Approve Page 1 of 3 Name: Submission Date: Hilda A Pettit 12/10/2013 Organization: Vacca Office of Student Services Course Catalog Update << Go back to Course Catalog Update form Print Course Catalog Update Information: STU0004 Reference Number: CCU006797 Date: 22-NOV-13 Level: 2.00 of 2.00 Currently On The Worklist Of: Joanne Arhar, jarhar Owner: Office of Curriculum Services, 330-672-8558 or 330-672-8559, Basic Course Data Change type: Revise Faculty member submitting this proposal: Bernert Requested Effective Term: 201480 Campus: Kent College: EH-Education, Health and Human Services Department: HS-Health Sciences Course Subject: HED-Health Education New Course Subject: Course Number: 42041 New Course Number: Course Title: HEALTH COACHING Title Abbreviation: HEALTH COACHING Slash Course and Cross-list Information: HED 42041 + HED 52041 Credit Hours Minimum Credit/Maximum Credit: 3 to 3 Contact Hours: Lecture - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: 3 to 3 Contact Hours: Lab - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: Contact Hours: Other - Minimum Hours/Maximum Hours: Attributes Is this course part of the LER, WIC or Diversity requirements: No If yes, course attributes: 1. 2. 3. Can this course be repeated for credit: No Repeat Course Limit: Course Level: Undergraduate Grade Rule: B-Standard letter OR Maximum Hours: Rationale for an IP grade request for this course (if applicable): Schedule Type(s): 1. LEC-Lecture 2. 3. Credit by Exam: N-Credit by exam-not approved Prerequisites & Descriptions Current Prerequisite/Corequisite/Catalog Description: (Cross-listed with HED 52041) Techniques of counseling applied to health education. Individual and group approaches relative to personal, family and societal health issues. This course includes 20 field/clinical hours. Prerequisite: None. Catalog Description (edited): Techniques of health coaching and motivational interviewing applied to health education. Individual and group approaches relative to personal, family and societal health issues. Prerequisites (edited): none Corequisites (edited): Registration is by special approval only: No Content Information Content Outline: Content Hours Topic Description per Course Topic 12/10/2013 Approve Page 2 of 3 The nature of “health” and health promotion Behavior Change Theories and Processes Legal and Ethical Issues Motivational Interviewing Microskills Acquisition and Practice Prevention Counseling Counseling Approaches for Specific Health Issues 03 06 03 03 12 06 12 Display/Hide Delimited Course Outline Total Contact Hours: 45 Textbook(s) used in this course: Health Counseling: A Microskills Approach for Counselors, Educators, and School Nurses. Blonna, Loschiavo, & Watter, Jones & Bartlett. Writing Expectations: Prepare weekly personal logs, an Agency Profile, a personal “Who Am I” paper, and essay questions on exams. In addition, master's students prepare a Health Counseling report on a specific health issue for a specific population. Instructor(s) expected to teach: Wagner Instructor(s) contributing to content: Wagner Proposal Summary Explain the purpose for this proposal: We are requesting to change the course name for HED 42041 Health Counseling to Health Coaching because the course does not teach students how to provide counseling services. (Note: The textbook selected for the course uses Health Counseling in the title, but teaches helping skills relevant to educators. Course content, datalog description and textbook are also updated. Explain how this proposal affects program requirements and students in your unit: No impact. Explain how this proposal affects courses, program requirements and student in other units: NA Explain how this proposal affects enrollment and staffing: No impact Units consulted (other departments, programs or campuses affected by the proposal): None Revisions made to form (if applicable): Course Content Number Credit by Exam Prerequisites Credit Hours Schedule Type Cross-Listed / Slash Subject Description Title Diversity Title Abbreviation Grade Rule Writing-Intensive (WIC) Liberal Education Requirement (LER) Other Comments (500 Character Maximum): NOTE: Please do not use the following restricted characters: (~ * / \ --) 12/10/2013 Approve Approve Comments: Date 11/22/2013 Page 3 of 3 Return To Initiator User Donna J. Bernert Return To Prior Approver Deny Comment No comments available. History: Date User Status 12/9/2013 Susan M Augustine Approved 11/22/2013 Donna J. Bernert Submitted 12/10/2013