LZ SLA(" llrdElt-iliPLU /rqt'saurotlno parlsaP a^alqle utaql dlt,{ ot suoltle pue saltllllre Jo xlul radord al{t rno pa;n8g a^eq s.raur.rol-rad -ezrue?.ro pauu ap Apeall E a^eq rou oP 'suonetradxa af ueulJoS.rad Jo suJal uI ssoq rraqr 91la,r aSed aules aql uo lou a.re aldoad Lueur 'snotngo stuaas slqr parrsap Sur.rarrrlap ro3 uolletnda,r pue uI jo auleu aql sI sllnsar rsaq aql lBtll s/v\ot{s LllrBasar rno'req^\ Surop l.sng sI uoltsanb Iear a{1I ,tsng sr auorfu aua'a)e1d1-rorlt uraPoul aLIl 'saujollno PaJIsaP asalll a^alllle sn dlr.{ Iltrw IBLII sarllrerd pue srol^eqaq 'sanrzrrtre La1 aqr r!rrurPl or IEIruassa aluo a/v\ ,(1n-rt saluofag lt 'sn uIoU sPaau uoItBZIu e?rc aLIl IELI,I\ /!\oDI 'r{eptlr€a uraql op /puatHIP PuP fllnsar ParIsaP ra^IIaP ilIrta suollf,€ rq/tr PuelsraPun Pue /Itotfx'z alnj s sallns ParaPI suol sPaau vovez aq ot no.(.ro1 noL allq,/vUaureS aql prorar IlEn e taare) Surdola^ap IELII PUnoJ sarpnls rno Jo IM'aullt tq8r.r aqt lE l"etr rqSu aqr uI uoIlBzIUeSrc aqt roJ stlnsar lqSu aqt ra^Ilap ot rbtltqt s,uos;ad sr ssal)ns JaaJel JoJ Jot)eJ e tuettodult lsou a18urs aqt Leme pue rEC'ra rlaP uaql Pu€ nor( uro.I' sPaau vortez -ruet ro .rnor( sllnsal paPPe-anp req/rr r(peura /laotr{ sr(e^rnly'r ulou -tue8;o .rnol. leq,/v\ rtprexa /\\oDI no,( oC :uortsanb ssaJJns ar runJ .r no, azt ur tt d"t;il;l:::; -e.radurI ssar)ns raarel SurrltolloJ aLIl a;e stsl.leue-etatu slqt uro5 paS.raula aldoad .rno.,( sras os Bu to;l"ll1#Jt1: go( pappe-anle^ rlaql ]eq/y\ l.ltrexa /KoDI lsnul sraguraul lJels 1y'no/ or uoda.r teql aldoad aql qll/v\ ssaro'rd letuv\,'aJII PUe Iro./Y\ Llroq qreo;dde az!\' /v\oLI uI IEuoIlUaluI PUe silolJa rno lauueql aJOLU a/Y\ auJolag relll sueaul pooqllalll ,{1pat ssalrns raare) Jo aqr readar plnogs no,('uotltsod drqsrapeale ut a;,noLJI PUV 'aseaJluI salt lunl.r oddo raaJe)'rtlluar s I su of stlnsar parlsap ra^tlaP or lrylyge al{l u^\oDI atuoraq nol. aluo 'stlnsar ,,1T,";;l:ilT::l;:Xi:: rlqla lro/v\ PIIos e a^eq spuolssaSold SuIIJo/K tsoul teqt atunsse a \ sa^lleradut ssa))ns laare) . JoJ 'railag parsap Sur.ranrlap Jo Prorar I)Erl e dolarrap or a8ers aqt stas ,brrrrtre slql 'afueur.rol,rad ;ouadns roJ ueld aureS e qsrlgelsa ol llnluJlP saruofag rI 'uraqr tnoqt IIA' suoltelradxa a)ueluJoSlad sraarer ;no aBeuBLU sn io 1p dlaq ol ulo{ af IoA,, e aJe /1prl srollej asaql 'uoltlsod .rnoL.ro ..saqfuaJl aqt -uassa uonEzIUe1to;o adrb req^\Jo ssalP rc?at 3ur.'\rryl ul uoltesraluof sltll Jo aluel 'aure6 aql 'ssaffns Jaale) sI tI tuetJod-l aJotu aql bupanllap agl /lprder PUE P luel.lodulr lsolu seq qrreasar slqr 1p q8norqt gurol or srsLleue-Blaur allterrpnb e Sutsn lol uollelndar pue 'a?ed arues aql pro)ar )PPJI 'Lpuara6'ssaffns JaaJE) aAaIqlB ol sa{Bt rI teq^\yo SurpuetsraPun Jattag dlr.{ ot salPnls snolrel e dolanap sn asaql ur paredtrtued oq^A sraPeal uaql Pue 'go[ ssaulsnq reql salrl Ilgl suodsa-t .rno.( luasa.rdar JoJ srol)eJ rgnads zr,\ytuapr padlaq -;odurr aql ateuJltsaJaPun tou oC lo aueu aql s! ',,(lluanba5 suol s snlsIP ruauru8 r p sllnsal pallsap qlns aleq ol 'are1d1.rorn .rnol Sur8uegr rtureu.,tp aJouJ uo qtoq ate no.( aJnsua ol ssog;nol' 6u;doga^ag gtlrln Sunaaul B alnPaq)s ooo'oI uEL{t aJo(u 3o rndur aqf Palllllos aABq a,,tr'rtlarupallo) pue sleo8 'a1o.t .rno.,t lno allJ/y\ ol 'ssa)f ns atrrlt aql aIBI 'uorfezr.ueE.ro lnol' ol anle^ Iear ppe ot ra^IIaP ol Paau no.( Jo pooqllalll aqt PUE arueluro3rad Sur,roldxa qlreasar parldde Jo saPElaP 'no,,( ro3 ,.snf oJ leaJ,, rlaqt aztuttldo sleuorssayo.rd Pue srapeal dlr.{ ot sLerrr SurreSrlsalul Pue stlnsal tet{/v\ tnoge aat?e ssog lno.( pue nol. teqr arns aleur ot sI slt{l oP ot Lertr /1uo agl -eztve7ro pue srapeal /pnls I aluls -ralua aqr ol anF^ sPPe reql alor lBuoll o/v\l ruads seq uJear JnO ,,itaarct ,{vs qrl^\ InJssa)lns aroru ag 01 oP ol Paau I op s8urqr rgnads teq/v\,,, 'aut 1se .,t1aurrno,r aldoad 'Sutnrl B roJ suoll rapun Surte,rado rou aJe ro/Pue 'asud e atea;o ot sI ase.rqd antte;ado a,{I 'sfrJlaru Pue spoS a)ueulroy,rad paqsllgetsa trpeap become proficient and disciplined at without proper planning and performing these critical tasks. It might be plannin gfor and delegating specific work tasks on a daily basis. Or, perhaps, it might forethought, we have seen people who include project management practices most important for their success. Mryb. one of the most important lessons that emerged from our analysis is the factthat time, like to pull a team together and keeP them moving in the right direction. It might involve coachi.g, Process are exceptionally busy struggle, and even fail,because of their inabiliry to apply their time to the tasks that were improvement, running effective moneli, must be wisely invested. When meetings, developing emPloYees or developing a work schedule. Whatever we find ourselves moving quickly at an unrelenting pace, it is easy to squander the activities, high performers make this important resource. This rule applies not only to our time resource but to all of the resources that we Possess at work. it a prioriry to plan for and engage in them daily. According to the Pareto PrinciPle, 8o percent of the outcome is generated by zo percent of the actiu1ry. High performers - whether theY've heard of Vilfredo Pareto - follow this rule. They identi$z and engage in the key actions that will deliver results, must be taken to make effective decisions for using all of our Great care scarce resources, be they financial, human, informational or production, so that we can link these resources to desired outcomes. putting them in a greatplace to develop action plans to help them and Career success question: Do You make wise and conscious decisions their people succeed. to apply your time and operational resources to the activities that are Cateer success question: Have you mastered what you need to do on a daily basis to deliver suPerior performance and get results for your organzation? T.Practice greattime most important fo,r your success? 