A tick of haven: stylized facts and dynamic modelling of nano-frequency data on precious metals Massimiliano Caporin ∗ Angelo Ranaldo† Gabriel G. Velo ‡ Preliminary version May 31, 2012 PRELIMINARY AND INCOMPLETE DO NOT DISTRIBUTE WITHOUT AUTHOR’S PERMISSION Abstract: Taking advantage of a nano-frequency database we study the stylized facts and dynamic properties of time series related to precious metals trading activity. We analyse the behaviour of spot prices, returns, volume and liquidity measures. We find clear evidence of periodic patterns with increases in the activity associated with the most active precious metals markets (London, Zurich, New York, and the Asian markets). The time series of spot returns have properties equivalent to those of traditional financial assets with fat tails, asymmetry, periodic behaviours in the conditional variances, and volatility clustering. Among the analysed metals, we find that gold is the most liquid and less volatile asset, whereas Palladium and Platinum are less traded. Keywords: precious metals, high-frequency data, liquidity measurement, intra-daily periodicity. JEL Classifications: C58, C22, C53. ∗ Department of Economics and Management Marco Fanno, University of Padova; corresponding author: Via del Santo 22, Padova, Italy, Tel: +39 049/8274258. Fax: +39 049/8274211. Email: massimiliano.caporin@unipd.it. † Angelo Ranaldo, St. Gallen University ‡ Department of Economics and Management Marco Fanno, University of Padova 1 1 Introduction In the last twenty years there has been a growing interest on high frequency data. The access to these data sources lead to the development of studies and empirical researches in several directions: from an economic point of view, focusing agent’s behaviour and market microstructure (price formation, asymmetric information, news and announcement impact); within a statistical or quantitative framework, studying the features or stylized facts of high frequency time series (prices, returns, volumes, liquidity, duration) and proposing appropriate modelling strategies; in the quantitative investment field, leading to the development of quantitative trading rules; from a risk management perspective, with the development of daily variance estimators by means of high frequency returns. Several references to the previous topics can be found in O’Hara (1997), Bauwens and Giot (2001), Dacorogna et al. (2001), Hasbrouck (2007), Engle and Russell (2009), Hautsch (2011), Schmidt (2011), Ye (2011), and Abergel et al. (2012), among others. The interest in high frequency data started from the pioneering works on the data collected by Olsen Associates, see Dacorogna et al. (2001), which were focusing on currencies, and then extended to other asset classes. With the development of IT tools, the high frequency finance literature also gained access to book data, with further developments from both the theoretical and empirical points of view, see Parlour and Seppi (2008). By now, the financial economics, statistical and econometrics literature includes many studies analysing or making use of high frequency data, most related to financial assets, but with applications also on non-financial assets such as commodities. However, only few authors discussed the properties of precious metals high frequency data. Cai et al. (2001) focus on 5-minute gold future returns, they study the periodicity in absolute returns and link its movements to macro-announcements. Fleming et al. (2003) make use of realized volatility on several assets and determine the economic value of volatility timing. Their study includes 5-minute returns of gold futures contracts. Baillie et al. (2007) analyse the dynamic behaviour of several daily and 5-minute commodity futures prices, including the gold future. Bannouh et al. (2009) work on co-range computation (an estimator of the integrated covariance) with a trade dataset including the gold future. Finally, Khalifa et al. (2011), focus on volatility measurement and forecasting of several commodity future prices including Gold and Silver. All the previous studies have a common element, they work on New York market data. Moreover, to our best knowledge, the most interest has been placed on gold, while silver has attracted only limited attention. We motivate this by the larger interest in gold compared to other precious metals, which is also associated with the perception of gold as a safe haven investment. Our work belongs to the strand of literature focusing on precious metals high frequency data. We differ from the previous studies from several viewpoints, all depending on the database we are using. At first, we have access to high frequency data on four different precious metals: gold, silver, palladium and platinum. To our knowledge, there is no literature on Palladium and Platinum. Moreover, our data are related to spot prices and not futures contracts. Therefore, the time series behaviours might be different as a consequence of the different uses associated with spot and future contracts. A further distinctive feature of our study is given by the time coverage: we have access to a brokerage house database which operates on a 24 hours basis. As a result, the movement we observe in high frequency time series can be linked to the activity in different precious metals markets, including New York but also the European markets (London and Zurich), and the Asian markets. This is of relevant interest since previous works were focusing only on a specific market. Moreover, we differ 1 from previous works for the access to a trade-and-quotes dataset. From the trade side, we have trade prices, associated volumes and order side (allowing us to precisely distinguish seller initiated from buyer initiated order). In the quote side of the database, we have access to the limited order book up to 10 levels, with prices and volumes, making feasible the evaluation of liquidity and market depth. Finally, the time frequency of the database is extremely high, with book updates reaching a 100 millisecond frequency. In this work we focus on the stylized facts and dynamic properties of the precious metals data. We start from