From: AAAI Technical Report SS-92-01. Compilation copyright © 1992, AAAI ( All rights reserved. JIGSAW:Preference-Directed, Co-operative Scheduling Theodore A. Linden David Gaw AdvancedDecision Systems, a Division of Booz.Allen& Hamilton, Inc. 1500PlymouthSt. MountainView, CA94043 linden@ads.corn 415-960-7562 Abstract* Techniquesthat enable humansand machinesto cooperate in the solution of complex scheduling problems have evolved out of work on the dally allocation and scheduling of Tactical Air Force resources. A generalized, formal modelof these applied techniques is being developed.It is called JIGSAW by analogywith the multi-agent, constructive process used whensolving jigsaw puzzles. JIGSAW beginsfromthis analogyand extendsit by propagating local preferencesinto globalstatistics that dynamically influence the value and variable orderingdecisions. The statistical projections also apply to abstract resources and time periods--allowing moreopportunities to find a successful variable ordering by reservingabstract resourcesanddeferringthe choiceof a specific resourceor timepericxt Keywords:Scheduling, constraint propagation, statistical look-ahead,hierarchicalplanning,resource abstractions,transformational synthesis. 1. Introduction For manyschedulingproblems,partial automation is a realistic but difficult goal. Partial automation meansthat human schedulerscan participate in incremental schedulingdecisions. Algorithmsfrom operations research and mostheuristic search techniques involve humansin the problemset up but not in the generationof schedules. Thesealgorithmsworkwell when the problem is modeled perfectly and is * This workwaspartially supportedby the Defense AdvancedResearch Projects Agency(DARPA) under contract DAAH01-90-0080 and partially supported by IR&D fundingfrcxn Advanced De,ionSystems. 136 computationallytractable. Unfortunately,practical schedulingproblemsoccur in very complexenvironments,it is usually impossibleto capture all of the domaincomplexitiesin the formalmodel.In practice, the results of fully automatedschedulingalgorithms are used primarilyto debugthe problemset up. This results in a verylarge debugging loopthat is inefficient and does not always converge to an acceptable solution. Furthermore, details about myriads of individualpreferencesare seldomhandledeffectively. Whilea humanschedulermaynotice that an important task in today’s scheduleis one on whichJohnJones performedeffectively last week,it is impracticalto expectthat the knowledge acquisitiontask can capture all thesesubtlepreferencesin advance. A co-operative approachto schedule generation exploits the strengths of both humansand automation, but co-operationimplies that the schedulingsoftware has to workwith an incompletemodelof the problem domain. Humanscheduling decisions should be viewed as dynamic extensions to that model. Furthermore, many scheduling problems are dominated by preferences rather than by hard constraints, andthese preferencesneedto be exploited in the samewaythat constraints are exploited in constraint-directedscheduling. 2. Background and Overview JIGSAWgeneralizes techniques originally developed to partially automatethe daily allocationand scheduling of Tactical Air Force resources. The complexity of the knowledge involved in this schedulingproblemis such that, whendonemanually, a team of 8-16 people worksover a period of 12 or morehours. Aninteractive systemthat solves this problemby allowing humansand the machineto make incrementalschedulingdecisions wasdesignedthree years ago, has undergone two years of user evaluations, 1 and is now being hardened for operational use. JIGSAW is a generalization and formalization of the automatedreasoningtechniques originallydesignedfor this application. JIGSAW is an open collection of techniques that allow humansto participate as schedules are constructed incrementally.JIGSAW begins with a transformationalapproachmsimilar to the transformations commonly used to compileprogramspecifications into programsand to refine design specifications into designs. Correctness-preserving transformations encapsulate knowledgeabout incrementalallocation andschedulingdecisions. Theyseparate the definition of these decisionrules fromthe controldecisionsabout whenthey should be invoked. JIGSAW extends this transformational approach withstatistical look-ahead techniques.Statistical lookaheaduses local constraintsandpreferencesto project the expectedcontentionfor resourcesover time. These statistical projectionsallowlocal schedulingdecisions to be influencedby statistical knowledge about the global context. Statistical look-aheadenhancesboth value and variable ordering techniques. Ourongoing workextendsthesestatistical projectionsto deal with abstract resourcegroupings.Partially determinedtime intervals are also handledas abstract resources. An assignmentof an abstract resourceto a task creates a reservationfor an unspecifiedinstance of the ahsWact resource. Thesereservations for abstract resources enable incremental commitments that provide more opportunitiesto find variable orderingsthat avoidor reducebacktracking. The nameJIGSAW is based on an analogy with jigsaw puzzleswhere: ¯ ManyIndependent agentsmboth human and automatedco-operateto construct a solution. ¯ The order in which scheduling decisions are made is not predetermined by the problem. ¯ Partial solutions can (usually) be evaluated (pfobahly)extenstbleto an acceptablesolution. JIGSAW extends this analogy with a combination of techniques for reasoning about preferences, abstractionlevels, variableordering,anduncertainty. Unlikejigsaw puzzles, JIGSAW seeks a globally good solutionby makinga series of local decisionsthat are 1Therealities of a largeimplementation haveled to an early focuson machineassistance for humandecisionmaking; implementation of the automated decision-wakiqg techniquesonwhichJIGSAW is basedis quite recent. 