From: AAAI Technical Report WS-93-03. Compilation copyright © 1993, AAAI ( All rights reserved. I)()ES AGENT STYI,E MATTER ()R(~ANIZATI()NAL DECISION MAKING I PERF()RMANCE? Zhiang Lin H. John HeinzIII Schoolof Public Policy ,and Mimagement (412)268-8892 zh I KathleenC~u’ley l)cpartmcnt ofSocild and DecisionSciences (412)268-3225 carley@cenlro.solu’ u .edu C~u’negieMellonUniversity Pittsburgh, Pit 15213 April 9, 1993 INTR()DUCTi()N Organizations vltry in the way they respond to orglmizational problems, even whenthey are in similar task environmentsor are facing simihu stress conditions (Scott 1987). This way of response is due, in part, agent style (Kets de Vries and Miller 1986; LaPorle and Consolini1991), whichis also related to the normsin, or culture of, thc organization (Parsons 1956; Blumberg 1987)2. By agent style: we mean the general way in which the agent approaches the problem. However, the link betweenorganizatiomdculture (e.g., as seen in agent style) and perfonnancehits received insufficient attention (Saffold 1988). This is due, in p~u’t, to the complexand somclimescontroversial natures of culture, agent style, lind pcrll~nn~utcc. Agent style varies on manydimensions. Weare here concernedwith pn~activeness/reactiveness,as there are strong links between this aspect of agent style and perform;race. Wcdefine an agent to be proactive if the agent engages in decision making and information gathering wheneverpossible. In contrast, a reactive agent is one that waits until being asked or until absolutely necessary to gather information or make a decision (L,’trson el al. 1986). The link betweenagent style and perfonnance,however,hits receivedinsufficient attention. The conventional evaluation of agent style typically regards proactive style as being better for the organization than reactive style. Organizationscomposed of proactive agents are supposed to respond to organizational problems faster than organizations composed of reactive agents. A consequence is that organizations of proactive agents should outperform org~mizationsof reactive agents (Pauchantet al. 1990). The wisdomis that proactive organizations are more IThis workwassupported,in part, by the Office of Naval Research, United States Navy,under grant numberN000149t)-J- 1664. 2Agentstyle mayalso he due to personality (Ban-on1982; Kets de Vries and Miller 1986), although this point is controversial. 53 active (Smiar 1992), morecooperative (Rice 1977), prepared (Das 1986; Newman1989), and thus ,arc supposedto be better performers (Jauch and Kraft 1986; Smiar 1992). This argument c,’m be summarized by famous Chinese proverb: One can always get credit for sweatif not for achievement. Given that we are interested in proactive versus reactive behavior, another factor of paramount considerationis timing. This is, for manytasks, it is not important that the organization respond accurately, but ,also that it makesthe decision in a timely fashion. One expects proactiveness to be particularly important when time matters. Moreover, numerous studies show that undertime pressure, org~mizationstend to rearrange their decision makingprocess (Rothstein 1986; Meanset ~d. 1992). In manycases, time pressure causes errors due to loss of informationbecauseit stresses the limit of hutmm cognition (Magazannik 1982). Whentime is short pn~active agent mayhave ~madvantage because he or she is prepared(Pauch~mt et al. 19911).In contrast, the reactive agent, though less prepar~ whentime is short, maybe a more economical solution when time is less critic,’d, because they mayneed less trltining, and mayhave lower information processing costs (Sussman1984; Pauchant el ¯ ,d. 1990). The ,argumentsthat agent style mauersarc htrgely drawnfrom micro-level studies of org~mizatiomdbehavior and case studies of org~mizations fitcing crises. While proactive agents are often lauled as effecting high organizational performance, the relative benefit to the org~mizalion of havingproactive versus reactive agents hit,; not been systematically studied. Detailed case studies of orglmizationsunder stress point to agent style as well its many other factors (such as the structure of the org~mization~mdthe nature of the task environment)when delineating the determinants of org:mizational perfortmmce.Theoreticld and empiricld studies have shown