TAF Effect on Liquidity Risk Exposures∗ Stefano Puddu† Andreas Wälchli ‡ First Version: March 2011 This Version: May 2012 Abstract Using a unique dataset, based on micro-banking data, we study banks’ liquidity and liability features depending on whether banks received credit from the Term Auction Facility (TAF) program. Moreover, we assess the impact of the TAF program on banks’ liquidity risk by employing a treatment-effect model with a binary dependent variable. The results suggest that, on average, banks that benefited from the TAF program exhibit ex ante higher levels of liquidity risk proxies and illiquid collateral. These banks drastically reduce their funding liquidity risk positions in the periods following the first time they received the financial support. Finally, TAF banks exhibit larger liquidity exposures reduction. This reduction is bigger, the larger the amount of reserves received. Several robustness checks confirm the main results. Our findings document that the TAF program was effective at the bank level in decreasing funding liquidity risk. Keywords TAF, Liquidity Risk, Financial Crisis JEL Classification G21, G28, G32 ∗ This paper previously circulated under the title “Too TAF towards the risk”. The authors are grateful to Christian Castro, Luca Deidda, Michel Dubois, John V. Duca, Luigi Infante, Rafael Lalive, Antoine Martin, Cyril Monnet, Judit Montoriol-Garriga, Climent Quintana-Domeque, Florian Pelgrin, Antoni Rubı́ Barceló, Klaus Schaeck, Pascal St-Amour and Javier Suarez for their useful comments. † University of Lausanne and Université de Neuchâtel, e-mail: stefano.puddu@unine.ch ‡ University of Lausanne and Study Center Gerzensee, e-mail: andreas.waelchli@szgerzensee.ch 1 1 Introduction The bursting of the housing bubble in 2007 led to the most severe financial crisis since the Great Depression. As banks were forced to write down billions of dollars in bad loans, the interbank market for short-term funding froze, leaving several banks with severe liquidity problems. Although these banks were not able to roll over their short-term debt, they were also reluctant to use the Fed’s traditional channel of the discount window (DW) credit programs. Notably, banks’ aversion was due to the fact that this strategy could have been interpreted by the market as a signal of being in financial trouble, therefore intensifying the pressure on the financial institution. In this context, the Federal Reserve was directly involved in promoting several extraordinary actions, including the creation of a number of new facilities for auctioning short-term credit, with the general aim of supporting the financial sector and ensuring that financial institutions have adequate access to liquidity. One of these programs was the Term Auction Facility (TAF), which operated from December 2007 to April 2010, when the last loans were repaid. According to the Fed’s definition, “[The TAF program] could help ensure that liquidity provisions can be disseminated efficiently even when the unsecured interbank markets are under stress”1 . More explicitly, Taylor (2009) claims, “The main aim of the TAF was to reduce the spreads in the money markets and thereby increase the flow of credit and lower interest rates”. The Fed, through the TAF program, was injecting liquidity into the market, effectively substituting the interbank credit market, and therefore affecting liquidity risk. TAF-like programs are criticized regarding the quality of the banks that benefited from the funds and with respect to their effectiveness in decreasing liquidity risk. Among others, Taylor (2009) claims that “government actions and interventions prolonged and worsened the financial crisis [...] by focusing on liquidity rather than risk [...] and by providing support for certain financial institutions but not others.”. 1 http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/files/TAFfaqs.pdf. 2 Our paper aims to assess which type of banks benefited from the program and quantitatively answer the question of whether the TAF program was successful in helping banks reduce their liquidity risk positions by compensating for the temporary collapse of the interbank credit market. More precisely, by using a unique dataset, which we constructed by merging TAF program information with balance sheet data of the banks, we compare liquidity and liability features of banks that received TAF reserves with those that did not. For banks that received the financial support, we document their funding liquidity risk behaviour before and after the period they received the funds for the first time. Finally, we assess the impact of the TAF program on liquidity risk changes, measured by the difference of the liquidity risk before the beginning and after the end of the TAF program. We adopt a treatment-effect model with a binary endogenous regressor. The answer to these questions can help in clarifying which type of banks benefited from the TAF program and in assessing how the TAF program affected banks’ liquidity risk. We find that banks that benefited from the TAF program exhibit ex ante higher levels of liquidity risk proxies. These measures indicate that banks with a more severe maturity mismatch are most exposed to the freezing of the interbank market and are unable to roll over their short-term liabilities during the crisis, so they are more likely to participate to the TAF program. Furthermore, we find that the banks benefiting from the reserves reduce their funding liquidity risk positions in the quarters after receiving the financial support for the first time. Moreover, the results highlight that ex ante levels of liquidity risk and illiquid collateral positively affect the probability of receiving funds and that TAF program participation implies a larger contraction of funding liquidity risk. The bigger the reduction in liquidity risk, the larger the amount of reserves received. These findings are robust to the specification of the model, the alternative measures employed to proxy liquidity risk, the sample period considered, the econometric approach employed, the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and the uneven composition of the sample due to the relatively small number of 3 banks that obtained the reserves. Importantly, our findings challenge Taylor’s criticism, by stressing the fact that the TAF program was useful for those banks with important funding liquidity mismatches. The results highlight that the TAF program was effective because it decreased, at the individual bank level, funding liquidity risk, alleviating banks’ short-term financing exposure. The TAF program supported the depository institutions during the time intensive period of restructuring their liability side and helped them in not converting their liquidity issues into solvency problems. In this sense the Fed, through the TAF program, acted as lender of last resort, providing liquidity to banks in liquidity distress, avoiding the worsening of the crisis. In terms of policy implications, our results support the opinion of those that consider the TAF program as a new countercyclical tool to be included among the other instruments, such as the discount window credit programs, employed by the Fed to provide liquidity to depository institutions2 . Our contribution shows several differences with respect to previous studies. This is the first study in this topic based on micro-banking data. This allows us to analyse the effect of the TAF program on liquidity distress from a new perspective. Indeed, we focus on bank funding liquidity instead of market liquidity. Funding liquidity refers to the ability of a bank to raise funds by selling assets to meet financial obligations on short notice. Market liquidity, instead, refers to the ability of a bank to execute transactions in financial markets without affecting significantly the correspondent prices3 . Specifically, we concentrate on the effect of TAF program on bank quantities instead of on liquidity risk spreads. The reason is that prices are also impacted by other factors (e.g., see Michaud and Upper, 2008). During the financial crisis interest rates rose due to increased uncertainty and higher dispersion of 2 The two elements that distinguish the TAF program from the existing credit programs in normal periods are that the information about institutions benefiting from the program is not publicly available, and that the funds are ascribed by using a market mechanism, i.e., an auction system. 3 For further details on funding versus market liquidity, see Brunnermeier and Pedersen (2009), Fontaine and Garcia (2009), and Allen, Babus and Carletti (2010). 4 credit quality. Moreover, as stressed by Drehmann and Nikolaou (2009) “The spread between interest rates in the interbank market and a risk free rate is purely a price measure and it does not reveal anything about market access, which maybe severely impaired during crisis, nor the volume of net-liquidity demand [...]”. Finally, our choice is also motivated by the fact that, as recently documented4 , there is the suspicion that the London Interbank Offered Rate (LIBOR), during the crisis, was misreported by banks such that its informative power was negatively affected. In general, it is important to note that the LIBOR is not a market interest rate, but rather the average of the answers of large banks to the question, “At what rate could you borrow funds, were you to do so by asking for and then accepting interbank offers in a reasonable market size just prior to 11 a.m.?”5 . Moreover, with respect to previous contributions, we are not subject to the critique of Taylor and William (2008) concerning the persistence effect of the TAF program on liquidity risk, that refers to the definition of the variable capturing the TAF effect. In our approach, we distinguish between banks that received at some point the reserves provided by the TAF program and the rest of the banks, and we also take into account the amount of funds received by each bank. Our results, contrary to the findings of previous studies, are robust to the specification, the liquidity measure, the sample period, the sample composition, and the methodologies employed. The literature reports mixed results about the effectiveness of the TAF program on liquidity risk, measured by the spread between the LIBOR and the overnight indexed swap (OIS). Taylor and William (2009) and McAndrews, Sarkar, and Wang (2008) obtain different results by employing the same set of explanatory variables6 , but using, as a dependent variable, the level and the first difference of the liquidity risk measure, respectively. Specifically, the former study finds no impact, while, according to the latter contribution, the TAF program a 4 See for instance, Abrantes-Metz et. al. (2012). http://www.bbalibor.com/bbalibor-explained/the-basics 6 The variables included refer to the asset-backed commercial paper spread, the credit default swaps for major banks, the Tibor-Libor spread, the Libor-Repo spread, and a TAF dummy variable, which is one on each of the TAF bid submission dates and zero elsewhere. 5 5 has negative impact on the liquidity risk spread. Wu (2008) expands the specification employed in previous contributions by adding a new set of explanatory variables and assuming that the TAF program has a permanent effect on LIBOR-OIS spreads. Wu shows that the TAF program decreases liquidity risk spreads; however, these findings are subject to the Taylor and William (2008) criticisms that the TAF program has not a permanent effect on spreads. Cui and Maharaj (2008) distinguish between short-run and long-run TAF effects. They find that the LIBOR-OIS spread decreases when the TAF is announced, but the effect is not maintained over time. Moreover, according to their results, TAF only affects 3-month spreads. Sarkan and Shrader (2010) study the impact of TAF changes on 3-month LIBOR-OIS spread changes by augmenting the specification employed in previous contributions on this topic. Their results show that changes in the TAF issuance volumes have a negative impact on the changes in the LIBOR-OIS spread. Moreover, they find that spread changes depend on the amount of reserves provided. Our findings may differ from those of previous studies for several reasons. First, we adopt a micro-data approach, which allows us to avoid potential aggregation effects that can affect the results. Second, we employ a cross-section dataset instead of using a time-series perspective, and that we focus on quantities instead of prices, as done instead in previous contributions. Finally, our study assesses the impact of the TAF program once it was already over (that is, when all loans were paid back). This is not the case for previous contributions which investigate the short run effects. The rest of the paper is organized as follows: In Section 2 we discuss the TAF program and other similar programs promoted by the Fed during the last financial crisis. The dataset is analysed in Section 3, while the econometric model is described in Section 4. In Sections 5 we discuss the results. Section 6 concludes. 