From: AAAI Technical Report FS-94-04. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. A GLIMPSE OF NKRL, THE "NARRATIVE KNOWLEDGE REPRESENTATION LANGUAGE" Gian Piero Zarri Centre National delaRecherche Scientifique EHESS - CAMS 54, boulevardRaspail 75270 PARISCodex 06, France phone: (33) (1) fax : (33) (1) Abstract has workedout someoriginal solutions to typical knowledge representation problems (as, e.g., representing the "wishes, desires, intention" domain) :thts can make this language of some Interest also from a general "representation theory" point of view. In this paper, I describe NKRL,a language expressly designed for representing, in a standardised way, the semanticcontent (the "meaning") of complex narrative texts. After having introduced the four "components"(specialised sub-languages) of NKRL,I will give someexamplesof its practical modalities of use. I will then describe, in a very sketchy way, the inference techniques and the natural language processing procedures associated with this language. 1. 2. The general frameworkof the NKRL lazema~ In NKRL-- which presents some (loose) similarities with the standard hybrid and terminological languages In the KL-ONE style, see, e.g., [Brachman91]-- we makeuse of four nearly differentiated but interrelated components (sub-languages), each of whichemploysdistinct, specialised representation languageswhichcall, In turn, for their own,proper Inferencesystems; see, e.g., [Zarri93]for moredetails. Introduction NKRL(Narrative Knowledge Representation Language) has been created to provide "normalised" description of the semantic content (the "meaning")of complexnarrative texts : the resulting NKRLcode must avoid, as much as possible, any too important loss of the original information. In an industrial context, "narrative texts" maycorrespond,e.g., to newsstories, telex reports or intelligence messages, NKRL has been developed by the author at CNRS(the French National Centre for Scientific Research) over long period. It is a fully implementedlanguage; the most recent implementations have been realised in the framework of two European projects : NOMOS ("KnowledgeAcquisition for Normative Reasoning Systems"), Esprit P5330, and COBALT ("Construction of KnowledgeBases from Natural Language Documents"), LRE ("Linguistic Research and Engineering") P61011. ¯ Becauseof its (chiefly) practical aims, NKRL does not intend to present itself as a comprehensive modelling framework for Natural Language (NL) Understanding -- like, e.g., Episodic Logic [Schubert89], [Hwang93] -- nor as a "semantically clean" formal model of some specific NL phenomenon,like, e.g., the UNO model [Iwanska92], [Iwanska93]. However,NKRL 156 The "descriptive component" concerns the representation of the "meaning" of NL clauses describing some general classes of real-world events. In the context of the descriptive component,the events taken into considerationmust be structured events, I.e., characterised by the explicit indication of an actor, an object, an Instrument, etc. Examples of such general classes maybe "moving a physical object", "formulate a need", "having a negative attitude towards someone", "be present somewhere", "come In possession of new resources", etc. The formal NKRLrepresentations of those NL expressionsare called "templates". Of course, the formal reallsatlon of each template is Independentfromthe surface structures of the various possible NLutterances which can be used to describe the correspondingclasses of events. The "factual component" gives the formal representation of the NLnarrative expressions relating somespecific events -- characterised, at least implicitly, by specific spatial and temporalco-ordinates -- whichconstitute the concretelnstantiations of the general classes of the descriptive component. This component therefore handles such NLexpressions as: "Tomorrow, I will move the wardrobe", "Lucy was looking for a taxi", "Mr. Smith has fired Mr. Brown","Peter lives in Paris", "Company X, located in Geneva,has taken the control of Company Y", etc. The NKRL expressions of these narrative statements are called "predicative occurrences". The "definitional component" handles the formal representation of the main defining properties of all the general notions (in parts specific of an application domain)whichcan be used in the frameworkof the descriptive and factual components. The corresponding NKRL data structures are called "concepts" ; conceptswill appear italicised throughoutthis paper. Thedefinitional tools are thus used to represent, in a conceptualform, the essential entities like ~,roperties of general p hy sica_l ~ecr, ob" "tax~_ "- " (the " general class includingall the taxis, not a specific cab), or "resources_". translating the NLsentence "John gives a book to Mary" includes a semantic predicate correspondingroughly to "obtaining, without any a priori connotation of mandatoryor permanent possession" ; "Mary" wtll be the SUBJ of "obtaining", "book" the OBJ and "John" the SOURCE, see the next Sections for morecomplete examples. Please note that a (single) semantic predicate, (at least) a role, and (at least) argument are necessary to give rise to a wellformed template or occurrence, which are, therefore, meaningless in the absence of one of these three basle components. The "enumerative component" handles the formal representation of the instances (concrete examples) of the general notions (concepts) belonging to the definitional component. The NKRL formal representations of such instances are called "individuals". Individuals are thus created by tnstantiating some of the concepts properties from the definitional component. Individuals are characterised by their being countable and possessing unique conceptual labels ("smith_", "general_motors", "taxi_27"). Twoindividuals associated with the same NKRL description but with different labels are different individuals. The descriptive and the definitional components ate both Implemented as hierarchies of structured objects (templates and concepts, respectively). The NKRLdescriptive component is, therefore, mapped to a H_TEMP(Iates) hierarchy. The hierarchy of concepts (definitional componen0 -called H_CLASS for historical reasons -- admits multiple Inheritance and Is, moreprecisely, a DAG, Directed Acycllc Graph. For example, a concept like "tax_" pertains ("Is-a") to two different H_CLASS sub-hierarchies, "fiscal_law_concepts" and "financial_resources". The OIDs of the concepts makingup the upper levels of H_CLASS such as "human_being_or_social_body", "(unstructured) event_", "attribute_value", "property_", "process_", "physical_entity", "abstract_entity", "modality ", "location_", etc. -- are, as those formingthe upper levels of H_TEMP(the "basic templates", see next Section), lnvariant. This meansthat the upper levels of H_CLASS do not change when another application in a different domainIs taken Into account. Please note that one of the sub-trees of "attribute_value" Is the "logical_quantifier" sub-tree, whosebranchespertain to the set {few_, some_, several_, many_, all.., all_except}. In NKRL,quantifiers are ordinary concepts defined by a frame structure, which can be parametrised accordingto the needsof a particular application. The data structures supporting the four componentsare highly homogeneous,given that templates, occurrences,classes and Individuals are all implemented as "structured objects,, identified by an "OID"(object Identifier). Onthe one hand, the definitional and enumerativedata structures which support the l "concepts" and the "individuals" are built in a "frame"-like fashion, i.e., as bundles of "attribute /value" relations where neither the numbernor the order of the attributes Is fixed. On the other hand, the structured objects of the descriptive and factual components ("templates" and "occurrences") are built, in a "case grammar" ([Bruce75], [SparkJones87], etc.) style, around a central and unique "semantic predicate", whose "arguments" are introduced by "roles" as SUBJ(ect), OBJ(ect), SOURCE, etc. For example, the elementary occurrence (factual component) 157 3. Ustn~ NKRL in a soclo-economico- lz tllcal_r,aam The NKRLstructures Introduced until noware very general tools having a descriptive power which can be compared with that of semantic networks or Sowa’sconceptual graphs, [Sowa84], [Sowa91].As this last class of tools, they lack, however,of the specific constructs and primitives which must be added whenever a well defined conceptual domain must be considered. This absence normally produces a proliferation of ad hoc solutions which are different from case to case, andgives rise to serious difficulties to secure the reproductionor the sharing of previousresults. For NKRL, if the context happensto be, as is the case in NOMOS or COBALT,a (very general) socio-economico-politicai one where the main characters are humanbeings or social bodies, experience has shownthat it is possible to cover the domain, in the templates and in the occurrences of the descriptive and factual components, with a total of seven semantic predicates (see Table 1), whichcorrespondto very general, prototyplcal categories of human attitudes. 3.1 An example of coding Let us nowconsider a concrete, simple exampleof NKRL coding, see, Fig. 1, the representation of the information :"Sharp Corporation said it has shifted production of low value personal computers from Japan to companies in Taiwan and Korea (Tokyo, March31, 1993)". 