TOMOCRAPHIC APPROACH TO ACOUSTIC NOISE MAPPING IN SHALLOW SEA Vinayak Dutt and G.V. Anand Department of Electrical Communication Lngineering Indian Institute of Science Bangalore 560 012, INDIA ABSTRACT This paper presents a method for the acoustic noise mapping of a shallow ocean using a tomographic approach. The output of a planar array of hydrophones in an ocean is expressed as a weighted line integral of the acoustic field. A set of measurements of the array output for different steering directions and several array locations can be inverted using algebraic reconstruction technique to reconstruct the acoustic field . where D (ev) m ' = COSY- k cos0 )I .sin . . . .[(2N+1) . . . . . . . . .(d/2) . . . . . .(f! __________________ sin [ (d/2) (em cosy - k cos0 is the directivity function of the array, k the wave number; and 1 = (4) w/c is INTRODUCTION The possibility of using a tomographic technique for noise mapping of the ocean was first suggested by Rockmore [ I ] . One important applicatiori of noise mapping is in ocean surveillance to detect and localise discrete acoustic sources which would stand out as peaks in the noise map. Rockmore has formulated the noise mapping problem for an unbounded medium. In this paper we have extended the formulation to shallow ocean by taking into account the multipath effects due to reflections from the top and the bottbm surfaces. For this purpose, it is necessary to replace linear arrays by planar arrays. The acoustic field due to a source can be expressed as a sum of normal modes. Each vertical aoluum of a planar array is used as a mode filter to extract the signal due to a single normal mode. Each vertical coluum is designed to select the same (say, the mth mode). The mode-filtering eliminates the multipath effect, and the planar array output is seen to be a family of fan-beam projections of the depth-averaged noise intensity distribution when the array is steered in different directibns. Projections from several arrays can be inverted by tomographic methods to reconstruct the map of depthaveraged noise intensity. We have used an algebraic reconstruction technique [ 21 for performing the tomographic inversion. Computer simulation results are presented for two different noise intensity distributions over a region of finite support. FORMllLATION OF THE PROBLEN The normal-mode representation for acoustic field at a receiver located at (xo,yo, zo) due to a source of amplitude A(x,y,z) located (x,y,z) is given by [ 3 ] , * exp(- dmr - j w t ) (1 1 where w is the angular frequency of the source,.qm is the attenuation coefficient of the mth mode, M 1 s the total number of propagating modes, E, is the horizontal component of the wave number of the #th mode, 9 (z) is the eigen function for the mth mode, Hto(Fmr)"is the Hankel function of the first kind and 2 2 1/2 r = [(x-x,) + (y-yo) 1 is the bearing of the source. In order to avoid the multi-mode f i e l d at the array, we replace each element of the horizontal array by a vertical column of (2M-1) hydrophones. Each column is designed as a null-steering mode filter [&I to select the first mode. A normal mode is a standing wave pattern formed by the interference of two quasiplane waves travelling at angles +@, with respect to the horizontal, where, 8, = cos-1 (tm/k), m = I, ..., M. (6) Mode filtering is achieved by steering nulls in the directions of arrival of all unwanted modes. To reject the mth mode, a 3-elemental vertical array with the weighting coefficient sequence W, = { I , -2 cos [(k2 -Im2) 1/2A 9 1 } (7) is required, where A is the inter-element spacing of the vertical array. All modes higher thar the first can be rejected using a (2M-1) element vertical array with weighting coefficient sequence, W = w2 * w2 ... it wM where * denotes the convolution. It is important to note that the weighting coefficients are independent of the source bearing angle and the array depth. The weighting coefficients are also real and symmetric, which is an added advantage during implementation. After the mode filtering, only the contribution of the first mode remains. Hence, the total field due to source distribution throughout the volume can be expressed in the integral form as, 5 FD p(8) =TI j 0 9 h rdr rd-f]dz A(xo + r cosy, yo + r sin1 ,z) 0 0 D,(e,Y) exp(-Q',r - jwt) (9) where h is the ocean depth. Separating the integral with respect to z as Hence, the output of a horizontal line array of (2Nt1) elements with inter-element spacing as d, steered in the direction 8 , centred at (xo, yo, zo) , is given by 29.3.1 CH2766 - 4/89/0000 - 0581 0 1989 IEEE 581 we get, m p(8) =nj rdr n 7 Then, dy F(xo f + r cosy. r cosy, yo + r sin7 ) J' 0 ~Dl(e,Y)\yl(zo) H t o ( F l r ) exp(-vlr - jwt) 1 p(e~\~l I ( e ) = E[ exp(-2q1r) r dr; (11) The power output of the array is (12) where E is the expectation operator. Assuming that the noise distribution is uncorrelated and has slow variations along the depth, representing the depth-averaged noise intensity as j' + j r sinY.) J = 1, . .., NP (21) For