Topic 17 Modeling of Elasta-Plastic and Creep Response Part I Contents: • Basic considerations in modeling inelastic response • A schematic review of laboratory test results, effects of stress level, temperature, strain rate • One-dimensional stress-strain laws for elasto-plasticity, creep, and viscoplasticity • Isotropic and kinematic hardening in plasticity • General equations of multiaxial plasticity based on a yield condition, flow rule, and hardening rule • Example of von Mises yield condition and isotropic hardening, evaluation of stress-strain law for general analysis • Use of plastic work, effective stress, effective plastic strain • Integration of stresses with subincrementation • Example analysis: Plane strain punch problem • Example analysis: Elasto-plastic response up to ultimate load of a plate with a hole • Computer-plotted animation: Plate with a hole Textbook: Section 6.4.2 Example: 6.20 References: The plasticity computations are discussed in Bathe, K. J., M. D. Snyder, A. P. Cimento, and W. D. Rolph III, "On Some Current Procedures and Difficulties in Finite Element Analysis of Elas­ tic-Plastic Response," Computers & Structures, 12, 607-624, 1980. 17-2 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I References: (continued) Snyder, M. D., and K. J. Bathe, "A Solution Procedure for Thermo-Elas­ tic-Plastic and Creep Problems," Nuclear Engineering and Design, 64, 49-80, 1981. The plane strain punch problem is also considered in Sussman, T., and K. J. Bathe, "Finite Elements Based on Mixed Inter­ polation for Incompressible Elastic and Inelastic Analysis," Computers & Structures, to appear. Topic Seventeen 17-3 . WE "D/SC.L{ SS"E D THE "PRE\llO\A<; IN LEe­ . WE Now WANT TO .:DIS CIA':,'> TI1 E: TU'?ES THE MODELING MO"DE LINlQ OF ELASTIC. IN ELASTIC - l'NEA'R STRAIN - MA1E'RIALS S~E-S<;­ - 0 F HATER,ALS ELASTO-1>LASTICIT'f ANb CREEP LA~ NONLINEAR S>T'RESc:,­ WE T'ROc.EEtl STRAIN LAw FCLLoWS : THE T. L. ANt> lA.L. FO~t-IULAT10NS. - WE AS - WE J:> \ SC \A S S MObELlNE; DISC\i\S, 50 TS'RIEH'i ~'R\E Fl'l OF SUCH ~ES'?ONse IN 1-1> ANAl'lSIS INELASTIC HATc"RIAL ~EI-\A'J\o'RSJ AS SE'R'lJE'b IN O'Rt\T01<.'( 0\3,- LAB,TES-TS, - WE GENE~AU2E OuR HObEUN6 CONSlbERA.lloNS 10 2-1) ANb3.-1) STRES,S 5\1v..A.TI\lNS Markerboard 17-1 17-4 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-1 MODELING OF INELASTIC RESPONSE: ELASTO-PLASTICITY, CREEP AND VISCOPLASTICITY • The total stress is not uniquely related to the current total strain. Hence, to calculate the response history, stress increments must be evaluated for each time (load) step and added to the previous total stress. Transparency 17-2 • The differential stress increment is obtained as - assuming infinitesimally small displacement conditionsdO'ij- = C~s (de rs where - de~~) C~s = components of the elasticity tensor de rs = total differential strain increment de~~ = inelastic differential strain increment Topic Seventeen 17-5 The inelastic response may occur rapidly or slowly in time, depending on the problem of nature considered. Modeling: • In ~Iasticity, the model assumes that de~s occurs instantaneously with the load application. • In creep, the model assumes that de~~ occurs as a function of time. • The actual response in nature can be modeled using plasticity and creep together, or alternatively using a viscoplastic material model. - In the following discussion we assume small strain conditions, hence • we have either a materially­ nonlinear-only analysis • or a large displacement/large rotation but small strain analysis Transparency 17-3 Transparency 17-4 17-6 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-5 • As pointed out earlier, for the large displacement solution we would use the total Lagrangian formulation and in the evaluation of the stress-strain laws simply use - Green-Lagrange strain component for the engineering strain compo­ nents and - Transparency 17-6 2nd Piola-Kirchhoff stress compo­ nents for the engineering stress components Consider a brief summary of some observations regarding material response measured in the laboratory • We only consider schematically