thai organization’,d structure (Mackenzie1978; Lin and Carley 1992), task decomposition scheme (Thompson 1967; Lin and Carley 1992), training (Hammond 1973; Carley 1992), task environment (Dri~in and Van de Ven 1985), and stress (Slaw et al. 1981; Lin and Carley 1992) all ,affect perform,’mce.A study of the impact of agent style onperform,’mce shouldcontrolfi~r the other fitctors. Manystudies of organizations, however, suggest thai agent style is simply irrelevant. Networkstudies (e.g., Mayhew 1980; Welhnan 1988) argue that performanceis a function of the structure of rehttions connecting agents in the organization. Contingency theorists (e.g., Woodward 1965; Burlon and Obel 1984) argue that performanceis a function of the fit between organizational structure and task environment. Both the network perspective and the contingency perspective implicitly suggest that agent style will not detennine org~mizatiomdperformancewhenthese other fitctors are controlled. In this paper, we will examine, from a mezoperspective, how agent style (proactiveness or reactiveness) affects organizational performance.Weare particularly concernedwith the effect of time pressure on the performance of organizations composedof either proactive or reactive agents. Many studies of org;mizaliona]designdo not v~u-ythe agentslyle (Cohen, March,andOlsen1972;P;tdget 1980;Carley]992; ]..,in =tndC’;u’lcy 1992).Thisstudygoesbeyond thosestudiesof organizationaldesignas it not only considersboth timing ol the decisionandthe proactiveness/reactiveness style of the agcnls, hut also controls for factors such as organizational structure, task decompositionscheme, training, natureof the task environment, andstress. This sludyis c;u’ried out usingsimulation. Wcexamineagent style using a dynamic and imcracliv¢ computationalmodelthat integrates a set of I;tclors Iha! mayinfluence organizationalperformance. There;u’c severedre;t,~onsto examine the effect of agent style usingsimulation.Firsl, in the real worldthereis lilllc consensuson whal constitutes organizational pcrfortnancc and whetheran organization is said to pcrfornt well depends on "the purposesandconstraints" pl;tccd on the organizational performancemeasure (Cameron 1986). Second,it is virtually impossible ohlain sufficienl data for ¢omp;uing organizationswith a r=mge of designsunderbothnorm,’dandstressful situations due to either time constraints or confidentiality. In conlrasl, simulation has multiple advantages, in particular, (]) wecan control for various factors and conducl systematic examination; (2) Simulated org;mi~ationshavebeenshownto resemblethe real world organi/:ttions in an ide;diz~ way(Lin and Carley1993); (3) Wec;machieveour go;dof rese;u’checonomic;dly, and quickly. To guide our analysis, wewill considerhowthe results of our modelfit with, contradict, or elaborateon propositions forwardedin the literature with respect to agcn! slylc. Wewill briefly describe the model, analyze the results from the model, and finally, we will discuss the results ,’rod concludethe paper. MODEL DESCRIPTION Task The organizations we simulate ,are faced with a limited choice utsk in whichorganizations makedecision choices regardingthe state of moving,aircraft understress from limited ,’alternatives accordingto information they 3. have thnmghorganization;d communicationprocesses Choice tasks are very commonin the real world. Such choice situations include law-making, price-setting, planning, and a host of other similar things. Wehave operationalized this choice task as a stylized radar Utsk. There is a single aircraft in the airsp.’tce. This aircraft is moving.The organization has three choices ~ deciding whether the aircraft in the airspace is friendly, neutral, or hostile. Eachaircraft is chantcteriz~ by 9 parameters(see Lin and Carley 1992for debtils). Wemeasurethe organization’s performanceas the percentage of these problemsthat the organization hits madethe correct decision4 regardingwhetherthe aircraft is friendly, neutral, or hostile. Wetreat type i error (making the decision that the ,aircraft is hostile, but in fact the aircraft is friendly) and type II error (makingthe decision that the aircraft is friendly, but in fact the aircraft is hostile) with equal weight. In org:mizational literature, organization,’d performance has also been measured by organizational effectiveness (Mackenzie1978; Pfeffer and Salancik 1978), and organization;d efficiency (Mackenzie 1978;Scott 1987). In manycases, accuracy, effectiveness, and efficiency arc indistinguishable and can convert into each other. Task Environment Task environments vary on a large number of dimensions. Twosuch dimensions that have received someattention in the literature are decompo.