Unsupervised Learning and Clustering Using a Random Field Approach Chang-Tsun Li and Roland Wilson Department of Computer Science University of Warwick Coventry CV4 7AL, UK {ctli, rgw}@dcs.warwick.ac.uk Abstract In this work we propose a random field approach to unsupervised machine learning, classifier training and pattern classification. The proposed method treats each sample as a random field and attempts to assign an optimal cluster label to it so as to partition the samples into clusters without a priori knowledge about the number of clusters and the initial centroids. To start with, the algorithm assigns each sample a unique cluster label, making it a singleton cluster. Subsequently, to update the cluster label, the similarity between the sample in question and the samples in a voting pool and their labels are involved. The clusters progressively form without the user specifying their initial centroids, as interaction among the samples continues. Due to its flexibility and adaptability, the proposed algorithm can be easily adjusted for on-line learning and is able to cope with the stability-plasticity dilemma. 1 Introduction Clustering and machine learning algorithms are in widespread use in the areas of bioinformatics [2], pattern classification [10], data mining [7], image analysis [8], multimedia database indexing [6], etc. The main objective in clustering applications is to group samples / patterns into clusters of similar properties. In the context of supervised classifier training, the labels of the training samples / patterns are known beforehand, making the training or design easier. However, the properties, such as class labels, of the samples may not always be available. In such cases, unsupervised learning algorithms are required to train the classifier based on unlabeled samples. When the training samples are available before the training process starts, the learning can proceed in an ‘off-line’ manner. However in real-time environments, the learning goes on as the new samples are presented. Off-line learning is in no way capable of coping with such a challenge. This issue makes algorithms with the capability of incremental or on-line learning more desirable. A yet more challenging issue in clustering and learning is that the number of classes / clusters may be unknown throughout the learning process. Among a wide variety of methods, k-means [7, 10] and fuzzy c-means [1, 2, 9] have been intensively employed in various applications. However, classical k-means and fuzzy c-means clustering methods rely on the user to provide the number of clusters and initial centroid. These requirements impose limitations on the applicability of the methods because the number of clusters may not always be known beforehand and the clustering quality depends heavily on the appropriateness of the initial centroids. Although improved versions of these methods have been reported in some applications, the same inherent limitations still exist. Duda et al. [3] suggested two general ways of circumventing this problem. The first one is to repeat the same k-means or fuzzy c-means clustering method for many different values of k or c, and compare some criterion for each clustering. If a large difference in the criterion values is found between a specific clustering and others, the clustering's value of k or c suggests a good guess of the number of clusters. The second approach starts with treating the first pattern as the only cluster. If the similarity between the next pattern and the centroid of the closest cluster is greater than a pre-specified threshold, the new pattern is merged into that closest cluster and the new centroid of that cluster is re-calculated. Otherwise a new cluster, with the new pattern as the only member, is created. This approach is particularly popular in incremental or online learning cases because of its plastic characteristic. Unfortunately, the prespecified threshold implicitly determines the number of clusters which the algorithm will form. A small threshold results in a great number of clusters, while a large threshold leads to a small number of clusters. The clustering of the second approach is also sensitive to the order of patterns entering the clustering processing. This is the so-called stability-plasticity dilemma [4] and needs addressing. To work without knowing the number of cluster beforehand, hierarchical clustering has been adopted in many bioinformatic applications [5]. However, its exhaustive way of searching for the closest cluster and requirement of complete sample availability make it unsuitable for on-line learning. 2 Proposed Algorithm The design of our algorithm is based on the following postulates: Coping with the stability-plasticity dilemma and the problem of an unknown number of clusters by not using cluster centroids in the learning process but the relative similarity between each sample and the member samples in a randomly formed voting pool. By random we mean, for each sample, the member samples in its voting pool of are different at different stages. Coping with the problem of unknown number of clusters by allowing each individual sample to be a singleton cluster and interact with the samples in the voting pool to find its own identity progressively. The rationale supporting our postulates is that the randomness of the voting pool facilitates global interactions (plasticity) while remaining insensitive to the variable and unreliable centroids. In our work each n-dimensional sample s is treated as a random variable Xs. The objective of the learning is to assign an optimal class label xs depending on the observed data Ys, of s (i.e the sample’s position in the n-dimensional Euclidean space) and observed data Yr and class labels Xr, for all r in a voting pool Ns (i.e. ∀r ∈ N s ). This can be formulated as a random