137 informedby statistical knowledge abouthowthe local decisionis likely to impactglobaloptimality. Theoverall JIGSAW approachinvolves associating a transformation with each incremental, atomic allocation and scheduling decision. The users can commitsomeschedulingdecisions, and the automated JIGSAW techniques accept and work with partial schedules developed by users. The users control which transformations will be candidates for execution. The control software invokes the transformations that produce the most promising extensionsof the currentpartial schedule. 3. Exploiting Value and Variable Ordering Opportunities To fully exploit value and variable ordering opportunities when constructing a schedule incrementally,individual transformationsof partial assignmentsshould be kept as atomic as possible. Mostjob shopschedulingtechniquesexploit variable ordering opportunities only at the level of complete orders or resources;that is, they makeassignmentsto all the tasks involvedin an order or they completely schedule a single resource. Like Cortes [Fox & Sycara 90, Sadeh 91], JIGSAW enables separate 2decisions for each individual task or activity. JIGSAW allows a task to be assigned a resource or scheduledinto a time period without simultaneously committingto decisions about other tasks or times. Furthermore, by introducing resource abstraction hierarchies, JIGSAW can reserve an abstract resource for a task whiledeferringthe assignmentof a specific resource or time interval. These assignments of abstract resources allow more opportunities for variableorderingheuristicsto be effective. Whenallowing very small incremental transformationsthat maybe madein almostany order, one has a problempreservingthe propertythat any partial assignmentthat is generated can be extended to a nearly optimalsolution. In particular, related tasks mustall eventually receive consistent assignments, tasks that are assigned an abstract resource must eventuallyreceivespecific resources,tasks that receive resources must eventually be scheduled, and tasks assigned a flexible time period must eventually be scheduled into a specific time interval. These problemsare largely avoidedin earlier scheduling systemswhereall of the decisionsassociatedwith an order or resource are madesimultaneously;however, 2 JIGSAW’s t~_~ksare equivalentto Cortes’activities. Theterms"operation"and"variable"are also usedin the literature withan equivalentmeaning. this groupingof decisionslimits the opportunitiesto fully exploit valueandvariableorderings. JIGSAW includes substantial bookkeepingfunctions andstatistics that summarize the state of current assignmentsandproject the probableeffects of future assignments.Thisinformationis usedto inhibit transformations that are likely to interfere with the completionof existing partial assignments.Projections about the expecteddemandon resources allow the incrementaltransformationsto achievea balance betweengreedy local optimization and altruistic minimization of resourceconflicts [Sycaraet al. 90]. The bookkeepingfunctions and statistics apply to abstract as wellas specific resourcesandtimeperiods. Reservationfor abstract resourcesare guaranteedin that transformationsmakingassignmentsto other tasks will preserveenoughinstancesof the abstract resource to fulfill all prior reservations.Significantly,manyof these samebookkeepingfunctions and statistics are also useful to the humanexperts whoco-operatein the problemsolving process. basically a greedy algorithm augmentedwith plan repair techniques.However, the statistical look-ahead techniques together with reservations for abstract resourcesalso workin the context of backtrackingor breadth-first search strategies. The choice of lhe searchstrategy is controlledby the size of the problem and the needto interact with human schedulers,not by the statistical look-ahead.Human schedulersappearto be mostcomfortablewith divide-and-conquer,greedy algorithms,andplanrepair strategies---togetherwitha very limited amount of breadth-first search and backtracking. Thecritical part of JIGSAW is the inner loop where statistics about expectedresource availability ate projectedand a transformationthat doesnot needto be deferred is found. This section summarizes the steps usedin the Tactical Air Forceschedulingproblemfrom which JIGSAWevolved. A more formal, general treatment can be found in [Linden 91], and we are currently trying to formalizethese ideas moredirectly in termsof Bayesiannetworksand decisontheory. This description of the inner loop in JIGSAW is a Thebookkeepingfunctions and statistics are also step toward generalizing the computations, not used to dynamicallyselect the order in which the transformationsare executed.Thegoal is to defer each optimizing them. The Air Force application where transformation until there is enoughinformation these techniques were applied deals with file optimizationissues; manyoptimizationsare available available to predict that its decisionis a step toward by reusing previouscomputations. achievinga nearly optimalassignment.Notethat ff all transformations meet this goal, then whenevera Tte steps of the innerloopare: specific task-resourceor task-time-periodpairing