the most traditional time series, prices and returns, focusing on the volatility, preliminary measured from squared returns and then filtered with periodic components and GARCH-type models. We move then to volume time series, and to two specific liquidity measures, the Order Flow, and the Percentage Quoted Spread. The analyses here reported are preliminary to further economic applications at both the univariate and multivariate level. Those studies will take advantage of the finding on the current paper, with potential applications on trading (with the availability of trade duration, liquidity, market depth) or on macro-announcement studies, or safe-haven applications. The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 describes the dataset and the variables of interest; Section 3 focuses on the stylized facts of prices, returns, volumes and liquidity time series; Section 4 deals with dynamic models, and Section 5 concludes. 2 Database description, data handling and the analysed quantities The database used in this study has been provided by ICAP through its EBS platform, and we gained access to those data through the Swiss National Bank. EBS is the leading interdealer trading platform for currencies, and data provided by EBS has already been used in academic researches, see for instance Berger et al. (2008) and Mancini et al. (2012). The database we access is equivalent to that adopted in Mancini et al. (2012), and includes more than 50 currencies and four precious metals. For all assets made available, the trades and quotes refer to spot prices. In this work we focus on the precious metals: Gold (identified by the ticker XAU), Silver (XAG), Palladium (XPD) and Platinum (XPT). We consider spot prices against the US dollar, and referred to one ounce (for instance gold quotes are US dollar per one gold ounce). The data we analyse span the period starting from the 27th of December 2008 up to the 30th of November 2010. The datasets includes the recorded trades coupled with the information on the active part of the contract, the traded volume, and the trade price. The presence of the maker and taker sides opens the door to the construction of the Order Flow. Notably, as observed by Mancini et al. (2012), trade direction data are known and need not to be inferred by means of rules such as that of Lee and Ready (1991). Beside the trade data, the database includes the binding tradable bid and ask quotes, together with the related volume. In that case, the information are provided for the book up to the tenth level, which allows the development of further analyses on the liquidity and depth, on the trading evolution (by comparing the information included in the dataset with those accessible to the traders, which normally see on their trading platforms at least few lines of the order book) and on the existence of information asymmetries and market inefficiencies. In the following we will present analyses based on the trade data and on the best bid and ask quotes, without taking into account the market depth. Moreover, we will later discuss the dynamic features of the data, comparing our findings to those of previous studies. 2 In the EBS database, data are recorded at a very high frequency (let us call them nano-frequency data or NF data1 ): from the 27th of December 2008 up to the end of August 2009, the observation frequency is 250 milliseconds; from the first of September 2009 to the end of the sample, the observation frequency increases to 100 milliseconds.2 As a result, new information are recorded by the system every 100/250 milliseconds if at least one of the following events takes place: an order is executed; a new quote is entered/deleted; a new volume is entered into the system at a quote already present in the system. The last case produces a new flash of the book since each flash includes the number of quotes in the market for each side/price together with the available volume. Table (1) reports the total number of trades (buyer/seller initiated) and quotes (by market side) by precious metals that are included in the database. We note that gold is the metal with the highest activity both in terms of trades as well as quotes. Silver has less than one third of the quotes of gold, and is followed by platinum and then palladium. The last has less than a twentieth of gold quotes. Excluding gold, with about 185 thousands trades, the other precious metals have similar number of trades. Data are recorded on a GMT time scale, on a 24 hours basis, 7 days a week. As a result, there are quotes and trades executed from buyers/sellers located in different geographical areas. As we mention in the introduction, to our best knowledge, this study provides for the first time an analysis on precious metal trades jointly covering the most active world markets. In fact, as we will highlight in the following, the database includes quotes and trades originated in Asian, European and American markets. Compared to the previous studies of Barkoulas et al. (1997), Baillie et al. (2007), and Khalifa et al. (2011), our analysis includes the trading activity originate from Asian markets as well as the complete activity of European based traders. In fact, previous studies were focusing on US-based data including local market activities and the trades originated from both the European and North American markets when the trading hours were overlapping. Therefore, the daily time coverage of our database is a distinctive feature of our contribution. In the following analyses, we limit the trading period to 5 full days ranging from 10PM sunday up to 10PM friday. All trades and quotes outside this range have been deleted. As shown in Table (1) the information excluded from the database is really of minor relevance. As expected, in absolute terms, the deleted information are higher for gold compared to the remaining metals. The procedure we adopt is similar to that employed for the analysis of currency data, see Andersen et al. (2003), and Berger et al. (2008), among others. The database reports the precious metals prices expressed in US Dollars per ounce, while the volume is expressed in multiples of the minimum tradable amount (MTA) which is fixed as follows: 1000 ounces for Gold, 25000 ounces for Silver, 500 ounces for Palladium and Platinum. As a consequence, physical volume time series of executed trades might be sensibly different across precious metals both for the different trading activity, as well as for the different sizes of the MTA. In fact, as shown in Table (1) the traded volume is the highest for silver (more than 1.1 billion of traded ounces) and lower for gold, platinum and palladium. Moreover, we observe that the trade size is the highest for silver (about 42.5 MTA per executed trade), and the lowest for gold (less than 1.3 MTA per trade). 1 We thank Michael McAleer for suggesting the use of this name for our data. The 100 millisecond frequency starts the 28th of August 2009, but few days, probably the testing period, have 100 millisecond frequency in July 2009. Moreover, the 21st July and the 28th August 2009, both frequencies (100 and 250 milliseconds) are present. Such a finding does not affect our results since we aggregate data at lower frequencies. 2 3 Platinum and palladium have generally a trade size larger than gold, 6.2 and 7.7 MTA per trade, respectively. Those values correspond to an average trade size of more than 3100 and 3700 ounces, respectively, compared to the average trade size of 1300 ounces for gold (and of about 1 million ounces for silver). 2.1 The variables of interest From the whole database, we extracted the relevant NF data which have then been analysed and aggregated in different ways depending on the quantities of interest. We first recover prices and volume from the recorded trades. Within a given time interval, the price is defined as the price of the last trade recorded in the interval. If no trades are present, we replicate the previous interval price. Returns are then defined using the prices. Differently, volume is equal to the sum of the amount exchanged in the trades recorded within a given time interval irrespectively of the trade side (buyer/seller initiated). If a given time interval does not include trades, the volume will be equal to zero. In the following we denote the daily time index by t, the intra-daily period by i = 1, 2, . . . N with N denoting the number of intra-daily periods in day t. Intra daily periods have length equal to 1/N days or 1440/N minutes. Furthermore, the end of period i of day t will be denoted as (i, t), and the following notation is used: the intra-daily price sequence is denoted by pi,t , while the intra-daily volume time series is given as vi,t ; the intra-daily log-returns are defined as ri,t = log (pi,t ) − log (pi−1,t ) , i = 2, 3, . . . N and r1,t = log (p1,t ) − log (pN,t−1 ).3 In addition, two days have been removed from the database due to missing data, the 10th of April 2009 and the 18th of March 2010. Finally, the quote data have been filtered from outliers, most likely associated to errors in matching the asset identifier and the price. We chose a simple approach, excluding all quotes with a value 20% higher (for buyer initiated) of lower (for seller initiated) than the average trade price of the day. The financial economics and econometrics literature includes several liquidity measures, see the survey by Gabrielsen et al. (2011). In this study we focus on specific quantities which are exploiting only part of the informative content of the database. We restrict our attention to the Order Flow, OFi,t , and to the Percentage Quoted Spread, QSi,t , defined as follow: • Order Flow: let h denote the execution time of an order and denote by xh the trade direction of the order recorded at time h; the trade direction is equal to −1 for seller initiated trades and +1 for ∑ buyer initiated trades; the Order Flow for interval i of day t is equal to OFi,t = (i−1,t)<j≤(i,t) ; by definition, the Order Flow assumes only integer values and can be either positive or negative4 ; • Percentage Quoted Spread: let Ai,t and Bi,t denote the best Ask and Bid Prices available in the book at the end of period i at day t; we define the Mid-quote as A −B Mi,t = 0.5 (Ai,t + Bi,t ) and the Percentage Quoted Spread as QSi,t = i,tMi,t i,t . At this stage we do not take advantage of the depth of the market since we focus only on the best quotes. Moreover, the Percentage Quoted Spread we are considering is a standardized quantity allowing a direct comparison across precious metals since it 3 When computing the first return of the week on Sunday evening, we compute the returns with respect to the last price observed on Friday evening. 4 Note that different orders (at different prices) might be recorder at the same time; those must be all considered in the construction of the Order Flow. 4 is not dependent on the price of the MTA. Furthermore, the Order Flow might also be standardized by the number of trades executed in a given time interval, to allow a comparison across metals which is not influenced by the different trade frequency of the precious metals. Those two measures allow a first evaluation of the database content, as well as they permit an analysis of the dynamic features of simple liquidity measures. Within this study, we analyse time series of the previously defined quantities at different frequencies. Returns and volumes are analysed at the 5 and 60 minutes frequencies, where the first case is considered for gold and silver only, due to the higher number of trades recorded for those two metals. Returns is defined as the log-price change, using the price of the last trade executed within a given time interval. If an intra-daily period does not contain trades, we keep the previous intra-daily period price. Differently, volumes are computed from all the trades executed in a given intra-daily period. Liquidity measures will be evaluated at the 15 and 60 minutes frequencies. The Order flow time series depends on the number of trades executed within an intra-daily period, while the Percentage Quoted Spread for each intra-daily period is given as the average Percentage Quoted Spread over all the book flashes available within the intra-daily period. When the frequency is set at 60 minutes, the dataset contains 11880 observations. The number increases to 47520 when considering the 15 minutes frequency, and to 142560 at the 5 minute frequency. Higher frequencies are not considered in all cases due to the large number of zeros that would be observed in the time series of interest (see the following section for further details). 