From: AAAI Technical Report FS-93-04. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Extracting a Domain Theory from Natural Language to Construct a Knowledge Base for Visual Recognition LawrenceChachereand Thierry Pun ComputerScience Center, University of Geneva, 24 rue General Dufour, CH-1211Geneva4, Switzerland e-mail: Introduction Ascomputervision research shifts fromsmaller applications to more general object recognition problems whichinvolveverylarge sets of object classes, there is an increasing amountof interest in feature indexing schemes.Feature indexing raises the important issue of howto construct a knowledgebase of associations betweenkey discriminative features and their respective object classes. It is clear that someamountof automationis necessaryin order to build such knowledge bases for verylarge recognitionsystems. Visual recognition is a very difficult domainfor machine learning. Concept formation has two components: 1. finding appropriate attributes whichgive a well-behavedclass membership function, and 2. given attribute vectors, finding the class membership function. Althoughmost learning has been concernedwith the latter problem,the first is at least as importantfor manydomains,and probably more difficult [Rendell, 1990]. Whilethe idea of using inductive learning to generate object class descriptions for a computervision systemis not new, e.g., [Shepherd1983; Lehrer et. al, 1987; Cromwell and Kak1991], attribute selection has tendedto be either ad hoc or application oriented, since there is no universally established set of appropriatevisual attributes. Anadditional difficulty whenconsideringvision problemsis that manyof the existing similarity-based inductive learning systemsare not directly applicable if one takes into account the large numbersof training examplesthey typically rely on. Thereexists biological ~videncethat it is possibleto formulategoodprototypes with very fewa’aining examples,e.g., [Cerella, 1979].Atopic that is currentlyreceivinga lot of attention in machinelearning is the integration of domain theory within existing empiricaltechniques[Lebowitz, 1990]. Domainknowledge reduces the burden imposedon statistics for ensuringcorreclnessof output. This paper describes a proposedapproachfor learning characteristic features of objects whichis beingdeveloped for use by the GenevaVision System[Pun 1990]. The following section introduces the use of natural languageas a heuristic knowledge source of visual information[Cbachere,1992]. The next two sections di- vide the concept formation problem in terms of defining appropriateattributes (extraction of natural languagedefinedfeatures) and inductivetraining. The final section showssomeresults that have thus far been obtained on an application domainof leaf images. Natural Language as a Knowledge Acquisition Heuristic Oursystemconsidersa feature significant if it is encodedas an adjective in natural language.Thusan attribute is deemedappropriateif it can take the value of one or morenatural languagefeatures. There are several advantagesof this feature selection criterion. First, natural languageis an extremelyrich and reliable source of perceptual information.Secondly,concepts defined by natural language are easy to understandby humans,e.g., it is mucheasier for a person to determinethe correcmessof output fromthe hue attribute than an ad hoc attribute suchas an ’excess red’ ratio, whichis commonly derived from the red/green/bluerepresentation of color images.Understandability of parametersis helpful for mostcomplex AI problemswhichare difficult to theoretically verify. A third advantageis that verbal feature values can serve as heuristics during the induction process. For example,yellow can be considereda significant numericalinterval withinthe hueattribute. Perhaps the maininconveniencewith a natural languagecriterion is that lowlevel vision methodsfor deriving manyof these features are not readily available. Vision methodshave generally been customized for easily derivable numericfeatures, e.g., compactness, elongatedness,and various other aspect ratios, withouta deepinvestigationof the utility of the various features for higher level object classification tasks. Naturallanguagefeatures tend to be symbolic; thus, the inevitable necessityof translating signals to abstract higher level representations is immediately put to question. Extraction of Natural Language Features A library of symbolic features was constructed through a systematic search for adjectives, by means 85 of standard references (computerizedWebster’s English dictionary and Roget’s thesauruses). A vocabulary of 102 common adjectives describing shape and color has beenobtained, for whichfeature extraction techniquesare being developed.The shape adjectives are either global(e.g., triangular,oval, cordate),contour-descriptive(e.g., smooth,dentate, jagged),or localized (e.g., pointed, rounded, or notched). Some shape features can be further characterized by more specific adjectives, e.g., dull or sharp-pointed.Color adjectives consist of a basic set and subcolors