Integrating Planning and Execution in Stochastic ... Richard Dearden and Craig Boutilier Department

From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-06. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved.
Integrating Planning and Execution in Stochastic Domains
RichardDeardenand Craig Boutilier
of Computer
Science, Universityof British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, CANADA,V6T 1Z4
{dearden, cebly}
a certain action is deemed
best (for a givenstate) it should
be executed and its outcomeobserved. Subsequentsearch
Weinvestigate planning in time-critical domains
for the best next action can proceedfromthe actual outcome,
representedas MarkovDecisionProcesses. To reignoringother unrealizedoutcomesof that action.
ducethe computational
cost of the algorithmweexIn general, a fixed-depthsearch will tend to be greedy,
ecuteactionsas weconstructthe plan, andsacrifice
choosingactions that provide immediaterewardat the exoptimalityby searchingto a fixed depthandusinga
penseof long-termgain. Toalleviate this problemweassume
heuristicfunctionto estimatethe valueof states. Ala heuristicfunctionthat estimatesthe valueof eachstate, acthoughthis paperconcentrateson the searchprocecountingfor future states that mightbe reachedin additionto
dure, wealso discusswaysof constructingheuristic
that state’s immediatereward.This prevents(to someextent)
functionsthat are suitablefor this approach.
the problemof globallysuboptimal
choicesdueto finite horizoneffects. Knowledge
of certain propertiesof the heuristic
function allowthe searchtree to be pruned.Wedescribe one
1 Introduction
methodof constructingheuristic functions that allowsthis
Anoptimal solution to a decision-theoretic planningprob- informationto be easily determined.This constructionalso
lem requires the formulationof a sequenceof actions that
producesdefault actionsfor eachstate, in essence,generating
the expectedvalueof the sequenceof worldstates
a reactive policy. Oursearch procedurecan be viewedas
throughwhichthe planningagentprogressesby executingthat
usingdeliberationto refine the reactivestrategy.
plan. Deanet al. (1993b; 1993a)havesuggestedthat many
In the next section wedescribe MDPs
and a samplerepresuch problemscan be represented as Markovdecision prosentationfor this decisionmodel.Section3 describesthe basic
ceases (MDPs).This allows the use of dynamicprogramming algorithm,includingthe searchalgorithm,the interleavingof
techniquessuch as valueorpolicy iteration (Howard
search and execution, as well as possible pruningmethods.
computeoptimalpolicies or coursesof action. Indeed,such Section4 discussessomewaysof constructingthe heuristic
policies solve the moregeneral problemof determiningthe
evaluationfunctions. Section 5 examinesthe computational
best actionfor everystate. Unfortunately,
this optimalityand cost of the algorithm,anddescribessomepreliminaryexpergenerality comesat great computational
Deanet al. (1993b; 1993a) have proposed a planning
methodthat relaxes these requirements.Anenvelopeor sub- 2 The Decision Model
set of states that mightbe relevant to the planningproblem
at hand(e.g., givenparticularinitial andgoalstates) is con- Let S be a finite set of world states. In manydomainsthe
strutted, andan optimalpolicy is computed
for this restricted states will be the models(or worlds)associated with some
spacein an anytimefashion. Clearly,optimalityis sacrificed logical language,so ISl will be exponentialin the number
since importantstates mightlie outsidethe envelope,as is
atomsgeneratingthis language.Let ,4 be a finite set of acgenerality, for the policy makesno mentionof these ignored tions availableto an agent. Anaction takes the agentfromone
states. In (Deanet al. 1993b)it is suggestedthat domain- worldto another,but the result of an actionis known
specific heuristics will aid in initial envelopeselectionand someprobability. Anaction maythen be viewedas a mapenvelopealteration.