4, Remember thatyouwin with people. To be in a position to achieve high performance, people in the modern workplace must develoP strong interpersonal relationships in three specific areas: working relation- unapproachable, arrogant, sarcastic, ships, fostering cooperation and condescending, caustic, pomPous, building teams. Without this talent di s tant, aloof and, summa rily,di that time is a person's single most and the emotional intelligence needed to suPPort it, a Person's career is in real to work with, the outcome is simple. They will not bring out the best in the important resource, and it must be jeopardy. stewardship and dont waste fesoufces. One of the most challenging trends in the modern workplace is being asked to do more with less. Our analysis revealed handled with the greatest care. fficult people around them, and co-workers will generally avoid them at all costs. A great deal of research in the areaof emotional intell i gence makes a strong case that being able This is a career killer. endless, nonproductive meetiflgs, write and answer emails to no end, engage in unproductive phone conversations, and write rePorts that no one to foster strong working relationships is infinitely more important you emotionally intelligent, and do you make it a prioriry to build the will people who are emotionally intelligent be wisely and develop this talent are more likely invested. nicaton Our meta-analysis revealed that effectively communicati ng And yet,if we are not careful, we waste countless hours each week in read.But high performers tended to take greatcare in applying their scarce time resource to the activities that give them the biggest bang for the buck. We consistently found that ProPer allocation of one's time resource has powerful impact on that Person's abiliry to deliver results. Conversely, a 22 lndustrial Manaqement than possessing raw intelligence and extensive experience. In a nutshell, to deliver better results. This emotional intelligence is Career success question: Are Time, like workpl ace relationships, teams and money, must networks necessary for your success? 5. Be a great 760 degree corntnu- with everyone you work with was necessa ry to foster workplace cooPeration and build teams - both factors critical. We must be able to commu- that have been found to be critical to co-workers, Peers, customers, suppliers and direct reports. success. But when a Person cannot connect with people and is viewed as nicate effectively with our suPeriors, Our previous research makes it clear tt \ t,a( ii)ilt!lr|l,i#rlr Surnunuor e ul sr ateldlro^\ uraPoul o1 sallrunt.roddo al{r rxng Jo arels Jaale) J Iaqr'af ueLuJ o3.rad aJloIPauJ tdarre or 3ur11t./y\ aJe Surllrrtrun ^" "n aJB l:::11:: ;o 'uollle aIEl rslualgo;d anlos or ,A\ot{ ' :H; i:i JJ,l 3, o rcat? Surleru PUe sISIr 3ur1er 'dn " Surddats'uolttsod snoa8eruenpe aldoad 'asrna{l'I puelsJapun 'sJaLIto tnou{ o} :: :L'J :?j lJjilH aqt or asr.r ffi *'i1: : Laql pue 'a3ua11egr ro ualqord leuorr eztue?to .roleu E a^los dlr.{ ol sJaaJEl rlal{t ur .,(1tea r{rrunr -.roddo ue a^eq aldoad InJSSallns ue uI sa^lasuaqr Puu osF uel auoP aleul ot s.'