VEQEiM3i.E OILS CONTAINING GLYCERIDES OF ERUIUGIC AC119. BY 9. J. Sudborough, H. E. Watson and P. Ramaswami Ayyar. DR. M. 0. FORSTBK. F.R.s., CEAIPMAN OF EDITORIAL BOARD, Vtl. S o L x ~ n W l ~14tbl?rr :~~ L.I.~,V!~ . h f ~ m l % k+ ~Q UKTIIVI. ~ % B ~ ~ I ! N .:\ . T ~ i~l f . ! i l ~ ~ t " t ~ ';\:it i ; CURVXS o r XIH'I.I.KBS ' $ 1 &P~*ANIC ~ ~ with N. I<, I kmilf! ... ... AN]) ... >lRr3<-..8. s'r%:Ai<Arih k i i l . l ~ ? l f$'rt:?;i' t i ji ~ lriSXi i A ~ l i i i :~ . '. ,. . fit) Gl)'cei'ir!ua (ti esiicic acid all: !. r .: 1;) large amounts in oils iron1 thrw ,.:.!., i: ,- c ~ Etiic geliilb IIi.m.~itli(gat. (.)r& Crucifera) and SO h ih: <);:h i 1 3 1 ihc ~ t ~ < of.. T,vp<,*,j/bm h p,,tzjrts (,gr& ]J/,ay)7E., !. L~: . ~ S y g ,273, 371) (Nat. Ord. f ' . In addition theL. are lnet with i n i:ert:iirt tibh oils ir:.l~.iI;r~:; wjx& arid cod-liver oils (Bull., C/Ifh?. %'it., :S;)t,i, ( ~ ( , ) h j;j ; ' ~ . , t$06, $9, 3570) and accordirIg to Neville ("1.C%.W. aSiJt., ~ c ) 2,r L01, I xed) approximately 18.6 per cent. of tile tc.rtai laity 'icitl irrnii ttic dry roots of the common beet (Bet& i,iO2:iii L,j c'o~isists~.ri enrcic acid. .t. . 8:: ' I : . d ); :tnlouiil%ot glycerides of erucic acid in an oil produces a low saponikicatian value am! hence a relatively high moleculrtr weight ; a iuv: apcciiic gravity and a refractive index-iodine value c u ~ v efor tire hydrogeitnted oils which lies above that of oils acids (TiiiicJourrml, 1924, 7, 83). containiog c:nly C, and I:,, Other species I~cloii~i~!:: to thc natural order Crucifers: yield oilbcal-it);. sccds, *.ye, garden cress (L@iikiwasativunz, Linn.), radish (R7//c,/i/i!~ strti'los, I.irin.) and the oils from these have relatively low saponification values (Crossley and Lc Sueur, J. SOL.Chem. Im'., 1898, li 7, 9 0 2 ) and hence may contain glycerides of erucic acid. The three species of rYvassicn yicltling large amounts of erucic acid glycerkles are rape, lnustard and jamba ; varieties of all three are common in India. 'The study of varieties of these three plants was begun in 1 9 2 1 and at that time practically nothing was known as to the percentage of the various acids present in the mixed acids from the different oils : the i u v c : ~ l i g i i i o n was undertaken with the object of ascertaining theac ~~crceritagea and also of studying the refractive index-iodine value curves for the hardened oils. During the course of the work, Tayama (1. Cham. id. Jafia~~, 1922,25, 1044) published a paper in which the percentage of erucic acid in the mixed acids from a sample of Japanese rape oil is given as 65. T h e three varieties of Bva~sicLzwe have investigated are I. Brmsi~a:campcstm's, Var. aaptls Linn. The genuine rape or colza, and usually known in India as sarson. 2 . BvassicR, jwma H. or Sinapis itauea, Linn. The Indian black mustard known as rai. 3. Eiuca sntiza, Lam. 'The jamba or rocket seed known generally in India as tori. T h e T r n p ~ o b m+us seeds were imported, and obtained fron the Empress Gardens, Poona. As the oil obtained b y extraction witf ether was only 7 per cent. of the weight of the seeds, ~t was noi founc p & l e to undertake a complete examination of the oil. acids together with ttrncic and oleic acid:;. T h e presence of still lnore unsaturated i t c i d ~ W d s p v e d , I J U ~ only stnall amounts of insoluble hcxa-am1 t~trnbromiries could he iiolated, indicating the probable presetice c r f ,-;-!iric~lcnic.nrd Br-linoiic acids ('rakabasi, J: ToJbKio Chznz. Scc., ~ r j l y &k, , ?:;;i). 111 the same year Toyarua (lor. 6if.j examined the nci(ls h i r ! :i h : : ~ ~ p l i of : Japanese oil and gave the erucic acid c::mlenl ;IS (5.5 1"':. ~.t.iil.., ~ ; t l ~ r r a t eacids d less than 2 per ceilt., together w i t h o!i.ii:, Ii~iibiit.m t J iirldcr~icacids, as proved by oxidation a ~ i d brcimil~atio~a. 'Thr wiiole of the oi! used in OUT experiments was obtained by crushing Caii;utkt secch vnr. ictrpiis in an iron ghanni allti was refined by ;~ik:tll iwcti-ilcnl. Forty-nine po~indsoi seed were used and were mixed with ro ijcr cent. (.I{ marc?;. 'E'be yield of oil \vas 18-75 lbs. or 38 ,per c w t . "1';~: ~ l k a ! ii l h ~ di n r refinin;;. v a s 20 per cent. aqueous sorl~un-I hytlrouiclt: iir slight excess of the ainount required to neutralise the free fat1.y : ~ c i t l ~ .:Sfi.c:. rt:~liuvalof the soap, the oil was washed repeatcrlij, wit11 !,:~iiingwater, heated to 1 roo and finallj- clarified by treatmcrli at 70° with freshly ignitcd luller's earth. 94'1-94'8 l'itxe ... ! Moan m o l a c u l a r ~ 1.4635-1.4647 20.0 l?-13 I 10i-107 / 95'_..6 I I ... The refined oil was saponified with alcolrolir- i3 .*-' the dry potassium soap c?ctr.u lei1 with etlier ti] Lerwovr . . , rlmrtc: and then decomposed with hydroci~~or~c acid. A i.,t:Li ril' rgu grams of mixed acids was used in eight lots of about 2 4 grams caclti. 'rbc acids were dissolved in 750 cc. ctf gj per cent. (by I crirrmt) alcohcl. the solution heated to boiling and solution of I Wj gratns i a f !cad acetate in 250 cc. of 95 per cent. alcohol also heated to Ijoil;i,,, added, 'The mixture was kept at room-ternpcratciri- o r v ~ - ~ i i ~ ~ail$ T - i then at I jo for four hours, when the prccipitafe was ir.i>~ovcc!and washed wlth 1 lodoinc valar ... t6'1 I!WO rwn . , 1 hc resuits shcrw &it there wits :s Iuss of less than one per cent. of fatty acids during ti.1~-I,nx.e--, 'i'he d i d acids have a high iodine oi erucic acid carried down with the value due to the largc ;.+ , <,at:.;(, saturated acids. The iodine v d u c in; pure erucic acid i s 75, so that 86.8 per cent. of the solid acids ccln4its of crucic acid. The high iodine value of liquid acids I inciirntrs the !,!~..-(.:i(.t~ of highly unsaturated acids such as linoiic or linolcni:,, naii the tclntiveiy high r~iolecularweight of liquid acids I1 points t r t thc pirscmce nf erucic acid in this frzction. The method oE examination was similar to that used by Jamieson and Bau~hmaii (1-A 1 9 x r " ~ . Cdcm. SOL.,1920, 11& 1372) in their study of &c liquid acids from mitanaeed oil. About 5 grams of the total liquid acids were dissolved in roo cc. of dry ether and dry bromine added gradually at oo until the colour persisted; after further cooling at oo"ior five hours, the precipitate was removed to a tared filter paper, then washed with chilled ether, dried and weighed. The melting point was r 78-1 7go corresponding with that for linolenic Calcnlnrad from tlls raluc. i c r :!.c x l i 2 m d !icu!d ac.ds. 'The nautraliinlo:: ;<lr!rn!r.~::.; w v a ct:erz e;d by sspon:hcarlcn vi'h rre;ss oi olkail and back titration with sbrrinid x i d , as uiroz: ti!ratior. dvrs nigh msu119. In order to i ~ > i > : i : ! t ellis residuc Ira nlorrt clctnii, roo grams of IreshIjr prepared tiquid acids werc irentcd in the s:mc z::annr:r, giving 5.6 grams of l i e s ; 1 ! ~ ! ~ ~ 1 i : i 2 ; : insoluble i n ether a t 11.' nrxi 2.5 grams of residue irrsaiulle in w r n t light petroletin\. This time the ,l';r.c t was calourless, nrcitscl at 175-r 7 7 O , coritaiiled 62-3 per cciir. (,I fxcimine and after one crpstallisatioil frcrnr*wzneited 31 r X c - - ~ R r ' ~ . (This gives n total of 2'97 per ecut. rrf linnlenic acid in the Iliriuid acids). It is thus clear that the hcxabrumide is solrlbk to n r:urtniti c x t c t l i in dry ether at oo i n the ~ ) w s i ~ iui i r crucir: ~~ acid clibr<i~triticand tijc c.~mc.lucion was drawn tlint in thc i : i - l : ; i : i . i ' i i . x t t t 1:51.1.::! t ! w ~ ~ r o ( l t x! i 1: . ~ ~ ' ~ . i l ! t . in petrolcum ether was a very impure Ircxni~roniitlc:ctantniriiii~: ~ ~ t i t i : 1 . ; 1 1 ; ~ , niatter and pxhaps oxidnticart prodnct~clE high!y rlnsanmtedi acids, a: the liquid acids had l~cen lcft i n n rlr4ce:1tc.)r for ssmx t i m e !,eiore investigatiou. The 35-5 per ccrrt. oi ' j t t ? i : : ; r > i . wns iirerdr,~.c~ iiakcti ns being due to hcxabrurnidc and the :id!:: a i i i ! I t l i flernbroliiide p:z,-enl in the residue calculated. 6 From the solution in light a portion (JL the 2itncaiir. acid tetrabromicle was abtnlned 1.;) ~ t t l i i : ~ ; to ct" ~i:.~~~-!,j~:l.:. The precipitate was collected (317 t i goocti cnrrilk, avzhtlcd, rlried and weighed. It melted a t 108-roc)" ;rind ;iEtcr u t r ~ ~ ~ r . ; - i . i l : i . . i t i ~ r ~ , at r ~ z - , rr3", thus corresponding with the tctrabro~nide whic:b melts at 1I 4 After ren'iovaI td the solvet~rfrom the filtrate, the :>].I o:ii!~econtent G£ the residue was deter~ninedboth hg Carius' and Sfcpanoff's method and was found to be 39-I per cent. The bromi:le i.t,::~p.