I W 2 0 0 2 . Bangalore, India O c t 2CL25. 2002 Multi-access Poisson Traffic Communication with Random Coding, Independent Decoding and Unequal Powers Utpal Mukherji,' Sandeep V. Ramdurg, KCV Sayee, Vivek Dua, and T. N. Krishnan Department of Electrical Communication Engineering, Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore-560 012, India. 111. STABILITY ANALYSIS Abstract - We model and analyse the stability of the communication scheme. We obtain an We construct a Markov-chain processor-sharing queueing arrival rate stability limit that is identical for all model, that assumes that the random variable SNR has SNR distributions considered. a finite number I of possible values that are all positive and finite, and uses an Erlang approximation for service I. INTRODUCTION requirement. Then, the value $' of total service rate in We prove Multi-access random-coded communication, of me5 the limit of large number of messages is the following theorem, which yields the arrival rate stasages that arrive in a Poisson process to an infinite transW mitter population, and that achieves any desired value bility limit as ~ ~ + P ) ( - l I n ~ ~ + p Ithat n M ~is identical for all for the random-coding upper bound on mean message SNR distributions considered. error probability by determining message signal dura- Theorem: Messages of class i, 1 5 i 5 I, arrive to a tions appropriately, has been considered in [l]. Indepen- processor sharing queue in independent Poisson processes dent equal-power bandpass-white Gaussian message sig- of respective rates Xi, with independent service requirz nals have been assumed, each of which occupies the entire ments of Erlang-Li distribution and mean Si. A service channel bandwidth and is transmitted in parallel start- rate function +ispecifies the service rate of each message ing at the respective message arrival time, on an AWGN of class i in state a of the queue as $,(a). With number n(a) of messages in the queue and s u m +(a)of the serchannel. We consider the case of unequal powers, represented vice rates of these messages, assume that +(a)n(a)+m --t $'. by i.i.d. received-message-signal to noise ratios (SNRs) Then, the Markov chain representing the queue (a) is posfor the respective message signals. We assume that the itive recurrent and yields finite stationary mean for the SNRs are known at the receiver, and that messages are total residual service requirement (and hence for the numdecoded independent of one another but using knowledge ber of messages) if Cf=, XiSi < $', and ( b ) is transient of SNRs of overlapping signals. We model and analyse the xis, > $'. stability of the scheme, and study mean signal durations. if We prove the theorem hy obtaining appropriate drift conditions (21 for suitably defined Lyapunov functions of 11. THE COMMUNICATION SCHEME the state of the discrete-time chain that is embedded at The signal duration D, for a message rn is determined transitions of the original continuous-time chain. from the equation IV. MEAN S IGNAL DURATIONS \ We solve for the stationary distribution of the four-state .I" P.+P I" M Markov-chain that models the loss system consisting of two transmitters that may overlap in transmission, each where p is a parameter of the scheme with value fixed with its respective SNR value. We observe instances, for in (0,1],P, is the tolerable error probability, M is the which transmitted messages have sufficiently large equal message alphabet size , W is the two-sided bandwidth of fixed throughputs at the the two SNR values, in which the equivalent baseband channel, A,,, is the arrival t i e mean signal duration is less when one SNR is set t o eerof message rn, N ( t ) is the set of messages with signals tain values less than, rather than equal to, that of the overlapping at time t, and r, is the SNR of overlapping other SNR. We observe the same behaviour in simulations message n. The random coding bound on the mean er- with two-valued SNR in an infinite transmitter popularor probability in decoding message rn from the signal tion. received over the duration D, is then P, [l]. Thus, the REFERENCES integrand in the equation and - h Pe p In M can be re[l] I. E. Telatm~ and R. G . Gallager, "Combining Queueing Theory spectively considered as the service rate at time t and the with Information Theory for Multiaccess," IEEE Journal on service requirement, of message rn. Selected A m s in Communication+ 13(6), 96b969, Aug. 1995. 3. Xi=, + [Z] S. P. M e p , "Stability, Performance Evaluation, and Optimira Decision PlDcessea (E. A. Feinberg and A. Shwarta, ed.), Kluwer Academic, 2002. tion," in H a n d h k of Markov 'carresponding author{utpalQece.iiae.ernet.in). 0-7803-7629-3/02/510.00@ 2002 IEEE 220