~tbilityand biasness. Task environmentdecomposabilityme,’~suresthe interrelationships among task components. A task environment is decomposable if there are no complex interactions mnongcomponent~ th~tt need to he underst~xl in order to solve a problem, and non-decomposableif otherwise. In a non-decompo,~tblc lle;k enviromnentthere are interaction effects. As LaPorle and Consolini (1991) and Roberts (1990) note interdependence of task components(i.e., non-decomposability)is It factor that should be consideredin designingthe organiz,ation. Task environment bi;tsness measures the distribution of all l~ssible outcomes.A task environment is unbiasedif ,’dl the IX)ssible outcomesare equallylikely to occur, and biased if not. As Aldrich (1979) notes, biased environmentis one in whichthe problemsfaced by the organization are concentrated ~mdso highly similar. Based on these two mzmipulations, we examine four different "r~dities" or environmenud situations. Theyare: (1) biased decomposableutsk environment; (2) unbiased decomposable task environment; (3) biased nondecomposabletask environment, and (4) unbiased nondecomposabletask environment. Stress Organizationsare often affected by stress (Perrow 1984; Shrivastava 1987). In ex;unining organizational performanceit is imlx~nantto consider multiple sources of stress: external hostile conditions or maydays(caused by hostile task environment), internal suboptimal operating conditions or murphies(caused by sub-optimal operating condition w.ithin organizational design), and time pressure. Weexamine five types of internal stress or murphies (Lin and Carley 1992). They are: (l) missing information -- a piece of the incominginfonnation for a particular problem is not available, (2) incorrect information -- a piece incoming information is erroneous, (3) agent unavailability -- an analyst is not avaihtble to help the organization solve the problemand so does not report his or her decision to his or her manager, (4) communicationchannel breakdown an analyst is unable to report to a superior because the communicationchannel is unavaihtble, and (5) agent turnover -- an analyst leaves the organization and is replaced by a new analyst. For each type of murphy,the numberof simulumeousmurphies ranges from 0 to 3. 3The simulation test-bed used in this paper is an adaptation of thai in Lin andCarley(1992)that takes into accounttime and agent style. 4The true states of all the aircraft are predefined by the task environment and are unknown to the organization. 54 In Ihi~, paper,timepressure occurswhenthe aircraft is vt.ry l asl, ¢)r whenthe lime required to makethe decision is very short. Timepressure is the numberof time units before the organization must makea decision. Twof,’ictors affect whenthe organization must makea decision: (it a decision is demandedby someoutside or superior sources (e.g., congress) and (2) a decision dem~mded becausethe aircndt reaches the d~mgerpoint (the point at whichif the organizationdoes not respondand the aircraft is hostile, the aircraft can destroy the organization)5. in this modelfor each problem(i.e., an aircraft appearing,in the airspace), werandomlyassign the numberof time units prior to a demandfor a decision to be betweenI and 60. Thecharacteristics of the aircraft ,are also randomly chosen for each problem6. Consequently, the lime pressure vltries randomlyacross all problems.We study three levels of time pressure: low (41-60 time units), medium(21-40 time units), and high (1-20 units). Becausethis is a dyn,’unic environment,agents’ interaction with one another in terms of whether to communicatelind howIt communicate,and the utilization of decision makingprocedures in lerms of which decision makingpn)cedureto ch(~)se, all dependon the consmtined rcsottrce -- time. Howagents react It time pressure is discus.~dlater. ()rganizational Design in this p,’tper, organizationaldesignis viewedas a combination of organizational structure, task decompositionscheme,trltining, and agent style. Through an examin,’ttion of inulliple designs, expected relations between design and perflmn~mcecan be compuultionally tkxluctxl. Org:mizalion~d structures are defined in terms of the networkof relations lunongagents. Westudy h)ur stylized organizational structures. Theyare: (1) team with voting -- a toudly deccntrldizedstructure in whichorganizational decision is through majority voting of each membersof the organization, (2) teaun with a manager-- basically flal hierarchy such that while each analyst examines information and makes a recommendation,the ultimate organizational decision is madeby the manager(or telun leader). (3) hierarchy -- ,’t multi-leveled communication structure in which each baseline agent examines inl’onnation and makes a recommen&ttionto his or her immediate supervisor who in turn makes a recommendationIt the top-level manager whomakes the uhimateorganizational decision. (4) matrix -- like the hierarchy, is it multi-leveled communicationstructure, except that each baseline agent has two communication links with Iwouniddle m~magers across divisions. The task decomposition scheme defines the rel,’ttions betweenagents and resourcesand/or information. Westudy hmrstylized utsk decompositionschemes. They iu’c: ( 1 ) scgregat~-- eachbaselineagenth~usaccess It one task component,(3) overlapped~ each baseline agent has access to two task components,with one task component being overlappedwith another baseline agent, (3) blocked -- each baseline agent has access three task components, but usually each three agents within the samedivision havethe samethree task components,,and (4) distributed each baseline agent hits access to three task components usually across different divisions. Thethird and finld aspect of organizational design. with which we will be concerned, is trltining. Westudy three training scenarios. They are: (I) untrained ~ each agent in the organization makes decisions by basically guessing, (2) experientially trained -- each agent in the organizational m’,tkesdecisions by referring to historicld experience, and (3) operationally trained -- each agent the organization makes decisions by using standard operating procedure7. Agent Style Withina proactive organization, each agent asks for information, reads information if there is information, makesa decision based on the available infi,rmation, then passes on the decision. This process repeats until time expires, i.e., the aircraft goes out of range, or the top nmmagerdecides It stop the process. Each agent (except the lop manager)can be interrupted by a request from an uppermanagerfor decision. The agent will respondto the request by communicatinga decision, if there is one available. Clearly, the procedures fol.lowed by the top manager, middle managers, and baseline analysts differ somewhaton the basis of their org~mizational position. The top managercannot be interrupted (since there is no superior), and a baseline analyst cannot ask for information(since there is no suN3rdinate),while a middlc tnanagercan be interrupted as well It,~ ask for information. Further, the top managerhas the powerto decide the linal or organizationlddecisionaccordingto certain stan&trtts. Withina reactive orglmization, each agent simply reads information again and again until time expires or until the agent is told by the mlmagerto stop. Eachagent (except the top manager)can be interrupted by a request from an upper managerfor decision. The agent will then stop reading information (if not finished yet), make decision, and pass on the decision. Unlike the proactive agent, a reactive agent will not makea decision and pass on the decision unless being requested by his or her manager. Again, there are processing differences among agents due to their orglmization~dpositions (top. middle, and baseline). The top managerclmnotbe interrupted, and initiates the decision making process by asking for information. A middle managerwill ask for infonnation only whena request from thc lop tnanager is received h)r decision and when there is no decision already being comununicatedby baseline analysis. A baseline analysl 7Numberof time units required h~r different types of decision procedureis different given the sameamountof information. Dueto the different complexityof decision makingprocesses, experiential decision makingprocedure usually takes moretime than operational decision making procedure, and they both take more time than untrained decision makingprocedure. 