From: AAAI Technical Report WS-93-07. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. Concurrent engineering and design: Person-centred and computer-assisted 2 D. RochowiekI and L. Interrante ’Cognitive Science ~Indus~al and Systems Engineering Intelligent SystemsLaboratory University of Alabama Huntsville AL 35899 USA Abstract TheU.S. has decreasedin prominencein the global marketplacein recent years because competingcountries have learned to excel in cooperation. Weare investigating and developing a systemthat will provide: 1. computer-assisted cooperation amonghumandesigners and manufacturingeng.ineers by promotingparallel design and manufacturinganalyses and limiting the over-constrammg which occurs betweenthe two, and 2. intelligent systems support whichmanagesthe complexinteractions amongknowledge, data, and humansin the DFM process. Ourresearch efforts focus on the attainment of these two goals whichare normallyconsidered to be in conflict: concurrence in design/manufacture (which increases the numberof communicationchannels needed) and short product developmenttime. Webelieve that these goals can be simultaneously achieved by. placing muchof the communicationburden on the computer.This essay describes the waysmwhichartificial intelligence research can contribute to collaboration within a design for manufacturephilosophy. * This material is based uponworksupportedby the National Science Foundationunder Grant No. DDM-9113983. The Government has certain rights in this material. 171 Person-Centered Concurrent Engineering Via Computer-Assisted Cooperation and Intelligent Systems Support 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Practical Goals and Intellectual Challenges The practical goal of Concurrent Engineering research is to enhance our world competitivenessas a nation. In order to achieveenhancedcompetitivenessin manufacturing,it is clear that we must movefrom a serial approach to a parallel approach to design and manufacturabilityanalysis. Whatis not so evident are the intellectual challengesto developing an approach to achieve the practical goal. Althoughthe terms "concurrent engineering", "simultaneous engineering", and "design for manufacture" (DFM)are mentioned quite frequently, computer-aided solutions which are robust enough to handle design and manufacturinganalyses over a broad range of materials and processes are scarce. Twoprimarytasks comprisethe majorareas of research required for the achievementof ConcurrentEngineering: 1. The transfer of information and constraints amongdesigners and manufacturing engineers must be re-modeledto reflect the parallel approach.Theeffect of this information transfer process on the developing part and the available options for manufacturingmust be better understood. This represents a systems approachto the modelingof the parallel DFM process. Included in this analysis are representational and semantic differences in the way designers and manufacturing engineers view the part development process, and an understandingof the constraints imposedand relaxed during the design/manufacturing analysis. 2. During this information transfer process, a great deal of data (e.g. materials specifications, process information, etc.) and knowledge(e.g. process planning, cost estimation, etc.) is employed.Manysystems have been developedwhichprovide one aspect of this information (e.g. Smart CAM, Master CAM,materials databases, various expert systems, etc.). Anorganizedmethodis neededwhichmakesthe right type of informationavailable to the right person or componentof a parallel DFM system at the right time. Such an information support system wouldgreatly enhance the DFM process and render existing knowledgebases muchmoreeffective. 1.2 Blending AI, Design and Manufacturing Technologies Onecurrent thrust in manufacturingresearch is the developmentand application of AI techniques to achieve Intelligent Computer-Aided Design(ICAD),Intelligent Computer-Aided Manufacturing(ICAM),and Intelligent Producibility Analysis (IPA). Componentsof these systems include CADand CAPP(Computer-AidedProcess Planning). Somesuccess has been 172 achieved in thedevelopment andcommercialization of software which specializes inportions of the design-to-manufacture problem for limited domains (e.g., SmartCam). Manyexpert systems exist which contain useful knowledge bases pertaining toa particular process orgroup ofrelated processes. However, little progress hasbeenmadeintheintegration ofthese smaller systems ata higher level: thedevelopment ofpractical intelligent software forattacking themore comprehensive problem of DFM.Manycontend thatthelackof success canbeexplained bythe fact thatresearch incomputer-assisted concurrent engineering isinitsinfancy. Although thisis true, webelieve thatthelack ofprogress results fromthelack ofemphasis ontwomajor factors in DFM: I. modeling ofinformation flowandrepresentations required fortheachievement oftruly parallel design andmanufacturability assessment, and intelligent systems which promote cooperation of (andinclude theparticipation of) 2. andmanufacturing engineers intheDFMprocess. humandesigners A person-centered approach to parallel DFMemploys thecomputer andassociated AI technology to provide thekindof support system needed formaking priorICAD,ICAM,and IPAworkuseful. 2.0 Parallel Design and Manufacturing 2.1 Serial Approach Figure 1 Theserial approach topartdcvelopmcnt iswellknown. Figure I depicts thisapproach, inwhich theflow ofinformation isdictated bytheimposed structure oftasks. Each operation is completed before thesucceeding taskisundertaken. Ina sense, theoutput of eachprior task "dictates" thenature ofthenexttask. Application ofthis model creates problems since there isa lackof communication andcooperation between design andmanufacturing. 2.2 Current AI Work: Pseudo-Parallel Approach Severalresearchers haveemployedAI techniques to developintelligent design/manufacturing tools.UnitedTechnologies, Inc.developed CMPP[United Technologics, "CMPP"; Rogers andSchroer 1991;Rogers andHubbard 1992], a computeraidedprocess-planning (CAPP) system. QuickTurnaround Cell(QTC)wasdeveloped Chang[Chang 1990].QTCemploys feature-based reasoning to accomplish CAPPand the 173 generation of NCcode for prismatic parts. Diecast [lshii 1991]is an intelligent system for making recommendations concerning diecastability of parts. KnowledgeProducibility Decisionmaker, K_PD,(CIMSystems, Inc.) [Piumsomboon1991] makes recommendations concerning producibility and cost estimation for given part designs and materials. Other knowledge-based systems exist which make producibility recommendations concerning particular types of materials (e.g. metals [Brewer1990], plastics [Ishii 1991], and composites [Messimerand Henshaw1991]). Several commercialsystems exist as well (e.g. SmartCAM, MasterCAM, etc.). Mostof these systems either specialize in one block of Figure 1 (e.g., process development)or performanalyses in series, as in the serial model.For example,QTC, Diecast, and KPDeach begin with a fully-specified CADdesign. Manufacturinginput begins after design specifications are developed. There are several reasons whythe pseudo-parallel approachhas been employedin these systems: 1. A good modelof the dynamicinteractions betweendesign and manufacturingin a truly parallel process has not yet been developed.It is impossibleto codify that whichis not well understood. 2. Sometasks which are required in the concurrent engineering process cannot be adequately handled by computers. Theresult is that there currently exist many"pieces"of the intelligent CE"puzzle", but there is no mechanismfor "putting the pieces together." Existing systems provide the meansfor handling a well-defined portion of the DFM process. There is a great needfor a higher-level mechanismthat "understands" the process and pieces of DFM.Weare investigating and developing a system in which manufacturing and design data and knowledgeare exchanged betweencooperating engineers. Attemptingto solve the problemsof Intelligent CEwith the various software pieces but without a cooperation mechanismis analogousto attempting to solve optics problemswith a trigonometrysoftware packageand a calculator but no theory. A higher-level modelis neededto go fromthe problemstatementto the calculations. 2.3 Modeling Dynamic "Interaction": A Parallel Approach Figure 2 illustrates the parallel approach to DFM and the underlying concurrent information flow model. Each type of information (represented by squares) is needed developa completeproductspecification, but there is no serial constraint as in the previous model.Theproduct does not have to be completelyspecified before process planning analysis begins. Theoutput of a prior block no longer completelyconstrains the task in the following block. The complexinterdependencies amongblocks are used to drive the design process. As the design develops, these interdependencies create myriad constraints emerge. Designand manufacturingdecisionsare interleaved, with the computeraiding in the generationof choicesat each step in the analysis. Choicesmadeby either the designer or the manufacturerserve as constraints on the possible choices at the next stage in productdevelopment.Theseconstraints are not limited to serial movement amongblocks, however. 174 Evolving J Design Figure3 Figure2 Figure 3 depicts social-communicationmodelof information flow. It represents the social interactions and communicationpaths amonghumandesigners and manufacturing engineersduring the DFM process.Onceagain, interaction is not limited to a serial structure. It is important to note that the pattern of interaction is highly dependent upon the individuals (represented by the circles) and on the characteristics of the particular part to be designed. This is precisely whyit is so difficult to use AI techniques in DFM.Thepattern of interaction is very dependent on the design context, 3.0 Capitalizing on Our Most Valuable Asset: HumanCreativity "Letting computers worry about details and recognize simple patterns while humanssupply the imagination wouldlead to fruitful partnerships." (Taylor 1988) 3.1 HumanAbility versus Machine Ability Humansand computers, with their inherent strengths and weaknesses, can accomplish muchtogether if they are appropriately matched. Humanweaknesses tend to be the computer’s strengths and vice versa. Humans are very good at working from generalizations and recognizing broad patterns. Computersare better at keeping track of details. Humanscan more readily determine relevancy of an item to a particular problem, whereas computers are more capable of arithmetic operations and look-up in databases. Humanspossess commonsense about the physical world; computers merely do what they are instructed to do regardless of whether the actions exhibit commonsense. Humanscan pay attention to manythings at once; 175 they can take in manyinputs simultaneously and draw a single, relevant conclusion. Computers,on the other hand, arc better at producinga lot of output based on a small amount of input. Recent research into the practice of design [Ehn 1989; Ehn 1992; Floyd 1987; Kukla 1992, Winogradand Flores 1986] have illustrated the wayin whichthe interactions of various individuals with various perspectives contributes to the overall "goodness"of the product being designed. This research also makesclear the need for effective communication amonghumandesigners, and the implausibility of reducingthe design process to a collection of algorithms. This strongly suggests that software systems ought to facilitate humandesign efforts and oughtnot to be built as replacementor "deskilling" devices. Theseconsiderationsmakeit clear that there shouldbe both a division and coordination of labor in DFM.Computationalsystems are good at generating alternatives, e.g. what is possible, at a particular stage in the design, and humansare goodat constraining the numberof alternatives from a given set. Computationalsystemsare goodat storing vast amountsof data and knowledge(e.g. materials databases, process information, CAPPsystems, etc.) and accessing them quickly, and humansare good at appraising the value and significance of information. Computationalsystems are good at distributing and managingcommunications, and humansare good at generating what needs to be communicated.Computationalsystems are of great value in DFM if they enhance the humancreative design process, and if they make appropriate knowledgeavailable to humandesigners and manufacturingengineers. 3.2 Promoting Cooperation and Providing Knowledge Several "social-interaction" problemsinhibit the cooperation amonghumandesigners and manufacturingengineers during DFM.These include busy schedules, attempts by factions to drive the design process, and semanticdifferences in each faction’s view of the evolving product. The DFM process becomesinconvenient and stressful, with each faction attempting to overconstrain the work of the other faction. Options maybe unnecessarily narrowed and miscommunication mayoccur. These humanproblemsare intensified because the DFM process requires vast amountsof information. Both databases and knowledgebases are neededto make DFM decisions. Databasesfor CAD,machines,tools, materials, fixtures machinability, costs, etc. are required. Knowledge bases for material selection, processselection, machineselection, tool selection, fixture selection, process sequencing, etc. are also needed. [Chang1990]. Humandesigners and manufacturing engineers can benefit greatly from a computerized intelligent support system whichaccesses these componentsat the appropriate points in the design process. Eppinger [1992] has shownthat a conflict exists betweenthe goals of concurrent engineering and rapid product development. As more people become involved in the communicationprocess, progress slows down.Eppinger developed a methodfor determining whichprocesses should be concurrently developedin groups during the design of a product. 176 The groups are then treated as a serial system. The computer-assisted support we are developing allows both goals to be approachedsimultaneously by providing the information "connections" neededto obtain a truly concurrent design process. In contrast to the human communicationproblem, computerscan rapidly access and makeavailable the knowledgefrom a widevariety of knowledgebases and databases (e.g., object-oriented informationconcerning plastic materials). Product design can proceed rapidly, while at the same time, much informationcan be broughtto bear in the choices madeduring design. 4.0 HumanCreativity, Systems Support Computer-Assisted Cooperation, and Intelligent 4.1 Information Flow DFMcan be viewed as the development of a cost-effective part design and accompanyingmanufacturingspecifications (e.g. materials, processes, process plan, etc.) within design and manufacturingconstraints. Theseconstraints include: 2.. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. desiredpart functionality, materialpropertiesand availability, machinetool properties, cutting tool properties, setup requirements, cutting parameters(speed, feed, etc.), COSt, tolerancespecifications, manufacturing processes. These constraints are complexand interdependent, and generate diverse reasoning needs.. Manufacturingprocesses must be properly sequenced, which requires a temporal reasoning element. Placement of features, tolerancing, and generation of NCcode requires spatial reasoning capabilities. Causality (cause-and-effect reasoning) is necessary to model interdependenciesamongthe factors listed above. Suchdiverse reasoningtechniques are needed to answer questions such as, Doesthe relaxing of a tolerance constraint allow for a less expensive manufacturingprocess? or Doesthe use of a moreexpensive material reduce the manufacturing cost.’? Other difficulties arise fromthe differences amongvarious manufacturingprocesses. In composite manufacture, the choice of material is muchmoretightly boundto a particular process or set of processes than in manyother types of manufacturing. Semanticscan be a problem across types of manufacturing processes, as well as between manufacturing and design. For example,a milling machineoperator mayrefer to a part as a piece of stock with a slot, whereasin diecasting terminologyit wouldbe a part with two parallel ribs. Thewayin whichfeatures of a part are described is often dependenton the manufacturingprocess chosen. 177 AnIntelligent DFM systemmustbe able to translate fromits internal representationof a part to the appropriate semanticdescription for the chosenprocess and for the humansinterfacing with the system. Further, different players in the concurrent engineering arena view a given part in different ways.Designersinitially havea relatively high-level, functionalviewof the part. This functional viewis translated to a low-level, structural view during CAD development.Process planners view the part in several ways: a high-level, functional view is neededin planning manufacturingsequences, whereas a morelow-level view is needed to incorporate tolerance constraints. A low-levelviewof the part is used to generateNCcode. AnIntelligent DFM system must be capable of viewingthe samepart in a variety of waysto accomplishthe necessary reasoningtasks. Moreover,the systemmust take into account both design and manufacturingconsiderations in a parallel manner. This kind of reasoning requires a control componentwithin the intelligent system whichis capable of tracking the progress of part development. The control componentmust be able to access pertinent information from databases and knowledge-based modules in a timely manner. Control functions are neededto provide the humandesigner and manufacturerwith appropriate viewsof the part at appropriate times, and assist in eliciting important design and manufacturing attributes during part development.Atrue Intelligent DFM tool must have knowledgeof the flowof information.It is this knowledge whichallows the systemto effectively udlize expertise about design and manufacturing. To illustrate this process, an exampleof a bridge beamdesign will be given throughout the next several sectionsof this proposal. The beamdesign begins with the following initial specifications, designer:. 2.. entered by the maximum load-bearing requirement: 36 kips span length: 36 feet TheDFM systemuses this informationto constrain choices amongavailable materials/processes for beamdesign. This informationis also used to form test conditions that the part must pass. Theinitial specifications cannotbe violated. Thesystemsearchesa materials databaseto arrive at a candidate list. Thecandidate list is then rated according to cost factors. Thecosting knowledgebase for construction materials specifies total cost as a function of manufacturing cost, raw material cost, cost of maintenance,and cost of construction [CT= f (Cmf+ Crm Cmn+Ccn)]: CandidateMaterials in Order of PreferenceRegardingCost: 1. prestressed concrete 2. reinforced concrete 178 . 4. 5. 6. steel reinforced beams timber truss Shared Knowledge Figure4 Figure 4 depicts the need for an integrated, intelligent CEsystem whichincorporates the human designer and manufacturing engineer. Each component within the integrated system represents one of the "pieces" of the CE process. The system functions as a group of specialized agents which collaborate in DFM. Each agent in the DFMsystem represents a specialization (in reasoning type or knowledge)which is a necessary part of the analysis. These specializations include (but are not limited to): 1. manufacturing processes, 2. materials, 3. cost estimation, 4. geometric reasoning, 5. functional reasoning, 6. feature representation, 7. design goals, and 8. sensitivity analysis. Eachagent contains a form of part representation whichis best suited to its function. 