Topic 3 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables for General Nonlinear Analysis Contents: • The principle of virtual work in terms of the 2nd PiolaKirchhoff stress and Green-Lagrange strain tensors • Deformation gradient tensor • Physical interpretation of the deformation gradient • Change of mass density • Polar decomposition of deformation gradient • Green-Lagrange strain tensor • Second Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor • Important properties of the Green-Lagrange strain and 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensors • Physical explanations of continuum mechanics variables • Examples demonstrating the properties of the continuum mechanics variables Textbook: Sections 6.2.1, 6.2.2 Examples: 6.5,6.6,6.7,6.8,6.10,6.11,6.12,6.13,6.14 Topic Three 3-3 CONTINUUM MECHANICS FORMULATION Transparency 3-1 For Large displacements Large rotations Large strains Hence we consider a body subjected to arbitrary large motions, We use a Lagrangian description. PC+~'X1, t+~'X2, '+~'X3) PCX1, 'X2, 'X3) Transparency 3-2 Configuration at time 0 Confi~uration Configuration at time t + ~t I at time t 'Xi = °Xi t+~'x·I = ox· I + lUi X1 + t+~'u· i = 1 2 3 · -- t+~'u·I - 'u·I U1 I " 3-4 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-3 Regarding the notation we need to keep firmly in mind that - the Cartesian axes are stationary. - the unit distances along the Xi-axes are the same for °Xi, tXi , t+ ~tXi. Example: particle at time 0 0X1 /particle at time t /U1 1----'---·.· 2 1 ... 3 4 5 PRINCIPLE OF VIRTUAL WORK Transparency 3-4 Corresponding to time t+dt: I t+~tlT'lit.. Ut+~t ~ e··It t+~tdV - ; t+~t(fll n v where t+~tffi = + t+~tfF OUi t+~tdV r ) v r )t+.lts t+~tfr OUr t+~tdS Topic Three 3-5 Transparency 3·5 and t+Atl'T".. I 'I' Cauchy stresses (forces/unit area at time t + Llt) 1 ( aOUi ot+Atei} = 2 at+Atx} aou} ) + at+Atxi variation in the small strains referred to the configuration at time t + Llt We need to rewrite the principle of virtual work, using new stress and strain measures: • We cannot integrate over an unknown volume. • We cannot directly work with increments in the Cauchy stresses. We introduce: cis = 2nd 6E = Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor Green-Lagrange strain tensor Transparency 3·6 3-6 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency The 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor: 3-7 a t8 a i} Ot a = -P t tXi,m T mn tX},n P The Green-Lagrange strain tensor: 1 t (t OE"yo = -2 aU·" I,t t t t ) + au.. ~I + aUk" ,I aUk" ,t where Transparency 3-8 Note: We are using the indicial notation with the summation convention. For example, a t 08 11 t a = -Pro t tX1,1 Tn tX1,1 P + atX 1 ,1 tT 12 atX 1 ,2 + ... + ~X1,3 tT33 ~X1,3] Topic Three 3·7 Using the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress and Green-Lagrange strain tensors, we have Transparency 3-9 This relation holds for all times at, 2at, ..., t, t+ at, ... To develop the incremental finite element equations we will use ~vt+~JSt 8t+~JEt °dV = t+~~ • We now integrate over a known volume, °V. • We can incrementally decompose t+~JSt t+~t . an d oEt, I.e. o ~=ots iJ-+OSiJt+~t t OEiJ- = oE~ + oE~ t+~ts Transparency 3-10 3-8 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-11 Before developing the incremental con­ tinuum mechanics and finite element equations, we want to discuss • some important kinematic relationships used in geometric nonlinear analysis • some properties of the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress and Green­ Lagrange strain tensors Transparency 3-12 To explain some important properties of the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and the Green-Lagrange strain tensor, we consider the Deformation Gradient Tensor • This tensor captures the straining and the rigid body rotations of the material fibers. • It is a very fundamental quantity used in continuum mechanics. Topic Three 3-9 The deformation gradient is defined as atx1 atx1 atx1 aOx1 atx 2 aOX2 aOX1 aOX2 Transparency 3-13 aOXa in a Cartesian coordinate aOXa system atX2 atx2 atXa atXa aO X1 aOX2 atXa aOXa Using indicial notation, Another way to write the deformation gradient: Jx = (oVJt~T)T where oV the/ gradient operator = Transparency 3-14 3-10 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-15 The deformation gradient describes the deformations (rotations and stretches) of material fibers: The vectors dOx and dt~ represent the orientation and length of a material fiber at times 0 and t. They are related by dtx JX dOx Example: One-dimensional deformation Transparency 3-16 time 0 time t X1/ /' 11 H - ------al. . . - -._ . 1.0 0.5 ...I.... 1 Topic Three 3-11 Consider a material particle initially at X1 = 0.8: Transparency 3-17 f------X1 °X1 1<1 = 0.800 = 1.120 Consider an adjacent material particle: I •I Compute Jx 11 : d tx 1 1.211 - 1.120 d OX1 = .850 - .800 JX 11 lo x1=O.8 = 1.82 ~ Estimate = 1.80 Transparency 3-18 3-12 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-19 Exam~: Two-dimensional deformation time t f ) ( 0 X1, 0 X2 ~ Transparency 3-20 (tX1. tX2 ).·0_ tx .481 = [ -.385 .667] .667 Considering dO~, X2 X1 [ dt~ = .75] = [ o hx .481 - .385 dO~ .667][.866] .667 .5 'Ibpic Three 3-13 Considering cf!. Transparency X2 3-21 dtx_ = tx 0_ cfx_ .667][ 0] [1]1 [.481 -.385 .667 1.5 = The mass densittes 0 p and t p may be related using the deformation gradient: infinitesimal volumes time 0 time t //: ::;;:;Ls- ~ tdV ~dt!l Three material fibers describe each volume. Transparency 3-22 3-14 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-23 For an infinitesimal volume, we note that mass is conserved: tp tdV = 0p 0dV ~~ volume volume at .----:--time t~ at - ~time 0 However, we can show that Hence Transparency 3-24 Proof that tdV = det Jx °dV: dO~1 =[g}S1 ; dO~ =[!}S2 dO~=[~}S3 ° - = dS Hence dV 1 dS2 ds3 • Topic Three 3-15 Transparency 3-25 and tdV = (dt~1 X dt~2) . dt~3 det Jx dS 1 dS2 dS3 = = det Jx °dV Example: One-dimensional stretching Transparency ~timeO x:r ~time t 1 / ,/, / // uniform stretching plane strain conditions 1.0 Deformation field: .25 'x, = ox, + O.250x, 0 001 -+ det J~ = 1.25 Deformation [1.25 gradient: J~ = 0 1 o Hence 0p 3-26 0 = 1.25tp (tp < 1 0p makes physical sense) '""""""-----------------", 3-16 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-27 We also use the inverse deformation gradient: o . ;;{d ~ = MATERIAL FIBER AT TIME 0 Mathematically, Proof: 0 t tX d~~ MATERIAL FIBER AT TIME t ~X = (JX)-1 dO~ = ~ (Jx dO~) = (~X = Transparency JX) dO~ I dOx An important point is: 3-28 Polar decomposition of JX: JR = orthogonal (rotation) matrix Ju = symmetric (stretch) matrix We can always decompose JX in the above form. Topic Three 3-17 Example: Uniform stretch and rotation timet 3-29 ~ I: ~ Transparency 3.0 4.0 = I I X1 dU dR ° 0] 1.154 -0.750] .. [0.866 -0.500] [1.333 [ 0.887 1.299 0.500 0.888 1.500 Using the deformation gradient, we can describe the (right) Cauchy-Green deformation tensor tc - 0_ txT 0_ tx 0_ - This tensor depends only on the stretch tensor riU: T tAT) (tA tU) tc = (tu 0_ 0_ 0_0_ 0_ = (riU)2 (since riA is orthogonal) Hence ric is invariant under a rigid body rotation. Transparency 3-30 3·18 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency Example: Two-dimensional motion 0 3-31 X2 ~ time'O timel+::;U D ~ time t rigid body motion, rotation of 90° X1 Transparency 3-32 Jx = - [1.5 .5 .~] HatX = [ -.5 -1 ] .2 Jc = - [2.5 .8 .8 ] 1.04 HatC _ [2.5 .8 ] 1.04 0_ 0_ - 1.5 .8 The Green-Lagrange strain ·tensor measures the stretching deformations. It can be written in several equivalent forms: 1) JE = ~ (ric - I) From this, • JE is symmetric. • For a rigid body motion between times t and t+ ~t, H~E = JE . • For a rigid body motion between times 0 and t, JE = Q. Topic Three 3-19 • ~~ is symmetric because ~C is symmetric Transparency 3-33 ~~ = ~ (~C -1) • For a rigid body motion from t to t+~t, we have t+~tx = R tv 0 0- t+~tc 0_ = - 0 to 0 j.. ." t+4t E 0- = o~t • For a rigid body motion ~C = 1 =* ~~ = 0 t _ 1 (t t 2) aEi} - 2 ,aUi,}:- aU}.~ UNEAR IN DISPLACEMENTS t t ) +, aUk,i ,aUk,} . NONUNEAR IN DISPLACEMENTS where Important point: This strain tensor is exact and holds for any amount of stretching. Transparency 3-34 3·20 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency Example: Uniaxial stJlain (t )2 t 3-35 A 1 A 0[ + 2 0[ J£11 = 1 engi:~ring 87 1.o+----+-+- t~ -~1-.0--~~--1+-.0°L Example: Biaxial straining and rotation Transparency 3-36 rigid body motion, rotation of 45° X2 O ~ time 0;7' I>------l ~ time t? time t+~t~ +---------X1 IX = 0_ [1.50.50] ric = [2.25 riE = - - 0 [.625 0 l+Jllx 0_ = [1.06 1.06 -.354] .354 0] .25 IHric = [2.25 0 .~5] 0 ] -.375 IHriE [.625 0 -.3~5] - - = Topic Three 3-21 Example: Simple shear Transparency I' t~ 'I" 1.0 3-37 " X1 For small displacements, dE is approximately equal to the small strain tensor. The 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor and the Green-Lagrange strain tensor are energetically conjugate: t'Ti.j- ~hei.j- = Virtual work at time t per unit current volume Js~ ()JE~ = Virtual work at time t per unit original volume where dSij is the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor. Transparency 3-38 3-22 Lagrangian Continuum Mechanics Variables Transparency 3-39 The 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor: 0p o t 0 tXi,m 'Tmn tX!-n P t OSi~ =-t o ts 0_ = ---.e t p 0tX t'T °tXT - - INDICIAL NOTATION MATRIX NOTATION Solving for the Cauchy stresses gives t _ 'Ti~ - t opP t ts t OXi,m 0 mn oXj.n - INDICIAL NOTATION t t'T = Transparency 3-40 opP tx 0_ ts 0_ txT 0_ MATRIX NOTATION Properties of the 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress tensor: • cis is symmetric. is invariant under a rigid-body motion (translation and/or rotation). • cis Hence cis changes only when the material is deformed. has no direct physical interpretation. • cis Topic Three 3-23 Example: Two-dimensional motion Transparency 3-41 Xi lim\Or~. '__--. ~ ..... Cauchy stresses at time t tx = t 1: = ts _ 0_ - [10 t+~tx = .2] 1.5 0_ 1000] [0 1000 2000 [ Transparency At time t + Llt, At time t, 0_ rigid body motion, rotation of 60° Cauchy stresses at time t+ dt -346 733 733 ] 1330 [.5.866 t+ ~t'T = [ - t+~ts 0_ = [ 634 -1370 -346 733 3-42 -1.20 ] .923 -1370] 1370 733] 1330 MIT OpenCourseWare Resource: Finite Element Procedures for Solids and Structures Klaus-Jürgen Bathe The following may not correspond to a particular course on MIT OpenCourseWare, but has been provided by the author as an individual learning resource. For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: