Single Stock Circuit Breakers – Issues in Fragmented Markets1 Peter Gomber* Martin Haferkorn* Marco Lutat* Kai Zimmermann* Abstract Since the May 6th, 2010 flash crash in the U.S., appropriate measures ensuring safe, fair and reliable markets become more relevant from the perspective of investors and regulators. Circuit breakers in various forms are already implemented for individual markets to ensure price continuity and prevent potential market failure and crash scenarios. However, coordinated inter-market safeguards have hardly been adopted, but are essential in a fragmented environment to prevent situations, where main markets halt trading but stock prices continue to decline as traders eventually migrate to alternative markets. The objective of this paper is to provide insight into recent circuit breaker implementations, their individual specifications and potential coordination between venues. Further, we empirically study the impact of circuit breakers in a single market and a fragmented market context. We find a decline in market volatility after the circuit breaker, but at the cost of higher implicit trading costs. Moreover, by analyzing trading at the satellite market during the home markets CB, we find market quality and price discovery to be sorely afflicted as traders systematically retreat from trading. Only with the home market reentering trading, the satellite market restores pre circuit breaker market conditions. Keywords: Circuit Breaker, Electronic Trading, Exchanges, Market Coordination, Market Fragmentation, Market Quality JEL-Classification: G10, G15, G18 1 This is an extended version of the paper “The Effect of Single-Stock Circuit Breakers on the Quality of Fragmented Markets” which will be presented at FinanceCom 2012, Barcelona, Spain. * Goethe-University Frankfurt / E-Finance Lab, Grueneburgplatz 1, 60323 Frankfurt, Germany. Phone: +49(0)69 798-34683, Email: {gomber | haferkorn | lutat |} 1. Introduction Fragmentation of investors’ order flow has been a long-time phenomenon in U.S. equity markets. Competition in European equity markets started later in 2007 after the introduction of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) that enabled new venues, called multilateral trading facilities (MTF), to compete with established exchanges, i.e. Regulated Markets (RM). Stocks can therefore be traded at multiple venues requiring a high level of inter-market price coordination in order to ensure holistic price integrity. Additionally, new technologies such as high frequency trading and smart order routing emerged on both sides of the Atlantic taking a significant share of the total trading volume and increasing inter-market connectivity. Against the background of these developments and the May 6th 2010 flash crash in the U.S. imposed possible drawbacks of these highly fragmented and connected market systems, where single venue price shocks could encroach and inflict the entire market system within minutes. Therefore, appropriate measures to ensure safe, fair and reliable markets are becoming more relevant in the eyes of market participants and regulators. Circuit breakers (CBs) in various forms are already implemented to ensure price continuity and prevent potential market failure and crash scenarios. However, coordinated measures between different market centers were neglected in the regulatory discussion and seem to become more relevant in the light of these developments. While academic research on single market CBs is quite extensive, literature on the effects in fragmented market systems is still scarce, but would provide relevant input to market participants, exchange operators and regulators. In this paper, based on the current state of research, we will systematically investigate CBs and their implementations for major European markets and classify those preventive measures in a systematic framework regarding their various parameters and specifications. We find that European RM already implemented various, sophisticated CB systems, whereas European MTFs do not implement CBs so far. This may induce scenarios where a single venue interrupts trading due to order imbalances but at the same time trading at alternative venues further proceeds, thus allowing volatility to cascade onto alternative markets. On this basis, we empirically investigate CBs and their effects on volatility, at first, in a single market case. We analyze the effects of home market CBs onto the market’s post-CB market condition. This allows us to determine how and if current CBs help to improve market. Secondly, we will focus on inter-market coordination mechanisms during and after the CB. In particular, we concentrate on possible shifts in trading behavior and market condition on the satellite market during the home market’s CB. This might pose a systemic risk to the European trading landscape, i.e. if volatility shocks on one market would allow price cascades to continue in satellite trading venues and trading migrates between markets as posed by theoretical literature. We find no evidence for trading migration, instead traders retreat from trading at the satellite market if the home market halts. 2 Therefore, we provide a deeper understanding of how trading conditions change at the satellite market. We show that market conditions in periods when the home market is on halt are sorely affected and only recover with the home market’s reentering. The same does apply for the satellite markets ability to determine an efficient price within this period. Although not utterly misguided, prices at the satellite market orientate at the post-CB price level of the home market, in the second trading is resumed. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. In the next section we will provide a definition of CBs in order to distinguish between the various forms of trading interruptions and ensure a consistent understanding. Following, we review academic findings related to our work while indicating the need for more empirical research especially on inter-market CBs within the European market system. In section 3, we develop a systematic framework to categorize CB implementations in major European trading venues and discuss possible consequences from inconsistent implementations throughout the trading venues and the lack of a mandatory coordination mechanism. Section 4 describes our dataset and some descriptive statistics for our single and inter-market analysis of CBs while the next section presents our research approach and findings. Finally, conclusions are given in section 6. 2. Definition and related literature Since the term “CB” is widely used in different scientific disciplines in this paper we will solely focus on CBs in the domain of financial markets. Even under this scope there is no consistent understanding among academic and practitioners’ literature. However, there is a general agreement, that CBs are a form of a trading halt (Harris, 1998), (Kim & Yang, 2004) (Engelen, 2006). In general, trading halts can be classified into the following three categories: regulatory halts, technical halts and market-based halt (see Figure 1). Regulatory halts can be further categorized by the type of investigation which is mainly in the field of insider trading and market manipulation, accuracy and availability of public information (SEC, 2011). While the corresponding supervisory authority is in charge to call out regulatory halts, technical halts are mostly caused by outages of the market operator’s IT-infrastructure. The third category which is mainly addressed in this paper contains market-based halts. Pre-trade CBs are the result of order imbalances in the auction call phase, where trading halts result in an extension of the auction phase. The equivalents during the trading phase are the continuous CBs, which are triggered by manifold parameters and lead either a switch to auction call phase or a complete trading halt. 3 FIGURE 1: CHARACTERIZATION OF TRADING HALTS Therefore, we define CBs as: CBs are market-based trading halts which are triggered by a (potential) significant price disruption and are supposed to ensure price continuity. Some authors use the synonym “price limit”, which is adequate to our definition of CBs. The main goal to be accomplished by trading halts