STATISTICAL YEARBOOK Containing county estimates of acreage and income from 1939 to 1948, state estimates of acreage, production, price, and income from 1870 to 1949 where available, carlot shipments and unloads of potatoes and certain truck crops from 1935 to 1948. Oregon State System of Higher Education Federal Cooperative Extension Service' Oregon State College Corvallis Extension Bulletin 701 June 1950 Explanation of Terms (Unless otherwise noted) ESTIMATES are expressions of judgment regarding what is true at any given time based on incomplete data, past relationships, calculations, appraisement, and general knowledge of the subject under consideration ; they are published subject to revision. Tables or data marked "preliminary" are especially subject to further consideration and revision. ACREAGE estimates in this bulletin include all areas harvested except plantings in home gardens. FARM PRODUCTION is the total outturn of the given commodity, irrespective of use. COMMERCIAL PRODUCTION is that part of farm production intended for sale. SEASONAL AVERAGE PRICES are the average of prices received by farmers at usual marketing points for quantities sold during the crop marketing season. CASH RECEIPTS FROM FARM MARKETINGS represent the returns to farmers from products sold on a calendar year basis, except for Table Data in Table 10 show marketings on a crop marketing season basis. Value of products used on the farm where grown is not included. 10. Type-of-Farming Districts Much of the data for the state has been broken down into the following districts : District 1Willamette Valley counties: Benton, Clackamas, Lane, Linn, Marion, Multnomah, Polk, Washington, and Yamhill. District 2Coast and Lower Columbia counties: Clatsop, Columbia, Coos, Curry, Lincoln, and Tillamook. District 3Southern Oregon counties: Douglas, Jackson, and Josephine. District 4Columbia Basin counties: Gilliam, Hood River, Morrow, Sherman, Umatilla, Wasco, and Wheeler. District 5Snake River Basin counties: Baker, Malheur, Union, and Wallowa. District 6South Central counties: Crook, Deschutes, Grant, Harney, Jefferson, Klamath, and Lake. POTATOES and TRUCK CROPS 1870-1949 and truck crops are assuming an increasingly impor- POTATOES tant economic role in Oregon's argiculture. Dollar returns have held at a high level even though acreage has declined somewhat since 1946. Income from these crops for the 1945-1949 period, averaging almost $40 million a year, was four times the income for the 19351939 period. Sales of these crops account for 10.6 per cent of the state's farm income in 1945-1949 as compared to 8.2 per cent in 1935-1939. Oregon's Principal Potato and Truck Crop Counties 1945 -1949 Average Count/es Yamhill Clackamas Deschutes Crook Washington Lane Marion Multnomah Umatilla Malheur Klamath gmTruck Crops Potatoes p 1, 000,000 $2,000,000 $3,000,000 $4,000,000 $5,000,000 $6,000,000 CASH RECEIPTS FROM FARM MARKETINGS Eleven counties averaged more than $1,000,000 annual income from potatoes and truck crops during the last five years. Almost half the state total was accounted for by three counties: Klamath, Malheur, and Umatilla. Tables 2 and 4 give further county income data. This bulletin was prepared for publication by F. H. Dahl and Mrs. Elvera Horrell, Extension Agricultural Economists, Statistics, under the direction of L. R. Breithaupt and M. D. Thomas, Extension Agricultural Economists, Oregon State College. B. W. Coyle, Extension Agricultural Economist, Statistics, assembled the basic county acreage data. State estimates in this bulletin are based on various reports of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, U. S. Department of Agriculture, U. S. Census data, and other information. County estimates were prepared from information from county agents, growers, processors, shippers, and various governmental agencies. 3 EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 4 This bulletin includes county acreage and income data ; acreage, production, price, and income data by commodities for the state as a whole ; and a separate section for carlot shipments and unloads beginning on page 6. Potatoes Irrigated sections of the state account for an increasing share of Oregon's potato industry. Klamath, Malheur, Crook, Deschutes, and Jefferson Counties had three-fourths of the state's acreage during the 1945-1949 period as compared to one-half the acreage in the 19351939 period. There has been a corresponding drop in the nonirrigated parts of the state, particularly in the Willamette Valley. Income from potato sales has remained high since the war. Acreage cuts have been offset by increased yields, so that production and income have remained relatively steady at a point well above prewar for the state as a whole. Klamath County still leads the OREGON'S POTATO AND TRUCK CROP ACREAGE, 1939-1949 Acres k 150,000 1 Potaloes ,, _... _ - 11E7"----)/;:ik7.--Cropis 100,000 50,000 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 iiii 1944 1945 1946 1947 19413 1949 Expansion of truck crop acreage typifies Oregon's changing agriculture during recent years. Down somewhat from the postwar peak, acreage is still double the prewar figure. Potato acreage is close to the prewar average again after the wartime increases. This chart was prepared from totals of Tables 3 and 11, which also contain totals of county estimates by commodity groups. OREGON'S POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS 5 state by a wide margin but no longer accounts for over half the income. Malheur and the Centeral Oregon counties of Crook, Deschutes, and lately, Jefferson are of increasing importance. State average yields have increased 60 per cent in the last 10 years and are almost 50 per cent above the national average. Klamath County consistently has the highest yields, currently averaging 350 bushels per acre. The Willamette Valley has shown the largest rate of increase, however, with yields doubled since the 1935-1939 period. Potato estimates in this bulletin include certified seed, for which county data are given in Extension Bulletin 694, Oregon's. Seed CropsStatistical Yearbook. Truck Crops Umatilla County leads the state both in acreage and income from truck crops, primarily from green peas. Malheur County ranks second, followed by Multnomah and Marion, The Willamette Valley Counties, District 1, are the most diversified in the state. More than 20 kinds of truck crops are grown in most counties in this district. The acreage of truck crops harvested in Oregon in 1949 was down somewhat from the peak in 1946, but still double the prewar total. The Willamette Valley is holding almost to its peak acreage, while Umatilla and Malheur Counties have declined the most. Table 1. POTATOES: ACREAGE, PRODUCTION, PRICE AND FARM RECEIPTS (Oregon, 1870-1949 preliminary)1 Year or period Area harvested Are Farm production Seasonal Cash receipts average price from farm per bushel marketings 1870-1879 average 1880-1889 average 1890-1899 average 1900-1909 average 7,000 14,000 25,000 38,000 Bushels 846,000 1,496,000 2,657,000 3,763,000 1910-1914 average 1915-1919 average 1920-1924 average 1925-1929 average 52,000 56,000 37,000 36,000 5,118,000 5,231,000 3,919,000 4,128,000 $ .61 L24 $ 2,052,000 .88 1.10 3,641,000 3,050,000 2,982,000 1930-1934 average 1935-1939 average 1940-1944 average 1945-1949p average 45,000 37,000 41,000 45,000 6,372,000 6,399,000 9,484,000 11,989,000 .53 .74 1.18 1.54 2,598,000 3,739,000 7,647,000 15,096,000 1945 1946 1947 1948 52,000 52,000 38,000 41,000 41,000 12,324,000 13,520,000 9,500,000 12,710,000 11,890,000 1.58 1.36 2.01 1.49 15,820,000 14,727,000 13,544,000 16,389,000 19491) 1.27 p Preliminary. 'Data compiled from annual estimates of the Bureau of Agricultural Economics, United States Department of Agriculture. Table 2. POTATOES: CASH RECEIPTS FROM FARM MARKETINGS (Oregon, by Counties, 1935-1949p)1 1935-1939 District Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District District 2 $ 1 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 1940-1944 $ 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 District 4 Gilliam Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake 500,000 $1,101,000 $ 1,665,000 8,800 100,000 37,000 7,800 20,000 10,000 $ 8,500 60,000 35,000 8,000 22,000 7,200 8,000 60,000 45,000 6,000 40,000 8,800 183,600 $ 140,700 $ 167,800 14,000 12,000 3,800 $ 15,000 26,000 4,800 $ 22,000 32,000 7,800 29,800 $ 45,800 $ 61,800 2,100 37,000 2,400 200 50,000 6,000 1,000 $ 1,000 23,000 16,000 $ 2,000 14,000 80,000 2,000 220,000 6,000 25,000 $ 349,000 $ 290,000 2,540,000 19,000 12,000 STATE TOTAL $ 500 85,000 4,000 - 1,300 50,000 430,000 $ 16,000 6,000 130,000 900,000 12,000 6,500 $ 502,000 $1,048,500 $ 2,861,000 $ 270,000 240,000 8,000 2,800 1,100 1,880,000 23,000 520,000 440,000 11,000 2,600 1,600 4,100,000 105,000 $ 1,540,000 1,440,000 $5,180,200 $7,647,000 $ 9,991,400 $15,096,000 $2,424,900 $3,739,000 Total District 6 11,000 185,000 55,000 50,000 200,000 450,000 24,000 180,000 510,000 $ $ Baker Malheur, Union Wallowa Grant 12,000 160,000 50,000 40,000 190,000 300,000 14,000 125,000 210,000 10,000 105,000 45,000 32,000 40,000 150,000 10,000 70,000 38,000 98,700 District 5 Crook Deschutes average 130,800 $ Total, District 5 District 6 1945-1949p average average District and county $ 15,000 6,400 430,000 6,450,000 110,000 p Preliminary. 1State totals are based on estimates published by United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics; county estimates prepared by the Oregon State College Extension Service. ,Malheur County producers commonly sell directly from the field, the shipper standing the cost of grading. sacking, and other handling. 6 OREGON'S POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS AsparagusAcreage has remained fairly constant in the Willamette Valley during the last 10 years. Umatilla County has shown a sharp reduction in recent years, while Malheur County has increased its acreage rapidly since the war. Snap beansOregon's acreage has nearly tripled in the last 10 years. Ninety per cent of the snap beans are grown in the Willa- mette Valley. Marion and Lane are the leading counties, and together account for half the state's acreage. Columbia and Douglas counties are the leading producers outside the Willamette Valley. Green Lima beansWashington and Malheur counties pro- duce most of the few green lima beans grown in Oregon. Table beetsAcreage reached a peak during the war but is Lane, Linn, and Benton are the still double the prewar figure. principal counties. CabbageMultnomah County grows from one-half to two- thirds of the state's cabbage acreage. Cantaloupe and MuskmelonsAcreage has declined considerDouglas County is the leading producer. ably since the war. CarrotsAcreage is back to approximately the prewar level after a wartime peak. Multnomah and Lane are the leading counties. Cauliflower and broccoliAcreage is up considerably above the prewar level. Multnomah County is the leading producer. CeleryAcreage since the war has declined to the lowest in 25 Marion and Malheur are the principal counties. years. Sweet cornAcreage is now more than four times the prewar figure. The Willamette Valley usually grows more than three-fourths of the total acreage. Yamhill, Marion, and Lane are the leading counties, and Malheur has been the principal county outside the Willamette Valley. CucumbersMultnomah and Columbia counties account for well over half the state total. LettuceAcreage has declined since 1946, but is still double