How to Overcome Translation An Inference Mismatches - Driven Mapping between Meaning Representations Bianka Buschbeck-Wolf Institut ftir Maschinelle Sprachverarbeitung Universit~it Stuttgart Azenbergstr. 12 7000 Stuttgart 1 Abstract This paper deals with issues that a bidirectional GermanRussianmachinetranslation systemfaces whenthe meaning of spatial prepositionsin these languagesdoesnot line up. A uniform representation languageis used to define the meaningof spatial prepositions in a languageindependent way. This formal language makesit possible to compare monolingualmeaningrepresentations and allows for the recognitionandresolutionof translation mismatches. 0. Introduction The mainproblemfor multi-lingual machinetranslation (MT)is that "there is no hopeof constructinga language [interlingua]whichis suchthat translationsin all languages maponto a single abstract representation in IL" ([KAY 1991], p. 78). Evenif the ambitionsof the IL approachare confinedto the designof a meaning representationmediating betweentwo languagesthere are manytranslation mappings whichcannot share the samerepresentation. Becauseof translation mismatchesintra-lingual mappingsbetweenIL representations are often inevitable. There are several waysto solve translation mismatches. [KAMEYAMA 1991] proposes to add or to drop information dependingon whetherthe target language(TL)renders the expression more precise or allows ambiguity not allowed in the source language (SL). The IL approach taken by [BARNETT 1991] appeals to a monolingual language description where translation mismatchesare viewedas generationproblems.Herethe generator includes techniques that assign preferences to a certain wayof expressingan assertion and makesuse of SLinformationto guidethis assignment. This paper contributes to the issue of howthe translation 24 mappingbetween non-identical meaningrepresentations can be achievedin an efficient wayby preservinglanguagepair independence in the lexicon. I sketch an approachof an inference driven mappingbetween monolingual meaning representationsandwill applyit to the problemof translating between Germanand Russian spatial prepositions, whichare a well-known sourceof a widerange of translation mismatches.For the locative prepositions considered I proposemeaningrepresentations whichexpress the spatial relation betweentwo concrete objects. Therepresentation languagefor spatial prepositionsis basedon tools fromsettheoretic topology,i.e. objects are representedas sets of spatial points and the relations betweenthemare expressed in termsof inclusion, overlapandconnectedness. Theproposedmeaningrepresentations for the Germanand Russianlocative prepositions can be used to infer whether the meaningof the target languagepreposition is identical with, moregeneral or morespecific than that of the source language, ThesecorrespondencesbetweenSLand TLrepresentations are established by use of identity, superset and subset relations betweenthe sets of spatial points expressed in the prepositions’meaning representations.Followingbasically the ideas of the "Translation-by-Negotiation-Approach" proposed by [KAY1991] myapproach makesexplicit how translation mismatchescan be recognizedand consequently resolvedby a "negotiator" whichoperates on languageindependentknowledge. First, I give a surveyof someof the translation problems weare faced with. Second,I presentthe formalrepresenta: tion languageand focus morespecifically on issues that concernthe meaningrepresentationof spatial expressionsin the lexicon. Then, I showhowthe correspondencebetween SLand TLrepresentationsis established. Finally, I propose a translation modelwhichinvolves an inference driven mappingbetweenmeaningrepresentations and give an idea of the organizationof the lexicon with respect to spatial propertiesof objectsandrelations betweenthem. as in (5), is coveredbythe Russianpreposition"na" (’on’). But"na" has a widerdomainof application. It highlightsthe contact with any surface of its reference object. This is shownin the examples (3’-8’). (3) das Buchauf demTisch (3’) knigana stole (’the bookonthe table’) 1. The Translation Picture (4) der Schomsteinauf demDach (4’) truba na kryge I consider spatial relations betweentwo concrete objects expressedby the German locative prepositions"in" (’in’), (’the chimneyon the roof) "auf"(’on’), "an"(’on, nextto’) andtheir Russianequivalents (5) der SchweiB auf/an der Sfim "v" (’in’), "na"(’on’) and"u" (’nextto’) respectively,as (5’) pot na Ibu occur in expressions of the form"der K~eauf demTisch" (’sweaton the forehead’) (’the cheeseon the table’), wherethe PPis a modifierwhich II. b Specification attributes the propertyof beinglocated"on the table" to the Thedifferentiation between spatial relations capturedin the individual "cheese".Furthermore,the localized object (LO) TLis not expressiblein the SL, i.e., the meaningof the SL "cheese"is situated with respect to a particular spatial preposition is expressedby morethan one TLpreposition. portionof its referenceobject (RO)"table", namelyits top Weare faced with a specification in the TL whichis not madein the SL. If wetranslate the Russianpreposition"na" surface,referredto bythe preposition"auf"(’on’). (’on’), whichprimarilyrefers to any surface of its RO, Withregard to these simpleexpressionsof spatial relations in Germanand Russian we maydistinguish the following have to choose betweenthe Germanprepositions "an" and typesof translationpattern: "auf". Boththese prepositionscapture this meaning,as can be seen in (6-8). Asimilar problemarises if wetranslate L Equivalence "an" (’on’, ’next to’) into Russian,as in (7-9). Here If two prepositions in different languagesshare the same (’on’) is usedif there is contactwiththe RO’ssurfaceand"u" meaningthey are assumedto be equivalent. Thepreposition (’next to’) if the LOis situated in the neighborhood which "in" (’in’), for example,capturesthe sameset of interpreta- surroundsthe RO.This is shownin (7’,8’) in contrast tions as the Russianpreposition"v" (’in’), i.e., the inclusion (9’): in an emptyas well as in a materially occupiedinterior. (6’) pirogna tarel’ke This is shown in the examples (1-2) and(1’-2’) respectively: (6) der Kuchenauf demTeller (’the cakeonthe plate’) (1) die Milchin der Flasche (1’) molokov butylke (7’) kartinana stene (’the milkin the bottle’) (7) das Bild an der Wand (’the paintingonthe wall’) (2) der Fisch im See (2’) ryba v ozere (8’) list’ja na vetke (’thefish in the lake’) (8) die Blatter amAst (’the leavesonthe branch’) II. Translation mismatches (9’) derevou doma Translation mismatchesinvolve cases whereone language (9) der Baumam Haus encodesa spatial relation not directly expressible in the (’the tree nextto the house’) other. Herethree differentkindscanbe distinguished: IL c Idiosyncrasie~ II. a Generalization Alanguagespecific idiosyncratic use of a preposition is The TLpreposition has a moregeneral meaningthan the anotherreason for a translation mismatch.This problemis SLpreposition. E.g., the meaningof the Germanprepowidelydiscussed and most often handledin the cognitive sition "auf" (’on’), whichrefers primarilyto the top surface frameworkof prototype semantics. Cognitive semanticists of its referenceobject, as in (3, 4), andwhichcan be used explainthe idiosyncraticuse of a prepositionby a distinct to refer to a vertical surfaceonly in a veryrestricted way, languagespecific conceptualization of spatial entities. These 25 ideas are also reflected in MTapproaches to locative prepositions [JAPKOWICZ/WIEBE 1991] and [ZELINSKYWIBBELT 1990]. They represent the preposition’s meaning ’as an idealized spatial relation between spatial entities schematized as volumes, surfaces or points. I treat spatial entities according to the way they appear in our world and not as they maybe conceptualized occurring in connection with a certain preposition. Moreover, it does not always seem to be appropriate to think of a surface when the Russian native speaker uses the preposition "ha" (’on’) for referenceto an interior, as in (10’, 11’): (10) Weizenin der Miihle (10’) pgenica na mernice (’wheatin (on) the mill’) (11) die Maschinenin der Fabrik (113 stanki na fabrike (’machinesin (on) the factory’) This use of the preposition "na" (’on’), which is rather productive in Russian, can be explained only historically. With manynouns, particularly with proper nouns as place names, the use of the preposition "na" is determined by linguistic convention. In somecases where "ha" is used with a nounwhichdenotes a building, the influence of the institutional reading, whichis also expressed by this preposition, accounts for that use. Nowadaysthe meaning of such an expression is obviously inclusion in an interior without any necessary contact with a surface. On the other hand, it is more reasonable to think of a different conceptualization whenthe object has an intermediate shape (e.g. between surface and a container) which may explain this usage of "ha". This is shownin (12’, 13’): (12) das Ei in der Pfanne (12) jajco na skovorotke (’the egg in (on) the pan’) (13) der Sportlerim Stadion (13’) sportsmen na stadione (’the sportsmenin (on) the stadium’) But even if one might be able to explain the use of the Russian "ha" discussed above, there is no way to predict which objects in particular can be combinedwith that preposition. Therefore, objects whichare used with a preposition in an idiosyncratic wayhave to be markedin the lexicon. 2.A formal representation for spatial relations In recent years a: widerange of approachesto spatial relations has appeared, for example, the prototype semantics approach taken by [HERSKOVITS 1986, LAKOFF1987] or the two level approach proposed by [BIERWISCH1988, LANG 1987, HERWEG 1988]. But among the great variety one can find only a few approaches which aim at a formal semantic representation for spatial prepositions, e.g., those taken by [LUTZEIER 1974, MOILANEN1979] and [AURNAGUE/VIEU 1992]. In contrast to a prototype semantics approach, which puts forward the idea of an "idealized meaning", or a two level approach, which assumes a primitive meaningon a semantic level which is then more finely articulated at a second conceptual level, I define the meaningof a spatial preposition as the disjunction of all its possible interpretations. The relation of the type ’%0 LOCATIVEPREPOSITIONRO" is understoodas a relation betweenspatial entities wherethe spatial referent of the ROis determined by the preposition and the LOis mapped onto that portion of space which actually participates in the spatial relation. In order to understand the prepositions’ meaningrepresentations I will briefly introduce someformal specifications of the representation language used here. For more details see [BUSCHBECK-WOLF 1993]. Spatial properties of objects, and the relations between them, are expressed in terms of set-theoretic topology. In other approaches, like [AURNAGUE/VIEU 1992], the representation of spatial prepositions is based on connection theory [CLARKE 1981], where spatial entities are regarded as individuals. Here, following [LUTZEIER 1974, MOILANEN1979], spatial entities are defined as sets of spatial points. Thus, spatial prepositions denote relations between particular subsets of these point sets. Theserelations are expressed in terms of inclusion, overlap and connectedness. Now,let me make the following assumptions: I is a set of concreteobjects a, b, c .... <P, N>is the threedimensional Euclidian space. <P, N> is a metrical and connectedtopological space. Let us consider the space P(a) which is taken up by object "a" in moredetail. It is definedin (14). (14) P(a) = {p E P I p is occupiedby a P(a) ~ VaVba, b ~ I: (P(a) # O ^ P(b) # ~ ^ P(a) = P(b)) 26 language Definition (14) says that the space P(a) whichis taken up the object "a" consists of all spatial points which are occupied by that object. P(a) is a subset of the Euclidian space. Furthermore, it is excluded that two objects may occupythe same space. There are objects, as e.g. cupboardsand vases, with respect to which one has to distinguish between the space which is occupied by their material parts, as e.g. by the woodof a cupboardor the porcelain of a cup, and their emptyinterior, whichalso belongs to the space these objects occupy. I refer to these spaces with PMAT(a),the set of materially occupied spatial points, and P~(a), the set of empty spatial points, whichare introduced in (15) and (16). (15) PMAT(a)= {p ~ P I p ~ P(a) p is materially occupiedby a } PMAT(a)~ P(a) PMAT(a) is connected in (16) P~(a) = {p ~ P I p E P(a) p is not materially occupiedby a} PEMPry(a)~ P(a) The distinction between materially and non-materially occupiedspatial points allows one to classify spatial objects in the way, shownin (17) - (19): (17) PEMI,/~(a) = O and PMAT(a) i.e. P(a) = PMAT(a) If an object consists of materially occupiedpoints only, we have a massive non-hollowbody, as e.g. a stone. (18) PMAT(a)-- ~ and PEMPTy(a) i.e. P(a) = PEMPTY(a) If P(a) contains only non-materiallyoccupiedpoints, "a" is hollowspace, as e.g. a hole. (19) PMAT(a)¢ O and ifPEMPTy(a) i.e. P(a) = PMAT(a)U PEMPTy(a) If an object occupies some spatial points materially and some spatial points non-materially, it refers to a hollow body, as e.g. a cupboard. In this case the space the object occupies equals the union of its materially occupied space and its emptyinterior. The neighborhood of an object, its vicinity PEXT(a), another region which has to be defined in order to represent prepositions, as e.g. "near", "by" or "next to". As is shown in (20), PEXT(a) is a subset of the topological space which complementaryto P(a) and has a limited extension, because another object cannot be localized with respect to "a" at arbitrary distances. Hence, the distance from any exterior point of "a" to an interior point of "a" should not be smaller than a real numberna which has to be contextually 27 determined. It depends on the size, the importance and the functionality of "a" and on the spatial configuration of the objects in its neighborhood (20) PEXT(a) ~ C(P(a)) PEXT(a)= {P’ e P I p’ ~ P(a) A 3p ~ P(a) such that d(p, p’) _< na } PEXT(a)is connected in Anotherrestriction on the localization of an object "g" in the vicinity of "a" concerns the availability of PEXT(a). object "g" can be situated in PEXT(a)only in that part space whichis not occupied by another object. This leads us to (21) wherea subset of the exterior, namelythe available exterior PEXT-AVAIL(a) is defined. = {P° e PIp° ~ PExr(a) (21) PEXT-AVAIL(a) Vb(bE I) pO~ P(b)} PEXT-AVAm(a) _c PEXT(a) The remaining exterior is assumedto be non-available for the localization of another object. This is shownin (22). = PEXT(a)\PEXT-AVAIL(a) (22) PEXT-NONAVAIL(a) PEXT-NONAVAIL(a) PEXT(a) NowI define somesubsets of the available exterior of an object which one needs for the representation of preposil tions, such as "above", "below" or "by". These are in (24) the "available exterior above a" PTOP.EXT_AVAIL(a), in (25) the "available exterior below a" PBOTIOM-EXT-AVAIL(a)and in (26) the "available exterior extending horizontally to PVERT-EXT-AVAIL(a). In (23) the distance betweenthe set points which is occupied by objects "a" and somepoint p’ of the available exterior is defined as the minimumof the distances fromany point of P(a) to p’. (23) d(P(a), p’) = miny{ d(y, p’) I y p’e PEXT-AVAm(a)} Then,this distance is given a direction. Here,d+vert(P(a), denotes the minimaldistance betweenthe object and a point along the vertical directed against gravity, d_vert(P(a), stands for this distancedirected with gravity and dhor(P(a), signifies the distance betweenthe object and a point along the horizontal, whichis situated orthogonalto the vertical. = {p’~ (24)PTOP-EXT-AVAIL(a) PEXT-AVAIL(a) d+vcrtd(P(a), p’)0 ^ dhor(P(a), p’) =0} PTOP-EXT-AVAIL(a) ~ PEXT-AVAIL(a) (25) PBOrrOM-EXT-AVAm(a) = {P’~P~T-AVAm(a) d-vcrtd(P(a), p’)> 0 ^ dhor(P(a), p’) PBOqTOM-EXT-AVAIL (a) ~ PEXT-A VAtE(a) (26) PVERT-EXT-AVAIL(a)= PEXT-AVAIL(a)\ \ (PTOP-EXT-AVAIL(a) t..) PBOTrOM-EXT.AVAIL PVERT-EXT-AVAIL(a) c_ PEXT-AVAIL(a) Finally, we need a definition of the object’s surface to which such prepositions as "an" (’on’) and "auf" (’on’) refer. According to definition (27), the surface consists of all materially occupied points s of an object "a", whose neighborhood contains at least one point p’ which belongs to the exterior PEXT(a).This definition also predicts that hollow spaces do not provide a surface, since P(a) contains only non-materially occupiedspatial points. (27) S(a)= {se PMAT(a)IVNe 3p’E N p’~ PEXT(a)} They have to capture all the distinctions made in the languages involved. But to push the analysis beyond that would only slow down the system. Here I will basically make use of topological representations to capture the meaningof the spatial prepositions. For the prepositions considered functional relations are ignored since they do not influence the choice of a TL preposition. In most cases they are obvious from the spatial configuration between the involved objects. Here the meaningof a spatial preposition is represented fully independentlyof any TLrequirements. It is the disjunction of all its possible interpretations. The S(a) P(a) The localization of an object "b" on the surface of "a" relation of the type "a PREPOSITION b" where "a" is the presupposesthe availability of that surface. I call a surface LOand "b" the ROis valid if and only if one of the possible available if it is the boundary of an available exterior. representationsis true. According to their position in space some subsets of the TheGermanpreposition "in" (’in’) is represented in (31): available surfaces can be distinguished: the top surface (31) a IN b ¢=~ (a) P(a) c PEMPTY(b) STOp(a),the vertical surface SVERT(a) and the bottomsurface (b) P(a) CPMAT(b ) "In" provides two distinct interpretations. Onthe one hand SBo-rroM(a).This is shownin (28) - (30). (28) STOp(a)={s e PMAT(a)I VN~ the (31a) clause says that the space occupied by the LO 3p’e N p’e PTOP-EXT-AVAIL(a)} contained in the emptyinterior of the RO(cf. ex. 1). Onthe STOp(a)c_ S(a) other hand (31b) accounts for the inclusion of the space (29) SVERT(a)= {S ~ PMAT(a)I ~/N which is taken up by the LO in the materially occupied 3p’E N p’E PVERT.EXT.AVAIL(a)} interior of the RO(cf. ex. 2). The representations in (31) cannot cope with the partial SV~T(a) ~ S(a) = {S ~ PMAT(a)I VN¢ N(s) (30) SBOTTOM(a) inclusion in an emptyor in a materially occupied interior, 3p’~ N p’e PBOTTOM-EXT-AVAIL(a)} i.e. no truth-value can be assigned to expressions of the type "the flowers in the vase" or "the nail in the board". I will SBo’rroM(a) S(a) Summarizing the introduced spatial regions, figure 1 skip the definition of partial inclusion here, since it is not exemplifies someof them for a vase. essential to further considerations. The preposition "auf" (’on’) has a morecomplexinterpretation, as can be seen 3. Meaning representations for (32) a AUFb ¢=~ spatial prepositions in the lexicon (a) S(a) © STop(b) NowI will use the defined spatial regions to describe the (b) (P(a) c7 P(b)) c meaning of locative prepositions. It should be mentioned (C) if "a" is a thin surface-likeobject: that the application to the domainof machinetranslation S(a) © SVERT(b) imposescertain constraints on the depth of the prepositions’ (d) if "b" is used idiosyncratically with "auf": meaningrepresentations. P(a) c PEMPTY (b) vert ================================= .::~iiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii}iiiiiiiiiii~; .... PTOP_EXT.AVAIL(a) [the neighborhoodabovethe vase] .=iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiii!~::. [the available top surface of the vase] ===============:=:===========:=:=:=:=:=:=:=:===:===:===============:===:=:=:= STOP(a) PEMgry(a) [the emptyinterior of the vase] S VERT(a) [the available vertical surface of the vase] i [the materially occupiedspace of the vase] !i ~ !; PMAT(a) ( P VERT-EXT-AVAIL a ) [the available neighborhoodextending horizontally to the vase] ================================================================== ~ ====================================================== :::::::::::::::::::::::: figure 1 28 Accordingto (32a) the preposition "auf’ expressesthat the surface of the LOis in contactwith the top surface of the RO(cf. ex.3, 6). Thetopological propertyof connectedness can be used to describe the contact relation betweentwo surfaces. Herethe notation "©"expressesthat the unionof the particular surfaces is connected.(32a) is the default readingof "auf’. It presupposesthe existenceof a vertical direction andof gravity. Hence,the functional relation of support could easily be derived from the given spatial configuration.The(32b)clause says that the intersection the materialinterior of the objects involvedis containedin the top surface of the RO.This abstraction shouldcapture the "embedding" of the LOin the top surface of the RO(cf. ex.4). (32c) describes the homogeneous contact of surface of the LOwith the vertical surface of the RO.The use of "auf’for the referenceto a verticalsurfaceis restricted to thin surface-likeobjectsor liquid andgranularsubstances in the role of the LOand to ROswhichprovide a salient vertical surface(cf. ex.5). Finally, (32d) showsthat "auf" can also be used to highlight the emptyinterior of its referenceobject. Againthis use is restricted to a coupleof objects andcannotbe predicted(cf. die Lampe auf demFlur (’the lampin (on)the hall’)). Nowlet us look at the spatial meaningof the preposition "an"(’on’,’nextto’) in (33): (33) a ANb ¢:~ (a) S(a) © SVERT(b) 0a) (P(a) n P(b)) (c) if "b" is a strictly bounded object: (’on’) has a widerwading: (35) aNAb ¢:, (a) S(a) © (b) (P(a) c~ P(b)) (c) if "b" is idiosyncraticallyusedwith"na": P(a) c PEMI’TY (b) As shownin (35a) "na" expresses the contact of the LO’s surfacewithanysurfaceof its RO(cf. ex. 3’, 5’, 6’, 7’). The (35b) clause says that a part of the LOis embedded in the RO’ssurface(cf. ex.4’, 8’). Thethird meaning (35c)captured by "na" is its referenceto an emptyinterior, whichis valid onlyfor lexicallymarked objects(cf. ex.10’-13’). Finally, representation(36) indicates that the Russianpreposition "u" (’nextto’) is usedto situate an objectin the available neighborhoodof the ROwhichextends horizontally to it (of. ex.9’). (38) a U b ¢:, P(a) c PVERT-EXT-AVAIL(b) 4.The correspondences between source and target language representations Nowlet us apply the introducedmeaningrepresentations for spatial prepositions to the domainof machinetranslation. Assuming that the given complexmeaningrepresentations are presentin the SLlexicon,it is the task of the analysisto find out whichof the possibleinterpretationsis appropriate. Thequestion arises whetherit is alwaysnecessaryto disambiguate the givenrepresentations.If welook at the transP(a) c PVERT.EXT.AVAIL(b) lation picturein sectionone, it turns out that the translation In (33a)"an" capturesthe contactof a surfaceof the LOwith mappingcan be guided by TLrequirements. In the case the vertical surfaceof the RO(cf. ex. 5, 7). Representation wherethe SLrepresentation is Completelyshared by a TL (33b) denotes that the LOis an appendageof the ROwhich preposition(I. equivalence)the mappingis straightforward. is embedded in its surface (cf. ex.8). This representation If the meaningof the SLpreposition is a submeaning of a overlaps with (32b). In the generation process (33b) TLpreposition (II.a generalization) then the moregeneral assumedto be the default interpretation, if wecan exclude TLrepresentationis the appropriateone. If the TLmakesa the embedding in a top surface denotedby (32b), since the distinction not madein the SL (II.b specification), morespecific representationis givenpreference.Under(33c) analysis is indispensable, and mustgo as deepas the TL "an" saysthat the LOis situated in the availableexterior of specification. If the use of the TLpreposition is idiosynthe RO,whichextendshorizontallyto it. It is valid only if cratic (II.c idiosyncrasy)thenthe mapping is justified if the the ROis a strictly bounded object(cf. ex.9). corresponding ROis appropriatelymarkedin the lexicon. NowI turn to someRussianlocative prepositions. In order to find out the correspondence betweensourceand First, the meaningof "v" (’in) is representedin (34). target languagerepresentationseachdisjunct of the givenSL captures exactly the sameset of interpretations as the representation is comparedwith TLrepresentations in the German preposition"in" does,(cf. ex. 1’- 2’). TL lexicon. Wehave to find those from which the (34) a V b ¢:~ (a) P(a) c PEMPTy(b) appropriate TL preposition can be derived. These are TL (b) P(a) c PMAT representations whichare identical with one of the given As wecan see in (35) the Russianlocative preposition"na" SLrepresentationsor whichshare partially at least one of 29 those. Here knowledgeabout the sets of spatial points described in the prepositions’ meaningrepresentations is used to infer (i) whichare the corresponding TLrepresentations and (ii) whichrelation holds betweenthe SLand representations. This relation points out the kind of translation mismatch.Consequently,it suggests the appropriate mappinglevel. Moreprecisely, if the set of spatial points of the ROexpressedin the TLrepresentation is a superset of the oneexpressedin the SLrepresentation, and the remaining parts of the SL and TLpropositions are identical, then weare facedwith a generalizationin the TL. Here the translation mappingis allowed since the SL representationlogically impliesthe TLrepresentation.If the set of spatial pointsthe ROin the TLrefers to is a subsetof the set the ROin the SLrefers to, then a specificationin the TL is recognized.If there is morethan one such TLrepresentation fromwhichdifferent prepositionscan be derived, no mapping can be carried out. Ananalysis accordingto the TLspecificationis then indispensable. Hence,the correspondencesbetweenSLand TLrepresentations are inferredonthe basis of identity, supersetandsubset relations betweenthe sets of