n. Revised May 1960 Extension Circular 553 Western Oregon Shrub Quiz (Answers published separately as EC 554) Identify the leaves from the shrubs named below and place the correct number in the circle: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. LEAFLETS F' Mockorange Western Hazel Salal Tall Oregongrape Western or Creek Dogwood Sweetbriar Rose Ninebark Indian-Plum Dwarf Oregongrape 'if T4 /1 ,4S' Oceanspray Snowberry Blueberry Elder Black Hawthorn Poisonoak DUSTER lr 0 FLOWER CLUSTERS - FLAT Black Twinberry WHITE BERRIES HANG ON LOOK FOR THESE IN WI SHINY LEAVES REDDISH ZIG-ZAG TWIGS LEAVES TASTE LIKE WATERMELON RIND. CHAMBERE PITH 0 IN SPRING B FALL APPI F riflFR ODOR SHREDDED BARK Identify the leaves from the shrubs named below and place the correct number in the circle; 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. Evergreen Huckleberry Red Huckleberry Tall Blue Huckleberry Hairy Manzanita Kinnikinnick Redflowering Currant Coast Black Gooseberry Narrowleaf Buckbrush (CcanotJtus cuncatus) REDDISH 24. Snowbrush (Ccanothus STEMS vclutinus) 25. Redstem Ceanothus DECIDUOUS (Ccano thus sanquincus) THIN STEMS REDDISH-BROWN 26. Blackcap or Western Raspberry 27. Thimbleberry 28. Evergreen Blackberry 29. Himalaya Berry 30. Salmonberry SPICY SMELL o / D EVERGREEN HAIRY RIDGED EVERGREEN STICKY LEATHERY. GREEN STEMMED LEAVES STEMS RED BERRIES' VERY THIN LEAVE / WHITE BENEATH STEMS HAVE WHITE POWDER SPINES SHED WITH BARK WAXY LEAF FEDERAL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE Cooperative Extension \Vork in Agriculture and Home Economics, F. E. l'ricc, l)irector. Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May S and June 30, 19t4. OREGON STATE COLLEGE ,' CORVALLIS l'rrpared by Clias. R. Ross, OSC Extension Service. in clinslillation with \V. If. Randall, OSC School of Forestry, and l)r. dorton Peck, \Villamette University. l)rawings by Patricia Hanson and Catlirine Davis Young.