>:~nds present are not: only linolic ncid tetrabmtnide and oleic acid dibxomide, but also erucic acid dibromide ; this cunqAicates the calculation of the three constituents in the residue. ;i;.i:$~lt,i.;~t For purposes of calculation the following equations have been used :(I) x + y + c + a = ioo (2) 75% goy 4- r8aa z74a = zoo 1: (3) 338% 2827 -I- 28w C 27862 = roo M where + + + I t w a d d :rise 111: pissii.~lic:t t ~d c u l n t e tht: quniitities of crucic, oleic aild linuiir: ;xi(!.: i'rir~ti rlv: itvight of di.. and tcir;tbromides i s o l a t e or I 1 r I of i i u . T h e results ;vitli Lllosc obtninr:l w;wn tlic iodine ,:slue is however, do nut :!;re!: used as :hi: basis t i i the- c~alc111.vioi:. 'l"hi:. i s due to slight experimental crrcxs in the :lot veqt s i n ~ p l cproi:es:; or' isolating :hc bromides ;: .t;nlalI error has s and as, owing to tlzt: indirect irietl:cxl of c~aic~ilnticm, large int!uetrcc c r i i the rcl;r.~!t, it ~ : I Jlice11 ctwaidcrrd advisable to use only the most ewiiy i!etw?iinetl c:onstant:i, viz., the mean ~nolecular weight and the iodine va!uc. ,, 1he time equation>, r , conditions are fultjlied :-- I . anti 3, only hold good if the following A . N o satumted acids are prcsent in the liquid acids. The saturated acids usually present in liquid acids arc those of low molecuiar weight as their lead salts are rrlnre soluhle in alcohol than are lead ste;uratc a i d palmitate, 2nd tbeil presence is indicated by the low mean molecul:u wcight of ~ h ' liquid acids. As ertlcic acid with a nlolec~~lar wcight (!I 538 is present, i t i s n o t possible to detect acids of low moleculnr weight by tlctermining the neutrdisation value. T h e results ol thi: distillation ol the iiieth>l estels obtained from the con~pletely hatdencrl oil (13. 41) indicate the absence of any appreciable an~ountsof esters derived from lhese acids. 2. T h e absence oi unsaturated acids which would yield tetrabromo- and hexabron~ot)chenicacids on bromination. All that can be said is that there is no absolute proof ot their absence, but as the linolenic acid hexabromide and linolic acid tetrabromide were readily isolated with correct melting polnts the presence of highly unsaturated acids derived from behenic acid is unlikely. T h e results of examining the brorno-derivatives and of calculating the composition of the liquid acids are given in Table 111, a 32 TABLE IIJ, Grams of acids :al:m for brc~nlnctiu:: .. Grams of hexabrom~decryr;t:lls ... Grnms insoiuble i s fight pelrole~la~ Percentage o: bromine in tills ros~duc Grams of hcxabromidc in this I-eslduc,.. Total crams ol hexab~omidc ... Percentage of linalenic ncid ( u ) ... G r a n s of tetrabromide crystals ., Grams of mixed di- and letrabrom~des.. ... Percentage of broiuiue in above Percentage of erucic acid (r) Percentage of olcic acld (y) ... ... Percentage of iinolic acid (2) ... ... .. . ... T h e solid acids h a w a high iociine v d ~ i e(ci. 'l'al,!e 11) due the presence of large amounts of erucic acid, I>ut the value is less tk that of pure erucic acid owing to the presence uf s~irirated acic among the solid acids. If it is assumed that the iudinc value entirely due to erucic acid then the percentage <:ierucic acicl in tl solidacids is 87, or I O O grams of total mixed ;icicls contain .jo..? grar of erucic acid present in the solid acids and r ;i.o g r a ~ i ~pi.e~~!lt s in :I liquid acids, i.e., a total of 57.2 per cent. An attempt to separate the acids present in the soiitl acids 1 conversion into methyl esters anti Iractionni disliiiation tikl not yie satisfactory results, and it was found marc ; onv!-nit-~-~t to !ic::xrntc tl acids present in the complete!)i ilardened eil. Exaami~za~ioreo f L'he pavfiinliy Pwripifaicd Jbiid Acids.--Twi che!l (1. Imi. Ezc. Chew., 1921, 13, 840), in his paper on tl lead-salt-alcohol method oE separating solid ar?d liquid acids, chin that, by adding lead acetate insufficient to precipitate the lez salts of all the saturated acids, a iractional precipitation occu and the lead salts of the acicjs oi high molecular weight a1 precipitated first. Using this method he succeeded in separatir from the acids of ground-nut oil 5 per cent. of acids with a mei molecular weight of 317, that of arachidic acid being 21 a. A s lez erucate is.more soluble in alcohol than lead stearate, attempts we] made to separate the saturated acids by partial precipitation. FI this purpose 1,030 grams of rape oil acids were used in lots of roo grams. I!r each experinlent the volume of alcohol was 1000 cc, 2nd the amount of lead acetate jrast sr?ficient to precipitate 5 grams of acid of n e a n molecular weight 540. From ehc tot21 lend s d t s so precipitated 50 grams of solid acids were obtnhccl wit11 nr; iodine value of 49.o I t is thus clear that the separation in i ~ o conlplele, t as this iodine value indicates the presence of 66 per cent. 01 erucic acid in the solid acids. The acids so obtained were crystailisetl lrom gg per cent. alco!io!, atid after four crystal11sations s o x i t l with ri. 3~lit'!~,: p i i n ! 7.2'5-75.0" and a mean ~nolecular weight 0% 355 was obtained. The iaetl:yl ester of this acid was prcpnretl :lad inelied at $3-5-54'q0 The melting point found corresponds with that givec uy Ponzio (J Pi,. &hem., 1893, [Ii] 18, t87) who ii~oughtthat the acltl arachidic : but tile equivalent of tne acid and the inolecular weigh: ol the inethyl ester calculated from its saponiiication value are much higher than those required for arachidic ncid. On further crystallisation the melting point of the acid rose to 75.2" and the molecuiar weight to 358, and on still further crystallisation a small amount of an acid melting at 7 6 - 7 7 0 5 ~was obtained. These rcsults point to the presence of an acid higher in the series than arachidic and in all probability lignoceric. HYDROGENATION OF RAPE OIL. T h e oil has been hydrogenated both for the purpose of obtaining the refractive index-iodine value curve (Sudborough and Watson, This Joztwzzal, 1 9 2 2 , SI 57 ; 1924, 7, 81) and also with the object of obtaining large quantities oi completely reduced acid from which the methyl esters could be obtained and careiully fractionated in order to determine the percentages of the different acids present. When the refined oil was heated with a nickel-kieselguhr catalyst at 180" in a hydrogen atmosphere under conditions exactly similar to those described in earlier papers (This Jozlmal, 1922,s~62) it was found that even after four hours there was no reduction in the value of the refractive index, and the hydrogen escaping possessed a characteristic odour. After seven hours the iodine value had fallen by 1 2 units only. The catalyst was then removed by filtration and the oil subjected to reduction with a fresh catalyst, and it was found that hydrogenation proceeded smoothly and the oil was completely hardened at the end of four hours. Apparently the refined oil contains small amounts of impurities, probably sulphur compounds, which poison the nickelcatalyst. Such compounds react with the nickel or volatilise with the hydrogen and the oil after one treatment withnickei and separation of the catalyst can readily be hydrogenated when mixed with a second batoh of catalyst. During the reduction small samples of the hardened oil were removed from time to time by means of a siphon, filtered and the iodine values determined by \Vink!er's nietkoti and the rclractive indices with the aid of an Abb6 refractometsr. 'I'hl: d u e s obtained have already (]bid.,1924, 7, 86) been p:ublishecl and are given in Table IV, and the corresponding curve in Plate In. TABLE IV. SeZective Nydvogmat~orz.-11: has been shown by Moore, Richter and van Arsdel (1.h d . E?g. Chem., 1917,9,451) that when a mixture of linolenic, linolic and oleic acids is hydrogenated, the two former acids are almost completely reduced to oleic acid before appreciable amounts of stearic acid are formed. I t was thought that similar selective hydrogenation might occur when erucic acid is present and to test this hypothesis two partially hardened samples were examined. acids from sample M (I. V. 60.6) gave iodine value 49.4. Froln this it may be calculated that the iodine values of the total fatty acids alld the liquid 21.1 gms. of the fatty I 3-3 gms. of solid acids with 35 fatty acids arc 63.2 and 86.5 respectively. Assuming tbat erucic and oleic are the only rmaturated acids present, the percentage of erucic acid in the solid acids ir; 65.5 and ill the liquid acids 24. The toial erucic acid present i s consequently 50.5 per cent. of the total fatty acids, and the oleic acid 2 8 per cent. ' h e amounts of these acids present in an oil formed by converting t!