the reconstruction of the noise intensity map, the scanned area is divided into a uniform grid, with the reconstruction being performed to estimate the noise intensity at these grid points (see Fig. 1 ) . The value of u 2 at other points is computed by interpolation of the values at the grid points. Now approximating the integral in the equation (21) by a summation, M. IJB(xjk,yjk) exp(-2y1 rjk) r. ar; Jk (22) j = 1 , ..., N P where M, is the number of steps in the jth summation, J and Q2(xjk, yjk) is the estimate of the noise intensity S, = k=l and using the far-field approximation for the Hankel function, equation (12) can be written as zn at (xjk, y ) computed by interpolation of the grid jk point noise intensity values, gi (i = 1 , . .., Ng , where oo N g Now if the inner integral of equation (15) represented as, is = number of grid points), 2(xjk, yjk) Q N = Lg d.. gi; j=1, i=l lJk 60 k=l, ..., NP' ..., Mj * * (23) and d.. is the contribution of gi to the estimate of 0 * exp(-2q1r)r dr, (16) 1Jk c 2 at (x. Jk S. = J Defining q = cosy and P=(k/qm) cos 8 , j=l, we can write, Let where G(x) = sin2 [ ((2N+1)/2) d.x. ]/sin2[d.x/2] then, N S. = x g a.. gi; J i=l 1 J (20) (22) can be written as, N M. zg [ LJ exp(-2q1 rjk) rjk; i=l k=l (18) is the directivity function. Hence, from equation (19) it can be seen that I ( 0 ) is a convolution integral. So S(y) can be obtained from I(0) by deconvolution as G ( 4 ) is a known function. Equation (16)indicates that S(Y) is a family of fan-beam projections of the function r2(x,y), the vertex of the fan being at (x , y,). Several families of projectioons can be obtajned by deploying arrays at several locations. From these families of projections, the depth-averaged sound intensity distribution r'(x,y) can be reconstructed using the algebraic reconstruction technique [ 21. , yjk). So equation ..., NP j=l, (24) ..., NP (26) Equation (26)is a linear set of equations in g. which can be recursively solved by the afgebraic reconstruction technique (ART), where the ART iteration is given by [2]: J J SIMULATION RESULTS Let the deconvolved mode power S(y) obtained for various receiver locations be denoted by S. where subscript j denotes the deconvolved power for Jbearing and receiver at (x , yj). Let the total number of j such measurements be N P' 5 Computer simulations were carried out for a Pekeris model of the ocean with the parameters, depth as 5Om, speed of sound in the ocean and the bottom medium as 1500 m/s and 2000 m/s respectively, ratio of density of bottom medium to that of ocean water as 1.2 and 5 , = 0.2426 radlm. 29.3.2 582 The area scanned was a square L+OOOrn x 4OOOm with the coordinates of its corners as (O,O), (0,4000), (4000,4000)and (4OOO,O). The line array had 21 elements with inter-element spacing 2m. The four arrays were located at (0,1000), (0,2000) , (0,3000)and (1000,0), centred at a depth of 1%. 60 scans were taken from each array. In these simulations, actually there was no deconvolution done as a delta function approximation was made for the array directivity function during the reconstruction. Figure 2 gives the results for the two source distributions taken f o r the simulations. The actual depth-averaged noise intensity is shown in Figs. 2(a) and 2(b) respectively. The intensities in the map are scaled linearly in the range 0 to 9. The result for noise intensity distribution given by Fig. 2(a) is not as good as that for the distribution given by Fig. 2 ( b ) . This is so because all the arrays are on one side of the scanned area, and the direction of the gradient of the noise intensity distribution is along the scan directions f o r this array configuration,'which results in inaccuracies in the reconstruction. CONCLUSIOE The present work shows that the tomographic approach for noise intensity mapping seems to give fairly good results even though no deconvolution of the array output was done and a small number of arrays was used. Presently work is being carried out on deconvolution processing to see the improvement in the reconstruction by this extra computational effort. jEFERENCES Rockmore, 'A Tomographic Approach to Wtiarray Ocean Surveillance', IEEE Journal of Ocean Engg., Vol. OG17, pp 83-89, April 1982. [ I ] A.J. Signal Processing, [2] Simon Haykin, Ed.. , Arra Prentice Hall 1985,C h . d p 408-419. [ 3 ] L. Biekhovskikh and Yu. Lysanov, Fundamentals of Ocean Acoustics, Springer-Verlag 1982, Ch. 6, pp 120-122. - Fig. 1. Illustration of the noise intensity projection integral py a summation over a square reconstruction region. [ 4 ] H.N. Chouhan and G.V. Anand, ' A New Technique of Acoustic Mode Filtering in Shallow Sea' , Submitted to the Journal of Acoustical Society of America for publication. 