51nthis model,this dangerpoint occurswhenthe aircraft has a range of l mile and/or a range of 5,000 feet. Both numberswere chosen based on characteristics of radar systems. 6Aircratt can vary with different characteristics such as speed,range,andaltitude. 55 alwaysre;ids inl0rm:ttion and never asks for information (please refer Io Appendixii)r moredetailed algorithms i~ro;iclivc midreactiveagentstyles). METH()I)()LI)I;Y The performanceof the org~mizations is generated using, compulersimulation lest-bed built in C within a VAX/VMS system. Using this test-bed, we are able to syslcmalically aller task environment(4), org~mizational structure (4), utsk decompositionscheme(4), training scenm-io(3), agent style (2) whichare all built within lest-bed. Thus, 384 organizational types were examined. By varying typc (5) and degree (4) of internal stress, exmninc 20 inlcrnal condilions, with degree 0 as the ~q)tim;ll operating condition. In this experiment, we cxamiuc a I()l;tl ill’ 7,680 clt,~es. Eachca.,~e represents an organization faced with a spccilic inlcrnal condilion lind task environment. The performance of each casc/organizalion is evaluated by exantining performanceon I,(XX) problems. Eachproblem represents a specific movingaircntfl. This study is carried using Monle-Carh)analysis. All characteristics of each problem are randomly generated. These include: the sl;trling posilion, speed, and nature of the aircraft, the location of Ihc murphies affecting the organization internal, and the maximumtime units allowed the orgmli/alionIo In;lke a decisionrcgm’dingthe aircraft. The 1,0()1) problems can he classified as being friendly, neutral, or hostile or as being under low, medium, or high lime pressure. We can measure pcrli)rtnmtcc ovcntll (percentageof problemsfor whichthe t)rg:mi/~tlion madethe correct decisions) or wecan mea,sure performance for a subset of the 1,000 problems (e.g., pcrcenlageel pn)blemsgiven the true suite is hostile for whichIhc organizalion madethe correct decisions). This simulation lest-bed offers us the chanceto systematically examinethe inlemctions mnong,and effect of, the various organizational I~tclors on organizational perfonnancethat have concernedresearchers. Nevertheless, in this paper, our focus is on agent style. TableI: I)erfonn,-mce by AgentStyle acrossall Levelsof TimePressure Acn,ssExperienti;dl~¢Trained()r~anizations ~xlcrn;dInternal AszentStyle Proactive Reactive Overall I 46.11(3840,0.29)I 46.08(3840,0.29) Overall ()primal I 47.28(960,0.57) ] 47.32(960,0.57) Murphy[ 45.72(2730,0.31) 1 45.66(2730,0.31 Overall [ 59147(384010132) 1 59.39(38J1010.32) Mayd.’ty ()ptimal[ 61.30(960.0.90) I 58.74(2730,0.49) 61.35(960.0.89) Murphy,58.85/2730,0.49) I Across()perationall~,Trained()rLzanizations Internal At, ent Style Proaclive Reactive Overall [ 47.86(3840,0.24) 47.81(3840,0.24) Overall Optimal 49.99(960,0.53) 50.06(960,0.53) Murphy47.16(2730,0.24) 47~06(27:30,0.24) ()verall [ 54.83(3840,0.33) 54.70(3840,0.33) Mayday ()ptimal 56.71(96(I,0.70) 56.68(960,0.69) Murphy54.20(~2730,0.36~) 54,04~2730,0.36~ Note: l)erformance is in percentage. Numberof cases and standarderrors are in parenlheses. 56 RESULT AND ANALYSIS AcrossAll Levelsof Time Pressure Accordingto the general discussions of the nature of proactive and reactive agent styles in the literature, one might expect the folh)wingpropositions to hold: Propositign i; Agent style does not matter (Mayhew1980; Wellman1988). This says that when the structure of the organization and the fit between task environment and organizational structure are considered, organizations compose exclusively of proactive agents (proactivc orglmizadons) and organizations composeexclusively of reactive agents (reactive organizalions) should exhibit equivalent perlormance. Proposi00n 2; Proactive organizations perform better than reactive organizations (Kraft 1986; Smiaz 1992). Proactive agents are better prepm’edand c;mres[xmd faster. Thus, organizations filled with proactive agents should perform better than organizations filled with reactive agents, controllingfor all other htctors. Our ;malysis supports Proposilion I. Whetherwe consider just experientially trained organization, or operalionally trained organizations, or both, there is no difference betweenthe perh)nnanceof organizations with proactiveand reactive agent styles (oc=0.