Morgantown Transition: Protective Clothing and SCBA FFFIPP Investigations Angie Shepherd1 Captain Michael McKenna (ret.)2 1NIOSH NPPTL and 2Michael McKenna and Associates, LLC National Personal Protective Technology Laboratory TRB Protective Clothing and Ensembles Team March 20, 2012 Presentation Overview Development and Expansion of Program Laboratory Development Importance to Fire Service Future Work / Next Steps Development and Expansion of Program Program developed to support FFFIPP Initiated program on July 1, 2011 Located primarily in Morgantown, WV Transfer of SCBA evaluations Added personnel Awarded a contract to Michael McKenna and Associates Obtained significant laboratory space Participated in 8 FFFIPP investigations Morgantown Transition: Laboratory Development Before and After – Heat and Flame Lab Before and After – Laundry Conditioning Lab Before and After – Physical Lab Before and After – FFFIPP Lab FFFIPP Lab Morgantown Transition: Importance to Fire Service FFFIPP Protective Equipment Evaluations and the Fire Service Determine if the protective equipment contributed to the fatality or injury Evaluate the functionality and compliance of the SCBA to selected NIOSH tests Database for program management Identify issues earlier before they are catastrophic Recognize trends over multiple incidents Support the FFFIPP investigation findings FFFIPP Protective Equipment Evaluations and the Fire Service Stronger protective equipment component to FFFIPP reports Report findings to appropriate certification organization and manufacturer Use data and findings for future research areas, education outreach, and as a basis for recommended changes to NFPA and ASTM standards Future Work / Next Steps Further improve interaction with FFFIPP investigators Autopsy/injury reports, photos, incident information, location of PPE when recovered Assess the addition of selected NFPA tests to the SCBA evaluation Continue development of evaluation database Continue training for PCE team Develop a library of materials – long term Acknowledgments FFFIPP Investigators and Staff Morgantown Facilities and Safety Staff New PCE Team Members Quality Partnerships Enhance Worker Safety & Health Thank You Questions? Disclaimer: The findings and conclusions in this presentation have not been formally disseminated by the National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health and should not be construed to represent any agency determination or policy.