1) MOVE SUBJ sharp_corp Predicate Mnemonic Description BEHAVE a character adopts a particular attitude, or acts in orderto obtaina particularresult. EXIST to be present, also metaphorically,in a certatn place. : tokyo_ OBJ #2 date1:31_march_1993 date2: 2) MOVE SUBJ ¯ OBJ sharp_corp (SPECIF production_l low_value_pc_l): (japan_ (taiwan_ korea_)) DEST (SPECIF company_l (SPECIF cardinality_ several_)): (taiwan_ korea_) datel:before_31_march_1993 date2: EXPERIENCE a characteris affectedby somesort of good, bad or "neutral" newsor events. MOVE the displacementof a person or a physicalobject, the transmissionof a message... OWN to have,to hold, to possess... Figure 1 - An example of NKRLcoding. The two occurrences ’T’ and "2" are instances of two different, permanent "basle templates" causeto exist or occur, with descflbed in the catalog, whichboth belongto the respect to material or "MOVE" (see Table 1) sub-tree of the general immaterial: entities, like the H_TEMP hierarchy (descriptive component). The productionof a service. MOVE template at the origin of the occurrence "1" Is systematically used to translate the RECEIVE to acquire, to obtain, without "transmission of an information" ("Sharp Corp any connotation of said ...’). It makes use of what, in NKRL’s mandatory or permanent terminology, Is called a "completive possession. constructioii". Accordingto this construction, the filler of the OBJ(ect) slot In the occurrences Table 1 - Semantic predicates in NKRL. (here, ’T’) whichtnstantiate the "transmission" template, Is an OID(object Identifier, here #2) whichrefers to anotherpredicativeoccurrence,i.e., the occurrence which bears the informational In such a case, thanks to the reduced numberof contentto be spreadout ("... It has shifted ..."). basic semanticpredicates, all the legal, descriptive Occurrence "2" Is an Instance of another basle and factual structures (templates and occurrences), template which makes use of a different with the practical use whichis madeof them, can "MOVE" construction to represent a be fully described in a "catalog" (e.g., the specialisation of the meaning "displacement of a "Stouder’s catalog" [Stouder87]). This allows (generic) object". To make it clearer, these structures to be used accordingto a coherent reproduce this template In Fig. 2. Optional strategy which can be reproduced and shared. elements are In round brackets (e.g., the role Further NKRL descriptive and factual structures SOURCE introduces the possible "instigator" of can, if necessary, be easily derived ¯from those ¯ the displacement). In the corresponding already described in the "catalog", even in occurrences; the variables (x, y, v, etc.)are domainswhich are far from the original soeio, ’replaced by concepts (definitional component) ~: economieo-poUtical one, Individuals (enumerative component)according PRODUCE 158 the associatedconstraints; constraintsare, in turn, expressed as combinationsof high-level elements (concepts) of the H_CLASS hierarchy. {MOVE3.21; ’move a method IS A : MOVE3.21 object’ or process’ ’move a generic MOVE SUBJ OBJ x :[<location-->] y :[{ii, ’initial location’ 12, ’final location’)] (SOURCE z :[<location_>]) (DEST u : [<location->] ) (MODAL v) Operator ({’modulators’)) [date-l:<date_>, ’initial dare’]’observed date’] [date-2:<date >, ’final date’] <human_being_or_social_body> <method_> I <process_> I... Z = <human_being_or_social_body> U = <human_being_or_social_body> V = <displacement_modality> W = <situation-framework> 11, 12 = <location-> } X -- = MnemonicDescription ALTERN The"disjunctive operator". It Introducesa set of elements,i.e., concepts,individualsor lists labelled with different bindingoperators. Onlyone elementof the set takes part in the particular relationship with the predicate defined by the role-slot to be filled withthe expansion; however,this elementis not known. (EVENT w) y "collective operator" (COORDination = C), and the "attributive operator" (SPECIFication= S), see, e.g., [Zarri92a], [Gilardoni93], [Zarrt93]. Their meaningis given in Table 2. Accordingly, structured arguments in NKRLare lists of undefined length, which may include both conceptsand Individuals and whichare labelled by makinguse of the AECS operators. COORD The"collective operator": all the elementsof the set participate together in the relationship with the predicate definedby the role-slot. ENUM The"distributive operator ": each elementof the set satisfies the relationship, but they do so separately. SPECIF The"attributive operator". It is usedto associate a series of attributes (properties)withthe conceptor Individual that constitutesthe first elementof the SPECIF list, In order to better characterise tills last element.Each attribute appearinginside a SPECIF list can be recursivelyassociated with another SPECIF list. Figure 2 - Anexample ofa templatel In the NKRL "external" notation, the "location attributes" are associated with the role fillers by using the "colon", ":", operator, see Fig. 1 and 2. Generallyspeaking,a location attribute Is coded by using a list, see [Zarr193]for moredetails. We can also mentionthat particular attention has been paid, in a factual component context, to a detailed and algorithmlcally efficient NKRL representation of temporal information : a recent paper on this subject is [Zarri92b]. Table 2 - NKRL operators for structured arguments. 