of members of the basic seL Thebasic set is definedby a recent study of 98 different languages [Berlin and Kay,1991] whichsuggesteda linguistic universality and evolution towards 11 basic color terms (white, black, red, green, yellow, blue, brown,gray, orange, purple, and pink). Textureand spatial adjectives are also important,but are moredifficult and will be considered in future work. The imagesignal to symboltransition is a knowledge engineeringtask whichvaries fromfeature to feature. Whilea few of these features have absolute definitions, the majority do not. The approachwe use for extracting shape features is basedon contour analysis. Contourchains are created using a Sobeledgedetector. Global shapedescriptors are then derived by template matching.To determinewhetheran object is triangular, an ideal geometrictriangle is superimposed onto the region enclosedby the contour chain outlining the object. If the ratio of overlapbetween the twoareas is extremelyhigh, triangular is assigned as the global shape. A threshold for ratio of overlap 255 white will alwaysbe somewhat subjective, but is systematically determined by measurementstaken on sample triangular-shaped images. Regardinglocalized shape descriptions,it is difficult to determinethe significant locations on an object where local measurements should be obtainedwithout the use of heuristics. One possibility is to use simpleverbal heuristics. For example, our implementationwill routinely examinethe baseandtop of an object, or to the tip of a protrusion of an object. For the purpose of color characterization, a color nameknowledgebase was created by processing imagesof labelled color samplesand computingtheir respectivehue, lightness, and saturation values fromthe RGBimage signals. The examplesincluded a prototype sampleof each basic color, borderline samples (e.g., borderlinereds: orangered andviolet red), and proper sub-colors (e.g., red shades: maroon,scarlet, etc.). It is importantto considerthat lightness greatly influences the definitions of basic colors whichare generallythoughtof as hues, both linguistically [Bettin and Kay, 1991] and biologically (the BezoldBruckeEffect) [Wyszeckiand Stiles, 1982]. For example,the conceptof yellow implies a high lightness value; a ’yellow’hue with a low lightness value will be perceived either as brownor green. Since it is probablynot possible to define perfect regular functions, in particular within the hue-lightnessplane for chromaticcolors in basic set (Figure 1), assignment a basic color to an unlabeledregion is accomplished using a nearest neighborschemein the 3-dimensional HLSspace. pink : ¯........... e’::i ............. oralagq.¯ o e. ..’¯¯ ’" .... ¯....... "%L-o/o/ / W. ¯" -: // red..’-....’/ ..e "?:r.- ~’" b2...... grn~---. .... ce .......... " ..... ¯ ......... ~ blue * 1.0 ’o purpl~ .... ¯ ’ ........,O" Ill = 0 Y O. ~ ~ .- o ,. 0 black ..O ",’, / Ogl 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 hue H 2x(=0) Figure 1: distribution of color sampleson hue-lightnessplane;gl, g2 are twosub-colors of green, respectevelyParis green and olive green) g2 is an extrememember of the green class. 86 Given HLScoordinates of a fairly homogeneously coloredregion of an image,a color description is attached as follows. A nearest neighbor within the knowledgebase of colors is determined using a weighted Euclidean distance measurement.The regionRis assignedthe basic color of its nearest neighbor (Fig. 1, R---> gl ~ green), unless the nearest neighboris an exa’emedata point (e.g. g2) within its basic color class and the distance of the region’s HLS to the class prototypeis larger than the distance betweenthat nearest neighborand the class prototype. If such a case arises, the region is characterized as ’undefinedcolor’, indicating a gap in the knowledge base. Sincecolor termsare definedsubjectively rather than functionally, it seemsinappropriate to have the systemstatistically guess color labels in unchartered areas of the HLSspace. In addition to the assignmentof a basic color, a region mayalso be modified with more detailed features.If the HLSof a region is extremelyclose to the HLScoordinatesof its nearest neighbor,it will also acquire the subcolor label of the neighbor. Various adjectives whichmodifythe basic color description (e.g., pale, dark,light, greenish)are attachedif applicable. For example,dark is appendedto a blue region whichhas a relatively lowlightness value within the blue class of blue colors. Standarddefinitions of subcolors help to define thresholds for these modifiers. For example,navy and indigo ate dark shades of blue by definition, and thus are the lightness values corresponding to these samples within the knowledge base. Training Training in our systemis accomplishedusing images of labelled objects. The label will include a basic class name,and optionalhierarchical links to broader classes. It is assumedthat all examplesare labelled withbasic level categories[Rosch,1978].It is possible that two randomclass membersof a very broad category are likely to have morevisual differences than