3 Stylized facts of precious metals price, return, volume and liquidity The study of precious metals time series of returns, volume and liquidity is of relevant interest for different financial applications, as mentioned in the appendix. In fact, the development of appropriate models, both at the univariate and multivariate level, is relevant for precious metals trading, for risk measurement and monitoring, and for the study of the interdependence between precious metals and other risky financial assets. The analysis of stylized facts and dynamic properties of returns, volume and liquidity is a natural pre-requisite to model construction. Moreover, it is fundamental relevance as it provides necessary inputs for model construction and evaluation. In this section we focus on the features that characterise the time series of returns, volume and liquidity of our four precious metals. In particular, we will evaluate the serial correlation properties of the first and second order moments, the distribution, and the existence of periodic patterns. In the following section, we will show how the findings here reported could be included into a dynamic model. 3.1 Prices and returns The prices of precious metals follow, in the analysed sample, an upward sloping behaviour, see Figure (1). This well-known behaviour might depend on the so-called safe haven effect, that is, the outflow from risky financial assets toward the precious metals, which are perceived as a safer investments during periods of high volatility. The series have been analysed to determine their integration properties. ADF tests confirm that the log-prices 5 follow a Random Walk model and suggest to focus on returns time series.5 Returns time series have patters similar to those of equity returns, and are characterized by volatility clustering, as well as by the presence of extreme movements, see Figure (2). The descriptive analysis, reported in Table (2), suggests that the gold returns are less volatile than the returns of the other precious metals, at both the 5 and 60 minutes frequencies. This finding is also matched with an inverse relation in average returns, the lowest being that of gold. We motivate that by the larger interest for gold compared to silver, platinum and palladium, which might lead to higher efficiency for this precious metals. In turn, this leads to smaller risk and lower returns. The kurtosis is similar across metals at the hourly frequency, while ad the 5-minute level gold has a much smaller kurtosis than silver. Nevertheless, this might be influenced by the large amount of zeros in the silver time series as we will discuss in the following paragraph. Finally, we observe that the skewness is negative for silver, palladium and platinum at the 60 minutes frequency, a behaviour similar to that observed on equities. However, gold returns have positive skewness. Considering the range analysed in this paper, 2009 and 2010, the trend of price time series, and the considerable interest in gold, this result is not surprising. It suggests that in the considered period, trades on gold have lead to a consistent increase over time of the gold price. When focusing on the returns ACF, we have statistically significant positive correlations for the first lag at the 5 minutes level, while at the 60 minutes frequency, the first ACF becomes negative, but is still statistically significant. The presence of negative correlation is expected on high frequency data, and might have different explanations: bid-ask bounce, Bollerslev and Bomowitz (1993), order imbalance, Flood (1994), trade behaviour, Engle and Russell (2009), among others. Such serial correlation has to be taken into account when developing models for the returns time series. Table (2) also highlights that the number of zero returns is sensibly high. The percentage of zeros on hourly data is close to 45% for silver and platinum, and peaks at the 60% for palladium, and is minimum, about 15% for gold. We report 5 minute descriptive statistics for gold and silver, the two most traded metals, showing that the number of zeros increase to 60% for gold and 90% for silver. The existence of such a large amount of zeros makes the analyses on those time series challenging. In fact, on the one side, the zeros could make the identification of dynamic properties more difficult, but on the other side, the occurrence of zeros during the day, and their potential concentration during specific time ranges is informative. As reported in Figure (3) zeros are generally present with a very high frequency during specific hours of the day, in particular at the 60 minute frequency.6 This finding might suggest the possible presence of a periodic pattern in the return means, which is, however, not present.7 Precious metals returns provide relevant information on the evolution of the conditional variances. The analyses of squared returns show evidence of heteroskedasticty, with a clear periodic behaviour, see Figure (4). The pattern is more regular in the Gold and Silver cases compared to Palladium and Platinum. This is, however, an expected result and is due to the large number of zeros present in the last two time series. Similar patterns can be identified at the 5 minutes frequency for Gold and Silver. Notably, the oscillations of the ACF have a period of one day (24 hours). A confirmation of the periodic evolution of the intra-daily variance is given in Figure (5) where we report, for each precious metal, the hourly average squared 5 ADF tests are available upon request. Figure (3) refers to the Gold, similar patterns are present for the other metals, with a largest frequency of zeros for Palladium and Platinum. Graphs are available upon request. 7 Graphical analyses supporting this claim can be provided upon request. 