is to protect investors and assure market fairness and market integrity. Following Kim and Rhee (1997), CBs can provide traders with time in which they can obtain new information, reassess the market price, and avoid or correct overreaction. Therefore, the uncertainty and irrationality in the market will be less severe and thus the price volatility after a CB should be less than that before. In contrast, if CBs only delay the price discovery process and interfere with trading, the price volatility afterwards may be higher than that before and CBs only disturb the information transmission process. Analyses of CBs in the single market case can be found widely in academic literature. Greenwald and Stein (1991) show how CBs may help to overcome some of the informational distortion problems caused by volume shocks in continuous trading and thereby to improve the market's ability to absorb large volume shocks, i.e. abnormal large quantities of orders. The authors propose a temporarily switch to an alternative transactional mechanism in order to trade immediacy provided by continuous trading for information allocation in auctions. Kodres and Brien (1994) show in a model-based approach that CBs lessen the order implementation risk which happens in times of substantial volatility. Brennan (1986) exhibits that CBs can be understood as a substitute for margin requirements as the down- and upside risk is limited to the corridor of the CBs. In contrast to the beneficial effects described before many theoretical works on CB suggest that market activity is only delayed (Coursey & Dyl, 1990) and CBs cause a magnet effect towards the threshold (Ackert, Chruch & Jayaraman, 2001). Besides these ambiguous theoretical findings, most empirical studies conclude that CBs do not help decrease volatility (Kim & Yang, 2004). Chen (1993) does not find any support of the hypothesis that CBs help the market to calm down. 4 Kim and Rhee (1997) and likewise Bildik and Gülay (2006) observed a spillover effect of the volatility to the near future after a trading halt was put in place. Hassan et al. (2000) found no significant impact of CB’s on the volatility in the equity market of Bangladesh. Among few, Kim and Yang (2008) proved that consecutive halts on the Taiwan Stock Exchange dampen the volatility better than single and closing halts. Further a decreasing volatility could be observed on Korea Stock Exchange via a portfolio-based approach (Lee & Kim, 1995). While academic research on CBs in the case of a single market is quite extensive, research on the coordination of CBs in fragmented markets is still scarce. Focusing on inter-venue effects, Subrahmanyam (1994) analyzes the utility of CBs implemented in a two-market perspective. The first market is modeled as a dominant market with a relatively high liquidity and the second market attracts only a small volume during trading hours. The authors show that - in the case of a trading halt at the dominant market - liquidity as well as price variability will shift towards the satellite market. This leads to a negation of any beneficial effects intended by the implementation of CBs on the primary market. Besides these results, the authors acknowledge that if a CB is triggered on a coordinated basis across venues, price variability decreases at the cost of declining liquidity. Morris (1990) concludes in an argumentative approach that uncoordinated CBs will more harm the market than help due to higher volatility and a rising demand in liquidity on the non-halting markets. He suggests that a better coordination across venues is strongly needed to ensure the effectiveness of such mechanisms. The first empirical study concerning the two market case is provided by Fabozzi and Ma (1988). In their research paper, they address market activities during NYSE halts at the NASDAQ, which is regarded as an OTC market. They find evidence that even if trading volume declines, volatility spikes significantly during these times. Due to the nature of volatility, which gives traders no arbitraging opportunity to capitalize on this situation, they conclude that a halt should not be mandatory for both trading locations. The most recent and comprehensive research on this matter was presented by Chakrabarty et al. (2011) which is focused on delayed openings in the U.S. Their dataset consists of 2,461 halts in 1,055 stocks at the NYSE between 2002 and 2005. During these halts, trading at other venues was allowed. They find an increase of off-NYSE trading within the observation period and a significant contribution by off-NYSE trades to the price discovery process. Further they suggest that off-NYSE trades dampen the abnormal post halt volatility and spreads. This leads them to the conclusion that continued trading may be beneficial to the market even at higher spreads. Research on CBs in two or more market case is scarce and empirical work only addresses the U.S. market system. This is especially unfavorable as empirical findings can be hardly compared to other markets due to the specialties of the U.S. trading and post-trading system. 5 Noteworthy in the context is the Regulation NMS and its trade-trough-rule (also known as order protection rule). This rule prohibits market places to execute trades and forces them to pass through or cancel the order if the price is below/over the National Best Bid and Best Offer (NBBO). The implementation of the MiFID in Europe initiated a fragmentation process which makes the research in this topic necessary as both market systems significantly differ. Most notable is a less strict best execution requirement, no NBBO and no order protection rule in Europe. Due to the lack of the European market system analysis, we are –to the best knowledge of the authors- among the first who provide empirical findings for the European trading landscape within the single market and inter-market case. The next section will encompass the individuality of the current European trading landscape with regard to the CB implementation in place. 3. Framework and implementations of CBs in Europe In the following we present a systematic framework on CBs along several dimensions in order to highlight the idiosyncrasy of various implementations. While the actual implementations of CBs differ among trading venues they can in general be classified along the categories threshold/ reference prices, halt / auction and duration. These will be explained in the following subsection first. Beginning with subsection 3.2 we will then present concrete CB implementations in Europe and apply our categorization. Finally, a table summarizing our findings will be given. 3.1. Categorization of CBs Threshold/ Reference Prices: CBs are triggered by an instrument’s extreme price movement based on a pre-defined reference price. In order to distinguish between extreme price movements and normal intraday price volatility, the simplest way is to determine corridors limiting the maximal licit price deviation. In general, a volatility band is established, allowing trades to be matched within the pre-determined price corridor. This mechanism could be applied in continuous trading as well as slightly modified in auction trading periods. Most CB mechanisms in our analysis are based on these symmetric, relative volatility bands differing only in their reference price specifications and widths. Actually, besides the exchanges analyzed in our sample, there are some exchanges which apply asymmetric volatility bands around the reference price. Considering e.g. the extreme price fluctuations of the Volkswagen share in 2008, where prices increased up to 1,000 € a share due to a option-driven exaggerated demand, such one-sided implementations could fail their purpose to ensure orderly trading (Financial Times Deutschland, 2008). 