Extension Circular 616 September 1956 Eastern Oregon Shrub Quiz Key Blank quiz sheets published separately as E.C. 615 Identify the leaves from the shrubs named below and place the co \' number in the circle. 0 ki Water Birch Smooth Manzanita Red Osier Dogwood Bitterbrush Gray Rabbitbrush Orange Honeysuckle Mountain Mahogany Willows Shrubby Cinquefoil Ninebark PLUMED SILVERY GRAY, MAHOGANY BARK STEMS VELVETY N MARGINS CURL UNDER EVERGREEN, FRUITS 4 Snowberry Blue Elderberry Western Hawthorn (Crataegus) Huckleberry or Blueberry '4 ) /W1 Mountain Alder LEAF MARGINS ROLLED UNDER THIN LEAVES, RIBBED TWIGS FLOWER CLUSTERS FLATTENED T- -' :' C 8 C UP IKE BUD SCALE DIFFERENT SPECIES WHITE BERRIES HANG ON LITTLE TEETH ON BIG TEETH RED TWIGS YOUNG 3 7 NARROW LEAFLETS C LDO K FOR THESE TWIGS WARTS SHREDDY, LOOSE BARK Identify the leaves from the shrubs named below and place the correct number in the circle. 16. Wax Currant or Squaw Currant I?. l8. Wild Rose C Oregon Boxwood Greasewood (Sarcobatus) 19. 20. 21. 22. Buffalo Berry 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. Snowbrush 21 Service berry Rock Spirea (Ceanothus) Creeping Holly Grape Kinni kinn ick UPPER 2))- MARGIN 3 Mockorange or Syringa Smooth Sumac MUCH BRANCHED, SPINY TOOTHED BRIGHT CRIMSON FALL COLOR BIG RED FRUIT CLUSTER Clemati s Chokecherry Sagebrush 29. 30. SMALL; LEAVE S EVERGREEN C TWIGS, LEAF DRIE Y FRUIT CLUSTERS HANG ON UND ER S ID [S ® TANGY ODOR 30 RUSTY DOTTED SPICY SMELL ZLLEAVEO EVERGREEN, STICF(Y EVERGREEN, CREEPING, MAT- FORMING LEATHERY, GREEN STEMMED IDENTIFY 16 IT ) OPPOSITE LEAVES \iU \ VERY % SMALL LEAVES TASTE STIFULES CLIMBING VINE 3.VEINED FROM BASE COTTONY FLOWER FEDERAL COOPERATIVE EXTENSION SERVICE i OREGON STATE COLLEGE Cooperative Extension work in Agriculture and Home Economics, F. E. Price, director. Oregon State College and the United States Department of Agriculture cooperating. Printed and distributed in furtherance of Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914. CORVALLIS This circular was prepared by Charles R. Ross, Forestry Specialist, Oregon State College Extension Service. Drawings by Mrs. Cathrine Young.