~c linolic and linolenic acids of the original oil icto olcic acid ~vouidI>e57.0 and 36.7 so that in the sample under exanhation 3 2 per ceut. of the oleic acid has been reduced and only r z pcr cent., of the erucic acid. Sample N (1. V. 33.9) gave 3.5 grams of liquid acids with iodine m of total fatty acids with iodine value 35.4. value 79.8 from r ~ grams From this it may be calculated that, assuming the liquid acids to consist only of erucic and oleic acids, they contam 3 2 per cent. of oleic acid, a figure which agrees with the value deduced from the equivalent weight which was found to be 320- Thc iodine value of the solid acids is, by calculation, 24.8 con-esponding with 3 3 per cent. of erucic acid. I-lencc the original fatty acids from this sample contained .to per cent. of erucic acid and 6.5 per cent. of oleic acid so that in forming this sample from sample M, 77 per cent. of the oleic acid and only 2 1 per cent. of the erucic acid has been reduced. The above figures, although necessarily somewhat inaccurate owing to the indirect method of calculation employed, indicate fairly clearly that erucic acid is hydrogenated less readily than oleic acid. It is intended to investigate this point in greater detail at an early date. Since the above work was carried out several other papers dealing with selective hydrogenation have appeared. These are summarised by Prmstrong and nilditch (Proi. Roy. Snc., 1919, (A), 108, 1 2 1 ) and ind~catethat selective hydrogenatiou is a very common occurrence. EXAMINATION OF ACID FROM COMPLETELY HARDENED RAPEOiL. 400 grams of hardened oil with an iodine value of less than mity were hydrolysed with alcoholic potash ; the alcohol was evaporated, the potash soaps dried and extracted with dry ether to remove unsaponifiable matter. The soap was decomposed with hydrochloric acid and the liberated acids dried and converted into methyl esters by the Fischer-Speyer method using 4 percent. of dry hydrogen chloride as catalyst. After remo~ral of methyl alcohol in excess, the esters were extracted with ether and washed with sodium carbonate solution. The ethereal solution was dried, the ether removed, the esters weighed and then subjected to fractional distillation under reduced pressure, using a Bruhl receiver. T h e results of the first distillation are given in Table V and the results of a second fractionation i n Table VI, AS the pressure.: varied during the redistillation of the various fractions obtained cluri:ig the first distillation, it was considered inadvisable to ~ n i sarly fractions and thtls the number of fractions aiter the second tli&lla.tion was 18. For each fraction the iollowing constants were determined :--(0) titre of the esters ; (ii) saponification value ; (6) molcculai weight (.!f cster fraction from saponification value ; ( d ) n~olecuktr weight of :!cids irom c ; (8) molecular weight of acids from direct neutralisation o i the isolated acids ; ( f ) titre of thc acids ; (c) melting point of t!:e acids. All these values are given in Table VII. From the exanlirintlon of the solid and liquid acids it is clear that the three main acid* pi.crse:lt in the hardened oil will be belienic (by rcciuction o i erucic), stexic and palmitic, together with a. little lignoceric and ~ ~ c r h n arachiclic. ps Assuming that each fraction contain:; not more t h a n tvjo componenls it is possible to calculate its composition from :I. T h e molecular weight of the ester. 2. T h e molecular weight of the acid. 3. The titre of the esters provided the titre-composition curve for the two esters is known. 'TABLE V. First DistilZatioa of Medhyd Esters (296 ,<~n!ms)of H t ~ v d ~ cAcin's. d . III ... ... i 1 55 I 206-21.5 130.54 /! 20.45 . IVb .., 4. T h e titre or ~neltingpoints of the acids provided the curves are linown, Methods r and 2 can be regarded as only approximate as the addition, for example, of 5 per cent. of palmitic acid to stearic acid only changes the molecular weight from 284.0 to 282.6, a difference which falls almost within the experimental error of the method used. The titre curve for mixtures of methyl palmitate and methyl stearate is known (This JozlrmZ, 1923,6 , 126) and also the melting point curve and the titre curve for mixtures of palmitic and stearic acids (Lewkowitsch, Chsmical Technobgy o f Oils, Fat3 and Waxes, 1921, ~ 0 1 .I , p. 1 2 0 ) but no data for mixtures of methyl stearate and methyl behenate or of the free acids are available. In Appendix I we give titre curves for the methyl esters derived from stearic acid melting at 69.8"nd behenic acid melting at 79.85 and melting point and titre curves for mixtures ol the acids. These curves have been used for cietermining the composition oi the fractions i c to Vn. I n Table V I I the variuus lractions have been arranged in order of increasing molecular weight as determined by titration of the free acids after liberation from the esters. These molecular weights are shown in column 5 and the molecular weights of the esters calculated from the saponification values are given in colun~nA. Corresponding values for the same fraction should differ by 1 4 and this is seen to be the case within the limit of experimental error. I n columns g and 10 are shown the percentages of stearic acid calculated from these molecular weights assuming that myristic and stearic acids only are present in the first three fractions and stearic and behenic acids only in fractions Ic to V6. I n order to determine which acids were present in addition to stearic, use was made of the fact that equal weights of myristic, palmitic and behenic acids when added to stearic acid produce depressions ol the melting point which are of the same order of magnitude, or in other words mixtures having the same melting point contain roughly the same percentage of stearic acid. In the case 01 palmitic and myristic acids in quantities below 40 per cent. the agreement is close, for behenic acid the divergence is greater and the relation only holds up to 2 5 per cent. of the acid. As an example, binary mixtures with myristic, palmitic and behenic acids melting at 65O contain 80, 78 (Heintz, A m a l e ~ z , 1873, 92, 295) and 85 per cent. (Appendix I) of stearic acid respectively. If the assumptions are made that arachidic acid produces a depression similar to that of the other three acids and that the addition of a mixture of two acids has the same effect as that of an equal weight of a single acid, then it is possible to estimate approximately the amount of stearic acid in the fractions resulting from the distillation of mixed methyl esters in which stearic acid is the principal constituent. In column 12 are shown the percentages of stearic acid calculated in this way. T h e figures for the first three fraEtions are the same whether myristic or palmitic acid is present. For fractions IIIa to Vd the figures are derived from the curve for mixtures of methyl stearate and methyl behenate given in Appendix I, and for fractions IC to IIc intermediate values have been selected. Assuming these figures, it is possible to calculate the proportions of two additional acids since the mean molecular weight is known, If 3 In the case of fractions IITtz ! r i Vli ih:: \-;~li!c:: !iii- Ilic. )xxcelrtage of stearic acid deduced from (n) tile titrr IJ!' the c:iw (t:oIumn S), ( 6 ) the molecu1:tr weight of the esiers (i:trlu~;ii; (.t). :,! till: nii~iecular i ~ i ~ <if t l :itids ~ weight of the acid:; (coiumn 10) mrl ( d ) tlxh~ ~ i ( . i l I:(.IXLI (column 1 2 ) (111 llic ;ts!.,:i!!;!~t:<~~~ tlirlt nil t!li.:ic I r ; ~ ( , t i < ~ i .ZIT t f . , liinarY :i;;rt:v * r t ~ ,well witllin mixtures of methyl sieamtc n d incthyl i ~ i * I ? v ; ~ ~ the limit oi cxperiniental error arid it i:: ui11ikt:Ij. tli:~: tliirr! acid is present. T h e values derived frcm the t i l r c I b i t.he :ic:ids (c o!unin I 11, difier very widely and these can only ix i . : . . , ~ ! , : i ~ ! t ~ ' !)y i!lc r.sisience of some undetected experimental error. T h e presence of behenic acid in theso fmctiti:is W : i s tlcrnui:.itraieil by crystal!isation of the acids from 95 per c:elil. ;~l!.tri:oi asiyg 2 5 rc,. of solvent per gram of acids. After two tri- t!mc ::;.y~r;illi~nfi~rn.s ;ill xicl with a meltlng point between 78 nnc! Soo :>nil ::I!!;~~;.!i ;'.cigl~t of 341-142 could be isolated. The presence r d stearic: ar:iiI w s mirre difficult to prove. The following ~>:occsswas used tritl; >,itc.ceis in r frr>:ii tlic iirst the case of. several fractions. 