6 2 Fed facilities during the last financial crisis During the last financial crisis the Federal Reserve undertook several extraordinary actions, including the creation of a number of new facilities for auctioning short-term credit, with the general aim of supporting the financial sector and of ensuring adequate access to liquidity by financial institutions. In this section, we discuss in detail the TAF program as well as the other programs launched by the Fed during this period in order to underline their common points and their main differences. 2.1 Term Auction Facility program: how it works According to the Fed’s definition, “The TAF is a credit facility that allows a depository institution to place a bid for an advance from its local Federal Reserve Bank at an interest rate that is determined as the result of an auction”7 . The aim of the TAF was to compensate for the collapse of the short-term funding market by ensuring liquidity provisions when the inter-bank credit market was under stress. All banks eligible for the discount window credit programs at the moment of the auction and during the term of TAF loans were also eligible for the TAF8 . The reserves provided in the TAF program had maturity term of 28 or 84 days, and they had to be fully collateralized. Banks were allowed to have at the same time more than one loan so that facilities with different maturities could overlap. The information about banks bidding and receiving funds was private. Only in December 2010, the Fed was forced to disclose documentation on the financial aids, after Bloomberg filed a federal lawsuit and won. For each auction the Fed fixed the total amount to supply, the maximum amount an individual bank was allowed to obtain, and the minimum bid interest rate (rF ed ). For each auction, eligible banks had the 7 http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/taffaq.htm The definition employed by the Fed refers to “[banks] in sound financial conditions”. However, this definition is opaque in the sense that there are not details about it. The soundness of a particular bank has to be certified by its local Reserve Bank. It refers to bank solvency, liquidity, and profitability. 8 7 possibility to make two rate-amount offers. Specifically, the bid was characterized by the amount asked by the bank and a repayment interest rate. Bids were ordered according to the repayment interest rate bid (rBank i ). The Fed then began to accept the bids starting from those associated with the highest interest rate. It would continue to do so until the offered amount was reached, otherwise all the bids were accepted. In the former case, the interest rate that had to be paid by all successful bidders was determined by the stop-out rate, i.e., by the interest rate of the last accepted bid. If the supply exceeded the demand, the equilibrium interest rate would simply be equal to the minimum bid rate. The equilibrium interest rate r∗ was therefore r∗ = r F ed rbBank i if Supply > Demand (1) if Supply ≤ Demand where rbBanki is the lowest interest rate that was accepted by the Fed. During the last financial crisis the normal instruments, such as the discount window credit programs, employed by the Fed to provide liquidity to depository institutions were less effective because of the “stigma effect”. Depository institutions were concerned about the fact that the market would have interpreted as a bad signal (“stigma”), regarding their financial conditions, the fact of benefiting from the loans provided by the Fed by the normal discount window credit programs9 . In order to avoid or minimize the stigma effect the Fed decided to keep private the information regarding the institutions that benefited from the loans in the framework of the TAF program, and, at the same time, it adopted an auction mechanism to determine which institutions would obtain the reserves and to establish the 9 The “stigma effect” related to the last financial crisis has been discussed and measured by Armantier et. al. (2008) and Armantier et. al. (2011) by using TAF program banks bids. They find that in the third quarter of 2008 banks preferred to pay on average at least 34 basis points more to borrow from the TAF program than from the DW. 8 repayment interest rate. An auction mechanism such as that described above has several important advantages in decreasing the potential stigma effect. First, the interest rate is determined through a market mechanism instead of being imposed by the authorities; second, banks approach the Fed collectively instead of individually. −4.1 −4.4 −4.3 −4.2 St Liabilities / St Assets Billions of $ 500 1000 1500 Figure 1: TAF reserves, market events, policy measures and liquidity risk AIG Facilities extendend TAF Lehman and AIG TAF 84 Lehman −4.5 Bear Stearns 0 TAF 28 No TAF 2006q1 2007q1 2008q1 2009q1 2010q1 2011q1 date TAF supplied TAF loans Notes: The figure shows (left-hand scale) the reserves offered and effectively provided in the context of the TAF program. Moreover, squares (triangles) refer to market (policy) events. Finally, the figure shows (righthand scale) the average level of short-term liabilities over short-term assets, distinguishing by banks group: TAF and NO TAF. Figure 1 shows the reserves supplied by the Fed and those effectively provided to the depository institutions in each quarter under the TAF program (left-hand scale). The graph highlights that before the collapse of Lehman Brothers, the auctions were competitive. This is no more the case for the auctions following Lehman Brothers’ collapse: all depository institutions interested in TAF facilities obtained them, since the Fed doubled the amounts supplied. Moreover, Figure 1 reports several market events (squares) and policy measures related to the TAF program (triangles). The program was announced on December 12, 2007. Specifically, the initial reserves had a maturity of 28 days. The amount provided was increased in the 9 first quarter of 2008, after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac requirements were eased to allow for increases in lending and Bear Stearns received emergency loans from the Fed. Reserves with longer maturities were established in 2008:Q2, after Lehman Brothers reported losses of $2.8b. The amount of reserves provided kept rising after Lehman Brothers’ bankruptcy and the downgrade of AIG debt. The maximum amount was supplied during 2009:Q1, when Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac reckoned a need for $51b to continue operations and AIG announced large losses. From 2009:Q2 on, new facilities decreased and lasted until March 8, 2010, when the last auction took place. The graph also shows (right-hand scale) the average level of short-term liabilities over shortterm assets10 for two group of banks: TAF banks are those that received reserves at least once, while NO TAF banks have not. Before the beginning of the program the two groups of banks report different levels of liquidity risk, although for the two groups of banks the patterns of the series are similar. The differences get smaller after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. This trend characterizes the series after the end of the TAF program as well. These features of the series hold when comparing the quartiles (25th, 50th and 75th) of the series for the two groups of banks, as highlighted by Figure 7.a reported in the Appendix. 2.2 Other facilities Since 2003, depository institutions have had access to primary credit, secondary credit, and seasonal credit, three types of discount window (DW) facilities. As for the TAF program, all regular discount window loans must be fully collateralized with an appropriate haircut applied to the collateral such that the collateral must exceed the value of the loan. Before the crisis the primary credit maturity was overnight. With the strengthening of the crisis the maturity was extended up to 90 days. In February 2010, the maturity was again 10 Short-term liabilities over short-term assets is the main measure of liquidity risk employed in this study. More details are provided in the following sections. 10 reduced to overnight. Those depository institutions that are not eligible for the primary credit can ask for secondary credit DW at the cost of being restricted in the uses of the credit received, a higher haircut to be applied to the value of the collateral, and a closer monitoring activity. Usually, the secondary credit maturity is overnight. Finally, the seasonal credit DW has been conceived for small depository institutions with significant seasonal swings in their loans and deposits. In order to be eligible for this type of DW, depository institutions have to be located in agricultural or tourist areas11 . In March 2008 two additional programs were launched by the Fed. The first one was the Term Securities Lending Facility (TSLF). It was a weekly loan facility, with the aim of promoting the functioning of financial markets, by offering “Treasury general collateral (GC) to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York’s primary dealers in exchange for other programeligible collateral”12 . Its maturity term was 28 days. The main difference between the TSLF and the TAF lies in the fact that the former offered Treasury GC to the New York Fed’s primary dealers in exchange for other program-eligible collateral, while the latter offered term funding to depository institutions. Both programs were based on an auction system. The second program opened in March 2008 was the Primary Dealer Credit Facility (PDCF). As with the previous program its goal was to promote the functioning of financial markets by providing funding to the primary dealer through overnight loan facilities in exchange for any tri-party-eligible collateral. The difference of the PDCF program with respect to the TAF program refers to the institutions that benefited from the program (primary dealers versus depository institutions), the maturity term of the loan (overnight versus 28 or 84 days), and the type of mechanism employed for allocating the credit (exchange versus auction). Two other programs, less related to the TAF program but nevertheless important, were launched by the Fed between October and November 2008. The Commercial Paper Funding 11 12 http://www.federalreserve.gov/monetarypolicy/bst lendingdepository.htm http://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/tslf faq.html 11 Facility (CPFF) had the goal “of enhancing the liquidity of the commercial paper market by increasing the availability of term commercial paper funding to issuers and by providing greater assurance to both issuers and investors that firms will be able to roll over their maturing commercial paper”13 . Finally, the Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility (TALF) has been designed “to increase credit availability and support economic activity by facilitating renewed issuance of consumer and business asset-backed securities at more normal interest rate spreads. Under the TALF, the New York Fed will provide non-recourse funding to any eligible borrower owning eligible collateral”14 . 0 100 Billions of $ 200 300 400 500 Figure 2: Fed lending during the financial crisis 01jul2007 01jul2008 CPFF TALF 01jul2009 Primary Credit TAF 01jul2010 PDCF TSLF Notes: The figure shows weekly outstanding lending by the Fed to financial institutions through the different programs operating during the last financial crisis. Table 11 of the Appendix provides a detailed analysis of the different types of facilities programs operated by the Fed during the last financial crisis. Specifically, reported are the loans maturity, the period when the program was operated, the mechanisms to provide funds, 13 http://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/cpff faq.html. During this period, another program, the Money Market Investor Funding Facility (MMIFF) was created to complete the CPFF program, but the funding available through this program has never been distributed. 14 http://www.newyorkfed.org/markets/talf faq.html 12 the overall amounts provided, and the type of eligible institutions. Moreover, Figure 2 shows the weekly outstanding lending by the Fed to financial institutions through the different programs. The graph highlights the importance of the TAF program in the context of the measures launched by the Fed during the financial crisis both with respect to the amounts employed and the length of the period when the program was operated. 3 Data and descriptive analysis In this section we report a detailed analysis of the dataset employed in this study and we summarize the main results found. 3.1 The dataset We obtained the data employed in this paper by merging information from different sources. The data concerning banks’ balance sheets is a combination from the Report of Condition and Income (generally referred to as Call Report) and the Uniform Bank Performance Report (UBPR). US banks are required to hand in these reports by the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC). The specific reporting requirements depend on the size of the bank and whether it has foreign offices. We accessed the Call Report data through the website of the Federal Reserve of Chicago and the UBPR data through the website of the FFIEC15 . The period taken into account goes from 2001:Q1 to 2010:Q3. The data on the TAF auctions comes from the Federal Reserve Board. The sample covers the period from 2007:Q4 to 2010:Q1. We merged the datasets and transformed it so that we work with a cross-section dataset, with the control variables measured in 2007:Q3. Our final sample includes 8017 banks. Among them, 273 banks obtained TAF program 15 A known issue of the Call Report data we cannot control for, is the so-called “window dressing” effect. Specifically, the day before the report, banks adopt a virtuous behaviour so that their balance sheets look particularly good on the day of the report. 