is 1. Local rating: Use constraints to identify the required to achieve an optimal assignment, other alternative resourcesand time periods that can be Wansformations will not use up the last instanceof the assignedto each task, and use preferencesto order resource ortime period that isneeded bythis task. Of or rate these possible values. This local rating is course, with invocation criteria asstringent asthis, the based on the easily-processed constraints and problemis whethertherewillalwaysbe a preferences directly associated with the task; transformation thatdoesnotneedtobedeferred. An initially, it doesnot deal with global issues like experimentalhypothesisbeingevaluatedis: for many resourceavailability. large problems that are characterized by many preferencesandthat canbe solvedadequatelyby teams 2. Globalstatistics: Translatethe local ratings for of humanexperts, there will usually be some eachalternative value assignmentinto a subjective "obvious" transformation that does not need to be probability that this assignmentwill be made,and deferred. When there is no such transformation,then sumtheseprobabilitiesacrossall the tasks to project either humanintervention or a branch and bound globalstatistics aboutthe expecteddemand for each searchstrategycanbe usedeffectively. resource. Comparisonof the expected demandfor resources with the available resources identifies In summary,the automated portion of JIGSAW probablebottlenecks. starts fromanyconsistentpartial assignment (initially from the empty assignment unless humanexperts 3. Tradeoff: Re-evaluate the alternative value makesomeinitial decisions), finds a transformation assignmentsin termsof whichchoiceis mostlikely that is statistically the least in needof beingdeferred, to be part of a globally optimalassignment.This executes that transformation, and iterates. Humans re-evaluation uses the statistics about resource control the overall processandcaninterleavetheir own contention and makesa trade off betweenlocal decisionsbetweentransactioninvocations. utility andglobalresourcecontention. 4. Statistical Projections 4. Commit:For one or more. tasks, "commit"to a transformationthat is projected to lead towarda In the TacticalAirForceapplication, statistical lookgood complete assignment. Chooseto makethis aheadwasused to give moresophisticationto whatis 138 commitmentfor tasks where the decision is "obvious" and/or "influential": a, Obviousdecisions are those where one can project a very high confidencelevel that a decision made nowwill be "right." This confidence is evaluatedin termsof: Strength of the local preference for the proposedcommitment relative to alternative possible values. This maybe computedas the delta betweenthe rating of the valueto be committed andthe rating of the next best value. The commitment’suse of low contention resourcesbasedon the statistical projections of the expecteddemandfor each resourceat varioustimes. - The quality of the current understanding about howinteractions with other tasks mightaffect this task. b. Influential decisions are decisions which clarify manyother decisions; for example,a decision to commitbottleneck resources is influential becauseit narrowsthe choicesthat remainopenfor all others decisions. 5) Plan repair: Plan critics are available as a wayof undoing a previous decisionmalong with the decisionsthat directly dependon it. Plan critics resolve conflicts that arise fromimperfectlookaheador fromchangingconditionsin the external environment. Plan critics havebeenincludedin the design of JIGSAW applications, but they havenot yet beenaddedto the formal JIGSAW model. needto be involvedto helpevaluatethe feasibility and effectivenessof the evolvingschedules. 6. References [Fox &Sycara 90] MarkS. Foxand Katia P. Sycara, "Overview of CORTES:A Constraint Based Approachto Production Planning, Scheduling, and Control," Proc. of the FourthInter. Conf.on Expert Systems in Production and Operations Management,May, 1990. [Linden 91] Theodore A. Linden, "Preferencedirected, Co-operativeResourceAllocation and Scheduling." Final Technical Report, DARPA Order No. 6685, AdvancedDecision Systems ReportTR-1270-3,Sept. 1991. [Sadeh 91] NormanSadeh, "Look-aheadTechniques for Micro-opportunistic Job ShopScheduling." PhD Thesis, School of Computer Science, CarnegieMellonUniversity, 1991. [Sycaraet al. 90] Katia P. Sycara,S. Roth, N. Sadeh, and M. Fox, "ManagingResourceAllocation in Multi-Agent Time-constrained Domains."DARPA Workshopon Innovative Approachesto Planning, Scheduling, and Control., Morgan Kaufman Publ., San Mateo,CA,Nov.1990, pp. 240-250. 5. Conclusions JIGSAW evolved from work on large scheduling applicationsthat mustbe solvedco-operativelyand are dominated by preferences rather than by hard constraints. JIGSAW exploits those preferences to projectstatistical characteristicsof the globalsituation whichare then usedto enhancelocal valueandvariable ordering decisions. JIGSAW extendsthese statistical projections to abstract groupingsof resources and allows partial schedulesto include reservations for abstract resources. Thesereservations for abstract resources open moreopportunities for value and variableorderingtechniquesto be effective. JIGSAWis proposed as one of a range of scheduling techniques It is appropriate for large resourceallocationandschedulingapplicationsthat are currently solved by teams of humanexperts. It is especially appropriate for problems where the evaluationcriteria are complex,changing,andnot fully formalized--problems for which humanschedulers 139