spatial points describedin the prepositions’meaning representations.Let meillustrate this with some examples. Wewant to translate the German preposition"auf"into Russian.It is replacedby the expressions (32a-d): (32a) S(a) © STOP@) (32b) (P(a) c~ P(b)) c (32c)if "a" is a thin surface-likeobject: S(a) @Svm~T(b) (32d)if "b"is usedidiosyncraticallywith"auP’: P(a) c PF_.MPTY CO) Herethe followingTLrepresentationsare pickedout as the correspondingones: (35a) S(a) © (35b)(P(a) c~ P(b)) (35c)if "b" is usedidiosyncraticallywith"na": P(a) c PE~zrY(b) (34a) P(a) c PFa~rY Theserepresentationsare foundin the followingway. Given(28) STOp(a)~ S(a) it can be inferred that (32a) submeaning of (35a), and (32b) is a submeaning of (35b). it turns out that the GermanLOfulfills the condition on meaning(32c), then accordingto (29) S V~T(a)c S(a) is a submeaningof (35a). Moreover,if the GermanRO usedwith the preposition"auf" to refer to an emptyinterior (32d), then (35c) and(34a) are the corresponding representa- 30 tions becauseof the identity relation. Here the lexical informationon the RussianROis decisive for the choice between "v" (’in’) or "na"(’on’) in the TL.If oneof the mainingrepresentations(32a-c) is valid the mapping is also straightforward,becausethe set to whichthe target language ROrefers is a superset of that to whichthe ROin the SL refers. Thesupersetrelation suggestsa generalizationin the TL, i.e., an analysis is not necessary. Consequently,the mappingto the more general representations (35a,b) allowedand the Russianpreposition"na" is generated. Nowlet us considera morecomplicated case, the translation of the Russian preposition "na"(’on’), which has the followingmeaning: (35a) S(a) © (35b)(P(a) c~ P(b)) (35c)if "b" is idiosyncraticallyusedwith "na": P(a) c PF~irry(b) In this case a lot of corresponding representations are found: (32a) S(a) © STop(b) (32b)(P(a) c~ P(b)) c (32c)if "a" is a thin surface-likeobject: S(a) © SVERT(b) (32d)if "b" is usedidiosyncraticallywith "auf’ P(a) c PFaVlPTY (b) (33a) S(a) SVERT(b) (33b) (P(a) n P(b)) (31a) P(a) c PEMPTY(b) TheseTLrepresentations are picked out in the following way.Onthe one hand(35a) includes (32a) and(35b) includes (32b) since (28) S(a) ~ STOp(a).Onthe other hand, (29) S(a) ~ SV~T(a),it can be inferred that (32c) and are containedin (35a). (35b)and(33b)are identical. case of appropriatelexical informationon the RussianRO, (35c) is identical with (31a) and with (32d) if the ROis also usedidiosyncratically. Here the mappingis allowedonly if the RussianROmakes an idiosyncratic use of the preposition "na" (35c). In this case noother SLinterpretationis valid since the idiosyncratic use is alwaysgiven preference.Becauseof the identity relation the mappingcan be processed. Comparingthe remainingSLand TLrepresentations a specification in the TLcan be inferred becausethe sets to whichthe target languageROsrefer are subsets of that to whichthe ROsin the SL refers. Fromthe found TL interpretations two different prepositions, namely"auff and "an", can be generated, i.e., the translation mapping cannotbe processed. Theanalysis has to showwhichof the TLrepresentationsis the appropriate one in the given situation. This is done using knowledge about the spatial properties of the ROand the functionalrelations betweenthe twoobjects involved. 5. The translation model Howcan these ideas be realized in a MTmodel?Following basically the ideas of the "Translation-by-NegotiationApproach"proposed by [KAY1991], a translation model whichmakesuse of the introducedmeaningrepresentations andthe inference guidedmappingbetweenthemis represented diagrammatically in figure 2. Ignoringthe syntactic analysis, first the preposition is replacedby the disjunctionof all its possiblemeanings.On this level no analysis is carried out to find the appropriate one amongthe possible SL interpretations. The whole bundleof possible meaningsis sent to the negotiator. The latter finds all representationsin the TLlexiconfromwhich a corresponding prepositioncan be derived.If only identical representationsare foundor if all corresponding TLrepresentations havea moregeneral meaning,then the mappingis straightforward(MI). In the case of an idiosyncraticuse the SLor TLpreposition the mappingis determinedby the lexical informationof the corresponding RO.If the negotiator finds only