prewar. Malheur County grows most of the state's lettuce. Dry onionsAcreage has declined somewhat after a wartime peak, but is still well above prewar. Malheur and Marion are the leading counties. Table 3. POTATO ACREAGE HARVESTED, FOR FOOD AND FOR SEED (Oregon, 1939-1948W* District and county 1939 Acres District 7 180 2,300 650 600 1,550 1,450 270 1,725 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill 925 9,650 Total District 1 District 2 Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Acres 170 2,400 1,600 600 1,600 1,400 300 1,500 910 9,900 700 600 1,500 1,700 275 1,640 175 Acres Acres 2,400 175 2,400 1943 1942 300 1944 Acres 70 1945 Acres 70 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres 80 50 800 250 250 50 800 300 250 1,000 1,100 150 750 1,000 5,400 3,300 1,000 900 3,400 2,700 1,400 1,300 300 1,800 1,900 1,900 2,100 1,200 250 250 1,400 2,200 180 850 750 2,000 1,600 1,000 1,600 1,100 1,600 1,100 1,550 1,100 1,200 150 800 1,000 9,820 , 9,470 15,900 8,630 8,870 8,210 5,600 70 60 450 150 40 100 20 400 100 50 350 100 120 20 120 50 200 200 10 100 20 50 300 50 740 690 610 870 90 700 560 1,510 1,750 275 750 700 ' 400 340 120 300 200 10 75 300 75 310 100 80 1,400 1,400 1,450 1,355 2,300 810 220 95 35 215 100 200 100 20 20 90 150 20 115 150 30 300 200 100 150 35 250 125 50 50 25 150 75 50 350 330 425 600 260 260 260 190 275 350 Total District 3 ' See footnotes at end of Table. . Acres 1941 150 1,100 400 100 450 100 85 570 280 80 310 Clatsop Columbia 1940 90 575 280 80 90 580 310 60 500 335 90 280 50 90 40 50 200 300 10 Table 3-Continued. POTATO ACREAGE HARVESTED, FOR FOOD AND FOR SEED (Oregon, 1939-1948W District and county District 4 Gilliam Hood River 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 35 30 120 110 25 150 120 15 950 70 10 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Crook Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake 50 250 400 30 1,600 170 10 70 200 10 50 10 50 15 35 1,000 50 1,380 400 500 1,100 30 30 30 1,250 1,300 1,500 1,400 2,570 1,090 950 1,560 1,550 560 550 5,400 300 150 500 4,500 175 125 1,400 10,000 800 200 800 9,000 200 1,000 12,000 80 150 70 1,200 12,400 135 360 130 5,650 6,250 6,400 5,300 12,400 10,080 13,220 1,750 1,900 2,000 2,300 1,950 1,900 2,200 2,000 120 3,700 4,100 200 3,500 3,900 40 10 5,200 100 40 10 10 80 50 90 50 10 90 50 40 40 10,600 300 10,800 550 11,100 400 11,200 14,700 33,000 15,800 35,000 15,500 35,000 16,050 34,000 450 70 50 60 30 700 50 70 30 20 40 20 160 70 700 700 10,000 9,700 220 80 60 50 13,830 10,700 10,810 4,700 5,000 4,700 5,000 70 70 30 3,600 3,400 4,500 4,000 30 60 15,500 620 16,300 270 17,800 300 350 17,000 300 24,230 58,000 24,130 45,000 27,960 52,000 27,450 52,000 60 15 40 375 15 600 35 300 300 920 100 30 100 .. 85 10 900 85 25 550 _. 120 300 20 1,000 30 150 4,600 365 District 6 '). TATE TOTAL 1941 35 Total District 4 District 5 Total District 6 1940 125 Morrow Sherman Umatilla \Vasco Wheeler Total District 5 1939 100 50 900 35 11,000 300 30 1,900 11,500 300 19,350 38,000 22,265 41,000 . p Preliminary. 'County estimates prepared by Oregon State Col ege Extension Service and w justed to state totals published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 10 EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 Green peasAcreage is double that of prewar, even though it is down somewhat since 1946. Umatilla County grows over fourfifths of the state total. RhubarbAcreage is nearly double prewar. The Willamette Valley grows about three-fourths of the state total. Multnomah is the leading county. SpinachAcreage is well below a wartime peak, but is double prewar. The Willamette Valley grows nine-tenths of the state total. Multnomah and Marion are the leading counties. SquashAcreage has remained fairly constant for the past 10 years. Washington and Linn Counties are the principal producers. TomatoesAcreage is currently a little less than prewar. Umatilla, Linn, Jackson, and Multnomah are the leading counties. Turnips and rutabagasAcreage is currently four times as large as prewar, mostly in Multnomah County. WatermelonsAcreage is down to less than one-half the 10 year average. Morrow and Umatilla counties generally grow more than half the total acreage of the state. Other vegetablesAcreage of such vegetables as brussel sprouts, garlic, and green onions has been increasing steadily over the past 10 years. Most of this acreage is in the Willamette Valley. Table 4. ALL TRUCK CROPS: CASH RECEIPTS FROM FARM MARKETINGS (Oregon, by Counties, 1935-1949 preliminary)" 1935-1939 District and county 1940-1944 average 1945-1040p average average District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington $ Yamh ill Total District 1 District 2 78,000 300,000 375,000 145,000 980,000 615,000 45,000 465,000 260,000 $ 175,000 595,000 1,070,000 435,000 2,050,000 1,070,000 110,000 885,000 710,000 $ 395,000 1,240,000 2,260,000 930,000 3,020,000 2,860,000 215,000 1,570,000 900,000 $3,263,000 $ 7,100,000 $ 40,000 140,000 14,000 1,700 12,000 2,000 30,000 275,000 32,000 7,000 27,000 2,100 $ 30,000 560,000 65,000 5,800 50,000 1,200 $ 209,700 $ 373,100 $ 712,000 $ 84,000 125,000 21,000 $ 160,000 165,000 43,000 $ 320,000 295,000 85,000 $ 230,000 $ 368,000 $ 700,000 200 13,000 45,000 3,800 1,005,000 95,000 1,600 $ 200 27,000 65,000 4,500 2,420,000 115,000 3,000 1,000 40,000 140,000 9,500 4,820,000 150,000 1,800 $ 2,634,700 $ 5,162,300 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 $13,390,000 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District District 4 Gilliam Hood River 3 Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 District 5 $1,163,600 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 District 6 $ Crook Total District 6 387,000 $ 1,446,000 $ 31,700 $5,285,000 $ Jefferson Klamath Lake $ STATE TOTAL $ 1,500 2,800 4,200 1,000 1,600 18,000 2,600 Deschutes Grant Harney 21,000 1,380,000 30,000 15,000 9,000 335,000 8,000 35,000 $ 60,000 4,060,000 160,000 11,000 $ 4,291,000 13,000 11,000 6,000 2,100 3,100 100,000 8,000 $ 143,200 $12,065,000 $ 33,000 19,000 4,400 2,300 5800 25.5,000 5,200 324,700 $24,580,000 p Preliminary. 'State totals are based on estimates published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, county estimates prepared by Oregon State College Extension Service, 11 MARKET AND FOR PROCESSING Table 5. COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS: ACREAGE HARVESTED FOR FRESH Ore on 1920-1949 preliminary),* Truck crop and use 1930-1934 1940-1944 1945 1946 1947 average average 1935-1939 1949p 1925-1929 1948 1920-1924 average average Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 800 550 600 500 100 600 400 200 600 300 300 5,250 450 4,800 5,100 5,200 300 4,900 6,900 300 6,600 600 500 40 460 150 35 115 average Asparagus Fresh market 760 560 200 800 550 250 Snap beans Total' Fresh market4 4,250 468 3,782 4,900 Total4 734 114 620 375 75 300 1,000 950 550 Beets Total, 1,744 2,300 200 2,100 2,200 200 2,000 1,300 1,100 200 1,275 175 1,100 1,950 190 1,760 3222 Total 546 642 Processing Processing 4543 846 556 1,776 Green lima beans Fresh market' Processing' 170 Fresh market', Processing 886 1,452 1,574 1,810 1,446 364 2,150 1,650 2,800 2,200 500 600 2,300 1,700 600 2,900 2,200 700 2,100 1,400 1,774 1,246 730 744 650 900 500 300 400 660 1,674 2,100 1,400 1,500 764 780 894 900 700 450 800 1,200 2,000 1,000 1,000 1,150 640 600 900 600 1,658 868 788 1,850 2,520 1,590 1,700 1,700 320 1,4504 290 200 7554 100, 1,600' 4004 7504 8854 4154 Cantaloupe and Carrots Total, Fresh marke 4 Processing4 Cauliflower Total Fresh market , Spring Fall Processing Celery Total 50 578 Processing, muskmelon Total 50 400 4,700 346 Cabbage Total' Fresh market 500 4,400 250 350 1,1004 700 874' 336' 1,322' 168' 232, 700 152' 636' 400 490 480 498 580 440 280 230 230 162' 2,770 6,700 3,390 3,310 9,700 4,000 5,700 12,925 3,225 9,700 13,400 2,200 11,200 15,150 4,250 10,900 15,225 3,725 11,500 Sweet corn Total, Fresh market' Processing * See footnotes at end of Table. 526 7454 - - _ -Table 5-Continued. COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS: ACREAGE HARVESTED FOR FRESH MARKET AND FOR PROCESSING (Oregon, 1920-1949 preliminary)1 Truck crop and use Cucumbers Total, 1920-1924 average Acres 1925-1929 1930-1934 1935-1939 1940-1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 2,125 2,025 1,072 808 1,367 241 1,126 1,650 375 1,275 275 1,000 1,550 250 1,300 1,650 250 1,400 312 204 108 850 526 324 1,270 280 990 2,480 600 1,880 3,650 1,150 2,500 4,150 1,350 2,800 3,500 1,000 2,500 2,800 700 2,100 2,300 600 1,700 1,426 1,800 2,630 3,760 5,300 5,400 4,500 4,300 4,800 17,846 31,900 860 31,040 45,200 900 44,300 59,400 1,000 58,400 57,850 650 57,200 41,430 600 40,830 48,500 126 175 225 200 175 1,225 1,150 760 390 900 590 310 average Acres average Acres average Fresh market' Processing Lettuce Total Early Late average - 425 1,700 9nions, dry Total ;reen peas Total Fresh market Processing 924 642 830 17,016 Thu barb Total, iPinach Total, . 1,025 680 345 1,125 .. 1,214 1,130 1,150 1,075 1,050 1,130 1,992 1,180 812 1,800 1,200 600 2,000 1,300 700 1,900 1,200 700 1,550 1,050 500 217 275 475 475 575 570 600 650 600 350 619 1,150 1,225 1,250 1,200 Fresh market" Processing 615 510 780 445 quash Total' "omatoes Total" Fresh market Processing' 1,020 300 48,200 "urnips and ruta- 1,250 800 450 bagas Total, Vatermelons Total >ther truck crops Total, 860 748 'Compiled from reports published by United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics, unless otherwise noted. 24-year average, 1926-1929. 54-year average, 1921-1924. ',Estimates prepared by Oregon State College Extension Service. 5Includes acreage for processing. 300 Table 6. COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS: PRODUCTION FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1920-1949 preliminary), Market unit Truck crop Cabbage Cantaloup& Carrots Cauliflower, Spring Fall Celery Lettuce Spring Fall Onions-dry Green peas Tomatoes Watermelons 29,200 15,400 11,000 590,000 Tons 70-pound crates 50-pound bushels crates 37-pound crates 65-pound crates 37-pound 64,500 85,2504 70-pound crates .. 70-pound crates 50-pound sacks 30-pound bushels 53-pound bushels 332,000 220,200 Melons - 1948 1949p 10,000 ' 107,600 305,600 58,000 12,400 100,000 374,000 58,000 13,200 147,000 415,000 36,000 12,800 90,000 298,000 34.000 15,400 36,000 360,000 33,000 11,200 50,000 360,000 25,400 170,400 283,600 27,600 184,600 263,200 79,000 555,000 238,000 48,000 572,000 233,000 29,000 455,000 185,000 30,000 480,000 108,000 8,000 512,000 154,000 29,200 113,000 1,379,000 98,200 246,800 319,400 73,200 203,200 2,019,000 103,200 288,600 327,400 121,000 350,000 3,074,000 117,000 336,000 300,000 223,000 420,000 3,402,000 130,000 377,000 325,000 170,000 375,000 2,877,000 110,000 348,000 342,000 119,000 326,000 2,540,000 75,000 289,000 122,000 96,000 306,000 3,660,000 45,000 280,000 120,000 43,600 52,200 936,000 85,200 216,800 337,600 42,880 14,200 90,857 297,600 average 1947 48,400 474,200 273,800 6,300 24,400 10,400 30-pound crates Asparagus 56,960 8,480 96,857 165,000 1930-1934 average 1946 1940-1944 1925-1929 average 1945 1935-1939 1920-1924 average average p Preliminary. 'Compiled from reports published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 1Includes muskmelons. ,Includes production for processing. 