R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 13 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS R4 Scientific Name Abronia fragrans Achillea millefolium var. occidentalis Aconitum columbianum - P Acroptilon repens Actaea rubra Agastache urticifolia Agoseris glauca Alisma plantago-aquatica Allium acuminatum Allium brevistylum Allium cernuum Allium nevadense Allium textile Amaranthus blitoides Amaranthus retroflexus Ambrosia artemisiifolia Ambrosia psilostachya Anaphalis margaritacea Antennaria dimorpha Antennaria media Antennaria microphylla Antennaria parvifolia Apocynum cannabinum – P Aquilegia Arabis drummondii Arenaria congesta Arenaria fendleri Arenaria hookeri Arenaria obtusiloba Argentina anserina Artemisia dracunculus Artemisia ludoviciana Artemisia scopulorum Asclepias labriformis – P Asclepias speciosa – P Asclepias subverticillata - P Aster engelmannii Astragalus beckwithii Astragalus bisulcatus - P Astragalus cibarius Astragalus cicer Astragalus convallarius – P Astragalus crassicarpus Astragalus drummondii Astragalus flexuosus Astragalus laxmannii var. robustior Astragalus miser - P Astragalus missouriensis Astragalus mollissimus - P Astragalus nelsonianus - P Astragalus purshii Astragalus spatulatus Atriplex argentea Balsamorhiza hookeri Balsamorhiza incana Balsamorhiza macrophylla Balsamorhiza sagittata Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW E W R4 Common Name MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL LMLLL MMMML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L MMMML MMMLL M snowball sand verbena western yarrow LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMML HHHML MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-LLLLMMMLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MLMML M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMML LMLLLLLLLLLLLMLLLLLLMML-LLL-MML-MHMLLLL-LLL-LLL-LLL-LLLLLLLLMLLMM MMMML MMMLL MMMLL MHMML MMMLL LLLLL LMLLL LLMML HHHML MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MMMLHHHMLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL LMMLL MMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL MLMML H MMMLL MLMMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHML MMMMLMLLMMMLHHHMMMMLLLL-LLL-MML-MMMLMMM-LLL-MMM-MMM-MMMLLLLLLLLMM HHHHM HHHHM MHMML HHHHM Columbian monkshood Russian knapweed red baneberry nettleleaf giant hyssop pale agoseris American waterplantain tapertip onion shortstyle onion nodding onion Nevada onion textile onion mat amaranth redroot amaranth annual ragweed Cuman ragweed western pearly everlasting low pussytoes Rocky Mountain pussytoes littleleaf pussytoes small-leaf pussytoes Indianhemp columbine Drummond's rockcress ballhead sandwort Fendler's sandwort Hooker's sandwort twinflower sandwort silverweed cinquefoil tarragon Louisiana sagewort alpine sagebrush Utah milkweed showy milkweed horsetail milkweed Engelmann's aster Beckwith's milkvetch twogrooved milkvetch browse milkvetch cicer milkvetch lesser rushy milkvetch groundplum milkvetch Drummond's milkvetch flexile milkvetch prairie milkvetch timber milkvetch Missouri milkvetch woolly locoweed Nelson's milkvetch woollypod milkvetch tufted milkvetch silverscale saltbush Hooker's balsamroot hoary balsamroot cutleaf balsamroot arrowleaf balsamroot MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL HHHHL MMMML HHHM- MMMLL L MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-HHM-- LML-MMML- LLLLHHMM- MMMMLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MLMML LLMLL H LLLLL HHHML LLLLL MLMMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHMML MMMLL MMMM- LLLLLMLL- LLLLMMML- LLLLMMMM- LMLLLMML- LLLLHHM-- MML-MML-- LLL-MML-- MML-MHML- LMLLLML-LLL-MML-- LLL-LML-LLL-LML-LLL-LMLL- LLLLLMLL- LLLLMMMMM LLLLM MHMML MMMML MMHMM HHHHM MMMML LMLLL HHHMM MHMLH LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLML HHHML MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-MHL-LMLLMMMMLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMMLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MLMML M MMMLL LLMMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHML LMLLLLLLMMMLMMMMMMMLLLL-LLL-LLL-MMLLLLL-LLL-LLL-LLL-LLLLLLLLLLLMM MLLMH MLLMH MLLMH HHHHM M L M M L L L L L L L M L M M M M M H H M M L L L L L M H M M L M M H L L L H L M M L M L L L M L L L M L M M R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 14 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Bassia hyssopifolia Brassica nigra Brickellia eupatorioides Calochortus nuttallii Caltha leptosepala Camassia quamash Campanula rotundifolia Capsella bursa-pastoris Cardaria draba Carduus nutans Castilleja angustifolia Castilleja applegatei ssp. martinii Castilleja flava Castilleja integra Castilleja linariifolia Castilleja miniata Castilleja occidentalis Castilleja sulphurea Centaurea maculosa Cerastium arvense Ceratophyllum demersum Chaenactis douglasii Chaetopappa ericoides Chenopodium album Chenopodium leptophyllum Chenopodium rubrum Chorispora tenella Cicuta douglasii - P Cirsium arvense Cirsium foliosum Cirsium tioganum var. coloradense Cirsium undulatum Cirsium vulgare Clematis hirsutissima Cleome lutea Cleome serrulata Comandra umbellata Conium maculatum - P Convolvulus arvensis Conyza canadensis Corydalis aurea Corydalis caseana Crepis acuminata Crepis intermedia Crepis modocensis Crepis occidentalis Crepis runcinata Croton texensis Cryptantha celosioides Cryptantha humilis Cryptantha sericea Cymopterus acaulis Cymopterus purpurascens Cynoglossum officinale Dalea enneandra Dalea purpurea MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL HHHMMMMLL LMMLMMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LMLLL MMMML MMMML MMMML LMLLL MMMML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL L MMM-LML-LML-LMLLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLL-LLL-LLLLL LLLLL MHMLL LLLLL LMLLLMLLMHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL LLLLL LLL-LLL-LLL-LLL-LLL-LLLLL M H MHMMM MMMLL MMMMM MMMLL HHHML LMLLL MMMMM MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL HHHM- MHMM- HHHM- MHMMMMMLL LLLLL HMHML MMHML MHHM- LLLLMHMM- MMLLMHHHM LMLLL MMMML LMMLL MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM LMLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMML LLLLL MMMML LMLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMML LMLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMML LMLLL MMMML MMMML MMMML LMLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMML MMMML LLLLL LLLLL MMMML MMMML HHHHL LLLLL HHHHL MMMML MMMML LLLLL MMMML MMMML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMML LLLLL LMMLL LMMLL L L L LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M L L L HHM-- MMM-- HHMM- MMM-MMM-- MMM-- HHM-- MMM-MMM-- mmm-- hhm-mmm-MMML- MMLL- MMML- MMMLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL MLMMM LLLLL LLLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMML LMLLL MMM-- LLL-MMM-- LML-MMM-- LLL-MMM-- LML-MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHHM MMMMM HHHHM HHHMM LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LMLLL MMML- LLLLLMLL- LMLLMMML- LLLLLMLL- LMLLHHHMM LMMLL HHHMM HHHMM HHHMM LMMLL HHHMM HHHMM HHHMM LMMLL HHHMM HHHMM MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL MHMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMM-- MML-- MMM-- MMM-MMM-- MML-- MMM-- MMM-MMM-- MML-- MMM-- MMM-LML-LLL-LML-LML-LML-LLL-LML-LML-LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M M H H E W R4 Common Name M M M L M L L L M L M M M M M M M M L L L L L L L L L M H L M L L M L L M L M L L L L L L M L M L L L L L L M M fivehorn smotherweed black mustard false boneset sego lily white marsh marigold small camas bluebell bellflower shepherd's purse hoary cress nodding plumeless thistle northwestern Indian paintbrush wavyleaf Indian paintbrush yellow Indian paintbrush wholeleaf Indian paintbrush Wyoming Indianpaintbrush giant red Indian paintbrush western Indian paintbrush sulphur Indian paintbrush spotted knapweed field chickweed coon's tail Douglas' dustymaiden rose heath lambsquarters narrowleaf goosefoot red goosefoot crossflower western water hemlock Canada thistle elk thistle Colorado thistle wavyleaf thistle bull thistle hairy clematis yellow spiderflower Rocky Mountain beeplant bastard toadflax poison hemlock field bindweed Canadian horseweed scrambled eggs Sierra fumewort tapertip hawksbeard limestone hawksbeard Modoc hawksbeard largeflower fiddleleaf hawksbeard Texas croton buttecandle roundspike cryptantha silky cryptantha plains springparsley widewing springparsley gypsyflower nineanther prairie clover violet prairie clover R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 15 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Delphinium geyeri - P Delphinium nuttallianum - P Descurainia pinnata Dipsacus fullonum ssp. sylvestris Dodecatheon pulchellum Dyssodia papposa Epilobium angustifolium Equisetum arvense Equisetum hyemale Equisetum laevigatum Erigeron argentatus Erigeron engelmannii Erigeron pumilus Erigeron simplex Erigeron speciosus var. macranthus Eriogonum alatum Eriogonum cernuum Eriogonum contortum Eriogonum flavum Eriogonum inflatum Eriogonum ovalifolium Eriogonum racemosum Eriogonum umbellatum Erodium cicutarium Erysimum capitatum var. capitatum Erythronium grandiflorum Euphorbia esula Euthamia occidentalis Fragaria vesca ssp. bracteata Fragaria virginiana Frasera montana Frasera speciosa Fritillaria atropurpurea Fritillaria pudica Gaillardia aristata Galium boreale Gaura coccinea Gentiana affinis Geranium caespitosum var. fremontii Geranium viscosissimum Geum rossii var. turbinatum Geum triflorum Glycyrrhiza lepidota Halogeton glomeratus - P Hedysarum boreale Helenium autumnale Helianthella quinquenervis Helianthella uniflora Helianthus annuus Helianthus maximiliani Helianthus petiolaris Heracleum lanatum Heterotheca villosa Hieracium cynoglossoides Hydrophyllum capitatum Hymenopappus filifolius Hypericum perforatum - P Ipomopsis aggregata ssp. aggregata LLLLL LLLLL LML-LLLLL MMMLLLL-LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLL-LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MHM-MMMLLLL-LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLMLL LLMLL LML-LML-LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLL-LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLL-HHHHH LLLLL MMMLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMMLL HHHHM LLLLL MMHHL MMM-LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMM-- LLL-LLLLL LLLLL HHHM- MLLLLLL-LLL-MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHMM LLLLL HHHMM LLLLL HHHMM LLLLL HHHMM LLLLL HHHMM LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MML-- LLL-MMLLM LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL MMLLM LLLLL HHH-MHM-MHMM- LLLLMHM-- LLL-LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LMLLL MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMML LLLLL MHM-- LLL-MHM-- LLL-MMMML LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL MML-- LLL-MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMM-- LLL-HHHHH HHHHH LLLLL LLLLL HHHML MMMLL HHHMM LMLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LMMLL HHHHM HHHHM MMMLL LLLLL HHHHL MMMML HHH-MMM-MMMLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL E W LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLLLL L LML-LML-L LLLLL LLLLL L MHMM- MMMM- L LLL-LLL-L HHHML HHHML M LLLLL LMMLL H LLLLL LLLLL H LLLLL LLLLL H HHHMM MMMLL L HHHMM MMMLL M HHHMM MMMLL L HHHMM MMMLL L HHHMM MMMLL M MMMLL LMLLL M MMMLL LMLLL L MMMLL LMLLL L HHHML MMHML L LLL-LML-L MMLLM LLLLM M MMMLL MMMLL L MMLLM LLLLM M HHH-HHH-L MHMM- MMMM- L MHM-- MHM-- L LMLLL LMLLL H LMLLL LMLLL L MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM MMMMM M MHM-- MMM-- L MHM-- MMM-- L MMMML LMMLL M MMMLL MMMLL M LMLLL LMLLL L MML-- MML-- L HHHML MMMML M MHMLL MMMML M MMMLL MMLLL L MMMLL MMLLL L LLLLL LLLLL M LLL-LLL-L HHHHH HHHHH H LLLLL LLLLL L MMMLL MMMLL M MMMHM MMMLL M MMMML MMMML L MMMML MMMML M MMMML MMMML L HHHHM HHHHM M MMMLL MMMLL M HHHML MHHML L HHH-HHH-L MMMLL LMLLL L LLLLL LLLLL M MMMLL MMMLL L R4 Common Name Geyer's larkspur twolobe larkspur western tansymustard Fuller's teasel darkthroat shootingstar fetid marigold fireweed field horsetail scouringrush horsetail smooth horsetail silver fleabane Engelmann's fleabane shaggy fleabane onestem fleabane aspen fleabane winged buckwheat nodding buckwheat grand buckwheat alpine golden buckwheat desert trumpet cushion buckwheat redroot buckwheat sulphur-flower buckwheat redstem stork's bill sanddune wallflower yellow avalanche-lily leafy spurge western goldentop woodland strawberry Virginia strawberry white frasera elkweed spotted fritillary yellow fritillary common gaillardia northern bedstraw scarlet beeblossom pleated gentian Fremont's geranium sticky geranium Ross' avens old man's whiskers American licorice saltlover boreal sweetvetch common sneezeweed fivenerve helianthella oneflower helianthella common sunflower Maximilian sunflower prairie sunflower common cowparsnip hairy false goldenaster houndstongue hawkweed ballhead waterleaf fineleaf hymenopappus St. Johnswort scarlet gilia R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 16 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS R4 Scientific Name Ipomopsis congesta ssp. congesta Ipomopsis pumila Ipomopsis spicata ssp. spicata Iris missouriensis Isatis tinctoria Iva acerosa Iva axillaris Iva xanthifolia Kochia scoparia Lactuca serriola Lactuca tatarica var. pulchella Lappula occidentalis var. occidentalis Lappula squarrosa Lathyrus lanszwertii var. leucanthus Lathyrus ochroleucus Lemna minor Lemna trisulca Lepidium densiflorum Lepidium perfoliatum Leucocrinum montanum Lewisia rediviva Liatris punctata Ligusticum porteri Linaria genistifolia Linaria vulgaris Linum lewisii Linum rigidum Lithospermum ruderale Lomatium dissectum Lomatium foeniculaceum Lomatium grayi Lomatium triternatum Lotus corniculatus Lupinus X alpestris Lupinus argenteus – P Lupinus caudatus - P Lupinus leucophyllus - P Lupinus pusillus Lupinus sericeus - P Lygodesmia juncea Machaeranthera bigelovii Machaeranthera canescens Machaeranthera grindelioides Machaeranthera tanacetifolia Madia glomerata Maianthemum racemosum Malcolmia Africana Medicago lupulina Medicago sativa Melilotus alba Melilotus officinalis Mentzelia albicaulis Mentzelia decapetala Mertensia ciliata Mertensia lanceolata Mertensia oblongifolia Musineon divaricatum Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHHH MMHML MMHML LLLL- LMMLL MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL LMMLLLLLL LMLLL LMLLL HHHHH HHHHM HHHML LMLL- LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLLMMLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL MMMMM HHHHH MHHML HHHML HHHML HHHML LLLLLMLL- LLLLHMHHM HMHHM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLLLLLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMML LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL LLL-LLLLL MML-MML-MML-MML-HHHMH LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHHH HHHHH HHHHL HHHML LLL-LLL-LLMLL MMMML MMMML LLL-- LMLL- LLLLLMLL- LLLLL HMHHM MMMMM HMHHM HMHHM M HMHHM MMMMM HMHHM HMHHM M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LMLL- LLLLLMLL- LMLL- L LMLL- LLLLLMLL- LMLL- L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L MMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL L MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM MMMMM M MHHML MMMML HHHHL HHHHL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL H LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL H MHMLL MHMML MHMML MHMML M LML-LLL-MML-- MMM-- L MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M MML-- MHL-MML-- MML-- M MML-- LLL-MML-- MML-- M MML-- LLL-MML-- MML-- M MML-- LLL-MML-- MML-- M HHHMH MMMLM HHHMH HHHMH M MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL MMMLL L MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M MMMLL LLLLL MMMML LLLLL M LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL M LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LMMLL LLLLL MHMML MMMLL M LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L HHHHH MMMMM HHHMM MMMMM H HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH H HHHHL HHHHL HHHHL HHHHL M HHHML HHHML HHHML HHHML M MMM-- LLL-MMM-- MMM-- L MMM-- LLL-MMM-- MMM-- L HHHHL MMMML HHHHM HHHHL M MMMML MMMML HHHHM MMMML M HHHHM MMMML HHHHM HHHHM M MMM-- LLL-MMM-- LML-L E W R4 Common Name LMMLL L LMMLL L LMMLL L LLLLL H LMML- L LLLLL L LLLLL H LLLLL H MMMHM L HHHML L MHHML L LLLLL ballhead ipomopsis dwarf ipomopsis spiked ipomopsis Rocky Mountain iris Dyer's woad copperweed povertyweed giant sumpweed Mexican-fireweed prickly lettuce blue lettuce flatspine stickseed European stickseed Nevada pea cream pea common duckweed star duckweed common pepperweed clasping pepperweed common starlily bitter root dotted blazing star Porter's licorice-root Dalmatian toadflax yellow toadflax prairie flax stiffstem flax western stoneseed fernleaf biscuitroot desert biscuitroot Gray's biscuitroot nineleaf biscuitroot birdfoot deervetch Great Basin lupine silvery lupine tailcup lupine velvet lupine rusty lupine silky lupine rush skeletonplant Bigelow's tansyaster hoary tansyaster rayless tansyaster tanseyleaf tansyaster mountain tarweed feathery false lily of the valley African mustard black medick alfalfa white sweetclover yellow sweetclover whitestem blazingstar tenpetal blazingstar tall fringed bluebells prairie bluebells oblongleaf bluebells leafy wildparsley R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 17 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW E W R4 Common Name Myosotis sylvatica Oenothera caespitosa Oenothera coronopifolia Onobrychis viciifolia Osmorhiza occidentalis Oxyria digyna Oxytropis lambertii - P Oxytropis sericea - P Packera cana Packera multilobata Packera plattensis Pedicularis bracteosa Pedicularis groenlandica Penstemon albidus Penstemon caespitosus Penstemon cyananthus Penstemon eatonii Penstemon eriantherus Penstemon fremontii Penstemon laricifolius Penstemon nitidus Penstemon palmeri Penstemon strictus Penstemon whippleanus Phacelia hastata Phacelia sericea Phlox hoodii Phlox hoodii ssp. muscoides Phlox longifolia Phlox multiflora Plantago patagonica Polemonium foliosissimum Polygonum amphibium Polygonum aviculare Polygonum bistortoides Polygonum douglasii Polygonum lapathifolium Polygonum persicaria Polygonum ramosissimum Potamogeton crispus Potamogeton foliosus Potamogeton nodosus Potamogeton pusillus Potamogeton richardsonii Potentilla gracilis Pseudostellaria jamesiana Psoralidium tenuiflorum Pulsatilla patens ssp. multifida Ranunculus aquatilis Ranunculus cymbalaria Ranunculus eschscholtzii Ranunculus glaberrimus Ratibida columnifera Potentilla glandulosa ssp. glabrata Rudbeckia laciniata Rudbeckia occidentalis Rumex acetosella Rumex crispus LLLLL LLL-MMM-HHHMM MHMML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLL-LLL-MMM-LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL LMLLL LMLLL MMMLL MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LMLLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLLLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLML MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLL-LLL-LLL-MML-LMLLL LLLML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL MMMLL MMM-MMM-HHHMM HHHML MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL MMM-MMM-MMM-LLLLL LLLLL MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML MHMLL MHMLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL HHHMMMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LMMLL LLMLL LLMLL LLMLL LLMLL LLMLL MLMML HHHML LMMLL MMMLL LLL-MMM-LLL-MML-MMMLL MLMML LLLLL MMMLL MMMML MMMML LLLLL MMMLL LLL-MMM-MMM-- MMM-HHHMM HHHMM MMMLL HHHML LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLL-HHM-LLL-MMM-MMM-- MMM-LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL HHHML LMLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LMLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLLLL MHMLL LLLLL MHMLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LMLL- MMMMLLLLL MMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLML MLMML MMMMM MHMML LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MMMLL LLL-LLL-LLL-MMM-LLL-MMM-LLL-MMM-LLLLL MMMLL LLLML MLMML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMLL L L L M M M M L L L L M L L L L M L L L L M M M L M M L L M L M L L M L L L L L L L L L L M L L L L L L M L M M M M woodland forget-me-not tufted evening-primrose crownleaf evening-primrose sainfoin western sweetroot alpine mountainsorrel purple locoweed white locoweed woolly groundsel lobeleaf groundsel prairie groundsel bracted lousewort elephanthead lousewort white penstemon mat penstemon Wasatch beardtongue Eaton's penstemon fuzzytongue penstemon Fremont's beardtongue larchleaf beardtongue waxleaf penstemon Palmer's penstemon Rocky Mountain penstemon Whipple's penstemon silverleaf phacelia silky phacelia spiny phlox musk phlox longleaf phlox flowery phlox woolly plantain towering Jacob's-ladder water knotweed prostrate knotweed American bistort Douglas' knotweed curlytop knotweed spotted ladysthumb bushy knotweed curly pondweed leafy pondweed longleaf pondweed small pondweed Richardson's pondweed slender cinquefoil tuber starwort slimflower scurfpea cutleaf anemone whitewater crowfoot alkali buttercup Eschscholtz's buttercup sagebrush buttercup upright prairie coneflower sticky cinquefoil cutleaf coneflower western coneflower common sheep sorrel curly dock M LLL-LLL-HHHMM HHHML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MML-MML-MMM-LLLLL LLLLL LMMLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL MMMLL MMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL MMMMMMMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MLMML MMMML LLLLL LLLLL LLL-MMM-MMM-MMM-LMMLL MLMML LLLLL LLLLL MMMML MMMLL R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 18 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Rumex venosus Ruppia maritime Sagittaria cuneata Salicornia maritima Salsola tragus Sarcocornia utahensis Sedum lanceolatum Selaginella densa var. densa Senecio amplectens Senecio crassulus Senecio integerrimus - P Senecio riddellii Senecio serra Senecio triangularis Sibbaldia procumbens Silene acaulis Sisymbrium altissimum Smilacina stellata Solanum rostratum Solidago canadensis Solidago gigantea Solidago missouriensis Solidago mollis Sonchus arvensis Sparganium eurycarpum Sphaeralcea ambigua Sphaeralcea coccinea Sphaeralcea grossulariifolia Sphaeralcea munroana Stanleya pinnata Stellaria media Stenotus acaulis var. acaulis Stuckenia filiformis Stuckenia pectinatus Suaeda calceoliformis Suaeda moquinii Symphyotrichum ascendens Symphyotrichum ericoides var. pansum Symphyotrichum foliaceum var. canbyi Taraxacum officinale Tetraneuris acaulis var. acaulis Tetraneuris grandiflora Thalictrum fendleri Thalictrum occidentale Thalictrum venulosum Thermopsis montana Thlaspi arvense Thlaspi montanum Tradescantia occidentalis Tragopogon dubius Tragopogon porrifolius Tragopogon pratensis Tribulus terrestris Trifolium dasyphyllum Trifolium fragiferum Trifolium gymnocarpon Trifolium hybridum Trifolium longipes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esource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW E W LLLLL LMMLL LMMLL L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL MMLLM MMLLM L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL M LLLLL LMLLL LMLLL M LLLLL LMLLL LMLLL M LLL-HHM-- HHM-- L LLL-HHM-- HHM-- L LLL-MMM-- MMM-- M LMMLL MHMLL MHMLL M LLL-HHM-- HHM-- M LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M LL--MM--MM--L LLLLL MHMML MMMLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL MLMMM LLLLL H MMMLL LMLLL LMLLL M LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL H LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL M LLLLMMLL- LMLL- L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLLL MMMML MMMML M LMLLL MMMML MMMML M LMLLL MHMML MMMML M LMLLL MHMML MMMML M LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL L MM--HH--L LLLLL MLLMM MLLMM M LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL L LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL L LMLLL MMMML MMMML H LMMLL MMMLL MMMLL M LLMLL MLMML MLMML H HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH L LLLLL MMMML LMMLL M LLLLL MMMML LMMLL M LLLLL MMMLL HHHLL L LLLLL MMMLL HHHLL L LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLL-MML-- LLL-L LLL-MML-- LLL-M L L MMMLL MHMMM MHMMM L MMMLL MHMLL MHMMM L MMMLL MHMLL MHMMM L LLL-LLL-LLL-L HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH M MMMMM LLLLL LLLLL M HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH L MMMMM HHHHH HHHHH M HHHHH MMMMM MMMMM M R4 Common Name veiny dock widgeongrass arumleaf arrowhead slender grasswort prickly Russian thistle Utah swampfire spearleaf stonecrop lesser spikemoss showy alpine ragwort thickleaf ragwort lambstongue ragwort Riddell's ragwort tall ragwort arrowleaf ragwort creeping sibbaldia moss campion tall tumblemustard starry false lily of the valley buffalobur Canada goldenrod giant goldenrod Missouri goldenrod velvety goldenrod field sowthistle broadfruit bur-reed desert globemallow scarlet globemallow gooseberryleaf globemallow Munro's globemallow desert princesplume common chickweed stemless mock goldenweed fineleaf pondweed sago pondweed Pursh seepweed Mojave seablite western aster manyflowered aster Canby's aster common dandelion stemless four-nerve daisy graylocks four-nerve daisy Fendler's meadow-rue western meadow-rue veiny meadow-rue mountain goldenbanner field pennycress alpine pennycress prairie spiderwort yellow salsify salsify Jack-go-to-bed-at-noon puncturevine alpine clover strawberry clover hollyleaf clover alsike clover longstalk clover R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 19 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued FORBS R4 Scientific Name Trifolium nanum Trifolium parryi Trifolium pratense Trifolium repens Typha domingensis Typha latifolia Urtica dioica Utricularia macrorhiza Utricularia minor Valeriana edulis Veratrum californicum Verbascum thapsus Vicia americana Vicia villosa Viola adunca Viola nuttallii Wolffia borealis Wolffia brasiliensis Wyethia amplexicaulis Wyethia helianthoides Wyethia scabra Xanthium strumarium Xerophyllum tenax Xylorhiza glabriuscula var. glabriuscula Zannichellia palustris Zigadenus elegans - P Zigadenus paniculatus - P Zigadenus venenosus - P Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW E W R4 Common Name MMMMM HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMLL L L L L MMMML HHHHL LLMML LMMLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHH- HHHHMMMM- MMMMMMMM- HHH-MMM-- MMM-L L L L LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLLL LMMLL MMMMM HHHHH HHHHH M HHHHH MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM M HHHHH HHHHH HHHHH M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL H LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL H LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M L L L L L L L L LLLLL HHHHL HHHHL M LLLLL LLMLL MMMML H LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L HHHH- HHHH- HHHH- M LLLLHHHH- HHHH- M LLL-HHH-MMM-- L MMM-- HHH-HHH-L L L L L L L L L LLLLL MHMLL MHMLL M LLLLL MMMLL MMMLL M LMLLL MMMLL MMMLL L LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L LLLLL LLMLL LLMLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L dwarf clover Parry's clover red clover white clover southern cattail broadleaf cattail stinging nettle common bladderwort lesser bladderwort tobacco root California false hellebore common mullein American vetch winter vetch hookedspur violet Nuttall's violet northern watermeal Brazilian watermeal mule-ears sunflower mule-ears badlands mule-ears rough cockleburr common beargrass smooth woodyaster L LMLLL LMLLL LLLLL L LMLLL LMLLL LLLLL horned pondweed mountain deathcamas foothill deathcamas meadow deathcamas L LMMLL LMMLL LMLLL L LMMLL LMMLL LMLLL L LMMLL L LMMLL L LMLLL L R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 20 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued SHRUBS AND TREES R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW E W Acacia greggii LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M Acer glabrum MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM MMMMM M Allenrolfea occidentalis LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L Alnus incana LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M Amelanchier alnifolia MLMMM HMHHH LLLLL HHMHH HHMHH M Amelanchier utahensis MLMMM HMHHH LLLLL HHMHH HHMHH M Amorpha canescens M M M M M M Amorpha fruticosa M M M M M M Arctostaphylos patula LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM H Arctostaphylos uva-ursi LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLM LLLLM M Artemisia arbuscula LLLLL MMLMM LLLLL HHHMH MMLLM M Artemisia bigelovii LLLML MMMLM LLLLL MMMMM LLLMM M Artemisia cana ssp. bolanderi M H M M Artemisia cana ssp. cana LLLLL H M M M M Artemisia cana ssp. viscidula LLLLL M LLLLL M M M Artemisia filifolia LLLLM LLLLM LLLLL LLLLM LLLLM M Artemisia frigida LLLMM HHMHH MMMLM HHHMH HHMMH M Artemisia nova LLLLL MLLMM LLLLL LLLMM LLLLL M Artemisia pedatifida M H H L L L Artemisia pygmaea LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L Artemisia tridentata ssp. tridentata LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M Artemisia tridentata ssp. vaseyana LLLMM MLLMM LLLLL MLLMM MLLMM M Artemisia tridentata LLLLL LLLLM LLLLL LLLLM LLLLM M ssp. wyomingensis Artemisia tripartita ssp. rupicola LLLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLMM LLLMM M Artemisia tripartita ssp. tripartita LLLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLLM LLLLM M Atriplex bonnevillensis MLMMM MMMMM LLLLM LLMML LLLMM M Atriplex canescens MMMMH HHHHH MMMMH HHHHH MMMMH M Atriplex confertifolia MMMMM HHMHH LLLLM LLMML LLLLM M Atriplex corrugata MHMML MHMMM LMMLL LMMLL LLLLL M Atriplex cuneata MHMML MHMMM LMMLL LMMLL LLLLL M Atriplex falcata MHMML MHMMM LMMLL LMMLL LLLLL M Atriplex gardneri LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL M Atriplex garrettii LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL L Atriplex obovata LMLLL MMMMM LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M Berberis fendleri LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLMM LLLMM M Berberis repens LLLLL LMMLL LLLLL MMMMM MMMMM H Ceanothus fendleri LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M Ceanothus martinii LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM M Ceanothus sanguineus LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM M Ceanothus velutinus LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM M Celtis occidentalis LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M Cercocarpus intricatus MLLMM MLLMM LLLLM HMMHH MMMHH M Cercocarpus ledifolius MMMMM MMMMM LLLLM HHHHH HHHHH M Cercocarpus montanus MMMMM HMHHM MMMMM HMHHM HMHHM M Chamaebatiaria millefolium LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M Chrysothamnus depressus LLLMM MMMMM LLLMM MMMMM MLMMM M Chrysothamnus greenei LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM MMMMM M Chrysothamnus vaseyi LLLLL MMLLM LLLLL MMLMM MMLMM M Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus LLLLL MLLMM LLLLL MLLMM LLLMM M ssp. lanceolatus Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus LLLLL LLLLM LLLLL LLLMM LLLMM M ssp. viscidiflorus var. stenophyllus Chrysothamnus viscidiflorus LLLML LLLML LLLML LLLMM LLLMM M ssp. viscidiflorus var. viscidiflorus Clematis columbiana LMLLL HHMML MMMLL MMMML LMLLL L Clematis ligusticifolia LMLLL MMMML LLLLL MMMML LMLLL M Coleogyne ramosissima MLLMM MLLMM LLLLM MLLMM LLLLL M Crataegus douglasii LLLMM LLLMM LLLMM MML M M R4 Common Name catclaw acacia Rocky Mountain maple iodinebush gray alder Saskatoon serviceberry Utah serviceberry leadplant desert false indigo greenleaf manzanita kinnikinnick little sagebrush Bigelow sage Bolander's silver sagebrush silver sagebrush silver sagebrush sand sagebrush prairie sagewort black sagebrush birdfoot sagebrush pygmy sagebrush basin big sagebrush mountain big sagebrush Wyoming big sagebrush Wyoming threetip sagebrush threetip sagebrush Bonneville saltbush fourwing saltbush shadscale saltbush mat saltbush valley saltbush sickle saltbush Gardner's saltbush Garrett's saltbush mound saltbush Colorado barberry creeping barberry Fendler's ceanothus Martin's ceanothus redstem ceanothus snowbrush ceanothus common hackberry littleleaf mountain mahogany curl-leaf mountain mahogany alderleaf mountain mahogany fernbush longflower rabbitbrush Greene's rabbitbrush Vasey's rabbitbrush yellow rabbitbrush yellow rabbitbrush yellow rabbitbrush rock clematis western white clematis blackbrush black hawthorn R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 21 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued SHRUBS AND TREES R4 Scientific Name Ephedra nevadensis Ephedra torreyana Ephedra viridis Ericameria nauseosa ssp. consimilis Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. glabrata Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. hololeuca Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. nauseosa Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. salicifolia Ericameria nauseosa ssp. nauseosa var. speciosa Ericameria parryi var. parryi Eriogonum microthecum var. laxiflorum Escobaria missouriensis var. missouriensis Escobaria vivipara var. vivipara Fallugia paradoxa Grayia spinosa Gutierrezia sarothrae Holodiscus discolor Holodiscus dumosus Juniperus communis Juniperus horizontalis Juniperus osteosperma Juniperus scopulorum Kochia americana Krascheninnikovia lanata Larrea tridentata Leptodactylon pungens ssp. hazeliae Lonicera involucrate Lonicera utahensis Mahonia fremontii Monarda fistulosa Opuntia echinocarpa Opuntia fragilis Opuntia polyacantha Paxistima myrsinites Peraphyllum ramosissimum Petrophyton caespitosum Philadelphus occidentalis var. occidentalis Phragmites australis Physocarpus malvaceus Physocarpus monogynus Picrothamnus desertorum Potentilla fruticosa Prosopis glandulosa Prunus emarginata Prunus virginiana - P Purshia glandulosa Purshia stansburiana Purshia tridentata Quercus gambelii Quercus macrocarpa Quercus turbinella Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW MLMMH MLLMM MLLMM LLLLL MLLMM MLLMH MLLMM MLLMM LLLLL MLLMM MLLMM MLLMM MLLMM LLLL LLLLL R4 Common Name LLLLM M LLLLM M MLLMM M LLLLM M MMMMM M Nevada jointfir Torrey's jointfir mormon tea rubber rabbitbrush rubber rabbitbrush MLLMM MMLMM LLLLL HMHHH MMMMM M rubber rabbitbrush LLLLL LLLLM LLLLM M rubber rabbitbrush LLLML MLLMM LLLLL HMMHH HMMHH M rubber rabbitbrush MLLMM MMLMM LLLLL HMHHH MMMMM M rubber rabbitbrush LLLLL LLLLL MMLLM LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL MMLLM MMLMM M MLMMM LLLLM M Parry's rabbitbrush slender buckwheat LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL L Missouri foxtail cactus LLLLL LLLLL LLLLM MLLMH MMLMH HHLMH LLLLL LLLLL LLLML LLLMM LLLLL MMLLM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLM LLLLL LLLLM MMMMM HHHHH HMMHH HMMHH LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLML MMLLM LLLML MMLLM LLLLL LLLLL M H LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLMLL LLLMM MMLMM LMLLL LMMLL LLLML LLLML LLLLL LLLLL LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL HMMHH LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MLLMH LLLLM MMLMH LLLMM LLLLL LMLML MLLMM MLLMM MLLMM MLLMM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLLM LLLMM LLLLM LLLMM LLLLM MMMMM LLLMM HMMHH HMMHH LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMLLM MMLLM MMLLM MMLLM LLLLL LLLLL M M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MLMLM MLMLM HMMHH MLMMM LMMLL LMLLL MLLMM MLLMM L M M M M M H M M L M M M M M M M M M M M M M L M spinystar Apache plume spiny hopsage broom snakeweed oceanspray rockspirea common juniper creeping juniper Utah juniper Rocky Mountain juniper green molly winterfat creosote bush Hazel's prickly phlox twinberry honeysuckle Utah honeysuckle Fremont's mahonia wild bergamot golden cholla brittle pricklypear plains pricklypear Oregon boxleaf squaw apple mat rockspirea western mock orange LMMLL LLLLL LLLML LLMML LLLML LLMML MMMMM HHMMH MLLMM MLMMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLML MMLMM LLLMM MMLMM MLLMM MLLHH MMLMH HMMHH HMHHH HMHHH MMLMM MLMMM LLLLL MLMMM LLLLL LLLLL LMLLM LLLLL LLLLL H LLLLL MLLML LLLML M LLLLL MLLML LLLML M MMMMM HHMMH HHMMH L LLMLL MLMMM MLMMM M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLML MHMMM MHMMM M LLML MHMMM MHMMM M LLLLL MLLMM MLLMM H LLLLM HHMHH HHMHH M LLLMM HMHHH HMHHH m LLLLL HMMHH HMMHH m LLLLL HMMHH HMMHH M LLLLL MMMMM LLLLL H LLLLL MLLMH MLLMM MLLMM LLLLM HMHHH E W LLLLM LLLLL common reed mallow ninebark mountain ninebark bud sagebrush shrubby cinquefoil honey mesquite bitter cherry chokecherry desert bitterbrush Stansbury cliffrose antelope bitterbrush Gambel oak bur oak Sonoran scrub oak R4 AMENDMENT 2209.21-2005-1 EFFECTIVE DATE: DURATION: This amendment is effective until superseded or removed. 