'I'he ~ : i o t l ~ eilqiior crystallisatio~lEron~9s per. cent. alcohul is ci.:i;>:~:;!ct: !r, clrylxss and the residue crystallised from a s m ? l anmm? oZ ctli): :II-ctntc,tht. crystds are rejected and the acids from the nwther licliior ri+ci~vered rind crystallised from zoo cc. of 75 per cent. alcohoi !>ti- g i m i of acid. T h e crystals are rejected and on concentrating the mirtiiei liclriitl an acid melting from 67-68O and with an equivaitnt weii~lil2St-290 is obtained. The presence of both behenic and stearic acid in Iractici:is IId, 1116, and V n was proved by this process. 11; T h e case of Lractions Ic to IIc is a difficult one since the figures in column 5 differ widely from those En r o l u ~ n n7 . T h e only satisfactory explanation is that they consist vE ternary or even quaternary mixtures. As palmitic acid does not appear to i,c p r r ~ n i ,the acid of lower molecular weight than stearic must be myristic acid, Tinat of higher molecular weight rmy be arachidic or behenic or both. f t is known, k!omever, that only sna.11 amounts of other acids can be present because there m i s t be at least sufficient behenic acid to correspond ivitli the er~:cic acid originally present and sufficient stearic acid t o correspond with tiie other unsaturated acids. This leaves oniy a small percentage io be accounted for otherwise. The behaviaur of a mixture of a small quantity of rnetnyl arachidale with methyl stearatc and behenate on distilhiion is not known and it is consequently impossible l o say definitely whether arachidic acid is present or n o t except by further fmctionaiion. In calcu!ating the co~nposition i? lrav been assumed that arachidic acid is not present and if this is done, fairly uniiorm results are obtained for the composition o i .the earlier fractions as shown in Table VIII. TABLE VIII. ----- Percentage composition Behenic Fraction Vc is nearly pure methyl behenate, but even after five crystallisations from methyl alcohol the melting point did not rise above 5z0, and the acids derived from this fraction after repeated crystallisations from alcohol melted at 79.5-80.0' (cf. Appendix I). Residue I, which contains the acids of highest molecular weight was hydrolysed, the acids crystallised from alcohol and then fractionally precipitated with niagnesium acetate, when an acid melting at 77'578.0" and with an equivalent weight of 363 as compared with lignoceric acid 368 was isolated. ,_-' .A-T h e compositidn of residues I and 11 have been calculated on the basis that the only constituents are the methyl esters of behenic and lignoceric acids. The compositioxis of the acids from the hardened ctil a ~ x irom l the original oil are given in Tabic IX. ; I Acid I'urw1i:ige p r t L i i i ! 1 fro11 i : ! ti![ Myristic Stcaric Behenic Lignoceric Oleic ... Erucic Linolic Linolenic ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 1 ...j ...I ... ,I ... ... ... .../ . hnrdvnorl oil 1 . ... I'c?A n t ; i x ~present in acids Isom I - precipitated with the solid acids. T o obtain tho amount of stearic acid in the acids from the unhardened oil the stearic acid produced by the reduction of the oleic, Iinoiic and linolenic acids present in the original acids is deducted from the total stearic present in the hardened acids. I t will be noted that the percentage of behenic acid present in the hardened acids corresponds tery closely with the amount formed from the total crucic acid present in the original acids. Independent experiments made with the solid acids irom 400 grams of mixed acids resulted in the actual isolation ot 3 grams of nearly pure behenic acid, so that this acid niust be present to the extent of at least 0'75 per cent. No trace of stearic or arachidic acids could be detected and the figure obtained by difference and given in the table is probably incorrect. The unsaponifiable matter from the hardened oil gave a sterol crystallising from alcohol and melting at I 37-1 39O. The acetyl derivative melted at 134-136" and corresponded with the acetyl derivative of the sterol from the original oil. From the mother liquors of the first sterol a fraction was --sbta.h.ed melting at 1 5 0 ~and after recrystallisation at 1700. This compound forms an insoluble compound with digitonin and may perhaps be the dihydrositosterol melting at 17s0 (Hauth, Lewkowitsch, vol. i, 282). * Indian mustard oil 1s prepared from the seeds of Bynssjra juwr.a, I).C., a variety o i Simpis ~ ' p vL.. ~ (B~nssicn&pa, Koch). I t is known i n India a5 15and is manufactured in very largc quantities in 'dengal in ?;lotor-dl-ivenghannies and also by the solvent extraction process. 1t IS l ~ r g e l yused for edible purposes and in general characteristics reseinbles rape oil, the chief constituent being a glyceride of eruclc acid. Litt!e or nothing appears, however, to be known about the other acids present or the proportions of the acids. Hn Table I are given the analytical data for two samples of oil examined by us. The one was a sample received from England, it had a pale yellow colour but the relatively high acid value 27. The second sample was pressed in these laboratories and was a sampIe oi Indian mustard seed grown in Mysore State (grown in Vasantapura village ro miles south of Bangalore, in 1922-23). When extracted with ether the seeds gave 35.2 per cent. of oil and when pressed in n power-driven ghanny gave 30.5 per cent. The oil so obtained was heated to rooo and then filtered. It had a pale brown colour and a mild taste. Table 1 also gives values found by other authorities for Indian mustard oil. T h e Mysore oil has a high saponification value. The iodine value is also high when compared with values obtained by Csossley and Le Sueur for oils from Bengal. Its acid value on the other hand is quite low. In Table I are also given a few constants for the mixed fatty acids obtained from the Mysore oil and in Table I I values given by Huber and van de Wielen (Pev. Ess. Oil Rec., 1915, 6, 341) showing the variations in the oils from different sources. ... Origin ... sp. gr. 18.5' . . . . . . Unsaponifiable matter BeI~narvalue .. Iodine value ... 173.2 ... 101.1 / IOB.4 Neutralisation value . 175.7 Mean molecular weight ... ... 1 1 H O I I ~ : ~ ~ 1 ;:;;;;;- 1'4580 / i.iii56 7.35 1 / / 317.8 L4&3.5 / 1 V, i 2 . 0,915.5 ... / / 1 ... I 173.3 98 8 ... ... i Refractive index calculated to 2om . i ... 1 ... 1 i ... 1 ... Iodipe value 1'4739 ...1 .. Sa.pouiBcation value : ... a.921z ... / *acaicolaied to 20' Acid value / 1 .. 106-li:i .. ... f + f / y Acids. .. 'I / 1 "' ... ... "'-w-m-- i ... ... ; l.s16t;s 1 1.4674 Lp-- TABLE 11. Vtariatiorts in Secd.i n/td Oi/. ofi,in England No. of Volalile in of seed 1 grain ---- 1 15 / . ''K sapm~iti ~ i n e catitm wlitc' wlue ' ...... Sicily ... ... Roumaaia ... ... .., ... Bombay '2;" I per cent, 1 . I ... ! . ' UU.P-.--..* 'Values from Table I. "- TABLE III. I I Solid acids Liqoid acids ~ Iodine valur: ... . .I 11.40 11 58 61.6 65.6 la la 60 1 123'3 6 18.42 122.8 " . . , , < A " The iodine value and the mean molecular weight of the solid acids are high, due to the presence of considerable amounts crf erucic acd. ':'he values for the liquid acids are for the total liquid acids obtained by ieoml~iilingliquid acids I and 11. T h e percentage of erucic acid in the solid acids is 86.9 if the iodine value ol these acids is due entirely to the presence of erueie acid, T h e solid acids have much the same iodine value and molecuiar weight as the solid acids from rape oil. EXAMINATION OF LIQUID ACIDS. T h e method adopted was exactly the same as that used for the liquid acids from rape oil (p. 6) and the same equations I , 2 and 3 were used for purposes of calculation. The results of the examination are given in Table IV. It will be noticed that the iodine value of the liquid acids from mustard oil is much higher than that for the liquid acids of rape oil and that the molecular weight of the same acids is relatively low, indicating the presence of less erucic acid in the liquid acids from rape oil, TABLE iV. As t h d w w:i% s w ~ iil ~ n l i l:,s t:) !lw p i ? ~ t yoi tlw Ii~x:~l~i.iriniilc III~!:L~::,YI in t h t e erperi. ments, t w o fresh delvrmination:. wcro nmic hy m u of ul: (?'.K.A.) u!! ~ l l i k ~ u ijm!p~ril!ioni lt of liquid acids. T h e w Raw the pcrccnt:~;;? r ~ linolenii. i x i t i a!. :;'7 nu.1 tL.1 T h e solid acids wcre not examined in detail ic~rthe reasons given on 11. 