44-year average, 1921-1924. Table 7. COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS: PRODUCTION FOR PROCESSING Oregon, 1920-1949 preliminary), Truck crop Asparagus Snap beans Beets Sweet corn Cucumbers Green peas Market unit Tons Tons Tons Tons 48-pound bushels Tons 1920-1924 1925-1929 average average 1,575 2,640 1930-1934 1935-1939 average 1940-1944 I average 2,440 1,460 9,740 3,320 5,480 157,800 14,220 254 23,020 16,880 11,200 188,400 38,898 average 740 113,980 1,7731 1945 400 26,800 23,300 20,500 292,000 41,200 1946 400 25,000 18,200 27,200 295,000 57,520 p Preliminary. ,Compiled from reports published by the Uni ed States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 13-year average. . 1947 1948 1949p 100 32,900 9,400 42,600 212,000 58,340 200 34,300 10,000 41,400 143,000 49,400 54,100 18,700 48,300 179,000 37,840 450 Table 8. COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS: PRICES FOR FRESIT MARKET (Oregon, 1920-1949 pre iminary Truck crop Market unit Asparagus, 30-pound crates Tons 70-pound crates Cabbage Cantaloupe, Carrots', Cauliflower' Spring Fall Celery' Lettuce Spring Fall Onions--dry Green peas Tomatoes Watermelons 1920-1924 average $29.08 1925-1929 average $ 2.86 23.13 50-pound bushels 37-pound 37-pound 65-pound crates crates crates crates crates 50-pound sacks 30-pound bushels 53-pound bushels 1.48, .._ average $ 2.04 12.36 .97 .28 1.01 1.21 1.27 .646 1.61, .92 1.42 1.45 .86 .78 .69 .64 1.48 70-pound 70-pound .._ 1930-1934 .53 .86 1.13 .78 Per 1,000 107.00 1935-1939 average $ 1.56 18.86 1.08 .51 .716 .54 .93 .83 .96 .49 1.09 .86 117.00 1940-1944 average $ 2.44 31.98 1.89 1.53 1945 1946 $ 3.30 $ 3.90 40.00 2.92 2.10 1.30 1.09 2.04 1.75 1.98 1.25 1.60 1.75 1.35 2.70 3.00 .93 1.84 L47 307.00 42.00 2.00 2.00 L20 3.30 400.00 1947 $ 3.75 37.60 2.30 2.35 1948 1949p $ 3.60 $ 3.15 29.00 2.25 1.75 33.00 2.05 2.35 1.40 1.10 1.50 1.10 1.10 2.70 1.30 LOS 2.00 1.50 .80 2.25 1.65 1.20 1.30 1.25 1.78 2.35 2.70 2.10 1.30 .97 2.25 1.30 1.95 1.65 3.15 2.10 360.00 .66 2.10 2.80 350.00 n Preliminary /Compiled from reports published by United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. obtained from Extension Bulletin 660. 219264938 inclusive includes processing. 3Includes muskmelons. .Includes processing, 325.00 2.70 355.00 Yearly price data prior to 1944 may be 54-year average, 1921-1924. 54-year average, one year omitted. Table 9. Truck crop Asparagus Snap beans Beets Sweet corn Cucumbers Green peas 11 Proliminar Market unit Tons Tons Tons Tons 48-pound bushels Tons 1920-1924 average $60.46 COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS: PRICES FOR PROCESSING (Oregon, 1920-1949 preliminary)/ 1925-1929 average $76.23 1930-1934 average $52.00 21.00 12.94 .61 57.652 1935-1939 average $53.48 17.40 14.06 .63 51.98 1940-1944 average $118.00 82.92 18.46 19.18 .91 59.00 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949p $160.00 112.60 21.00 24.80 $175.00 122.70 19.80 32.80 $105.00 128.40 22.00 36.10 81.10 83.20 $175.00 123.30 25.10 34.10 2.10 86.80 $165.00 125.20 21.70 32.00 2.40 83.70 1.00 81.80 1.50 'Compiled from reports published by the United States Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. be obtained from Extension Bulletin 660. 23-year average, 1932-1934. 1.55 Yearly price data prior to 1944 may Table 10. ALL COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS GROWN IN OPEN : TOTAL ACREAGE FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET Ore District and county 1940 1939 Acres District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 Acres 469 1,578 1,986 926 3,653 4,041 295 3,161 1,768 506 1,790 2,373 1,104 3,762 3,901 294 4,123 1,896 17,877 19,749 1941 Acres 1942 Acres n, 1939-1948p)15 1944 1943 Acres Acres 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres 1,156 3,105 4,235 2,377 6,005 6,900 968 3,035 5,080 2,864 7,318 6,870 762 4,510 4,206 32,997 204 3,670 2,989 595 2,060 3,760 1,657 5,773 3,540 271 3,510 3,129 3,105 4,543 2,974 6,122 5,533 834 4,585 4,006 919 3,206 4,975 2,349 5,272 5,825 551 4,230 4,059 1,095 3,321 4,925 2,491 5,772 6,220 510 4,301 4,146 1,543 3,225 5,820 3,082 6202, 7,690 553 4,349 3,981 23,188 24,295 32,680 31,386 32,781 36,445 574 2,040 3,123 1,420 5,085 4,083 978 613 4,294 4,312 35,613 - District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 District 3 Douglas . Jackson Josephine 160 2,018 91 14 101 848 1,863 108 13 127 126 1,392 187 26 190 115 1,455 140 92 133 13 102 1,912 174 83 158 8 106 1,856 178 103 148 115 2,186 177 9 9 43 154 104 2,286 514 161 138 9 92 1,601 166 8 87 1,139 171 6 155 11 141 9 9 7 13 2,393 2,966 1,934 1,948 2,437 2,400 2,684 3,212 2,033 1,553 579 634 731 170 685 750 212 616 717 221 990 735 230 957 695 193 787 683 209 897 803 265 675 741 215 507 717 223 1,647 1,554 1,955 1,845 1,679 1,965 1,631 1,447 1,535 744 138 1,461 Total District 3 * See footnotes at end of Table. Table 10-Continued. ALL COMMERCIAL TRUCK CROPS GROWN IN OPEN: ACREAGE FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)" District and county District 4 Gilliam Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 District 6 Crook Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 STATE TOTAL 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 2 135 313 20 109 429 351 44,427 126 335 21 41,011 751 1 90 317 24 16,406 740 1 127 444 24 17,849 685 10 19,227 11 108 335 24 24,691 1,003 10 10 144 280 19 34,068 749 16 17,589 26,172 19,140 20,365 35,276 120 55 1,852 49 72 3,135 52 72 3,096 695 91 3,323 4,411 802 75 49,443 697 53,632 50,602 35,334 116 7,941 118 11,055 1,262 32 62 8,892 3,751 7,147 3,055 52,328 738 4 7 45,697 42,248 - -119 8,197 920 80 337 22 34,233 667 21 21 10 482 364 307 267 68 36 36 98 31 2,320 3,566 3,501 3,518 4,667 9,272 8,486 13,917 14,937 10,566 10 18 26 7 10 102 17 11 22 31 42 26 23 69 46 45 43 56 37 8 9 8 5 51 51 20 101 8 38 61 25 8 2 8 8 190 41,830 10 66 161 246 24 127 195 232 54,220 23 p rreilminary. 'Separate totals for processing and for fresh 28 27 99 37 27 8 5 22 192 26 393 31 537 29 546 31 325 49,735 355 52,035 555 77,570 700 707 88,285 arket unavailable. 91,300 66 22 14 613 15 839 - 108,560 32 16 6 463 11 595 100,595 32 53 5 2 18 353 4 472 85,135 - Table 11. COMMERCIAL TRUCK Chops: CASH RECEIPTS FROM FARM MARKETINGS (Oregon, 1920-1949 preliminary)12 _ Truck crop and use 1920-1924 average Asparagus Fresh market Processing Snap beans Processing Beets Processing Cabbage Fresh market $ 95,220 183,200 1930-1934 1935-1939 $ 69,780 5 87,480 $ 88,860 201,250 126,880 520,900 1,908,820 3,017,700 3,067,500 4,224,400 4,229,200 6,773,300 30,660 57,770 311,600 489,300 360,360 206,800 251,000 406,000 175,510 159,930 319,800 496,000 554,400 481,280 302,000 346,000 88,130 104,610 203,360 292,000 294,000 207,000 81,000 102,500 83,330 84,150 467,570 785,400 830,000 700,300 473,000 846,000 average 241,070 Cantaloupe, Total Carrots, Fresh market Cauliflower Spring 1949p 1948 1947 1946 1945 1940-1944 1925-1929 average average average $ 118,100 29,970 $ 191,400 64,000 226,200 70,000 $ $ 135,000 10,500 $ 122,000 35,000 $ 104,000 74,250 Fall 95,460 289,430 45,060 251,330 18,030 92,020 35,880 201,210 138,200 666,000 67,200 629,200 31,900 500,500 39,000 483,000 8,000 400,000 Celery Total 137,250 279,650 235,470 263,750 536,930 785,400 349,500 499,500 216,000 212,000 Sweet corn Processing 9,580 77,050 214,820 508,400 892,160 1,537,860 1,412,000 1,546,000 Cucumbers Processing 69,530 99,410 171,440 292,000 442,500 328,600 300,300 430,000 21,870 15,950 34,010 36,020 24,240 108,480 144,940 254,000 193,600 612,500 356,000 504,000 195,000 381,000 191,000 325,000 42,000 585,000 507,400 599,040 675,710 1,877,670 4,149,900 2,031,000 5,118,000 2,464,000 6,033,000 96,280 102,210 107,040 739,160 189,890 2,294,980 315,900 3,370,200 273,000 4,664,900 230,000 4,853,900 79,000 4,288,000 142,000 3,167,000 169,100 212,250 424,240 1,008,000 1,055,600 939,600 780,300 588,000 36,120 37,370 100,510 120,000 113,750 111,150 43,000 43,000 Lettuce Spring Fall Onions, dry Total Green peas Fresh market Processing Tomatoes Fresh market Watermelons Total p Preliminary. 305,440 'Compiled from reports published by the U. S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Agricultural Economics. 'Crop market season. 'Includes muskmelons. ',Based on acreage reported for fresh market in Table 5. Table 12. ASPARAGUS ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)1 District and county' 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 140 140 140 140 40 25 150 40 40 30 13 60 District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 45 25 30 13 60 15 45 25 30 13 60 15 40 25 30 13 60 15 30 13 60 20 7 20 1945 Acres 10 10 150 45 40 25 15 150 45 40 25 15 60 20 60 20 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres 15 110 50 40 15 100 30 40 25 20 15 100 50 50 20 25 20 60 20 20 30 40 25 20 2 2 2 2 2 6 6 6 330 330 325 330 362 367 367 346 306 306 2 2 2 5 2 5 2 2 1 2 2 5 2 2 1 5 2 1 2 5 2 5 2 10 10 10 10 9 9 9 13 2 2 2 4 5 4 5 2 1 - 11 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 2 2 2 15 15 15 2 15 15 2 8 2 15 2 8 2 15 8 2 8 3 15 3 3 15 3 25 25 25 25 20 20 20 20 60 10 75 10 90 10 120 85 15 80 15 80 15 75 3 I 20 District 4 Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Total District 4 Nstrict 5 170 95 170 335 335 80 15 1 175 1 1 230 65 250 50 250 50 250 50 250 30 40 340 430 401 396 396 365 101 2 2 2 2 5 1 2 5 1 2 5 1 50 1 1 5 8 8 8 53 Total District 5 Nstrict 6 Crook 160 1 161 1 Total District 6 re uninary. 5 2 Klamath p 1 65 Baker Malheur Union ;TATE TOTAL 45 10 9 1 3 . 700 700 700 'Separate totals for processing and for fresh market unavailable. 'Counties listed only where asparagus is grown. 800 800 800 800 800 1 600 600 Table 13. SNAP BEANS ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county1* Acres District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Acres Acres Acres Acres 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres 1,175 300 1,450 520 450 1945 1944 1943 1942 1941 1940 1939 Acres 130 250 ' 1,250 180 1,360 620 110 180 400 125 250 1,285 190 1,400 500 115 185 425 150 225 1,300 280 1,700 560 112 200 110 370 165 410 1,200 400 1,450 340 20 50 70 25 305 285 110 260 1,130 165 1,450 730 135 160 350 335 375 320 2,390 4,025 4,210 4,490 4,480 4,475 4,862 4,715 4,910 6 8 10 7 10 40 15 7 135 290 300 200 15 175 15 200 15 105 7 5 8 8 8 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 75 110 550 60 1,040 160 20 40 50 2,105 4 85 120 640 80 1,125 200 1 1 19 25 6 5 14 15 2 5 25 22 Total District 3 * See footnote reference at end of Table. 100 105 970 125 1,925 420 50 120 250 1,000 180 1,800 425 100 50 . 95 95 400 25 5 5 5 82 145 303 313 228 200 225 135 5 30 25 60 25 50 25 45 25 45 15 60 5 8 8 8 8 8 60 93 83 78 68 73 5 5 35 4 45 44 35 5 Table 13Continued. SNAP BEANS ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county' District 4 Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 District 5 .. Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Crook Deschutes Grant ing Total for fresh market 1942 1943 1944 Acres Acres Acres 1 1 1 2 12 3 8 3 30 55 1 3 5 1 50 25 30 35 30 40 30 25 1 1 89 90 5 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres 3 5 1 3 5 1 40 25 1 40 25 1 40 25 40 10 74 74 67 54 , 5 1 1. 1 1 1 1 35 10 1 1 78 80 65 2 5 2 5 2 5 5 1 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 5 1 5 1 1 47 2 7 10 10 9 13 16 16 16 12 11 1 1 2 1 2 2 1 5 1 5 5 5 4 1 1 1 3 5 1 5 5 1 3 2 5 2 10 15 15 2 2 1 1 1 .. 2 1" 1945 Acres 2 1 1 1 Jefferson Klamath Lake Total for process- 1941 Acres 2 Harney Total District 6 1940 Acres 1 2 3 1 Total District 5 District 6 STATE TOTAL 1939 Acres - 2 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 ° i 1 2 1 5 1 1 15 2 15 15 8 10 19 24 24 27 26 24 2,550 10 4,250 12 2,250 4,500 4,950 5,000 4,900 5,250 5,100 5,200 1,950 2,210 3,800 4,000 4,400 4,500 4,400 4,800 4,700 4,900 300 340 450 500 550 500 500 450 400 300 p Preliminary. 