6 The bands width is determined by the historical intraday volatility for each instrument or index, each liquidity class or asset class. Current implementations in continuous trading focus on two different reference price setups. Static Reference Thresholds refer to long-term price bands active between auctions or whole trading days. In this case the reference price is mostly determined by the last auction price or the last trading day’s closing price. By choosing the last auction price, the reference point of the volatility band is updated after each auction and therefore tolerates greater leeways than a day-constant threshold. A CB is triggered if a trade’s price lies outside the determined static price band. A Dynamic Reference Threshold creates a short-term price corridor on a trade-per-trade basis. In general, dynamic price bands are much narrower than static ones, which are up to 20-25% from the underlying reference price.2 The actual implementations are based on either one of these concepts, or use a combination of both. Halt/Auction and Duration: If a CB is triggered, the trading system faces an interruption. The kind of interruption can either be (i) a trading halt, (ii) a system change into auction phase if the CBs occurred in continuous trading. Both phases stop continuous order matching for a predefined interval in order to give market participants a change to reevaluate the current information. After the interruption plus a possible individual extension, continuous trading continues. The implementations focusing on auction trading phases follow the same mechanics. Since there are no trades during an auction call phases, there is no dynamic update of the previous defined reference price so dynamic as well as static reference price remain determined by the last trade during continuous trading and the last auction price/closing price respectively. In case the indicative auction match price exceeds the given leeways, most implementations extent the call phase to a randomized time span. Finally, if the respective indicative auction price is inside the price corridor, continuous trading restarts. In the following section, the highlighted characteristics will serve as determinants to categorize nowadays CB implementations. 3.2. EU – current situation Starting in November 2007, MiFID triggered a major process of fragmentation in the European trading landscape. The abolishment of national concentration rule intensified competition for existing national primary markets. Thus, in contrast to previous concentration or default rules, member states are not able to privilege RM against other trading venues any longer. Now RM compete with MTFs for order flow as the number of trading venues increases significantly. 2 See Table 1. 7 While transparency and trading requirements do not significantly differ for both types of trading venues, a closer look at the implemented CBs reveals systematic differences. The European regulatory bodies so far did not address standards for the above mentioned venues to implement CBs as well as a possible coordination. MiFID did not set up uniform guidelines on a market’s requirement for CBs nor a holistic approach to coordinate panEuropean trading suspension triggered by extreme price movements. Neither RM nor MTF are forced to implement CB or to coordinate actions in volatile markets as of today. Alone MiFID article 50 concedes the right to suspend trading on an instrument base - however only in the national jurisdiction of the respective regulatory agency. On October 20th, 2011 the European Commission published proposals on the modification of the MiFID framework (called MiFID Review or MiFID II) and addresses the implementation of single venue CB. The proposed new article 51 requires member states to assure regulated markets to have in place effective systems “to reject orders that exceed pre-determined volume and price thresholds or are clearly erroneous and to be able to temporarily halt trading if there is a significant price movement in a financial instrument on that market or a related market during a short period and, in exceptional cases, to be able to cancel, vary or correct any transaction“ (European Commission, 2011). However, the current proposal does not address market-wide coordination mechanisms and therefore neglects possible trading migration scenarios. So far, European RM and MTF provided individual in-house CB based on individual price thresholds and instruments. These solutions differ in the mechanism as well as in the process following the interruption. Only a few exchanges publish exact thresholds, others avoid publishing in order to prevent a possible deliberate triggering of the CB by market participants. The mechanisms of the CBs itself are also published based on a different level of detail (e.g. Deutsche Boerse publishes a detailed guide on the functionality of their volatility interruption) while information by other exchanges remains limited. The following section will summarize the different solutions currently in place in major European exchanges. We show, while RM, due to their longer operating history, established up-to-date solutions, where similar approaches are actually discussed in the U.S. National Market System. On the other hand, MTFs lack individual implementations to cut extreme volatility movements so far. We find that major European MTFs implemented systems to prevent the insertion of trades where the price difference with the previous trade is too high. But there is no system to prevent a short-term price disruption. Considering the regulatory lack of coordination mechanisms between the trading venues, we find that nearly all MTFs declare individual actions regarding a possible trading interruption on an instruments’ primary market. 8 3.3. European regulated markets Table 1 shows actual implementations at the major European RM. The sample represents the major European RM considering aggregated equity turnovers in 2011 and additionally smaller ones to compare for difference (Thomson Reuters, 2011). Although currently not regulatory required, all analyzed primary markets have implemented mechanisms to prevent and exit sudden price movements. Based on the presented mechanisms nearly all venues differ in the explicit design but use the above acknowledged mechanic. All venues use a combination of static and dynamic price bands referencing to the last action price (last trade price) for the static (dynamic) threshold. The Swiss SIX exchange uses a slight modification in the static threshold: The “Avalanche Stop Trading” mechanism stretches the dynamic price threshold to a retention period of 10 seconds. Within this time period, not only the next trade, but also the execution prices of all trades within these 10 seconds have to meet this threshold. Fundamentally, this mechanism shares the same characteristic of a static threshold but with thresholds updated more frequently. Static threshold levels are often linked to the respective liquidity or sector class of each instrument, i.e. exhibit thinner bands for more liquid stocks. Also for dynamic thresholds, price bands breadth decreases with the stock’s liquidity. Whenever a CB is triggered, the current market phase changes into a call auction or halt phase in order to interrupt market hastiness and allow market participants to reevaluate the current situation and information. A triggered call auction is designed heterogeneously across exchanges. Market participants are allowed to modify, delete or insert new orders. If the market model requires additional liquidity through market makers or designated sponsors, the exchange maintain heterogeneous approaches if they have to quote during the CB. While e.g. Deutsche Boerse’s Xetra system beholds the relevant designated sponsor to maintain minimal one quote during the time of the call auction (Deutsche Boerse, 2010), the London Stock Exchange maintains no obligations for market makers to quote during CB (LSE, 2011b). 3.4. European multilateral trading facilities Analyzing the three major European MTFs in respect of equity turnover in 2011, Chi-X, BATS and Turquoise, we find no CB currently in place. Based on the venue’s rulebooks, all MTFs implemented systems to hinder orders that would result in a trade with extreme price deviation compared to the previous trade, to be routed to the order book (pre-emptive mechanisms). While these implementations do prevent sudden price movements caused by erroneous or abnormal order limits, they do not terminate a price decline loop triggered by a sequence of trades. A homogeneous coordination mechanism, that stops trading on MTFs in case of a primary markets CB would prevent trading migration across venues and would literally break any downstream price circuits. We find no homogeneous coordination mechanisms between the RMs and the MTFs. Based on the venue’s rulebooks we find each MTF states individual procedures regarding a CB at the primary market. 9 In fact, only one MTF in our analysis does provide clear guidance on what happens if an instrument’s primary market halts in case of a CB, while the other MTFs remain opaque about their respective actions. While we find no respective paragraph in the BATS Europe rulebook3, Chi-X Europe’s Rulebook acknowledges: “Chi-X will not normally suspend trading in any security which is subject to any non-regulatory suspensions, such as a volatility halt.” (Chi-X, 2011). This statement indicates that Chi-X Europe will suspend trading only due to Chi-X’s own assessment. These findings allow for further investigation on trade intensity and quality on Chi-X during a home market’s CB. 3 BATS Europe states trading suspension in case of a relevant listing markets suspension of a security as well as for the maintenance of a fair and orderly market (BATS, 2011). 10 TABLE 1: DETAILED CB IMPLEMENTATIONS OF MAJOR EUROPEAN EXCHANGES Static Price Threshold London Stock Exchange Reference price Dynamic Price Threshold Swiss SIX Exchange NASDAQ OMX Irish Stock Exchange Duration extension Duration Last auction price Ranges between 10% and 25% due to stock sector level Last traded price Call Auction Not published Yes randomized Not published Last auction price Not published Last traded price Call Auction Not published Yes randomized Not published Last auction price Not published Last traded price Call Auction 2 min Yes randomized ±1,5% - Blue Chips ±2%(1.5%) - Mid/Small Caps Avalanche Stop Trading – 10 sec. last traded price ±1,5% - Blue Chips ±2%(1.5%) - Mid/Small Caps Last traded price Call Auction 5 Min. - Blue Chips; 15Min - Mid/Small Caps No ± 10% Index Shares ±15% Others Last auction price ± 3% Index Shares ±5% Others Last traded price Call Auction 60 sec- dynamic 180sec – static No Not published Last auction price Not published Last traded price Call Auction 5 min Yes -Random 30 sec shares making up the FTSE MIB index ±5%; other shares ±10%; Last auction price shares making up the FTSE/MIB index ± 3.5%; other shares ± 5%; Last traded price Call Auction Not published Yes randomized dependent on the Band and Liquidity Class Last auction price dependent on the Band and Liquidity Class Last traded price Call Auction Not published Yes randomized BME Borsa Italiana Halt/Auction Ranges between 5% and 25% due to stock sector level Euronext Deutsche Boerse Reference price Sources: (Borsa Italiana, 2011), (Euronext, 2011), (SIX Swiss Exchange, 2010), (LSE, 2011a), (Deutsche Boerse, 2011), (NASDAQ OMX Nordic, 2011a), (ISE, 2011), (BME, 2011). 11 4. Data setup In order to analyze not only the efficiency of the current European implementations but also possible inter-market effects, we focus on European instruments tradable in multiple venues, i.e. RM and MTF. Based on the German blue chips DAX 30 index, we analyze CBs in the year 2009 in Deutsche Boerse’s electronic order book Xetra (home market). As satellite trading venue, we choose the most relevant MTF for German blue chips in respect of trading volume - the London based MTF Chi-X. The 2009 scenario provided relatively calm market conditions, after the 2008 financial crisis which was accompanied by tremendous market turmoil. Due to a volatility flag in the dataset, we are able to identify all CBs during continuous trading over the given time period. The sample consists of the millisecond-precise start and end point of each interruption on Xetra with a total sample size of 522 single stock CBs. Modifications within the DAX 30 index composition in 2009 and Volkswagen’s volatile price movement caused by the merger attempt by Porsche made it necessary to exclude three instruments (58 CBs). This leads to a total sample of 464 CBs in 2009 distributed over 27 stocks. Table 2 provides the respective summary statistics for our sample. TABLE 2: SUMMARY STATISTICS OF THE SAMPLE Number of Circuit Breakers 464 Number of Instruments 27 Mean (Median) Number of CB per Instrument 17.19 Maximum CBs per Instrument 73 Minimum CBs per Instrument 4 Mean (Median) Duration in Minutes 02:16 (13.00) (02:16) Figure 2 shows the sample distribution plotted by month of appearance. In the same Figure, illustrated as line, we plotted the German VDAX volatility-index. The calculation of this index is based on notional options on the DAX 30 index as underlying asset, indicating the price fluctuations within the DAX 30 instruments. 12 90 45 80 40 70 35 60 30 50 25 40 20 30 15 20 10 10 5 0 0 2009/012009/022009/032009/042009/052009/062009/072009/082009/092009/102009/112009/12 FIGURE 2: CBS BY MONTH OF APPEARANCE; LEFT SIDE (PILLARS): NUMBER OF CBS; RIGHT SIDE (LINE): VDAX (MONTHLY) The VDAX rises with increasing price fluctuation inside the DAX 30 instruments, and drops as prices remain stable. We find high linear dependency between DAX volatility and CB appearance. Over the trading day (see Figure 3), we approve a high correlation with intraday trading activity and volatility pattern analyzed by Harris (1986) as well as Foster and Viswanathan (1990). 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 FIGURE 3: APPEARANCE OF CBS BY TIME OF DAY 13 We retrieved reference data from the Thomson Reuters Tick History covering all Chi-X DAX 30 trades in the respective time horizon of each CB. Since the CB data includes the start and end point of each interruption, time and date mapping will reveal trading activity on Chi-X during the home market’s halt due to a CB. Based on our data, in 16% of all CBs we observe no trades on Chi-X, i.e. in 84% of all cases at least one trade occurred. As stated above, ChiX will generally not halt their electronic order book in case of a reference market’s CB. Nevertheless, Chi-X provides no information whether trading was halted during the home markets interruption (Chi-X, 2011). In order to get consistent analysis and due to the competitive structure of the European trading market, we assume that Chi-X will continue trading whenever the trading halt is not triggered by a regulatory intervention. This assumption is strengthened by the results in Table 3 which depicts aggregated stock by stock statistics, displaying the total number of interruptions, mean trades per interruption and median trades across all interruptions. TABLE 3: DESCRIPTIVE STATISTICS OF THE CB SAMPLE Instr. # Mean Median Instr. # Mean Median ADS ALV BASF BAY BEI BMW CBK DAI DB1 DBK DPW DTE EON FME 14 25 9 6 7 13 73 36 22 42 7 4 9 9 5.1 6.2 9.9 18.2 0.9 8.2 5.7 14.5 2.1 12.1 18.6 8.3 16.7 16.3 2.5 5 8 15.5 1 7 3 11.5 1 7 13 6.5 8 2 HEI IFX LHA LIN MAN MEO MRC MUV RWE SAP SDF SIEG TKA 18 43 15 7 20 7 4 14 4 3 27 6 19 0.7 7.2 9.3 3 5.4 5 11.5 2.4 20.3 2.7 4 23.4 6.4 0 4 6 2 4.5 4 4.5 1 9 1 2 21.5 2 Descriptive statistics of the CB sample. From the left: Instrument identifier, number of CBs, average and median number of trades during the CB on Chi-X. 14 5. Results In the following subsections we present our findings for the home and eventually for the interaction between the home and the satellite market. 