32. T h e oil was hardened and the acids from tllc completely hardened oil were isolated, converted into inethyl esters anti these esters caxfully Iractionated ant1 each fraction emmineti. I n artenipting to hydrogenate the saniple of Mysore c d , which had been alkaii-treated in order to remove lrec fatly acids, it was b u n d that practically no change had taken piace aiter !n<sing hydrogen at 180" in presence of niclcel-kieselguhr catalyst ior 1 2 hours. When however thc oil was steam-disti!lect and dried hefore llyclrogenation the reduction proceeded smoothly. It appears probable that the ailyl mustard oil, obtained by steam-distillation, has an inhibiting infiuence on the activity of the catalyst. T h e curve connecting the iodine values and the refractive indices of the hardened samples was found to exhibit certain irregularities and consequently another set of determinations was made with a rather larger number of samples. In this case alkali.refined oil only was used and the difficulty of, hydrogenation overcome by warming the oil with one batch of catalyst, filtering and reducing with fresh catalyst, the reduction proceeding quite readily. I t is interesting to note the considerable change in iod~nevalue at the beginning of the hydrogenation and the small corresponding change in refractive index. This has been observed before in the case of seal oil (TAi.7 Jozr$nn~31924, 7, 81). The very marked break in the curve at the iodine value 80 indicates the selective nature of the hydrogenation (d.p. 34) and i s more conspicuous than usual. 4 ---.-* m -e -- Fsaclim No, . . ; ..-- lhi!iuj: !x<>iut ,,L c i c ~ r r u< '. . ..-- I V v ? . i ~ t It! ." i!iU-200 i . Per writ. tqz:ith., 2.56 . . ... . ..- 1 2.8 Fractions I II arid I V were refractionated and the results are given in Table VII. TABLE VII. NO. of frnction 1 Boiling point in degrees C. Weight in griims 1 ..----" Per cent. of total esters O n cooling to room-temperature (25") it was noticed that fractions I and I 1 had partia!ly solidified in the fortr, of well-developed plates, but that a portion ol each remained liquici. The solids and liquids were separated 'oy suction using a very small paper and the products examined separately. T h e n~olecular weights of the liquid portions were determined from their saponification valucs, and fhe neutralisation equivalents of the acids were also determined. The acids were then separated as described on p. 40 and practically pure stearic acid melting a t 68.0" and an acid melting at 53.5' were isolated. T h e lattcr acid had the same melting point on further crystallisation and was taken as myristic acid. T h c acids flom rcsidue I had a mean molecular weight of 346 and after two cryitallisations gave an acid melting at 75'4O. The high molecular weight points to the presecce of lignoceric acid. 'Fable V2II gives the compositmn of the different fractions based on (a) the moleculav weight of esters calculated from the saponification values, (6) the neutrdlisation equivalents of the liberated acids, and in the case of the middle fractions (c) the titre temperatures of the esters and the melting points of the acids. The molecular weights calculated trom the saponification values of the esters and the neutralisation values of the corresponding esters agree quite well, as might be expected with the exception of those for residue I. I n this case the neutralisation value of the acids was used for purposes of calculating as the esters evidently contained a little neutral material, either unsapon;fiable matter from the oil or decomposition products from the esters. I n calculating the percentage of the diilerent acids small corrections have been applied for the loss of ester in the condenser and For the small loss on transferring fractions III and IV to a second distilling flask. T h e composition of the mixed hardened acids is shown in Table IX together with the composition of the original mixed fatty acids deduced from these figures and those on p. 46. In making this calculation it was found that the amount of stearic acid which would be formed on hydrogenating the quantities of oleic, linolic and h o l e n i c acids given in Table IV would amount to 54.4 per cent. of the total hardened acids, whereas only 52.1 per cent. was found by the distillation method. This is evidently an experimental error. It has been shown on p. 45 that the solid acids form 38.3 per cent. of the: T A B L E IX. --..-I-&--~~ acids from 1iai.dcned o i l -. Acid . -. ............... iQristic ... Oleir ..- Erucic ... ... "' 1 0.5 I ... I ... 1 ... I acids from oripiud 011 / 0.5 1 41.5 whole and contain 86.9 per cent. of erucic acid. From the distillation results, the percentages of myristic and lignoceric acids in the solid acids are 2.9 a i d 1 . 3 respectively. The balance of 9.9 per cent. is in all probability behenic acid since the mean molecular weight of the solid acids lies just above 338, the molecular weight of erucic acid. I t is very unlikely that acids of lower molecular weight are present; 9.9 per cent. of the solid acids corresponds with 3.8 per cent. of the total acids and there cannot be more behenic acid than this in the mixed acids. T o obtain 46'3 per cent. of behenic acid in the hardened acids it may be calculated that the percentage of erucic acid in the liquid acids would have to be 14.7 instead of I 1.8. As this would only raise the mean molecular weight from 288.1 to 288.9 the difference is within the limit of experimental error. In the table, mean values have been adopted and it has been assumed that there is no stearic acid in the unhardened fatty acids. T h e unsaponifiable matter amounting to 1.2 per cent. on the weight.of the oil, after three crystallisations from go per cent. alcohol, melted a t 142" and corresponds with the sterol found by Windaus and Welsch (Bey., 1909, 42, 612) in rape oil. r.Vith T . .7.: ? I i w h ~ ~ ~ i m L jambs is largely grctwn in Nort!m-11 India including the Punjab, E.\N. Provinces, Sind mil IJnited i'ro~inces. I t is o!ten grown in associaiioll with cottor? or barley and if cdilva!utl a!iirie requires a dry soil. i t i s ilsetl as n green iotldcr and i t is stntcd that the oilcake obtained by pressing the seeds is a v;!lrial~le cntge-food although it contains a g l u c ~ ~ i c lwhich c gives rise to ;i lrilngcnt csscntial oil, (Iials and Cfram, Lrrid. I/rvszrt.hst~rf., t<><ic), 70, 3x0). ' l ' l ~seed is stated to contain 2 6 per cenl. of oil, but :r sntnple irtrln Sind used by us gave ;I per cent. ol oil on extraction with cthe: and 2 0 pr: cent. by crashing. The cake in thc latter case gave :t furtirer ro per cent. on extraction with ether. T h e oil is iargcly nset:l for burning and lubricating purposes, but is interior to genuinc tape oil (Sarson oil) and is sometimes used as an adulterant in the latter on account of its low price. According to Lewkowitsch (C%cmira/ Y ' ~ d ; i c ~ i ? ? o~ fy Oils, fiaz!s.aiad Ifixcs, 1922, vol. TI, 2 8 2 ) the oil differs from the other oils of the rape group as it, docs not lend itself readily to thc manufacture of 'blown oils ' bccause the specific grnvily docs m ~ rise t by blowing as that ol other oils l~elongingto the same ~ Y O U I ) . Analytical data lor the extracted oil, as weli as for the pressed oil, are given in Table I together with the values obtained by Lewkowitsch (vol. 11, p. 283) de Negri ant1 Fabris (Ann. &:.I Lab. ddlc Ccrbcl/c, 18gr-gz, r37), Thornson and I ) ~ n l : ~ p(r'lmr/jd, , 1906, 31, 282) and Hals and Gram [Lntzrt! t.'f.vsitdsirr/., ~ ~ u r70, ) , 31I ) . 53 It will be noticed that there are appreciable differences between the extracted and rxpressed oils particu!ar!y in specific gravities, refl-aciive indices and iodine values. O n the whole the expressecl oil ciosely rese~nblesehe indinn rape oil examined in these laboratories (p. 37). 'The extracted oil has a distinct brown colour and evidently conlains colouring matter and other products extracted irom the seed. The expressed oil has a yellow colour, a pcnetrating odour aud a characteristic bitter taste. A n interesting feature is the comparatively high acetyl value of both extracted and expressed oils, a phenomenon already observed in the case ol oils from genuine Indian rape and mustard seeds. This value is not due to tile presence of hydroxylated acids, as was proved by the acetyl value (3 : I ) of the methyl esters of mixed Iatty acids and further confirmed by detailed examimtion of the acids. Table I I gives the constants for the mixed fatty acids. TABLE 11. .. Lewkowitsch ... I. NCII and I . U m Yircliandani ... .