From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-03. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. An Experiment in the Design of Software Agents HenryA. Kautz, Bart Selman, MichaelCoen, and StephenKetchpel AI Principles ResearchDepartment AT&T Bell Laboratories MurrayHill, NJ 07974 {kautz, selman} real worldis an unpredictableplace: messages betweenagents Abstract Wedescribe a bottom-upapproachto the designof softwareagents. Webuilt andtested an agent systemthat addressesthe real-worldproblemof handling the activities involvedin schedulinga visitor to our laboratory. Thesystememploysboth taskspecific and user-centered agents, and communicates with users using both email and a graphical interface. Thisexperimenthas helpedus to identify crucial requirementsin the successful deployment of softwareagents,includingissues of reliability, security, and ease of use. Thearchitecture wedevelopedto meetthese requirementsis flexible and extensible, and is guidingour current researchon principlesof agentdesign. 1 Introduction Thereis muchrecentinterest in the creationof softwareagents (e.g., Etzioniet al [2], Maes [4], Dentet al [1], Shoham [7]). rangeof different approachandprojectsuse the term"agents", ranging from simple shell programming programsystemsto agentsincorporatingsophisticatedreal-timeplanningandplan executioncapabilities. In our ownapproach,agentsassist users in a rangeof daily, mundane activities, suchas setting up meetings,sendingout papers, locating informationin multipledatabases,tracking the whereaboutsof people, and so on. Ourobjective is to designagents ("bots") that blend transparently into normal workenvironments, whilerelieving users of low-leveladministrative andclerical tasks. Wetake the practical aspect of softwareagentsseriously: users shouldfeel that the bots are reliable andpredictable, andthat the human user remainsin ultimatecontrol. Oneof the mostchallengingaspects of agent designis to definespecifictasks that are bothfeasible usingcurrenttechnology,andare truly useful to the everydayuser. Furthermore, it became clear duringthe testing of our initial prototypethat users havelittle patiencewhenit it comesto interactingwith softwareagents. Wetherefore paid special attention to the user interface aspectsof our system.In particular, whenever possible, weopted for graphically-orientedinterfaces over puretext-basedinterfaces. In addition,reliability anderrorhandlingis crucialin all parts of a softwareagentsystem.The 43 maybe lost or delayed, people mayrespondinappropriately to requests,andso forth. Our approach has been bottom-up. Webegan by identifying possibleusefulandfeasible tasks for a softwareagent. Thefirst suchtask wechooseinvolvedthe activities surrounding the schedulingof a visitor to our lab. Wedesignedand implemented a set of softwareagents to handlethis task. We deliberately madeno commitment in advanceto a particular agent architecture. Wethen tested the systemwith an actual visitor. Thefeedbackfromthis test led to manyimprovements in the designof the agentsandthe human/agent interfaces, as well as the development of a general and flexible framework for agentinteraction. Thekeyfeature of the framework is use of personalizedagentscalled "userbots"that mediatecommunication betweenusers and task-specific agents. Weare now in our third roundof implementation andtesting, in whichwe are further refiningandgeneralizingour userbotsso that they can communicatewith software agents developedby other researchgroups,suchas OrenEtzioni’s"’softbots"[3]. In this paperwedescribethe designof our softwareagents, and the lessons wehavelearned duringthe constructionand testing of the system. Ouragents currently run at andcommunicatebetweenBell Laboratoriesand MIT,and, soon, the University of Washingtonand CMU. Webelievethat the bottom-up approachis crucial in identifying the necessarypropertiesof a successfulagentplatform. Aswewill see in this paper, our initial experiments havealreadyled us to formulatesomekeyproperties. Examplesincludethe separationof task-specificagentsfromuser-centered agents,the needto handleissues of security andprivacy,and as mentionedabove,the need for goodhumaninterfaces and high reliability. Webelievethese kindsof issues shouldalso be addressedby theoretical workin agent design. For example,ultimately one wouldlike to be able to provethat no communication deadlockscan occur in an agent system. 