5.1. Home market A trade price reaching either the last price’s dynamic threshold or the last auction price’s static threshold will trigger a CB and the trading phase will switch to auction mode. Thereby, this 2 minute interruption is meant to calm down unreasonable price movement caused by information overload. Previous ambiguous empirical findings question the efficiency of CB and indicate only a delaying effect. Therefore, we determine if CBs are actually capable of calming down above-average trading activity by analyzing market quality parameters before and after a CB at the home market. To do so, we look at price volatility around the CB as proposed by Kim and Yang (2008). If CBs provide traders with enough time reassess market information and dampen overreaction, the degree of price volatility after a CB should be significantly lower than that in a comparable time period before the CB. We measure price volatility in two ways. High variability in asset prices indicates large uncertainty about the value of the underlying asset, thus alienating an investor’s valuation and potentially resulting in incorrect investment decisions when price variability is high (Harris 2003). We obtain the standard deviation of trade prices to account for the average prices’ fluctuation around its mean. On the other hand we use a high to low ratio in order to take account for the prices’ maximum deviation. Since both values outline different characteristics of volatility, both are included in the analysis. Further we calculate the relative spread, i.e. the differences between the best bid and best ask quote relative to the midpoint, measuring the risk premium market participants require for being exposed to market risk while submitting orders to the order book. Harris (2003) relates relative spread with overall market liquidity and effectiveness, therefore we also take into account the relative spread before and after the CB. All measures are calculated before a CB was triggered and after continuous trading restarted upon different intervals to test the CB effect’s duration. We choose a short term 2 minutes interval, a medium term 5 minutes interval and a long term 10 minutes interval. These intervals where chosen, because the average CB in our sample interrupts trading for 02:16 minutes, we find it unreasonable to check for market quality changes in a future distance, since these changes could not be directly related to the CB. Pre- and post-CB market quality parameters are compared via Wilcoxon sign rank test for equality of the pre- and post-CB sample (Wilcoxon, 1945). Table 4 depicts results for each measure. 15 TABLE 4: MARKET QUALITY PARAMETER BEFORE AND AFTER THE CB ON XETRA 10min standard deviation 5min standard deviation 2min standard deviation 10min high low ratio 5min high low ratio 2min high low ratio 10min relative spread (in bps) 5min relative spread (in bps) 2min relative spread (in bps) Before 0.124 (0.08) 0.093 (0.059) 0.064 (0.035) 0.020 (0.014) 0.015 (0.010) 0.010 (0.007) 18.64 (11.25) 18.82 (11.36) 19.33 (11.77) After 0.092 (0.056) 0.074 (0.050) 0.058 (0.035) 0.017 (0.010) 0.013 (0.008) 0.010 (0.006) 21.27 (12.05) 20.68 (12.10) 22.06 (12.65) Z-Value 8.794*** 6.225*** 2.811*** 6.667*** 4.861*** 1.362 -4.592*** -5.130*** -4.730*** Mean (median) market quality parameters before and after the CB on Xetra for all DAX 30 instruments. Z-Values for Wilcoxon sign rank testing for the null that samples are drawn from the same population. Significance levels are 1%(***), 5%(**) and 10%(*). The results illustrate a highly significant drop in the market volatility parameters after the CB. Except for the 2min high low ratio, we find all standard deviations as well as high low ratios on a lower level within the 2 minutes, the 5 minutes and the 10 minutes interval, indicating significantly calmer trading conditions after the CB in the short- as well as in the long-run. As indicated by the significant higher relative spread, the volatility reduction comes by the cost of a higher implicit risk premium for market participants after the CB, i.e. a higher spread level. We find the relative spread significantly increased in all analyzed intervals revealing an adoption of the overall market premium after the CB. First intuition for this market change one would suspect a decline in trading activity to be the driver of this shift. French and Roll (1986), Harris (1986), Karpoff (1987), Schwert (1989), and Stoll and Whaley (1990), among others, document a positive relation between volatility and trading volume. Therefore we look at the respective number of trades in each measurement period. By comparing the pre and post-CB trading activity for each instrument this intuition is rejected, since the numbers of trades do systematically rise after the CB. Calmer market volatility is achieved although trading continues at higher activity level. Table 5 denotes median trading activity by stock before and after the CB. Negative Z-Values obtained from a Wilcoxon sign rank test at the bottom of the table indicate a systematical increase in the number of trades after the CB. This is in contradiction to the findings of recent studies. 16 Since market conditions are calmer without a decrease in trading activity, we conclude that CBs succeed to calm market hastiness by lowering market volatility after the CB. TABLE 5: TRADING ACTIVITY BEFORE AND AFTER THE CB ON XETRA Instr. ADS ALV BASF BAY BEI BMW CBK DAI DB1 DBK DPW DTE EON FME HEI IFX LHA LIN MAN MEO MRC MUV RWE SAP SDF SIEG TKA 2 minute median Before After 27 25 97 110 66 90 59 85 87 158 121 123 72 102 114 147 60 60.5 193 229 26 55 154 192.5 54 111 27 46 19.5 22 42 86 36 52 22 28 49.5 69.5 28.5 33.5 113.5 35 47.5 83 37 83.5 52.5 62 66 88 68.5 101.5 54 49 5 minute median Before After 82 56.5 218 197 153 182 136 167 200 306 176 169 143 231 248 273 107 123.5 392 463 37 121 314.5 330 213 204 76 84 40.5 29.5 71 126 81 115 69 49 94 130 51.5 57.5 129 227 97.5 153.5 73 171 74 115 152 177 164.5 212.5 102 83 10 minute median Before After 153.5 120.5 421 366 272 375 223 262 342 459 296 323 292 394 440.5 475.5 184.5 194 636 715 87 173 556.5 544 305 357 113 117 55.5 46 110 192 159 168 108 92 147 189.5 84 88.5 146 364.5 168.5 216.5 148.5 255.5 99.5 212 197 270 285.5 338.5 159 154 Z-Value -7.616*** -6.789*** -6.170*** Median number of trades before and after the CB on Xetra for all DAX 30 instruments. Z-Values for the equality of pre- and postCB sample, significance levels are 1%(***), 5%(**) and 10%(*). 5.2. Inter-market coordination While our previous analysis focused on the venue specific impact of CBs on market quality, the following subsections will highlight inter-market coordination of trading behavior and respective changes in the market condition during and after the CB. First, we analyze trading Chi-X during the CB. This issue is motivated by theoretical models about trading migration during CBs. The results will essentially stipulate our analysis of market quality on Chi-X during the CB. 17 In the second step, we investigate the satellite market’s ability to discover efficient prices in the absence of the home market. A two step approach to analyze trade prices (i) during the CB and (ii) when the home market restarts trading discredits the satellite market’s contribution to price discovery. 5.2.1. Trading migration - abnormal number of trades during CBs According to Subrahmanyam (1994), volatility shocks would allow price cascades to continue on alternative trading venues and negate any positive CB effect on the home market if traders migrated to satellite venues in order to continue trading. Since the European market system does not force common halts in case of a CB triggered in a single venue, there is potential for this scenario. In order to control for abnormal trading behavior on Chi-X, i.e. a significant change in the number of trades, we calculated “normal” trading statistics within a symmetrical 30 trading day interval of the event. For each of the 30 trading days we gathered number of trades for each instrument within the corresponding CB time span. TABLE 6: MEDIAN/MEAN COMPARISON OF THE INTERRUPTION AND REFERENCE SAMPLE Instrument ADS ALV BASF BAY BEI BMW CBK DAI DB1 DBK DPW DTE EON FME HEI IFX LHA LIN MAN MEO # 14 25 9 6 7 13 73 36 22 42 7 4 9 9 18 43 15 7 20 7 Interruption Average Median 5.1 2.5 6.2 5 9.9 8 18.2 15.5 0.9 1 8.2 7 5.7 3 14.5 11.5 2.1 1 12.1 7 18.6 13 8.3 6.5 16.7 8 16.3 2 0.7 0 7.2 4 9.3 6 3 2 5.4 4.5 5 4 Reference +/-3d Average Median 12.83 8.0 16.61 11.0 18.05 16.0 17.50 16.0 2.85 1.8 14.97 10.0 11.61 7.5 27.93 20.8 7.30 5.0 32.04 21.5 11.60 7.5 23.50 23.5 29.30 20.5 9.17 4.0 1.31 0.0 4.57 2.0 8.42 4.5 10.31 8.0 12.51 10.5 6.56 3.8 Reference +/-15d Average Median 9.31 4.8 17.14 12.5 18.29 14.0 20.14 15.8 2.42 1.5 13.86 7.0 9.47 6.0 27.66 17.0 7.70 4.5 29.94 17.0 11.09 7.0 21.54 17.8 26.83 17.0 9.86 5.0 1.28 0.0 4.18 1.5 8.89 5.0 10.07 4.0 12.13 9.0 5.20 3.0 18 MRC MUV RWE SAP SDF SIEG TKA 4 14 4 3 27 6 19 11.5 2.4 20.3 2.7 4 23.4 6.4 4.5 1 9 1 2 21.5 2 7.96 15.38 16.83 7.08 8.44 29.22 12.41 5.5 11.0 13.8 6.5 5.5 23.0 9.0 6.13 16.01 21.21 9.78 6.91 29.76 11.59 2.8 10.0 17.8 6.8 4.5 25.0 7.5 From the left: Instrument identifier, number of volatility interruptions on Xetra, average/median number of trades within the interruption; avg/median within a +/-3 day interval during the interruption period; average/median