6 6 ∑ 2 return, computed as r̄i2 = T1 Tt=1 ri,t . The graphs show evidence, within the day, of three relevant periods which we can associate to the trading activities in different geographical areas. The first increase in the volatility corresponds to the Asian markets trading activity. The average squared returns then decrease until the opening of European markets. The increase peaks around 10 GMT and then starts again to decrease until 13 GMT. The average returns sharply increase when American markets open, ad peaks when American markets are active and European one are closing, around 16 GMT. The periodic behaviour of the intra-daily volatility might be estimated and filtered out from the returns time series following different approaches. Among the possible methods, we mention here those of Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a) and Boudt et al. (2011). The first approach assumes that returns follows a multiplicative model ri,t = si,t σi,t ηi,t , (1) where si,t is a periodic deterministic component, σi,t is a GARCH-type variance, and ηi,t is a standardized innovation with unit variance. The periodic term si,t is estimated by means of a parametric regression model. Differently, The work of Boudt et al. (2011), despite using the same multiplicative model for the return, differs from the parametric approach of Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a) in two elements: first, σi,t is an average volatility factor kept constant in a local window around ri,t ; second, the deterministic component si,t is estimated by means of non-parametric approaches. The estimation of the periodic component si,t in Andersen and Bollerlev (1997a) considers a regression on harmonics of the log-transformed return series (in deviations from their unconditional mean). However, the large number of zeros present in the precious metal returns, makes the method not appropriate for the analyses of returns. Nevertheless, we will consider a variant of the Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a) approach when dealing with volumes. In the approach of Boudt et al. (2011), the estimation of the periodic component in the intraday volatility is based on the standardized high-frequency return (r̄i,t ) where the standardization factor is given by the square root of the normalized realized bipower variation of Barndorff-Nielsen and Sheppard (2004). By construction, r̄i,t is distributed with mean zero and variance equal to the squared periodicity factor. Boudt et al. (2011) propose to estimate the periodic component using a non-parametric estimator of the scale of the standardized returns r̄i,t . They proposed three possible estimators: the nonparametric periodicity estimator SD presented by Taylor and Xu (1997) which is based on the standard deviation of returns belonging to a local window; the ShortH estimator for the periodicity factor, based on the Shortest Half scale estimator (see Boudt et al. (2011) for details); the Weighted Standard Deviation estimator, W SD, of Boudt et al. (2011). Note that the second and third estimators are also robust to the presence of price jumps. Given the non-parametric estimators of the periodic component it is possible to recover the standardized return series, similarly to the approach of Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a). Figure (6) displays the estimated periodic component for the hourly return series of Gold with the three non-parametric methods presented by Boudt et al. (2011). The plots present a behaviour similar to the average squared returns of Figure (5). However, the ACF of the squared returns standardized series, ri,t s−1 i,t , see figure 7, show evidence of some residual periodic behaviour. Such a finding is not influenced by the estimator adopted to capture the periodic behaviour of squared returns. As a consequence, the non-parametric methods of Boudt et al. (2011) are not able to completely capture the periodic evolution characterizing the volatility of precious metals returns. This result suggests the possible presence of a stochastic behaviour in the periodic component which might be captured 7 within an appropriate time series framework. In the following section we will propose a parametric model that capture both the periodic evolution and the serial correlation of squared returns. 3.2 Volume The volume time series are characterized by a percentage of zeros comparable to the returns time series. Note that volume and returns do not necessarily have the same occurrence of zeros as trades could be executed at the same price over consecutive intradaily periods. The volume data, measured in numbers of MTA, are analysed in Table (3). We observe that the average volume is the highest for Silver, at both the 5 and 60 minutes frequencies. Moreover, when we recast the MTAs in ounces, we highlight that Gold has the lowest average volume at the 60 minutes frequency. In fact, in terms of MTAs, the orders size is larger for Gold compared to Platinum and Palladium, but the MTA is equal to 1000 ounces for Gold and 500 ounces for Palladium and Platinum. This is further confirmed by the volume quantiles, see Table (3). The volume time series show evidence of a strong periodic pattern: the correlograms ∑ are characterized by a cyclical behaviour, and the intra-daily volume averages v̄i = T1 Tt=1 vi,t are higher during the opening hours of the most active precious metals markets, with increases in volume with a timing comparable to the increase in squared returns observed in Figure (5). An example of correlograms and intra-daily average volume is given in Figure (8) for the Gold volume time series.8 Similarly to the volatility, the periodic behaviour of volume time series might deterministic, stochastic, or a mixture of both deterministic and stochastic elements. Among the different approaches that are available to filter the periodic component from volume time series we mention the use of seasonal adjustment methods which can be based on moving averages or regression approaches and might be either multiplicative or additive. Multiplicative approaches are not appropriate given the large number of zeros, while additive methods might be more suitable. As a first analyses of volume, we propose the use of regression methods based on harmonics. We assume the volume mean is given as follows (the time index evolves at an intra-daily frequency): vt = α + p ∑ i=1 ( ) ( )) q ( ∑ 2πjt 2πjt δi t + γj cos + ϕj sin + ζt . 