2 The Visitorbot Asnoted in the introduction, selecting an appropriatetask for softwareagentsto performis itself a challenge.Agents mustprovide solutions to real problemsthat are important to real users. Thewholeraison d’etre for softwareagentsis lost if they are restricted to handlingtoy examples.Onthe other hand, morecomplextasks frequently include a whole range of long-range research issues, such as understanding unrestricted natural language. After considering a numberof possible agent tasks, we settied on the problemof scheduling a visitor to our lab. 1 This job is quite routine, but consumesa substantial amountof the host’s time. The normal sequence of tasks consists of announcing the upcomingvisit by email; collecting responses from people whowouldlike to meet with the visitor, along with their preferred meetingtimes; putting together a schedule that satisfies as manyconstraints as possible (taking into account social issues, such as not bumpingthe lab director from the schedule); sending out the schedule to the participants, together with appropriate information about roomand telephone numbers;and, of course, often rescheduling people at the last minutebecauseof unforeseenevents. Wedecided to implement a specialized software agent called the "visitorbot" to handle these tasks. After examining various proposedagent architectures (e.g., Etzioni et al [3] and Shoham[7]), we decided that it was necessary to first obtain practical experience in building and a using a concrete basic agent, before committingto any particular theoretical framework. Our initial implementation was a monolithic agent, that communicateddirectly with users via email. The programwas given its ownlogin account ("visitorbot"), and was activated upon receiving email at that account. (Mail was piped into the visitorbot programusing the ".forward" facility of the Unix mail system.) Ourexperiencein using the visitorbot in schedulinga visit led to the followingobservations: 1. Email communicationbetween the visitorbot and humans was cumbersomeand error-prone. The users had to fill in a pre-defined form to specify their preferred meeting times.2 Smallediting errors by users often madeit impossible to process the forms automatically, requiring humanintervention. Moreover,users other than the host objected to using the visitorbot at all; fromtheir point of view, the systemsimply madetheir life harder. Basedon this observation, we realized that an easy to use interface was crucial. Wedecided that the next version of the visitorbot wouldemploya graphical interface, so that users could simplyclick on buttons to specify their preferred meeting times. This approach practically eliminated communication errors betweenpeople and the visitorbot, and was viewed by users as an improvementover the pre-Bot environment. 2. There is a need for redundancyin error-handling. For example, one early version of the visitorbot could become confused by bounced email, or email responses by "vacation" programs. Althoughour platform has improvedover the initial prototype, there is still muchroomfor improvement. The agents must react moreor less predictably to both foreseen errors (e.g., mangledemail), and unforeseenerrors (e.g., 1See also Dentet al [1] and Maesand Kozierok[5], that describe the designof softwareagentsthat learnhowto assist users in schedulingmeetingsand managing their personalcalendars. 2Weconsideredvarious formsof natural languageinput instead of forms.However, the current state of the art in NLPcannotparse or evenskimunrestrictednaturallanguage withsufficientreliability. Onthe other hand,the use of restricted "pseudo"-naturallanguage has little or no advantage overthe use of forms. 44 a subprocess invoked by the bot terminates unexpectedly). Techniquesfrom the area of software reliability and real-time systems design could well be applicable to this problem.(For example, moderntelephone switching systems have a downtime of a few minutes per year, because they continuously run sophisticated error-detection and recovery mechanisms.) 3. The final task of creating a goodschedule from a set of constraints did not require advancedplanning or scheduling techniques. The visitorbot translated the scheduling problem into an integer programmingproblem, and solved it using a general integer programmingpackage (CPLEX).An interesting advantageof this approachis that was easy to incorporate soft constraints (such as the difference between an "okay" time slot and a "good"time slot for a user). This experience led us to the design shownin Fig. 1. This design includes an agent for each individual user in addition to the visitorbot. For example,the agent for the user "kautz" is named "kautzbot", for "selman" is named "selmanbot", and so on. The userbots mediate communicationbetween the visitorbot and their humanowners. The normalinteraction betweenthe visitorbot and the users proceeds as follows. The initial talk announcement is mailed by the vistorbot to each userbot. The userbot then determines the preferred mode of communication with its owner. In particular, if the user is loggedin on an X-terminal,the userbot creates a pop-up windowon the user’s screen, containing the announcementand a button to press to request to meet with the visitor, as shownin the left-hand windowin Fig. 2. If the user clicks on "yes", the userbot passes this information backto the visitorbot, whichrespondswith a request to obtain the user’s preferred meetingtimes. The userbot then creates a graphical menuof meeting times, as shownin the righthand windowin Fig. 2. The user simply clicks on buttons to indicate his or her preferences. The userbot then generates a messagecontaining the preferences and mails it back to the visitorbot. If the userbot is unable to determinethe display where the user is working,or if the user fails to respond to the pop-updisplays, the userbot forwardsthe request from the visitorbot via email to the user as a plain text form. Thereare several importantadvantagesof this design. First, the visitorbot does not need to knowabout the user’s display, and does not need permission to create windowson that display. This means, for example, that a visitorbot at our institution can create a graphical windowat any site that is reachable by email where there are userbots. This was successfully tested with a the "mhcoenbot"running at MIT. 3 The separation of the visitorbot from the userbot also simplifies the design of the former, since the userbots handle the peculiarities of addressing the users’ displays. Even more importantly, the particular information about the user’s location and workhabits does not have to be centrally available. This informationcan be kept private to the user and his or her userbot. 3Sometimes it is possibleto create a remoteX-window over the intemet,but this is proneto failure. Among other problems,the user wouldfirst haveto grant permissionto ("xhost")the machinerunning the visitorbot program;but note that the user maynot evenknowthe identity of machineon whichthe visitorbot programis running. user kautz I ~¢ t user selman t’ user mike Figure1: Current architecture of the agent system.Solid lines represent email communication; dashedlines represent both graphical and email communication. Anotheradvantage of this designis that different users, who mayhaveaccess to different computingresources, can run different userbots,of varyinglevels of sophistication.Thus, everyoneis not restricted to a "least common denominator" typeinterface. Perhapsthe mostimportantbenefit of the design is that a task-specific agent(suchas the visitorbot) is not tied anyspecific formof communication. Thetask-specific agent specifies whatinformationis to transmittedfor obtained,but not howthe communication should take place. Theuserbot can then employa wide range of media, such as graphics, voice, FAX,email, etc. for interacting with its owner.The userbotcan take into accountits ownerspreferencesandsuch factors as the ownerswhereaboutsand current computing environmentin deciding on the modeof communication. For example,a userbot could incorporatea telephoneinterface with a speechsynthesizer. This wouldenable a userbot to place a call to its owner(if the ownerso desires), read the talk announcement, and collect the owner’spreferences by touch-tone. Note that this extension does not require any modificationto the visitorbot itself. In the next section we will discussuserbotsin moredetail. taggedwith a special headerfield, "XBot-message-type". The messagetype indicates the general wayin whichthe bodyof the message(if any) shouldbe processedby the receiver. For example,the messagetype"xchoices"meansthat the message is a requestfor the receiver to makea series of choicesfrom among oneor moresets of alternativesdescribedin the bodyof the message.Theinclusion of the field "XBot-return-note" in the message indicatesthat the result of processingthe message should be mailed back to the sender. The communication protocolestablishes the syntaxfor the data presentedin the bodyof each messagetype, and the format of the data that results fromprocessingthe message.However,the protocol deliberately does not specify the exact methodby whichthe processingis cardedout. For example,a userbot mayprocess an xchoicesmessageby creating a pop-upmenu,or calling the user on the telephone,or simplyby consultinga database of defaultsthat the user has established. Whenapplications are developedthat demandnovel kinds of interactions with userbots, the communication protocols can be extended by adding new messagetypes. This will require the creation of mechanisms for distributing "updates" to the userbotsto handlethe extensions(an issue wereturn to in Section4 below).So far, however,only a very smallnumber of messagetypes (namely,ones for requesting choices, 3 Active Userbots requesting help, and simplyconveyinga piece of informaTestsof the visitorbot/userbotsystemdescribedin the previous tion) havebeenneeded.Onequestionthat moreexperiencein sectionshowed that users greatly preferredits easeof use and buildingbots will answeris whethernumberof basic message flexibility over our initial monolithic,email-based agent. Now types is indeedbounded and small, or if newtypes are often that wehad developeda goodbasic architecture, the logical neededwith newapplications. nextstep wasto incorporatenewtask-specificagents.In order In essence, then, the messagesthat task-specific bots and to do so, weundertooka completereimplementationof the userbotsexchange can be viewedas intensions- sucha request system.In the newimplementation,all visitorbot-specific to makea choice - rather than extensions - for example, codewaseliminatedfromthe userbots. Wedesigneda simple if one were to mail a messagecontaining a programthat set of protocolsfor communication betweentask-specific and drawsa menuon the screen whenexecuted. In this regard userbots. Again,our approachwaspragmatic,in that wetried it is informativeto contrast our approachwith that used in to establisheda minimal set of conventions for the applications Telescript, the electronic messaginglanguagecreatedGeneral wewereconsidering,rather than immediately trying to create Magic.In Telescript, messages are full-fledged programs,and a full-blownagentinterlingua. are executedon the receivingmachineby a fixed interpreter. In brief, bots communicate by exchangingemail whichis Thus,Telescript messagesare purely extensional. Whilethe 45 [] x~d ~ [] ilessafefrou Yisitarbot (ll:20ouTue~ Jan 18) [] [] xsched Heuago iron Vlsitorbot (11=15e. Tues Jan 18) Check boxes to Indicatetlou to neet ulth Oren Etzioui on Thursday, January 20. ~* Talk Rnnouncenent *** Sortbots a8 Testbedl; for fiT Oren Etzioui Univ. or Rashlngton 1 u111 descriha our project to develop UNIX softbots (software robots)--coupleto lntelllBent agents that interact uith UHIX. 11=00 an Thurs Jan 20, Roun 28-402 Schedule nectlng? []~ Figure 2: Graphical interfaces created by a userbot in response to messagesfrom the visitorbot. The left windowis created by processing a talk announcement; the right, by a request for the user’s preferred meetingtimes. Telescript approachhas the advantagethat the reception of a messagecan initiate arbitrarily novel and complexprocessing, this mustbe weighedagainst the fact that any flexibility in the way in which the interaction takes place with the user must be built into each and every message. (Further comparisons with Telescript appear in Section 4.) Oneaspect of the preliminary userbot that someusers found objectionable was the fact that various windows (such as those in Fig. 2) wouldpop-up wheneverthe userbot received mail, which could be disruptive. Therefore, in the newimplementation messagesare normallynot displayed until the user makes an explicit request to see any outstanding botmail. The interaction betweenthe user and his or her userbot is supported by a continuously-running"active" userbot, as shownin Fig. 3. The main userbot windowindicates the number of outstanding messageswaiting to be processed, the userbot’s state (working or idle), and three buttons. Clicking on the "process message"button allows the userbot to process messages that require user interaction - for example, bringing up an xchoices windowon behalf of the visitorbot. The secondbutton, "user preferences", brings up a window in which the user can set various options in the behavior of his or her userbot. For example, checking the "antopilot" box makes the userbot pop up windowswithout waiting to be explicitly told to do so. The "voice" checkboxcauses the userbot to announcethe receipt of newuserbot mail using the speaker in a Sun workstation - a kind of audible "biff" for botmail. The "forward to" options are used to indicate that the userbot should choose try to communicatewith its owner at a remote location - for example,by transmitting messages 46 via a FAX-modem to the owner’s hometelephone. (Currently the code to support the "forwardto" options has not