'Counties listed only where snap beans are grown. Table 14. GREEN LIMA BEANS ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county, 1940 1939 Acres Acres District I Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill 1941" Acres 1942 Acres 1944 1943 Acres Acres 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres 5 5 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 9 10 8 5 5 7 15 15 15 10 10 4 5 5 1 1 1 1 20 15 20 15 15 15 10 15 5 5 15 10 10 10 3 20 320 350 300 100 4 50 14 5 1 3 2 10 2 10 5 5 5 21 520 565 875 780 525 1 5 5 5 10 10 5 107 600 635 935 836 586 362 382 336 114 Columbia 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 T 2 1 1 1 3 1 3 Lincoln 3 3 3 1 1 Total District District 2 1 Coos Total District 2 .. District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 District 4 _. Umatilla Wasco Total District 4 .. Malheur Wallowa Total District 5 .. District 6 Total District 6 STATE TOTAL Total for processing Total for fresh market 3 4 4 3 5 3 2 5 1 1 1 3 2 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 5 5 3 2 1 1 3 2 5 4 4 1 1 1 6 5 5 1 District 5 Klamath 3 1 1 1 130 2 2 . 3 2 1 2 1 2 3 3 3 1 1 110 8 10 110 8 10 . 5 1 5 500 250 375 1 4 6 6 5 500 250 375 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1,000 600 500 4 5 620 650 950 850 600 375 500 540 800 760 500 300 950 550 460 120 110 150 90 100 75 50 50 40 Preliminary. '-Counties listed only where green ima beans are grown. 'Separate totals for processing and for fresh market unavailable. Table 15. District and countyl* District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Lincoln Tillamook Douglas Jackson Josephine 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 90 12 380 100 15 125 270 40 790 495 165 60 35 330 40 900 500 225 60 35 335 25 55 760 175 160 105 30 780 225 215 85 300 465 1,135 330 175 205 25 570 200 140 5 5 5 45 10 50 350 ' 40 1,050 760 320 75 55 35 25 410 210 150 70 35 40 35 3 1 2 2 5 55 150 50 130 150 50 40 560 700 1,360 1,600 2,780 1,990 2,245 2,145 1,245 1,220 1 15 15 10 10 2 10 2 2 7 4 5 4 12 12 12 11 1 .. 30 3 1 Coos Total District 2 District 3 1939 Acres 35 11 26 Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill TALE BEETS ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) 5 , 5 8 5 3 10 10 1 1. 130 5 2 5 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 4 20 20 12 19 1. 1 6 7 2 8 2 2 8 2 5 3 2 10 10 2 10 2 2 10 12 12 17 15 14 1 Total District 3 .. 8 ee lootnote reterences at end of a e. - 5 2 2 2 10 2 14 2 10 2 14 11 1 10 2 13 Table 15Continued. TABLE BEETS ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county' 1939 Acres District 4 Hood River Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa 1940 Acres Total for processing Total for fresh market Acres Acres 1944 Acres 1945 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 1 1 1 1 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 1 1 5 8 1 5 4 5 10 12 15 11 11 1 2 1 2 1 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 _ 1943 1 1 2 1 6 Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 Acres 1942 1 Total District 5 District 6 STATE TOTAL 1941 4 9 5 5 5 2 1 11 5 6 7 5 2 5 2 5 2 1 1 1 2 1 5 2 1 8 9 8 8 8 8 15 13 10. 16 16 16 15 5 1 3 5 10 585 750 1,420 16 16 16 2,850 13 2,050 10 1,650 2,300 2,200 1,300 1,275 530 650 1,280 1,470 2,620 1,850 2,100 2,000 1,100 1,100 55 100 140 180 230 200 200 200 200 175 p Preliminary. 'Counties listed only where table beets are grown. Table 16. CABBAGE ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 .. 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 10 300 50 20 20 785 20 450 50 25 60 15 365 50 20 10 250 50 25 25 840 15 40 5 10 240 50 25 20 800 14 35 10 250 50 20 15 800 10 40 10 30 1 5 1,260 1,200 1,200 1,225 5 55 5 8 5 60 10 80 10 100 10 2 7 1 2 8 2 2 8 75 85 110 20 15 15 20 5 5 7 1 5 2 1,250 75 30 1,150 1945 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres Acres 15 385 60 20 335 1,200 1,900 355 50 5 1,985 2,560 8 10 150 10 130 10 1 1 161 211 10 10 165 10 150 10 2 20 30 2,460 1,705 2 60 1,795 2,090 235 12 285 5 60 10 65 10 15 55 20 30 5 20 30 2,035 30 30 10 30 50 10 100 15 2 5 45 20 15 1 1 2 15 1 125 279 203 186 188 20 20 20 15 5 5 60 30 10 20 25 13 15 45 40 100 58 55 15 1,545 5 30 10 10 10 180 10 10 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 .. 40 . ... ee tootnotes .. ella or .1 a ) e. 40 25 15 5 5 5 25 15 25 15 15 10 45 45 30 fable 16Continued. CABBAGE ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county District 4 Gilliam Hood River Total District 4 ._ District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa 1944 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 30 15 30 15 10 10 5 15 30 30 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres 10 20 20 30 15 20 2 2 2 42 37 43 1 20 20 2 2 2 2 35 50 55 47 55 5 5 5 4 1 5 5 10 10 5 5 15 10 15 15 15 4 4 5 1 1 1 1 2 1 4 1 2 1 4 1 15 31 25 23 21 18 18 2 3 3 3 3 2 4 4 4 2 4 2 2 2 1 ._ 4 1 1946 35 5 Lake 1 1 2 1945 2 15 Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath p Preliminary. 1943 4 1 Crook Deschutes market 1942 5 Total District 5 District 6 Total for processing Total for fresh 1941 15 15 Wheeler STATE TOTAL 1940 1 Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Total District 6 1939 15 5 2 1 15 4 2 1 5 3 2 3 3 40 1 15 1 2 5 2 1 4 35 5 35 35 35 35 5 5 3 2 53 54 49 49 48 41 2,150 2,800 2,300 2,900 3 2 1 1 2 2 35 15 2 15 20 2 3 25 3 25 25 30 40 1,450 1,400 1,450 1,500 240 220 250 450 600 300 500 600 600 700 1,050 2,000 1,800 1,650 2,200 1,700 2,200 1,210 1,180 1,200 2,600 2,100 Table 17. CANTALOUPE AND MUSKMELON ACREAGE District and county, 1939 1940 -1941 1942 1943 1944 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District 1 Benton Clackamas 15 30 25 Lane Linn Marion Multnomah 25 20 2 Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 15 40 30 30 25 1 .. 15 45 30 10 30 25 30 25 10 15 20 15 30 25 15 20 5 2 10 10 15 35 25 15 20 10 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres 15 35 15 25 15 40 25 15 20 10 20 10 20 25 20 15 20 10 10 10 15 10 15 1 5 2 12 150 13 2 18 3 18 5 20 175 145 15 120 5 175 .22 120 120 30 150 10 30 7 15 10 280 335 350 270 260 265 260 310 155 92 1 2 2 2 2 5 Oistrict 2 Columbia 5 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 5 5 5 250 250 30 10 40 15 Coos Curry Lincoln Total District 2 _ ' 2 5 4 230 30 30 380 35 10 200 100 30 10 15 10 305 270 425 240 125 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 210 260 240 65 10 75 10 75 10 225 35 10 285 345 325 270 295 1 1 15 25 20 15 35 25 1 25 35 15 50 40 20 30 25 10 25 20 62 76 76 112 65 55 .)istrict 4 Hood River Morrow Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 1 1 25 50 35 30 25 70 70 24 44 1 25 55 44 110 125 440 125 1 2 2 2 5 19 25 2 25 2 5 25 5 20 30 2 1 25 1 1 40 30 1 1 20 1 1 1 1 28 28 26 28 33 46 36 2 10 1 )istrict 5 Baker Malheur Wallowa Total District 5 __ 21 28 1 . 23 )istrict 6 Grant Klamath Total District 6 TATE TOTAL 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 700 840 850 700 650 680 650 900 1 1 1Counties listed on y where cantaloupes and muskmelon are grown. 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 500 300 Table 18. CARROT ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)* _ District and county District 1 1939 1940 Acres Acres 1941 Acres 1942 Acres 1943 Acres 1944 Acres 1945 Acres 5 50 35 50 60 75 40 50 10 100 115 620 325 275 350 30 50 10 1,050 1,033 1,350 2,105 1,725 1,875 3 10 10 10 .10 4 5 Coos 8 10 1 Lincoln Tillamook 3 1 3 1 1 1 2 20 30 30 7 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Curry Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine 40 50 50 75 125 275 130 110 310 280 145 125 320 30 30 5 5 975 125 235 110 110 310 15 25 8 23 9 40 Total District 3 .. * See footnote at end of Table. 15 8 20 9 37 3 5 65 100 385 200 200 300 15 6 100 135 550 410 325 400 15 12 90 100 720 265 150 300 8 10 5 10 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres 130 105 490 200 250 500 5 55 30 5 1,781 990 56 45 10 15 6 2 5 15 2 5 35 45 35 15 30 15 10 25 8 12 25 13 30 50 60 10 2 2 15 10 2 5 2 10 60 70 55 95 130 320 400 175 425 50 120 125 5 15 , 55 25 5 1,210 5 18 2 1 5 5 5 37 32 26 28 7 15 25 15 7 25 15 20 15 15 15 50 47 47 40 37 5 7 Table 18Continued. CARROT ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET '(Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county District 4 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Acres Acres 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Gilliam 1 6 1 Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 1 17 8 1 6 1 1 40 8 1 4 1 5 8 5 5 5 1 1 1 50 1 50 10 10 1 1 10 10 1 5 10 1 5 10 1 5 5 15 25 29 21 21 21 17 42 1 5 1 35 58 62 2 3 3 3 10 5 3 9 6 10 100 2 4 25 1 7 1 65 District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 4 5 1 2 10 20 20 1 2 3 1 1 1 1 3 3 3 1 1 6 3 10 2 115 ' 5 Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 ;TATE TOTAL 11 1 3 1 1 15 15 1 1 1- 5 3 5 3 1 2 1 1 1 15 30 1 2 1 100 50 8 50 8 5 2 2 2 113 65 5 5 5 5 2 2 1 1 1 5 1 1 40 40 2 45 2 ...40 2 1 District 6 Crook 5 1 20 25 3 2 6 2 62 26 33 3 3 5 1 1 5 35 20 25 25 25 46 56 1,100 55 1,220 57 1,200 1,550 51 2,400 50 2,000 2,100 2,000 1,150 1,400 Total for processing 350 570 500 800 1,400 1,200 1,200 1,000 450 market 750 600 650 700 750 1,000 800 900 1,000 700 SOO Total for fresh Table 19. CAULIFLOWER AND BROCCOLI ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county' District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 90 10 42 80 10 70 10 150 10 300 10 300 10 25 200 25 5 25 500 1 500 1 14 3 1 320 170 300 15 10 10 5 45 15 15 425 5 25 Coos Curry Lincoln Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 District 4 Sherman Wasco Total District 4 5 1 12 5 3 15 20 425 855 1,200 10 215 5 5 50 15 75 10 10 95 50 1,431 15 100 900 75 75 50 5 705 10 10 110 10 150 2,122 1,255 1,425 10 75 10 25 10 45 20 905 5 20 65 10 50 10 75 2 3 3 3 3 3 15 10 10 10 10 10 10 73 98 98 48 68 380 300 270 225 175 5 3 3 255 385 303 273 225 175 1 18 20 23 35 82 155 160 150 120 250 5 1 1 120 - 157 160 150 2 2 4 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 3 3 8 5 5 2 3 5 6 6 4 4 9 5 15 1 Malheur Union Total District 5 Deschutes Klamath 8002 660' 600 Total for process ing Total for fresh market p Preliminary. 'Counties listed on y where cauliflower and broccoli are grown. _f4ar__nrne_pcci n n n d for fresh market unavailable. 1 4 5 4 15 50 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 6 5 16 51 16 1 2 1 2 3 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 1 Total District 6 - 1 District 6 STATE TOTAL 400 10 25 530 District 5 . ' 260 District 2 Clatsop Columbia 10 360 475 620 50 10 4202 3 5 7 7 7 7 880 1,380 1,850 2,520 1,590 1,700 50 280 400 750 415 745 830 1,100 1,450 1,770 1,175 955 Table 20. District and county, 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 75 20 225 25 25 10 100 25 25 100 10 20 75 20 125 40 25 20 5 5 285 150 175 1 1 2 District 1 Clackamas Lane Marion Multnomah Washington Total District 1 CELERY ACREAGE, FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) 80 10 80 255 265 68 25 60 438 80 25 25 290 50 25 65 25 160 30 20 225 30 20 75 20 225 25 20 450 470 300 365 365 365 1 1 1 20 70 20 District 2 Clatsop Coos Lincoln Tillamook 1 Total District 2 .. 2 1 2 3 I 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 1 3 2 2 1 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 1 1 100 120 200 210 150 125 50 120 200 210 150 125 50 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 _. 