2012 NIOSH NPPTL PPT Stakeholder Meeting Presentations (Day one Breakout sessions and Day two Workshops) Last First Organization Presentation Topic Sporrer John NIOSH NPPTL NPPTL History Overview D'Alessandro Maryann NIOSH NPPTL General Session - Welcome and Opening - Speaker Intros - NPPTL Mission Slide LaPorte Ron University of Pittsburgh Theme Based Presentation: Innovative Approaches to Knowledge Sharing in Public Health Yarbrough Maryann Vanderbilt University Theme Based Presentation: A case example of PPE Selection and Use in the Hospital Environment Rodriguez J.A. Raytheon Theme Based Presentation: PPE Selection, Use and Expectations from an Industry Perspective Braun Barbara Joint Commission Healthcare Respiratory Protection Programs: Effective Strategies and Continuing Challenges Brosseau Lisa University of Minnesota Respirator Evaluation in Acute Care Hospitals (REACH) in Minnesota and Illinois Fries Ed NIOSH NPPTL Healthcare Break Out Session 1 Fries Ed NIOSH NPPTL Healthcare Break Out Session 2 Joe Lauren Materna Barbara Ritchie Liz Rogers Bonnie University of North Carolina Respiratory Protection with PPE of Health Care Workers Project Cohen Robert Cook County Health and Hospital Systems Physiologic Aspects of Switching SCSRs in an IDLH Atmosphere Gaggin Alex Draeger Dräger SCSR/SCBA Mining System - not available for public release Doerr Donald NASA Consultant Cryogenic Life Support System Fernando Rohan NIOSH OMSHR Future Technologies for Breathing Air Systems California Department of Public Health California Department of Public Health Michigan Public Health Institute Respirator Use Evaluation in California Acute Care Hospitals II Pilot Test of a Resource Toolkit for Program Administrators Respirator Evaluation in Acute Care Hospitals (REACH) II: Michigan Data Kimball Doug Avon Safety Smart BA Kyriazi Nicholas NIOSH NPPTL SCSR Capacity Pollard Jonisha NIOSH OMSHR Novel Knee Protection for Miners Ream Paul CSE Clear, Sensible Effective SCSR Training: For a new, High-Performance Device, Information Design Augments Safety and Usability Sammarco John NIOSH OMSHR Light-emitting diode (LED) cap lamp research Sammarco John NIOSH OMSHR Light-emitting diode (LED) cap lamp research Stein Bob NIOSH NPPTL Mining Breakout Overview and Introduction 2012 NIOSH NPPTL PPT Stakeholder Meeting Presentations (Day one Breakout sessions and Day two Workshops) Last First Organization Presentation Topic Thomas Stan Oregon Occupational Safety and Health Division Pesticide Handlers Breakout Session 1 - Improving the Ability to Identify Correct Pesticide PPE to Purchase Pesticide Handlers Breakout Session 2 - Improving Universal Safety Culture Merinar Tim NIOSH DSR NIOSH Fire Fighter Fatality Investigation and Prevention Program Miles Stephen NIOSH DSR SCBA Facepiece Presentation Shepherd Angie NIOSH NPPTL Morgantown Transition: Protective Clothing and SCBA FFFIPP Investigations Shepherd Angie NIOSH NPPTL Improved Criteria for Emergency Medical Protective Clothing Day two Workshops Last First Organization Presentation Topic Coffey Chris NIOSH NPPTL Understanding Respirator Fit Testing Byrne David NIOSH DART Protect Your Hearing: Understanding Hearing Loss Williams Jon NIOSH NPPTL Heat Stress Workshop Combined Presentation Alecia Alexis 3rd CST 3rd Civil Support Team Anthony Robert Chicago Fire Department Division of Equipment & Supply - Air Mask Section Cloonan Terry NIOSH NPPTL Session # 1 & # 2 Edmiston Robert Hurley Scott Nevil Martyn Cibulsky Susan Brown Amy University of Maryland Part 1: Integrating “Clicker” Technology and a Motivational Message into Pesticide Applicator Training to Improve Adoption of Recommended Safety Practices Galvin Kit Pacific Northwest Agricultural Safety and Health Center Part 2: Hands-On Training Technique: People Learn By Doing Kilgore Darrell Washington State University Part 3: Videos in Pesticide Safety Training related to the use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) Fort Indiantown Gap Fire Department San Francisco Police Department Pennsylvania Task Force One Urban Search and Rescue US Department of Health and Human Services Fire & Emergency Services not available for public release Respiratory Protection Pennsylvania Task Force One (PA-TF1) FEMA Urban Search & Rescue Mass Human Chemical Decontamination