()1). This is regardless of extermdor internal conditions(Table 1). Similarly,for different organizationalstructures, for different task decompositionschemes,;rod different task environments,there is no difference in the pcrhmn;mce of proactive,and reactive organizations. Under High Time Pressure Underhigh time pressure, organizations are often overloaded with information. They give up normal "time spending procedures", or normal decision making procedures and mainly makedecisions based on hunches (Rosenthai el ~d. 1989). Thus, agent style should not matter when time is at a premium,controlling for all other hictors. This suggests the followingproposilion. Pro r~sition 3: Proactive;rod reactive organizations have the equivalent perform;race under high time pressure (Rosenthalet al. 1989). In our analysis, whenthere is high time pressure on avenige there is no difference betweenthe performance of proactive ;rod reactive organizations tot = 0.01), regardless of external conditions. However,if we consider only optimal internal conditions (no murphies), organizations filled with proactive agents perfonn worse than org~mizationsfilled with reactive agents. This is true across all exlernal conditions (p < ().(X)I), and when hostile (may&ty)conditions are considered (p < 0.005) (Table2). It is important to note, however, that all organizations under high time pressure are makingthe right decision approximately33.33~ of the time. If the agents were simply guessing, then organizational performancewouldin facl be 33.33~.. Whilethe proactive organization is slightly worse than the reactive organization neither is noticeably different than lit) organizationthat is simplyguessing. Theslight difference in performancemaywell be the artifact of randomness. in summary,under extremely high time pressure, organizational performanceis essentially reduced to be equivalent to the best that can be expected whenagents guess. Consequently,there are no consistent effects that can be attributed to agent style. This generates mixed support for proposifon 3. In summary,under mediumtime pressure, agent style affects organizational performance only under suboptimal internal operating conditions. In this ease, proactive organizations outperformreactive organizations. Thus, Proposition 4 is supported only under suboptimal conditions, Proactive agents benefit the organization, but that benefit is most apparent when time is somewhat constrained and things are going wrong. Under Medium Time Pressure Undermoderate time pressure, the organizational decision makingprocess should be tightly constrained by time, though not completely disrupted. Thus agent style should critically affect performance,controlling for all other factors. Proposition 4: Proactive organizations perform better than reactive organizations under mediumtime pressure (Jauch and Kraft 1986; Pauchant el al. 1990; Smi;tr 1992): Our an,’dysis suggests that on average there is no difference between the performance of proactive and reactive organizations(cx = 0.01). This is true regardless of external or internal conditions (Table 2). However, whenwe consider the type of training that the agents have received, we~e significant performancedifferences due to agent style under suboptimal operating conditions (murphies). In experientially trained organizations, if we averageacross ,all operating conditions, or consider just optimal internal operating conditions, there is no difference between the performance of proactive and reactive organizations (oc = 0.01), regardless of external conditions. Under suboptimal internal operating conditions, organizationsfilled with experienti,’dly trained proactive agents outperform organizations filled with experientially trained reactive agents. This is true both across all extern:d conditions (p < 0.001), and under maydays (p < 0.001). A similar pattern occurs for operation;dlytrained organizations. Under Low Time Pressure Underlow or no rime pressure, organizations have enoughtime to makedecisions regardless of external or internal conditions. It