within a +/-15 day interval during the interruption period. This way we can determine whether the trading behavior during halts is “abnormal”. Table 6 presents instruments, number of CBs, average trades on Chi-X during CBs and average trades within +/-3 and +/-15 trading day intervals. We chose a short and long term perspective, in order to control for short term effects shortly after/before the CB and a long term “ordinary” trading behavior. Considering the variability of the trading data within these extreme short moments of the trading day, we also calculated respective medians for the same intervals. For nearly every instrument, we observe a major shift in the trading behavior caused by the CB. Our findings indicate a significant deviation in the number of trades for almost every stock on the alternative market compared to “normal” trading behavior. Nearly all instruments experience a major decline in their number of trades during the home markets halt considering median and average. For only four instruments we observe an increase in the number of trades during interruptions. TABLE 7: TRADING MIGRATION REGRESSION Coefficient Clustered Std. Err. t-Value R2 +/- 3 day median 0.608 0.148 -2.66*** 0.3389 +/- 15 day median 0.691 0.166 -1.86** 0.3242 Trading migration regression to determine trading migration to Chi-X during the CB. The number on trades on Chi-X during the CB are regressed on the 3 day (15day) median number of trades. T-Values result from a T-Test on the null hypothesis of the coefficient being one. Significance levels are 1%(***), 5%(**) and 10%(*). Due to the extreme variability within the reference samples, parametric t-testing is impractical as hypothesis for normality within the data are rejected. To strengthen our implication, we perform a regression analysis instead. Thereby, the number of trades on ChiX during the home market’s CB are regressed on the on the 3 day (15 day) median number of trades of the reference period. 19 If there is actual, systematic trading migration toward the satellite market, we would expect the coefficient to be statistically significant larger than one, i.e. the number of trades during the CB lager than the median of the reference prices. On the other hand, a coefficient significantly smaller one would indicate a retreat from trading. We perform ordinary least square regression, suppressing the constant term and clustering for each instrument. Clustered standard errors are obtained in order to test for the null, that the coefficient equals one. If the null could not be refused, we conclude that there is no difference between the number of trades during the CB and the reference period. In both cases, the null is rejected and thus our assumption is strengthened that traders retreat from trading in the satellite market when the home market halts continuous trading (Table 7). The trader’s retreat from the satellite market strongly imposes the question whether market quality during the absence of the home market remains at an anticipated level. Following French and Roll (1986), the reduction in trading volume may lead to calmer market condition, i.e. a reduced volatility. We address this question by analyzing the above presented market quality parameters for the satellite market. We measure standard deviation, high low ratio and the relative spread during the home markets interruption in order to provide insight into trading quality in this period. In this case, we analyze CB trading in relation to the previous and subsequent CB period. As the latter section illustrated, during the CB the trading activity on Chi-X is massively reduced, so if we compare volatility on Chi-X during the CB with pre- or post-CB intervals of the same length, the results will be seriously biased as volatility will be significantly lower due to the reduced trading volume. Therefore, we recalculate the volatility measures in a per-trade manner. This way, we compare values based on a uniform number of trades and we do not suffer from a systematic bias. The before, during and after CB samples are tested by non-parametric Wilcoxon test for equality of medians, testing for the null that all samples are retrieved from the same population. Since every sample is tested twice, alpha levels are corrected by Bonferroni’s approach. While a given alpha value may be appropriate for each individual comparison, it is not for the set of all comparisons. In order to avoid a lot of spurious positives, the alpha value needs to be lowered to account for the number of comparisons being performed (Bonferroni, 1936). Table 8 summarizes the results of the pre-and post-CB comparison as well as the between comparison approach. 20 TABLE 8: MARKET QUALITY PARAMETER BEFORE, DURING AND AFTER THE CB ON CHI-X standard deviation high low ratio relative spread (in bps) Before During After 0.027 (0.016) 0.012 (0.002) 50.20 (13.19) 0.054 (0.017) 0.011 (0.003) 133.22 (50.83) 0.019 (0.011) 0.005 (0.002) 37.76 (14.99) standard deviation -3.353*** -6.099*** high low ratio -3.949*** -4.740*** relative spread -13.459*** -12.773*** H0: MQPpre CB = MQPduring CB vs. H1: MQPpre CB ≠ MQPduring CB H0: MQPpost CB = MQPduring CB vs. H1: MQPpost CB ≠ MQPduring CB Mean (median) market quality parameters before, during and after the CB on Chi-X for all DAX 30 instruments. Z-Values and significance values for Wilcoxon sign rank test for the equality of the pre-CB and during-CB market quality parameters (MQP), as well as the post-CB and during-CB sample. Benferroni modified significance levels are 0.5%(***), 2.5%(**) and 5%(*) for each test. By looking at the time period during the home market’s CB, depicted in Table 8, we find a high degree of uncertainty reflected in the prices, compared to the period before and after the CB. Standard deviation as well as the high low ratio exceeds prior and past trading levels significantly. We also find the relative spread to be significantly increased. Market participants demand a higher level of compensation for bearing market risk than they do in the periods that the home market is active. The relative spread during the CB is on average three times as high as it is on average within the next ten minutes, and two times as high, as it was on average ten minutes before. Acknowledging, that this comparison controls for different trading volumes, our data provides evidence of a massive disturbance within the satellite market’s trading quality during the home market halt. While afterwards, with the home market proceeding continuous trading, market quality is reassuring to a level, lower than the pre-CB period. 21 5.2.2. Price efficiency and coordination In the previous subsection we provided empirical evidence that with the home market’s eruption the satellite market suffers significantly in market quality. Furthermore, trading activity is significantly reduced indicating that participants retreat from trading. Our observations raise the question if the satellite market retains its ability to determine efficient prices during the home market’s CB, or if the satellite market systematically fails in this ability. Therefore we propose a model for price efficiency based on the approach from Chakrabaty et al. (2011). They propose a two stage regression model in order to distinguish the contribution of Off-NYSE trade prices during a NYSE CB to a reference in the future. Although this approach is quite capable, it only indicates possible price over- or undershooting. Instead, our objective is to reveal the price discovery during a CB relative to the last price before the CB. This way we measure the capability of the satellite market to transform information into prices without the help of the home market. The prices on Chi-X during the CB are benchmarked with the last trade price in continuous trading in Chi-X before the CB. We apply a regression approach, based on Chakrabaty et al. (2011), to benchmark pre-CB and CB prices: P, P, − P, =α +β ∗ P, P, − P, +ε (1) In this stage, the total return from the CB’s first trade price to the home market’s auction price is regressed on the return from the last pre-halt trade to the home markets auction price, where Pi, auction denotes the home market’s auction price, Pi,pre is the last price in continuous trading on the alternative market and, at first, we take Pi,CB as the first trade price during the CB on the alternative market for each CB i. We apply absolute return values as we are only interested in the absolute deviation from the auction price, no matter if there is under- or overshooting. For a second and third regression the first trade price in the alternative market during the CB (Pi,CB) is replaced by the average trade price and the last trade price. The home market’s auction price is used as a reference price in (1). Our regression model’s outcome potentially addresses three scenarios: First, assuming preCB and prices during a CB contain exact the same information about the home market’s auction price, the regression intercept will equal zero and the slope will equal one. Consequently, the R2 will be close to one. In this case the CB trade prices contain no more information than the pre-CB price. 