13 reserves at least once. These banks represent approximately 3.4% of the total number of the banks in the sample16 . From the final sample we excluded 67 US branches of foreign bank and agencies of foreign banks that were initially included in the TAF dataset, because we did not have comparable balance sheet data for these banks. Moreover, the sample includes both failed and survived banks, so the results do not suffer from a potential survivorship bias17 . Specifically, between 2007:Q3 and 2010:Q3, 912 banks failed. Among them 28 obtained TAF program reserves. 3.2 Description of the variables Since we are interested in the TAF program’s effect on the change of banking funding liquidity risk, we distinguish between banks that obtained reserves through the TAF program at least once, and those which did not. The dummy variable labelled T AF takes value 1 if a bank received TAF reserves at least once and 0 otherwise. We also focus on funds received by each bank through the TAF program. Specifically, we define T AF AM OU N T 1 as the log of one plus the overall amount of TAF funds received by each bank, and T AF AM OU N T 2 as the log of one plus the ratio of the overall amount of TAF funds received by each bank and the total loans measured in 2007:Q3. Finally, AV G T AF AM OU N T is defined as the ratio between the overall amount of TAF funds received by each bank over the corresponding number of times the bank received TAF reserves18 . In the baseline analysis, we approximate the liquidity risk of funding by the log of the short-term liabilities over short-term assets (ST LIABST ASS). Larger values of this ratio 16 In the robustness checks part, we control for the fact that the dataset is characterized by the uneven distribution of the number of banks in the two groups. 17 The survivor bias could arise if the sample included only survived banks, disregarding those that failed during the period the program was operated by the Fed. If this were the case the results would not take into account the information associated with failed institutions, leading to biased results. 18 The impact of the amounts received on liquidity risk should be studied at the margin; that is, by considering banks’ liquidity needs at the moment of receiving the funds. Unfortunately, the dataset precludes this type of analysis. In the cross-section context, we think that the alternative measures proposed above are the best approximation to capture the effect of TAF amounts on liquidity risk. 14 imply a higher level of funding liquidity risk. This choice is consistent with the definition provided by the Basel Committee of Banking Supervision, which defines liquidity as “the ability to fund increases in assets and meet obligations as they come due”. In the robustness checks we employ different measures of liquidity risk. These include the ratio of short-term liabilities to total liabilities (ST LIAB T LIAB), the short-term net liabilities (ST N ET LIAB), and the ratio of log of short-term liabilities to risk-free assets (ST LIAB/P F RISK 0). These proxies show how important short-term liabilities are with respect to different measures of liquid assets or with respect to the total volume of liabilities. Control variables include bank’s liquidity capacity, portfolio composition, loans structure, loan losses, different type of collateral assets, capital capacity, and profitability. As a proxy for liquidity capacity we employed two alternative measures. LIQU IDIT Y is defined as the sum of total trading assets, total available-for-sale securities, and total held-to-maturity securities over total assets, while CASH is determined by cash and balances due from depository institutions over total assets. We also consider as controls some additional bank features regarding capital capacity and profitability. Specifically, CAP BU F F ER is obtained by taking the difference between the tier 1 capital ratio and the minimum requirement established by the banking authorities19 , the return on assets (ROA) is equal to the ratio of the income before income taxes and extraordinary items and other adjustments over total assets, SIZE is measured by the log of total assets, the ratio of non-performing loans to total loans (N P T L) are defined as loans that are past due at least 30 days or are on non-accrual basis, and provisions for non-performing loans (P ROV ) equal the ratio of loan-loss provisions over total loans. To account for the portfolio composition of bank assets, we calculate the ratio of riskweighted assets to total assets (P F RISK)20 . This measure can be interpreted as a proxy of 19 In the period under analysis the minimum capital requirement was equal to 6%. The weights (0, 20, 50, or 100%) are ascribed according to Basel I accords. On- and off-balance sheet items have been summed when calculating total assets. 20 15 the portfolio risk: the higher this ratio, the higher the fraction of assets that are considered risky by the regulatory authorities. Moreover, another control variable is the fraction of each asset risk category, according to Basel I accords. We include as explanatory variables measures of bank loans. We consider total loans over total assets (T LOAN S), as well as the ratio of different loan types over total loans. Specifically, we focus on commercial and industrial, real estate, individual, and agricultural loans (CI LOAN S, REST LOAN S, IN DIV LOAN S, and AGRI LOAN S, respectively). Finally, we add variables that serve as proxies for the amount of illiquid collateral. They are Mortgage-Backed (pass-through) Securities, other types of Mortgage-Backed securities, and Asset-Backed Securities. They are defined as the ratio between Mortgage-Backed (passthrough) Securities and total assets (M BS P ASS), the ratio of other type of Mortgage over total assets (M BS OT HER), and the ratio of Asset-Backed Securities over total assets (ABS). These measures assume that securities are held to maturity or are available-for-sale at their fair value. A detailed analysis of the sources and definitions of the variables are reported in Table 4 in the Appendix. 3.3 Main facts at a glance Table 1 reports descriptive statistics on the variables employed. We distinguish along two dimensions. On the one hand, columns (5) and (11) refer to the average values of the variables measured in 2007:Q3 (before) and in 2010:Q3 (after) for all the banks in the sample21 . These two periods correspond to the quarter just before the beginning of the program and two quarters after its conclusion, respectively. On the other hand, columns (1), (3), (7), and (9) report the average values of the variables by distinguishing between banks that received TAF program reserves and other banks in each of the two periods. Focusing on liquidity risk measures, the main findings highlight that before the beginning of the program (2007:Q3), 21 For failed banks, the after period has been defined as the last quarter in which the bank was operating. 16 TAF banks report levels of funding liquidity risk higher than those of other banks (column (3) vs. column (1)), and that these differences become smaller once the program is over (column (9) vs. column (7)). Liquidity risk volatility is higher for TAF banks than for the rest of the banks. This is true for the two periods analysed. The other relevant result is that although all banks lowered their funding liquidity exposures, TAF banks did more. CASH is the only measure that does not follow this pattern. Specifically, banks that did not receive reserves under the TAF program increased CASH more than the other banks. A plausible explanation for this result is that NO TAF banks would have employed cash as a substitute for TAF reserves. In order to meet their liquidity needs they would have increased cash, given that they chose not to benefit from alternative financial aid. In Table 2, we test whether on average there exist differences within groups across time and within time across groups. The results confirm previous intuitions: ex ante, TAF banks exhibit higher levels of liquidity risk. Moreover, these differences get smaller after the end of the program. TAF banks are on average bigger than the NO TAF banks, have a lower level of capital buffer, and exhibit a higher level of ROA and larger of provisions for future loan losses. These features do not depend on the period analysed. Interesting, there are not differences in the non-performing loans. This variable shows higher values after the end of the program for all banks with no differences between TAF and NO TAF banks. Total loans as a percentage of total assets and portfolio risk are higher for TAF banks than for the rest of the banks. These patterns hold also after the end of the program even if the differences are smaller. The descriptive analysis highlights that both groups of banks adjust the quantities that refer to liquidity risk. This is true by looking at liabilities and liquidity indicators. Moreover, in the majority of the cases TAF banks change these amounts more than the NO TAF banks. These changes imply as well that the differences between groups are smaller or disappear once the program is over. 17 These patterns are illustrated in Figure 3. On average banks’ liquidity risk levels between the groups are different just before the program began, while these differences were smaller after the program ended. By distinguishing between the quartiles (25th, 50th and 75th), Figure 7 in the Appendix reports the behaviour of the different measures of liquidity risk per group. The graphs confirm previous findings: for each quartile, TAF banks show higher levels of liquidity risk measures before the beginning of the program. These differences are reduced or eventually reverted once the program is over. .003 −4.5 St Liabilities / Total Liabilities .0035 .004 Log(St Liabilities / St Assets) −4.4 −4.3 −4.2 −4.1 .0045 Figure 3: Per-quarter-group banks average liquidity risk measures 2006q1 2007q1 2008q1 TAF 2009q1 2010q1 2011q1 2006q1 2007q1 No TAF 2008q1 TAF 2010q1 2011q1 No TAF (b) ST Liabilities / Total Liabilities 0 −3 St Net Liabilities 5 10 Log(St Liabilities / PF Risk 0\%) −2.5 −2 −1.5 15 −1 (a) ST Liabilities / ST Assets 2009q1 2006q1 2007q1 2008q1 TAF 2009q1 2010q1 2011q1 No TAF 2006q1 2007q1 2008q1 TAF (c) ST Net Liabilities / Total Assets 2009q1 2010q1 2011q1 No TAF (d) ST Liabilities / PF Risk 0% Notes: We document the average behaviour of the following measures of liquidity risk: ST LIAB / ST ASS, ST LIAB / TLIAB, ST NET LIAB, and ST LIAB / PF RISK ZERO, distinguishing by bank group (TAF and NO TAF). In grey the period when the TAF program was operating. 18 .25 −4.5 Log(St Liabilities / St Assets) −4.4 −4.3 −4.2 St Net Liabilities / Total Liabilities .3 .35 .4 −4.1 .45 Figure 4: Per-quarter average banks liquidity risk behaviour −20 −10 0 10 −20 0 10 (b) ST Liabilities / Total Liabilities 0 −3.5 5 St Net Liabilities 10 Log(St Liabilities / 0% Risk Assets) −3 −2.5 −2 −1.5 15 −1 (a) ST Liabilities / ST Assets −10 −20 −10 0 10 −20 (c) ST Net Liabilities / Total Assets −10 0 10 (d) ST Liabilities / PF Risk 0% Notes: For TAF banks only, we document the average behaviour of the following measures of liquidity risk ST LIAB / ST ASS, ST LIAB / TLIAB, ST NET LIAB and ST LIAB / PF RISK ZERO from 20 quarters before to 10 quarters after the the first time the banks obtained the reserves. In grey the period when the TAF program was operated. Figure 4 plots different measures of liquidity risk between 20 quarters before and 10 quarters after the first time banks received the reserves under the TAF program22 . For all measures of liquidity risk, on average, banks decreased their funding liquidity risk positions once they received the reserves. The graphical analysis suggests that the TAF program was effective and useful and that it especially improved the funding liquidity exposures of recipient banks. Table 3 reports the pairwise correlation between the log of short-term liabilities over shortterm assets, the alternative measures of liquidity risk, along with the main controls employed in the econometric analysis of this study, measured in 2007:Q3. The correlations with the 22 The two bounds have been established by considering the length of the program (10 quarters) so that it is possible, also for a bank that received the funds in the last quarter the program was operating (2010:Q1), to show its liquidity exposures for at least 10 quarters before the beginning of the program. 19 alternative measures of liquidity risk are positive and range between .238 (for short-term liabilities over risk-free assets) and .901 (for the short-term net liabilities). Focusing on the additional covariates, we have a negative correlation between the log of short term liabilities over short term assets and CASH (−.187) and BU F F ER (−.362), while the correlation with P F RISK is negative although it is quite small, around −.043. The correlation between net liabilities and the rest of the variables, SIZE (.200), T OT LOAN S (.137), ROA (.061), and N P T L (.0339) are positive even if the correlation coefficients show a lot of variability. 4 Econometric analysis This section describes the econometric model employed to answer the main questions addressed in this study, and discusses the associated econometric issues. 4.1 The econometric model To assess the impact of the TAF program on the change in funding liquidity risk, we employ a treatment-effects model with a binary endogenous regressor. This approach is motivated by the fact that the traditional OLS methods might lead to biased results because the ex ante unobservable features of the TAF banks likely affect their decision to participate to the TAF program, generating a potential bias in the effect of the TAF program on the change in funding liquidity risk23 . 23 Technical analysis of the selection bias issue is provided in Appendix A. 20 More specifically, we are interested in fitting the following treatment-effects model: ∆ LIQ RISKi = T AFi β1 + x0i β2 + ξi T AFi = 1 if T AFi∗ > 0 0 otherwise (2) (3) where T AFi∗ = x0i π1 + zi0 π2 + νi (4) x and z are two vectors of exogenous explanatory variables, and ξi and νi are assumed to have a bivariate normal distribution with covariance matrix 2 σ ρσ ρσ 1 In the outcome equation (2), the change of funding liquidity risk, ∆ LIQ RISK, depends on a set of explanatory variables x and on T AF , a binary endogenous regressor that captures the TAF program’s impact on the dependent variable. Moreover, in equation (4) the latent variable determines the values of the binary variable T AF , according to equation (3). Equations (3) and (4) represent the participation part of the model. The T AF dummy can be interpreted as a participation indicator: it equals one if bank i received at least once the funds, and zero otherwise. The above model is estimated simultaneously using Maximum Likelihood (ML) that pro- 21 vides consistent, efficient, and asymptotically normal estimators, under the assumption that the error terms are bivariate normally distributed. If this is not the case, then consistency is no longer guaranteed. One way to control for this potential issue is to estimate the model using a two-step semi-parametric approach (SML)24 , which guarantees consistent estimates. We adopt the following specification of our model, as described in equations (2), (3), and (4): ∆ ST LIAB /ST ASSi = β0 + β1 T AFi + β2 CASHi + β3 ROAi + β4 CAP BU F F ERi + (5) β5 SIZEi + β6 Risk 0i + β7 Risk 20i + β8 Risk 50i + β9 Risk 100i + ξi T AFi = 1 if T AFi∗ > 0 0 otherwise (6) where the unobserved latent variable follows the specification below: T AFi∗ = π0 + π1 ST LIAB /ST ASSi + π2 CASHi + (7) π3 T LOAN Si + π4 M BSP ASSi + π5 M BSOT HERi + π6 ABSi + νi The econometric model defined by equations (6) and (7) captures the probability of obtaining the reserves. The variables included are measured in 2007:Q3, before the beginning of the program. Specifically, we focus on funding liquidity risk, cash, and illiquid collateral assets such as ABS, MBS, and TLOANS. We expect that banks with higher levels of funding 24 More details about this approach are reported in Appendix C, with robustness results reported and discussed below. 22 liquidity risk were more likely to participate in the program. The same is also true for banks with a high level of illiquid collateral or a high percentage of loans with respect to total assets, reflecting a greater maturity mismatch. These banks were solvent, but temporarily illiquid, because they were unable to increase liquidity by selling some of their assets. Due to a lack of trust in the inter-bank credit market, these banks could not obtain liquidity from other banks, and only the Fed accepted their illiquid collateral assets in exchange of reserves. CASH is expected to negatively affect the probability of receiving funds because banks with a sufficient level of cash were better able to manage liquidity distress. All the variables included in equation (5) are measured in 2007:Q3, prior to the beginning of the program. The dependent variable in equation (5) refers to the change in funding liquidity risk between 2010:Q3 and 2007:Q3. Once controlled for selection bias, the T AF variable is expected to negatively affect the change of the funding liquidity risk. If this is the case, it implies that the TAF program is effective in the sense that it allows banks in funding liquidity distress to adjust and improve their funding liquidity exposures. Several additional controls are added to equation (5). A first set of variables captures liquidity ability, capital cushion, size, and profitability. More precisely, we focus on CASH, the level of CAP BU F F ER, the SIZE of the banks, and the ROA. CASH captures potential liquidity distress associated with banks’ liquidity needs. The higher the level of cash, the smaller the change in funding liquidity risk. The inclusion of CAP BU F F ER is useful for assessing the impact of capital cushions on the level of liquidity risk. More precisely, higher capital buffer implies that banks are prone to adopt more aggressive investment strategies, so we expect that capital buffer positively affects the change of funding liquidity risk. We explicitly take into account the SIZE of the banks, because banks of different sizes have different abilities to manage liquidity risk. In particular, big banks can more easily adjust funding liquidity mismatches, so SIZE is expected to have a negative impact on the change in liquidity risk. Finally, return on assets is a measure of investment returns. Higher ROAs 23 reflect that some banks more efficiently invest and might reduce the funding liquidity exposure. A second set of explanatory variables included in the baseline specification regard the different types of assets25 held by banks. In this way, it is possible to assess the effects of portfolio composition on the change of funding liquidity risk. We do not have an a priori expected sign for the effect of this second set of explanatory variables on the change of funding liquidity risk. The potential effect on liquidity risk of other Federal Reserve programs is not taken into account in the specifications. The reason is that the financial institutions that benefited from the other programs were not depository institutions26 . The only programs directly affecting depository institutions are the primary, secondary, and seasonal credit discount window, but, as previously mentioned, during the crisis these programs were less effective due to the fact that depository institutions were concerned about the stigma effect. Accordingly the TAF program effects captured in our analysis appears unlikely to be driven by other programs not explicitly taken into account in the specifications. This view is also supported by the information highlighted by Figure 2, which plots the weekly outstanding lending by the Fed to financial institutions through the different programs operating during the last financial crisis. The figure shows the relevant role played by the TAF program in terms of the amounts provided as well as the period length when the program was operated by the Fed. As previously mentioned, the Maximum Likelihood approach employed in the baseline model requires the assumption that the error terms as being bivariate normally distributed. Following Lee (1984), Pagan and Vella (1989), and Bera, Jarque, and Lee (1984), we test for joint normality of the error terms27 . As shown by Table 10, in all the cases we cannot reject the null hypothesis of joint normality28 . We can conclude that the estimates computed using 25 The type of the assets refers to their riskiness consistently with Basel I accords. More details are provided in Table 11 of the Appendix. 27 Further details about testing joint normality assumption are provided in Appendix B. 28 The results refer to the baseline specification. Results referring to the other specifications are available by request. 26 24 Maximum Likelihood are consistent. 5 Results This section presents the results of the effect of participating in the TAF program as well as the effect of the amount received on the liquidity exposures of the banks. Moreover, we also check the robustness of our results in a specific subsection. Finally, we discuss the main implications of our findings from a policy point of view. 5.1 Participation effect on liquidity risk Table 5, column (1), reports the results of the baseline model. In columns (2) and (3), we replace the different type of assets by a P F RISK that represents an overall measure of portfolio risk and by the different types of loans held by the banks, respectively. In column (4) we estimate a reduced form of the baseline specification by dropping the different types of assets, while in column (5) we augment the previous specification by adding P ROV and N P T L in order to capture the impact on the change of funding liquidity risk of expected future and current distress due to bad loans on liquidity risk. On the one hand, a higher level of P ROV can induce banks to employ more prudent investment strategies in the future. Therefore, provisions for future non-performing losses are expected to decrease funding liquidity risk. On the other hand, if banks already have a high level of losses, they may be forced to take riskier strategies (gambling for resurrection strategy, as pointed out by Kane (1989)) in the future, so we expect that N P T L affects positively the level of the funding liquidity risk. Finally, in column (6) we replace the CASH of column (1) with LIQU IDIT Y . The participation part of the model is the same for the different specifications, and it includes the level of short-term liabilities over short-term assets, cash, or liquidity, depending on the case, the total loans over total assets, and finally different measures of illiquid collaterals 25 approximated by MBS and ABS. In the outcome equation several regularities arise. First, regardless of the specification, the coefficient of the T AF dummy is always negative and statistically significant. This means that banks that received TAF reserves decrease funding liquidity exposures more than those that did not. This effect is not only statistically significant, but it is also economically substantial. The fact of receiving TAF loans has an average extra effect on the quarterly growth rate of the funding liquidity exposures of about 6.3 percentage points29 . These results support the intuition that TAF reserves were crucial for decreasing exposures, and to control for the funding liquidity risk of those banks with a more severe maturity mismatch, which were most exposed to the freezing of the interbank market and unable to roll over their short-term liabilities during the crisis. Two additional results refer to the positive impact of capital buffer on the change in liquidity risk and the negative relationship between the SIZE of the bank and the dependent variable. These findings confirm our intuition about the impact of CAP BU F F ER and SIZE on the dependent variable. ROA is never statistically significant, while CASH shows the expected positive sign only in one case, column (3). All asset types except P F Risk 50, column (1), positively affect the change in liquidity risk, suggesting a U-shaped relationship between the risk asset types and the dependent variable. However, aggregating the information and computing the ratio of risk-weighted assets to total assets, P F RISK, does not affect the change in liquidity risk (see column (2)). Column (5) confirms our intuition about the impact of N P T L on the change in funding liquidity risk, while the P ROV coefficient is not different from zero, though it reports the expected negative sign. Finally, in column (3), commercial and industrial loans as well as real estate loans positively affect the change in liquidity risk, while neither individual loans nor agricultural loans has an impact on the dependent variable. Focusing on the participation part of the model, funding liquidity risk 29 In order to interpret the dependent variable as a quarterly growth rate we have to divide the estimated coefficient of the dummy variable TAF by 13, the number of quarters between 2010:Q3 and 2007:Q3. 26 positively affects the probability of receiving TAF reserves. The same is true for illiquid collateral and total loans. CASH is never significant from zero, while this is not the case for liquidity, column (6), which shows a negative impact on the probability of receiving TAF reserves. According to the specification of the model we are able to test whether we are facing a selection bias, implying that, if not controlled, the T AF dummy would capture spurious effects. Formally, this information is provided by the estimated coefficient on lambda (that is defined in the following way: λ ≡ ρσ )30 . In all the cases, we can reject the null hypothesis that the estimated coefficient is zero (see the corresponding χ2 statistic). Therefore, it follows that there exists a selection bias that we have to control for. 5.2 Amount effect on liquidity risk In the previous section we discussed the effect of the binary participation in the program on the liquidity risk behaviours of the banks. Another element that can affect the dependent variable is the amount of reserves that banks received in the framework of the TAF program. In order to assess the amount impact on the change in liquidity risk we employ three different measures referring to the total amount of reserves received by each bank. Specifically, we focus on the amount received, the amount received weighted by the level of total loans measured in 2007:Q3, and the average amounts received by each bank. Due to the nature of these alternative measures, specifically that they are continuous and left-censored to zero, we modified the econometric model described in Section 4.1 that refers to the binary participation in the program. More precisely, equations (3) and (4) are estimated using a Tobit model instead of a Probit model. The explanatory variables used do not change with respect to the baseline model. The results are reported in Table 6. More precisely, in columns (1), (3), (4), and (5) 30 Further information is provided in Appendix A. 27 T AF AM OU N T 1 has been employed to measure the TAF program’s impact on the liquidity risk behaviour, approximated by the different measures employed in this paper, while in columns (2) and (6) T AF AM OU N T 2 and AV G T AF AM OU N T , respectively, have been used to assess the effect of the TAF program on liquidity risk, measured by ST LIAB /ST ASS. The findings highlight a negative relationship between the amount of reserves received and the adjustment of the funding liquidity risk. According to the results of column (1) a 1% increase in the reserves received leads to a drop in the quarterly liquidity risk growth rate of .115%. A similar drop in the quarterly liquidity risk growth rate follows to an increase by 1% in the fraction of amounts received with respect to the total loans the bank holds, as reported in column (2). Finally, as highlighted in column (6), an increase of 1% of the average amount of the reserves received decreases by 1% the quarterly growth rate of the liquidity risk measure. These findings suggest that participation as well as the amount received play an important role in decreasing funding liquidity exposures. 5.3 Robustness We perform several robustness checks by using as a baseline the specification employed in column (1) of Table 5, which has been also reported for comparative reasons in column (1) of Table 7. Our result could suffer from omitted variable bias due to the fact that other events occurred contemporaneously to the TAF program and they have not been explicitly taken into account31 . One relevant episode was the failure of Lehman Brothers in 2008:Q3. We have already eliminated one potential consequence of the “Lehman event” by dropping all banks that had a large fraction of their credit lines co-syndicated with Lehman Brothers, as reported by Ivashina and Scharfstein (2010). Moreover, in column (2) we verify the baseline 31 As previously discussed, we do not control for the effect of the other extraordinary programs promoted by the Fed because their “target institutions” were not depository institutions. 28 results also by limiting our sample to the pre-September 2008 TAF auctions. The results document that the TAF coefficient is statistically different from zero and it has the expected negative sign. In the competitive auctions, however, the impact on the quarterly growth rate of the dependent variables is larger (more than double) than when the entire sample is taken into account (15 percentage points versus 6.5 percentage points). Therefore, we can conclude that the direction of the impact is not driven by the collapse of Lehman Brothers, while after this event the impact of the program on the quarterly growth rate of the dependent variable decreases. This finding can be justified by the fact that depository institutions in need of liquidity participated in the program before the collapse of Lehman Brothers and that the additional banks that obtained the facilities after the Lehman Brothers collapse were in a better situation from a liquidity risk perspective32 . To support this intuition, in Figure 5 we report the average amounts of reserves received by all the banks since the first time, by banks that received for the first time the reserves before the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and by banks that received the reserves for the first time after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. The figure shows important differences. First, the majority of the funds have been ascribed to depository institutions that received the facilities for the first time before the collapse of Lehman Brothers. Second, for these banks, the maximum average amount received is attained after three periods, and they benefited from the program for a longer period than the depository institutions that obtained the reserves for the first time after the collapse of the Lehman Brothers. Another event that could affect our results is the Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP)33 32 Two events could have motivated some banks to participate in the auctions only after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. First, they potentially experienced an increase in the marginal benefit, related to the collapse of Lehman Brothers, in participating in the auctions. Second, they got a substantial reduction in the marginal cost, represented by the repayment interest rate of the auctions. As shown in Figure 2 the interest rate fell due to the fact that the Fed doubled the amounts supplied. 33 In October 2008, the US Treasury launched the Troubled Asset Relief Program. One part of the TARP program was the Capital Purchase Program (CPP), an equity infusion program made by the US Treasury in favour to credit institutes. Specifically, the US Treasury bought preferred non-voting stocks of U.S. financial institutions for a total value of $250 billion. 29 0 Millions of $ 100000 200000 300000 Figure 5: Average TAF amount since the first time 0 2 4 6 8 Periods after first taken TAF Before Lehman After Lehman All Notes: The figure shows the average amounts of reserves received since the first time by all the banks, by banks that received for the first time the reserves before the collapse of Lehman Brothers, and by banks that received the reserves for the first time after the collapse of Lehman Brothers. promoted by the US Treasury in October 2008. Among the banks in our sample, only one received both TAF funds and benefited from the TARP program. However, we found that 88 bank holding companies of TAF banks participated to the TARP program. In order to control for the TARP effect on liquidity risk, we exclude from the sample the 88 banks whose holding companies participated to the TARP program. The results, reported in column (7) of Table 7, are unchanged. Therefore, we can conclude that our findings are not driven by the TARP program. The consistency of the results based on the Maximum likelihood relies on the joint normality assumption of the error terms. The tests reported in Table 10 indicates that the assumption holds. However, for comparison purposes in columns (3), we relax the joint normal distribution assumption about the error terms, and report the semi-non-parametric two-step estimation results by adapting the approach followed by Martins (2001) to our spe- 30 cific case34 . The results about the direction of the TAF program’s effect on the change of the liquidity risk are consistent with the baseline findings, even if they differ in terms of the size of the impact. These differences may be due to two reasons. On the one hand, in the two-step estimation approach the model is not estimated simultaneously; on the other hand, the approximation of the term capturing the unobservable features of the banks in the two cases is not the same: the inverse Mills ratio is employed in the ML approach, while a higher order series, based on the predicted values of the participation part of the model, has been used in the semi-non-parametric approach. Since our sample includes all commercial banks that handed in Call reports, and only a small fraction of those banks received TAF funding, we face a potential problem from the uneven distribution of the number of banks in the two groups that could drive the main results. More precisely, only 273 out of around 8000 banks (3.4%) received the TAF reserves. In order to alleviate this potential problem we run a bootstrapping exercise, repeated 1000 times, consisting of generating subsamples of banks. The subsamples include all banks that participated to the program and a randomly chosen subset of banks that did not receive TAF funding. Each estimation is based on approximately 1000 observations. In this way, it is possible to construct for each estimate a distribution based on the 1000 estimations35 . As column (5) of Table 7 shows, the results are largely unchanged compared to our benchmark case, even if the TAF effect is now larger than in the results of the baseline model. In Figure 6, the distribution of the estimate of the TAF variable obtained from the bootstrapping exercise is provided, as well as the bounds of the 95% confidence interval. Alternatively, we balance the sample by employing a matching exercise. We use propensity score matching with 3 neighbours and match TAF and NO TAF banks with respect to LIQ. RISK, CAPBUFFER, PF RISK, ROA, SIZE, CASH and LIQUIDITY. We estimate the 34 More details about testing joint normality assumption and semi-parametric estimation are provided in Appendices B and C. 35 More details about the bootstrapping exercise are provided in Appendix D. 31 model by including all the TAF banks, and the correspondent 604 matched NO TAF banks (we use matching with replacement). As shown in column (6) Table 7, the results do not change. In order to check whether the results are robust to the variable measurement period chosen before the beginning of the program, in column (4) we measure the variables in 2005:Q3, instead of in 2007:Q3; that is, two years before the beginning of the program. The results do not differ with respect to those of the baseline model: the larger value of the estimate is compensated for the larger period taken into account. Rescaling the estimate appropriately and dividing it by 21 periods we obtain a value of 5 percentage points, in line with the baseline results. Throughout our paper we have used short-term liabilities over short-term assets as the measure for bank liquidity riskiness. The literature suggests various other measures of liquidity risk, which include, among others, the ratio between short-term liabilities over total liabilities, the short-term net liabilities and the short-term liabilities over risk free assets. Table 9 compares the estimation results when different measures of liquidity risk are employed. Column (1) reports the baseline results using the ratio of short-term liabilities over shortterm assets as a proxy for liquidity risk, while columns (2) to (4) report the results referring to the above-mentioned measures of funding liquidity risk. The estimation results for the T AF dummy in the outcome equation are negative and statistically significant, confirming the baseline findings. During the last financial crisis, systemically important commercial banks were not allowed to fail. Being “Too Big To Fail” (TBTF) might lead to a moral hazard problem36 , a potential source of attenuation bias for our finding. In order to assess the TBTF effect on the impact of the TAF program on liquidity risk, we focus on the 75, 90 and 95 size percentiles. As shown in columns (1) to (3) of Table 8, the TAF (NO TAF) banks included in the sample in the 36 If banks know that they are always saved with taxpayer money, they could adopt riskier strategies. 32 three cases are 190 (1928), 145 (769) and 111 (381), respectively. The results are unchanged with respect to the baseline findings. In particular, the TAF effect is larger, the larger the bank size. Finally, throughout the paper we focused on liquidity issues disregarding solvency aspects related to banks participation to the TAF program. In particular, it could be that banks participated to the TAF program because of solvency problems instead of maturity mismatches. We address this issue by adopting the following strategy. First, we calculate the median of the variables CAPBUFFER, PF RISK, CASH, and ST LIAB / RISK FREE assets of those banks that participated to TAF, but that nevertheless failed. Since these banks had access to the liquidity, it is highly likely that these banks failed due to solvency problems. Second, we only consider banks that had “better fundamentals” by considering the before mentioned variables. The new sample includes 51 TAF banks and 3023 NO TAF banks. As reported in column (4) of Table 8, the results are consistent with those of the benchmark. 5.4 Discussion We show that banks in major funding liquidity distress benefited from the reserves auctioned in the context of the TAF program. Moreover, we find that the TAF program has an impact on the reduction of funding liquidity risk. This impact is stronger, the higher the amount of reserves received. The results highlight that, for banks with a more severe maturity mismatch –and therefore most exposed to the freezing of the interbank market and unable to roll over their short-term liabilities during the crisis– the TAF reserves are crucial for decreasing their exposures and to control for their funding liquidity risk. Moreover, our findings confirm the opinion that TAF-like programs are appropriate during situations similar to the last crisis. In particular, our results support the view of those who consider the TAF program as an additional countercyclical monetary policy instrument useful to mitigating banks’ liquidity concerns during economic busts. 33 Our study stresses the importance of banking liability term structure as a source of the banking soundness. In this perspective, our contribution provides empirical justification to those arguments in favour of the introduction of measures for liquidity risk in international financial regulations. In particular, the new measures, implemented in the Basel III accords, such as the liquidity coverage ratio and the net stable funding ratio, go in the right direction of focusing on liquidity management for the proper functioning of the banking sector and financial markets. Finally, our results shed light on the behaviour of a particular group of banks. Specifically, we document that only banks in funding liquidity distress obtained loans through TAF. This has been the case even if TAF loans were provided at favourable conditions (the minimum interest rate proposed by the Fed was the discount window interest rate; the information related to the banks benefiting from the TAF program was private), and despite the fact that after Lehman Brothers’ collapse all bids were accepted. This result raises the question of why the “good” banks decided not to participate in the TAF auctions. One potential explanation is that, even if the information about the participation was, at least theoretically, private, they were still concerned about the “stigma effect”. 6 Conclusion During the last financial crisis the Federal Reserve promoted several extraordinary actions, including the creation of a number of new facilities for auctioning short-term credit, with the general aim of supporting the financial sector and ensuring that financial institutions have adequate access to liquidity. One of these programs was the Term Auction Facility (TAF). The goals of this paper were to assess which type of banks benefited from the program and to quantitatively answer the question of whether the TAF program was successful in helping banks reduce their liquidity risk positions. Acquiring this information was relevant 34 to confirming or challenging important criticisms addressed to the TAF-like programs. In particular, these criticisms referred to the type of banks that benefited from the reserves and the programs’ effectiveness in improving banks’ liquidity positions. By using a unique dataset, which we constructed by merging TAF program information with balance sheet data of the banks, we analysed the characteristics of the banks that received TAF reserves and compared them with those of the other banks. Moreover, we assessed the impact of the TAF program on the change of bank liquidity risk measured before the beginning and after the close of the program. We employed a treatment-effects model with a binary explanatory variable in order to avoid potential selection biases. The probability of obtaining TAF program reserves is expressed as a function of control variables, measured before the beginning of the TAF program. Simultaneously, we measure the impact of TAF reserves on the change of bank liquidity risk. The results suggested that banks that obtained program reserves showed, on average, higher levels of funding liquidity risk indicators prior to the beginning of the program. Moreover, we found that the level of funding liquidity risk, as well as the level of illiquid collateral measured in 2007:Q3, positively affected the probability of receiving program reserves. Finally, our results highlighted the fact that banks that obtained at some point TAF reserves exhibited larger contraction of liquidity risk exposures, and that this effect was larger, the higher the amount of reserves received. Several robustness checks confirmed the main results. Our results accorded with the intuitions that the TAF program was employed by banks with higher levels of funding liquidity risk and that it was effective in the reduction of funding liquidity risk at the bank level. Our findings did not support the criticisms that arose regarding the TAF program’s effectiveness. In this contribution we focused on the effect of the program on the liabilities side of banks’ balance sheets. It could be interesting to assess how banks modified their portfolio risk depending on whether they received the reserves associated with the TAF program. 35 Before the last financial crisis the two concepts of liquidity and solvency were clear, but this was no more the case after 2007. It could be of relevance to analyse these two concepts by assessing the behaviour of the banks that benefited from the TAF program designed to solve liquidity mismatches, and of those that profited of the TARP funds, which were more oriented toward solvency issues. 36 References [1] R. M. Abrantes-Metz, M. Kraten, A. D. Metz, and G. S. Seow, “LIBOR manipulation?,” Journal of Banking and Finance, vol. 36, no. 1, pp. 136 – 150, 2012. [2] F. Allen, A. Babus, and E. Carletti, “Financial connections and systemic risk,” NBER Working Papers 16177, National Bureau of Economic Research, Inc, July 2010. [3] O. Armantier, E. Ghysels, A. Sarkar, and J. Shrader, “Stigma in financial markets: evidence from liquidity auctions and discount window borrowing during the crisis,” FRB of New York Staff Report, no. 483, 2011. [4] O. Armantier, S. Krieger, and J. McAndrews, “The Federal Reserve’s Term Auction Facility,” Current Issues in Economics and Finance, vol. 14, July 2008. [5] A. K. Bera, C. M. 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Therefore, these covariates are capturing “pure” effects that can be ascribed directly to them, but at the same time they capture the effects referring to the residual term. As a consequence we cannot interpret the estimated coefficient of these variables as their effect on the dependent variable.37 In the case analysed in this paper, if banks participate in the TAF program because they have an unobservable higher propensity to risk, then TAF participation effect on risk could be overstated. Assume that we are interested in assessing the impact of the TAF program on the liquidity risk exposure of a group of banks. The econometric specification takes the following form: Yi = β1 Di + Xi0 β + ξi (8) where X is a vector of explanatory variables and D is a dummy variable that takes value 1 if a individual i attends the TAF program and zero otherwise. Moreover, assume as well that the fact of attending the program is driven by a set of an unobservable characteristic, so the regression results could be potentially biased. First, we do not take explicitly into account the bias issue and a linear regression is estimated. The expected values of Y if D = 1 and when D = 0 take the following forms: E(Yi |Di = 1) = β1 + Xi0 β + E(ξ|Di = 1) 37 See also Cameron and Trivedi (2010). 40 (9) and E(Yi |Di = 0) = Xi0 β + E(ξ|Di = 0) (10) respectively. Therefore the effect on the average value of Y is given by E(Yi |Di = 1) − E(Yi |Di = 0) = β1 + E(ξ|Di = 1) − E(ξ|Di = 0) (11) The estimated coefficient is capturing both the “pure” effect βb1 that can be ascribed to the fact of attending the TAF program as well as the effects related to unobservable features E(ξ|Di = 1) − E(ξ|Di = 0). One way to solve for this potential issue is to estimate a treatment-effect model with a binary endogenous regressor. The treatment-effect model is based on a simultaneous estimation of two regressions. On the one hand, a probit model is estimated in order to compute the predicted probability of participating in the program controlling for a set of potential explanatory variables. Di∗ = Zi0 θ + i (12) where Di∗ is a latent variable, Zi is the vector of the observable features affecting the fact of participating, and i is the residual. We assume that the error terms of the probit and the linear model, i and ξi , respectively, are bivariate normally distributed with zero mean and covariance matrix 1 ρσξ ρσξ σξ Finally, Di = 1 if Di∗ > 0 0 if Di∗ ≤ 0 41 It follows that P (Di = 1) = Φ(Zi0 θ) and P (Di = 0) = 1 − Φ(Zi0 θ) and from the joint density of the bivariate normally distributed variables, equations (9) and (10) can be written as E(Yi |Di = 1) = β1 + Xi0 β + ρσξ φ(Zi0 θ) Φ(Zi0 θ) φ(Zi0 θ) E(Yi |Di = 0) = βXi − ρσξ 1 − Φ(Zi0 θ) The average participation effect is therefore the difference, E(Yi |Di = 1) − E(Yi |Di = 0) = β1 + ρσξ φ(Zi0 θ) Φ(Zi0 θ)[1 − Φ(Zi0 θ)] (13) where ρ is the correlation between the two error terms and σξ is the noise term standard error of the linear regression. By using the treatment-effect model with a binary endogenous regressor we are able to capture the effects of unobservable features captured by the participation variable and therefore to exactly measure the “pure” effect of participating in the program. The “cost” of adopting this approach is the strong assumption of the distribution of the error terms. An alternative approach that does not require the previous assumption is to run a two-step estimation, computing robust standard error. B Testing joint normality Assume that we want to estimate the following model: Yi = Di β1 + Xi0 β + ξi 42 (14) Di = 1 if Di∗ > 0 0 otherwise (15) where Di∗ = Zi0 θ + νi (16) the X and Z are two vectors of exogenous explanatory variables, ξi and νi are the error terms in the two equations. Estimating the model, represented by equations (14), (15), and (16), by Maximum Likelihood requires the joint normality assumption of the error terms. Following Lee (1984), Pagan and Vella (1989), and Bera, Jarque, and Lee (1984), we test joint normality in the following way. We rewrite equation (14), including an extra term that in the traditional participation approach represents an estimate of the inverse Mills ratio: Yi = Di β1 + Xi0 β + µ(Zi0 θ) + ξi (17) We compute the participation part of the model, represented by equations (15) and (16), by assuming that the error terms are normally distributed and, alternatively, following a semi-parametric approach based on Gallant and Nychka (1987)38 . The linear prediction of the model (Zi0 θ̂) are computed and then employed to construct an approximation of µ(Zi0 θ). Using a parametric approach the term µ(Zi0 θ̂) is proportional to the inverse Mills’ ratio, P µ(Zi0 θ̂)p = κj=1 (Zi0 θ̂)j M ills, while in the semi-parametric approach it is a function of Zi0 θ̂, P µ(Zi0 θ̂)sp = κj=1 (Zi0 θ̂)j . Equation (17) is estimated considering the two approximations for µ(Zi0 θ). The joint 38 More details are provided in Appendix C. 43 normality is tested by running a F-test on the higher-order terms added to equation (14). If we can reject the null hypothesis, this implies that there is not evidence joint normality. The specific results referring to the model employed in this study are reported in Table 10. C Semi-parametric estimations Estimating the model, represented by equations (14), (15), and (16), when the joint normality assumption of the error terms does not hold leads to inconsistent estimates. One way to solve this potential issue is to adopt a two-steps semi-parametric approach39 . Specifically, assume that 0 P (Di = 1|Zi ) = E[Di |Zi ] = G(Zi θ) (18) where G is an unknown function. Due to the fact that we cannot invoke a distributional assumption regarding the error term of the binary choice model, in the first step we estimate the vector θ by using a semi-parametric estimation. Specifically, we employ two alternative ways to obtain the estimates for θ. On the one hand we adopt the approach proposed by Klein and Spady (1993). The idea behind their approach is to maximize a pseudologlikelihood function in which the unknown probability functions are locally approximated by non-parametric kernel estimators. On the other hand, we employ the approach proposed by Gallant and Nychka (1987), where the unknown densities of the latent regression error is approximated by Hermite polynomial expansions and the approximations are then employed to derive a pseudo-ML estimator for the model parameters40 . In the second step, the vector θ̂ is employed to find an approximation of the single 0 index µ(Zi θ) included in 17 and necessary to adjust for the individual unobservable charac39 40 See for instance Vella (1998) and Martins (2001). For more information about these two approaches see De Luca (2008). 44 teristics that can potentially bias the results. Following Newey (2008), the single index is approximated by 0 µ(Zi θ̂) = κ X 0 ακ (Z θ̂)κ (19) i=1 where κ expands as the sample size increases. The advantage of this approach is that, as √ shown by Newey, the estimates of the first step are n and the second step can be easily computed by OLS. 45 D Bootstrapping approach 0 1 2 Density 3 4 5 Figure 6: TAF estimated coefficient obtained from a bootstrapping approach −1.2 −1.1 −1 −.9 −.8 −.7 TAF In order to alleviate the potential problem of the uneven distribution of TAF and NO TAF banks, we ran a bootstrapping exercise. In each iteration, the sample includes all TAF banks and a randomly chosen subset of NO TAF banks. The graph in Figure 6 shows the distribution of the estimate of TAF reserves as well as the bounds of the corresponding confidence interval at 95% obtained by repeating the estimation 1000 times and by using a sample of around 1000 observation randomly. Before the estimation we check whether the mean of all used variables of the chosen subsample are within a narrow band around the mean of the entire sample (we use 0.2 times the standard deviation as a threshold). 46 E Tables Table 1: Summary statistics No TAF mean sd Liquidity and Liabilities NET LIAB ASS Before TAF mean sd All mean sd No TAF mean sd After TAF mean sd Total mean sd (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) (12) 4.286 18.11 8.326 19.14 4.434 18.17 2.676 15.57 2.793 15.64 2.680 15.57 LIAB PF RISK 0 -1.427 1.277 -1.201 1.613 -1.419 1.291 -2.728 1.368 -3.045 1.428 -2.740 1.372 ST LIAB TLIAB .00404 .00131 .00413 .00142 .00404 .00131 .00338 .00119 .00311 .00127 .00337 .00119 .446 ST LIAB TASS -5.735 .460 -5.760 .481 -5.736 .461 -5.906 .444 -6.037 .498 -5.910 ST LIAB ASS -4.408 .749 -4.252 .849 -4.402 .753 -4.453 .688 -4.442 .800 -4.453 .692 ST LIAB LIQ -3.858 1.111 -3.547 1.279 -3.847 1.119 -3.985 1.173 -3.936 1.165 -3.984 1.172 LIQUIDITY .208 .139 .158 .118 .206 .138 .206 .145 .173 .124 .205 .144 CASH .0377 .0397 .0288 .0355 .0374 .0395 .0841 .0778 .0636 .0619 .0833 .0774 Other banks features CAPBUFFER .0541 .0654 .0476 .0835 .0538 .0662 .0424 .0411 .0371 .0316 .0422 .0408 SIZE 11.90 1.248 14.08 2.136 11.98 1.354 12.05 1.215 14.15 2.086 12.13 1.319 ROA .00840 .0102 .0102 .00976 .00846 .0102 .00407 .0116 .00132 .0162 .00397 .0118 NPTL .0239 .0245 .0173 .0165 .0236 .0243 .0448 .0464 .0560 .0487 .0452 .0466 PROV .00142 .00353 .00197 .00318 .00144 .00351 .00459 .00678 .0101 .0108 .00480 .00705 TLOANS .645 .149 .681 .143 .646 .149 .616 .142 .656 .133 .618 .142 CILOANS .148 .106 .176 .130 .149 .107 .136 .0979 .158 .114 .137 .0986 Loans RTESTLOANS .685 .194 .700 .202 .686 .194 .710 .189 .720 .209 .710 .189 INDIVLOANS .0768 .0902 .0731 .145 .0767 .0928 .0663 .0880 .0753 .178 .0667 .0930 AGRILOANS .0734 .126 .0174 .0543 .0714 .124 .0731 .125 .0183 .0560 .0711 .123 Portfolio Assets PF RISK .691 .125 .758 .115 .694 .126 .656 .116 .703 .108 .658 .116 PF RISK 0 .0260 .0488 .0250 .0615 .0260 .0493 .0759 .0831 .0850 .0878 .0762 .0833 PF RISK 20 .251 .143 .188 .118 .249 .142 .224 .139 .171 .105 .222 .139 PF RISK 50 .162 .120 .133 .0965 .161 .119 .171 .116 .134 .0844 .170 .115 PF RISK 100 .561 .170 .655 .154 .565 .171 .530 .156 .610 .137 .533 .156 Observations 7520 271 7791 6832 252 7084 Notes: We can distinguish along two dimensions. On the one hand, columns (5) and (11) refer to the average values of the variables measured in 2007:Q3 (before), just before the beginning of the program, and in 2010:Q3, two quarters after its conclusion (after). On the other hand, columns (1), (3), (7), and (9) report the variables, average values by distinguishing between banks that received TAF program reserves and the others banks in each of the two periods. 47 Table 2: Average differences tests: Before and After Liabilities and Liquidity Before After No TAF TAF Diff in Diff (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) ∗∗∗ NET LIAB ASS 5.279 ( 1.143) 0.144 ( 0.096) 0.165∗∗∗ ( 0.055) 1.984∗∗∗ ( 0.131) 2.199∗∗∗ ( 0.137) -0.049∗∗∗ ( 0.008) -0.016∗∗∗ ( 0.002) 0.000 ( 0.000) -0.071 ( 0.043) 0.209∗∗ ( 0.082) LIAB PF RISK 0 ST LIAB ASS ST ASS ST LIAB LIQUIDITY CASH ST LIAB TLIAB ST LIAB TASS ST LIAB LIQ ∗ 1.723 ( 1.034) -0.384∗∗∗ ( 0.095) 0.040 ( 0.062) 1.976∗∗∗ ( 0.130) 2.030∗∗∗ ( 0.135) -0.032∗∗∗ ( 0.008) -0.031∗∗∗ ( 0.004) -0.000∗∗ ( 0.000) -0.157∗∗∗ ( 0.048) -0.030 ( 0.081) ∗∗∗ -1.304 ( 0.301) -1.282∗∗∗ ( 0.023) -0.034∗∗ ( 0.015) 0.037 ( 0.024) 0.001 ( 0.025) 0.002 ( 0.003) 0.046∗∗∗ ( 0.001) -0.001∗∗∗ ( 0.000) -0.174∗∗∗ ( 0.014) -0.159∗∗∗ ( 0.023) ∗∗∗ -4.860 ( 1.512) -1.810∗∗∗ ( 0.133) -0.160∗ ( 0.082) 0.029 ( 0.183) -0.168 ( 0.191) 0.019∗ ( 0.011) 0.032∗∗∗ ( 0.004) -0.001∗∗∗ ( 0.000) -0.261∗∗∗ ( 0.063) -0.398∗∗∗ ( 0.113) -3.556∗∗ ( 1.542) -0.528∗∗∗ ( 0.135) -0.125 ( 0.083) -0.008 ( 0.185) -0.169 ( 0.193) 0.017 ( 0.011) -0.015∗∗∗ ( 0.004) -0.000∗∗∗ ( 0.000) -0.086 ( 0.065) -0.239∗∗ ( 0.116) Notes: Columns (1) and (2) test whether on average there exists a difference within groups across time (Before period: 2007:Q3. After period: 2010:Q3). Columns (3) and (4) test whether on average there exists a difference within time across groups (TAF and NO TAF). Finally, column (5) tests whether there are differences in differences. Table 3: Correlation Matrix (1) (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) ST LIAB / ST ASSETS 1 ST LIAB / TOT LIAB .453 ST NET LIAB .901 ST LIAB / PF RISK 0% .238 SIZE .200 CASH -.187 PF RISK -.0430 TOT LOANS .137 CAPBUFFER -.362 ROA .0610 NPTL .0339 (2) (3) 1 .547 1 .460 .228 .00860 .198 -.102 -.208 .185 -.0177 .210 .134 -.0727 -.339 -.0260 .0384 .0751 .0468 (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) (9) (10) (11) 1 .0270 - .157 .380 .333 -.0869 .00107 .0118 1 -.222 .234 .166 -.267 .189 -.0926 1 -.254 -.250 .124 -.0159 .00203 1 .818 -.190 .111 -.0256 1 -.296 .128 .0178 1 -.362 -.0862 1 -.0498 1 Notes: The correlations have been computed measuring the variables in 2007:Q3. 48 −5 .002 .003 st_liab_ass −4.5 −4 st_liab_totliab .004 .005 .006 −3.5 Figure 7: Liquidity risk measures, percentiles 2006q3 2007q3 TAF 25 NO TAF 25 2008q3 2009q3 TAF 50 NO TAF 50 2010q3 2006q3 TAF 75 NO TAF 75 2007q3 TAF 25 NO TAF 25 2009q3 TAF 50 NO TAF 50 2010q3 TAF 75 NO TAF 75 (b) ST Liabilities / Total Liabilities −4 −10 −3 st_liab_riskz −2 st_net_liab_ass 0 10 −1 20 0 (a) ST Liabilities / ST Assets 2008q3 2006q3 2007q3 TAF 25 NO TAF 25 2008q3 TAF 50 NO TAF 50 2009q3 2010q3 2006q3 TAF 75 NO TAF 75 2007q3 TAF 25 NO TAF 25 (c) ST Net Liabilities / Total Assets 2008q3 TAF 50 NO TAF 50 2009q3 2010q3 TAF 75 NO TAF 75 (d) ST Liabilities / PF Risk Zero Notes: For the four measures of liquidity risk employed in this paper (ST LIAB / ST ASS, ST LIAB / TLIAB, ST NET LIAB, and ST LIAB / PF RISK ZERO), Figure 7 documents the by-group behaviour of the 25th, 50th and 75th percentile. In grey is the period when the TAF program was operating. 49 50 Dummy variable. It takes value 1 if a bank received TAF reserves at least once, and 0 otherwise. Overall amount of TAF funds received by each bank. Number of times a bank received TAF funds. log of one plus the overall amount of TAF reserves received log of one plus the ratio of the overall amount of TAF reserves received and the total loans AMOUNT/NUM Short term assets On- and Off-Balance Sheet assets Short term assets over short term liabilities Total liabilities Short term liabilities log of Short term liabilities over short term assets log of Short term liabilities over total liabilities Short term liabilities - Short tern assets over Total assets log of Short term liabilities over Risk Free assets Liquid assets over total assets Cash and balances due from depository institutions over total assets Ratio of the risk-weighted assets to total assets Assets with a risk weight 0% over total assets Assets with a risk weight 20% over total assets Assets with a risk weight 50% over total assets Assets with a risk weight 100% over total assets Total loans and Leases, Gross over total assets Commercial and Industrial Loans over total loans Real Estate Loans over total loans Loans to Individuals over total loans Agricultural Loans over total loans Ratio of Asset-Backed Securities* over Total Assets Ratio of Mortgage* Backed (pass-through) over Total Assets Ratio of other type of Mortgage* over Total assets Tier 1 capital ratio minus 6%** Ratio of the income before income taxes and extraordinary items and other adjustments over total assets Log of banks total asset Loans that are past due at least 30 days or are on non-accrual basis over total loans Ratio of loan loss provision over total loans TAF AMOUNT NUM TAF AMOUNT 1 TAF AMOUNT 2 AVG TAF AMOUNT ST ASS TOTAL ASSETS ST ASS / ST LIAB TLIAB ST LIAB ST LIAB / ST ASS ST LIAB / TLIAB ST NET LIAB ST LIAB / PF RISK 0 LIQUIDITY CASH PF RISK PF RISK 0 PF RISK 20 PF RISK 50 PF RISK 100 TLOANS CI LOANS REST LOANS INDIV LOANS AGRI LOANS ABS MBS MBS OTHER CAPBUFFER ROA SIZE NPTL PROV U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. RCFD8274-.06 RIAD4301/TOTAL ASSETS log(TOTAL ASSETS) (RCFD1403 + RCFD1406 + RCFD1407)/RCFD1400 RIAD4230/RCFD1400 U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. U.S. Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Board Board Board Board Board Board Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reports Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Reserve Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Call Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Federal Source RCFD1400/TOTAL ASSETS U.S. RCFD1600/RCFD1400 U.S. RCFD1410/RCFD1400 U.S. RCFD1975/RCFD1400 U.S. RCFD1590/RCFD1400 U.S. (RCONC988+RCON027)/TOTAL ASSETS U.S. (RCON1699+RCON1702+RCON1705+RCON1707+RCON1710+RCON1713)/TOTAL ASSETS U.S. (RCON1734+RCON1736)/TOTAL ASSETS U.S. (RCFD3545 + RCFD1773 + RCFD1754) /TOTAL ASSETS RCFD0010/TOTAL ASSETS RCFDA223/ TOTAL ASSETS RCFDB696 / TOTAL ASSETS RCFDB697 / TOTAL ASSETS RCFDB698 / TOTAL ASSETS RCFDB699 / TOTAL ASSETS UBPRE583 RCFDB696 + RCFDB697 + RCFDB698 + RCFDB699 UBPR598 RCFD2950 UBPRE583/UBPR898 log(1/UBPR598) log(ST LIAB/RCFD2950) UBPRE599 log(ST LIAB /PF RISK 0) log(1+AMOUNT) log[1+(AMOUNT/TLOANS)] Chicago Fed Label Notes: *Securities held to maturity or available-for-sale at their fair value. **The minimum requirement established by the banking authorities. Variable definition Variable Label Table 4: Sources and definition of the variable Table 5: Baseline model (1) (2) (3) -.315 (.438) 2.466*** (.255) -.021 (.017) -.038*** (.007) -.820*** (.09) .663** (.305) .464*** (.109) -.075 (.114) .388*** (.102) -.165 (.443) 2.614*** (.254) -.021 (.017) -.037*** (.007) -.860*** (.086) .446* (.254) 2.759*** (.258) .009 (.023) -.044*** (.009) -.810*** (.089) Outcome equation Dependent variable: CASH CAPBUFFER ROA SIZE TAF PF Risk 0 PF Risk 20 PF Risk 50 PF Risk 100 (4) (5) (6) .421 (.258) 2.740*** (.27) -.003 (.024) -.032*** (.007) -.843*** (.088) 2.612*** (.251) -.021 (.017) -.037*** (.007) -.825*** (.087) ∆ ST LIAB ASS PF RISK -.189 (.436) 2.607*** (.254) -.021 (.017) -.036*** (.007) -.860*** (.086) .041 (.082) CILOANS 1.036*** (.33) .808*** (.301) .399 (.377) .515 (.331) RESTLOANS INDIVLOANS AGRILOANS PROV -.001 (.036) .689** (.319) NPTL LIQUIDITY Constant -.282*** (.069) .370*** (.082) .290*** (.11) -.431 (.355) .313*** (.096) .196** (.086) .379*** (.07) -1.891 (1.505) 1.194*** (.277) .109 (.645) 1.891*** (.542) 19.135*** (4.434) .416*** (.07) -1.611 (1.457) 1.310*** (.28) -.03 (.649) 1.804*** (.554) 19.114*** (4.439) .398*** (.069) -1.136 (1.487) 1.293*** (.254) -.02 (.622) 1.830*** (.528) 19.276*** (4.44) .418*** (.07) -1.625 (1.456) 1.288*** (.283) -.028 (.649) 1.805*** (.554) 19.096*** (4.433) .426*** (.072) -1.296 (1.458) 1.151*** (.254) -.214 (.643) 1.658*** (.547) 19.361*** (4.58) Constant -.903** (.407) -.808** (.406) -.897** (.379) -.785* (.407) -.663* (.401) -.001 (.369) 1.209* (.720) 3.034*** (.658) 18.768*** (3.991) -2.608*** (.498) .623 (.466) Obs. ρ λ 7662 .524 .329 (.0391) 52.97 7662 .558 .353 (.0373) 63.42 7643 .54 .331 (.0387) 52.85 7662 .558 .353 (.0373) 63.38 7643 .554 .343 (.0385) 56.04 7662 .536 .338 (.0372) 61.02 Participation equation ST LIAB ASS CASH TLOANS MBS PASS MBS OTHER ABS LIQUIDITY χ2 .467*** (.066) Notes: Joint estimation of Treatment-effects model with binary dependent variable T AF , using Maximum Likelihood. Robust s.e. in parentheses. *** = p < .01, ** = p < .05, * = p < .1. 51 Table 6: Different measures for capturing the TAF program effect Outcome equation Dependent variable: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB TLIAB ∆ NET LIAB ∆ ST LIAB PF RISK 0 ∆ ST LIAB ASS -.272 (.167) 2.464*** (.093) -.022*** (.005) -.034*** (.006) .638*** (.163) .424*** (.079) -.155* (.086) .336*** (.077) -.098*** (.009) .362** (.176) 2.615*** (.095) -.008 (.006) -.027*** (.006) .244 (.163) .353*** (.078) -.273*** (.085) .209*** (.076) .068** (.029) .090*** (.016) .001 (.001) -.006*** (.001) .078*** (.029) .040*** (.014) -.035** (.015) .006 (.013) -.015*** (.002) -17.804*** (2.995) 31.956*** (1.839) -.178*** (.034) -.887*** (.146) 3.811 (3.628) 13.676*** (1.915) -4.848** (2.129) 11.556*** (1.875) -3.050*** (.206) .262 (.398) .222 (.226) .057*** (.015) -.193*** (.013) 9.429*** (.364) 1.349*** (.179) 1.586*** (.196) .320* (.175) -.033 (.032) -.266 (.167) 2.468*** (.093) -.022*** (.005) -.032*** (.006) .616*** (.163) .401*** (.079) -.175** (.087) .314*** (.077) CASH CAPBUFFER ROA SIZE PF Risk 0 PF Risk 20 PF Risk 50 PF Risk 100 TAF AMOUNT 1 TAF AMOUNT 2 -.093*** (.008) AVG TAF AMOUNT -.138*** (.012) Participation equation ST LIAB ASS CASH TLOANS MBS PASS MBS OTHER ABS Constant Obs. 4.131*** (.548) -26.269** (13.355) 15.111*** (3.286) 4.417 (7.027) 28.076*** (7.267) 250.592*** (39.222) -15.805*** (3.789) 4.488*** (.597) -23.978* (14.383) 15.018*** (3.532) 3.479 (7.555) 29.350*** (7.817) 270.368*** (42.192) -15.993*** (4.116) 2.788*** (.550) -29.267** (13.952) 14.489*** (3.447) 8.421 (7.121) 27.137*** (7.623) 208.108*** (40.796) -22.069*** (4.102) 4.734*** (.519) -29.215** (11.894) 11.949*** (3.032) 8.515 (6.474) 23.421*** (6.888) 220.066*** (36.846) -10.335*** (3.515) 1.260** (.508) -29.064** (14.337) 16.154*** (3.528) 11.707 (7.344) 34.683*** (7.573) 220.742*** (42.306) -30.538*** (4.127) 3.062*** (.396) -19.142** (9.742) 11.072*** (2.398) 3.123 (5.127) 20.415*** (5.303) 183.661*** (28.551) -11.365*** (2.75) 7662 7642 7662 7790 7662 7662 Notes: Joint estimation of Treatment-effects model with left-censored dependent variable (T AF AM OU N T 1, T AF AM OU N T 2, and AV G T AF AM OU N T ) using Maximum Likelihood. Robust s.e. in parentheses. *** = p < .01, ** = p < .05, * = p < .1. T AF AM OU N T 1 is the log of one plus the overall amount of TAF reserves received; T AF AM OU N T 2 is the log of one plus the ratio of the overall amount of TAF reserves received and total loans; AV G T AF AM OU N T is the ratio of overall amount of TAF funds received by each bank over number of times a bank received TAF funds. 52 Table 7: Methodologies and subsamples MLE (1) Lehman (2) SNP Two-Step (3) Outcome equation Dependent variable: CASH CAPBUFFER ROA SIZE PF Risk 0 PF Risk 20 PF Risk 50 PF Risk 100 TAF Early (4) Bootstrap Matching W/out TARP (5) (6) (7) ∆ ST LIAB ASS -.315 (.438) 2.466*** (.255) -.021 (.017) -.038*** (.007) .663** (.305) .464*** (.109) -.075 (.114) .388*** (.102) -.820*** (.090) -.355 (.442) 2.492*** (.257) -.020 (.016) -.040*** (.008) .664** (.305) .491*** (.112) -.128 (.117) .396*** (.105) -.636*** (.122) -2.963*** (.892) 2.465*** (.259) -.012 .017) -.029*** (.007) .625** (.318) .436*** (.102) .091 (.128) .588*** (.113) -.098** (.049) .264 (.35) 2.077*** (.34) -.021*** (.009) -.0124 (.008) .027 (.276) .0124 (.123) .056 (.013) .247** (.115) -1.118*** (.083) -.013 (.824) 1.802** (.764) -.044 (.050) -.034** (.017) .891 (.557) .43 (.2669) .554* (.303) .612*** (.232) -1.035*** (.138) 3.937*** (1.212) 1.638** (.654) -.044 (.052) -.043** (.017) .457 (.530) .469 (.336) .406 (.320) .681*** (.241) -1.101*** (.116) -.255 (.438) 2.468*** (.255) -.022 (.017) -.038*** (.008) .667** (.313) .467*** (.112) -.103 (.118) .385*** (.106) -.801*** (.117) .379*** .271*** (.070) (.073) -1.891 -7.901* (1.505) (4.218) 1.194*** .274 (.277) (.418) .109 -1.425 (.645) (.982 1.891*** 1.891*** (.542) (.595) 10.97*** 18.456*** (4.434) (4.416) -.903** -1.146** (.407) (.481) .018 (.025) -7.806*** (1.18) 1.11*** (.156) 1.11*** (.31) 1.82*** (.52) 29.88*** (5.99) -2.32 (fixed) .458*** (.054) -3.187** (1.389) 1.158*** (.264) .138 (.563) 1.89*** (.5205) 16.112*** (4.035) -.4323 (.358) .559*** (.097) -1.335 (1.713) 1.182*** (.378) -.384 (.801) 1.484*** (1.101) 40.28*** (13.206) 1.101* (.583) .424*** (.089) 2.141 (1.638) -.156 (.360) -.768 (.824) 1.083 (.989) 14.042** (6.493) 1.383*** (.511) .357*** (.083) -.310 (1.238) 1.082*** (.311) .122 (.744) 1.827*** (.596) 17.780*** (4.438) -1.144** (.467) 7662 7932 ≈ 1000 873 7576 .594 .707 (.182) 93.95 .784 .616 (.086) 6.354 .786 .674 (.0705) 92.61 .458 .286 (.0434) 34.80 Participation equation ST LIAB / ASS CASH TLOANS MBS PASS MBS OTHER ABS Constant Obs. ρ λ χ2 2 Radj 7662 7457 .524 .329 (.0391) 82.81 .359 .218 (.0410) 16.61 0.1624 Notes: Column (1), (2), (4)-(7): Joint estimation of Treatment-effects model with binary dependent variable T AF , using Maximum Likelihood. Column (3): Semi-Non-Parametric two-step estimation. Robust s.e. in parentheses. *** = p < .01, ** = p < .05, * = p < .1. Column (1) repeats the results of the baseline model using MLE. Columns (2) and (5)-(7) use different subsamples: Lehman excludes TAF auctions after the collapse of Lehman Brothers; column (5) reports the result of the bootstrap exercise; in column (6) TAF banks are matched with NO TAF banks; column (7) excludes banks whose bank holding companies participated to TARP. Finally, in column (4) the variables before the beginning of the program are measured in 2005:Q3. 53 Table 8: Too-big-to-fail and solvency Full (1) 75% perc. 90% perc. (2) (3) Outcome equation Dependent variable: CASH CAPBUFFER ROA PF Risk 0 PF Risk 20 PF Risk 50 PF Risk 100 TAF 95% perc. (4) Solvent (5) ∆ ST LIAB ASS -.145 (.432) 2.592*** (.251) -.024 (.017) .157 (.277) .041 (.069) -.521*** (.065) -.084** (.033) -.907*** (.087) -.998 (2.039) 2.477** (1.142) -.047 (.038) -.371 (.337) -.247 (.163) -.474*** (.146) .092 (.087) -1.040*** (.087) 2.942** (1.208) 3.387*** (1.211) -.091 (.097) -.454 (.349) -.450* (.235) -.292 (.247) .072 (.148) -1.156*** (.154) 2.185 (1.751) 3.589*** (.904) .089 (.078) -.249 (.394) -.227 (.382) -.024 (.361) -.270 (.172) -1.231*** (.135) .092 (.377) 2.991*** (.438) -.032 (.025) .091 (.295) .334** (.159) -.430*** (.161) .243 (.152) -.656*** (.211) -.026** (.011) .389*** (.070) -1.915 (1.521) 1.182*** (.278) .131 (.641) 2.000*** (.543) 19.586*** (4.539) -.850** (.410) .441*** (.090) -3.761 (2.929) .070 (.327) -1.822** (.774) -.776 (.698) 16.408*** (5.109) .756* (.454) .440*** (.105) 1.047 (2.263) -.068 (.369) -2.301** (.984) -.268 (.857) 17.407*** (5.635) 1.086* (.560) .387*** (.107) .787 (2.850) -.382 (.524) -2.706** (1.053) -.460 (1.083) 22.615*** (7.220) 1.393** (.709) .271* (.157) .238 (1.304) .712 (.554) -.486 (1.143) 2.356** (1.132) 20.060*** (6.013) -1.389* (.832) 7662 1928 769 381 3074 .532 .335 (.0388) 55.14 271 .680 .469 (.0481) 61.89 190 .711 .560 (.0853) 45.05 145 .801 .699 (.0841) 54.91 111 .428 .248 (.0875) 6.518 51 SIZE Participation equation ST LIAB ASS CASH TLOANS MBS PASS MBS OTHER ABS Constant Obs. ρ λ χ2 No. of TAF banks Notes: Joint estimation of Treatment-effects model with binary dependent variable T AF , using Maximum Likelihood. Robust s.e. in parentheses. *** = p < .01, ** = p < .05, * = p < .1. Column (1) repeats the results of the baseline model using MLE, excluding SIZE. Columns (2)-(4) only consider banks that are larger (in terms of SIZE of all banks) than the 75, 90 and 95% quantiles. Column (5) includes only banks with all fundamentals (CAPBUFFER, PF RISK, CASH, and ST LIAB / RISK FREE ASSETS) “better” than the median of the fundamentals of failed TAF banks. 54 Table 9: Different dependent variables (1) Outcome equation Dependent variable: CASH CAPBUFFER ROA SIZE PF Risk 0 PF Risk 20 PF Risk 50 PF Risk 100 TAF (2) (3) ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB TLIAB ∆ NET LIAB (4) ∆ ST LIAB PF RISK 0 -.315 (.438) 2.466*** (.255) -.021 (.017) -.038*** (.007) .663** (.305) .464*** (.109) -.075 (.114) .388*** (.102) -.820*** (.090) .057 (.049) .092*** (.028) .001 (.001) -.007*** (.001) .085*** (.029) .051*** (.015) -.023 (.017) .022 (.015) -.149*** (.015) -18.393*** (5.263) 32.079*** (3.400) -.177 (.114) -.941*** (.157) 4.307 (5.562) 14.070*** (2.277) -2.848 (2.290) 12.588*** (2.062) -28.960*** (1.202) .087 (.462) .291 (.371) .063*** (.022) -.190*** (.015) 9.191*** (.682) 1.326*** (.204) 1.607*** (.216) .364* (.196) -1.728*** (.192) -1.891 (1.505) 1.194*** (.277) .109 (.645) 1.891*** (.542) 19.135*** (4.434) .379*** (.070) -2.582* (1.418) .878*** (.243) 1.291*** (.447) 2.434*** (.418) 14.940*** (4.027) -2.354** (1.009) .622*** (.214) .282 (.425) 1.288*** (.445) 14.998*** (3.045) -2.184 (1.748) .902*** (.296) 1.461*** (.554) 2.317*** (.439) 15.935*** (4.021) Participation equation CASH TLOANS MBS PASS MBS OTHER ABS ST LIAB ASS ST LIAB TLIAB 1.831*** (.303) NET LIAB .027*** (.002) ST LIAB PF RISK 0 Constant Obs. ρ λ χ2 -.903** (.407) -3.138*** (.205) -2.216*** (.166) .169*** (.038) -2.194*** (.239) 7662 7662 7790 7382 .524 .329 (.0391) 52.97 .513 .0565 (.00491) 104.7 .765 12.47 (.428) 409.8 .529 .733 (.0797) 60.40 Notes: Joint estimation of Treatment-effects model with binary dependent variable T AF , using Maximum Likelihood. Robust s.e. in parentheses. *** = p < .01, ** = p < .05, * = p < .1. 55 Table 10: Testing joint normality assumption of the error terms (1) Dependent variable: ∆ ST LIAB ASS CASH CAPBUFFER ROA SIZE PF Risk 0 PF Risk 20 PF Risk 50 PF Risk 100 TAF MILLS -.681* (.399) 2.403*** (.270) -.020 (.018) -.030*** (.007) .571** (.246) .425*** (.105) -.018 (.106) .454*** (.090) -4.041*** (.719) 1.763*** (.310) FIRST (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7) (8) ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS ∆ ST LIAB ASS -.684 (.567) 2.409*** (.187) -.020 (.015) -.029*** (.009) .567** (.270) .420*** (.128) -.018 (.131) .452*** (.118) -4.120*** (.951) 1.911*** (.741) .065 (.210) -.774* (.414) 2.428*** (.256) -.020 (.015) -.024*** (.008) .509* (.266) .373*** (.089) .012 (.124) .456*** (.118) -5.554*** (1.104) 2.188*** (.530) -.618 (.572) -.264 (.176) -.808** (.411) 2.415*** (.229) -.020 (.014) -.024*** (.007) .503 (.358) .373*** (.095) .017 (.119) .456*** (.105) -5.747*** (1.035) 2.601*** (.850) -.634 (1.526) -.529 (.927) -.083 (.190) -3.132*** (.707) 2.363*** (.275) -.023 (.019) -.032*** (.007) .690*** (.268) .495*** (.094) .116 (.123) .623*** (.099) -.095** (.048) -.354*** (.069) -2.056** (1.044) 2.460*** (.244) -.017 (.016) -.030*** (.006) .616** (.282) .422*** (.088) .010 (.120) .520*** (.114) -.098* (.056) -.279** (.118) -.024 (.024) -3.209*** (.772) 2.429*** (.293) -.015 (.017) -.028*** (.007) .634** (.264) .434*** (.105) .117 (.123) .616*** (.124) -.097* (.051) -.431*** (.085) .005 (.014) .005* (.003) -3.363*** (.809) 2.429*** (.271) -.014 (.020) -.029*** (.006) .654** (.268) .449*** (.100) .133 (.129) .630*** (.106) -.098* (.051) -.437*** (.091) .018 (.026) .005 (.004) -.000 (.001) .09 (.759) 4.26 (.1189) 5 (.172) 1.01 (.3145) 3.36 (.1964) 2.36 (.5) 7662 .171 7662 .175 7662 .176 7662 .160 7662 .162 7662 .162 SECOND THIRD χ2 p-value Observations 2 Radj 7662 .171 7662 .159 Notes: Bootstrap s.e. in parentheses. *** = p < .01, ** = p < .05, * = p < .1. Columns (1) to (4) report the estimate based on a parametric approach to computing the treatment model, while columns (5) to (8) refer to the semi-parametric two-step approach based on Gallant and Nychka (1987). The row MILLS refers to the inverse Mills ratio or to the predicted value of the treatment model, while the rows FIRST, SECOND, and THIRD refer to terms of higher order included to take into account potential non-normality of the error terms. The row F-test refers to the joint test of the higher-order terms included in the specification. Null hypothesis: the error terms are jointly normally distributed. χ2 and (p-value) reported. The results refer to the baseline model represented respectively by equations (5), (6), and (7). 56 57 Maturity Amounts Institutions benefiting of the program Depository Institutions (DI) Primary Dealer Primary Dealer Commercial paper issuers Any U.S. company† DI DI* Small DI** Notes: In order to make the programs comparable, one needs to consider both amount and maturity. ∗ The loans have been provided by a limited liability company (LLC), specially created by the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (Fed NY). The LCC was dissolved on August 30, 2010. ∓ Five special purpose vehicles (SVP) received senior secured funding from the Fed NY in order to finance the purchase of certain money market instruments from eligible investors. †An entity is a U.S. company if it is (1) a business entity or institution that is organized under the laws of the United States or a political subdivision or territory thereof (U.S.-organized) and conducts significant operations or activities in the United States, including any U.S.-organized subsidiary of such an entity; (2) a U.S. branch or agency of a foreign bank (other than a foreign central bank) that maintains reserves with a Federal Reserve Bank; (3) a U.S. insured depository institution; or (4) an investment fund that is U.S.-organized and managed by an investment manager that has its principal place of business in the United States.‡Before and after the crisis the loans had an overnight maturity. *DI eligible for Secondary Credit are not eligible for primary credit. **DI with significant seasonal swings. Mechanism and Tools TAF 12.2007-03.2010 Auctioned loans Between 28 and 84 days $3.81 trillion TSLF 03.2008-02.2010 Auctioned treasury general collateral 28 days $2 trillion PDCF 03.2008-02.2010 Loans available in exchange of collateral overnight $8.95 trillion CPFF 10.2008-02.2010 Loans available in exchange of commercial papers? 90 days $738 billion TALF 11.2008-06.2010 Loans available in exchange of collateral Between 3 and 5 years $71 billion since 2003 Between 28 and 90 days‡ since 2003 Overnight since 2003 Period Label Term Auction Facility Term Securities Lending Facility Primary Dealer Credit Facility Commercial Paper Funding Facility Term Asset-Backed Securities Loan Facility Primary Credit Secondary Credit Seasonal Credit Table 11: Facilities programs operated by the Fed during the last financial crisi Name of the program