(e.'ur IJoA\ ta8 or ralsea tt pue 'sSurqt Surop 1o sr(em lno laas roJ lool Lpuersuor 'sn punoje uo rauaq pue ^\au or{^A'onb snlets aqr aSualpl{l ol 6urob st leqtn 3ur11p,r are oL{1\\ puP dressarau s! afl'9 reql alueL{l al{r ra}eat8 aqt 'anotu a/\\ rarsej aL{I'ared Ilaulearg e te Surnoru are aA\ uaql\ ud\op leaJg PUe alnlaj;aur aLUolag uel sarltferd pue slualel uollefluntuuJo)'suInlPaI'U UAIIIJ,/Y\ JAL{TO PUE SIIEI,UA UO I:UAP 'PaujroJul Sunertunrutuol sE qlns'uottELUJoJUI Sur.reqs Jo prBS ag uet aures aqJ 'sn punore uo Suro8 sr teg,/K PuetsJaPun A\oDI ot rfuessalau st Sutualsl-I PUe 11qe .rnol j o sror.o:iH'Jirlt :1: {.{^ aas ol ,(sea sl ll 'luatuuoJllua sa8ualleqr aql tE lool no.'( uall/y\ Pue leql raguraurar oS 'su/\\oPlearg SurSueqr Llprder e uI Surte;ado yo sa)Itferd pue sllpls uoltef IUnruLUof .rnol. apeuJ srs.,tleue JnO 'snoJaulnu -uadap Jno ualr8 tuettodur st uottef aldoad Surdaal pue 'Surqteor PUe rsotr\l'auop sEurqr pt otrarsea pue ra{Jrnb rI sa{pw orl,n ra^los e nol. oC :uolrsanb ssaf,f,ns raateJ ueqr salrlllglssod raare) ur.rar-8uo1 I aJUeruJ o3,rad pue uollef IUnulul of s IIr roop aqr Suruado 'papet?aP raare),,pea.r) stualgo;d Surnlos -runtuluol uallt-tlt'uotllPPe ul ll::r:j;l:%.;,p;ili; assaffns JoJ uo -ualgord paurldresrp puadap nor( tELIt aldoad aLIr Jo IIe qtl^a ,(lanrlraga ateltunrutuol r(puar s r su of or rrr nteat? aAELI pue saster ,{edJauag 6ugua1sg1 alrarar 'palouo.rd ag or ,t1a1ll arolu are suralqotd leuone ueS;o snolras u^\oul are oqa aldoad lelll Surnlos roJ Jeall al'Uolaq sllDls uollBf IUnUJLUOf Jno roi a;e (,,satllunuoddo luauJafuequa roJ 'tuatullerap raare) PUe arnlle3 qolJo sasne) dot aqt Suoure aJe safltte.rd PUe sllHs uonBf luntuulo) a^IllaJjauI rELIl if this becomes their workplace modus S.Always knowwhat is going on around you and where you operandi. stand. Highly successful people tend success is in jeopardy - esPecially expertise and your willingness to find to be self-monitoring and constantly aware of their daily activity and how well they are performing. This key new and better ways of getting work rule of success clearly states that done? truly effective people constantly do self-appraisals to make sure they Career success question: Are you known for your problem-solving 7.Do not underestimate the power of connections and networks. It's commonly heard in organizational America that "it's not are getting the desired results. Self- serious about their long-term success take the time,effortand energy to keep their skill sets current and to develop to meet the changing demands of their jobs. There are numerous opportu- nities for skill development, ranging from cross-training, formal training programs, online learning initiatives, special assignments, certifications, monitoring allows us to stay on formal education and coaching assign- rack afterwe ments. The key is to assess your needs have taken the time to and develop an immediate plan to only what you know; but also who esmblish the outcomes we desire, the you know." This belief surfaces in our activities that will get us there, the improve your skills if you think you findings relationships needed for success, and how we should invest our time. This lack the talent to perform at a higher as well. Over the years, participants in most of our studies have made it clear situational awareness allows us to that an employee's internal connec- know where we stand. tions and external contacts play