- 1 ... . --- Hydmzemr/ioa o f OiL-The oil used for the subsequent work was the expressed oil and was refined by treatment with a ro per cent. solution of sodium hydroxide, removal of the soap, thorough washing with boiling water, drying at ~ o 5 "and final clarifying with fuller's earth at 70". T h e acid vaiue of the refined oil was 0.2. Considerable diflicultp was encountered in hydrogenating the refined oil. Even after 7 hours' treatment at r80° with the usual nickel-kieselguhr catalyst the refractive index was lowered by 0'0003 only. During the process of reduction the escaping hydrogcn had a very pungent odour and it was thought probable that a volatile sulphur compound was present and poisoning the catalyst. T h e presence of sulphur compounds in the oil was proved by the nitroprusside test. Attempts to remove such compounds by steam-distillatian did not meet with success ; the oil was still not seduced at 180' in the presence of the catalyst and the presence of sulphur in the Samples mere taken niter give], intervals and iiie iodine valiles ant1 refractive iridices determined. The results are given in Table 111. T A B L E IEY. --Sample No. - -- Original oil Alcohol refined (sulphur iree) 26 19 27 28 20 21 72 23 20 24 30 25 ... TABLE V. Ezan~iizationo f Liquid Acids. G r a m of acid i a k m for brominatiun Grams of hexabromide crysliils Percentage of 1ino:cnic acid ( a ) G r a m of tctr;lbro~nidccrystals Grams of mixed di- 2nd tetrabromidcs Pcrceiltage of bromine iu above Percentage of crucic acid (xi .. Percentage of olew acid (y) ... Prrcslltage col l~imlicacid (2) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... li 4'726 0'617 4.77 0.37 5.91 37'9 I 4'954 0'629 4'64 0'130 7'10 42.5 1'9 65'2 33.2 In the preparation of the bromides great care was taken to dry all the materials ; the hexabromide obtained was quite white and melted at 182-1830. After removing ether and excess of bromine, the residue dissolved completely in warm light petroleum and no residue was left a s with the acids from rape and mustard oils. Exnnzinatiolc o f Acids fmaz CompZer'ely Hnrdmcd Oil.-The almost completely hardened oil (iodine value 1.7) was saponified vith alcoholic potash, the soap extracted with petroleum ether and the acids liberated and esterified as described on p. 35. 'The molecula~-weights of the total acids and also of the liquid acids \%.ere determined by the indxect method or tituxtion or saponification ; cf. LewkowRsch. 'The amount of l i q u ~ dacids obtnined by a second precipitation was smal:, via.. 3'1 par m ~ r e dancl the total liquid acids examined. i.*ot., hence the two 5 1 2 i I 5 6 7 8 Residue 1 TABLE VII. The saponification value and titre of each fraction was taken, also the mean molecular weight, the titre and melting point of the mixed acids obtained lrom each fraction. T h e results are given in Table VIII. Fraction No. Weight in grams A n interesting point is that the molecular weight of no fraction falls below that required Lor methyl stearate, indicating thi: absence of any appreciable amounts of esters of acids iowcr i l l tlic series than stearic. T h e moiecular weight of fraction ! I correspond:i with that of pure ixethyl stearate although the titre ik. only gz.:! cumpared with 36.7 for pure methyl stearate. When r ~I-:IIX of the fraction was crystallised from methyl alcohol, o'izt gmm of crystals xelting at 36'5-37-5O and a residue of 0.2 3 grain nielting at 36.0-37'6O were obtained, indicating that the fraction was nearly 11uremethyl stearate. By crystallising lractions 7 and 3 and residue I1 from methyl alcohol, methyl behenate melting at 52' was iwlatcrl, and this on hydrolysis gave behenic acid melting at j9'g0 to So.ou and having a molecular weight 339. Fractions 6 and 6 . when recrpstallised. gave a product melting at 38O and solidifying at 3 0 . 5 O ; on hjdro!ysis an acid melting at 69%O was obtained. From fraction r , a small amount of methyl behenate melting at was isolated and on hydrolysis gave an acid inciting at 79O and having an equivalent 336. This is sufficient to shorn that the ester which produces the h ~ g hmolecular weight of the fraction is methyl behenate and not arachidate. 52O Fraction n has a molecular weight corresponding with that of methyl arachidate, but the titre of the ester and the melting point of the acid prove that the fraction is not pure methyl ararhidate, and on fractional crystallisation methyl behenate was isolated, indicating that this fraction is a mixture of methyl stearate and n~etllylbehenate. The ester of high molecular weight in fraction 8 and residue has been taken as methyl lignoeerate although so lar no pure lignoceric acid has been isolated. In Table V I I I are shown the percentages of stearic acid in the various fractions calculated by five different methods. In certain cases the results are in fair agreement, but in others, in spite of the fact that fractions I to 7 appear to contain only two acids, there are marked discrepancies. For example, in fraction a, although the molecular weight of the acids is very close to that of pure stearic acid, the titre of the ester and the melting point of the acids are both below the lowest values given by mixtures of stearic and behenic acids, and 33 per cent. of palmitic or myristic acids would be required to produce a mixture with the same melting point. The percentages of stearic acid deduced from the titres of the acids from fractions 5 and 6 are much higher than the values obtained from the melting points although both these fractions appear to contain stearic and behenic acids only. A similar difficulty was met wiih in the case of the acids from hardened rape oil (p. 4oj but the reason has not yet been ascertailed. A possible explanation might be that isomeric x i d a are present, as the oil has so far not been examined for these, a.nd it is hoped that the reason for the discrepantie:, rnaji be iounci on further investigation. in the absence: of any evidence of the existence of acids other than stearic, ljehenic and iigi:oct.i.ic in the hardened acids, the composition ol the hardened acids is as shown at the end of Table V I l I and that of the acids from the original alcoho! washed oil is as follows, the calculation being made in a similar manner to the one for rape oil. ... . . . .., ..... ... ... . . . . . ... Stearic acid Behenic . . Lignocerlc ,, Oleic Erucic ,, Linollc L~nolenic . ... .. . . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 4'2 per cent. 4'5 ,, 1.6 28'7 ...45. 3 ,, 12.4 ... ... ... ... ... 2'1 .... ..,, U n s a p o ~ i ~ a dMa2'tev.-The b unsaponifiable matter was extracted by Wilkie's wet process (Agsalyst, 1917, 42, zoo), and amounted to 0.7 per cent. T h e percentage of phytosterol in this was determined by precipitation with digitonin in go per cent. alcohol (Windaus, Ber., 1909, 42, ~ 3 8 and ) ~ was found to be 39. T h e phytosterol was isolated by boiling the additive compound with xylene. After crystallisation from alcohol it melted at 137-138~ and gave an acetyl derivative melting at 1 2 6 ;~it thus appears to be the ordinary sitosterol which melts at I 3gUand yields an acetyl derivative melting at I 270. AZcoliolic EictrocL-As already stated on page 54, in order to obtain an oil which could be readily hydrogenated, it was necessary to extract the oil with hot 88 per cent. alcohol. The results of the examination of the alcoholic extract are given in Table IX. TABLE IX. ... Grams of oil extractea ... estract ... ... ... Grams of voIatile oii Grams of residue after steam-distillat~on Grams of unsaponifiahle matter ... ... Grams of fatty acids Mean molecular we~ghtof fatty acids ... Iodine value of fatty acids ... Grains of ... ... ... - T h e unsaponifiable matter on examination by the digitonin method gave the same sterol as obtained by extraction of the potassium salts with petroleum ether. Tile amount of glycerides extracied by the alcohol was very only 0.6 or 0.7 per cent. of the oil. T h e acids derived from these glycerides have a molecular weight rather lower and an iodine value rather higher thar the total fatty acids (Table IT) and hence contain a higher percentage of linoIenic acid than the mixed fatty acids derived from the original oii. If this is so, then the percentage of linolenic acid ii; the mixed acids derived from the original oil would be higher than the valnc given on p. 55, but the difference is so small as to be inappreciable. The Volatzb OiL-It may be seen from Table IX that the expressed oil yields I per cent. of volatile oil on steam-distillation. i n order to obtain a larger quantity of this oil, experiments were conducted with the object of isolating it directly from the seeds. Joergenseil (Lmn'io. Vers.