yet been completed. The exact appearance and functionality of these options maydiffer in the final version.) Finally, the third button in the mainuserbot windowbrings up the windowlabeled "taskbots". This windowcontains a button for each task-specific agent whoseemail address is knownto the userbot. (This information is maintained in file that the user can easily customize.) Clicking on a button in this windowinitiates communicationwith the designed taskspecific agent, by sending a messageof type "help" to that agent. The communicationprotocol specifies that the agent should respond to a help message by sending back a menu of commands that the agent understands, together with some basic help information, typically in the form of an xchoices message.Whenthe userbot processes this response, it creates a windowcontaining the appropriate controls for interacting with that particular task-specific agent. For example,a user whois hosting a visitor to our lab starts the entire process by clicking on the visitorbot button. This leads to the creation of a windowcontaining buttons for basic visitorbot commands, such as schedulinga newvisitor, getting the status of a visit, ordering a schedule to be generated, and so on. Clicking on someof these buttons could lead to the creation of other windows, for example, one in which to type the text of the abstract of the visitor’s talk. At the time that this paper is being written, only the visitorbot button in the taskbots menuis active. Overthe next few weeks we intend to establish communicationwith Oren Etzioni’s "finger" agent (used to obtain information about adhoco290X pud /hoMe/kautz/research/agents adhoco291~ ls jcr_persona]bot BRCKUP_xsched Marl.requests.text ketchDel-aQents.text Figure3: Graphicaldisplayof a userbot. people on the internet) [3], and TomMitchell’s "calendar" agent (used to schedule meetingsamonggroups of people) [1]. Thefingerbot and calendarbotwill not themselvesbe portedto our laboratory’scomputers;instead, those programs will run at their respective "homes"(Universityof Washington and CMU),and communication with userbots at various sites will take place usingordinaryinternet email. Wehope that the idea of a userbotwill providea powerfulandflexible framework for integrating manydifferent kinds of software agentsthat run in different computing environments. In general, this directory containsuser-specificinformation for the userbot. It is importantto note that this directory does not needto be publicly readable, and can thus contain sensitive informationfor use by the userbot. Examplesof such informationinclude the namesof peoplethe bot is not supposedto respondto, unlisted hometelephonenumbers,the user’s personalschedule,andso on. Thus,userbotsprovidea generalmechanism for the distribution and protection of information.For a concrete example, considerthe informationyouget by runningthe "finger" command. Right now,you have to decide whetheryour home 4 Privacy and Security phonenumberwill be available to everyoneon the internet, or no oneat all. Astraightforwardtask of youruserbotwould Earlydiscussionswith potential users madeit clear that privacyandsecurityare central issues in the successfuldeploy- be to give out your phonenumbervia email on request from at your departmentandpeoplelisted mentof softwareagents. Someproposedagent systemswould (say) faculty members filter throughall of the user’semail,pullingout anddeleting your address book, but not to every person whoknowsyour loginid. messagesthat the agent wouldlike to handle. Wefoundthat users generally objected to giving a programpermissionto Earlier wedescribedthe alternative Telescript modelin delete automaticallyany of their incomingmall. Analterwhichmessagesare programsthat are executedon the receivnative approachwouldgive the bot authority to read but not ing machine.This modelraises concernsof computer security, modifythe user’s mail. Theproblem withthis is that the user’s particularlyif suchprograms are able to accessthe host’s file mail quickly becomespolluted with the manymessagessent system.