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 2 1 3 1 3 4 1 )istrict 4 Umatilla Wasco Total District 4 1 1 .. 2 )istrict 5 Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 1 9 1 1 70 1 10 3 70 100 )istrict 6 Klamath 1 Total Ditsrict 6 l'ATE TOTAL ^ -1)..-1:.....;.,...... J. 1 llllllll y . 450 470 . lCounties listed only where celery is grown. 550 410 490 570 580 1 1 440 280 230 Table 21. District and county District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine 1939 Acres 1940 Acres SWEET CORN ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)* 1941 Acres 1942 Acres 1947 1948P Acres Acres Acres 550 600 450 600 2,200 1,400 3,025 400 415 1,050 3,500 675 550 1,775 1,150 1,325 250 1,800 2,675 800 1,700 1,200 290 900 3,500 3,925 4,965 8,095 7,500 8,275 10,325 11,190 13,040 11 80 15 100 15 175 15 150 50 15 300 45 15 250 45 15 75 45 200 250 1,050 225 870 300 270 1,700 3,050 3,090 7 15 61 13 61 13 1 6 2 26 2 90 110 41 124 40 30 125 25 125 40 180 Acres 1946 325 500 1,000 550 1,125 1,200 175 800 2,600 185 230 500 225 450 350 205 Total District 3 * See footnote at end of Table. Acres 1945 200 450 1,000 400 1,000 1,000 200 750 2,500 165 220 400 200 325 350 120 340 970 1 Acres 1944 235 660 1,000 500 1,200 850 250 900 2,500 160 175 425 245 330 320 125 340 930 7 1943 50 3 20 15 25 3 240 45 5 50 5 5 1,125 200 850 5 1,650 5 5 15 10 10 2 15 3 10 2 15 2 3 3 5 10 5 181 160 322 263 233 378 330 155 60 60 125 75 50 175 50 20 200 175 10 200 35 225 70 255 75 350 275 30 50 255 20 175 75 270 175 30 50 225 260 Table 21-Continued. District and county District 4 Gilliam Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 .. SWEET CORN ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 4 1 1 52 43 1 102 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres 5 1 1 10 10 2 60 17 70 15 2 1 1 1 85 99 114 142 141 161 161 194 15 25 470 525 25 30 550 35 30 600 45 30 1,600 1,300 1,350 10 25 10 685 1,685 1,335 1,385 5 10 1 80 20 1 10 10 5 5 1 100 25 1 f 100 25 5 5 15 15 1 1 100 40 100 40 7 . 20 1 125 40 9 191 21 15 1 130 40 1 District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa 7 15 5 193 5 400 5 200 25 10 10 40 10 226 250 455 535 600 625 1 8 2 10 15 15 12 15 1 1 3 20 5 15 25 5 30 5 25 5 3 1 10 5 1 1 15 15 1 1 1 10 30 4 6 6 35 80 80 80 27 35 3,700 ing market Total District 5 District 6 Crook Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 _ STATE TOTAL 2 1 30 10 12 30 1 10 1 1 5 1 50 50 60 20 10 5 20 10 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 3 65 71 91 96 91 3,750 4,950 6 100 9,600 8,900 9,700 126 12,925 126 13,400 117 15,150 1,770 1,500 2,450 3,100 4,700 4,800 5,700 9,700 11,200 10,900 1,930 2,250 2,500 3,000 4,900 4,100 4,000 3,225 2,200 4,250 Total for process- Total for fresh Table 22. CUCUMBER ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)* District and county' District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 1939 Acres 2 50 7 3 15 465 Coos Lincoln Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine Acres 5 60 10 15 15 475 1 2 70 55 1941 Acres 7 80 10 10 85 635 1 1942 Acres 7 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 40 120 425 75 125 560 50 90 325 50 135 450 25 90 325 50 135 400 2 45 15 100 350 100 705 35 15 25 15 1,087 830 1,182 10 140 60 200 150 550 115 485 10 10 50 1 1 50 35 3 6 5 90 175 60 5 100 150 80 2 2 3 2 2 5 5 40 16 615 640 880 920 961 1,373 1,162 420 415 865 840 3 3 a 1 1 1 1 361 306 District 2 Clatsop Columbia 1940 1 1 50 1 260 1 285 175 255 2 1 2 3 3 1 1 1 179 259 265 2 2 2 15 20 27 1 18 Total District 3 * See footnotes at end of Table. 290 20 2 3 423 3 418 2 871 846 1 1 40 2 355 2 300 3 2 1 1 1 25 25 45 45 1 4 10 30 10 30 10 47 50 51 41 41 1 1 1 1 23 30 28 27 1 Table 22Continued. CUCUMBER ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and countyl District 4 Hood River 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres _. Crook Deschutes Grant Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 __ 2 1 15 15 7 6 1 50 1 8 1 26 25 60 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 Total District 5 .. District 6 Total for process- 1941 1 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa STATE TOTAL 1940 2 Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 District 5 1939 1 40 1 20 1 20 1 25 1 25 1 1 50 22 21 26 26 28 5 5 2 2 2 5 1 1 2 7 1 1 1 1 11 10 2 1 5 2 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 5 5 5 5 9 9 9 9 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 1 1 7 1 7 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 5 1 5 1 5 1 5 1 1 5 1 1 25 8 3 3 1 1 7 8 10 7 8 7 7 6 4 850 4 960 1,250 1,300 1,450 1,875 2,125 2,025 1,275 1,550 ing 750 830 1,100 1,100 1,200 1,400 1,700 1,650 1,000 1,300 market 100 130 150 200 250 475 425 375 275 250 Total for fresh Counties listed on y where cucumbers are grown, Table 23. LETTUCE ACREAGE, (EARLY AND LATE) ( Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county' ' District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yarnhill Total District 1 District 2 1939 Acres 1 1 8 1 8 355 8 70 14 16 Douglas Jackson Josephine 1 150 Lincoln Total District 2 District 3 Acres 85 30 10 70 140 85 30 10 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry .1940 1 1 40 1941 Acres 1 85 40 10 70 1942 Acres 25 50 5 1943 Acres 4 35 60 3 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 4 4 60 70 65 60 65 60 4 50 50 3 4 5 3 80 80 45 3 80 50 35 40 5 90 50 150 90 140 80 65 80 65 90 80 1 8 10 15 15 15 30 345 355 230 348 308 293 334 10 1 15 10 2 4 5 4 20 1 1 18 25 45 60 5 2 30 1 1 303 268 5 5 8 s 5 15 15 10 5 10 10 12 25 20 25 29 35 35 46 45 49 53 55 1 20 50 49 6 5 5 5 5 5 2 5 5 5 5 5 28 10 25 10 15 15 10 20 10 20 10 15 130 50 5 5 5 5 5 40 25 30 35 35 25 140 60 60 40 Total District 3 See footnotes at end of Table. 50 Table 23Continued. District and county, District 4 Hood River 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco 1 2 2 16 Total District 4 District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Deschutes Grant Jefferson 16 50 1 1 15 50 50 1 50 1 1 40 1 1 60 50 60 90 60 85 80 59 56 42 62 52 61 Total District 6 STATE TOTAL to.d on Y 4 4 4 1 7 650 1,900 1 1,650 1 1,285 2,000 5 1 5 1 2 5 800 1,910 1,660 1,290 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 30 35 1 Klam ath Lake 5 1 3 14 45 145 Crook 12 1 2 19 70 4 Total District 5 District 6 LETTUCE ACREAGE, (EARLY AND LATE) (Oregon, 1939-1948p) 2 7 3,000 2 5 1 5 3,200 2 25 1 1 30 2,430 : here lettuce is grown. 1 2 5 3,520 1 3,000 2,325 1 1 2 2 2 2 3,014 3,209 3,528 3,005 2,328 1 1 40 35 35 1 25 1 1 2 1 1 20 25 1,350 ' 2,014 1 40 1 35 40 45 41 36 37 2,220 1,700 2,550 3,500 3,650 4,150 _ 27 3,500 3 25 28 2,800 - Table 24. ONION ACREAGE (DRY) (Oregon, 1939-1948p) 1939 District and county, Acres District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District District 2 1 108 4 14 1,320 18 1 905 224 1 Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine .. 2,590 1940 Acres 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 90 85 60 75 75 5 5 5 5 5 20 10 15 1,300 15 715 175 2,315 20 1,300 15 650 150 2,225 117 Total District 3 " See footnotes at end of Table. 75 100 70 2,060 1,779 1,774 12 12 10 10 10 2 1 1 14 11 11 5 5 50 10 40 5 65 5 10 1,860 . 5 60 2,035 15 1 1 5 5 10 2,040 15 1 5 80 1,971 1,200 1 65 5 10 500 150 15 12 5 10 1,100 15 80 630 130 1,200 1 107 5 10 1,100 15 10 675 150 1 5 75 50 13 12 25 50 15 6 81 1,000 10 1,000 675 150 650 600 615 5 5 1,000 10 5 5 4 5 10 4 70 11 4 50 10 40 10 50 10 60 7 72 65 55 65 69 50 5 Tale 24Continued. ONION A CREAGE (Day) (Oregon, 1939-19480 District and county, District 4 Hood River Morrow Umatilla Wasco Total District 4 District 5 Baker Malheur Union Total District 5 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 1 1 3 7 1 2 2 7 2 10 10 10 10 25 4 781 5 740 690 5 5 790 750 1 1 15 5 1 15 1 5 5 15 5 3 10 5 5 5 16 24 21 26 8 1,170 1,300 5 4 700 1,180 1 15 1 5 1 2 40 31 40 1 2 5 _. 5 12 2 1 5 10 10 3,000 2,800 5 3 1,312 3,015 2,813 10 10 15 30 10 1 1 1 1 5 10 3,000 Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 .. 9TATE TOTAL 4 20 15 1 1 1 1 1 60 40 10 175 10 300 10 300 14 330 207 3,600 337 5,500 352 5,300 5,400 38 50 85 95 3,200 3,100 3,400 1Counttes listed on y where onions are grown. 1 75 15 1 3,550 14 2,302 1 10 2 20 2,403 10 5 1 2 3,012 2 2 1 1 10 2,300 2 1 12 5 2,400 2 District 6 Crook 1 436 2 2 5 10 200 100 222 4,500 130 4,300 Table 25. GREEN PEAS ACREAGE FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county1 1939 District 1 Benton Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln Tillamook Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine .. 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 400 25 15 575 525 425 Acres Acres Acres 5 5 5 5 165 450 20 250 20 350 25 400 25 5 5 5 5 5 130 300 145 280 170 5 5 5 Polk Washington Yamhill 1942 1941 Acres 45 15 Clackamas 1940 20 80 5 220 160 5 5 125 115 10 1 1 400 25 5 370 200 515 100 10 5 1 400 25 5 675 420 5 6 25 15 575 565 4 1,190 260 1,815 360 1,450 1,325 360 1,275 460 1,425 435 1,375 400 1,250 100 1,400 410 970 350 1,955 2,800 2,595 1,985 ' 2,320 2,746 2,911 3,306 2,896 3,009 785 65 900 75 780 40 80 50 50 550 50 675 40 675 25 605 20 400 15 15 55 30 5 5 120 1,700 5 5 45 1,450 5 5 45 30 15 60 5 15 70 60 17 30 675 365 150 40 5 5 5 5 3 1,275 705 468 1,875 2,290 1,075 1,030 750 898 5 5 5 10 15 15 15 10 5 20 40 15 Total District 3 .. * See footnotes at end of Table. 10 5 5 5 25 25 25 5 5 50 18 90 60 60 837 2 5 5 5 5 5 20 20 20 15 15 35 30 30 25 22 5 5 5 Table 25-Continued. GREEN PEAS ACREAGE FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, I939-1948p) District and county' District 4 Hood River Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 Acres Acres 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 2 Acres Acres 2 1 1 7 2 8 10 5 5 1 3 5 5 2 5 2 150 1 15,500 250 8 23,640 650 2 ... District 5 Baker Malheur Union _. 43,515 475 40,015 425 51,090 450 48,520 465 33,520 ,, 18,615 33,627 43,998 40,450 51,550 48,992 34,077 10 10 925 10 2,000 1,200 2 5 5 5 145 165 5 5 10 225 10 1,000 840 200 275 235 10 2 2 340 425 390 185 247 1,852 947 3 3 2 1 1 2 3 3 2 1 3 3 2 2 1 1 2 District 6 Crook Deschutes Grant Harney Klamath Lake Total District 6.. ;TATE TOTAL 1 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 10 10 10 10 19,950 16 29,850 21,250 21,850 37,000 19,100 29,000 20,400 21,200 36,200 850 850 850 650 800 2 1 2 4 ing market P Preliminary. ,Counties listed only where green peas are gro 4 10 2 5 1,500 3,700 2 400 450 380 3,000 2 3,212 5,207 3,832 6 3 4 1 3 5 3 1 5 15 3 4 2 5 1 10 1 10 1 15 1 15 1 1 21 25 22 45,200 27 59,400 25 49,550 57,850 41,430 48,400 44,300 58,400 57,200 40,830 1,150 900 1,000 650 600 Total for process- Total for fresh 2 33,215 400 17,155 145 5 18,315 290 24;300 3 5 16,845 300 15,755 135 Wallowa Total District 5 1939 Acres 1 Table 26. RHUBARB ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 19394948p)1 District and county' Acres ,istrict 1 1942 1941 1940 1939 Acres Acres Acres 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 2 2 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill 45 15 10 4 4 5 5 5 5 35 15 10 15 10 4 5 5 5 5 5 7 7 5 5 5 80' 80 85 100 2 2 2 25 15 25 15 5 15 10 2 5 15 10 30 10 Douglas Jackson Josephine 7 1 7 15 2 2 2 10 10 Sherman Umatilla Wasco 3 Total District 4 9 istrict 5 Baker Malheur Union Total District 5 .. STATE TOTAL 2 1 Total District 3 )istrict 4 Oislrict 6 Klamath Lake Total District 6 2 2 _ ' 3 1 2 2 5 5 7 5 15 20 25 25 114 139 189 164 145 2 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 3 Lincoln Total District 2 )istrict 3 2 25 10 10 50 10 40 15 10 50 10 55 41 15 60 10 25 10 10 15 10 2 Coos 45 15 10 15 10 25 10 10 15 10 80 Total District 1 )istrict 2 3 3 2 1 3 1 8 7 1 1 1 1 1 15 15 15 15 2 3 3 3 3 3 19 19 19 19 19 1 2 15 15 18 18 18 1 1 1 4 1 1 4 1 4 1 4 3 5 5 15 2 2 5 5 5 5 4 6 1 5 6 5 1 1 1 1 1 5 2 5 2 5 2 5 2 1 5 2 1 1 5 2 5 2 5 2 1 5 2 5 2 8 8 8 8 S 8 7 8 8 8 3 2 3 2 2 2 2 2 5 5 2 2 2 2 2 110 110 115 120 135 150 175 p Preliminary. Separate totals for processing and for fresh market unavailable. 