field (RF) model P( Xs = xs | Ys = ys ,Yr = yr , Xr = xr , r ∈ Ns ) ∝ (1) P(Ys = ys , Yr = yr | Xs = xs , Xr = xr )P( Xs = xr | Xr = xr ) For the sake of conciseness, we will sometimes use YN ( y N ) and X N ( x N ) to represent the observed data and class labels of all the samples in Ns, respectively. s s s s 2.1. Voting Pool During each iteration when a sample s is being visited, its voting pool Ns comprising k samples, including the sample (called most-similar or MS) closest to s in the Euclidean space and the sample (called most-different or MD) farthest from s and k – 2 samples selected at random, is formed. Both the most-similar and the mostdifferent samples are the ones encountered in the voting pool since the entire learning process starts. That is, in any iteration, if a voting sample selected at random is more similar to (or more different from) s than the current most-similar (or most-different) sample, the most-similar (or most-different) sample is replaced by that voting sample. 2.2. Cost Function The random field model of Eq (1) can also be expressed in a Gibbs form in terms of cost functions U sc ( ys , y N | xs , xN ) and U sp ( x s | x N ) , which are associated with the s s s conditional probability and prior of Eq. (1), respectively. Since the two cost functions are dependent on the same set of ‘variables’, by properly integrating the two, we obtain a new model as P( x s | y s , y N , x N s ) ∝ e −U s ( x s , x N s , y s , y N s ) s (2) The cost function Us(⋅) is defined in this work as the sum of the pair-wise potentials between site s and the voting members in Ns: U s ( x s , x N s , y s , y N s ) = ∑r∈N Vs,r ( x s , x r , y s , y r ) (3) s where the potential Vs,r is defined, based on the sample distance between samples s and r as − ( D − d s , r ) Vs , r ( xs , xr , ys , yr ) = D − d s,r if xs = xr if xs ≠ xr (4) where ds,r = |ys - yr| is the Euclidean distance between samples s and r. D is the estimated threshold dividing the set of Euclidean distances into intra- and interclass distances. To estimate D, for each sample, we calculate its distances to m other randomly picked samples and find the minimum and maximum distances (We let m equal 3 in our experiments). Then two values dw and do are calculated by taking the average of all the minimum and ⋅ m/2th distances, respectively. Finally, D is defined as D = 12 ( d w + d o ) (5) 2.3. Finding the optimal labels The optimal label x̂s for a sample s can be stochastically or deterministically selected according to Eq. (2). In our work we adopt deterministic selection, as such picking a label corresponding to a large value of P(⋅)is equivalent to picking a label corresponding to a small value of Us(⋅). Therefore, the optimal label x̂s is selected according to Eq. (6). xˆ s = arg min (U s ( x s , x N s , y s , y N s )) xs (6) Before the first iteration of the labelling process starts, each sample is assigned a label randomly picked from the integer range [1, N], where N is the number of samples (not the number of clusters). Therefore, the algorithm starts with a set of N singleton clusters without user specifying the number of clusters. 3 On-line Learning Since the proposed algorithm is not dictated by the pre-specified number of clusters and the current centroids of the clusters, it can be easily adjusted for on-line learning as described below. The new samples are all given unique labels that have not been assigned to any existing samples. That is to say that the new samples are treated as singleton clusters. D in Eq. (5) is updated according to the distances between each new sample and m others as described in Section 2.2. Then the labelling continues based on the new clustering and D. . 4 Experiments We have applied the proposed algorithm to various sets of 3-dimensional samples consisting of 5 clusters, each having 30 members. The algorithm is tested with the size k of the voting pool set to 4, 6, 10 and 18. In order to get objective statistics during each run of the algorithm, a new sample set is used. For each sample set, the five clusters Ci, i = 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, are randomly created with the 5 centroids fixed at µ1 = (40, 45, 100), µ2 = (85, 60, 100), µ3 =(65, 100, 80), µ4 = (55, 120, 120), µ5 = (120, 50, 120) respectively and the same variance of 64. Figure 1 shows one of the sample set used in our experiments. The clustering performance after repeating the algorithm for 100 times is listed in Table 1. Three cases have been investigated: 1) MS & MD included: This is the case where both most-similar (MS) and mostdifferent (MD) samples are included in the voting pool. 2) MD excluded: This is the case where MS is included while MD is not. An additional random sample is included in place of the MD. 3) MS excluded: This is the case where MS is not included while MD is. An additional random sample is included in place of the MS. Average iterations and Clustering error rate (%) in Table 1 indicate the average iterations the algorithm have to repeat and percentage of misclassification in one of the 100 runs. For the first case (MS & MD included), when the number of samples k in the voting pool is 4, which is less than the cluster number 5, the average iteration is as high as 34.50 and the clustering error rate is over 20%. When k is increased to 6, performance improved significantly, but the error rate is still as high as 5.1%. With k = 10 and 18, interaction between each sample and the rest of the sample set is better facilitated, as a result, the performance improved even further. One interesting point is that by increasing the number of voting samples from 10 to 18 does not improve the error rate significantly. This suggest that an error rate around 0.4% to 0.8% is the best the algorithm can do given the nature of the sample sets and when such as