3.2 The AECSsub-language In Fig. 1, the arguments made up of a "SPECIF(ication)" list are examples of NKRL "structured arguments" (or "expansions"). The AECSsub-languageis, undoubtedly, powerful and expressive; however,becauseof its recurslve nature, it could give rise to very complex -expressions, difficult to interpret and disentangle Structured arguments of NKRLtemplates and (unify). Therefore, In order to build up welloccurrences are built up in a principled wayby formedNKRL expansions, the definitions of Table makinguse of a spectaiised sub-language, AECS, 2 are used In association with the so-called which includes four binding operators, the "priority rule", whichtan be vtsualised by using "disjunctive operator" (ALTERNative = A), the the following expression :"(ALTERN (ENUM "distributive operator" (ENUMeration = E), the (COORD (SPECIF))))". Tiffs to be int erpreted 159 as follows : it is forbiddento use inside the scope of a list introduced by the binding operator B, a list labelled in terms of one of the binding operators appearingon the left of B in the priority expression aboveme.g., it is impossibleto use a list ALTERN inside the scope of a list COORD, Accordingto this rule, the event represented by the narrative NLexpression :"Mr. Brownattended the reception at the WhiteHouse; Mr. Smithalso was there, accompaniedby his daughter Jennifer (but the accompanying lady could also be his wife Lucy)", will be translated in NKRL according to the representation of Fig. 3 (please note that Mr. Brownand Mr. Smith went separately to the reception, as shown by the use of ENUM).Of course, each of the single coding elements (Mr_Brown etc.) inside the expansions could accompaniedby a list of attributes (a "SPECIF’ list). EVENT is the role expressing the notion of "in the context of". 1) EXIST (ALTERN (ENUM Mr_Brown (COORD Mr Smith Jennifer_Smith)) (ENUMMr_Brown (COORD Mr_Smith Lucy_Smith))) white_house EVENT reception_15 : white_house plural NL expression ("companies" in the example of Fig. 1) we must also activate "has_member"slot tn the frame associated with the Individual "company_l"to denote that tiffs last coincides,In reality, with a set ; the slot wlUbe ~ftlled, oneeagaln, with the concept "several_" because of the Indefiniteness of the plural expression. WewouldInsert the numeral "12" In place of "several_", In both the occurrence "2" of Fig. 1 and the "has_member" slot of "eompany,l", In case of a news speaking of a transfer to "twelve companies". 3.3 Additional properties of NKRL Wegive, in Fig. 4, another example of NKRL coding, whichconcerns the representation of the narrative sentence : "Wehave to makeorange juice". According to Hwang and Schubert [Hwang93: 1298], this sentence exemplifies several interesting semanticphenomena. SUBJ Figure 3 - Anexampleillustrating the ’~riority rule". Thedefinitions of Table 2 showclearly, moreover, that the AECSoperators should intervene in the NKRL representation of plural entities and expressions. For example, COORD and ENUM correspond clearly to the "colleCtive" and "distributive" plural quantiflers normally used, amongother things, to represent the "reading variants" of plural noun phrases, see, e.g., [Webber83], [Sowa91], [Franconi93]. Without entering nowinto too manydetails, and referring again to Fig. 1 above,I will say here that wemake use in general of a SPECIFsub-list introduced by "cardinality_" -- a concept pertaining to the "property_" sub-tree of the H_CLASS hierarchy m to represent implicitly or explicitly, in a descriptive/factual componentcontext, the number of elements in a given set. As It appears clearly from occurrence 2 of Fig. 1, "several " -- a concept belonging to the "logical_quantifier" sub-tree of H_CLASS, see, supra, Section 2. m is nowused inside a "cardinality_" list to providea standard wayof symbolising the generic "plural number"mark for templates and occurrences. To complete the NKRL representation of a general, 160 1) BEHAVE 2) PRODUCE SUBJ (COORD informant_l (SPECIF human_being (SPECIF cardinality_ several_))) . [oblig, ment] datel:(observed date) date2: SUBJ (COORD informant_l (SPECIF human_being (SPECIF cardinality_ several_))) OBJ (SPECIF amount_l orange_juice) datel:(observed date + 0) date2: 3) (GOAL1 2) Figure 4 - Predicative and binding occurrences. The representation of Fig. 4 illustrates some important properties of NKRL.Thefirst concerns the standard way of expressing the "wishes, desires, Intention" domain.To translate the idea of "acting In order to obtain a given result", we make use of a BEHAVE (see Table 1 above) occurrence to express the "acting" component-I.e., to Identify the SUBJ(eet)of the action, the temporal co-ordinates, possibly the MODAL(tty) or the instigator (SOURCE),etc. -- and of second occurrence structured around one of the six residual predicates to express the "intended result" component. The two occurrences are UNOrepresentation system, are given by sets of linked by meansof a "binding occurrence" (see type equations, see, e.g., [lwanska92: 360] -- are the NKRL structure labelled with "3" in Fig. 4). "Binding" structures (templates or occurrences) :directly encoded, in NKRL,In the H_CLASS are, as the "completiveconstruction" encountered :hierarchy supporting the definitional component. before, a way to represent the logico-semantic The key inference mechanism of the factual links whichcan exist betweendescriptive or factual component (and the basle, inference tool of structures ; GOAL is an operator pertaining to the NKRL) Is the "Filtering and Unification Module" NKRL’s"taxonomy of causality", see, e.g., (FUM). [Zarri92a]. If the "modulator" (see below) "ment(al)" is absent, the SUBJ(ect) of BEHAVE The primary data structures handled by FUM are takes someconcrete initiative (acts explicitly) the "search patterns", i.e., data structures order to fulfil the result ; if "ment(al)"is present, as in Fig. 4, no concreteaction is undca’taken,and including, at least, a predicate, a predicative role the "result" reflectsl only the wishesanddesires of with its associated (structured) argument and, possibly, the Indication of the temporalInterval the SUBJ(ect). wherethe unification holds. Thesearch patterns mayoriginate from outside the application system "Modulators" are, like the "location" and "temporal" determiners (attributes), NKRL if, in a deductiveretriever style, they represent a operators used to refine or modifythe primary direct translation of queries posedby the user ; on interpretation of a templateor occurrenceas given the other hand, they may be automatically generated by the system, within an application by the basic "predicate -- roles -- argument" association. "ment" pertains to the "modality" program,during the executionof all sorts of highmodulators ; a second modulator, "oblig(atory)" level Inferenceprocedures,see, e.g., [Zarri86]. appears in the occurrence "1" of Fig. 4. "oblig" suggests that "someoneis obliged to do or to An important element of the FUMmodule is endure something, e.g., by authority", and represented by the matching algorithms which operate on the informationstored in the structured pertains, as "fac(ulty)", "interd(ictlon)" "perm(isslon)", to the "deontic modulators" arguments. They allow for a maximum of series. Other modulators are the "temporal flexibility. It Is possible, e.g., to ask for 1) modulators", "begin", "end", "obs(erve)", see "perfect match", defined as a matchthat succeeds [Zarri93] for a complete description. In NKRL, if and only if the argumentsections of the search modulatorsworkas global operators whichtake as pattern and of the target NKRL expression are perfectly Identical (exceptingvariables), i.e., their argumentthe whole(predicative) template occurrence (predicate, roles, arguments, other their tree representations coincideexactly ; il) determiners, ...). Whena list of modulators is perfect match apart from "cardinallty", I.e., a present, as in occurrence "l" of Fig. 4, they matchthat succeedsIf and only If the arguments apply successively to the template/occurrencein a of the pattern and the target NKRL expression polish notation style, in order to avoid any have the same Identical structure left alone variables andthe cardinallty of the AECS lists ; lit) possibility of scope ambiguity. a "subsumed"match, I.e., a matchthat succeedsIf and only if the argumentsof the pattern and of the 4. Inference techniques target expression carry a congruent(e.g., from "subtyping" point of view) semantic information; As already stated, each one of the four iv) a combinationof the abovepossibilities. The componentsof the language is characterised by two special operators STRICT-CARDINALITY the association with a particular class of Inference and STRICT-SUBSUMPTION, see [Gilardoni93] procedures. can, therefore, be used within the argument sections of the search patterns. In general, The maininference mechanismassociated with the checkinga correspondencebetweenthe AECSlists definitional and enumerative componentsis the of a search pattern and of another NKRLdata usual taxonomic Inheritance mechanismwhich structure can be executed In polynomial time proceedsover "is-a" and "instance-of" relations. thanks, mainly, to the use of the "priority rule" The basic building blocks for this mechanism proper to the AECSsub-language and mentioned, are normally offered for free by the knowledge supra, tn Section3.2. Pleasenote, finally, that representation tools which support the in order to deal with the "subsumed"varieties of NKRL’simplementations, e.g., CRL("Carnegie match -- the FUMalgorithm must be capable of Representation Language")in the context of the making use of the taxonomic inheritance NOMOSproject, QSL ("Qulnary Semanttc mechanisms linked with the definitional and Language") in the COBALT project, Please note enumerative components to deal directly, that the subtyplng relations to be used for the i during the filtering/unification phases, with the Inheritance operations -- which, in the Iwanska’s ¯ generalisatt0n vs. speetallsation aspects of the 161 "transformation meaning: H_CLASS