Name Student # MINOR IN Event Planning Catalog Years 2012 and beyond EVENT PLANNING MINOR REQUIREMENTS (23-25 credits) Type Course Title Credits HM 23030 Lodging Operations 3 33070 International Cuisine * 4 RPTM 36075 Program Design and Evaluation * 3 SPAD 45022 Event Planning and Production * 3 Practicum electives, choose one from the following: 1-3 Practicum may be repeated up to 3 credit hours with advisor approval ELR HM 43092 Practicum in Hospitality Management (3-6) 36192 ELR RPTM Practicum in Therapeutic Recreation (1) ELR SPAD 25092 Practicum I in Sport Administration (1-3) ELR 35092 Practicum II in Sport Administration (1-3) HM, RPTM and SPAD electives, choose from the following: Students NOT enrolled in the majors/minors listed below must select at last one approved course from each of the three categories (HM, RPTM and SPAD). Students enrolled in the following listed major/minors must select one course from each of the two categories that is not in their major/minor. For these students the remaining coursework may be selected from any of the three categories or consist of an approved elective. Majors Minors 9 Hospitality Management (HSPM) Hospitality Management (HSPM Recreation, Park and Tourism (RPTM Park Management (PMM) Sport Administration (SPAD) Recreation Management (RMM) Sport Administration (SPAD) Tourism Management (TMM) Hospitality Management - Approved Courses HM 33040 Hotel Convention Sales and Services (3) 43043 Hospitality Meetings Management (3)* Special Topics in Hospitality Management (3) with advisor approval 41095 Recreation, Park and Tourism - Approved Courses RPTM 26030 Recreation Group Leadership (3)* 26060 Introduction to Global Tourism (3) DD 36040 Inclusion of People with Disabilities in Leisure Services (3)* 36060 Commercial Recreation and Tourism (3)* 46000 Tourism and Recreation Travel (3)* Special Topics in Recreation (1-3) with advisor approval 46095 Sport Administration - Approved Courses SPAD 35025 Facility Management (3)* 45023 Sport Marketing (3)* 45024 Sport in Global Perspective (3)* 45026 Sport and The Media (3)* 45027 Public Relations and Promotion in Sport (3)* WIC 45030 Sport Enterprise (3)* 46080 Legal Issues in Sport and Recreation (3)* Special Topics in Sport Administration (1-3) with advisor approval 46095 TOTAL 23-25