22 A regression outcome with intercept zero and a slope significantly greater than one will indicate that prices during a home markets CB lead on average to a lager diversion from the auction price than the last price in continuous trading did and therefore this last price contains further information than the following prices during the CB. In this scenario the trade prices during the CB could be considered irrelevant. The third outcome, an intercept equal to zero and a slope smaller than one, would indicate that on average the CB trade prices reveal more information than the last trade in the alternative market. Thereby, the slope could be interpreted as a lever for the excessive information added. Thus, in our regression model the slope will measure the additional information from trading during the CB. Results become more complex when the intercept deviates from zero and in this case our findings will differ for positive and negative returns. It is worth mentioning that we accept Pi,auction to be part of the endogenous and exogenous variable. This may cause serious bias to the coefficients’ standard errors and make significance testing obsolete. Likewise Chakrabaty et al. (2011) we do only use ordinary least square methodology to estimate the slope and intercept in order to determine the relationship between Pi,CB and Pi,pre by minimizing the squared error term. TABLE 9: PRICE EFFICIENCY REGRESSION P, Intercept Slope R2 First Price on Chi-X during CB 0.001 0.825 0.62 Average price on Chi-X during CB 0.001 0.660 0.56 Last Price on Chi-X during CB 0.001 0.426 0.25 Price efficiency regression during home market’s CB. The Table lists coefficient estimates from the regression of price efficiency based on (1). Return Pre-Halt contains the return from the last pre-halt trade to the home markets auction price (Pi, auction - Pi, pre)/Pi, pre. Table 9 presents the outcome of the three regressions. We find the slope to decrease from the first to the last regression. Likewise Chakrabaty et al. (2011) our interpretation is that trade prices during the CB gradually approach the home market’s auction price. Since the slope of the first price of the CB is smaller than one, this indicates a systematical reduction in the difference between this price and the home market’s auction price in comparison to the difference between the last price on Chi-X in continuous trading and the home market’s auction price. This difference gets even lower by regressing on the average price and the last price on Chi-X, indicated by a decreasing slope. Thus, we conclude that trade prices in the satellite market process at least some information leading to a narrowing of both venue prices. 23 12 bps Circuit Breaker 10 bps 8 bps 6 bps 4 bps 2 bps 0 bps Mean Median FIGURE 4: MEAN AND MEDIAN DIFFERENCES WITHIN AN EIGHT SECOUND INTERVAL BEFORE AND AFTER THE CB Since this approach only captures the relative narrowing of the satellite market during the CB, we proceed by measuring price coordination after the CB where both markets trade continuously. We investigate which price (home market’s auction price or prices from the satellite market) are more relevant for post-CB trading by comparing prices in both markets before and after the CB. Since a trade-by-trade analysis is unreasonable due to timely unharmonized trade occurrences, we compute a venue’s average price-per-second and therefore rely on comparison of both markets by second. Figure 4 illustrates the average and median differences for up to six seconds before and after the CB. Right after the CB, the difference in prices exceeds the pre-CB level but reverts over time. Table 10 summarizes findings from a Wilcoxon sign rank test for these differences. Our results indicate that at least four seconds are required after a CB until prices from both venues have consolidated. While trade prices align during CBs, a second coordination interval after the CB is apparently required for consolidating prices from both markets. This interesting fact raises the question which price is the more relevant for post-CB trading? 24 TABLE 10: TRADE PRICE DIFFERENCES BETWEEN XETRA AND CHI-X BEFORE AND AFTER THE CB Relative differences in bps mean (median) Z-Value Pre-CB level 8.96 (1.20) - CB + 1 second period 11.80 (2.14) -5.340*** CB + 2 second period 10.84 (1.69) -3.798*** CB + 3 second period 9.84 (1.63) -2.154** CB + 4 second period 9.71 (1.34) -1.335 CB + 5 second period 9.37 (1.33) -1.611 CB + 6 second period 9.12 (1.26) -1.657 Relative differences in bps between the home and satellite market after the CB. Z-Value contains statistics for a Wilcoxon sign rank test with the null hypothesis that samples are obtained from the same population. Significance levels are 1%(***), 5%(**) and 10%(*). We assume two possible scenarios for the post-CB price coordination. On the one hand, if only one price, either the home market’s auction price or the satellite market’s last price during the CB, provides superior information, we would expect the other venue’s price to approach this price level as trading in both markets continues. On the other hand, if both prices contain different and relevant information about future prices, we would expect both venues’ prices to adjust to a new level. We apply a future reference price for each market and regress both reference prices on the home market’s auction price as well as the satellite market’s last price during the CB. If there is one price with superior information, we would expect this price to be crucial in explaining both markets’ reference prices. Since the home market’s auction price is highly correlated with the satellite market’s last price, we expect all coefficients to equal one, so a simple test of differences might not indicate structural differences. Instead, we systematically compare regression accuracy and model efficiency. If one price provides more explanatory power or less deviation than the other, we expect this model to be superior. Regression accuracy is measured by root-mean-square error (RMSE), and a model’s explanatory power is measured by Akaike information criterion (AIC). 25 The regressions take the following form: P P =β =β , , ∗P +ε ∗P +ε , , , ∈{ !"#$%, & "'((#"'} (2) Pj denotes either the home markets auction price or the satellite market’s last price during the CB and PXetra and PChi-X denote a venue specific reference price, i.e the ten minute average price after the CB. Again we cluster for instruments. TABLE 11: POST CB PRICE DETERMINATION REGRESSION Home market’s auction price (P Satellite market’s last CB price (P& !"#$% ) "'((#"' ) Satellite Market’s Home Market’s price determination (P+'", ) price determination (P.ℎ#−+ ) 0.406 (432.99) 0.408 (436.23) 0.205 (-138.91) 0.203 (-146.43) Xetra and Chi-X reference prices are regressed on the home markets auction price and the last trade price on Chi-X during the CB. Table shows RMSE (AIC) for each regression. By looking at the individual information criteria and the RMSE, we find the home market’s auction price to be more relevant for both markets’ future prices (Table 11). Even the home market’s auction price explains the future Chi-X price more accurately than the satellite market’s last price during the CB. Next, we estimating the auction price’s and satellite price’s contribution in one regression model. Multicollinearity may indeed inflate our standard errors, but if the home market’s auction price systematically delivers additional explanatory power next to the information both prices share, the auction price should indicate significance in regression (3) while the last price during the CB should not. P = β0, ∗ P +β1, ∗ P2 33 + ε ,# ∈ {+'", , .