ping fromS into probability distributions over S. Wewrite
Weproposean alternative methodfor dealing with Markov Pr(sx,a, s2) to denotethe probabilitythat s2 is reachedgiven
decision modelsin a real-time environment.Wesuggestthat
that action a is performedin state sl (embodying
the usual
be explicitly viewedas search problems. Real-time Markovassumption).Weassumethat an agent, onceit has
constraintscanbe incorporated
by restricting the searchhoriperformed
an action, can observethe resulting state; hencethe
zon. This is the basic idea behind,for example,Korf’srealprocessis completelyobservable.Uncertaintyin this model
results only fromthe outcomesof actions being probabilistime heuristic search algorithm.In stochastic domainsthere
is anotherimportantreasonfor interleavingexecutioninto the
tic, not fromuncertainty about the state of the world. We
planningprocess,namely,to restrict the searchspaceto the
assumea real-valued rewardfunction R, with R(s) denoting
actual outcomes
of probabilistic actions. In particular, once the (immediate)
utility of beingin state s. Forour purposes
I-IasUserCoffee, Wet
--,HasUserCoffee, --Wet
--,HasUserCoffee, Wet
HUC,-~HRC 0.8
Figure 2: An example of a reward function for the coffee
delivering robot domain.
is performedin a state s satisfying Di, then a randomeffect
from ELi is applied to s. For example, in Figure 1, if the
agent carries out the GetUmbrellaaction in a state whereOffice is true, then with probability 0.9 Umbrellawill be true,
and every other proposition will remain unchanged,and with
probability 0.1 there will be no changeof state. For convenience, we mayalso write actions as sets of action aspects as
illustrated for the Moveaction in Figure 1 (Boutilier and Dearden 1994). The action has two descriptions which represent
two independentsets of discrir0inants, the cross productof the
Hgure 1: An example domain presented as STRIPS-style
aspects is used to determine the actual effects. For example,
action descriptions. Note that HUCand HRCare HasUserif Rain and Office are true, and a Moveaction is performed
Coffee and HasRobotCoffeerespectively.
then with probability 0.81 -~Office, Wet will result, and so
on. This representation of domainsin terms of propositions
consists of,.q, .A, R and the set of transition distributions
also provides a natural wayof expressing rewards. Figure 2
showsa representation of rewards for this domain. Only the
{Pr(., a, .) : a E A}.
propositionsHasUserCoffeeand Wet affect the reward for any
Acontrol policy Ir is a function ~- : ,.q ~ A. If this policy
is adopted, lr(s) is the action an agent will performwhenever given state.
it finds itself in state s. Given an MDP,an agent ought to
This frameworkis flexible enoughto allow a wide variety
adopt an optimal policy that maximizesthe expected rewards
of different rewardfunctions. Oneimportantsituation is that
accumulatedas it performsthe specified actions. Weconcenin whichthere is someset S~c_ S of goal states, and the agent
trate here on discounted infinite horizon problems:the value
tries to reach a goal state in as few movesas possible) Since
of a reward is discounted by some factor/3(0 </3 < 1)
we are interleaving plan construction and plan execution, the
each step in the future; and we want to maximizethe expected
time required to plan is significant whenmeasuringsuccess;
accumulateddiscounted rewards over an infinite time period.
but as a first approximation
we can represent this type of situIntuitively, a DTPproblem can be viewed as finding a good
ation with the following rewardfunction (Deanet al. 1993b):
(or optimal) policy.
R(s) = 0 ifs E Sg and R(s) = -1 otherwise.
Theexpected value of a fixed policy ~r at any given state s
is specified by
3 The Algorithm
V,(s) = n(s) + ~Pr(s, ~(s),t).
Since the factors V.(s) are mutually dependent, the value of
~r at any initial state s can be computed
by solving this system
of linear equations. Apolicy Ir is optimal
if V, (s) >_ V,~, (s)
for all s E ,q andpolicies 7r’.
Althoughwe represent actions as sets of stochastic transitions from state to state, we expect that domainsand actions will usually be specified in a moretraditional form for
planning purposes. Figure 1 showsa stochastic variation of
STRIPSrules (Kushmerick, Hanks and Weld 1993) for a domain in which the robot must deliver coffee to the user. An
effect E is a set of literals. If weapply E to somestate s, the
resulting state satisfies all the literals in E and agrees with s
for all other literals. Theprobabilistic effect of an action is
a finite set El, ...E, of effects, with associated probabilities
Pl,..., Pn where ~ Pi : 1.
Since actions mayhave different results in different contexts, we associate with each action a finite set D1,..., D. of
mutually exclusive and exhaustive sentences called discriminants, with probabilistic effects ELI, ..., EL,~. If the action
Our algorithm for integrating planning and execution proceeds by searching for a best action, executing that action,
observingthe result of this execution, and iterating. Theunderlying search algorithmconstructs a partial decision tree to
determinethe best action for the current state (the root of this
tree). Weassumethe existence of a heuristic function that estimates the value of each state (such heuristics are described
in Section 4). The search tree maybe prunedif certain properfies of the heuristic function are known.This search can be
terminated whenthe tree has been expandedto somespecified
depth, whenreal-time pressures are brought to bear, or when
the best action is known(e.g., due to complete pruning, or
becausethe best action has beencachedfor this state).
Oncethe search algorithmselects a best action for the current state, the action is executed and the resulting state is
observed. By observing the new state, we establish which
of the possible action outcomesactually occurred. Without
this information, the search for the best next action wouldbe
1If a "final" state stops the process, wemayuse self-absorbing
Initial First First
State Action State
Second Second State Utility of 2ndact. Actionandvalue
State Value given1st state
of first state
¯ x p---0.9, V=2
A~¯ y p--¯.l, v=3 } U=2.1 ~ Act.AV(t)=2.39
V=l} u--o.3
p---0.3, V=4} U=I.2
p=0.9, V=O
~ Act.A
p=O.1,v=2} u--t2
p--0.9, V=2
p=0.1, V=0 } U=l.8 ~ Act.A V(v)=2.62
~v (p-=-o.5
p--0.4, V=2} U=1.4
p=O.l, V=4
p=0.9, V=0} U=0.4 ~ Act.B V(w)=3.25/
} u=2.5
R(t) = R(u)= 0.5, R(v) = R(w)=
=0, R(y)=
Figure3: Anexample
of a two-levelsearchfor the best action fromstate s.
forced to accountfor every possible outcomeof the previous action. Byinterleaving executionand observationwith
search,weneedonly searchfromthe actualresulting state.
In skeletal form,the algorithmis as follows.Wedenoteby
s the currentstate, andbyA*(t) 2the best actionfor state t.
1. If state s has not beenpreviouslyvisited, build a partial
decision tree of all possible actions andtheir outcomes
beginningat state s, usingsomecriteria to decidewhen
to stop expanding
the leavesof the tree. Usingthe partial
tree andthe heuristic function,calculatethe best action
A*(s)E .,4 to performin state s. (This value may
cachedin cases is revisited.)
2. ExecuteA*(s).
3. Observethe actual outcome
of A*(s). Updates to be this
observedstate (the state is known
with certainty, given
the assumptionof completeobservability).
4. Repeat.
Thepoint at whichthe algorithmstops dependson the characteristics of the domain.
if there are goalstates,
and the agent’s task is to reach one, planningmaycontinue
until a goalstate is reached.In process-oriented
algorithmcontinuesindefinitely. In our experiments,wehave
typicallyrun the algorithmuntil a goalstate is reached(if one
exists) or for a constantnumber
of steps.
3.1 Action Selection
Herewediscussstep oneof the high-levelalgorithmgivenin
Section3. Toselect the bestactionfor a givenstate, the agent
needs to estimate the value of performingeach action. In
orderto dothis, it buildsa partial decisiontree of actionsand
2Initially A*(t) mightbe undefined
for all t. However,
if the
heuristicfunctionprovidesdefaultreactions(seeSection4), it
usefulto thinkof theseas the bestactionsdetermined
bya depthO
resulting states, andusesthe tree to approximate
the expected
utility of eachaction. Thissearchtechniqueis related to the
.-minimaxalgorithmof Ballard (1983). As weshall see
Section3.2, there are similarities in the waywecan prunethe
searchtree as well. Figure3 showsa partial tree of actions
twolevels deep. Fromthe initial state s, if weperformaction
A, wereach state t with probability 0.8, and state u with
probability0.2. Theagentexpandsthese states with a second
action and reaches the set of secondstates. To determine
the actionto performin a givenstate, the agentestimatesthe
expectedutility of eachaction. If s andt are states,/~ is the
factor bywhichthe rewardfor future states is discounted,and
V(t) is the heuristicfunctionat state t, the estimatedexpected
utility of actionAiis:
U(A,I ) - A,, t)v(t)
V(s) Is):if Aj
s is
a leaf
V(s) = R(s) + max{U(Aj
E .,4
} otherwise
Figure3 illustrates the processwith a discountingfactor of
0.9. Theutility of performingaction Aif the worldwerein
state t is the weighted
sumof the valuesof beingin states a:
andy, whichis 2.1. Sincethe utility of action B is 0.3, we
select actionAas the best (givenour currentinformation)for
state t, andmakeV(t) R(t) + fl U ( AIt) = 2.39. Th
e utility
of actionAin state s is Pr(s, A, t ) V( t ) +Pr(s, A, u ) V
giving U(AIs) = 2.23. This is lower than U(BIs), so we
select B as the best action for state s, recordthe fact that
A*(8) is B, and execute B. Byobserving the world, the
agentnowknowswhetherstate v or wis the newstate, andcan
build on its previoustree, expanding
the appropriatebranchto
twolevels anddeterminingthe best action for the newstate.
Noticethat if (say) v results fromactionB, the tree rooted
state wcan safely be ignored--the unrealizedpossibility can
haveno further impacton updatedexpectedutility (unless
is revisitedvia somepath).
(~ Val.=7
~ Val.=7
~stimated Val.=3
/ \
Estimated V~’--4 6
N~stimated Ual.=2
Figure4: Twokindsof pruningwhere~(s) < 10 andis accurateto 4-1. In (a), utility pruning,the trees at UandVneednot
searebed,whilein Co), expectationpruning,the trees belowT andUare ignored,althoughthe states themselvesare evaluated.
action are combined.Twosorts of cuts can be madein the
search tree. If weknowboundson the maximum
and/or the
values of the heuristic function, utility cuts (much
like c~ and fl cuts in minimaxsearch) can be used. If the
heuristic function is reasonable, the maximum
and minimum
valuesfor anystate can be bounded
easily usingknowledge
the underlyingdecision process. In particular, with maximum
and minimum
immediaterewards of R+ and R-, the maximum
and minimum
expectedvalues for any state are bounded
+ and ~ ¯ R-, respectively. If we have bounds
by ~
i --p
t --/.,
on the error associatedwiththe heuristic function,expectation
cuts maybe applied. Theseare illustrated with examples.
Utility Pruning Wecan prune the search at an AVERAGE
step if weknowthat no matter what the value of the
remainingoutcomesof this action, wecan never exceed
the utility of someother action at the precedingMAX
step. For example,
considerthe searchtree in Figure4(a).
Weassumethat the maximum
value the heuristic function can take is 10. Whenevaluating action b, since
weknowthat the value of the subtree rootedat T is 5,
and the best that the subtrees belowUand V could be
is 0.1 x 10 + 0.2 x 10 = 3, the total cannotbe larger
than 3.5 + 1 + 2 = 6.5 so neither the tree belowUnor
that belowVis worthexpanding.This type of pruning
requires that weknowin advancethe maximum
value of
the heuristic function. Theminimum
value can be used
in a morerestricted fashion.
3.2 Techniquesfor Limitingthe Search
Asit stands, the searchalgorithmperformsin a very similar ExpectationPruningFor this type of pruning, weneed to
knowthe maximum
error associated with the heuristic
wayto minimax
search. Determiningthe value of a state is
function(see (Boutilier andDe,arden1994)for a way
analogous to the MAX
step in minimax,while calculating
estimatingthis value).If weare at a maximizing
step and,
the value of an action can be thought of as an AVERAGE
funcstep, whichreplaces the MINstep (see also (Ballard 1983)).
tion, the action weare investigating cannotbe as good
Whenthe search tree is constructed, wecan use techniques
as someother action, then wedo not needto expandthis
similar to those of Alpha-Betasearch to prunethe tree and
action further. For example,considerFigure4(b), where
reducethe numberof states that mustbe expanded.Thereare
weassumethat 1;(S) is within +1of its true (optimal)
two applicable pruningtechniques. To makeour description
value. Wehave determinedthat U(alS) = 7, therefore
clearer, wewill treat a singleply of searchas consistingof two
any potentially better action musthavea valuegreater
steps, MAX
in whichall the possibleactions froma state are
than 6. Since p(S, a, T)V(T)+ p(S, a, U)V(U)< 4,
compared,and AVERAGE,
wherethe outcomesof a particular
If the agentfinds itself in a state visited earlier, it may
use the previouslycalculated andcachedbest action A*(s).
This allowsit to avoidrecalculatingvisited states, andwill
considerablyspeedplanningif the sameor related problems
mustbe solvedmultipletimes, or if actions naturallylead to
"cycles" of states. Eventually,A*(s) couldcontain a policy
for every reachable state in S, removingthe need for any
In Figure3, the tree is expandedto depth two. Thedepth
can obviouslyvary dependingon the available time for computation. Thedeeperthe tree is expanded,the moreaccurate
the estimatesof the utilities of eachaction tend to be, and
hence the moreconfidenceweshould have that the action
selected approachesoptimality.
If there are rn actions, andthe number
of states that could
result fromexecutingan actionis onaverageb, then a tree of
depthone will require O(mb)steps, twolevels will require
O(m262),and so on. The potentially improvedperformance
of a deepersearchhas to be weighedagainstthe time required
to perform the search (Russell and Wefald1991). Rather
than expandto a constantdepth, the agentcouldinstead keep
the tree until the probabilityof reachingthe state
being considereddrops belowa certain threshold. This approach mayworkwell in domainswherethere are extreme
probabilitiesor utilities. Pruningof the searchtree mayalso
exploit this information.
evenif b is as goodas possible(giventhese estimates),
it cannotachievethis threshold,so there is no needto
search further belowT and U.
7~inducesa partition of the state spaceinto sets of states,
or clusters whichagree on the truth values of propositions
in 7~. Furthermore,the actions fromthe original ’concrete’
state spaceapply directly to these clusters. This is due to
wehavenot yet empiricallyinvestigatedthe effects
the fact that eachactioneither mapsall the states in a cluster
of pruningonthe size of the searchtree, utility pruningcanbe to the samenewcluster, or changesthe state, but leaves the
expectedto produceconsiderablesavings.It will beespecially cluster unchanged.Thesetwofacts allowus to performpolicy
valuable whennodesare orderedfor expansionaccordingto
iteration onthe abstractstate space.Thealgorithmis:
their probabilityof actuallyoccurringgivena specificaction.