'Counties listed only where rhubarb is grown. . 225 200 .. 175 (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county' 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 48 100 225 100 200 District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane 3 Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill 5 40 16 50 40 1 3 1 5 300 300 1 3 Total District 1 5 25 60 65 10 100 15 325 200 250 3 5 2 1 3 50 30 25 25 200 200 225 200 325 500 65 350 500 450 3 3 25 150 225 100 275 250 2 80 275 400 20 73 275 400 15 85 50 60 35 10 2 2 30 25 25 1,693 1,588 1,072 1,160 1,095 847 10 10 3 367 405 488 710 7 5 3 5 Coos 2 2 3 2 2 2 11 9 8 10 2 Lincoln Total District 2 _ 75 245 300 50 District 2 Clatsop Columbia 50 150 2 3 3 10 10 3 2 3 2 3 3 2 3 2 2 16 15 15 15 5 3 7istrict 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine 2 Total District 3 12 12 2 2 3 5 10 10 1 10 2 1 5 1 2 1 3 3 10 1 2 15 1 1 15 8 8 15 16 13 13 18 15 2 2 15 1 18 Jistrict 4 Sherman Umatilla Wasco 1 9 8 Total Di strict 4 _. 1 10 8 8 3 6 17 14 15 14 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 1 3 3 5 5 9 17 1 1 15 10 4 4 20 15 1 1 5 2 5 10 2 2 9 8 1 9 10 4 1 1 15 15 4 3 3 20 19 19 1 15 )istrict 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 1 5 1 3 1 10 10 15 11 10 2 >istrict 6 Deschutes Klamath Total District 1 6 TATE TOTAL Total for processing Total for fresh market 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 2 2 2 2 415 2 450 2 525 2 750 1 1,750 1,650 1,125 1,225 1,150 900 295 295 320 465 1,305 1,015 615 780 760 120 155 590 205 285 445 635 510 445 390 310 O Preliminary 'Counties listed only where spinae I is grown. - Table 28. SQUASH ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)1 1939 District and county2 Acres District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah ...... , Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 Acres 10 40 30 220 50 35 10 40 135 370 4 5 320 9 , 1940 50 35 325 10 1941 Acres 10 40 150 360 75 30 5 325 10 1942 Acres 10 40 100 350 75 30 5 325 10 1943 Acres 35 75 150 200 75 250 15 400 50 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 30 50 125 200 75 70 10 350 40 Total District 2 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine 50 20 50 10 50 95 25 50 80 200 100 125 175 100 175 100 365 50 10 350 50 10 360 50 945 900 905 125 150 120 50 10 350 980 1,005 945 1,250 950 925 2 5 25 20 5 5 7 50 1 5 6 6 7 718 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Lincoln 20 1 7 50 10 50 50 40 1 1 1 20 7 5 7 5 18 7 5 11 12 56 32 28 28 3 10 13 10 11 20 15 30 25 15 15 50 35 20 35 30 15 35 30 10 35 30 10 35 30 10 30 30 10 2 30 25 15 50 70 70 105 80 75 75 75 70 23 Total District 3 " See footnotes at end o Table. Table 28Continued. SQUASH ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)1 District and county' District 4 Hood River Morrow Umatilla Wasco Wheeler Total District 4 _ District 5 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 District 6 Crook Deschutes Grant Harney Jefferson Klamath Lake Total District 6 ;TATE TOTAL 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 Acres 1946 1947 Acres Acres Acres 19481, Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 2 85 10 1 2 5 100 15 2 5 5 20 20 10 10 20 25 10 10 15 25 20 20 25 10 22 20 20 55 60 70 57 30 5 15 2 20 15 25 50 98 120 29 47 1 1 2 7 1 2 7 1 2 7 3 10 3 10 10 12 12 25 20 1 1 2 1 2 3 2 2 2 3 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 3 2 3 1 1 4 2 5 10 5 5 10 6 5 5 10 5 5 3 10 1 5 1 30 22 21 19 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 3 2 3 3 1 3 2 10 5 5 5 1 1 1 1 3 .... 5 10 13 14 14 13 850 1,180 12 1,140 10 1,100 9 8 1,500 1,150 1,130 1,150 1,075 1,050 n Preliminary 2Separate totals for processing and for fresh market unavailable. 2Counties listed only where squash is grown. Table 29. TOMATO ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county' District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 2 Clatsop Columbia Coos Curry Lincoln 1939 1940 Acres Acres 30 60 65 125 135 225 35 75 30 100 65 85 120 145 225 35 90 50 815 880 1 1941 Acres 40 75 45 250 250 220 40 100 100 1942 Acres 20 75 40 325 410 200 40 115 100 1,120 1,325 5 2 5 1 1943 Acres Acres 40 100 50 400 175 200 65 75 50 110 100 40 400 90 175 25 75 50 1,225 995 3 2 10 15 9 10 10 20 10 1 2 1 2 3 3 2 4 3 5 20 25 30 25 70 255 65 90 285 60 270 8 1944 8 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine 30 355 Total District 3 See footnotes at end of Table. 55 390 85 460 300 60 420 Acres 50 80 40 455 65 175 25 90 50 1,030 1 S 1946 1947 19481) Acres Acres Acres 45 80 40 20 90 10 60 450 65 250 20 80 50 1,080 1 8 40 460 65 175 20 30 295 45 150 20 95 60 SO 1,025 750 1 5 60 1 5 10 15 15 15 10 3 4 3 1 3 2 3 3 1 2 36 32 30 28 21 19 150 200 40 50 175 175 65 190 40 225 65 190 65 265 320 360 325 Tillamook Total District 2 1945 390 50 15 240 70 70 65 Table 29Continued. TOMATO ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p) District and county, District 4 Hood River 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 Acres Acres 1947 Acres 19481) Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 10 15 10 450 25 10 15 10 375 15 10 12 10 350 20 10 Morrow Sherman Umatilla Wasco Wheeler 1 18 350 75 1 Total District 4 District 5 455 Baker Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 1939 18 9 1 __ 10 2 20 370 55 14 400 60 285 3 3 3 60 10 460 490 375 15 15 25 20 3 3 25 2 3 2 30 45 10 3 2 45 10 3 14 60 25 20 10 10 280 20 15 10 300 40 345 40 390 385 427 515 430 402 25 10 20 10 20 10 30 10 30 5 5 5 5 20 5 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 60 50 2 2 50 45 40 40 50 2 2 1 4 2 7 1 7 1 7 6 1 1 Crook Total District 6 _ ;TATE TOTAL Total for processing Total for fresh market 5 5 5 District 6 Grant Klamath Lake 15 15 10 5 2 2 2 2 6 1 2 2 1 5 10 5 5 14 1,680 8 8 1,810 2,150 7 2,200 4 4 2,100 1,700 1,800 2,000 1,900 1,550 4 480 560 900 1,200 800 600 600 1,200 700 700 1,250 1,250 500 1,000 1,300 1,100 1,200 1,300 1,200 1,050 g Preliminary. 'Counties listed on y where tomatoes are grown. Table 30. TURNIPS AND RUTABAGAS (Oregon, 193.9-19480 District and county, District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 Acres Acres Acres 2 2 10 45 10 40 1942 1941 1940 1939 20 20 Coos Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 Total District 4 District 5 Deschutes Jefferson Klamath Lake 10 10 2 5 1 1 40 50 40 50 2 5 50 25 30 25 15 20 15 25 35 10 20 10 130 265 195 200 10 10 12 2 2 12 12 10 5 50 15 5 1 2 5 2 5 40 50 250 250 5 5 25 350 25 25 6 5 15 10 15 10 20 10 406 406 510 2 2 10 6 3 2 5 40 50 40 50 5 2 10 10 10 10 2 5 5 5 5 17 17 12 21 19 20 17 2 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 4 4 4 4 4 3 2 3 3 4 5 8 10 10 10 10 18 8 5 8 5 5 5 5 5 18 5 8 10 20 18 13 10 10 10 2 2 5 2 1 Total District 6 STATE TOTAL Acres 5 5 5 30 20 Baker Malheur Union Total District 5 District 6 Acres 30 30 District 4 Umatilla Wasco 194813 5 2 Lincoln Total District 2 District 3 1947 Acres 50 50 District 2 Clatsop Columbia 1946 Acres 40 35 127 95 100 1945 Acres 5 3 3 1944 Acres 25 39 3 3 20 20 Acres 1943 1 135 120 5 4 1 5 20 20 20 20 2 2 2 2 2 20 2 29 24 22 22 22 22 10 15 16 16 12 16 475 12 575 4 10 11 10 15 170 15 175 11 350 p Preliminary. 'Counties listed on y where turnips and rutabagas are grown. 2 25 1 1 10 16 16 270 275 475 Table 31. WATERMELON ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)1 District and county' District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District 1 District 3 Douglas Jackson Josephine kci Total District 3 District 4 Morrow Umatilla 1Vasco Total District 4 District 5 Baker Malheur Wallowa Total District 5 District 6 Grant Jefferson Total District 6 STATE TOTAL 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 10 15 2 10 10 8 10 10 10 15 3 1 1 5 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 15 i 5 10 10 5 5 10 10 10 10 5 5 10 10 5 5 5 10 5 10 10 10 5 5 5 5 7 5 1 4 50 35 5 8 7 3 55 4 5 60 50 75 75 55 7 60 7 30 110 114 100 80 96 124 122 107 107 70 35 30 35 30 45 25 5 50 20 5 4 3 40 20 40 20 25 1 50 20 40 1 45 25 3 3 3 66 66 75 75 74 73 63 63 63 48 275 80 20 265 120 20 365 165 200 225 235 135 300 135 10 10 250 135 125 60 375 405 460 380 445 2 2 75 20 60 15 240 2 5 40 50 5 5 2 50 40 5 5 5 44 60 60 50 3 2 3 2 3 3 5 5 5 5 600 650 700 450 2 a y. 'Separate totals for processing and for fresh market unavailable. 'Counties listed only where watermelon is grown. 1 80 10 290 5 1 80 10 315 3 20 10 395 20 11) 195 25 5 2 25 25 5 25 5 25 5 30 5 5 5 35 35 32 32 32 36 3 3 500 550 600 2 2 1 2 3 6-l-i-0 3 600 1 350 Table 32. OTHER VEGETABLES GROWN IN OPEN: ACREAGE, FOR PROCESSING AND FOR FRESH MARKET (Oregon, 1939-1948p)1 District and county' District 1 Benton Clackamas Lane Linn Marion Multnomah Polk Washington Yamhill Total District District 2 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948p Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres Acres 5 1 5 5 86 28 80 38 65 55 265 13 17 275 50 447 5 6 6 5 356 70 20 37 500 10 65 361 360 360 490 550 560 10 80 3 2 3 5 5 5 538 1,065 1,087 1,153 1,165 1,101 1 1 1 2 2 2 10 10 6 6 7 5 7 5 1 8 10 23 21 5 250 65 55 10 43 127 160 33 20 62 205 60 70 75 45 475 465 380 20 5 Clatsop Columbia Coos Lincoln Total District 2 District 3 in Ca Douglas Jackson Josephine Total District 3 District 4 Hood River Sherman Umatilla Wasco Total District 4 District 5 Malheur Union Wallowa Total District 5 District 6 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 8 4 10 75 75 30 37 10 80 75 30 40 G 340 90 30 30 500 10 90 7 1 1 1 1 2 3 2 10 25 1 2 7 7 4 7 1 4 7 7 4 2 2 1 2 4 3 1 7 7 5 5 5 5 , 5 18 18 18 21 34 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 17 18 15 2 16 2 20 3 15 18 15 12 15 19 17 22 22 19 19 22 19 16 19 10 10 20 20 20 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 10 10 20 20 5 5 5 5 5 5 a 5 3 1,125 1,150 1,225 1,250 1,200 1 Total District 6 p Preliminary. 75 30 37 2 Deschutes STATE TOTAL 5 475 500 495 'Separate totals for processing and for fresh market unavailable. 'Counties listed only where other vegetables are grown. 