From: AAAI Technical Report SS-94-02. Compilation copyright © 1994, AAAI ( All rights reserved. GOAL DIRECTED DISCOVERY AND EXPLANATION IN PARTICLE PHYSICS SAKIR KOCABAS* Department of Artificial Intelligence Tubkak - MRC,PK21 Gebze, Turkey Email: uckoca@tritu.bitnet Abstract:This paper describes a goal directed discoverysystem, TREV,whichmodelsthe disvery of certain quantumpropertiesand conservationlawsby physicists in thi.~ century. Theprogramis directed by consistency and completenessconstraints, and has the capability of improvingand revising its domaintheory, and of explainingits knowledge state by these constraints. TREV is capableof formulatingnewelementaryparticles and particle reactions, and proposingobservations to test their existence. Theprogramcan also generate exclusionhypotheses,and can revise its knowledgebase in accordancewith observationaldata. 1. Introduction Thesubject of this paper is a goal directed discovery model TREV,with the capabilities of theory formation, Computationalmodelingof discovery has beenthe focus experimentdesign, data acquisition, explanation, and of attention by several researchersin the last ten years, theory revision. Beforewedescribe the systemand its and a numberof modelswith different capabilities have been developed. Amongthese systems, BACON behavior, it is appropriate to present somebackground informationaboutits task domain,particle physics. (Langley, Simon, Bradshaw& Zytkow, 1987), has the capabilities of data collection, quantitativereasoningand 1.1. The Domain of Particle Physics hypothesis formation; IDS(Nordhausen& Langley,1993) and FAHRENHEIT (Zytkow, 1987) have the features data collection, qualitative and quantitative reasoning, Until the last decadeof the 19th century, material substanceswerethoughtto be consisting of in.visible atoms. and hypothesis formation; GLAUBER (Langley, et al., Towards the end of that century, experiments with 1987), conceptformationandthe discoveryof qualitative laws; STAHL (Zytkow& Simon, 1986), STAI-ILp(Rose cathoderay tubes revealed the first elementaryparticle (the electron), whichwasto be identified as one of the & Langley, 1986), REVOLVER (Rose & Langley, 1986), of an atom. Early in the 20th century, concept formation and theory revision; MECHEM basic components other elementary particles, the proton and the neutron (Valdes-Perez, 1992) discovery of reaction pathways; were discovered. Later, observations on cosmic rays AbE(O’Rorke, Morris & Schulenburg, 1990), theory formation, explanation and theory revision; GALILEO revealed a numberof other particles such as the muon, pion, kaon,the neutrinosand the lambdaparticles. There (Zytkow, 1990), theory formation; KEKADA (Kulkarni are nowwell over a hundredelementaryparticles known, & Simon,1988), goal selection, hypothesis formation, experiment design, and expectation setting; COAST someof whichare listed with their quantumproperties in (Rajamoney, 1990) and ECHO (Thagard, P. and Nowak, Table1. Mostof these particles are unstable, andquickly G., 1990), theory formation,theory revision and paradigm decayintoa series of lighter andmorestable particles such as the electron and neutrino, and into gamma rays. For shifts by qualitative models;and BR-3(Kocabas,1991), example,a neutron decaysto producea proton, an electheory formationand theory revision. * Also at: ITU,Faculty of SpaceSciencesand Technology,Istanbul, Turkey 54 tron and an antineutrino; and a pion decays into an antimuonand a neutrino: Table1. Some elementary particlesandtheir quantum properties.Withthe exception of gamma, eachparticle hasanantiparticlewithopposite quantum values.The antiparticlesare indicatedwith an overscore in the text (e.g. asin nfor anti-neutron). Particles also interact with one another undernatural and experimentalconditions, producingother elementary particles or gamma radiation. Thesereactions are called "particle transmutations".Anexampleto suchinteractions ? is the high-energyelectron-protoncollision, whichprodu- v ces a neutron and a neutrino: /~ r e +p --- n+v. e Thetheoretical possibility of such particle reactions dependon a series of quantumconservationlaws. Accordhagto these laws, quantumproperties such as electrical charge, spin, lepton number,baryonnumber,strangeness, energy, and momentum are conserved in particle decays and collisions. However,somequantumproperties may not be conservedin certain reactions, (e.g., the strangeness propertyis not conservedin weakinteractions.) 1.2. TheoryDevelopment in Particle Physics The earliest knownlaws about elementary particle reactions werethe energyand charge conservationlaws. Thelaw of the conservation of charge can be stated as follows: Thesumof the charges of the initial particles entering a reaction is equal to the sumof the charges of the final particles. Thefollowingreactionsconserveelectrical chargeand havebeendetected by physicists: p+p ~p+n+~r 3to ~ y+y where p, n, ~, ~o, and gsmmadesignate the proton, neutron, pion, pion-zero and gammaparticles respectively. It has been knownsince early this century that the proton and electron have opposite and unit electrical charges. The neutron has been knownto be unstable, decaying into a proton, an electron, and an antineutrino in what is called "beta decay", or n --,p +e+v 55 Sro K Ko p n electrical lepton baryon spin strangeness charge number number 0 0 -1 -1 -1 1 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1/2 1/2 1/2 1/2 0 0 0 0 1/2 1/2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 but a proton decay has never been observed, and the stability of this particle had puzzled the physicists. Reactions such as p-~ ~r + Zro p’-" e +? never happendespite the fact that they apparently obey the charge conservation law. A theoretical framework based only on the charge conservation law could not explain the absenceof these reactions. In other words, such a theory wouldbe incompleteconcerningparticle reactions. Physicists resolved such problemsby postulating new quantumproperties and conservationlaws, so that theoreticallyvalid but physicallyunobservable reactions were renderedtheoretically invalid by these laws (see, Omnes, 1970; Griffiths, 1987). In this waythe absenceof these reactions wereexplainedby their violation of the conservation of the newquantumproperty. Thenext problem was to find the quantumvalue distribution of the new property over the elementaryparticles. To illustrate howsuch conflicts wereresolved, let us consider a reaction whichconserveselectrical chargebut has not been observed In the remainingpart of thi.~ paper wefirst present an overviewof the system, and describe its behavior in modelingthe discoveries of the quantumproperties, in Let us assumethat this reaction violates the conservation proposing experiments, and in providing explanations. This is followedby a discussionon the system’sresearch of a newproperty(e.g., the "protoniccharge"). Now,if arbitrarily assign the newchargevalue to the proton as goals, knowledge representation, theory revision and seoneand assumethat the other particles, ~ and ~0, do not arch methods,and its generality. The paper concludes have this charge (i.e., they both have zero protonic with a summary of the results. charge), then the reaction wouldbe unbalancedby the newcharge (i.e., 1 = / = 0 + 0). This wouldexplain why 2. The System’s Knowledge Representation and Behavior the reaction had never been observed. Nevertheless, the value set [1,0,0] is not the only one that makesthe The programuses a structured knowledgerepresentation reaction unbalanced, as the values [0,1,1], [0,1,0], similar to qualitative schemasas in AbE(O’Rorkeet al, [0,0,1] and [1,1,1] produce the same effect. On the 1990) and the other recent discovery models. This other hand, the new quantumvalues makesome obstructured representation facilitates the system’sidenserved reactions unbalanced, as in the following tification of problemstates such as incompletenessand reactions: inconsistency. Therefore webegin with describing the p+p ..., p+n+~ knowledge representation methods of TREVin some p +~ --~ n +~o detail. Thesereactions conserveelectrical charge, but not the "known"values of the newcharge. This can be seen by substituting the protonic chargevalues: 2.1. KnowledgeRepresentation TREV’s knowledgeorganiTation distinguishes descriptive and prescriptive knowledge.The former type of 1+1=1+n+0 knowledge is representedas frames, and the latter as a l+~=n+O series of operators and functions. Theprogramhas nine operators whichare namedas follows: evaluate, checkThis suggeststhat someof the other particles in these consistency, check-completeness, postulate-propertreactions must havenonzeroprotonic charge. Here, if we ies, revise-hypotheses, find-quantum-values, formulate-virtual-particles, assign the protonie chargevalue of oneto the neutronand formulate-new-particles, zero to ~r, the reactions wouldbe balanced. However, and formulate-reactions. The programalso has a other valid and observed reactions may conflict similarity based learning (SBL)module. with the assigned values, and we mayhave to revise The maindata items of TREV are elementaryparticles some of the assumptions about the protonie charge andtheir reactions. Bothare representedas framesin the values of particles accordingly. system’s knowledgebase. Particle frames include the TREV,like its predecessor BR-3(Kocabas, 1991) nameof the particle, the quantumproperties and their values.Thegeneralformof a particle frameis as follows: rediscovers the quantumproperties in the same wayas explainedabove. As the program’sgoal is to achieve a consistent and completeknowledgestate, it postulates frame: P (frame name) newhypotheses,andrevises its domainknowledge until it class = particle achieves its goal state. In this wayTREV modelsthe ql = vl discoveries of the lepton, baryon, electron, and muon q2 = v2 numberproperties in particle physics. Apart from its theory formationand theory revision capabilities, the qn = vn. programalso has the ability of proposingexperimentsand whereP is the nameof the partide, ql,...,qn the quantum providing explanations for its assumptions about its properties, and vl,...,vn the corresponding quantum domainobjects. values,whichcan be -1, 0, or 1. 56 Particle reactionsare representedin a similar way,this time containinginformationabout the reactions, such as the particles involved,the reaction conditions,the physical status of the reaction, andits validity underthe current theory. Thegeneralformof a particle reaction frameis as follows: frame:reaction class = physical event actual status = A logical status -- L, logical-status(N,L) reactants -- R products = P active properties = Q, active-properties(N,Q) reactants properties = Rp, reactants-properties(Q,Rp) products properties = Pp, products-properties(Q,Pp) conditions = (Rp = Pp) or (Rp ;~ whereAindicates whetherthe reaction has been physically observedor unobserved,and L indicates whetherthe reaction is valid or invalid underthe current theoretical knowledgeof the system. R and P are the lists of the particles involvedin the reaction as the reactants andthe productsrespectively. Qindicates the vector of quantum properties that play an active role in the reaction, while Rpand Pp are the quantumvalue vectors of the reactants andthe products. Normally,particle reactions are added to the program’sknowledge base (e.g. for the reaction -,p + e + v) as follows: frame:rl class = reaction actual status = observed reactants = [n ] products= [p, e, v ]. Suchinput reaction framesare then transformedinto the formbelowby the ’evaluate’operator acting on the parent The amendedslots are added after their values are calculated by the ’evaluate’ operator. 2.2. Theory Formation and Revision TREV has two operators for consistency and completeness checks: check-consistency and check-completeness. These operators can identify the problemstates (inconsistency and incompleteness) about reactions. The check-consistency operator can decide whether the information in a reaction frame is consistent or inconsistent with the system’s knowledge, by the followingrules: If Ris a reaction, andits actual status is observed, andits logicalstatus is valid, thenthe system’sknowledge of Ris consistent. If Ris a reaction, and its actual status is observed, andits logicalstatus is invalid, then the system’sknowledge of R is inconsistent. The check-completeness operator on the other hand, can also decidewhethera reaction is explainablewithin the system’scurrent knowledge,i.e., whythe reation is physically observableor unobservable.In other words, the program can decide whether its knowledgeconcerning a particle reaction is completeor incomplete. The completenessrules are as follows: If Ris a reaction, andits actualstatus is unobserved, andits logicalstatusis invalid, then the system’sknowledge of Ris complete. If Ris a reaction, and its actual status is unobserved, andits logicalstatus is valid, then the system’s knowledge of R is incomplete. frame: frame: rl, class = reaction actual status = observed logical status -- valid reactants = [n ] m products= [p, e, v ] active properties = [q0, ql] reactants properties = [1, 0] products properties = [1, 0] conditions= {[1,0] = [1,0]}. The programchecks its knowledgeabout reactions for consistency and completenessevery time it