is usually efficient to use reactive style as it offers a comparableperformancewith proactive style, but with lower operating costs (Sussman1984). Thus, we should expect no difference in the performance of organizations with either proactive or reactive style whentime is not critical, controllingfor all other factors. proposition 5: Proactive and reactive organizations have the equivalent performanceunder low rime pressure (Sussman1984). In our analysis, when considering either experientially trained organizations, or operationally trained organizations, or both, there is no difference betweenthe performanceof organizations with proactive andreactive agent styles tot = 0.01), Thisis true regardless of external or internal conditions (Table 2). Thus, under low or no time pressure, there is no effect of agent style on organizational performance. This result supports Proposition 5. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION In this paper, we have studied the effect of one aspect of agent style -- proactiveness/reactiveness -- on organizational performance. Our results showthat on average, there is virtually no effect of agent style on organizational performance (support for Proposition 1 but not for Proposition 2). However,if we considerthe effect of time pressure we find Table2: Performance by AgentStyle and Levelof TimePressure lnternal Hieh Medium Low Condition TimePressure TimePressure TimePres~ur~ Agent Style Agent Style Agent Style Proactive Reactive Proactive Reactive Proactive Reactive Overall(1280) 33.27(0.07) 33.24(0.07) 43.69(0.29) 43.54(0.29) 61.38(0.51) 60.5..)..(9...5..S) 61.45(0.51) Overall Optimal(320) 33.27(0.13) 33.31(0.14) 44.38(0.60) 44.39(0.59) 64.18(1.02) ’64.27(1.02) Expe ............................ M._urp_h.Y_!9.60.).. 33.27~-.~.~8)~.~.~3~3~2~2(~8~.~3~-~45(~:33.)-~-4~3.26(~:33)~.~6~A4(~59 ) Training ()verall(1280) 33.18(0.10) 33.25(0.10) 55.38(0.45) 55.14(0.43) 89.84(0.42) 89.79(0.42) Mayday Optimal(320) 33.27(0.21) 33.41(0.20) 56.39(0.93) 56.42(0,90) 94.25(0.65) 94.21(0.67) Murph),(960) 33.15(0.12~ 33.19(0.12) 55.05(~0.51) 54.71(0.49) 88.37(0.51) 88.3,1(0.50) Overall(1280) 33.67(0.08) 33.71(0.07) 53.71(0.29) 53.56(0.29) 56.21(0.35) 56.17(0.36) Optimal(320) 33.77(0.16) 34.01(0.15) 56.44(0.71) 56.40(0,70) 59.77(0.86) 59.77(0.86) Overall ()per Murphy(960) 33.64.~0.08) ,,33.61(0.08 52.80~0.31)52.61(0..31), 55.02/0.37 54.9"1(0.37 ) ) ) Training Overall(1280) 33.69(0.1!) 33.57(0.11) 64.09(0.42) 63.88(0.42) 66.71(0.46) 66.64(0.46) Mayday Optimal(320) 33.77(0.22) 33.85(0.21) 66.96(0.91) 66.79(0.89) 69.40(1.01) 69.40(1.01) Murphy/960 33.66/0.12 33.4810.12}, 63.13(047~ 62.9210,47 65.8110.51 65.7210.52 , ~ ) ) ~ ~ Note:Performance ss in percentage.Number of cases for each roware listed in the columnInternal Condition.Standarderrors ate in parentheses. Expe~ Experiential. Oper~ Operational. Traimng External Type Condition 57 that in general, only under medium time pressure, does agent.~tylt" play a large role. Undermedium timepressure, organizations filled of proactive agents outperform organizationsfilled with reactiveagents,but only if the organizationis facing suboptimaloperatingconditionsin whichv~u-iousobstacleslimit its informationprocessing capabilities (erroneous information, incomplete inl~)rmation,andso forth). Furlher, there is basically no interaction effect helweenagent style (proacliveness/reactiveness)and slructure, utsk decompositionscheme,training scenario, or utsk environment,tin perhirmance. The resull that agent style in most situations is irrclcvanl Io organizational perfl)rmance showsthai the a.m~unt and frequency of information used in decision makingmaynot characterize the qualily of decisions. The myth around proaclive agent slyle can probably be allrihulcd to the facl that organizations often collect inlornmlion flit "signal and symbol"purpose rather than li~J decision makingpurpose(Feidman,’rod March1981). In this rese,arch, our focus is on the effect of one aspect of agent style (proactiveness/reactiveness) organizational performance, not on the origin of agent slyle. Webelieve further understandingof the sources of agent style is necessaryfor future research into the effect of agent style. More aspects of agent style such as ein(ition and creativity mayalso be included in future restatrch on agent