29.3.3 583 22222222222222222222909999999999999999999 222222222222222222229e9999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 2 ~ ~ ~ ~ 2222222222222222222299999999Q999099999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 222222222222222222229999999999999999999s9 22222222222222222222999999999999S99999999 22222222222222222222S99999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 222222122222222222229S99999999999999999S9 222222222222222222229999999999999999999SQ 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999996 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999899999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 222222222222222222229999999999999S9999999 2222222222222222222299Q999999999999999999 2222222222222222222299999Q999~99999999999 22222222222222222222899999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999a989S9999 222222222222222222229999999999999999S99S9 22222222222222222222999999999999999Q99999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 222222222222222222229999999999999999s9999 22222222222222222222999999999S99999699999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999999999S99999999999 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 22222222222222222222999Q9QQ~RRRRR~RQRRQRR ~~~~._~__.~......______________ 22222222222222222222999999999999999999989 22222222222222222222999999999999999999999 222222222222222222229999998999999999S9999 ~~ ~~ (0.4000) x ~~ (40oO.4000) 22212222222212122222332244324543343443232 22222212222213132333426455467446555544443 22221313131313131424354473563574355455543 22221313131313142424344535535634753454344 22222313132314242424243444465456336655664 22222223232324232323344444554665575335543 23132223233323222233444545545445544775455 23222333332312223243435355466565556423663 23223332222322324243444544643655555578643 23323222232322324243444445446435544542364 32323222222332323324354454544564456556863 32323222232332323333444545455435654454333 22223332333342332434444454454565346655675 22122333343333333343544445656545664344432 22112233443333343444454555565455435765554 32211233444433344344445556445555665334443 22212233334444344444455554565455434666543 23222223333344434444455456555545665323454 22232223333333333444555655554565434576543 x33332222233333334455555554455444665422353 24322222223322234445556556544565434576532 23333332223222234455565554456444565322353 32233343333233333455655655554565434676542 23123334433333344445555456556544665323454 22112333333333444455555554565455434665443 22112233333333445555545556545655664234433 21122223333222345556555565565455335764455 11122222232222334565555556656545764245322 11222221222222334455555565554575346654675 11222111111122334444545544456435753454101 12222211111112334444455455544675456445763 x12333333332223444445555555456435543432123 22223343332234556565655654643554455467544 _22722333332223455666666566566555445322431 _ _ _ -.. 22222223333234444455555667654323433553356 277227222323444444444445434553353247742 _________. 22222222232244444444333232233245335542245 22222222222234443433222113322200431234566 22222222122233222120221232223575350779074 22222211122221100123334655667546766544564 21111112221222213232242246324762344663222 (0,4000) (4000,4000) . -- 33333334333333334433434443544435444524~264 33334444444444444444454454545555545453642 33334444444444444444445545455454554635454 33344444444444444444444454554546455363653 33343444444444444444444445545454645536454 3434333444444~444444444455454545464553742 34333334444444434344444454545454546455374 34333344433333333444445445455454454645633 34333333333333344444455455555546455564563 >(; 33333333333333344444555555555555646546445 44444444444444445555555656556665564654643 46666655555555565666666~66676656566565453 34677766668666666677777766666666656556544 33567777777??7?77787777?77767676665655653 32456677777777789666777777777766666564465 32445677006880680887????????6666666556544 32334567786688666867???8????6666656656654 32234567776~66668687787777776666665665564 32123456677668666686077777776666665665554 31013445667768068068866????66666666556564 20002345567686866966867777666666666555652 32123445667768066666868777766666666556554 332345667776688688666???????6666665565554 33334567766660666677767777776666665665564 33445677666668886667777877776666656656654 335556776~~68~6888~77~~~~~~7~666666556545 33566777667777766868777777777766676564465 3357777777?777777777777777767676665655653 34677666666666666677777766666666656556544 45666555555555555666666666676656566565463 43333333344444445555555656556666564654643 43222223333333344444555555555565646546455 34223333333333334444444455555546465564573 34333333333333333444445445455454454645633 34333333444444333344444554545454546465374 34333334444444444444444455454545464553742 33344434444444444444444445545454645546454 33344344444444444444454454554546455363652 33344444444444444444545545455454554636454 33344444444444444454455554655555555463642 33333444444443334443444435444354535235264 x ( 4000.0) Fig. 2. Simulation results. ( a ) and (b) give t h e a c t u a l depth avera ed noise i n t e n s i t y map used for simulations f c ) and ( d ) give t h e reconstruction using t h e tomographic approach for ( a ) and (b) respectively. (X i n p a r t ( c ) and ( d ) give t h e positions of t h e a r r a y s ) . 29.3.4 584 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~