2209.21_20 Page 22 of 22 FSH 2209.21 – RANGELAND ECOSYSTEM ANALYSIS AND MONITORING HANDBOOK CHAPTER 20 – RANGELAND ANALYSIS 22.1 – Exhibit 01--Continued SHRUBS AND TREES Resource Value Ratings Horse MDeer Elk YSSFW YSSFW YSSFW R4 Scientific Name Cattle YSSFW Sheep YSSFW E W Rhamnus cathartica Rhus glabra Rhus trilobata var. trilobata Ribes aureum Ribes cereum Ribes hudsonianum Ribes inerme Ribes montigenum Ribes oxyacanthoides ssp. setosum Ribes viscosissimum Robinia neomexicana Robinia pseudoacacia Rosa arkansana Rosa woodsii Rubus deliciosus Rubus idaeus ssp. strigosus Rubus parviflorus Salix amygdaloides Salix arctica Salix bebbiana Salix boothii Salix brachycarpa Salix commutata Salix drummondiana Salix eastwoodiae Salix exigua Salix geyeriana Salix lasiandra Salix lemmonii Salix lutea Salix melanopsis Salix nigra Salix planifolia Salix reticulata Salix scouleriana Sambucus nigra ssp. cerulea Sambucus racemosa Sarcobatus vermiculatus Shepherdia argentea Shepherdia canadensis Shepherdia rotundifolia Spiraea betulifolia Symphoricarpos albus Symphoricarpos longiflorus Symphoricarpos occidentalis Symphoricarpos oreophilus Tetradymia canescens Tetradymia glabrata Tetradymia nuttallii Tetradymia spinosa Vaccinium caespitosum Vaccinium globulare Vaccinium myrtillus Vaccinium scoparium Vitis arizonica Vitis riparia Yucca baccata Yucca brevifolia Yucca glauca Zuckia brandegeei var. brandegeei LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL HHHMH LLLMM LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL MMMML MMMML LLLML LLLMM LLLLL MLLML LLLML MLLHH MLLHH MLLHH MLLHH LLLMM LLLMM MLMHH MLLHH MLMHH MLLHH MLLHH MLLHH MLLHM MLLHM MLLHM MLLHH LLLMM MLLHH MLMHM HHMHH LLLML LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLML MLLMM MLLMM LLLMM LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLML LLLML LLLML LLLML LLLLL LLLLL LMLLL LMLLL LMLLL MMLMH LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLML LLLLL MLLMH MLLMH M LLLMM LLLLL LLLMM LLLMM M HMHMH LLLLL HMHMH HMHMH H MLLMM LLLLL HLMHH MLMMH M MLLMM LLLLL MLMMM LLLLM M MLLMM LLLLL MLMMM MLMMH M MLMML LLLLL MMMHH MMMHH M LLLMM LLLLL MMMHH MMMHH M LLMML LLLLL MMMHH MMMHH M HHHHL MMMML MMMHH MMMHH M MMMML MMMML MMMML MMMML M MMMML LLLLL HHHHM MMMML M MLMMM LLLMM HMHHH HMHHH H LLLML LLLLL MMMML LLLML M MLMML LLLML MLMML MLMML H MLMML LLLML MLMML MLMML H MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MLLMM M MMMMM LLLLM HMMHH HMMHH M MMMMM MLLMM MMMMM HMMHH H MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM LLLLL MMMHM HMMHH M MMMMM LLLLL MMMHM HMMHH M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM MLLMM HMMHH HMMHH M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M HMMHH HMMHH HMMHH HMMHH M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM MLLMM MLMMM MLLMM M MMMMM LLLLM MMMMM MMMMM M MMMMM LLLLL HMMHH HMMHH M MMMMH LLLMH HHHHH HHHHH M MLMHH LLLMM HHHHH HHHHH M HMMHH MMMMM HMMMH HMHHH M MMLMM MLLMM MMLMM LLLLM M MLMMM LLLLL MLMMM MLLMM M MLMMM LLLLL MLMMM MLMMM M MLMMM LLLLL MLMMM MLMMM M MLMML LLLLL MLMML MLMML M MLMHH MLLMH MLMHH MLMHH M MLMHH MLLMH MLMHH MLMHH M MMMML LLLML MLMMM MLMMM M MMMMM LLLMM MMMHH MLMMM M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLMM LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M MLMLL LLLLL LLLLL LLLLL M MMLMM LLLLL HHLHM HHLHM H MMMMM LLLLL MMMHM MMMMM M MMLMM LLLLL MHLHM MHLMM L MMMMM LLLLL MMMMM MMMMM M MLMML LLLLL LLMML LLLML M MLMML LLLLL LLMML LLLML H LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M LMLLL LLLLL LMLLL LLLLL M HHLMH LLLMM MMLMH LLLMM M R4 Common Name common buckthorn smooth sumac skunkbush sumac golden currant wax currant northern black currant whitestem gooseberry gooseberry currant inland gooseberry sticky currant New Mexico locust black locust prairie rose Woods' rose delicious raspberry grayleaf red raspberry thimbleberry peachleaf willow arctic willow Bebb willow Booth's willow shortfruit willow undergreen willow Drummond's willow mountain willow narrowleaf willow Geyer's willow Pacific willow Lemmon's willow yellow willow dusky willow black willow diamondleaf willow netleaf willow Scouler's willow blue elderberry red elderberry greasewood silver buffaloberry russet buffaloberry roundleaf buffaloberry white spirea common snowberry desert snowberry western snowberry mountain snowberry spineless horsebrush littleleaf horsebrush Nuttall's horsebrush shortspine horsebrush dwarf bilberry thinleaf huckleberry whortleberry grouse whortleberry canyon grape riverbank grape banana yucca Joshua tree soapweed yucca siltbush