(Securityfeaturesin Telescriptallowthe user to disbetweenthe variousbots. able file access, but this wouldappearto limit the kindsof Oursolution to this problemhas beento create a pseudo- tasks Telescript agents could perform.)Userbotsystemsare accountfor each userbot, with its ownmail alias. Mailsent by nature secure, insofar as the routines for processingeach to this alias is pipedinto a userbotprogram,that is executed messagetypewithinthe userbotare secure.Although this is a underthe corresponding user’s id. This gives the instantiated non-trivialcondition,it wouldappearto be easier to guarantee userbotthe authority, for example,to create a window on the that the codeof the userbotitself (that is presumably obtained user’s display.Any"bot mail"sent to this alias is not seenby froma trusted source)is secure,rather thanto guaranteethat the user, unlessthe userbotexplicitly decidesto forwardit. every email program(that could comefromanyone)does not Eachuser has a special ".bot" directory, whichcontains contain a virus. Extensionsandupdates to userbots to haninformationcustomizedto the particular user. Thesefiles dle newmessagetypes wouldhaveto be distributed through specifythe particular programthat instantiates the userbot, secure channels, perhapsby using cryptographictechniques a log of the userbotmail, andthe user’s default displayid. [6]. 47 5 Bots vs. Programs Anissue that is often raised is whatexactly distinguishes softwareagents fromordinary programs.In our view, softwareagents are simplya special class of programs.Perhaps the best wayto characterize these programsis by a list of distinguishingproperties: Communication: Agentsengagein complexand frequent patterns of two-waycommunicationwith users and each other. Temporalcontinuity: Agentsare mostnaturally viewedas continuouslyrunningprocesses,rather than as functions that mapa single input to a single output. Responsibility:Agentsare expectedto handleprivate informationin a responsibleandsecure manner. Robustness:Agentsshould be designed to deal with unexpectedchangesin the environment.Theyshould include mechanisms to recover both fromsystemerrors andhumanerrors. If errors preventcompletionof their given tasks, they still mustreport the problembackto their users. Multi-platform: Agents should be able to communicate across different computer systemarchitecturesandplatforms. For example,very sophisticated agents running on a high-endplatformshouldbe able to carry out tasks in cooperationwith relatively basic agents runningon low-endsystems. Autonomy:Advancedagents should have some degree of decision-makingcapability, and the ability to choose among different strategies for performing a giventask. Notethat our list doesnot commit to the use of anyparticular form of reasoning or planning. Althoughadvancedagents mayneedgeneral reasoningand planningcapabilities, our experimentshaveshownthat interesting agent behaviorcan alreadyemergefromsystemsof relatively simpleagents. 6 Conclusions Wehave described a bottom-upapproachto the design of softwareagents. Wehavebuilt and tested a bot systemthat addresses a real-world problem,namelyhandling the communication involvedin schedulinga visitor to our laboratory. Currentlyweare extendingour systemto incorporatesoftware agentscreated by other researchgroups. Ourexperimenthelpedus to identify crucial factors in the successfuldeployment of agents. Theseincludeissues of reliability, security, andeaseof use. Securityandease of use wereobtainedby separating task-specific agents frompersonal userbots. This architecture providesan extensibleand flexible platformfor the further development of practicalsoftware agents. Newtask-specific agents immediatelyobtain a flexible andreliable graphicaluser interface for communicating with users via the userbots. Furthermore,additional modalities of communication,such as speech and FAX,can be addedto the userbots, withoutmodifying the task-specific bots. Ourexperimentshave convincedus that software agents mustblend unobtrusivelyinto the ordinaryworkenvironment in order to be acceptedby real users. Webelieve that the 48 empiricalapproachtakenin this paperis essential for guiding theoreticalresearchtowardthe truly centralanddifficult issues in agentdesign. 7 Acknowledgements WethankOrenEtzioni for stimulatingdiscussionsabout softbots duringhis visit to Bell Labs,leadingus to initiate our ownsoftbot project. Wealso thank Ron Brachman,Mark Jones, DavidLewisChris Ramming, Eric Sumner,and other members of our center for useful suggestionsandfeedback. References [1] L. Dent, J. Boticario, J. McDermott, and D. Zabowski.A personal learning apprentice. In ProceedingsofAAAI-92, pages 96-103. AAAIPress/The MITPress, 1992. [2] OrenEtzioni, Steve Hanks,DanielWeld,DeniseDraper, Neal Lesh, and MikeWilliamson.Anapproachto planning with incompleteinformation.In Proceedingsof KR92, pages 115-125. MorganKaufmann,1992. [3] OrenEtzioni, Neal Lesh, and RichardSegal. Building softbots for UNIX.TechnicalReport, 1992. [4] Pattie Maes, editor. Designing Automomous Agents. MIT/Elsevier,1993. 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