24 24 j=1 i (2) The periodic mean component is composed by a constant, a polynomial trend, and a combination of harmonics that captures the intra-daily periodic behaviour. The use of harmonics makes the estimation of periodic components similar to that adopted by Andersen and Bollerslev (1997a) for the volatility. The parameters have to be estimated with OLS using robust standard errors due to the possible presence of serial correlation and heteroskedasticity in the innovations. Figure (8) reports the ACF of the residuals of equation (2) and the estimated periodic component. We note that the regression provides an expected hourly volume replicating the periodic behaviour but residuals are still characterised by a strong periodic evolution (see the ACF). 8 Similar figures for the other precious metals are available upon request. 8 3.3 Liquidity: Order Flow and Percentage Quoted Spread Moving to the liquidity measures, we first point out a relevant difference between Order Flow and Percentage Quoted Spread: OF has a number of zeros comparable to those observed for returns and volume, see Table (4), while the PQS time series does not have zeros. This is a consequence of the different NF data used to evaluate the two time series. In fact, OF comes from trade data while PQS depends on book-level data. OF time series of Gold show evidence of much larger variability compared to the other precious metals. This is a consequence of the largest number of trades on Gold. Notably, the OF is, on average, negative for Gold and positive for Silver, Platinum and Palladium. The OF time series are negatively skewed (with the exception of Platinum) and highly leptokurtic (due to the over-concentration around the mean, see the quantiles reported in Table (4). The PQS time series have similar unconditional behaviour at the 15 and 60 minutes frequencies, see Table (5). Such a result is a bi-product of the methodology adopted to compute those quantities, which are determined as intra-daily periods averages. As expected, the spreads are on average smaller for Gold, and higher for Platinum and Palladium. The dispersion is minimum for Silver and maximum for Palladium. The PQS series show evidence of positive asymmetry and of extremely long upper tails (see the quantise reported in Table (5)): for Gold at the 15 minutes frequency, the average spread between bid and ask best quotes is around 13 basis points, while the upper 99% quantile of PQS reaches the 150 basis points; the large values are observe for Palladium where the average spread is close to 100 basis points, but peaking at more than 425 basis points at the 99% quantile. Such large values of the PQS depends on the activity in the EBS platform that depends on the timing of the day. In fact, PQS time series have a clear intra-daily pattern, with largest values observed between the closing of American markets and the opening of Asian markets. This is shown in Figure (9) that reports the average ¯ i = 1 ∑T QSi,t and the ACF of the two PQS hourly PQS of Gold and Palladium, QS t=1 T time series.9 Differently, the OF time series do not show peculiar periodic behaviours in their mean, even if there is a clear evidence of serial correlation. As a further descriptive analyses, we also evaluate the serial correlation and periodic behaviour of the squared Order Flow, which can be considered as a proxy of volatility. In fact, an increase in the Order Flow, irrespectively of the sign, show evidence of an increase in trading activity in the market in one specific direction (either an increase in seller or buyer initiated trades). The squared OF has patterns similar to the squared returns, with a clear increase during the opening hours of the most active precious metals markets (see Figure (10) for an example on Gold). [to be completed with the evaluation of periodicity in OF and PQS time series] 4 Dynamic modelling of precious metals time series In the previous section we have shown that precious metals time series are characterized by periodic behaviours. Those behaviours are generally captured a-priori, before the implementation of dynamic models of the ARMA and GARCH family, which are used to describe the dynamic evolution of high frequency time series.10 However, the use of alternative methodologies for filtering periodic patterns lead to standardised series still 9 Similar patterns are present for Silver and Platinum. Two-step approaches are computationally simple but imply a loss of efficiency compared to more models where periodic patterns are estimated together with the parameters driving the series dynamic. 10 9 demonstrating periodic components, highlighting their stochastic behaviour. Therefore, the use of two-stages estimation methods might not be appropriate for precious metals time series, and calls for time series models capturing both the non-periodic dynamic and the periodic behaviour. Several models have been proposed in the literature, starting from the use of Seasonal ARMA models, with an appropriate selection of the period, up to the models with periodic long-memory in the mean, Gray et al. (1988), and Woodward et al. (1998). Moreover, Bollerslev and Ghysels (1996), Gugan (2000), Bordignon et al. (2007, 2009) propose GARCH-type models with periodic coefficients and periodic long-memory. Nevertheless, the periodic behaviour and the non-periodic dynamic can be captured resorting to models where the ARMA- and GARCH-type equations are given as a combination of both deterministic and stochastic components. In fact, those approaches allow for the presence of both a deterministic and a stochastic periodic behaviour of a given time series. We thus specify models following such a purpose. For the returns, we specify an EGARCHX(P,O,Q) with periodic explanatory variables. The use of EGARCH specification is motivated by the need of coupling model flexibility together with some computational simplification; in fact, by resorting to exponential specifications we avoid the introduction of parameter restrictions leading to conditional variance positivity. To simplify the notation we assume that the time index evolves at an intra-daily step. The proposed model has the following structure: rt = µ + p ∑ ϕj rt−j + σt εt j=i Q O P ∑ ∑ ( 2) ( 2 ) ∑ ln σt = ω + βj ln σt−j + αj εt−j + θj |εt−j | + j=1 j=1 j=1 ( ) ( )) ∑( 2πjt 2πjt + γj cos + ϕj sin . 