410 .._._ 565 2 2 2 2 2 - -20 azeP-PA COROT SHIP111(11TS and Humps of POTATOES and TRUCK CHOPS, 19351948 DATA in this section were compiled from reports of agenRecent years are reported by the Production and Marketing Administration, while earlier reports were by the Agricultural Marketing Service and the Bureau of Agricultural Economics. For data prior to 1935 see Extension Bulletin 651. ALL cies of the U. S. Department of Agriculture. Ca riot Shipments Railway shipments of potatoes and truck crops in Oregon reached a peak in 1945, but declined slightly in 1946 and 1947, and sharply in 1948. These data include boat shipments reduced to carlot equivalents, but do not include shipments by truck. The record high of 15,666 cars loaded in Oregon in 1945 was very close to double the 1935-1939 prewar average. It was nearly times the 1940-1944 average. Although there was much fluctuation in individual commodities, overall shipments declined to 15,475 cars in 1946, 15,196 cars in 1947, and 11,601 cars in 1948. Potatoes and onions accounted for the bulk of the rail shipments in 1948. Other major truck crops shipped by rail in Oregon include lettuce, celery, sweet corn, tomatoes, beets, cauliflower, green peas, and cabbage. The Snake River Basin region (District 5) is the heaviest shipping district in the state, largely because the quantities of potatoes, onions, and lettuce that move annually from Malheur County. District 6, the south central counties, is the second largest shipping district. Most of the carlot movement from this district consists of potatoes produced in Klamath, Deschutes, and Crook counties. The Willamette Valley (District 1), which now moves much produce by truck to Portland, ranks third in rail shipments. In variety of commodities produced, however, the Willamette Valley holds first place. Onions from Marion and Multnomah counties account for about three-fourths of the total Willamette Valley shipments by rail. Very little produce is grown for shipment along the coast and lower Columbia River (District 2). In District 3, the major portion of the limited shipments consists of cauliflower from Douglas County. 51 EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 52 Shipments from the Columbia Basin counties (District 4) are made up largely of tomatoes from Umatilla County and potatoes from Morrow County. Carlot shipments of potatoes and truck crops grown in Oregon, by districts, are listed in the following table. Table 33. CARLOT SHIPMENTS OF POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS, BY DISTRICTS (Oregon, 1935-1948) Average District and commodity District 1 Beans, snap and lima Beets Broccoli Cabbage Carrots Cauliflower Celery Corn, sweet Lettuce and romaine Mixed vegetables Onions Peas, green Potatoes Spinach Tomatoes 19351939 Cars 1.0 49.0 1.2 126.2 584.8 28.6 9.8 77.8 1,124.0 3.0 154.8 .2 Average 19401944 Year Year Year Year 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars 1.2 57.8 1.4 32.6 55.6 16.8 444.4 135.2 3.6 22.8 1,086.0 1.8 214.0 169 108 80 45 48 66 84 179 25 7 199 151 148 88 107 20 344 58 10 la 7 350 68 1 17 836 1,036 1,480 29 12 676 290 305 236 207 1 1 1 1,901 2,053 2,395 26 10.4 Turnips and rutabagas Total District District 2 2,170.8 1 Cabbage Cauliflower 1.4 Mixed vegetables .4 Onions Peas, green Potatoes Total District 2 District 3 Mixed vegetables Onions Potatoes Tomatoes Total District 3 . Lettuce and romaine Mixed vegetables Onions Peas, green Potatoes Tomatoes Watermelons Total District 4 45.6 11.2 5.8 5 7 2 10.8 .2 2.2 3.2 33 22 26 21 5 1 38.8 22.2 45 30 33 23 .6 .2 .4 1.0 .4 1 2 5 2 3.8 Asparagus Cabbage Cantaloupe .4 5.4 4.6 5.4 District 4 1,184 .8 23.4 20.4 11.8 .4 17.4 Cantaloupe Casaba melons Cauliflower 2,072.2 .2 1 3 . .2 1.2 1 1.4 7.4 6.6 80.4 23.4 7.0 14.4 67.8 2.4 14 16 121.6 93.4 1 1 . 6 71 123 179 64 138 98 93 223 268 214 190 76 Table 33-Continued, CARLOT SHIPMENTS OF POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS, BY DISTRICTS (Oregon, 1935-1948) Average 19351939 District and commodity Cars District 51 Average 19401944 Year Cars Cars Cabbage Carrots Celery Corn, sweet Lettuce and romaine .... Mixed vegetables Onions Peas, green Potatoes Total District District 6 5 4.4 15.6 91.4 16 137 155.0 4.0 323.2 27.6 470.8 588.4 1,207 814.0 25.2 1,581.6 2,681 985.0 3,120.4 3.8 6.0 4,625.4 Turnips and rutabagas Year Cars Cars 1946 1947 Year 1948 Cars 35 93 29 69 999 37 635 1,530 22 1,848 2,467 1,427 3,150 3,191 3,510 3,620 7,254 6,801 7,089 5,736 Is 45 88 1 8 3 14 .4 .4 Onions Potatoes Year .4 Carrots Lettuce and romaine Mixed vegetables 1945 1.4 31.4 5,039.4 40 45 22 6,203 6,275 5,364 4,458 6,243 6,320 5,386 4,458 1.4 Total District 6 4,631.8 5,074.0 Roe shipment Cabbage 5 7 Carrots Celery Mixed vegetables Onions Potatoes Total boat shipments. State Totals Asparagus Beans, snap and lima_ Beets Broccoli Cabbage Cantaloupe Cauliflower Celery Corn, sweet Lettuce and romaine Mixed vegetables Onions Peas, green Potatoes Spinach Tomatoes Turnips and rutabagas Watermelons ;TATE TOTAL 60.0 24.6 42 23 4 107.0 85.2 79 10 .6 1.0 49,6 12.0 5.6 .4 Carrots Casaba melons , 2 .4 50.0 56.2 145.0 584.8 28.6 165.4 83.8 1,510.0 61.4 5,334.2 .2 94.6 6 .4 1.2 57.8 169 108 80 45 35.2 6.2 71.8 49 68 189 9 1.4 27.6 535.8 135.2 592.0 28.2 123 84 7 2 32 53 481 29 443 58 97 41 236 220 999 30 5 1,225 35 1,994.0 39.4 6,881.8 3,561 123 23.4 67.8 1.4 2.4 8,100.6 10,479.6 15,666 59 9,723 1 1,532 49 2,929 104 9,845 22 148 125 635 15 4,017 2,108 9,197 8,387 14 1 14 1 179 138 93 15,475 15,196 11,601 1 . 11935-1939 and 1940-1944 averages include Oregon produce (Malheur County) shipped from Idaho points. No data available previous to 1945 on shipments of Idaho produce from Oregon points (Malheur County). 1945-1947 adjusted for net interstate shipments of Oregon and Idaho produce. =Boat shipments reduced to carlot equivalents. 53 EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 54 Carlot Unloads To the extent the data are available, carlot unloads of Oregon', potatoes and truck crops follow. The destination of a large portion of Oregon's shipments remains unaccounted for. Some progress is being made, however, in determining where Oregon's products are marketed. During the 1940-1944 period, out of an average of 10,479.6 cars shipped, only 3,984 cars (38 per cent) were accounted for in the 23 cities reported by the Production and Marketing Administration. In 1948; unloads reports were available in 100 cities in the United States and 5 cities in Canada. During that year out of a total of 11,601 cars reported shipped, 5,859 cars (50 per cent) were accounted for. The following unload data include boat receipts reduced to carlot equivalents, but do not include truck unloads, except as noted. It is not practical to point out comparison of commodity unloads in the individual year, due to changes in number of reporting cities from year to year. See footnotes to Table 34. Table 34. CARLOT UNLOADS REPORTED OF OREGON POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS (1935-1948) Average Average 1940- Year Year Year 19442 19453 1946 1947' Year 1939,- Cars Cars Cars 7 18 Cars 127 16 1 3 7 1935- Commodity Cars 32.2 Cabbage 4.4 8.4 97.8 332.0 7.6 Carrots Cantaloupe Cauliflower Celery Corn, sweet Lettuce and romaine Mixed vegetables Onions Peas, green .. Potatoes Tomatoes Miscellaneous vegetables Total 120.6 13.4 931.0 50.6 2,221.6 59.6 30.1 3,95935 Cars 13.2 26.0 4.0 20.8 167.6 86.2 239.2 13.0 735.8 38.0 2,587.2 28.2 24.8 3,984.0 32 214 137 561 24 4,551 32 23 5,992 221 6 119 6 6 456 871 13 28 1,188 2,253 6 6 60 0 6 6 32 3,648 1 1 1,013 1,269 28 18 11 356 1,267 19485 6 3,960 4,645 50 63 6 6 7,307" 8,225' 5,805' ,66 cities. cities. 329 cities. 4100 cities, 71 of which reported unloads only during last six months of year. 5100 cities. 6Not reported on in 1946, 1947, and 1948. "Not including imports in 5 Canadian cities averaging 1.9 cars in 1935-1939, 54 cars July-December 1946, 52 cars 1947, and 54 cars in 1948. See Table 46. OREGON'S POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS JD Table 33. UNLOADS OF OREGON CABBAGE IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average 19351939 Destination Chicago, Illinois' Kansas City, Missouri Seattle, Washington Little Rock, Arkansas .. Cars 14.0 4.4 6.0 Average 19401944 Year Cars Cars 1945 Year 1946 Cars 1.8 .4 7.4 Year 1947 Cars Year 1948 Cars 38 20 10 1 2 12 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. CabbageOnly 18 cars of Oregon cabbage were unloaded in 100 cities in 1948. That is a reduction of 109 cars from 1947. In 1947, Chicago received 38 cars. Twenty cars of Oregon cabbage were unloaded at Kansas City that year, and 10 at Seattle. The other 59 cars were divided among 27 cities. In addition, 1 car of Oregon cabbage was unloaded at Vancouver, B. C. In 1948, 12 of the 18 cars of cabbage were unloaded at Little Rock, Arkansas. Seattle received 3 of the cars, and Butte, Montana, Chicago, Illinois, and Sioux Falls, South Dakota, received 1 each. Table 36. UNLOADS OF OREGON CARROTS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average Destination Oakland, 19351939 Cars Average 19401944 1945 Cars 10.6 4.6 2.6 2 Year 1946 Cars ._ . fornia= Seattle, Washington Year Cars California'', San Francisco, Cali- Chicago, Illinois- I .2 .2 Year 1947 Cars 8 Year 1948 Cars 1 1 2 3 .... 'lJnloads at Oakland not reported previous to 1943. =Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. CarrotsRail shipments and unloads of Oregon carrots have been decreasing in recent years. During the 1940-1944 period, when unload reports were available from only 23 cities, an annual average of 26 cars was reported unloaded. In 1947, with 100 domestic and 5 Canadian cities reporting unloads, only 11 cars were accounted for ; and in 1948, only 1 car. The principal receiving city in 1947 and 1948 for Oregon carrots was Oakland, California. EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 56 Table 37. UNLOADS OF OREGON CAULIFLOWER IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1945)' Destination St. Louis, Missouri Minneapolis, Minnesota Seattle, Washington Chicago, Illinois2 New York City, New York' Portland, Oregon 'Not reported since 1945. 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. Average Average 19351939 19401944 Cars 10.6 Cars 1.6 Cars 5.4 2 6.8 6.8 37.4 2.8 2.0 Year 1945 5 5 .6 4.0 3.0 2.4 4 Cauliflower-Cauliflower unloads have decreased sharply since prewar years. From 1935 to 1939 an annual average of 97.8 cars were unloaded in the 66 cities reported on, 90 of which were unloaded in 23 cities. By 1940-1944, unloads in 23 cities had declined to an average of 20.8 cars. In 1945, when reports from 29 cities were received, 32 cars were reported unloaded. Principal receiving cities for Oregon cauliflower in 1945 were St. Louis, Missouri, and Minneapolis, Minnesota, with each receiving 5 cars. Table 38. CARtur UNLOADS OF OREGON CELERY IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average Destination 19351939 New Orleans, Louisiana" _ Houston, Texas2 Kansas City, Missouri ._ Minneapolis, Minnesota __ Chicago, Illinois' Cars 29.2 46.8 22.8 34.0 8.0 Average 19401944 Year Year Year S.-ear 1946 1947 1948 Cars 30.2 Cars Cars Cars 18 52 20 21 Cars 26 18 17 16 15 6 10 12 21.0 25.4 19.2 Miami, Florida' Little Rock, Arkansas' Jacksonville, Florida' 11.4 11. 4 St. Paul, Minnesota 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. 'Not reported from 1940 to 1945 inclusive. 'Not reported previous to July 1946. 1945 - ..6 35 28 12 ,... 13 15 8 ._._ 14 5 10 16 14 12 11 19 15 7 6 Celery-Celery unloads have decreased since prewar, when unloads in 66 cities averaging 382 cars were reported annually. Unloads in 100 cities in 1948 totaled 119 cars. In recent years, New Orleans, Louisiana, has become the leading market for Oregon celery, superseding Houston, Texas, and Minneapolis, Minnesota. For other important markets, see Table 38. OREGON'S POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS 57 Table 39. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON SWEET CORN IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1939-1943)1 Year Destination 1939 Cars 38 San Francisco, California' Los Angeles, California' Oakland, California' Portland, Oregon Average 19401944 Year Cars Cars 1945 58.8 26.8 80 39 17 28.0' 1 "Not reported since 1945. 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1943. 