a critical role in career success. When an employee has " greatworking relationships across the companfi' "is wired in," "has friends across the organization," "knows key people in other departments," or "knows the right difference makers," it can help them be more effbctive. level. In addition, leverage work experience by learning from past One key lesson we have learned is that high performers regularly take time to reflect on what they need to do differently to stay on track. This discipline is critical to making the appropriate adjustments to get the desired results and to scan the environment for the things going on in the larger organization. This allows mistakes, missteps and failures - both our own and the people we work with. This requires us to pay attention and, again, demonstrate situational Do you awareness of what's going on around have a strong us. In our busy world, it is easy for interpersonal people to repeat ineffective behavior network to by failing to take the time to reflect on lean on? what they are doing and how well they high performers to disengage from behaviors that are counterproductive are doing it. Failing to learn from past shortcomings throws away a learning opportuniry that can help one's career in the long run, but is a common getting introduced to key decision- or non-value-added. Without this performance tracking activiry it is easy for all of us to get makers, and generating political clout, caught up in mission creep, a loss among others. Building these relation- of focus, being busy without being productive, or doing lots of things that have nothing to do with what Cateer success question: Do you have a real plan to improve your talent These connections can be invaluable for career success for any number of reasons, such as impacting information floW access to key resources, ships, connections and internal nerworks also can provide people with mistake. and ensure that you are continuously learning? opportunities. us to deliver. Finally this situational to. The person you really are will have a profound impact on your At the same time, strong relationships in the industry with suppliers, awareness helps us stay alert and be success and aware of career opportunities both analysis customers and financial contacts can help an employee increase his or her inside and outside our organization. across the years have a tremendous impact on career organization. And strong external Careet success question: Are you in the habit of tracking and measuring your performance on an ongoing basis nerworks can provide you with greater and making adjustments accordingly? And while this career success rule opportu- nities. A strong interpersonal nerwork 9. Be a lifelong learner and learn from mistakes - both yours and both inside and outside of your organization not only makes it easier others. With the accelerated rate and pace of change, it is easy for working of key issues. Despite what we see on the news and read in the newspapers, to get work done but provides some insurance in the downsizing Process. people to realize that they are lacking organizations want to hire, develop a access to internal career development effectiveness and importance to an access to career advancement Career success question: Do you have a strong interpersonal nerwork to lean on? 24 Industrial Manaqement the organization is actually paying critical skill or talent necess ary for - your careerln this and in all of our research - a person's character, personaliry amitude and passion success. might be broader than others, it makes point about a number an important and promote people who demonstrate success and even survival. Regardless workplace integriry and moraliry. of how busy they are with pressing business needs, people who are This factor aflbcts a wide variery of workplace performance variables that EZ SLA(. lrrde/qlreLU 'J(uef noL teqt sSurqr tnoge Surr{.l.ro.,tr apntnte pue l{S:aua'|lroJJa 'autlt atse/y\ * Peal 'lla/v\ ajII rnol. PUe sraaref rnol' os 'uollBrado jo aPou s.leuols -sa;ord truego r.red auolag pue Paureal aq uel pue ,,,, pallauuorratul IIE are qr :: rredull puno;o;d /aqr e a^eq IIp,r .rno tr Jo st sPueuaP no,,t IIat osp srsl.leue ::51:1ft;:i :il,Hii., Jo alerala]lB 'a)ua6!llalul leuolloue ol a6equ11 llotlt lo epnl!ilP pue fig;euoslad a/Y\ ot tou pue Ionuor uer nol. teql s8urqt aqr Jo Ionuol aler ol Ielluassa sI lI os " 'JaaJe) 'sllnsal prolar ryerr IIe al]rll 3 u r oE u alJas ord ol uel oLI/y\ I sl :i;J: rl allll/v\, ,{rrlrgerunolfe :lffiT PUB e [T:jil:il; Jauued ,,{rrllgetunoffe uE Surneg .ro'pa;otuauJ Surag 'qreot e Surneq IeuosJad traqr yllat 01 /gBIq Jo satnglrtre /a1 atll Jo ralhod agr aJ€rqwg rr lro/ll nol. aldoad aqt uI tsag 3uo1 aqt ra^o stlnsar parlsap ot,btltgt tnol. ra IIap PuB nort Punore aldoad ro parualer raare) Jo ^aoLIjo ssalp ;r"flat Poot{llaIII aqr 'Iro/v\ rlaql a.re pue 'apnlnte rnoge aleuorssed arrrtrsod e urElulB(U ol Preq Iro/Y\ 'rua8rllalul l.lpuortoula a;e'patsnJl :::T[] :rT#l :':: ffJ or{^a s.rauued r{rrlrgerunorre sB s say aJv:uorlsanb ssarf,ns raare) 'lneq ' 'T';T'#J*H:Jdffi::: /aql asnBlag s;auued -lla^a lBtll reall r{Ia.rd 1I salBtu alnr slql og dpuergruSls dn saoS ssarrns aldoad InJssallns 'r(ern aqr /g PUV aqt Surop are nol. leql sauJoftno PaJIsaP aluo 'snloJ sa;tnba.t aq (1purg ' 'uoddns pue tuaulaEeJnofua'lasunor ol Parsrur uel aldoad uaLI/!\'l.1as.ranuo) dnorSlJolv\ .,(ue uJoJj runluauloul 'eule;p Pue ssarls '\flnva llns Pue pue are 1dry o/K aseaJf u I'af uB tu.r o;rad dno,r8 u^\op IInd uer aldoad go sadr{r asaqJ aldoad Hllrlt sdrgsuoItEIaJ Sur.rotuaul 3uo;rs Surrreq uo Palerrpa,rd IIE sI U sB Ieu or patsnn e tuo{ Ilegpaa3 Suro8uo pue aleJnlfe Sutntara; 'salelsltu ruou uJeal Pue llaltar ol atull Ielnrrl " "' aJe ParISaP e Surdola^aP 'tuauJssassE rlaqt uo paterrpa.ld st ano;durl hape^ apl^\ e uro{ Iregpaa1 alueur -royrad tno laas /aqr teqt sr aldoad InJssarrns jo auo '/o;qlyqelunof,re pu€ {regPaaJ aqrl^a aqt tno s8ur.rg oLI^a uos;ad jo puDI aql no.