what approximate response is observed; no details are given. • Note that, regarding the notation, no time, t, superscript is used on the stress and strain variables describing the material behavior. Topic Seventeen 17-7 MATERIAL BEHAVIOR, "INSTANTANEOUS" RESPONSE Transparency 17-7 Tensile Test: Assume • small strain conditions • behavior in compression is the same as in tension Hence Cross­ sec:tional area Ao-z... e e - eo eo = --::---=- p (J' = -A o engineering stress, (J fracture x ultimate strain 5' assumed I I I I I test ngineering strain, e I I I ~,, ....... _----- ,.",;' '" Constant temperature Transparency 17-8 17-8 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-9 Effect of strain rate: (J' de. . dt Increasing e Effect of temperature Transparency 17-10 (J' temperature is increasing e Topic Seventeen 17-9 MATERIAL BEHAVIOR, TIME­ DEPENDENT RESPONSE Transparency 17-11 • Now, at constant stress, inelastic strains develop. • Important effect for materials when temperatures are high Typical creep curve Transparency 17-12 Engineering strain, e fracture a = constant temperature = constant Instantaneous strain { (elastic and elasto-plastic) Primary range Secondary range Tertiary range --:..+----=--+------'--~--+------l- time 17-10 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-13 Effect of stress level on creep strain temperature = constant x e x ---.s---::fracture I time Transparency 17-14 Effect of temperature on creep strain -S" fracture e x u=constant ""x time Topic Seventeen 17-11 MODELING OF RESPONSE Transparency 17-15 Consider a one-dimensional situation: ~ ~tu h= p jt.---t L 'e tp A ~ ~L • We assume that the load is increased monotonically to its final value, P*. • We assume that the time is "long" so that inertia effects are negligible (static analysis). plasticity effects P*:..-....r_--,pt-redominate Load .creep effects Transparency f 17-16 time-dependent inelastic strains are accumulated - modeled as creep strains '-" time inte~al t* (small) without time-dependent inelastic strains time 17-12 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-17 Plasticity, uniaxial, bilinear material model stress rry- - - - - strain ·1· tOe = E teE telN = teP t rr Creep, power law material model: eC Transparency 17-18 = d t* (small) t ao a <T , t a2 t rr = E teE telN = teC + teP time • The elastic strain is the same as in the plastic analysis (this follows from equilibrium). • The inelastic strain is time-dependent and time is now an actual variable. 'Ibpic Seventeen 17-13 Viscoplasticity: • Time-dependent response is modeled using a fluidity parameter 'Y: e = <1E + 'Y (~ cry . . - Transparency 17-19 1) / VP e where (cr _ cry) -_ { 0 I cr -< cry cr - cry I cr > cry Typical solutions (1-0 specimen): steady~state depends on total strain. . Increasing 'Y elastic strain solution total strain \ increase in . fry as function VP of e elastic strain time non-hardening material time hardening material Transparency 17·20 17-14 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-21 PLASTICITY • So far we considered only loading conditions. • Before we discuss more general multiaxial plasticity relations, consider unloading and cyclic loading assuming uniaxial stress conditions. Transparency 17-22 • Consider that the load increases in tension, causes plastic deformation, reverses elastically, and again causes plastic deformation in compression. load elastic plastic time Topic Seventeen 17-15 Bilinear material assumption, isotropic hardening ET Transparency (T 17-23 (Ty e plastic strain e~ (T~ plastic strain I---+-l e~ Bilinear material assumption, kinematic hardening (J ET Transparency 17-24 (Ty e plastic strain e~ 17-16 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-25 MULTIAXIAL PLASTICITY To describe the plastic behavior in multiaxial stress conditions, we use • A yield condition • A flow rule • A hardening rule In the following, we consider isothermal (constant temperature) conditions. Transparency 17-26 These conditions are expressed using a stress function tF. Two widely used stress functions are the von Mises function Drucker-Prager function Topic Seventeen 17-17 von Mises tF = ~ ts 2 I} Transparency 17-27 ts .. _ tK II' Drucker-Prager t a. _II ; t(j 3 = ~ -1 ts.. ts . 