179 The humandesigner and manufacturingengineer interact with the system in a mixedinitiative mode. The humansare viewed by the computation part of the DFMsystem as specialized agents. Theattention-focusingcontroller presides over the agents, keepingtrack of the state of the evolvingdesign, initiating appropriate agent actions, and passing pertinent information betweenagents. At appropriate points in the analysis, the DFM system presents knowledgeand/or constraints to the humandesigner. Thedesigner is allowedto makedecisions (e.g., concerningwhichfeatures to choosein order to achievea certain functionality in the part) by drawingupon the knowledgepresented and staying within the constraints imposed(e.g., because of producibility considerations). At other points in the analysis, the DFM system interacts with the humanmanufacturingengineer in a similar fashion. Withthis approach,the DFMsystem maintains a feedback loop which simultaneously incorporates the knowledge, constraints, and decisions concerningboth design and manufacturing.This process facilitates the practice of concurrentengineering. Other research workhas been undertaken to structure information from a variety of sources in a constraint-based planning frameworkin order to achieve intelligent concurrent engineering [Lu et al. 1989; Descotte and Latombe1985]. Theproposedapproachdiffers from previous work in that humancreativity and cooperation are promoted and an explicit computationalagent is included whichintelligently directs the information flow during DFM analysis. Prior research [Interrante 1991] in the integration of state-of-the-art intelligent producibility analysis tools and current NSFresearch at Chrysler Corporationhas beenused as the starting point for the study of informationflow in the DFM. To continue the beamdesign example,the list of possible materials orderedby cost is presented to the humanengineer. The humancan then choose the desired alternative. Oncea material is identified, the humanemploysthe CAD agent in the systemto begin a preliminary loadinganalysis for the bridge. Thenext step is for the designerto use the CAD agent to design the cross-sectional shape Theproposedsystem provides cost information for the particular shape by searching appropriate material cost databases and informs the user of the current results. This technique provides he humandesigner with feedback concerning the costs of a particular design. Thedesign can be changedto reflect the needs of the budget if required. Alternate materials can be chosenfor the given CAD design, and costs will be re-calculated accordingly. 4.2 Computer-Assisted Cooperation AnAI approachto DFM should be employed,if it contributes to the goal of enhanced global competitivenessin manufacturing.In order to makesuch a contribution, the DFM system must incorporate humancreativity. A distributed, networkedcomputersystem is needed to incorporate the input from humandesigners and manufacturingengineers as well as expert systems, databases, and object-oriented simulation systems. By working on the evolving design through the intelligent DFM system via a network, the amountof face-to-face meeting time can be reduced,and the evolvingdesign history can be stored accurately. 180 nPo To The conjunction is the final y product to Initial Range of Possibilities Figure 5 Figure 5 depicts the constrainingof possibilities in design and manufacture.Constraints arise fromthe followingfactors, amongothers: 1. desiredpart functionality, 2. materialpropertiesandavailability, 3. machinetool properties, 4. cutting tool properties, 5. setup requirements, 6. cutting parameters(speed, feed, etc.), 7. COSt, 8. tolerance specifications, and 9. manufacturingprocesses. Withinthe traditional approachto product development,the possibility trees for design and manufacturearc pruned until a final specification is determined. However,given the serial nature of the effort, the narrowing of design is begun at TOand is completed at Td. Manufacturingbegins at Td and narrowsto Tm. A parallel DFMsystem must provide for simultaneous or interleaved analyses of possibilities from design and manufacture.Figure 6 depicts this alternative approach. This alternative promotes cooperation amonghumanagents and computational assistants in the generation of the evolvingproductspecification. Eachhumanhas a possibility networkin mind whichis dependenton the state of the evolvingproductspecification. In addition, computerized knowledgesources provide information and constraints to aid the humansin makingchoices which narrow the possibilities. Prior research in cooperating heterogeneous agents for distributed artificial intelligence [Rochowiakand Interrante 1991] employedthis idea. 181 Paramount to the success of such an arrangement is the ability of the systemto dynamically adjustthe focus of attentionduringDFM analysis. Computer Mediated Pn:.dl~.*:l To Focusing T1 System I ¯ Figure 6 To conclude the beamdesign example, once the cross-sectional shape has been determined,the type of prestressed concrete mustbe chosenand the cost mustbe adjusted accordingly.Thefollowing choices mustbe made: l° 2. 3. 4. 270Kprestress versus 250Kprestress stranddiameter(with appropriate constraintsgiven by manufacturing) vertical spacingof strands horizontalspacingof strands 4.3 Intelligent Systems Support: Focus of Attention Oneof the key aspects of DFM is the vast bodyof informationneededto accomplish analysis. AnAI tool whichenhancesconcurrentengineeringmustassist the human participants by providingthe right information;dataoverloadmustbe avoided.A focus of attention agent 182 can accomplishthis task by selecting the relevant data from the given state in the evolving product design. A focusof attention modeltakes as inputsat least the following items: 1) Currentandpast data 2) Current and past knowledge 3) Currenttime 4) Currentcontext 5) A descriptionof participating agents 6) A list of currentandalternative plans. A focusof attention modelconsists of at least the followingitems: 1 ) A functionfor selectingrelevant datafromall availabledata. 2) A functionfor selectingrelevant knowledge from all available knowledge 3) A function for generating cooperation amongdisperate agents 4) A functionfor analyzingthe current context 5) A functionfor selectingthe appropriateagentsin the current contextto solve someproblemin a cooperative way 6) A functionfor generating alternativepossiblefuture states and plans. A focusof attention model providesat least the following outputs: 1 ) Thespecificationof particular agentsneededto resolve a cooperative problem 2) A list of considerations that formthe contextof the solution 3) Alist of alternativeplans. Figure7 Thefocus of attention modelbuilds on the concepts of concurrencyand integration. There is access to common data, and interfaces betweenteam members.To this is addedthe concept of shared knowledgeand a focusing of attention. Shared knowledgeallows for the focusingof attention on particular issues and makesavailable the data related to the decisions that are to be made.Theflow of informationis, therefore, neither chaotic nor overwhelming, but allows for flexibility in both information access and decision making.Figure 7 further specifies the attributes of the focus of attention model.Thefocus of attention capability is dependent upon knowledgeinformation flows for various product types. Given this general bodyof knowledge, the systemcan react appropriatelyto a particular set of initial specifications such as load and span length in the beamexample,by providing the relevant expert systems, object-based simulations, and database information. Thefocus of attention modelprovides the structure for such reasoning, whereas the initial specifications provide the trigger for determinationof the pattern of inferencefor a given productdevelopment analysis. 183 An intelligent DFMsystem consists of agents, someof which are human,that specialize in solving particular types of problems. The DFMsystem also consists of knowledge sources and data sources, as in Figure 8. Without a focus of attention, many knowledge and data sources are available to the agent, but the path through the tangle is not clear. Neither the system nor the humanagent can determine which agents need which knowledge and information. As a result there is little opportunity for cooperation. With a focus of attention, specific knowledge sources and data sources are madeavailable to the agent. The path through the tangle is clear; the system allows cooperation amongagents. The complexity of the situation becomes greater as time proceeds. Various links are broken and new links are added to reflect the evolving product specification. Prior research on focus of attention [Interrante 1990; lnterrante 1991] has illustrated this point. Without Focusof Attention 0 Agents 0 Knowledge Sources [] Data Sources oooooo ’With Focusof Attention DDODDDDDDDDODDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD Figure8 In the beam design example, data sources include material and cost information. Knowledgesources include prioritization of materials given the initial specifications and determination of choices available for types of prestressed concrete. The links from initial specifications to choice of material to CADdevelopment with cost data would be dynamically created by the focus of attention agent during analysis. 6.0 Current Effort: Communication in Scheduling and Design in the Factory This section describes research being performed on site and in cooperation with Chrysler Acustar, Inc. in Huntsville, Alabama. The research is supported by an grant from NSF. The Acustar factory has fifteen process lines at the plant produce 50,000 electronic and electro-mechanical parts per day. The material handling system includes a six-aisle miniload AS/RS system with two dedicated AGVs. The primary AGVsystem consists of 18 vehicles with 144 pick-up and delivery stations. A secondary AGVsystem with eight units delivers full 184 containers fromthe process lines to the shipping dock. Theexisting material handlingcontrol systemprovides real-time control for morethan 5000part numbers. Ourgoal is to employboth artificial intelligence (AI) and operations research (OR) techniques in the context of humancommunicationsto provide dynamiccontrol of AGVsin responseto current shopfloor situation. Additionalresearch is beginningon the development of techniques and communication paths for the design and experimentationon newlines. Although the basic research concerns scheduling, we see manysimilarities betweenthe cooperative design of a scheduleand other sorts of designefforts. Thekey mechanism is selective attention: the ability to intelligently direct the reasoningfocusin order to dynamically respondto changing events in monitoring a physical system. This mechanismis designed to encapsulate and facilitate as far as possible the types of communication that wouldoccur amonghumanagents whoaddress these problems.Selective attention is both reactive and proactive in nature. It formsthe basis of a tightly integrated feedbackloop betweenthe current state of the physical systemand the reasoningprocesses used to monitorand control the physical system. Selective attention provides a temporalreasoner with two types of knowledge: 1. identificationof critical or significant data at a givenpointin time, and 2. identification of the points in time (in the immediate future) whichare critical for accessingsensordata. Weare addressingthe followingissues in this research: 1. Sensor-based monitoring of shop floor state. This requires an adequate computer description of the plant and its interacting subsystems,such as material handling,processlines, receiving, shipping, maintenance,etc. 2. Assessmentof the current state in such a waythat the appropriate AGV control strategy can be chosen. This requires the incorporation of knowledgeof empirical results which determinewhichAGVstrategies for both dispatch and routing workwell for given shop floor conditions. In addition, the changing of strategies in mid-productionmust be efficiently accomplishedto maintain progress towardmeetingmaster productiongoals. 3. The blending of AI and ORtechnologies to achieve global production goals. The meetingof these goals requires the effective use of limited resources underconstraints. Theuse of AI techniques alone, while effective for such tasks as constraint propagation and domain description, fails to incorporatethe results of years of mathematicaldevelopment invested in OR techniques for manufacturing.Onthe other hand, the use of ORtechniques alone can be too limiting in assumptions and mayfail to be flexible enough to reflect actual shop floor conditions. By incorporating both types of analyses, the strengths of each can overcome inherent weaknessesof the other. 4. Anunderstandingof interacting manufacturingsubsystems.It is desired to effectively control the wholesystemrather than optimizesmall portions of the systemin an uncoordinated fashion. The manufacturingfloor is a large system with manyinteracting components.The material handlingsubsystemis not an end unto itself. Theeffect of material handlingcontrol 185 decisions on other manufacturingsubsystems(e.g., inventory, shipping, etc.) must be modeled and incorporatedinto the global assessmentof the impacton the master productionschedule. Thesefour points highlight the need for cooperation and the role of humancommunication in the on going schedulingprocess. This cooperation and communication requires a great deal of humaninteraction. As we moveforward in our analysis of the design of lines and in the experimentationon the lines in response to newproducts, the interactions betweendesign and manufacturewill becomeever morecritical. This interaction is of concernto both the design of the productionline and the design of the parts to be manufactured.It is the collective set of interactions that axe mosttelling to the successof the company’s efforts. 7.0 Benefits: Creativity through Knowledge and Cooperation Webelieve that the integration of artificial intelligence systemswithin a context of human communicationcan lead to significant benefits in design for manufacture. These benefits include: ¯ systemsmodelingof information flow provides knowledgefor focus of attention ¯ humans andAI modules worktogether incooperation ¯ theright knowledge ismadeavailable toproblem-solving agents, including human participants ¯ communication problems arereduced while simultaneously providing a large number ofcommunication links tosources of information The benefits of our approach to DFMsystem are most obvious in the modeling, representation and implementationof the exchangeof informationwhichoccurs during parallel DFM analysis. Thesystemsmodelingwill help to effectively reduce design-to-manufacturetime and increase quality and cost effectiveness. The cooperative atmosphere, in which humans applytheir creativity and the computertracks details and providesinformation,will also benefit the DFM process. Provision of the right knowledgeto the appropriate problem-solvingagents, including humanparticipants, at the right time will allow for moreinformeddecision making and reducedata overload. Finally, webelieve that this person-centeredapproachcan be applied to a widevariety of design problems. Bibliography Ackoff, R. L.(1974). Redesigningthe Future, NewYork: John Wiley. Adler, P. (1986). "Newtechnologies, newskillS." California Management Review. Badiru, A. B. (1988). Project Management in Manufacturingand High TechnologyOperations, John Wiley. Barrett, E., (ed.) (1988). Text, Context, and HyperText,MITPress. 186 Bond,A. H. and Gasser, L. (eds.) (1988). 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