RESEARCH COMMUNICA'l'lONS and double exposure holographic interferometry have been extensively used in the visualization of structural deformations and vibrations. The conventional techniques using a two-beam geometry involves the separation of the transmitted object beam and the image-bearing diffracted beam. So the quality of the interference pattern depends heavily on the transmission of the hologram and the suppression of the background intensity. The four-wave mixing (FWM) geometry employed by us helps in obtaining a PC image of the object which is free from distortions because of its aberration compensation property. The importance of the present work lies in the fact that by preparing a nonlinear medium, in the way suggested by us, one can attain a contrast of unity. A new approach to combine the efficiencies of a photorefractive crystal and the fast response times offered by dye thin film, is discussed. This novel composite material gives two phase conjugate signals differing in their growth and decay times. It has been exploited in a simple four-wave mixing geometry to perform phase conjugate interferometry. The technique is free from the phase change problems associated with dye thin films alone and a very high contrast interferogram can be obtained by properly choosing suitablc material and geometric parameters. 1 . Pepper, D. M., Sci. Am., 1989, 254, 56-65. 2. HOpf, F. A,, ,I. Opt. SOC. i l ~ l . ,1980, 70, 1320-1323. 3. Feinberg, .I., Opt. Lett., 1983, 8 , 569-571. 4. Huignard, J. P.and Marrakchi, A,. Opt. Lett., 1981, 6 , 622-624. 5. Bar-Joseph, I. e t a / , Opt. L e t t . , 1981, 6 , 414-416. 6. Nakagawa, K. and Fujiwara, A,, Opt. Conimun., 1989, 70,73-76. 7. Nakagawa, K. and Fujiwara, I-I., SPIE, 1989, 954, 11-15. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This work was carried out under a research programme sponsored by thc Defence Research and Development Organization. Received 7 August 1993; accepted 12 August 1993. fascinating molecules'~'. A variety of reactions have been carried out on C60 generally giving rise to a mixture of products. Birch reduction of CbOhas been reported3 to yield a mixture of C60H18and C60H36,while controlled hydroboration4 followed by protonolysis gives C60H2. Calculations have been carried out on C60H60, with isolated double bond^^-^. Considering that several of the derivatives studied so far conform to the general formula C60X60.e, (X = M, Br, etc), it is tempting to speculate whether some of these derivatives consists of n distinct benzene rings distributed in the fullerene cage9. C6()H36 seems to be the most promising candidate to adopt such a structure with four isolated benzenoid rings. The preparation of fullerene was carried out by contact arc vapourization. of Separation and pmification of C60 were accomplished by a simple filtration technique using a charcoal - silica-gel mixture1?.CbOH36 was obtained by Birch reduction of c60 as follows. To excess Lilliquid NH,,a solution containing 30 mg of Cho and 5 ml of tert-butanol in 200 ml methyl cyclohexa~~e was added and stirred vigorously. The temperature of the reaction mixture was maintained at minus - 3 3 T for 6-7 h by using a liquid ammonia refluxing condensor, The product was quenched with excess of ammoniuni chloride, washed with water, dried over anhydrous MgS04 and passed tlirough a silica column to remove possible amine addition products. The new product in TLC showed a single spot (iodine-active) with an A,. value of around 0.37 in 30% CH2C12/hexane. After removing the solvent, a white solid product was obtained. This product was characterized by FAB and El mass spectrometry, FTIR, N M R and U V spectroscopy. Although the FAB and El mass spectra of the purified pro'duct of Birch reduction show a distribution of mass peaks, the main line is at mlz 746 (Figure 1 ) corresponding to a hydride C,of-136. There was no Seature to indicate the presence of a Nl-lz gropp in the F U R spectrum (KBr pellet). The FTIR spectrum showed characteristic frequencies associated with aliphatic C-tl - Investigations of the fullerene hydride C60H36 A. Govindaraj CSIR Center of Excellence in Chemistry, Indian Institute of Sc~ence, Bangalore 