2 If If We use both matrix notation and index notation: de~1 de~2 de~3 de~2 + de~1 de~3 + de~2 de~3 + de~1 matrix notation dCT = dCT11 dCT22 dCT33 dCT12 dCT23 dCT31 note that both de~2 and de~1 are added Transparency 17-28 17-18 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-29 deijP-- [ de~, de~1 de~1 de~2 de~2 de~2 de~3 ] de~3 de~3 index notation d<J~ Transparency 17-30 = [ dcrl1 d<J21 d<J31 d<J12 dcr'3 ] d<J22 d<J23 d<J32 d<J33 The basic equations are then (von Mises tF): 1) Yield condition tF C<Jij, tK) = 0 current str~sses~ function of plastic strains tF is zero throughout the plastic response • 1-D equivalent: (uniaxial stress) ~ C<J2 - t<J~) = 0 7 current stresses ~ function of plastic strains. Thpic Seventeen 17-19 2) Flow rule (associated rule): P deii. = I where tx. t atF X. -at Transparency 17-31 ITi} is a positive scalar. • 1-D equivalent: P 2 t\ t de11 = 3 I\. IT P 1 d e22 = - 3 t\ t 1 t\ t P d e33 = - 3 I\. I\. IT IT Transparency 17-32 3) Stress-strain relationship: dIT = C E (d~ - d~P) • 1-D equivalent: dIT = E (de11 - de~1) 17-20 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-33 Our goal is to determine CEP such that EP dO" = C de ~- \ instantaneous elastic-plastic stress-strain matrix General derivation of CEP : Transparency 17-34 Define Topic Seventeen 17-21 Transparency 17-35 Using matrix notation, :: tq22:: tq33:: tgT = [tq11 't. t i P22: I We now determine =0 Using tF = - t- a(Ji} = tx. tIt P12 i P23 It] i P31 in terms of de: during plastic deformations, atF t dF i P33 d(Jii. + I 'gT do- - atF --:::t=Pat ei} p deii. I 'ET~ =0 Transparency 17-36 17-22 Elasto-Plastic and Creep RespoDse - Part I Transparency Also 17-37 tg TdO" = tg T (QE (d~ - d!t)) L . t The flow rule assumption may be written as Hence tgT dO" = tgT (C E (d~ _ tA tg ))= tA tQT tg - Transparency Solving the boxed equation for t A gives 17-38 Hence we can determine the plastic strain increment from the total strain increment: I .. tota strain Increment p ~ de - plastic strain increment = tgTCEd~~t ( tQTt + tgT CEtg) 9 g Topic Seventeen 17-23 Transparency 17-39 Example: Von Mises yield condition, isotropic hardening Two equivalent equations: t ~ O"Y=T (trr • t )2 (t t)2 - 2: t t)2 ~~\+t-t~/?~ principal stresses tF _ 1 (t Transparency 17-40 t t. t _ sij. ~ K , K - ~5 · . stresses: "Sij- = deVlatonc 1 3 t 2 0" Y t (Tij- - (Tmm -3- ~ Uij 17-24 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-41 Transparency 17-42 End view of yield surface Yield surface for plane stress We now compute the derivatives of the yield function. First consider tpy.: _ a (1 t t 1t 2 - - atef! 2 sy. SiJ- - 3 O'y) t _ atF py. - - atef! II' t(J"it II' fixed (t(J"ij- fixed implies tSij- is fixed) 'Ibpic Seventeen 17-25 What is the relationship between t cry and the plastic strains? Transparency 17-43 We answer this question using the concept of "plastic work". • The plastic work (per unit volume) is the amount of energy that is unrecoverable when the material is unloaded. • This energy has been used in creating the plastic deformations within the material. • Pictorially: 1·0 example Transparency stress 17-44 ~et Shaded area equals plastic work t wp : ' - - - - - - - - - - strain =Jor tePIjo • In general, 'W p 17-26 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-45 Consider 1-0 test results: the current yield stress may be written in terms of the plastic work. Shaded area =: Wp = ~ (~T - i) (t(1~ - (1~) ' - - - - - - - - - - strain Transparency 17-46 We can now evaluate tPij- - which corresponds to a generalization of the 1-D test results to multiaxial conditions. t t (1Y t _ 2 t (d\JY a W p Pij- - 3 (]'Y dtW p ater ate~ \ . )/a t / 'Ibpic Seventeen 17-27 Alternatively, we could have used that dtW p = tcr dtet where (effective stress) Transparency 17-47 (increment iii effective t plastic strain) and then the same result is obtained using P t .. _ 2 t (d\ry ate ) Pit - 3 (J'y dte P ate~ Next consider tq~: Transparency 17-48 17-28 Elasto·Plastic and Creep Response - Part 1 Transparency 17-49 We can now evaluate gEP: de11 I 1 -V - ~ (511 ' ) 'I -V- - 1-2v 2 de12 de22 2 11-2v I I I522 I •.