UCL LANGUAGE CENTRE Evening Courses Arabic Level 3+ Prerequisite for entry Successful completion of Arabic syllabus level 3 at UCL Language Centre (or equivalent) Term duration 10 x 2-hour classes. Aims and Objectives The aim of the course is to enable students to communicate in a wide range of daily situations and understand Arabic in many practical issues. Students will be given more sophisticated written texts after their abilities of reading and writing are further developed. Cultural awareness and knowledge of Arabic life style will be further developed during the course. Functions - Describing your relationship with others Describing causes and consequences Extracting information from written or oral resources Reading news articles (more advanced) Expressing opinions regarding people, things, and places Course Content: Main topics/themes to be covered - Social and family life in the Arabic World (more advanced) Describing characters (in culture, arts and politics) Job opportunities Arabic Newspapers (news articles) Linguistic Structures/ Phonetics - Grammar - The superlative The verbal sentence (subject-verb agreement) Negation of the past Verb forms Using dictionary Learning Resources UCL Language Centre Evening Courses 1 Books - Al-Kitaab fi Ta'allum Al-Arabiyyeh. By M. AlBatal and others. Georgetown Univ. Press. 1995. Unit 12-13-14 Bilingual Dictionaries - Hans Wehr Arabic English Dictionary Of Modern Arabic (edited by JM Cowen , Spoken Lang Service 1976. - The Oxford English-Arabic Dictionary of Current Usage. Oxford Univ. Press. 1982 Useful websites: - www.bbc.co.uk/arabic www.aljazeera.net www.laits.utexas.edu/aswaat/ UCL Language Centre Evening Courses أصوات عربية 2