similarities. Nevertheless,if higher level taxonomiccategories are supplied, the systemtries to formulate conceptsin the samemanneras for the basic categories. This use of taxonomic knowledgecan greatly help to economizethe learning procedure, since it allows evidenceto be shared betweensibling classes via inheritance froma parent category. Both numericand symbolic data are supplied from the feature extraction routines discussedin the previous section. Symbolicvalues alwayscorrespondto a natural languageadjective. Numericinformationcannot be ignored,since it is possiblethat certain numeric ranges within an attribute maynot mapto any natural language symbol. Whena new example is 87 supplied for a given class, all data is gatheredfrom previous examples.Generalizedfeatures are created by applyingbasic generalizationoperators are to each attribute; interval closingfor numericvalues, and tree climbing and disjunction for symbols[Michalski, 1983]. Thenext step after generalizationis to evalutate each generalized feature. This is accomplishedby simple measurements of intraclass similarity and interclass differences: Similarity = fraction of class samplesequal to symbol rank of symbolin class symbols Differences = (cl * numberof completeclasses discriminated by feature) + (c2 / overall frequency feature) It is emphasized that if the set of attributes definedin the previoussection is adequate,the statistical task neednot be complicated.The similarity function decreases significantly with each symboladdedto a disjunction, but does allow for exceptions. For example, an observation of 50 diamonds,47 white, 1 yellow, 1 pink, and 1 blue, wouldyield --=> .94/1 + .02/2 + .02/ 3 + .02/4 = .962, indicating that white is generally characteristic of diamondsdespite the variety of different exceptions.Interclass discriminationis not accomplished by an exhaustive proof that a given combinationof features will uniquelydistinguish a concept, but rather a by measuringthe discriminative powerand uniquenessof individual features, cl and c2 in the aboveequation are weightedcoetficientss, respectively corresponding to discrimination and uniqueness. Additionalevaluation factors include inheritance (a feature is not characteristic of a basic class if it is characteristic of a parent class) and wordcommonality biases derived from wordcorpuses (higher weight is given to features whichare morecommonly used in natural language). For simplicity of discussion, the important topic of spatial relationships, such as above(Part-A, Part-B), has been avoided. However, we are currently investigating natural languageheuristics to help reduce someof the complexityof this problem. Regular or common patterns can be represented as unarypredicates, rather than binary or higher order predicates, in terms of adjectives such as palmateor 4-legged. Aset of characteristicfeaturesfor an objectclass is finally producedby ranking all the evaluatedfeatures. The highest ranking features are chosenas characteristics, whilefeatures withlowevaluationsare discarded. Since the purpose of the output is for indexing rather than a completerecognition,it is only important that the selected features are goodkeys for recognition, rather than an exhaustiveconceptdescription of the object class. It is importantto note that the independenceof these output characteristic features makes themsuitable to a variety of recognition procedures (e.g., decision trees, parallel discrimination procedures). An Example For the purposeof testing the learning system,a database was created consisting of 275 images of noncompoundleaves from Europeanbroadleaf trees. The data set consists of 55 differenct classes, 5 examples of eachclass. Thesize and distribution of this data set was established for two purposes: 1. To demonstrate the ability to formulate goodconcept descriptions fromsmall sets of training examples;and 2. To dem- onstrate the ability to deal with discriminationproblems involving large numbersof different classes. Eachleaf imagein this databaseis attached with four labels, a species name(the basic category), a genus name(e.g., maples,oaks), a family name(e.g., beech family, whichincludes oaks, beeches, chesmuts)and the inclusivelabel "leaf". Table1 displays initial results by based upontwoof the feature functions, for the purposeof demonstrate discriminationof three selected leaf classes fromthe database(Figure 2). Theapexof each leaf waslocated by finding the axis of symmetry and assumingthat the leaves were oriented with the apexat the top of the image.Theapex angle feature is computedby measuring the angle of the two edges extending from the apexpoint. Leaveshavetwosignificant parts, a blade and a petiole and therefore a color wasdeterminedfor both subregions. to black alder apricot lemon Figure 2: exampleimagesselected from3 of the 55 leaf classes. Leaf Apexangle Apex shape description HLSvalues of blade and petiole Colordescriptions lemonI 1.2383 pointed (2.34,126,63), (2.13,206,51) green / yellow lemon2 1.25 pointed (2.31,119,63),(2.11,199,50) green/yellow lemon 3 1.0264 pointed (2.38,155,69), (2.12,174,51) yellowishgreen / yellow apricot 1 1.5611 pointed (1.75,88,45), (1.12,175,51) dk brwnishgreen/darkpink apricot 2 1.4745 pointed (1.88,92,46), (0.98,100,59) dark brownishgreen / red apricot 3 1.419 pointed (1.72,86,46), (0.99,123,58) dark brownishgreen / red blackalder 1 3.8281 notched (2.32,1.05,60), (2.25,165,54) green / yellowishgreen black alder 2 3.4735 noshed (2.09,97,55),(2.25,166,50) green / yellowishgreen black alder 3 3.5457 notched (2.32,110,59), (2.32,163,48) green / yellowishgreen Table1: extracted features. Apexangle ranges from0 to 2g, values are "pointed"if < x, "notched"if > n, "straight" if veryclose to ~. HueHranges0 to 2r¢ wherepurered---m/3,puregreen--n,pureblue---5x/3. LightnessL ranges from0 to 255where0=blackand 255=white.Saturation S is a percentage. 88 Basedon the data in Table 1, the training procedure makesthe followingcharacteristic features: apricot --> dark brownishgreen blade, pointed apex, red or dark pink petiole; black alder --> notchedapex, yellowish green petiole; lemon~ yellow petiole, pointed apex; leaf --~ green blade. Sincethe three examplesare from different families, no descriptions are formulatedat that level. Withmoreexamplesof different leaf classes, petiole color=yellowishgreen will becomea default leaf characteristics rather than a black alder characteristic. Thesystemwouldalso eventually learn that red/darkpinkis a veryrare petiole color and thus it should emergewith a higher ranking within the set of apricotleaf characteristics. ries in the Pigeon. Journal of ExperimentalPsychology: Human Perception and Performance,5. Chachere, L.E (1992). ReasearchSummary.In workshopnotes, ConstrainingLearningwith Prior Knowledge, AAAI-92,78-80. Cromwell, R.L. and Kak, A.C. (1991). Automatic generationof object class descriptions using symbolic learning techniquesIn Proc. of the 9th National Conf.on Artificial Intelligence, 710-717. Lebowitz,M.(1990). The Utility of Similarity-Based Learningin a WorldNeedingExplanation. In Michalski, R.S., and Kodratoff,Y. (eds.), MachineLearning: AnArtificial Intelligence Approach,volume3, chapter 15, MorganKaufmann. Lebrer, N.B., Reynolds,G. and Griffith, J. (1987). Initial HypothesisFormationin ImageUnderstanding Using an Automatically Generated KnowledgeBase. DARPA, Image Understanding Workshop,520-537. Theresults for these examplesmatchthe classification descriptions are close to whatone wouldfind in a typical field guideto trees. Thebladecolor of the apricot leaves is an exception.TheHLScoordinates of those examplesactually mapinto an undefinedregion within the color knowledge base slightly closer to a green data point than the next nearest neighbor, a brown point. Furthermoreit has beendeterminedthat the numerical values are not quite correct. Thediscrepancy wastraced to a loss of accuracyin the imageacquisition process, using a PerfectScanTM Mikrotek600Z scanner. Higherquality scanners and camerasfor imageacquisitionare likely to producebetter results. Lenat, D.B. and Guha, R.V. (1989). Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems: Representation and Inference in the CycProject. Addison-Wesley. Michalski, R.S. (1983). A Theoryand Methodology of InductiveLearning.In Michalski,R.S., Carbonell, J.G., and Mitchell, T.M. (eds.), MachineLearning: AnArtificial Intelligence Approach,chapter 4, Morgan Kaufmann. Pun, T. (1990). The GenevaVision System:Modules, integration and primal access. TechnicalReport no. 90.06, ComputingScience Center, University of Geneva. Rendell, L. (1990). Commentary to Lebowitz, M., The Utility of Similarity-BasedLearningin a World NeedingExplanation.In Michalski, R.S. and Kodratoff, Y.(eds.), op.cit. Conclusion Theultimategoal in this research is to formulategood visual conceptsabout object classes in an efficient manner,without relying uponlarge numbersof training examples.There are still manynatural language features which remain to be developed. The task of extracting such features mayseemarduous. However, webelieve that there is no shortcut for difficult AI problems;perhaps the key element is to havelots of knowledge[Lenat and Guha, 19891. The uncertain rate of progress towardsa general visual recognition system indicates that such an effort maywell prove worthwhile. Rosch, E. (1978). Principles of Categorization. Rosch,E. and Lloyd, B.B. (eds.) Cognitionand Categorization, 28-39, LawrenceErlbaumAssociates. Shepherd, B.A. (1983). Anappraisal of a decision tree approachto imageclassification. In Proceedings of IJCAI, 473-475. Wyszecki,G. and Stiles, W.(1982). Color Science: Concepts and Methods,Quantitative Data and Formulae. Wiley. Acknowledgments This research is supported by a Swiss National Research Fund grant, 20-26475.89. The authors would like to express their deep gratitude to Catherine de Garrini for her major role in the implementationof feature extraction of shapeadjectives. References Berlin, B. and Kay, P. (1991). Basic Color Terms: Their Universality and Evolution.University of California Press, Berkeley,CA. Cerella, J. (1979). Visual Classes and NaturalCatego- 89