hierarchy (unification with inheritance, :logical see [AR-Kaci86]).Generally speaking, the organisation of the FUMmoduleseems to be at least as powerfulas that of the algorithmsused to computethe "entailment relations" tn [Iwanska92 : 364-366]and [Iwanska93: 495-503]¯ arrow", "~ ", has a double operationally spealdng,the arrowindicates the direction of the transformation: the left hand side A Is deleted and replaced by the right handside B ; A speclallsed inference mechanism,grounded on FUM and proper to the descriptive component,is a sort of "join" procedure (see [Sowa841, [Iwanska92], [Iwanska93], etc.) allowing for the merge of (two or more) basle or derived (speelallsed) templates. Templatescan mergeonly if they belong to the same general H_TEMP subtree, I.e., if they are characterised by the same semantic predicate. Information on the characteristics of this merge procedure can be found, e.g., in [Zarri92c: 190-191]. * the standard logical meaningof the arrow is that the information obtained through B Implies the Information we should have obtained from A. In reality, the "alwaystrue" implications (noted as "B :=~ A", where we assume that the symbol "=~" represents the "Implication arrow") are not very frequent. Most transformations found In real world applications represent "modalised implications" (noted as "B O~ A", which means Anexampleof "high level inference procedures" "it is possible that B implies A"). Anexampleof this last type of transformations is given by the which can be implemented by making use transformation "tl" in Fig. 5, which allows us of the above basic mechanisms -- and which are of a particular Interest from a "knowledge to deal, by using the FUMmodule, with the informal example above about "university bases management" point of view -- are professors’, ;as wecan see, the left and handright the "transformation rules", see [Zarr186], sides of "tl" are formed by basle templates. [Ogonowski87]. Transformations deal with the Transformationtl says : "If someone(x) receives problem of obtaining a "plausible answer" from an NKRL factual database also in the absence of a title from an official authority by meansof an official document,then It Is possible that he has the explicitly requested information, by searching been physically present at that momentin the semanticaffinities betweenwhat is requested and whatis really present in the base. Thefundamental place (k) where the authority Is located". This principle employedis then to "transform" the rule, for example,Is not alwaysvalid In the case of original query into one or moredifferent queries, an university degree (It could be obtained In which are "semantically close" to the :original correspondenceschool, etc.). Nevertheless, it Is one. To give a very simple example,supposethat, possible to see that, In this ease, the "semantic working in the context of an hypothetical NKRL cllstance" betweenan "always true" Implication and a "modallsed"one Is not too Important, as It database about university professors, we should wantto ask a questionlike : "Whohas lived in the is always possible to change tl Into a "true" United States", even without an explicit transformationby the addition of a fewconstraints representationof this fact in the base. If this last on the variable p, for instance the "disequation": contains some information about the degrees "p ~ <obtainable_by_correspondence_degree>". obtained by the professors, wecan tell the user More examples, and a complete "theory" of that, although wedo not explicitly knowwholived transformations,can be foundin, e.g., [Zarri86]. in the States, wecan nevertheless look for people having an Americandegree. This last piece of information, obtained by transformation of the original query, wouldindeed normally imply that some time was spent by the professors in the l) EXIST SUBJ x: [k] --+RECEIVE SUBJ oBJ p country, the United States, which Issued their degree. SOURCE q: [k] It I I Withoutentering nowin too manyformal details, we can say that transformations are madeup of a "left hand side" -- formulation tn a template format of the lingnistie expression whichis to be transformed -- and one or more "right hand sides" -- representation In the samestyle of one or more linguistic expressions that must be substituted for the given one. A transformation can, therefore, be expressed as,¯ "A (left hand side) --~ B (right hand side)". I I I I MODAL X = P = q = k = r = r <human_being> <title_> <authority_> <location_> <official_document> Ii { :i 162 Figu~ 5 As’~~ansformation" rule.. produced by the syntactic specialist. If the unification succeeds, the right hand sides The NOMOS and COBALT projects w (consequent parts) are used to generate wellnotwithstanding somedifferences betweenthe two formedtemplates. The last conceptual dictionary concerning the final use of the resulting NKRL Is the "conceptual references" dictionary, where code m have both successfully dealt with the we store the control structures’("substltutlon problem of computing the NKRLexpressions rules", similar to the "triggering rules") allowing corresponding to an input NLtext. The present the replacement, lathe original NLtext, of an NP "NL/NKRL translation system", See [Zarri92c] (noun phrase group, NLdomain), or part of NP, for more details, is based on the use with the corresponding H_CLASS concept(s) of independent "specialists" -- for the Individual(s) (NKRL domain). morphologicaland syntactical analysis, and the different phases of the semantic procedures Withrespect nowto the specialists, the output of which make use of commonshared, permanent the first specialist, the pre-processlng speciaList,is a data structures. set of distinct sentences,to be processedseparately, which have already been submitted to the Wereserve two permanentdata structures to the morphologicalanalysis. In NOMOS, the syntactic H_CLASSand H_TEMPhierarchies. The most analysis of each sentence is performedby a robust important shared structure is, however, the ATNcompiler(syntactic specialist) makinguse "lexicon", which ts a complex mechanism a "Grammaire Fran¢aise de Surface", GSF; entailing that each NLlexical entry contains ¯ syntactic ambiguity Is handled i) by using morpho-syntactic, semantic and pragmatic "heuristics", see [Hobbs90]; il) by interacting information. The lexlcal entries represent, with the user through a friendly interface. In mainly, "rootforms" (Infinitive for the verbs, COBALT, the ATNcompiler has been replaced by etc.) ; each entry is a structured object Including a sort of unification-based "categorial grammar". nine multlvalued slots ("morphology of", The specialist called "separation Into morpho"morphological-features"; "syntactic-category", syntactic contexts" has been Introduced for the "semantic-features",etc.) ; the entire lexicon is purposeof modularity, robustness and simplicity. hierarchy having the object "word" as root. The It makesuse of morpho-syntacticrules whichare three slots "tel-scenario", "ref-template", "reflinked, e.g., with the presenceof relative clauses, concept" maycontain pointers towards another and which It appltes, for each sentence, to the category of conceptual data structures, I.e., the results of the syntactic analysis. For example,tn a "conceptual" dictionaries (which Include mainly NLfragment like: "In order to determine the pragmaticinformation). Incometax payable by companieswhich are under the authority of, or whichexercise a control over, A first conceptual dictionary concerns the companiesdomiciled abroad ...", a segmentation "scenario references" : it contains the "text markis Introduced In correspondenceof the first grammar"rules allowing the quick focusing on a "which", and the fragment Is split into two particular information to be extracted while different morpho-syntactic contexts which are ignoringirrelevant elements,see, e.g., [Jacobs90]. processedseparately. Scenario references have not been implementedin NOMOS.In COBALT,we use a commercial The substitution procedures performed by the product, TCS(Text Categorisation System", noun-phrases specialist constitute one of the CarnegieGroup,Pittsburgh, U.S.A.) to generate fundamentalsteps of the translation process. These first-level broad classification of the texts ; TCS procedures concern the "leaves" (NL terms) employs the standard H,CLASShierarchy :~e syntactic tree which belong to the context (concept hierarchy, definitional component) being considered and which are part of a noun NKRL instead of Its ownset of "concepts". Thea phrase (NP). For each of them, we must examine priori interesting texts are then analysedin depth, the "substitution rules" stored in the using the usual NL/NKRLtechniques, to corresponding entry of the concept references produce a "second level" categorisation (content dictionary (see before) in order to see if these classification) of these texts. The "template leaves (or associations of NLleaves) can references" dictionary contains the "triggering substituted, on the parse tree, with the rules" evokedby the lexlcal entry examined,i.e., corresponding concepts (or individuals) rules allowing the activation of predicative characteristic of the NKRLdefinitional templates of the H_TEMP hierarchy (descriptive (enumerative) component.After this phase, the component). The triggering rules are a sort of~ formulation (in linear form) of the "Sharp production rules. Theleft hand side (antecedent ¯ Corporation" NLfragment given, supra, at the part) is a "syntactic condition", expressed under beginning of Seetton 3.1, becomes"sharp_corp the form of a tree-like structure, whichmust be said it has shlftedproductlon_l of unified with the results of the general parse tree low_value_pc_l from japan_ to (SPECIF 5. The NL/NKRL "translation" system 163 company_l (SPECIF cardinaUty_ several_)) in taiwan and korea_", where "sharp-corp", "production_l’, "company_l"; "cardinality_", etc. are NKRL terms (concepts or individuals). !trigger. "shift w (NL): The triggering, filling and merging procedures (speclallsation procedures), successively carried out by the generationspecialist, represent the core of the "translation engine". Theyare applied in sequenceto the contexts -- already processed by the noun-phrases specialist -- generated by the sentences of the original NLtext. For example,in the last formulation of the "Sharp Corporation" fragment (which has by nowbecomea mixture of NL and NKRLterms), the lexieal entries corresponding to the NL terms "said" and "shifted" are effectively characterised by their association with particular triggering rules stored in the "template references" conceptual dictionary, see before. The candidate triggering rules are then tested. If their syntactic conditions (left-hand side parts or antecedents of the rules) successfully match the results of the general syntactic specialist, the correspondingtemplates (right-hand side parts or consequentsof the rules) can be activated. The values retrieved on the syntactic parse tree by the left-hand variables during the match operations can then be used in order to adapt these templates to the particular needsof the NLtext. As an example,we reproduce in Fig. 6 one of the several triggering rules to whichthe lexical entry "shift" contain a pointer. This rule allows us to instantiate the template MOVE3.21 of Fig. 2 ("movea methodor process") that will give rise, at a later stage, to the occurrence"2" of Fig. 1, see Section 3.1. In this example,the antecedentof the triggering rule effectively unifies the result of the syntactic analysis, thus authorising the instanttation of the template mentioned in the consequent. Moreover, its "left-hand side variables", "xn", can "capture" on the parse tree, during the unification phase, NL or H_CLASSterms which can then be used as "specialisation terms" for the subsequentfilling operations, see [Zarri92c] for moredetails. The generic H_TEMP template of the consequent can then be "specialised" to the specific needs of the NLtext examined. Please note that the actual templateis not stored in the consequent,giventhat the full H_TEMPhierarchy is part of the "commonshared data structures" mentioned before. Onlythe parametersrelating to the specific triggering rule are, therefore, stored in the consequent : in Fig. 6, e.g., the "+" symbol indicates the roles of the original H_TEMP template which become here "mandatory" ; the list "constr" actualises the constraints on the variables. syntactic condition : (s (subj (np (noun/pronoun xl))) (vcl (voice active) (v t = shift)) obj (np (noun x2) (modifiers (pp (prep of l in l - ) (np (noun x3)))))) (place-adv-phrase (pp from) (np (noun x4)))) (co-pp (pp (prep to) (np (noun x5)))/(adv-loc x5))) parameters for the template : (MOVE3.21 (roles (+subj xl +obj (specif x2 x3) : (x4) +dest x5) (constr (x2 (process_) (x3 (goods_) (x4 (location_)))) ~g~e6-Anexamp~ of~iggeringrule. The merge of "semi-identical" templates is the last procedure executed by the "generation" specialist. It is based on a very complex "unification" processes ; see [Zarri92c] for some details. The last specialist of the NL/NKRL translation system(references specialist) deals with the anaphorlc phenomena(e.g., the resolution of "it" in the Sharp Corporation fragment) and the calculation of the "inter-context" logical and semanticlinks. 164 5. Conclusion As already stated, the NOMOS version of NKRL is built on top of CRL,and the COBALT version on top of QSL. This means that the CRLand QSL tools supply all the basle building primitives, independentfrom the domain,to be used in order to support the definitional and descriptive structures of NKRL. Moreprecisely, given that the nucleus of NKRL’s definitional and enumerative components is a quasi-standard frame-like language, see, supra, Section2, the functions neededin order to create, verify and update the data structures proper to these componentshave been directly implemented by makinguse of the CRLand QSLtools. Onthe contrary, the implementation of the equivalent functions proper to the descriptive componenthas required, previously, an accurate definition, in CRL/QSL terms, of the conceptual descriptive structures, mainly under the form of a hierarchy of types. This type hierarchy includes basic types (predicates, roles, arguments,modifiers ...) and constructed types (mainly structured arguments, templates and occurrences), see [Cardelli85]. Type declarations present each newtype under the form of a CRL/QSL"schema" or "object", where the CRL/QSLordinary tools (creation of slots, restrictions concerning the domain, the range, and the eardinallty, demons, metaknowledgeetc.) are used in order to define the characteristic behavlour of the type -- e.g., a demonis used to check that the succession of the AECSoperators (ALTERN etc.) in a "structured argument’, (see, supra, Section 3.2) follows the "priority rule" proper to AECSsub-language. 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