560 012, India Under Birch reduction conditions, C60 predomiSpectroscopic results a r e connantly forms C60H36. sistent with the structure predicted by calculations, involving four benzene rings distributed tetrahedrally in a spheroidal framework. SINCEthe discovery of the fullerene, there has been considerable effort to study the chemistry of these F i g 1. e c I das spcctra o ~ ' C ~ ~ N ; , CURREN 1 bCIENCE, VOL. 65, NO. 1 I , 10 DECEMBER 1993 RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS W a v e length,nm 3500 2500 1500 Wave number c ~ ' 500 F i g u r e 2. Experimental infrared spectru~n(FT) of C,,lH,, along w ~ t h the spectra predictcd for T and TI, structures (scaled by 0.9). 1~igul.e4 . Elcctronic absorption spectru~nof (u)C,,I-l;, alonz \\ ill1 ( b ) the spectra of TCNE and the c o ~ n p i e swith TCNE. Inset shows the "C N M I i spectrum in CDCI,. ('The askrisk indicates thc signal d u e to the solvent.) F i g u r e 3 . Proton N M R spectrum ofC6,tIi, (in CDCI3). stretching as well as aromatic C=C skeletal vibrations (Figure 2). The IH NMR spectrum in CDCI3 (Figure 3) showed a broad band in the 2.5-4.3 ppm range. The NMR spectrum showed distinct bands around 140 ppm and 40 ppm which can be assigned respectively to benzenoid and saturated carbons (insert of Figure 4). The signal due to the benzenoid carbons is weak because of the quaternary nature of these carbons. Although the NMR signals are relatively broad, their positions support the structure to be discussed later. The hydrocarbon showed a band at 2 18 nm and another around 275 nm in the UV spectrum (in cyclohexane solution), characteristic of benzenoid rings (Figure 4 a). All these spectroscopic data of CG0H36are consistent with a structure containing isolated benzene rings. Further evidence for the presence of benzene rings comes from the observation of a charge-transfer band of C60H36 with tetracyanoethylene around 305 nm (Figure 4 b). The benzene - TCNE systemI3 shows a charge transfer band at 300 nm. C U R R E N T SCIENCE. VOL. 6 5 , NO. 11, 10 DECEMBER 1993 F i g u r e 5 . I'rqjection ol'C,,,l 13, (T)structure down a thrcc-Sold nsis. MNDO calculation^^^ have shown that a structure with four tetrahedrally disposed benzene rings as shown in Figure 5 (T symmetry) is more stable for C,oH3(,than that with isolated double bonds (TI, symmetry). MNDO calculations distinguished the T structure with benzenoid rings from the TI, structure with isolated double bonds in terms of vibrational frequencies. The observed IR spectrum of C60H36is compared with the spectra structure. The predicted by calculation for the T and Ti, experimental spectrum seems to correspond more closely to the spectrum of the T rather than the TI, structure (Figure 2). This structure of CGoH3(,suggests that factors such as angle strain, degree of conjugation, the number and magnitude of eclipsing interactions as RESEARCH COMMUNICATIONS well as the strain associated with cage distortions are Evolution of basin boundaries during important factors in the reduction of C,& The simple explanation offered earliervor the structure of CBOH36 onset of chaos was based on the consideration that 36 is the number of 6. Ambika" hydrogens required to leave a single unconjugated Department of P h y s ~ c s , Cochin University of Scicncc and double bond in each pentagon of CbO.We feel that it is Technology, Cocliin 682 022, India not unreasonable to postulate a structure of C60H36as one with four tetrahedrally disposed benzene rings. It is The evolution of basin boundaries in a system with possible that a structure with isolated double bonds first multiple attractors is analysed numerically as the formed transforms to the therniodynamically more stable system develops period doublings, crises and tangles. structure with the benzenoid rings via sigmatropic shifts. The disappearance of the basin o f attraction of a TIILISwith the tbur symmetrically spaced betlzene units chaotic attractor during a boundary crisis as well as in the spheroid, the shape o[ the cage permits an the erosion of the bounded basin by the escaping effective elimination of angle strain at both the sp2 and basin due to a