'Two-year average 1943-1944. Sweet corn-Much of Oregon's sweet corn goes to California markets, probably by truck. San Francisco is the most important market, followed by Los Angeles and Oakland. Portland unloaded one car of sweet corn in 1945. Data on truck unloads at Portland are not available. Table 40. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON LETTUCE IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average Destination Chicago, Illinois' St. Louis, Missouri Kansas City, Missouri .... Pittsburg, Pennsylvania".. Minneapolis, Minnesota .. Detroit, Michigan Omaha, Nebraska New York, New York' .. Boston, Massachusetts . . Milwaukee, Wisconsin .... Indianapolis, Indiana Philadelphia, Pennsylvania' Average 19401944 Year Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars 23.4 88.8 14.2 15.0 159 25 17 17 22 183 208 65 52 29 53 19351939 7.2 8.2 1.6 3.0 10.0 LS 11.8 1.6 2.0 2.6 6.6 1945 Year 1946 9.2 11.0' 21.0' 32 ... 65 12 15 19 76 60 30 32 70 17 60 22 15 39 13.2 36 41 6.2 9.2 19.6 2 15.6 .2 Year 1947 34 30 42 26 59 20 21 30 Year 1948 Cars 45 31 20 13 12 9 9 5 3 29 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1943. 'Not reported. 'One year only---1944. Lettuce-Lettuce ranks third in unloads of Oregon truck crops. In 1948, 507'cars of Oregon lettuce were reported unloaded in 100 United States and five Canadian cities. That is 375 cars less than 1947, and only about half the record high of 1,036 cars unloaded in 1946. Chicago has long been the leading market for Oregon lettuce. EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 58 Table 41. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON MIXED VEGETABLES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average Destination Chicago, Illinois' Los Angeles, California'- St. Louis, Missouri Seattle, Washington Average 19351939 19401944 Year Year Year Year 1947 1948 Cars Cars 1.2 Cars Cars 3 1 Cars 2 Cars 2 1.6 1945 2.0 .8 .4 .6 1.6 2.4 1946 4 1 4 3 3 - .. 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. Mixed vegetables-Quantities of mixed vegetables unloaded vary from year to year. The peak year was 1946, when 32 cars were reported. In 1947, unloads totaled 28 cars in 17 cities, and in 1948, 13 cars in 9 cities. Table 42. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON ONIONS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average Average Year Year Year 1946 1947 1948 Cars Cars Cars Cars 123.8 182 125 236 178 252.8 212.8 206 265 298 133 85.6 96.0 53,6 127.4 186 143 70 151 114 81 49 54 204 191 134 44 229 108 101 44 64 50 54 96 31 25 16 I 19401944 Year Cars Cars fornia, San Francisco, California, 244.0 York' Seattle, Washington Oakland, California, Destination Los Angeles, Cali- New York City, New 19351939 I 36.02 30.0 13.6 Portland, Oregon 52.2 59.4 Chicago, Illinois' Philadelphia, Pennsyl14.4 8.8 vania, 9.2 4.8 Boston, Massachusetts .... 6.8 4.4 Pittsburg, Pennsylvanial.. 10.4 7.0 St. Louis, Missouri 'Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. 'Two-year average, 1943-1944. 1945 23 73 53 55 28 24 24 11 21 76 73 69 9 Onions-Onions rank second in volume of unloads of the groups of commodities under consideration, exceeded only by potatoes. Rail shipments of onions had increased considerably in the past several years until 1948, which shows a downward trend. San Francisco and Los Angeles are the two leading markets. Other markets, both nearby and distant, also receive large quantities of Oregon onions. OREGON'S POTATOES AND TRUCK CROPS 59 Table 43. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON GREEN PEAS IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935.1945)' Average New York City, New Yorkt Kansas City, Missouri Baltimore, Maryland Boston, Massachusetts Los Angeles, California= Average 19401944 Year Cars Cars Cars 19.2 12.8 .6 .6 .2 1.6 6 5 19351939 Destination 8.8 .2 Cincinnati, Ohio .s 1945" 1.4 9.2 .4 3 1 3 'Not reported since 1945. =Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. Green peas-Fresh market unloads of green peas have been relatively unimportant in recent years. In 1945, 28 cars were reported by 29 cities, compared with 38 cars as the average unloaded in 23 cities during the 1940-1944 period. For terminal markets see Table 43, Potatoes-Potatoes continue to be the most important com- modity of the group under review. More than half of the unloads of potatoes and truck crops in the 100 cities consists of potatoes. California markets usually report from one-fourth to one-fifth of the total. San Francisco has long been the leading market for Oregon potatoes. For other important terminal markets see Table 44. Table 44. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON POTATOES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average 19351939 Destination San Francisco, California, Portland, Oregon Oakland, California" Chicago, Illnois" Kansas City, Missouri racoma, Washington Detroit, Michigan Year Year Year 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars 1,036.0 229.6 1,212.8 371.4 502.5' 255.6 993 480 601 315 1,165 576 671 253 892 663 692 383 749 547 535 374 349.4 19.8 415 353 294 71 77 83 123 111 72 111 235 122 109 109 103 3 3.2 _.._ Year Cars 6.6 40.2 21.8 8.8 22.2 Missouri Cincinnati, Ohio homa 1944 546.6 St. Louis, Nlilwaukee, Wisconsin Dallas, Texas Seattle, Washington Dklahoma City, Okla- 1940- 182.6 Los Angeles, Cali. fornia, New York, New York' Houston, Texas Average 6.2 18.4 18.2 s 50.0 22.6 70.6 56 , 117 125 49 94 39.8 41.04 30.6 65.4 28.5= 50 89 35 s 2 37 62 75 82 174 60 76 56 63 65 32 57 27 39 43 2 "Includes truck receipts in 1944 and 1945. =Two-year average, 1943-1944, no reported previous to 1943. ,Not reported. 'One year only (1944). Not reported from 1940-1943. 69 69 49 45 41 38 35 EXTENSION: BULLETIN 701 60 TomatoesIn 1948, out of 50 cars of Oregon tomatoes unloaded in 100 cities, Denver received 10 cars and Chicago 8. Five cars or less were distributed at 16 other markets. No cars were reported at Canadian markets in 1948, although in 1947 Vancouver unloaded 11 cars and Winnepeg 3. Table 45. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON TOMATOES IN PRINCIPAL CITIES (1935-1948) Average Destination Average 19351939 19401944 Year Year Year Year 1945 1946 1947 1948 Cars Cars Cars Cars Cars 12 Cars 7.6 Denver, Colorado 5.8 Chicago, Illinois 3.0 Duluth, Minnesota 13.0 Seattle, Washington Tacoma, Washingtonl .8 Des Moines, Iowa 5.2 Minneapolis, Minnesota 'Not reported previous to July 1946. 'Not reported. 5.8 2.6 5.8 2.2 14 . 3 2 2 3 6 3 4 4 12 .. . 8 4 8 6 10 s 3 3 2 1 ... Miscellaneous truck cropsTruck crops of more or less importance are reported on various markets from year to year These include such crops as asparagus, beets, brussels sprouts, cucumbers, green beans, broccoli, endive, ground artichoke, mixed fruits and vegetables, onion sets, parsnips, rhubarb, rutabagas and turnips, spinach, squash, and watermelons. Unloads of these items totaled 23 cars in 1945. Data are available upon request. Table 46. CARLOT UNLOADS OF OREGON TRUCK CROPS IN MARKETS' Destination July-December 1946 Montreal Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg Lettuce Onions Cars Cars . 7 . 23 .... .... Total Total Tomatoes vegetables Cars .... 3 13 5 23 11 4 2 18 Cars 7 26 152 6 542 Year 1947 Montreal Ottawa Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg 9 3 .... .... 16 ---- 3 3 Total 13 g2 14 523 10 . .. 10 1 Year 1948 Montreal Ottawa Toronto Vancouver Winnipeg 3 35 .... 3 Total ...._. 51 . .... .... 11 . .... .... 3 ..- 3 .... .... 35 . 54 3 3 ---3 6 1 12 30 . uring the -1939 period commodities were unloaded as follows: cars cauliflower, .4 car onions, .2 car tomatoes. Not reported from 1940-1945.Vancouver: 1.3 =Includes 2 cars mixed vegetables unloaded at Vancouver. 'Includes 2 cars watermelons and 1 car cabbage unloaded at Vancouver. 62 62 EXTENSION BULLETIN 701 For Further Information The reader will find on the next page a list of statistical bulletins on twelve groups of farm products produced in Oregon. As rapidly as possible to complete the data, statistical bulletins for each group giving acreage and production data are issued by the Oregon State College Extension Service. In some instances, where the need is urgent for specific commodity data, mimeographed Extension statisti- cal circulars are issued that are of value until the more complete printed bulletins can be issued. Other statistical bulletins are published from time to time, particularly for the purpose of presenting data that embrace the whole of Oregon's agricultural commodities or that pertain to farm marketing, prices, income, etc. The Oregon statistical bulletins and circulars are available from county extension agents or the College. Oregon agricultural outlook circulars To provide Oregon farmers with economic and statistical information on the agricultural outlook that will assist them in planning their farm production and marketing operations, the Oregon State College Extension Service issues timely agricultural outlook circulars. These are based on data and information of national and world-wide scope as well as data for Oregon. Liberal use is made of information from many sources. The outlook circulars are available from county extension agents or from the College. Spot market news and reviews The Oregon State College Extension Service cooperates with the Agricultural Marketing Service of the United States Department of Agriculture and Radio Station KOAC (550 kc) in providing radio broadcasts and spot market news and weekly farm market reviews. This information, which is based largely upon the current day's government market news leased wire messages, is broadcast during a 15minute period at 12:30 p.m., and another 15-minute period at 7:15 in the evening. The spot market material deals largely with prices and market conditions prevailing in the principal markets for the day, but the market reviews contain much valuable information on general trends and conditions. County agents are supplied with copies of the weekly market reviews as issued each day. Oregon Agricultural Statistical Bulletins At the present time, bulletins containing Oregon agricultural statistics include the following: Extension Bulletin 701, Oregon's, Potatoes and Truck Crops, 1870-1949 Extension Bulletin 700, Oregon's Tree Fruit and Nut Crops, 1910-1949 Extension Bulletin 696, Oregon's Specialty Field and Drug Crops, 19151948 Extension Bulletin 694, Oregon's Seed Crops, 1936-1947 Extension Bulletin 692, Oregon's Grain and Hay Crops, 1909-1947 Extension Bulletin 691, Oregon's Farm Forest Products, 1946 Extension Bulletin 684, Oregon's Meat Animals and Wool, 1867-1947 Extension Circular 527, supplementing Extension Bulletin 684 Extension Bulletin 680, Oregon's Dairy Industry, 1867-1947 Extension Circular 536, supplementing Extension Bulletin 680. Extension Bulletin 679, Oregon's Specialty Animal Industries, 1936-1946 Extension Bulletin 678, Oregon's Farm-Raised Poultry Products, 1947 1909- Extension Circular 537, supplementing Extension Bulletin 678. Extension Bulletin 677, Oregon's Specialty Horticultural Crops, 19361945 Extension Bulletin 660, Oregon's Farm Price Data, 1909-1944 Extension Bulletin 656, Oregon's Small Fruit Crops, 1936-1944 (out of print, being revised) Extension Bulletin 641, Oregon's Farm Products for Market, 1936-1940 Other statistical bulletins are in the process of preparation. 63 Cooperative Extension Work in Agriculture and Rome Economics Wm. A. Schoenfeld, Director Cooperating Oregon State College and United States Department of Agriculture, Printed and distributed in furtherance of the Acts of Congress of May 8 and June 30, 1914