( no.,{ taare) 'lla^A uraql dlaq pue punore s,auo aIEt ot pue stualet s,auo ano;dutt ot ueld luaurdola^ap leuosrad e aneq or lnJssa]lns e ol alnglJluof lel{l srotleJ aqt jo lrr.roleul aqt uo lredulr atou ot tuetJodurr s,rt 'sSulPUU Jo tsll aql u/v\op /ern.rno,,t IJo/y\ no.,t se lng Eur,ranrlap Jo terp Sursr.rdrns ag tou plnoqs tI oS sr [eArAJns Pue ssaJ)ns JaaJe) JoJ Jol]EJ I.oN aql JagIJaLUaJ o1 IefIlIJl sI lI oI'ssaffns .rno tredull teqr sSurqr aqt hnedel Jlaqt tBLIt ./v\oDI {t.lt'sa)rnos p rr snorlard aq1'lo;luoJ aTEl os t;aquraurag'zr 'taatet tnolsl sFIr Zluaulano;dutt te suolJa rnol qry\r llerr uo ,ters no.,( dlr.{ uel ot{/v\ s;auued lrtltqe -lunoffe Pue 'lasunol asI/Y\ gllrn no,,t aprno.rd uel oq/v\ sJoluauJ 'Eurqreor Suro8uo Jo asn aleul oC :uorlsanb ssaJf,ns sE tELp lnJpulur aq a^A 3uo1e 's;aqto Jo lasuno) pue rndur aqr uo paseg stuaurrsn{pe aleur ot /rrlrqe 'rca1t ag tsoulle ra^o lortuol Jo ol Sur.roluaw pue Surgreol 'ryEgPaaJ tno laas ol pue gol r ll 'ssa)lns PUB IIp,t tet{t slJo/v\tau Pue suleal'sdrqs -uonela.r Surl.rorn tea.r8 agt SurtearJ uI asaqr /Y\oDI ,{rrlrgeluno)fe se alJas pue roluau 'qreor ot r{rr.loud gSrg e lI aleul - auIll rno safrnosal rno atelolp uaL{l - alueJnsseal PuE l.11errrr.rl saruorag ^\oDI e dolanaP llerl Iasuno) '{Ilegpaal ot ssatfe s,uos.rad puno1o;d e a^eq uer rolleqag rno teql #:#: :il' ffi ;T# .rnoL uo "'i:,*i uorssed pue apnrlne'r{rrpuos;ad 'tat)etegr .rnol. se 'ag /lgrssod uer noL leql uos;ad rsag aql ag ol luetrodult tr tBt{t JagLUauJ at',{11ew C 'tuaudolanap pue Suru;ea1 SuroSuo,rnol. atetlIIIEJ jo IEap wat? B aleq a.iv\ teql ase) Suo.rts ,hatte aleuJ sallleJad*l ssaffns Jaale) aqt taaul or slualet.rnoL dolarrap ot ler]nrl sl tl teqr s sulalgo.rd anlos or sdars all])eord aler asnP)oq sse))ns pue 'sn puno;e SuuJnfJo sluala aql s,uostod e ;o Jno dolanap srop!pald Jo ssauaJe/v\e leuoltenlts 'arueurJoy.rad SuroEuo rno IIBJI ol lelluelsqns arP Isrluassa satuofag uaql Pooqllalll aqt asEarlul rng sraqlo dlaq /1uo tou III/*\ sarttre;d tunoule.red sr sllpls uollef lunuJuIo) pue aruaSrllaluI [EUoIlouIa Jno asn ol tsnu aIA ,btltgt rno /lSurprolfe /lpnadsa 's8urqt rgSu ,{rrpgedlnr'tuaualroJura.r .relnEar Pue rl'qsrldulorre pue sllnsar ra^IIaP llylr leql sartlre;d pue sarlnnle iqr rllruapl ot lueuodurr ot Eurrful aJe aqt qllqla 'ra.(oldula ;nort roJ sllnsar SurnaE Jo prolar Jaare)jo alJnos tea.rE e ag uef srosIAPE s/ed tt 'aptt.te slqt azlJevruuns oJ dn bulddelpl rltsner 't[n]ll3Ip a^Eq oq^a aldoad 'puno;e ag Jou 'tllytr IJo/K ot lue/y\ lou op a/!\'pauoEuaul l.lsnorna.rd sezn sy grlrn sSurtaaul alnPaqls ol aAIleItIuI ol uolllsod e uI s.ot{/v\ auoaluos urog ryegpaa; 8urqreor Suro8uo 'nol. or alqellele aq l[l^a req] saltlunl pue '*':11::#"Tffiff*ffi::::: 'uorrtppe uI'os op ol uolllsod e ur aJE Or.l/v\ sJaqlo .to s;aad'ssog ;no.,{ assa)fns ';ffiil:fi:l:i::li ffi;J; taare) 'u",:'J;;:#ff-,#ffi]: oC :uortsanb ssaJf,ns 'a?mqt alet ot ssauEur11rrlr;nol. rbtttgt;nol. ;:J-#;1J:,T;Tli" -roddo aql uo pedurt InJra^\od e aneg '.PaglJlsaP aABLI a/v\ reql uer Laqt salneJad*l JaaJE) aql Jo aSeruenpe aIEt nol. tetfl [E)I]Irl sl U 'Pua aql ul 'arua8r1larur Fuonoua ot aSeluII rla{1t Jo asnelag ssa)rns s,uos.rad aJE E Jo srolllpard prruersgns aPnlllle Pue rbrpuos.rad s,uos,rad tet{t atou ot tueuodurr os[E sl tI B 'are1dryo/y\ aqt ur aldoad Jo ssaulqtrolv\ runoJr:l::ffff -lsnJt aqt L{lI1!\ op ot Surtp,fuala aleq