OUTLINE OF PRESENTATION TO THE SHANGHAI BAR ASSOCIATION BY K&L GATES LLP 美国高盖茨律师事务所为上海律师协会 准备的演讲的大纲 TIME/DATE: 时间/日期: APRIL 16, 2014 2:00 – 4:00 p.m. 2014 年 4 月 16 日下午 2 点至 4 点 Topic One: International Cartel Enforcement 2014 主题一:2014 年的国际卡特尔执法 • Where is cartel enforcement going in 2014? 2014 年卡特尔执法的走势 o Are courts becoming more skeptical about extending jurisdiction in competition enforcement and follow-on civil litigation to conduct occurring outside the country and damage awards for foreign transactions? 对于美国境外的行为和涉及外国交易的损害赔偿,美国法院对 竞争法行政执法和随后的民事诉讼的管辖权延伸是否逐步开始 持怀疑态度? o What are the practical implications for Asian companies and executives if “extraterritorial” jurisdiction is restricted in active competition jurisdictions such as the U.S.? 如果“治外法权”在存在积极竞争的法律辖区(例如美国)受到 限制,这对于亚洲的公司及其高管有何实际意义? o What are the implications of greater restrictions on suits for foreign conduct involving Asian companies and executives? 如果针对牵涉亚洲公司及其高管的外国行为的诉讼得以进一步 限制,其意义何在? Page 2 • Will government involvement in challenged competitive activities of Asian companies or the activities of SOEs impact possible cartel exposure? 相关政府若卷入亚洲公司受到调查的竞争行为或案件涉及国有企业 的行为,其对可能的卡特尔责任会产生何种影响呢? • What measures can be taken both before an investigation and during litigation to reduce corporate and executive exposure to liability, fines, and to follow-on civil litigation and the massive damage claims in international cartel cases? 在国际卡特尔案件中,为降低公司和高管的面临的法律责任、罚款、 随后的民事诉讼以及数额巨大损害赔偿的风险,在调查开始前以及 诉讼中应该采取何种措施呢? Dialogue with the Audience 与听众交流对话 Topic Two: Product Distribution in China -- Similarity / Variance with U.S. and E.U. Approaches 主题二:在中国的产品销售与美国以及欧盟的异同点 • Will Chinese competition authorities follow the approach of the E.U. or the U.S. in considering the legality of various vertical restraints? 中国的竞争法主管当局在审查各类纵向限制行为的合法性时,会不 会沿用欧盟或美国的观点? • Excessive Pricing: What factors and tests do China competition agencies appear to use in analyzing whether prices are “excessive?” Is that role by Chinese courts an appropriate role? Is it different from the roles of other courts in considering whether prices are “excessive?” 超高定价:中国的竞争法主管当局在分析价格是否“超高”时似乎考虑 了哪些因素和测试?中国法院是否合适担当此任?在审查价格是够 “超高”时,中国法院的角色和其他国家法院的角色有何不同? Page 3 • Resale Price Maintenance: How do the recent China decisions with restrictions on minimum retail prices compare to decisions construing such provisions under U.S. and E.U. competition laws? 转售价格控制:近期中国针对限制最低零售价方面的认定与美国和 欧盟竞争法下的认定有何差别? Dialogue with the Audience 与听众交流对话 Topic Three: Access to Technologies and the Duty-to-Deal / Compulsory Licensing 主题三:允许使用技术和强制交易/强制许可 • How different from the approaches by EU and US courts is the China approach likely to be in imposing a duty to deal with competitors including the duty to grant access to a dominant company’s technology? 欧盟和美国法院的观点和中国的观点在以下方面有何不同:强制 要求处于支配地位的公司和竞争者交易,包括允许使用处于支配 地位的公司的技术。 • Will the factors considered by Chinese courts and competition authorities be the same as, or different from, those used by US and EU enforcement agencies and courts? 中国法院和竞争法主管当局在这方面考虑的因素与美国和欧盟的 执法机关和法院是否相同或不同? Dialogue with the Audience 与听众交流对话