24 24 j=1 q The model includes an auto-regressive component that captures the limited serial correlation in the mean. The variance dynamic depends on a standard EGARCH structure, with orders governing the autoregressive behaviour of the log-conditional variances (order Q), as well as the impact of shocks size and sign (orders P and O, respectively). Moreover, the introduction of q harmonics captures the deterministic evolution of log-conditional variances. We also stress that the model orders Q, P , and O, can be increased beyond the common practice of restricting them to 1. In fact, the orders set equal to the number of intra-daily intervals per day, can detect Seasonal GARCH-type behaviours. Several authors have also pointed-out the presence of long-memory in high frequency returns volatility, see among others Andersen and Bollersleve (1997b, 1998), and Bordignon et al. (2007, 2009). The long-range dependence might be captured by resorting to long-memory EGARCH specifications, as in Bollerslev and Mikkelsen (1996). However, the introduction of long-memory in conditional variance increases the model complexity. We thus prefer to specify the variance dynamic following a HAR-type structure, Corsi (2009). We thus suggest the estimation of the following EGARCHX-HAR(P,O,Q) model. This specification approximate the long memory behaviour reproducing the volatility persistence terms of the HAR model of Corsi (2009). While in the HAR model the autoregressive dynamic is associated with the target period of different market operators 10 (daily, weekly and monthly), in our specification the volatility evolves according to terms related to daily and intra-daily periods: the day, the half-day etc. Depending on the frequency of the time series we includes sums of past volatilities or shocks over different horizons, for hourly data we could consider periods equal to the day, 24 hours, the halfday, 12 hours, and to 6 and 3 hours. The EGARCHX-HAR(P,O,Q) is characterized by the following equations: ( ) ln σt2 = ω + ∑ ( 2 )) βj ( ( 2 ) ln σt−j + ... + ln σt−1 + j j=1,3,6,12,24 ∑ ∑ αj θj + (εt−1 + ... + εt−j ) + (|εt−1 | + ... + |εt−j |) + j j j=1,3,6,12,24 j=1,3,6,12,24 ( ( ) )) q ( ∑ 2πjt 2πjt γj cos + ϕj sin . + 24 24 j=1 In the analysis of the precious metals returns, we considered different combinations of the EGARCHX and EGARCHX-HAR model orders, as well as different number of harmonics. We also augmented the model by the introduction of an AR(1) term, which is needed to capture the limited serial correlation observed on mean returns. The best resulting specifications have been reported in Table (6) and include five harmonics and lags up to order 24 (the day when focusing on hourly time series). Notably, the shocks sign turned out to be not relevant (the EGARCHX order O was then set to zero). In both the EGARCHX and EGARCHX-HAR specifications, the lag 24 and the five harmonics parameters are statistically significant. The top panel of Figure 11 presents ACF of the standardized squared returns (( σ̂rtt )2 ) for the EGARCHX(P,O,Q) and for the the EGARCHX HAR(P,O,Q) models. The seasonally adjusted series show evidences of serial correlation for both specifications. In particular, the first lags in the EGARCHX specification are significant and a daily periodic residual remains in the correlation in the EGARCHX-HAR case. The serial correlation in the ACF of the EGARCHX standardized residuals might signal the existence of mild long-memory behaviours which are note appropriately taken into account by the model. Differently, the EGARCHX-HAR model captures the potential long-range dependence of the volatility, but it is not able to completely remove the periodic component. [To be completed with further dynamic models: long-memory GARCH for returns; SARMA, ARFIMA and Seasonal ARFIMA for Volume; dynamic models for OF and PQS] 5 Conclusions and future directions In this paper we provide a first description of the stylized facts and dynamic properties of precious metals time series extracted from a novel nano-frequency database. This is a pioneering work on the stylized facts of precious metals trade and quote data, and on the time series which can be extracted from those. The most innovative elements are given by the time frequency of the database, up to 100 millisecond, the focus on four precious metals including Palladium and Platinum, the use of spot prices compared to the use of commodity future prices of previous studies, and the focus on a trading activity recorder around-the clock. The analyses show that the prices, returns and volume time 11 series have features comparable to those of traditional assets. Moreover, two specific liquidity measures show evidence of peculiar dynamic features. The results here reported shed some light on high frequency data related to spot precious metal prices, which have never been considered in the literature. Moreover, our study show a clear evidence of periodic behaviours linked to the activity of the most relevant precious metals markets. This work represents a preliminary and fundamental research activity which is limited to the statistical aspects of the precious metals data. Building on the results here presented, further researches will be developed, focusing on the economic and financial motivations behind the trading activities and on the interpretation of peculiar properties of precious metals prices, volatility and liquidity. References [1] Abergel, F., Bouchaud, J., Foucault, T., Lehalle, C., and Rosenbaum, M., 2012, Market Microstructure: Confronting Many Viewpoints, Wiley. 