reasonable error rate is achieved including more voting sample is no longer beneficial because the overall computational load is increased even though the average iteration goes down. For example, apart from other overhead, the computational cost can be measured according to the formula: k × Average iteration. From Table 1 we can see that the computation costs when k equals 10 and 18 are 168 and 193.5, respectively. Such a 0.26 % (= 0.73% – 0.47%) improvement on error rate is not a reasonable trade-off for the 15.18% (= (193.5 – 168) / 168) computational cost in most applications. The optimal size of the voting pool depends on the actual number of clusters and the total number of samples in the data set. Unfortunately, when the proposed algorithm is used in the applications where one or both of the two pieces of information is not unknown, no optimal value of k can be found beforehand. The second case (MD excluded) is intended to evaluate the performance of the proposed algorithm when the most-different sample is not involved in the voting process. When the size of the voting pool is not big enough (k = 4 and 6 in Table 1) to yield reasonable clustering in terms of clustering error rate, excluding the mostdifferent sample from the voting pool tends to have better performance in terms of average iteration and error rate. That is because the most-different sample is only updated when a more distant sample is found while the additional sample in place of the MD (when the MD is excluded) is picked at random, therefore providing more chances for interaction. However, when the size of the voting pool is big enough (k = 10 and 18 in Table 1) to yield reasonable clustering in terms of clustering error rate, including the most-different sample in the voting pool becomes beneficial in terms of computational cost (average iteration). The third case (MS excluded) is to demonstrate the importance of the most– similar sample. Note that the most-different sample can only tell the algorithm which particular label not to assign to the sample in question while the most-similar point out which label to assign. Even with the assistance of the MD, without the MS, the algorithm tends to ‘guess’ which label is the correct one. As indicated in Table 1, when k equals 4 and 6 the algorithm never converges. When k is increased to either 10 or 18, successful clustering become possible, however, the computational cost is unacceptably higher than the cases when the MS is included. Performance of the proposed algorithm with the MS and MD included in an online learning situation is listed in Table 2. Since the learning continues as the new data are presented, when evaluating the algorithm’s performance it is meaningless to take into account the iteration while the new samples are still arriving. Therefore the average iterations in Table 2 are the computational cost after the all the samples have become available. Because the learning starts before all the samples are available, by comparing Table 2 and the MS & MD included case in Table 1, we can see that the average iteration is significantly reduced. This indicates that learning before all the samples are available does occur and it provides the algorithm a point closer to the optimal point in the Euclidean space. We also tested our algorithm on the well-known Iris dataset. There are three classes of 4 dimensional patterns in the dataset, each having 50 patterns. Since it not possible to visualise 4-D patterns in 2-D media, we have shown the four 3-D plots of the dataset in Figure 2. From Figure 2 we can see that boundaries dividing the three classes do not exist. Consequently, we can expect that clustering error rate will higher when the same algorithm is applied to this dataset. After running the proposed algorithm with the voting pool size k = 10, and the MS and MD included, the average iteration is 23.67 and the average clustering error rate is 6.83%. The best performance in terms of average clustering error rate is 3%. 5. Conclusions In this work, we pointed out that learning algorithms may be sensitive to the prior information such as the initial centroids and the number of the clusters and proposed an unsupervised learning algorithm which does not require such prior information and labels of the samples and is capable of on-line learning. The stability-plasticity dilemma and the problem of unknown number of clusters are circumvented through the use of relative similarity between each sample and the member samples in a randomly formed voting pool. The randomness of the voting pool facilitates global interactions (plasticity) while remaining insensitive References [1] J. Cui, J. Loewy and E. J. Kendall, “Automated search for arthritic patterns in infrared spectra of synovial fluid using adaptive wavelets and fuzzy c-means analysis, IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, Vol. 53, No. 5, pp. 800 809, May 2006. [2] D. Dembele and P. Kastner, “Fuzzy c-means method for clustering microarray data,” Bioinformatics, Vol. 19, No. 8, pp. 973–980, August 2003. [3] R. Duda, P. Hart and D. Stork, Pattern Classification (second ed.), Wiley, New York, NY, 2000. [4] S. Grossberg, “Adaptive pattern classification and universal recoding: I. 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Performance of the proposed algorithm Average iterations Clustering error rate (%) k MS & MD included MD excluded MS excluded 4 34.50 32.56 6 31.05 10 18 MS & MD included MD excluded MS excluded ∞ 20.27 13.66 N/A 26.30 ∞ 5.10 4.24 N/A 16.80 21.62 483.78 0.73 0.91 0.52 10.75 14.60 371.33 0.47 0.40 0.33 Table 2. Performance of the proposed algorithm in an on-line learning situation. k Average iteration Clustering error rate 4 31.77 15.267 6 26.70 4.356 10 12.27 0.711 18 4.57 0.43 Figure 2. The four 3-D plots of the 4-D patterns in the Iris dataset.