APPENDIX B Resources and Links on Responsibility Center Management Kent State University Resource: Other Websites for universities that have implemented RCM or a similar budget structure: Indiana University Ohio State University Okanagan College (British Columbia) Syracuse University University of New Hampshire University of Pennsylvania University of Rhode Island University of North Texas The following universities were identified from the literature and Websites as having implemented RCM or a similar decentralized budget approach. The committee was not able to ascertain the effectiveness of the change or if the university is still using an RCM approach. American University Auburn University Cal Tech University Central Michigan University Clarkston University (considering) Clemson University Duke University Florida International University Harvard University Indiana University of Pennsylvania Iowa State University (in process) Marquette University McGill University Mercer University Purdue University Renssalear Polytechnic Institute Southern Illinois University Temple University Tulane University University of Alaska University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) University of Connecticut University of Illinois – Urbana Champaign University of Iowa University of Michigan University of Minnesota University of Oregon University of Pennsylvania University of Southern California University of Toronto Vanderbilt University Washington University of St. Louis West Chester University (PA)