ℎ# − +} (3) Pi denotes either the home or satellite market’s 10 minutes average reference price, Pauction and Psatellite are the home market’s auction price and the satellite market’s last price during the CB. 26 TABLE 12: COMBINED POST CB PRICE DETERMINATION REGRESSION Home market’s auction price (P Satellite market’s last CB price (P& !"#$% ) "'((#"' ) Home Market’s price determination (P+'", ) Satellite Market’s price determination (P.ℎ#−+ ) 0.087 0.080 0.913*** 0.920*** Xetra and Chi-X reference prices are regressed on the home markets auction price and the last trade price on Chi-X during the CB. Table shows coefficients and significance levels 1%(***), 5%(**) and 10%(*). The results shown in Table 12 support our findings that the home market’s auction price contains additional information in predicting both markets’ future prices and therefore turns out to be significant. The satellite market’s price information are therefore redundant, i.e. not significant. This effect is only possible, if the satellite market’s last price during the CB experienced a systematic shift towards the home markets price level after the CB. Therefore, we conclude that the home market’s auction price is the dominant after a home markets CB. In summary, the significantly reduced trading activity during the CB compared to regular trading activity within the reference days levels the spread market makers demand to continue quoting during the CB. Interestingly, the reduced trading activity does not calm down price volatility. We find standard deviation as well as maximum price uncertainty dramatically increased. This also impacts price determination process at the satellite market. The results indicate that the price revelation process on the satellite market is seriously restricted during the CB. Although trading during the CB is not completely misguided as shown by continuously approaching towards the home markets auction price, we see a significant coordination step after the home market continues trading. Only with the restart of the home market and the return of the traders, the satellite market regains the ability to effectively reveal prices and approaches to the home market’s price level. 6. Conclusions While the U.S. trading landscape has been fragmented since the late 1990s, the trading industry in Europe only recently experienced a sea change from regulatory and technological developments. Regulatory changes in the form of the Markets in Financial Instruments Directive (MiFID) laid the foundation for more competition between execution venues in late 2007, while trading was traditionally consolidated in national exchanges before. Since then, a multitude of Multilateral Trading Facilities (MTFs) emerged offering pan-European trading. It is common to exchanges and satellite trading platforms to apply some form of CB to ensure price continuity. 27 Despite the numerous implementations of CBs in European RM, implementations at MTFs are completely missing as of 2012. Further, there is no mandatory coordination enforced by the regulatory body to stop trading at MTFs if the home market triggers a CB. As shown in some theoretical models, this situation could lead to price-falling-cascades, i.e. if traders migrate from a market on halt to satellite venues which keep their systems open for investors’ order flow. Against this background, we analyzed trading of German blue chip stocks in two markets, namely Xetra and the most relevant European MTF Chi-X. We especially investigated those periods when the Xetra trading system was on a market based halt and Chi-X sustained its trading services. Asking for the CBs efficiency within the single market setup, we find evidence that price volatility declines significantly at the home market after a CB, while trading activity remains at a high level. In contrast to this, relative spreads do not revert to their pre-CB levels, surprisingly they even increase after a trading halt. Therefore we conclude, that CBs do “break the circuit”, but there is no such thing as a free lunch. The price is paid by a higher relative spread. These findings are in line with the findings of Kim and Yang (2008) as well as Lee and Kim (1995) and therefore support the volatility hypothesis proposed by Kim and Rhee (1997). Hence, CBs can provide traders with a time period during which they can obtain information, reassess the market price, and avoid or correct overreaction. The uncertainty and irrationality in the market will be less severe and thus the price volatility after a CB is dampened. By analyzing trading at the satellite market during the CB, we find trading in the satellite market to be sorely afflicted. We find no trading migration between venues in terms of number of trades. Instead, the number of trades significantly drops below an anticipated normal level during a stock’s trade interruption while price volatility and relative spreads tremendously increase. Evidently, traders retreat from the satellite venue. In respect to previous academic work on the issue of CBs we reject the finding of the inter-venue migration model by Subrahmanyam (1994) in case of non-coordinated market safeguards in the European market system. A potential explanation for our empirical observation is that investors are reluctant to trade when the dominant market is absent as a liquidity pool. Due to this absence of the market of last resort, i.e., the home market, this leads to a higher anticipated risk. Additionally, momentum traders and statistical arbitrage strategies depend on inter-market price differences. These types of market participants also have no incentive to continue trading, resulting in an elimination of another significant part of the original order flow. Our findings are in line with Goldstein and Kavajecz (2004), who investigate liquidity providing strategies during extreme market movements and provide another explanation for investors’ market withdrawal. 28 Asking for the efficiency of the satellite market’s price discovery process in this situation, we analyze price formation before and after the home market reopens continuous trading. Although, trade prices at the satellite market seem to readjust the same way the home market does, we actually observe abnormally wide price differences between both markets after the CB. We therefore conclude that price determination at the satellite market is sorely disturbed making price coordination with the home market inevitable. By comparing satellite and home market reference prices, we find the satellite market’s price level to adjust towards the home market as trading activity continues at the home market, indicating the home market’s auction price to be the dominant price for future trading. In particular, our findings are interesting considering the contrary findings within the U.S. market system. Hereby, the differences between the U.S. market system and the European market system yield diverse effects in the case of the CB’s effects in fragmented markets. With its order protection rule in place, the U.S. system seems to be more susceptible to cascade effects than its European counterpart as trading is forced to alternative venues in the former. The obligation to pass orders to alternative venues in order to achieve the NBBO seems to negate any cascade-resolving effects, whereas the European MiFID system without similar strict best execution obligation appears to be less prone as shown by our analysis. Further, considering the satellite market’s quality during the CB as well as its restricted price discovery, it is highly questionable if trading during a home market’s CB in the current European market system is comprehensible. If trading could be considered useful in the absence of the home market remains to be answered by the market participants active in such situations. While this paper delivers some empirical findings on CBs in the multi-market case, research in this area should be extended in the future. 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