style. In addition, future rese~uchshould examinemore real world organizations, thus providing newinsight into this theoretical study. Wccategorized time pressure into three levels accordingto the time units assigned to the organizationor the time units spent whenthe organization has to makea decision before the aircraft reachesa certain point. It is difficult to disentangle time pressure from organizational design and task environment,because a high time pressure Io someorganizationsmaynot be its stressful as to other organi~’ations. This analysis is mainly based on simulation techniques. Thosesimulatedorganizations have enabled us to ex~unine the effect of agent style across numerous factors that have interested researchers in organizations within a reasonably short period of time. In fact, to examinethese s~une factors using humansubjects would havetaken at leas! ten years andcost at le,’t~l twomillion dollars. Computersimulation is a powerful extension of human cognition. As pointed out by Ostrom (1988), computer si,nulation offers a third symbol system in studying social science, besides natural h’mguageand mathematics, because "computer simulation offers a substantial advantageto soci,al psychologists attempting to develop formal theories of complexand interdependent social phenomena". Fararo (1989) also regards computationalprocess as one of the three processes (the other two are theoretical and empirical processes) neces~try to the developmentof any discipline. However, we should still view the results from this paper with c,’luti(in. Toconclude, wefind suplx~rt for the implication of networktheory ~mdcontingency theory that agent style often does not matter. Organizations should care more about the quality of infor*nation than about the amount and frequencyof information in decision making. REFERENCES Aldrich, Howard E. (1979), Organizations and Environment.EnglewtxxtCliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall. Barron, Frank. (1982), "Personology focuses on the Examinationof MentalLife, Including Creativity," Personality and Social PsychologyBulletin, 8(4): 611-614. Blumberg, Rhoda Lois. (1987), Organizations in ContemporarySociety. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NewJersey. Cameron, KimS. 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APPENDIX TablcA 1: PreferenceFunctionsfi)r ProactiveAgent Note: TIME_REM ~ Time remaning for decision making TIME_REQ -- Timerequired fi~r a round of decision SIGN_PASS ~ Signal Ior passed up decision SIGN_REQ ~ Signal for request of decision infi~nnation SIGN_EDEC ~ Signal for earlier made decision ASK_INFO -- Ask h)r decision information READ_INFO -- Re~d decision infonnation MAKE_DEC -- Makea nonnal decision MAKE_RAN -- Make a r~mdomdecision UPD_DEC ~ Update decision PASS_DEC ~ Pass up decision WAIT-- W~dt INT_ACT ~ Interrupt current action CON_ACT ~ Continue currenl action RETURN -- Return final organizatiomd decision Top Manager while (TIME_REM>0){ if (TIME_REM>TIME_REQ) if (SIGN_PASS){ READ_INFO; MAKE_DEC; UPD_DEC;} el~ { ASK INFO; WAIT;} if (SIGN_EDEC){ UPD_DEC; RETURN:} eL~{ 59 MAKE_RAN; RETURN;} READ_INFO; MAKE_DEC; PASS_DEC; RETURN;] eLsel ASK_INFO; WAIT;} else[ MAKE_RAN: RETURN;} MidtfleMunat,er while (TIME_REM_>f)){ if not (SIGN_REQ) if (TIMEREM_>TIME_REQ) if (SIGN_PASS)[ READ_iNFO: MAKE_DEC; PASS_DEC;) else{ ASK_INFO; WAIT;} Middle Manaeer while (TIME_REM_>0)[ if not (SIGN_REQ) CON_ACTor WAIT; else if (SIGN_EDEC) PASS_DEC; WAIT;] else if (TIME_REM_>TIME_REQ) if (SIGN_PASS)[ INT_ACT; READ_INFO; MAKE_DEC; PASS_DEC; CONACT; I eLse{ INT_ACT; ASK 1NFO; CON_ACT;I if (SIGN_EDEC){ INT_ACT; PASS_DEC; CON_ACT;} else CON_ACT; if (SIGN_EDEC){ 1NT_ACT; PASS_DEC: CONACT: ] else CON_ACT; Baseline Analyst while (TI ME_REM_>0){ if (SIGN_REQ) if (TIME_REM>TIME_REQ)[ READ_INFO; MAKE_DEC; PASS_DEC; } else if (SIGN_EDEC)[ INT_ACT; PASS_DEC; CONACT; } else CON_ACT; else if (S1GN_EDEC)[ INT_ACT: PASSDEC: CON_ACT;} else CON_ACT; BaselineA nal)’st while (TIME_REM_>O){ if (SIGN_REQ) if (SIGN_EDEC) PASS_DEC; if (TIME_REIvI~TIME_REQ) I READ_INFO; MAKEDEC; PASS_DEC; } else if (TI ME_REM_>TIME_REQ) INT_ACT; READ_INFO; MAKE_DEC; PASS_DEC; CON ACT; ] else CON_ACT; I READ_INFO; Table A2: Preference Functions for Reactive Agents Too Manager: while (TIMEREM_>0)I if (TIME_REM>TIMEREQ) if (SIGN PASS)[ 60