is presented with a newset of data, and tries to achievea consistent and complete knowledgestate. In this, TREV uses a a control structure employedby its predecessor, BR-3 (Kocabas,1991). Figure 1 summarizesthe system’s con- 57 trol structure. Accordingly,TREV first checksfor consistency by usingthe aboverules over its reaction frames, andreports inconsistent reactions to a messagelist. Aninconsistencyreport in the messagelist activates the revise-hypothesesoperator. This operator modifies the system’s knowledgeabout the particles’ quantumproperty values by first turning the inconsistent reactions into algebraic equations, and then by finding sets of alternative quantumvalues for the particles appearing in these reactions. Since there are only three possible quantumvalues, namely -1, 0 and 1, modifications alternate betweenthese values. Eachvalue set is tried until the consistencyconstraints are satisfied. Onthe other hand, after consistencyhas beenachieved, ifTREVcannot explain whya certain unobservedparticle reaction is impossible, the programposts an incompleteness messageto the messagelist. This in turn, activates the postulate-property operator, which postulates a new quantum property. The program adds the new quantumproperty to a newslot in the particle frames with the default values of zero. The find-quantum-values operator turns the unobservedreaction formulainto an algebraic inequality, and finds a set of quantumvalues for the particles in m the formula. E.g. for the unobservedreaction p --,e +7, the inequalities 0~0+1 0~-1+0 1¢0+0 1~-1+0 1¢-1+1 check consistency check completeness l I find quantum values I postulatenew properties I Figure1. TREV’s generalcontrol structurein the discoveryof quantum properties. 2.3. Formulation of NewParticles The programcan define new particles by makingmoditications on the values of quantumproperty slots of existing particle frames.For example,fromthe neutron’s frame frame: n (neutron) class = particle ql = 0 (electrical charge) q2 = 0 (lepton number) q3 = 1 (baryon number) a newparticle can be definedby changingthe ql value to -1 to obtain the particle are generatedby the program.Eachof these inequalities represent a set of quantumvalues for the newproperty, whichenable TREV to explain the absence of the reaction. Thefirst quantumvalueset (p = 0, e = 0, 7 = 1) assigned to the particles first. However, the new values must be consistent with the system’s knowledge of elementary particles and their observed reactions. To secure this, the quantumvalues for the newproperty are assigned to other particles, such that its conservation is satisfied in the observed reactions. The cheek-consistency operator checksif the newvalues are consistent, and the revisehypotheses operator revises them as necessary. This cycle continues until the system achieves a consistent and complete knowledgestate. 58 franle: ppl (proposedparticle) class = proposedparticle ql = -1 (electrical charge) q2 = 0 (lepton number) q3 = 1 (baryon number) which,incidentally correspondsto anti-proton. Theprogram proposes to makeobservations to check whether such postulated particles exist in nature. Theimportant point about this exercise is that certain quantum property combinationsnever exist (e.g. particles havingnonzero baryonandlepton values at the sametime.) In fact, this observation had led to the developmentof the quark theoryin particle physicsin the 1960s. After observations, if the proposedparticle has been decided not to exist in nature then it is recorded as nonexistentparticle e.g. as In this way,a virtual particle withzero electrical charge, and with lepton and baryonnumbersof 1 is defined. Such virtual particles are used in constructingparticle decay and collision reactions. Onesuch possible construction can be a neutron decay: frame: npl class = nonexistentparticle ql = vl n’-*p+e q2 = v2 which,incidentally,is not a valid reaction, becauseit does q3 = v3 not conservethe quantumvalues of lepton property, as Fromits accumulatedknowledgeabout existing elequantumvalue vectors of the reactants and products are mentaryparticles, TREV can construct hypothesesabout not equal, i.e., [0,1,0] = / = [0,1,1]. Onthe other hand,the the nonexistenceof certain quantumvalue combinations, reaction, whichis obtainedby using the neutron and the by an inductive methodcalled exclusion based learning virtual particle proton-electron-antineutrino (p,e,/nu), (Kocabas,1989). These hypothesesstate that particles with certain quantumpropertyvaluecombinationscannot n--,,p+e+ v exist. TREV can modifyits exclusion hypothesesin view of the newknowledge about elementaryparticles. As soon is a valid andobserved reactionas it conservesall the three as a newparticle frameis created, the programchecksits quantumproperties, electrical charge, lepton and baryon exclusion hypothesesto decide if the quantumvalues of numberswith the quantumvalue vectors of both sides the particle contradicts a hypothesis.If it does, the inbeingequal, i.e [0,1,0] = [0,1,0]. dividual hypothesisis removed.Theexclusion hypotheses Testing the reactions proposedby TREV maylead to are addedto the system’s knowledgebase as frames: the discovery of newquantumproperties. If a proposed reaction is valid by the program’sknowledge of quantum frame: epl, values, but cannot be observed, then this creates an class = excludedq-composition incompleteness problem for the program. As has been ql = vl described above, in such cases TREV postulates a new q2 = v2 quantumproperty and tries to find a consistent and q3=# completeset of values for particles regarding the new whichmeansthat the quantumvalues vl and v2 for the property. properties ql and q2 respectively, cannotbe possessedby an elementaryparticle. 2.5. TREV’sMethodsof Explanation 2.4. Formulation of Virtual Particles and NewReactions Theprogramformulatesparticle decaysand collisions by first defining a set of "virtual" particles. Theseare formulated simply by adding the vectors of quantum property values of two or three particles. Anexampleto such virtual particles is the one that is formulatedby adding the quantumvalues of the proton [1,0,1] and electron [-1,1,0], resulting in a proton-electronvirtual particle with the quantum values of [0,1,1]. proton electron (proton-electron) I1,0,11+ I-l,l,0] = [0,1,11 59 Theprogramuses its structured knowledgerepresent~ition for producingexplanations about the objects and events of its domain.Explanationsare providedwhenthe systemis in a consistent and completeknowledge state. TREV can explain whya certain proposed particle reaction is consistent or inconsistent with the system’s knowledgeabout particle physics. In this type of explanations, the programuses the definition of consistency over the reaction in question. The consistency (or validity) of a certain proposed reaction is explainedby proving that the reaction conserves the quantumvalues that the programknows.If the reaction does not conservethese quantumvalues, then it is not inconsistent(or invalid). Consistency (or validity) of a reaction can easily be decidedby checkingits logical status slot, or by calculating and comparingthe quan- tuna value vectors of the reactant and the resultant m particles. For example, the reaction n ---p + e + v is consistent because the actual state slot of the reaction’s frame says tha.t the reaction has been observed, and the logical status slot says it is valid. If the reaction frame does not have such a slot, then the cheek-validity operator fh-es, which in turn finds if the reaction conserves the known quantum properties. TREV can explain whya certain reaction is not observable by proving that it violates the conservation of a quantumproperty that it knows. Also, by using its completeness constraints, the program can explain whythe impossibility of a certain unobservedreaction is or is not explainable within the program’s domain theory. When the programcannot explain the absence of such a reaction by its domaintheory, then it concludes that its knowledge about elementary particles is incomplete concerning the unobserved reaction. As has been described above, TREVresolves such problem states by postulating a new quantum property. On the other hand, the program can also explain why there can be no particles with a certain set of quantum properties, by using its exclusion hypotheses for such explanations. For example, the exclusion hypothesis frame: epl, class = excluded q-composition ql = 1 q2 = 1 q3 = # explains whythere cannot be a particle with the quantum values of ql = 1, q2 = 1, and q3 = 0. The system’s explanatory powerincreases as it discovers new quantumproperties, and as the particle descriptions become more detailed by including new quantum property slots and values. TREVcan learn its consistency and completeness constraints by its similarity based learning (SBL)module. learning a concept (e.g. consistent), the SBLmodule compares the positive instances of the concept (i.e. valid and observed reactions), and creates the definition of the concept. The system’s consistency and completeness rules are created in this way. 60 3. Discussion on the System’s Methods TREVis a system that combines several features of a discovery model. Every discovery system, by definition, must have the ability to learn. The program has three distinct types of learning ability, namelyinductive learning and learning by discovery. As described above, TREV learns its consistency and completeness constraints by similarity based learning, and its exclusion hypotheses, by exclusion based learning methods. The program also constructs its domaintheory with its ability to learn by observation and by discovery. The former involves the formulation of new particles and reactions, and their subsequent comparisonwith the physical world. The latter takes place by postulating new quantum properties and assi,t, ning a set of corresponding quantumvalues to the particles. An important feature of a discovery model is theory development, which itself can be divided in two tasks as theory formation and theory revision. TREVextends its domaintheory by using its learning and discoveryabilities, by adding exclusion hypotheses, by formulating its consistency and completenessconstraints, and by postulating new quantum properties when faced with an incomplete knowledgestate. Whenit is faced with an inconsistent knowledgestate, the program revises its domain theory (i.e. knowledgeabout particles and their reactions) using its consistency constraints together with general algebraic constraints. In its theory developmentand theory revision activities based on the consistency and completeness constraints, the program works in an integrated way. However, the system’s other task operators work independently and in an uncoordinatedway. For example,the oval uato, formulate-now-particles, formulate-virtual-particles, and formulate-reactions operators are fired by an external agent (e.g. a user) independently. Similarly, explanation generating functions of the system are called on user demand and for specific purposes, such as in explaining whya particular particle or reaction is unobservable. Also, the operators which formulate new particles and reactions are not constrained by domain dependent and general constrains. Hence, they operate in a relatively large search space. As a result, these operators can formulate uninteresting domain objects as well as the interesting ones. TREV’sexplanation functions take advantage of the system’s structural knowledge representation. The explanations provided are simple, and do not go deeper into the system’s domain theory. However, the program can be improvedin this direction. The program’s ability to fromulate new objects means that it has the ability to propose observations to decide whether the formulated objects (i.e. elementary particles and reactions) exist in nature. Observation results are entered by the ’user’. There are a few discovery models, sueh as IDS (Nordhausen & langley, 1993) and FAHRENHEIT (Zytkow, 1987) that can directly receive data from their physical environment. In the domain of TREVhowever, experimental conditions are rather complex for any direct data acquisition. The programhas two types of theory revision capability. Oneis based on using the consistency constraints, and the other is theory revision by observational evidence. The former uses algebraic and domainconstrints, and therefore, is less general, whilethe latter is basedon observational results, abd therefore simpler and more general. Another shortcoming of the program is that the theory formation and revision operators are fired by a rule set whose conditions are determined by the messagelist. In other words, the control rules are hardwired, though an explanation based learning methodcould be used to learn such rules. Wewill address this problem in the future versions of the program. 4. Conclusions Oneimportant problemin artificial intelligence is buildhag modelsthat integrate different methodsof representation and learning. Wehave described a discovery system, directed by completeness and consistency constraints, with the capabilities of theory formation and theory revision, and with the ability of explaining its knowledgestate by its domain constraints. 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