morespecific TLrepresentations, fromwhich different prepositionsare generated,the analysis mustgo as deepas the TLspecificationrequires. If oneof themis found the mapping(M2)is carried out. Then, the TLpreposition is generatedfromthe appropriateTLrepresentation. I TranslationModelfor LocativePrepositions ] analysisdrivenby the specifi- [ I cationof TLrepresentation generalizati°n identity specification I ~r checking language-specific I checkinglanguage-specific features of SLobjects t features of TLobjects I negotiator I /r- findingout the relation between \ ~ | SL & TL representations ~v] . pointers to the appropriate x~k,_ mapping levels r replacementof the preposition generationof TLpreposition by the disjunctionof all frommeaningrepresentation possibleinterpretations I t TL expression ] ~ss to the lexicon~~ figure 2 31 6. The lexicon The defined spatial regions (see section 2) allow one describe andto classify spatial objects. Theontologyfound here reflects aboveall the topologicalpropertiesof objects, whichare relevant for the locative prepositionsconsideredin this investigation. Withoutgoinginto detail I wantto give someof the classificational criteria usedin the ontologyof three-dimensional objects. Oneof themis the distinction basedon the compo- lexicon. A lexicon applicable to a MTmodel is shown in figure3. Underthe condition that a nounin both languagesdenotes the sameobjectin the world,an identicalspatial referent can be assumed. In this case the spatial featurescan be sharedby SL and TL objects in a commonpart of the lexicon. Languagespecific information, such as the meaningof the locative prepositionsandthe idiosyncratic use of prepositions are storedseparately. Lexicon SL-Lexicon TL-Lexicon ¯ meaningrepresentationsof locative SLprepositions ¯ meaning representationsof locative TLprepositions ¯ SLobjects objectivespatial features ,,,,,,..,,,.o ,,,.,,,,,,.. .,,.oo,.,,,, markingof idiosyncratic use andother languagespecificrestrictions P(a) ~ ,t, ¯ TLobjects °°°°°°..°., *°°°°°°+,+ ...o..°.°. markingof idiosyncratic use andother languagespecificrestrictions S(a)=... P~r(a).. . ..,,.. figure3 sition of the space the object occupies(for definition see 7. Conclusion (18) - (20)). If it consists of materially occupiedpoints In this paper meaningrepresentations for Germanand only, then either a non-hollowmassiveobject, as e.g., a Russianspatial prepositions havebeenproposed.Considerbrick or a lake, or a substance,as e.g., water or wood,is ing the translation phenomena of identity, generalization, concerned. If an object consists of exclusively nonspecificationand idiosyncrasy,it wasshownthat the undermateriallyoccupiedpoints, then it refers to a hollowspace, lying formal representation languagemakesit possible to as e.g., a caveor a ditch. If an objecttakes up materiallyas find out the actual relation betweenSLand TLrepresentawell as non-materiallyoccupiedspatial points, then it is tions and to determinethe appropriatemappinglevel. This either a hollowbody,as for example,a cupor a bus, or a waythe mapping is carried out at a level as shallowas possigroup of objects, as e.g., a forest or a town, wherethe ble andthe depthof analysis is restricted to the necessary hollowspace is created by the spacebetweenthe particular amount. membersof the group. Moreover,whether hollow bodies Hence,if an appropriaterepresentationlanguageis usedit is andhollowspacesare closedor openis decisive.Otherclassi- possible to mediatebetweennon-identicalmeaning represenficationalcriteria concernthe availablesurfaceof the object, tations so that wecan get by with a monolingual description its boundedness,its canonical position accordingto the maintaining the language-independenceassumption. This earth’s surfaceandits typical neighborhood. waythe difficulties of findingan abstract representationof Theontologyallowsthe description of topological properthought, whichis sharedby the languagesinvolved, can be ties of objects as properties of a wholeclass. This makes avoided. possible an efficient spatial description of objects in the 32 8. Bibliography [KAY1991] [AURNAGUE/VIEU 1992] M. Kay, J. M. Gawron, P. Norvig: Verbmobil: A M. Aurnague,L.Vieu:A tree-level approachto the seman- Translation Systemfor Face-to-FaceDialog. Manuscript, tics of space. In: C. 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