heteroclinic tangle are displayed in a sp3carbon atoms. The overall angular distortions are series of basin portraits. marginally higher for the T isomer than the TI, form. It appears that the aromatic character of the benzenoid IN the study o f nonlinear systems, we often come across units is responsible for the greater stabilization of the systems with multiple attractors, i.e. wit11 more than one former isomer. It is also likely that under conditions of asymptotically stable states coexisting for one particular Birch reduction with tcrt-butan01 as the proton source set of system parameters. In such cases, each attractor only partial reduction of C , o occurs leaving four liexawill be having its own separate basin o f attraction. the s~~bstituted benzene rings. basin being the set of initial points that lead to the attractor as time t -+ m. The boundary of the closure of I . Special issue on 13i1ckrninsler-1'~1Ilcre1ic., :lc,c. Clioil, 1te.r.. 1992. this region can in general be smooth or fractal. As the 25, 9 9 . attractor undergoes a bifurcation, the basin boundary 2 . Spccinl issuc on Fullcre~lcs~n. Indiuti .I. ('IIcII~., 1992, 31 h % 13. evolves, either going from a smooth to a fractal or ]:I. 3. Ilwllcr, I<. I:, ct nl.1, /'!ij'.s. C h e ~ v . 1990, , 94. 8634. disappearing. Therefore, studies related to the location 4. Ilcndcrson. l i . G. and i'aliill, P. A,. Scie17ce. 1993. 259. 1885. as well as the nature of these boundaries and their 5. Saundcrs, PI., Scie17rc. 101. 253. 330. changes as the system parameters evolve have signi6. Dl~lilnp.13. I.. Ilrcnncr. 11. W., Mintmire, .I. W.. Mowrcy, R. C . ficance because of their implications in the onset of :uid Wl~ilc,C,', 'l'.> ,I, /J/iyxC'/IL>/X. I99 I * 95, 5763, 7 . (iuo. 'I'. i ~ n dS~uscriii,G.G., (:helli. /.'/iq'.v, Idel/,.1097, 191, 527 chaos in the system' 4. An a p r i w i knowledge about 8. Bako~vics.I). arid Tliicl, W., C'iietlr, l'i~,.s. i.erl., 1992, 193, 236. how the attractor basins evolve can be of use when we 9. Taylor. I<., .I. ('iiei~~. Soc. Perkilt Titzns. 2, 1992, 1067; Austin. address the question of control mechanisms too, since S. .I. cr o/.:..l. ('lrcill. Soc. Perkill Trc~~is. 2. 1W3. 1383. suitable control is normally applied to bring the system 10. K r : ~ t s c l i ~ ~W.. w . I.mib. I,, I)., I:ostiropoulous, I<, nrid Ilull'inan, within the basin of a periodic artractors. So, also the. I). 12.. .\'orrim, 1090, 347. 3 5 4 . 1 1 . l'ratlccp. T.i)'Souza, F.. Subbatinn. C;. N..Krishnan, V , and extent of basin erosion due t o forcing can tell 11show far Rno, C'. lu'. R.. /'roc, itrdiilrl .,lc~ci.Sci. (('/icni. Sci.), 1991. 103, a system has chances of remaining constrained in a 685. noisy environment, and this is a useful criterion in 12. (iovi~idaraj,A. : a d llao C'. N.I<.. Puil. Sci. Tcch~zol.,I993 ( in engineering and applied sciences" 77. press). 13. IZao, C'. N,12.. Bhal. S. n. and Dwivcdi. P. C., Ajil,!. Spcc. Rev. In this communication, a detailed display of the 1071.5. 1. evolution of basin boundaries of a system with multiple attractors is presented. By concentrating on parameter regimes where interesting phenomena like crises and tangles occur, we study nu~nericallythe reorganization ACKN0Wl,lif>CiliMIJNNII. I thank Prof. C. N. R. Rao and Prof. .I. of the basin structure as the parameters pass through Cliandrasekhar Ibr guidancc and advice. their critical values. In this context, we note that basin boundary analysis has been carried out extensively in l<cccivcd 20 August 1993; revised accepted 27 September 1993. discrete dynamical ~ y s t e r n s ~ - ' ~The . attractor-basin portraits have been explored in detail recently by Ueda" for the Duffing equation, while Thompson et Notc ndded in proyj: After completing this work, we have become have analysed basin organization prior to escape in a w a r e of a mass spcctrometric study of product distributions of C,, single-well or double-well oscillator. 13irch reduction (Banks, M. R . et al., J. C h e m Soc. Chenz. Commzm., 1993, 1149). *On leave from Department of Physics, Maharaja's College, Cochin 682 Ol 1, India CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 65, NO. 1 I , 10 DECEMBER 1993 ,