-Sid,1899, 52, 272) states that jamba seeds give no volatile oil on steam-distillation, but Hals and Gram (Zbid..,1909, 70, 310) obtained 1.3 per cent. The discrepancy is probably due to differences in the experimental conditions, since it seems likely that the volatile oil is a product of enzyme action upon a glucoside as it is in the casc of mustard seed. 1883, 28, Numerous investigations (Dirks, Laadw., Ve~s.-Stat., 179 ; Koeser, A i i r d y ~ t , 1902, 27 ; 197 ; Joergensen, La~zdw.Vws.Stat., 1910, 52, I ; Bruoux, R ~ LChim. . Amdvt., 1912, 17, 6 ; Raquet, Rc'pzvt. 1-harm., 1912 (3) 24, 145 ; Wehrusen, Wagner, Brannvvorth ~ 1,915, 253, (4), 306 ; Vichoever, Jorash and Neyer, A Y C Phnrm., Clevenger and Wing, J. A p z c . Kcs., 1920, 20, 117) have been made upon the yieid of volatile oil from mustard and rape seeds, but the results are not in complete agreement. The use of antiseptics such as thymoi aad sodium fiuoride is stated to be beneficial and the addition of alcohol appears to improve the yield. We bave carried out experiments npon two lots of seed, the first grown in 1924 and consequently only a few months old, the second grown in 19x9. The results obtained are shown in Table X. In all these experiments except when otherwise noted, the powdere2 seeds (roo or 2 0 0 gms.) were shaken with ten times their wLght of water ax s f 0 and the mixture steam-distilled. I t will be noticed that the old seeds gave a conslderabiy higher yield of oil than :he new. that the optimum time of maceration was about two hours, TABLE X. i 6 i 1 2.0 I 20 10 1 2.0 6 0.10 1 Seeds g m m d with water, 010 0.25 ! Tbis f o l l o ~ d n gexperiments rrith 1919 crop. 0.44 , Liquid separated as In 4. 5 u t gave no oil. 0.0 1 r.ld I 13 :: 1 2 ' 2 2 2.0 i 2 0 03 ( Solid and liquid s e p a ~ a t e dbefore steamdzstil!ation ; liquid gave no 011. 0'0 3 parts made by weight of crater x e d . ,, that a considerable volume of water was necessary and that the addition of sodium fluoride improved the yield. As the experiments were designed to find out suitable conditions for obtaining a good pie!d of oil and not for a detailed examination of the process of hydiolysis, a more comprehensive series was not carried out. The method finally adopted was as follows :200 grams of powdered seeds (1919 crop) were placed in a fivelitre Aask with 2 litres of water containing 2 grams of sodium fluoride. T h e mixture mas kept at 3j0 for 2 hours, shaken from ti-e to tlme and then subjected to steam-distillation from the same flask. About two litres of the distillate mere collected ; the ciistillare was quite turbid containing oil droplets which settled on allowing the distillate to stand overnight. it was found necessar] to coilect about 2 litres of the distillate as the oil does not seem to be easily volatile with steam. This was also noticed by Hals and Gram (doc. tit.). The distillate mas saturated with salt and extracted twice with ether. T h e etilereai soiution of the volatile oil was then dried over anhydrous sodium sniphare a11d the solvent distilled until about 30 cc. of the solution were left; it was then poured into a weighed dish and the solvent allowed to evaporate spontaneously, the last traces of the solvent being removed by placing the dish in a desiccator and evacuating the latter from time to time until there was no further loss in the weight of volati!e oil. Several such experiments were made and the volatile oil (about 15 grams) collected. T h e mean yield was 0.80 per cent. whereas Hals and Gram (bc.cit.) obtained 1.30 per cent. and Cartel ( A m . FnZsif., 1909, 2 1 5 ) 0'56 per cent. T o purify the oil, it was subjected to fractional distillation under reduced pressure. On re-fractionating the second and third fractions, an almost constant boiling liquid was obtained weighing 6.0 gms. The results are given in Table XI. TABLE XI. Fya&izal Distiltation o f Crude Volatile Oil w d e y 9 mm. Fraction No. I (Tempersrure *C.nncorr.) / Weight in grams 1 Residue I. A B C Residue 11. Fraction B boiled mainly at 139' and was used for analysis. T h e oil i s a pale, mobile liquid, has a sharp burning taste, an irritating effect on the skin and a deep penetrating odour. It contains nitrogen and sulphur. It decolorises bromine in chloroform and potassium permanganate in acetone solution. I t is insoluble in water, but dissolves readily in most organic solvents. I t is optically inactive (chloroform was used as a solvent). It has been mentioned (page 60) that Xais and Gram (doc. c2.j isolated the volatile oil and partially examined it. Their analjitical data are given in Table XII. T h e authors distilled the seeds and received the distillzte in aln~noniac~l alcohol which on evaporation left a semi-solid residue, r -48 per cent. of the untreated seeds. T h e residue was not bomoge~eoussince, 012 treating with alcohol, a p o r t i o ~remained ~ insoluble. This I-esidue was almost compictely s o l ~ ~ b iine hob water. The yield of oil soluble in alcohol was 1.3 pcr cent. of the seeds. The authors came to the conclusion that the nature of the volatile oil could not be ascertained from their analytical results since the nitrogen and sulphurcontent were lower than :hey ale in the case of the essential oil from rape seed and the oils have different properties. Totai Distillate. 1. 48 per cent. Alcolml insoluble 0.18 per cent. Nitrogen 15-10 Sulphur 1%32 Nitrogen Sulphur 15'51 17'24 Alcohol solnble P30 per cent. Nitrogen 8'70 Sulphur 20.37 In all determinations, the nitrogen percentage was found by Kjeldahl's method and the sulphur percentage by oxidation with alkaline permanganate and precipitation with bari~unchloride. T h e nitrogen and sulphur in the oil were determined by Kjeldahl's and Dumas' methods and by Carius' and i'dcssinger's method of oxidation by alkaline permanganate (Bev., 1888, 21, 2914). The percentage of nitrogen by Dumas' method was 10.0 and by Kjeldahl's method distinctly lower. The sulphur determined by permanganate oxidation was 18.5 per cent. and by Carius' method 37'6 per cent., the figures in both cases being the meanof several concordant results. The explanation is not apparent, particularly as it seems probable that the compound contains 3 atoms of sulphur and hence the oxidation of half the sulphur is unlikely. T h e values found are not in any simple molecular proportion and it is evident that the oil was impure. The quantity was too small to allow of further purification and consequently no accurate analytical results are available. 6 The oil does not react with bases as readily as the essential oils from mustard and rape seeds. No compounds could be obtained with ammonia or aniline, but with iienzylamine on warnling for two hours on the water-bath in a well-stoppered tube a solid product was obtained which, when washed with petroleum ether and crystallised T h e melting point was from 70 per cent. alcohol melted a i 83-84'. unchanged on rccrysta!lisation. The subslance was analgsed and the weight determined by K. Kast's method (Found : C,58.2 ; H , 6 7 ; N, 11.0; S, 25.3; M.W. 388. Caic.ior C1,11, N,S,; C, 58.3 ; H, 6.4 ; N, 10.7 ; S,24.6 ; M. W. 391). If this is correct, the lormuia for the oil should be C, H, N,S,. A compound with this formula is known, phenyldimethylethylthio~ransulphide (Braun and Stechele, Ber., 1903, 36, 2 2 8 2 3 , but this is a sclid melting at 95O, and is obviously not identical with the compouud from oil of jamba. Sinalbin and sinigrin have been isolated from white and black mustard seeds by adding dry oil cake to four times its weight of boiling alcohol (cf., Allen, Cornme~mzb Analysis, 19t3, 7, 105). This method was adopted with jamba cake but 110 s o l d could be obtained. Jowett's method (Wellcome Chem. Research Labs., Pamphlet No. 8, rooo) of isolating salinigrin from willow bark was also tried, but with no more satisfactory results. Since the essential oils of rape and jamba differ considerably in their properties, it is only to be expected that the glucosides are of a different nature and the isolation in the latter case may offer considerably more difficulty. According to Gadamer (Avch. Plzav~tc.,1899,273, 471) the oil from Trop~o~uzcni ilzajm, Linn. consists of nearly pare trierucin. He found that the oil (iodine value 73-81 which had been extracted iron! the seeds by ether, solidified on cooling a i d ~vher.pressed between paper gave a product melting at 30.5" and on hydrolysis yielded erzcic H e concluded that the oil consists mainly acid of melting point 34'. of triesucin as the iodine value of this compound is nor very different from that of the oil. As no other data-not even the yield-regarding the oil appear to be I-ecorded, we have prepared about 50 grams oi the oil and have determined some of the common constants, and have also attempted to prepare from the erucic acid pure behenic acid. The seed used was imported seed obtained through the Empress Gardens, Poona, and aiter crushing was extracted with ether. Using 375 grams of seed the weight of oil obtajned was (a) 26 9 and (t) 27.3 grams, or a yicld of only 7.2 per cent. The constants of the oil are given in Table I, and those of the fatty acids free from nnsaponifiable matter in Table 11. 