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XAU 15 0.0013 0.0049 1084.5 26.257 0.0002 0.0003 0.0005 0.0040 0.0150 XAU 60 0.0012 0.0042 1553.0 30.551 0.0002 0.0003 0.0006 0.0035 0.0130 XAG 15 0.0035 0.0045 245.13 10.422 0.0007 0.0010 0.0024 0.0089 0.0221 XAG 60 0.0034 0.0039 85.934 7.0002 0.0008 0.0010 0.0025 0.0083 0.0191 XPD 60 0.0098 0.0080 29.615 3.8557 0.0028 0.0036 0.0073 0.0242 0.0426 XPT 60 0.0052 0.0055 115.47 7.75 0.0013 0.0016 0.0038 0.0126 0.0256 Table 5: Descriptive analysis of the QS across metals 16 Plot of the prices, metal: Silver, interval=5 min Plot of the prices, metal: Gold, interval=5 min 1400 28 26 1300 24 1200 22 20 1100 18 1000 16 14 900 12 800 Mar−09 Sep−09 Mar−10 Mar−09 Sep−10 (a) XAU Sep−09 Mar−10 Sep−10 (b) XAG Plot of the prices, metal: Palladium, interval=5 min Plot of the prices, metal: Platino, interval=5 min 1800 700 1700 1600 600 1500 500 1400 1300 400 1200 1100 300 1000 200 900 Mar−09 Sep−09 Mar−10 Sep−10 Mar−09 Sep−09 (c) XPD Mar−10 Sep−10 (d) XPT Figure 1: Prices plot Plot of the returns, metal: Silver, interval=5 min Plot of the returns, metal: Gold, interval=5 min 0.02 0.03 0.015 0.02 0.01 0.01 0.005 0 0 −0.01 −0.005 −0.02 −0.01 −0.015 Mar−09 Sep−09 Mar−10 Mar−09 Sep−10 (a) XAU Sep−09 Mar−10 Sep−10 (b) XAG Plot of the returns, metal: Palladium, interval=5 min Plot of the returns, metal: Platino, interval=5 min 0.04 0.03 0.03 0.02 0.02 0.01 0.01 0 −0.01 0 −0.02 −0.03 −0.01 −0.04 −0.02 −0.05 −0.06 −0.03 Mar−09 Sep−09 Mar−10 Sep−10 Mar−09 (c) XPD Sep−09 Mar−10 (d) XPT Figure 2: Returns plot 17 Sep−10 Intervals returns equal to 0 metal: Gold, interval=5 min Intervals returns equal to 0 metal: Gold, interval=60 min 90 80 80 70 70 60 Percentage Percentage 60 50 50 40 40 30 30 20 20 10 10 0 0 Hours Hours (a) XAU return 5 min (b) XAU return 60 min Figure 3: Occurrence of zeros during the trading day ACF for the squared returns, metal: Silver, interval=60 min 0.16 0.16 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 Sample Autocorrelation Sample Autocorrelation ACF for the squared returns, metal: Gold, interval=60 min 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.1 0.08 0.06 0.04 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 −0.02 −0.02 0 20 40 60 Lags 80 100 120 0 20 (a) XAU 0.14 0.14 0.12 0.12 0.1 0.08 0.06 120 100 120 0.1 0.06 0.04 0.02 0.02 0 0 −0.02 −0.02 60 Lags 100 0.08 0.04 40 80 ACF for the squared returns, metal: Platino, interval=60 min 0.16 Sample Autocorrelation Sample Autocorrelation ACF for the squared returns, metal: Palladium, interval=60 min 20 60 Lags (b) XAG 0.16 0 40 80 100 120 (c) XPD 0 20 40 60 Lags (d) XPT Figure 4: ACF squared returns 18 80 −5 −5 x 10 x 10 Average squared returns within a day, metal: Gold, interval=60 min Average squared returns within a day, metal: Silver, interval=60 min 6 2 1.8 5 1.6 1.4 4 1.2 3 1 0.8 2 0.6 0.4 1 0.2 1 6 12 Hours 18 1 24 6 12 Hours (a) XAU −5 x 10 18 24 (b) XAG Average squared returns within a day, metal: Palladium, interval=60 min −5 x 10 8 Average squared returns within a day, metal: Platino, interval=60 min 3 7 2.5 6 2 5 4 1.5 3 1 2 0.5 1 1 6 12 Hours 18 24 1 6 (c) XPD 12 Hours 18 24 (d) XPT Figure 5: Average hourly squared return −5 Non parametric periodic component x 10 0.1 f SD f ShortH f WSD mean 0.08 2 0.06 0.04 1 0.02 0 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 Figure 6: Estimated periodic component, parametric and non parametric approaches. 19 ACF sq ret 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 24 48 72 ACF st sq ret by RBV 96 120 24 48 72 ACF st sq ret by RBV and f SD 96 120 24 48 72 ACF st sq ret by RBV and f ShortH 96 120 24 48 72 ACF st sq ret by RBV and f WSD 96 120 96 120 24 48 72 Figure 7: ACF of the squared standardized returns. 20 ACF hourly volume − Gold 1 0.5 0 −0.5 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 100 120 ACF st hourly volume − 5 harm 1 0.5 0 −0.5 0 20 40 60 80 (a) ACF Estimated harmonic (5 comp.) for volume − Gold 45 45 5 harm. mean 40 40 35 35 30 30 25 25 20 20 15 15 10 10 5 5 0 −5 0 5 10 15 20 0 25 (b) Estimated harmonic Figure 8: ACF of the volume (top panel), ACF of volume residuals after a regression on harmonics (mid panel) and estimated periodic component (bottom Panel) 21 ACF for the QS (end), metal: Gold, interval=60 min ACF for the QS (end), metal: Palladium, interval=60 min 0.6 0.5 0.45 0.5 0.4 0.4 Sample Autocorrelation Sample Autocorrelation 0.35 0.3 0.25 0.2 0.3 0.2 0.15 0.1 0.1 0.05 0 0 0 20 40 60 Lags 80 100 −0.1 120 0 20 40 (a) XAU −3 x 10 60 Lags 80 100 120 (b) XAG Average QS (end) within a day, metal: Gold, interval=60 min Average QS (end) within a day, metal: Palladium, interval=60 min 9 0.026 8 0.024 0.022 7 0.02 6 0.018 5 0.016 4 0.014 3 0.012 0.01 2 0.008 1 0.006 1 6 12 Hours 18 24 1 6 (c) XAU 12 Hours 18 24 (d) XAG Figure 9: ACF and average hourly levels or PQS for Gold and Palladium. Average OF squared within a day, metal: Gold, interval=60 min ACF for the OF squared, metal: Gold, interval=60 min 250 0.2 200 Sample Autocorrelation 0.15 150 0.1 100 0.05 50 0 0 20 40 60 Lags 80 100 120 (a) XAU 1 6 12 Hours 18 24 (b) XAU Figure 10: ACF and average hourly levels for squared OF for Gold. 22 XAU Egarch HAR Egarch const 0,0000 (0,00) AR(1) -0,0398 (0,01) 0,0000 (0,00) -0,0389 (0,00) ω -0,237 (0,12) c -0,126 (0,06) b θ1 0,112 (0,04) 0,079 (0,05) 0,030 (0,04) 0,005 (0,02) 0,172 (0,03) a 0,121 (0,04) 0,130 (0,03) -0,076 (0,06) 0,091 (0,12) 0,015 (0,16) a 0,021 (0,01) 0,114 (0,09) 0,060 (0,05) 0,126 (0,08) 0,656 (0,14) a -0,248 (0,08) -0,253 (0,14) -0,035 (0,03) 0,107 (0,03) -0,083 (0,03) 0,205 (0,12) -0,104 (0,09) -0,002 (0,01) -0,148 (0,08) 0,070 (0,04) a θ3 θ6 θ12 θ24 β1 β3 β6 β12 β24 cos1 sin1 cos2 sin2 cos3 sin3 cos4 sin4 cos5 sin5 LLF c a a c a b c c 56748,0 0,518 (0,05) -0,251 (0,10) 0,671 (0,20) -0,814 (0,35) 0,862 (0,91) -0,071 (0,03) -0,234 (0,07) -0,093 (0,07) 0,366 (0,06) -0,087 (0,08) 0,309 (0,03) -0,277 (0,05) 0,110 (0,05) -0,097 (0,04) 0,233 (0,04) a a a a b b a a a a b b a 56745,8 Table 6: Estimation results Egarch and Egarch HAR with AR(1). 23 2 ACF ut − EGARCH AR(1) − 5 Arm 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 24 48 72 96 72 96 2 t ACF u − EGARCH HAR AR(1) − 5 Arm 0.15 0.1 0.05 0 −0.05 −0.1 24 48 (a) ACF Figure 11: ACF of standardized returns after EGARCHX and EGARCHX-HAR estimation. 24