1. Constructthe set of relevantpropositions7~. Theactions
Expectationpruningrequires a modificationof the search
are left unchanged,
but effects on propositionsnot in
algorithmto checkall outcomesof an action to see if the
are ignored.
weightedaverageof their estimatedvaluesis sufficient to justify continuednodeexpansion.This meansthat the heuristic
2. Use~ to partition the state spaceinto clusters.
value of sibling nodes mustbe checkedbefore expandinga
3. Usethe policyiteration algorithmto generatean abstract
givennode.Takinginto accountthe cost of this, andthe diffipolicy for the abstract state space. For details of this
culty of producingtight boundson V, this typeof pruningmay
algorithmsee (Howard1971;Deanet al. 1993b).
not be cost-effective in somedomains.However,the method
of generatingheuristic functions in (Boutilier andDearden
Byaltering the numberof reward-changingpropositions
1994)(see the next section for a brief discussion)produces in ~, wecan vary its size, and hencethe granularity and
just such bounds.Expectationpruningis closely related to
accuracyof the abstract policy. This allowsus to investigate
whatKoff(1990)calls alpha-pruning.Thedifferenceis that
the tradeoff betweentime spent buildingthe abstract policy
whileKorfreliesona propertyof the heuristicthat it is always andits degreeof optimality. Thepolicy iteration algorithm
increasing,werely on an estimateof the actual error in the
also computes
the valueof eachcluster in the abstract space.
This value can be usedas a heuristic estimate of the value
of the cluster’s constituent states. Oneadvantageof this
approachis that it allowsus to accuratelydeterminebounds
4 GeneratingHeuristic Functions
on the differencebetweenthe heuristic value for anystate,
Wehaveassumedthe existenceof a heuristic function above. andits valueaccordingto an optimalpolicy -- see (Boutilier
Wenowbriefly describe somepossible methodsfor generating and Dearden1994)for details. As shownabove,this fact is
these heuristics. Theproblem
is to build a heuristic function very usefulfor pruningthe searchtree. Asecondadvantage
whichestimatesthe valueof eachstate as accuratelyas pos- this methodfor generatingheuristic valuesis that it provides
sible with a minimum
of computation.In somecases such a
defaultreactionsfor eachstate.
heuristic mayalready be available. Here wewill sketch an
for domainswith certain characteristics, andsuggest 4.2 Other Approaches
ideas for other domains.
Thealgorithmdescribedabovefor buildingthe heuristic function is certainly not appropriatein all domains.Certaindo4.1 Abstractionby IgnoringPropositions
mainsare morenaturally representedby other means(naviIn certain domains,actions mightbe representedas STRIPS- gation is oneexample).In someeases abstractionsof actions
like rules as in Figure10 andthe rewardfunctionspecifiedin
and states mayalready be available (Tenenberg
termsof certainpropositions.If this is the casewecanbuildan
For robot navigationtasks, an obviousmethodfor clusterabstractrepresentationof the state spaceby constructinga set
ing states is basedon geographicfeatures. Nearbylocations
7~ of relevantpropositions,andusingit to constructabstract can be clusteredtogetherinto states that representregionsof
stales eachcorresponding
to all the states whichagreeon the
the map,but providingactionsthat operateonthese regionsis
values of the propositionsin 7~. A completedescription of
morecomplex.Oneapproachis to assumesomeprobability
our approach,alongwiththeoretical andexperimentalresults,
distribution over locationsin eachregion,andbuild abstract
can be found in (Boutilier and Dearden1994). However
actions as weightedaveragesover all locationsin the region
will broadlydescribethe techniquehere.
of the corresponding
concreteaction. Thedifficulty with this
Toconstruct 7~, wefirst construct a set of immediately approachis that it is computationally
relevant propositions2~7~.Theseare propositionsthat have everyaction in everystate by accountedfor whenconstructing
significant effect on the rewardfunction. For example,in
the abstractactions.
Figure 2, both HasUserCoffeeand Wet have an effect on
If abstract actions (possibly macro-operators(Fikes and
the rewardfunction; but to producea small abstract state
Nilsson1971))are alreadyavailable, weneedto find clusters
space, ZT~mightinclude only HasUserCoffee,
since this is
to whichthe actions apply. In manycases this maybe easy as
the propositionwhichhas the greatest effect on the reward the abstract actionsmaytreat manystates in exactlythe same
way,hencegeneratinga clustering scheme.In other domains,
7~ will includeall the propositionsin ZT~,but also any a similar weightedaverageapproachmaybe needed.
propositionsthat appearin the discriminantof an action which
allowsus to changethe truth valueof somepropositionin 7~. 5 SomePreliminaryResults
Formally,7~ is the smallestset suchthat: 1) 2~7~C 7~; and
2) if P E 7~ occursin an effect list of someaction, then all
Weare currently exploring,both theoretically andexperipropositionsin the corresponding
discriminantare in ~.
mentally,the tradeoffsinvolvedin the interleavingof planning
Timeper action
Search 2
Depth 2
rewardfor 20 actions
12.9 15
No.of Errors
Total Error.
1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step
Search Search Search Search Search
3.769 1.476
161.068 161.068
2.7372 2.7372
0.629 0.629
Figure 5: Timing(a) and value (b) of policy for a 256 state, six action domainfor various depths of search. Table (c) shows
comparisonof the policies induced by search to various depths with the optimal policy.
and execution in this framework. Wecan measure the complexity of the algorithm as presented. Let m= [A[ be the
number of actions. Wewill assume that when constructing
the search tree for a state, we explore to depth d, and that
the branching factor for each action (the maximum
3outcomesfor the action in any given state) is at most b.
Thecost of calculating the best action for a single state is
d. The cost per state is slightly less than this since we can
reuse our calculations, but the overall complexityis O(md).
The actual size of the state space has no effect on the algorithm; rather it is the numberof states visited in the execution
of the plan that affects the cost. This is clearly domaindependent, but in most domainsshould be considerably lower than
the total numberof states. Mostimportantly, the complexity
of the algorithm is constant and execution time (per action)
can be boundedfor a fixed branching and search depth. By
interleaving execution with search, the search space can be
drastically reduced. Whenplanning for a sequence of n actions the execution algorithm is linear in n (with respect to
the factor mdbd);a straightforward search without execution
for the same numberof actions is O(b").
Someexperimental tests provide a preliminary indication
that this frameworkmaybe quite valuable. To generate the
results discussed in this section, we used a domainbased on
the one described in Figures 1 and 2 but with another item
aWeignore preconditionsfor actions here, assumingthat an action can be "attempted"in any circumstance.However,preconditions mayplaya usefulrole bycapturinguser-supplied
filter out actionsin situations in whichthey oughtnot (rather than
cannot) be attempted.This will effectively reduce the branching
factor of the searchu’e~.
(snack) that the robot mustdeliver, and a robot that only carries one thing at a time. Weconstructed the heuristic function
using the procedure described in Section 4, with HasUserCoffee as the only immediatelyrelevant proposition, ignoring
the proposition HasUserSnack;thus, T¢ = {HasUserCoffee,
Office, HasRobotCoffee, HasRobotSnack}.
The domaincontains 256 states and six actions. All timing results were produced on a Sun SPARCstation1. Computing an optimal policy by policy iteration required 130.86
seconds, while computinga sixteen state abstract policy
(again using policy iteration) for the heuristic function required 0.22 seconds. Figure 5(a) shows the time required
for searching as a function of search depth, while (b) shows
the average accumulated reward after performing twenty actions from the state (-~HasRobotCoffee, ~HasUserCoffee,
-~HasRobotSnack, -~HasUserSnack, Rain, ~Umbrella, Ofrice, ~We0.4
As the graphs show, a look-ahead of four was necessary
to producean optimal policy from the abstract policy for this
particular starting point, but even this muchlook-aheadonly
required 5.111 seconds to plan for each action, for a total
(13 step) planning time of 66.44 seconds, about half that
computingthe optimal policy using policy iteration. While
policy iteration is clearly superiorif plans are required for all
possible starting states, by sacrificing this generality to solve
a specific problem the search methodprovides considerable
computationalsaving. Weshould point out that no pruning has
4Thisis the state
that requiresthe longestsequence
of actionsto
reacha state withmaximal
utility; i.e., the state requiringthe"longest
beenperformedin this example.Furthermore,as mentioned
above,policy iteration will require moretime as the state
space grows,whereasour search methodwill not.
Figure5(c) comimres
the values of the policies that each
depth of searching producedwith the value of the optimal
policy overthe entire state space.Sincethe rangeof expected
valuesof states in this domainis 0 to 10, the avergaeerrors
by the algorithmare quite small, evenwithrelatively
little search. Thetable suggeststhat searchingto depthn is
at least as goodas searchingto depth n - 1 (althoughnot
alwaysbetter), andin this domain,is considerablybetter than
followingthe abstract policy. In noneof the domainswehave
tested has searchingdeeperproduceda worsepolicy, although
this maynot be the casein general(see (Pearl1984)for a proof
of this for minimax
6 Conclusions
Wehave proposeda frameworkfor planning in stochastic
domains.Further experimental workneeds to be done to
the utility of this model.In particular, werequire
an experimentalcomparisonof the search-executionmethod
andstraightforwardsearch, as well as further comparison
exactmethodslike policyiteration andheuristic methodslike
the envelopeapproachof Deanet al. (1993b). Weintend
use the framework
to explorea number
of tradeoffs (e.g., as
in (Russell and Wefald1991)). In particular, wewill look
at the advantagesof a deepersearch tree, andbalance this
withthe cost of buildingsucha tree, andat the tradeoff betweencomputationtime and improvedresults whenbuilding
the heuristic function. To illustrate these ideas weobserve
that if the depthof the searchtree is O, this corresponds
to a
reactivesystemwherethe best actionfor eachstate is obtained
fromthe abstractpolicy. If eachcluster for the abstractpolicy contains a single state, wehaveoptimalpolicy planning.
Theusefulnessof these tradeoffs will vary whenplanningin
different domains.
of the characteristics of domains
that will affect our
¯ T/me:for time-critical domains
it maybe better to limit
timespentdeliberating(perhapsadoptinga reactivestrategy basedon the heuristic function). A moredetailed
heuristic functionand a smallersearch tree maybe appropriate.
¯ Continuity:if actionshavesimilareffects in largeclasses
of states andmostof the goalstates are fairly similar, we
can use a less detailedheuristic function(moreabstract
¯ Fan-out:if there are relatively fewactions, andeach
action has a smallnumberof outcomes,wecan afford to
increasethe depthof the searchtree.
¯ Plausiblegoals:if goalstates are hardto reach, a deeper
search tree anda moredetailed heuristic function may
be necessary.
¯ Extremeprobabilities:with extremeprobabilities it may
be worth only expandingthe tree for the mostprobable outcomesof each action. This seemsto bear some
relationship to the envelopereconstructionphaseof the
recurrentdeliberationmodelof Deanet al. (1993a).
In the future wehopeto continueour experimentalinvestigation of the algorithmto look at the efficacy of pruning
the search tree, as well as experimenting
with variable-depth
search, andthe possibilityof improving
the heuristic function
by recording newlycomputedvalues of states, rather than
best actions. This last idea will allowus to investigate the
tradeoff betweenspeed (whenthe agent is in a previously
visited state) and accuracywhenselecting actions. Wealso
hopeto investigate the performance
of this approachin other
types of domains,includinghigh-level robot navigation,and
schedulingproblems,andto further investigate the theoretical propertiesof the algorithm,especially throughanalysis
of the value of deeper searchingin producingbetter plans
(Pearl 1984). Ourmodelcan be extendedby relaxing some
the assumptionsincorporatedinto the decision-model.Semimarkovprocesses as well as partially observableprocesses
will require interesting modificationsof our model.Finally,
wemustinvestigate the degreeto whichthe restricted envelope approachmaybe meshedwith our model.
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