'TABLE I. Analytical +da fov Trop~olzunOil. ... ... Sp. gr. at 15.5 .". ... Saponification value Iodine value Refractive i n d a at 40' ... Unaaponitiable matter (per cent.) ... ".. ... .. ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 0'9092 172.6 77.5 1.4568 1'1 T A B L E II. Fah!y acids //row Tvop~oluvzOil (fvee from mnsnpo& fiadle nzattev). Hehner number ... .. 991 ... ... Iodine value Mean molecular weight ... Per cent. solid acid ... ... Per cent. liqnid acids Iodine value of solid acids ... Mean molecnlar aelgbt of solid acids Iodine value of liquid acids ... Mean molecular weight of liquid acids ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 72% 312.8 45.i 343 729 330'0 72'6 298'0 The method adopted for separating solid and liquid acids was the one due to Twitchell and as with the acids from rape, mustard and jamba seeds erucic acid is present in both the solid and liquid acids. *rhe oil itself has a distinct green colour, but the fatty acids have Pt is noticeable that the iodine value of the oil is higher than tilat of the free latiy acids, whereas the reverse is usually the case. value oi the oil proves that it is by no means The pure trierucin, as this has a saponification value of 160. T h e iodine value and ~nolecular weight of the solid acids prove that these are nearly pure erucic acid as this has an iodine value of 75 and a weight oL 338. 111 addition to erucic acid thew must be present small quantities of an acid with a lower molecular weight. a brown tinge. It is remarkable that the iodim value of the liquid acids is below that of emcic acid and as the molecular weight is considerably below that of erucic, it is probable that the liquid acids contain a certain amount of a saturated acid of low molecular weight. The quantitj- of oil was not suificient to nlake an exhaustive study of it, as our main object was to isolate trierucin and reduce it to tribehcnin. Tricvmziz.-When piaced in ice-coid water the oii solidified and was then filtered with the aid of a Buchner funnel, a small amount of green oil was collected and the solid 1eIt on the funnel melted at 25'. It was crystallized from light petroleum (b. p. 40-60") ; by cooling the solution with a freezingmixture, the melting point rose to 28", but the yield mas only 35 per cent, of the original oil, and the melting point was not raised by further crystallisation from the same solvent ; but o c crystallisation from a mixture of benzene and chloroform the melting point rose to 30.5-31.0" corresponding with the melting point given by Reimer and Will (Bev., 1887, 20, ~ $ 6 ) . T h i s was hydrogenated at 180' by means of 5 per cent. of nickel deposited on kieselguhr and trihehenin melting at 80-81" isolated. After three crystallisations irom benzene and subsequent crystallisation from chloroform the melting point remained constant a t 81.0-81.5" and when saponified with alcoholic potash the glyceride gave a behenic acid melting at j9.j-80.0' and the melting point was not raised by t-so crystallisations from alcohol. Theloiiowing data have been obtained for the two glycerides together with some values for a sample of tribrassidin from kierucir, by the action of nitrous acid :Trie~z~ci~z. T~ib~axsidia. A s already pointed out (pp. 40, 49, 58 and 66) the behenic acid obtained from the hardened oils of rape, mustard, jnmba and T~opmZez~m ma+ seeds melts s t 79.3'-79.8O: This does not agree with the melting point given by recent author[tles and attempts have therefore been made to prepare behenic acid by different methods and see whether the melting points of different specimens of the acid melted n ~ u c h above 79*S0. ~, 60, 271) gave the melting As early as 1846 Walter ( A i ~ m z L e r1846, point at 52-5 jU,hut in 1S48 Volcker ( I b d . , 1848, 64, 342) gave the value 76' and this was confirmed by Goldschmidt (K%n Acaid., 1874, 70, 451). In 1Sg4 Talanzeff (J. pr. Chefit., 1894, [Ii] , 50, 72) prepared the acid by the addition of hydrogen iodide to erucic acid and subsequent reduction in alcoholic solution with zinc and hydrogen chloride. The melting point is given as 8q0 in a capillary tube. Meyer, Brod and Skita (Munalsh., 1913, 34, I 128) prepared behenic acid by reducing pure erucic acid with hydrogen in the presence of nickel as catalyst and gave the melting point at 82-84", but state that with a catalyst which has been used several times a product melting at 7s0 is obtained and that it is impossible to get a product melting at 84" from this. Flecker and Taylor (1.Chem. Suc., 1922, 121, 1 1 0 2 j used an acid melting at 91-82' and prepared by reducing erucic acid and subsequent crystallisation from alcohol, and Toyanla (1. Chem. Zxd. Jnpnn, 1922, 25, 1053) describes an acid obtained by the same method as melting at 81-8z0. It is thus clear that the acid obtained iron: the seeds melts at a lower temperature than the acid prepared by the reduction of erucic acid, although the values given for this reduced acid vary from 81 -84O. Behenic acid has been prepared by the following methods :The reduction of brassidic acid melting at 59.5-60'0° and I. with an equivalent weight 337 (theory) but unknown iodine value by three per cent. of nickel deposited on kieselguhr. After four hours at 180" the iodine value fell to 4 and the product was repeatedly crpstallised from acetone. After two crystallisations the melting point was 79-3-79-8" and remained constant after further crystallisation. Kahlbaum's pure erucic acid was twice crystallised from 2. 95 per cent. alcohol and was once crystallised by cooling to rgo to remove saturated acids. About i o per cent. oi the product was precipitated as lithium salt, also with the object of removing s a t u ~ a t e d acids, and the residue was crystallised again from alcohol. T h e acid melted at 33.5-34.0" and had an equivalent 337. I t was reduced at 180" using a nlckel catalyst and on crystallisatron frorn acetone save a product nlelting at 79.3-79'80 3. Attempts were made to obtain from Kahlbaum's acid a product with the correct iodine value (7j) by Holde's (Ar~gew. Chn,~.,1 9 2 2 , 35, 290) method of fractional precipitation with lithium acetate. The iodine value obtained for the more soluble portions was only 71-5, and the behenic acid obtained from this by hydrogenation melted a t 79.3-79'8". a. -4 fresh specimen of erucic acid obtained from Kahlbaum had the iodine value 7 5.4 and the solidifying point 33.0: T h i s was completely hardened, extracted with petloleunl ether to remove nickel soap and the acid crystallised from 95 per cent. alcohol and acetone in succession. I t melted at 80° and the solidifying point was 79'2". 5. A sample of brassidic acid with an iodine value 73.8 (theory 75) and a melting point 59.5-60.0" gave on reduction an acid melting at 79-3-79.8' after two crystallisations frorn acetone. 6. As already stated, the acid obtained by hydrogenating trierucin to tribehenin, and subsequent hydrolysis melted at 79'5-80.0". With N.R. D a d . T h e acids used were Kahlbaum's pure stearic acid recrystallised several times from alcohol and melting at 69.8O, and a bebenic acid obtained by the reduction of erucic acid and melting at 79.8'. The methyl esters were prepared from these acids by the Pischer-Speyer method and melted respectivelv at q2" and ?So. The values obtained are given in Tables I A d I 1 a& th&e valu& are given as graphs in Figs. 11 and III. TABLE 1. Solidifying points of Mizfiwes ofMethyd Sfenmte and Methyl Behenate. --. Mixture No. / methyl behenate. / centigade. ' behenic acid Begrees C . Melting pomt In degrees C. ~ I: 0'0 I:, I 2, 8.9 1.1 x, 1P1 Y, 203 x, 28.0 Z, 91.4 i 1 69'2 65'4 644 63.6 I 68'8 67'2 85.4 64'6 83'4 1i 62.8 618 1 62 6 77.0 The mixtures designated with the letter Z were examined by Mr. Nirchandani using different preparations of the acids. T h e agreement between the two sets of values is satisfactory. . Department' o f Gmeral arrd Organis Chemistry, Indian Zmkdtute o f Science, [Accepted, 5-r-25.1 Bangabre. MnteQ *;dl uubllshd by George Kenneth at the D l w s a n Press, Post Box 4Ss. Madras-1926 C12SZI