• I - P Q. 1 ~ ' 511 511 , 512 I •.• I I I - 1 - I" - - - - - I ....... - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -:2: I I cEP - = L _E_ 1+v 1- V (') 1 _ 2v - ~ 522 I I I··· I 1_ - I .•• I I Q. ' I , P 522 512 I··· I" - - - - - - I I ~ '533 1512 I ... -'1----- I 2'­ symmetric I I 2 -~('512) I •.• I -------1I ••• I where 13 = -3 f1 2 2 O"y ( 1 + g E 1ET 1 + v ) 3 E - ET E Evaluation of the stresses at time t+ ~t: Transparency 17-50 The stress integration must be performed at each Gauss integration point. Topic Seventeen 17-29 Transparency 17-51 We can approximate the evaluation of this integral using the Euler forward method. • Without subincrementation: t+~le I+~I - EP e EP Ie C d~ . C ,d~"/ J: - I - - -e t • With n subincrements: Transparency 17-52 de n ~t t+~--s-­ n + ... de t+(n-1)Lh n 17-30 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-53 Pictorially: t t+8t subincrements Transparency 17-54 Summary of the procedure used to calculate the total stresses at time t+dt. Given: STRAIN = Total strains at time t+dt SIG = Total stresses at time t EPS = Total strains at time t (a) Calculate the strain increment DELEPS: DELEPS = STRAIN - EPS Topic Seventeen 17-31 (b) Calculate the stress increment DELSIG, assuming elastic behavior: E DELSIG = C * DELEPS (c) Calculate TAU, assuming elastic behavior: TAU = SIG + DELSIG Transparency 17-55 (d) With TAU as the state of stress, calculate the value of the yield function F. (e) If F(TAU) < 0, the strain increment is elastic. In this case, TAU is correct; we return. (f) If the previous state of stress was plastic, set RATIO to zero and go to (g). Otherwise, there is a transition from elastic to plastic and RATIO (the portion of incremental strain taken elastically) has to be determined. RATIO is determined from F (SIG + RATIO * DELSIG) = 0 since F = 0 signals the initiation of yielding. Transparency 17-56 17-32 Elasto·Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-57 (9) Redefine TAU as the stress at start of yield TAU = SIG + RATIO * DELSIG and calculate the elastic-plastic strain increment DEPS = (1 - RATIO) * DELEPS (h) Divide DEPS into subincrements DDEPS and calculate TAU ~ TAU + CEP * DDEPS for all elastic-plastic strain subincrements. Topic Seventeen 17-33 1.... ....--- 2b Slide 17-1 ---I.~I p PLASTIC ZONE Plane strain punch problem P/l I z lOl- 10- A Ii. ..... I ,,"~. Finite element model of punch problem Slide 17-2 17-34 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I 'CW.. "200 Ib. Slide 17-3 h •• .. . \ " .. "" T,. STRESS, 0' lplll - - - THEOR£TICAL '00 -- - -----0 I 0 2.0 30 DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE, b (inl Solution of Boussinesq problem-2 pt. integration Slide 17-4 200 • VIZ • er" .. STRESS, 0' lpoi) - - - T,Z TH(ORETlCAl '00 --- ---- ---10 2.0 30 DISTANCE FROM CENTERLINE, b (in) Solution of Boussinesq, problem-3 pt. Integration Topic Seventeen 17-35 Slide 17-5 p ~ APPLIED LOAD, P/2kb 0.05 QIQ DISPLACEMENT, • 2 pi In, a S"pI inl 0.'5 0.20 ,,/b Load-displacement curves for punch problem 17-36 Elasto-Plastic and Creep Response - Part I Transparency 17-58 Limit load calculations: p rTTTTl o • Plate is elasto-plastic. Elasto-plastic analysis: Transparency 17-59 Material properties (steel) a 740 -I-- a (MPa) ~ Er = 2070 MPa, isotropic hardening '-E=207000 MPa, v=0.3 e • This is an idealization, probably inaccurate for large strain conditions (e > 2%). Topic Seventeen 17-37 TIME = LOAD = 0 0.0 MPA Computer Animation Plate with hole TIME - 41 LOAD - 512.5 MPA TIME - 62 LOAD - 660.0 MPA --.,.,...... ----.. --.... -----, .. _. ...... =====..:=r~ ~" ~ ,, -.~ ..........., • •• •1 • •• •1 !!!! ~ \ ..- MIT OpenCourseWare Resource: Finite Element Procedures for Solids and Structures Klaus-Jürgen Bathe The following may not correspond to a particular course on MIT OpenCourseWare, but has been provided by the author as an individual learning resource. For information about citing these materials or our Terms of Use, visit: