School of OCEANOGRAPHY Analysis of Meteorological Observations from An Array of Buoys during BASIN by Hiroshi Ishlda Office of Naval Research N00014-76-C-0067 N00014-79-C-0004 NR 083 102 OREGON STATE UNIVERSITY Reference 80-2 January 1980 Masters Thesis Reproduction In whole or in part Is pen miffed for any purpose of the United States Government ncla ified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (R7ien De; REPORT DOCUMENTATION PAGE 1. REPORT NUMBER 4. TITLE (and S.btirIe) READ INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE COMPLETING FORM 2. GOVT ACCESSION NO. 3. RECIPIENT'S CATALOG NUMBER 80-2 5. TYPE OF REPORT & PERIOD COVERED ANALYSIS OF METEOROLOIGCAL OBSERVATIONS FROM AN ARRAY OF BUOYS DURING JASIN M.S. Thesis, December 1979 6. PERFORMING ORG. REPORT NUMBER 7. AUTHOR(s) 6. CONTRACT OR GRANT NUMBER(s) Hiroshi Ishida 9. N00014-76-C-0067 N00014-79-C-0004 PERFORMING ORGANIZATION NAME AND ADDRESS 10. PROGRAM ELEMENT, PROJECT TASK AREA & WORK UNIT NUMBERS School of Oceanography Oregon State University Corvallis, OR 97331 11. CONTROLLING OFFICE NAME AND ADDRESS Office of Naval Research Ocean Science and T ec h no l ogy Arlington, VA 22217 14. NR 083-102 12. REPORT DATE January, 1980 Di v i s i on 13. NUMBER OF PAGES 72 MONITORING AGENCY NAME & ADDRESS(if different from Controlling Office) 15. SECURITY CLASS. (of this report) Unclassified ISa. DECLASSIFICATION DOWNGRADING SCHEDULE 16. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of this Report) Approved for public release, distribution unlimited 17. DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT (of the abstract entered In Block 20, it different from Report) I8. SUPPLEMENTARY NOTES 19. KEY WORDS (Continue on reverse aide if necessary and Identify by block number) Air-Sea Interaction Wind over the Sea Meteorolgical Observations from Buoys Taylor's Hypothesis - 20. Wind t Temperature Spectra over the Sea Sea Surface Temperature Spectra ver the Sea ABSTRACT (Continue on reverse side It necessary and Identify by block number) Observations of wind speed and direction, air and sea temperature, and solar radiation were obtained from an array of buoys in JASIN. The observations were analyzed to show spatial and temporal variability. Spectra of wind speed and air and sea temperature were computed to illustrate the distribution of variance over periods ranging from 3.5 minutes to 40 days. When plotted on log-log graphs the spectral estimates generally decrease with increasing frequency with slopes between -3/2 and -2. Spectra of air and sea temperature have a peak-a-t-t*e-diu-rna-1---freer eney. FORM 1 JAN 73 T 1473 EDITION OF I NOV 6S IS OUSOLETE S/N 0102-014-66011 When (over .Unclassified SECURITY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE (When Data lntered) Unclassified ._,_ i 4iTY CLASSIFICATION OF THIS PAGE(WAen Dote F-itored) plotted in variance-preserving form, the spectrum of wind speed is consistent with a spectral gap and is qualitatively similar to other observations of low frequency spectra. On the basis of a cross-correlation analysis, it appears that mesoscale eddies propagated with the mean wind speed except during frontal passages. Based on the cross-correlation between wind and air temperature, there is evidence of horizontal roll vortices or organized convection. Unclassified AN ABSTRACT OF THE THESIS OF Hiroshi Ishida Oceanography in Title: for the degree of presented on Master of Science December 14, 1979 Analysis of Meteorological Observations from an Array of Buoys during JASIN Abstract approved: Observations of wind speed and direction, air and sea temper- ature, and solar radiation were obtained from an array of buoys in JASIN. The observations were analyzed to show spatial and temporal variability. Spectra of wind speed and air and sea temperature were computed to illustrate the distribution of variance over periods ranging from 3.5 minutes to 40 days. When plotted on log-log graphs the spectral estimates generally decrease with increasing frequency with slopes between -3/2 and -2. Spectra of air and sea temperature have a peak at the diurnal frequency. When plotted in variance-pre- serving form, the spectrum of wind speed is consistent with a spectral gap and is qualitatively similar to other observations of low frequency spectra. On the basis of a cross-correlation analysis, it appears that mesoscale eddies propagated with the mean wind speed except during frontal passages. Based on the cross-correlation between wind speed and air temperature, there is evidence of hori- zontal roll vortices or organized convection. G Analysis of Meteorological Observations from an Array of Buoys during JASIN by Hiroshi Ishida A THESIS submitted to Oregon State University in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science Completed December 14, 1979 Commencement June 1980 APPROVED: Professor of Oceanography in charge of major Dean of the School of Oceanography Dean of the Graduate School Date thesis is presented Typed by Gail Henwood December 14, 1979 for Hiroshi Ishida TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION--------------------------------------------------1 II. INSTRUMENTS---------------------------------------------------3 III. OBSERVATIONS--------------------------------------------------5 IV. SPECTRA------------------------------------------------------10 V. IV. TAYLOR'S HYPOTHESIS------------------------------------------15 HORIZONTAL ROLL VORTICES-------------------------------------18 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS----------------------------------------------------20 REFERENCES---------------------------------------------------------21 TABLES-------------------------------------------------------------24 FIGURES------------------------------------------------------------ 28 APPENDIX----------------------------------------------------------- 43 Preface This thesis has been written in manuscript format rather than in the traditional format. The School of Oceanography encourages this approach to expedite the publication of the results of graduate research projects in scientific journals. For this reason, some deviations from the ordering of a traditional thesis are present: 1) Tables appear in order after the References; 2) Figures order after the Tables; 3) Acknowledgments rather than before. are placed appear in after the text, This manuscript will be submitted to the Journal of Geophysical Research with Hiroshi Ishida, Clayton A. Paulson and Wayne V. Burt as first, second and third authors, respectively. FIGURE LEGENDS Page Figure Locations of meteorological buoys, JASIN-1978. 28 2 Time series of hourly averaged variables observed at B3 from 28 July to 6 September 1978. 29 3 Progressive vector diagram of wind at B3 from 2300 GMT on 28 July to 6 September 1978. Each square is plotted at 0000 GMT. 30 4 Composite spectrum of wind speed from B1 and B3. The symbols X are spectra from one-hourly averages, C) are spectra from 3.5-minute averages, and + are spectra from 1.75-minute averages. The vertical bars show the 90% confidence interval. 31 5 Composite spectrum of air temperature from B2 and B3. The symbols X, ®, +, and I are defined in Figure 4. 32 6 Composite spectrum of sea temperature from B1 and B3. The symbols X, [3, +, and I are defined in Figure 4. 33 7 Variance-preserving plot of the spectrum of wind speed from Bl and B3 together with the spectrum from Kaimal et al. [1972]. The symbols X, ®, and + are defined in Figure 4, and o is Kaimal et al's [1972] spectrum. The broken line shows the spectrum measured by Smedman-Hogstrom and Hogstrom [1975] over land. 34 1 8 9 Rotary spectra (A) and rotary coefficient (B) of hourly 35 averaged wind velocity from R. The broken line represents clockwise rotatiri and the solid line represents counterclockwise rotation. Mean auto-correlation functions cf unfiltered wind speed from parts A, B and C. The auto-correlation functions are averages over buoys B1, B2, B3 and B4. The lengths of the vertical bars are twice the standard deviation. Cross-correlation coefficients from pairs of buoys lying along the mean wind direcThe symbols X, C1, sand + repretion are plotted. sent the combinations Bl-B4, B2-B4, B2-B3, and B3-B4 respectively in parts A and B. The symbol X represents the combination Bl-B2 in part C. 36 Figure Page 10 Mean auto-correlation functions of unfiltered air temperature from parts A and B. See Figure 9 for explanation. Part C is not included because the temperature record from B1 was incomplete. 37 11 Mean auto-correlation functions of filtered wind speed from parts A, B and C. See Figure 9 for explanation. 38 12 Mean auto-correlation functions of filtered air temperature from parts A and B. Part C is not included because the temperature record from Bl was incom- 39 plete. 13 Example of cross-correlation functions of wind speed (u) from B1 and B4 and air temperature (Ta) from the same buoys used to determine the eddy travel time in the downwind direction. The records are high-pass filtered, part A. 40 14 Schematic diagram of horizontal roll vortices and associated fluctuations of horizontal wind velocity and air temperature (assuming unstable stratification). 41 15 Cross-correlation function of high-passed wind speed .and air temperature at B4, part C. Positive lags indicate that air temperature leads wind speed. 42 LIST OF TABLES Table Page Locations and periods of buoy observations, JASIN- 1 24 1978. 2 Parts of meteorological' records having approximately constant wind speed and direction which were selected for cross-correlation analyses. The beginning and ending time for each part is 0000 and 1140 GMT respectively. RiB is the mean bulk Richardson number, averaged over reliable buoys and the R/V METEOR. 25 Wind speed and direction are similarly averaged. Observations from the METEOR were reduced to a height of 2.5 m assuming a log profile and Zo = 0.015 cm. Comparison of means from the buoys and the R/V METEOR. 3 26 The records, parts A, B and C, are each 59 hr long and are defined in Table 3. Means from the. R/V METEOR are the averages of hourly ship observations. The symbols are defined as follows: u, wind speed; e, wind direction; T air temperature; Tsl, sea temperature at 0.5 m depth (buoy) or bucket temperature (METEOR); T 2, sea temperature at 2 m depth. The temperature, Isl, in part A from the R/V METEOR was corrected by subtracting 0.40C from the observed mean following the suggestion of A. Macklin (personal , communication). 4 Comparison of along-wind eddy travel times estimated by use of Taylor's hypothesi- (Tf), from lags (TU) associated with peaks in th cross-correlation of wind speed measured at buoys lying on ,a line parallel to the mean wind direction and from similar-lags (Tt) associated with peaks in the cross-correlation of temperature. 27 ANALYSIS OF METEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS FROM AN ARRAY OF BUOYS DURING JASIN I. INTRODUCTION In the past ten years, many observational and theoretical inves- tigations have been directed toward understanding mesoscale processes Internationally or- in the atmospheric boundary layer over the sea. ganized programs, all part of the Global Atmospheric Research Program have included: (GARP), 1) the Air-Mass Transformation Experiment (AMTEX); 2) the Barbados Oceanographic and Meteorological Experiment (BOMEX); 3) the GARP Atlantic Tropical Experiment (GATE); and 4) the Joint Air-Sea Interaction (JASIN) Experiments. The observations re- ported in this paper were made from an array of meteorological buoys about 400 km northwest of Scotland in the summer of 1978 as a part of JASIN. The JASIN project was proposed in 1966 by the Royal Meteorolog- ical Society as an appropriate United Kingdom contribution to the GARP. A summary of the scientific and operational plans for the experiment is given by Pollard [1978]. JASIN were: The primary objectives of "(1) to observe and distinguish between physical pro- cesses causing mixing in the oceanic and atmospheric boundary layers and relate them to mean properties of the layers; (2) to examine and quantify aspects of the momentum and heat budgets in the ocean and atmospheric boundary layers and fluxes across and between them." The objectives of this paper are to analyze the meteorological observations obtained from an array of buoys deployed during JASIN. We will describe temporal and spatial variability and examine the 2 data for the existence of organized structures, such as horizontal roll vortices. 3 II. INSTRUMENTS Moored, toroidal buoys provided the platform for the instruments. They were similar to those used in JASIN 70 and 72 [Burt Wind speed and direction were measured with a cup et al., 1974]. anemometer and a highly-damped wind vane and magnetic compass system manufactured by Ivar Aanderaa of Bergen, Norway. Dry and wet-bulb temperatures were measured with thermistors exposed to the air inside radiation shields ventilated by the wind. temperature were not reliable because the thermistor entirely of the difficulty of keeping wetted by means of a wick and reservoir and The solar radiation sensor was were excluded from the analysis. manufactured by Lintronics. mean sea level. The measurements of wet-bulb The instruments were mounted 2.5 m above Water temperatures were measured at 0.5 m and 2 m depth with rugged Aanderaa platinum resistance thermometers. The data were recorded digitally on magnetic tape by an Aanderaa data logger attached to each buoy. Wind speed was averaged over sampling intervals while the other variables were sampled instantaneously. Variables were sampled at intervals of 3.5 or 1.75 minutes. Data obtained by instantaneously sampling a fluctuating record are subject to aliasing errors. If fluctuations are present with frequencies greater than the Nyquist frequency (half the sampling frequency), spectral energy at frequencies greater than the Nyquist will be folded back to lower frequencies. Despite damping, the wind direction measurments were particularly susceptible to aliasing error. The error is magnified by erroneous fluctuations in wind direction 4 induced by the motion of the buoy. R. Weller-[personal communication, 1979] has compared rotary spectra measured by a vector-averaging meter with spectra from an Aanderaa cup and vane and found excess energy in the Aanderaa spectra in the highest decade of frequency. Measurements of temperature and solar radiation are not seriously affected by aliasing because the response time of the sensors is generally about one minute. The measurements of wind speed are not expected to be seriously in error. Even though the buoy motion induces fictitious fluctuations of wind speed, averaging over the sampling interval practically eliminates aliasing. The effects of buoy motion on measurements of mean wind speed have been estimated by Pond [1968] and Badgley et al. [1972] and are expected to be small. 5 III. OBSERVATIONS Observations were made from 28 July to 6 September 1978 about 400 km north-west of Scotland at the four 1 and Table 1. As shown in Table 1, the measurements were briefly interrupted on 12 and 30 buoy. locations shown in Figure August to change the data logger at each The sampling interval was 3.5 minutes during the first two periods and 1.75 minutes during the last period. Meteorological observations were also taken from ships operating in the area. The most complete record was taken by the R/V METEOR. She was stationed near buoys B1, B2 and B3 during the experiment. Meteorological measurements were also made from other buoys. The general weather in early August was influenced by high pres- sure in the Norwegian Sea resulting in north winds in the experimental In the middle of area. experimental site. August, two low pressure systems passed the In late August, there were westerly winds due to stationary high pressure west of England. The strongest winds during the experiment occurred over a period of several days beginning on 17 August, reaching a maximum of 15 m/s on 20 sea temperature decreased by about 1°C during as the result of deepening decrease of wind speed 24 of the August, about 1°C over a period of several The near-surface August. well-mixed this event, presumably layer. Following the the sea surface temperature rose days, very likely due to weak mixing and net heating of the upper layers. A progressive vector diagram of the wind at B3 is shown in Figure 3. The first section of the wind direction record from B3 was cor- rected prior to plotting Figure 3. The correction was based on a 6 linear regression to the data from B2 and B3. Three parts of the record, A, B and C, each 2.5 days long, were selected for the crosscorrelation analysis discussed in subsequent sections. The criterion used in making the selections was to require that the wind be nearly constant in speed and direction. The times of beginning and ending of each part are tabulated in Table 2 together with average bulk Richardson numbers, wind direction and wind speed. The effect of the vertical humidity gradient on the bulk Richardson number was included by use of the hourly wet and dry bulb temperature observations from the R/V METEOR. The effect was equivalent to an air-sea potential tem- perature difference of -0.31, -0.08 and -0.16°C for parts A, B and C respectively. The stratification during part C was close to neu- However, the estimates tral. (B3, B3, METEOR) used to obtain the mean bulk Richardson number are all negative making it highly probable that the stratification was unstable during part C. No allowance was made for a cool skin temperature in the calculation of the bulk Richardson number. However, the error (- 0.1°C) is probably compensated by errors caused by daytime radiatior I heating of the air temperature sensors. The accuracy of the measurements can be estimated by comparing averages from the buoys and the R/V METEOR. Such a comparison for parts A, B and C shown in Table 3. The hourly observations of wind speed and direction from the METEOR were taken at a height of 23 m above mean sea level while observations of wet and dry bulb temper- atures were taken at a height of 11 m. The wind speeds from the 7 METEOR were reduced to a height of 2.5 m based on the assumption of a log profile and a roughness length of 0.015 cm. Measured wind speeds from B1, B2 and B3 averaged over part A differ by no more than 0.24 m/s with each other and differ no more than 0.1 m/s with means over parts B and C. 0.5 m/s. When B4 is included, the means differ by no more than The difference between B4 and the other buoys may be accounted for by the distance between B4 and the other buoys (See Figure 1 and Table 4). The average over part A of hourly observations of wind speed from the METEOR (2.5 m) differs with means from B1, B2 and B3 by as much as 1.3 m/s. in parts B and C. The difference is no more than 0.5 m/s Part of the difference may be ascribed to an error in reduction of wind speed from the METEOR to a height of 2.5 m, i.e. the neglect of the effect of stability and roughness length. uncertainty in the value of In addition, the effect of interference of the ship's hull with the air flow could cause an error in measurements from the METEOR. In summary, agreement to within 0.5 m/s between the buoys and METEOR should be considered good. There were systematic errors in the observation of wind direction from some of the buoys (See Table 3). Observations from B1, B3 and B4 averaged over part A were in error by about 40°. Observations from B4 averaged over parts B and C continued to systematically disagree with the other means by 24° and 40° respectively. The discrepancy is too large to be ascribed to the separation between B4 and the other buoys. A possible source of error is the disturbance. of the magnetic field by ferromagnetic materials, although this possibility was 8 minimized by the use of aluminum for the structure of the buoy. Means from the METEOR and those buoys considered reliable are in excellent agreement, within 4°, 2° and 9° in parts A, B and C respectively. The comparison of mean air temperatures tabulated in Table 3 shows temperatures from B2 systematically in disagreement with the other observations. The cause of the error is undetermined. Fluc- tuations in temperature measured at B2 did not appear to be affected. Mean temperatures measured at B4 are on average a few tenths °C colder than temperatures from Bi and B3, possibly because of the northward displacement of B4 from the other buoys. Mean air temper- atures from Bl and B3 are within 0.45°C of each other. Mean air temperature from METEOR is always at least 0.1°C and never more than 0.5°C cooler than temperature from B1 and B3. The disagreement among means from different buoys and METEOR may be Fartly caused by the natural variability of air temperature. There may also be errors, e.g. daytime heating of the sensors by solar radiation. Sea temperature was measured it 0.5 and 2 m depth at most of the buoys. The agreement between means from both depths is excellent, the magnitude of the difference never exceeds 0.11°C and averages 0.04°C. In only one case is the mean from the upper sensors warmer than the lower mean, suggesting that the upper 2 m was unstably stratified during parts A, B and C. The wind speed was strong enough during all parts to cause vigorous mixing of the upper few meters. The sense of the temperature gradient suggests that there 9 was, on average, net cooling of the surface. Mean sea temperatures from B1, B2 and B3 differ by no more than 0.13°C and differences are on average 0.03°C. Mean sea temperatures from B4 are systematically 0.1 to 0.4°C cooler than at the other buoys, which is similar to the behavior of air temperature. Mean bucket temperatures from METEOR differ by no more than 0.13°C with averages over Bl, B2 and B3. Differences in mean sea temperatures among buoys may be partly ascribed to horizontal temperature gradients. The difference between mean temperature at 2 m depth from B2 and B3, the two buoys closest together (2.6 km), did not exceed 0.02°C in part A, B or C. We con- clude that measurements of sea temperatures from buoys show excellent consistency and are likely to be accurate to within ± 0.03°C. 10 IV. SPECTRA Spectra of wind speed, air temperature and sea temperature shown in Figures 4, 5 and 6 were estimated by averaging and patching spectra from different time series. The low-frequency estimates (X) in each of the plots were obtained from a spectral analysis of time series of hourly averages from two buoys, usually B1 and B3. The air tempera- ture record from B2 was used in place of B3 because the record from B3 was incomplete. the entire The time series of hourly averages extended over 43 days of interpolation. the experiment with the gaps filled by linear Zeros were added to the series after subtracting the mean to increase their length Fast Fourier of the Transform. to 1024 points permitting the use of the The number of zeros added was less than 10% total length of the record in every case. Spectra were smoothed by averaging in non-overlapping frequency bands, equally spaced on a logarithmic scale. Finally, spectra from each of two buoys were averaged to obtain the Figures 4, 5 and 6. estimated by analysis low-frequency spectra shown in The spectra at intermediate frequencies were of the first 4096 points obtained during periods one and t+--, (See spectra were obtained from analysis of each of the records Table 1). of the first 4096 points of records obtained during the third period (sampling For both intermediate and high-frequency for analysis were more than two-thirds spectra, of the The high-frequency interval, 1.75 min). the records used total available length. The smoothing and averaging used to obtain the intermediate and highfrequency spectra was spectra. similar to that The validity of the used to obtain the low-frequency procedure used to obtain the composite 11 spectra can be judged from the agreement between spectra in the overlapping frequency ranges. The spectrum of wind speed, shown in Figure 4, suggests a plateau at a period of about 20 days, falls off with a slope of about -2 for periods between 5 days and 2 hr, and falls off with periods between 2 hr and 3.5 spectrum. a slope of -5/4 for There are no significant peaks in the min. Unlike spectra from near-shore locations under the influence of a sea breeze [Halpern, 1974; O'Brien and Pillsbury, 1974] there is no significant peak or shoulder at diurnal frequences. The spectrum of air temperature, some respects from the wind speed a peak or plateau at low shown in Figure 5, differs in spectra. frequencies. There is no suggestion of The spectra fall off with slope about -3/2 for periods between 10 days and 8 hr. 8 hr and 15 min, the slope is about -5/3. For periods between The increase in slope to greater than -1 at periods less than 15 min is very likely caused by aliasing associated with instantaneously sampling a thermistor having a time response less than 3.5 min. There is a significant peak in the spectrum at a period of one day associated with diurnal solar heating of the lower atmosphere. The spectrum of sea temperature at 2 m depth is shown in Figure 6. The spectra fall off with a slope of about -2 for periods between 10 days and 3 hr. hr and 3.5 min. The slope increases to -3/2 for periods between 1 There is a large peak in the spectrum at the diurnal period which is larger in comparison to background energy than the similar peak in the spectrum of air temperature. There is no evidence that the high-frequency end of the spectrum is affected by aliasing. 12 The spectrum of wind speed was examined for consistency with the concept of a gap or region of low spectral energy, separating macro- and microscales. The spectrum in variance-preserving form in Figure 7. Figure 5 is plotted in This form is called variance- preserving because equal areas under the curve contribute equally to the variance. A region of low energy in spectra plotted in this form is often found between about 0.5 and 5 cph and is referred to as the spectral Most observations of this gap have been over land (Van gap. der Hoven, 1957; Vinnichenko, 1970; Fiedler and Panofsky, 1970]. Millard [1968] taken over the found a prominent gap between 0.1 and 10 cph in spectra However, the observation may be suspect because sea. of errors caused by buoy motions. Our spectra do not extend to sufficiently high frequencies to demonstrate by themselves the existence of a spectral gap. We have, therefo-°e, plotted the simi- larity spectrum of Kaimal et al. [1972] to extend the spectrum to high frequencies. In so drag coefficient of observation height doing, a vat" equivalent to 1,3xl0-3 for an 1.8x10-3, of 10 m. we assumed neutral stability and a KaimL, et al's. spectrum matches ours at intermediate frequences and is fication for using consi-tent with a gap. The justi- the Kaimal spectrum is strengthened by the obser- vation that microscale spectra over the sea scale similarly to those over land [e.g. Leavitt, 1975]. For purposes of additional comparison, the spectrum of wind speed over land from Smedman-Hogstrom and Hogstrom [1974] is also shown in Figure 7. The microscale peak in Smedman-Hogstrom and Hogstrom's 13 spectrum occurs at lower frequences than in Kaimal et al's. spectrum because conditions were unstably stratified for the spectrum reported by Smedman-Hogstrom and Hogstrom. The shift in the peak associated with stratification changing from neutral to unstable agrees qualitatively with Kaimal et al. [1972]. Rotary spectral analysis is a useful technique for analyzing time series of two-dimensional vectors [Gonella, 1972; Mooers, 1973]. The rotary spectrum is composed of two parts, clockwise and counterclosewise components which correspond to the distribution of variance with frequency of fluctuations associated with clockwise and counterclockwise rotation respectively. For example, if there is a peak in the clockwise component larger than that in the counterclockwise at the same frequency, and the rotary coefficient is -1, that means the vector rotates clockwise at the prescribed frequency, its tip tracing a circle. The rotary spectrum of hourly averages of horizontal wind veloThe spectrum was smoothed city observed at B3 is shown in Figure 8. as previously described in non-overlapping frequency bands, 10 per decade. The clockwise spectral density exceeds the counterclockwise for frequencies above .015 cph. This result agrees with observations reported by Burt et al. [1974] who found clockwise spectral levels generally higher than counterclockwise. However, Burt et al. also found evidence of diurnal and inertial oscillations in the clockwise spectra, evidence of which is lacking in Figure 8. Inertial oscilla- tions are expected to be small in the atmosphere [Holton, 1972], may depend on weather conditions and may not be sufficiently persistent 14 or energetic to appear in the spectrum of a 43-day record. Diurnal variations in wind will likely be associated with diurnal fluctuations in stability which may have been small during JASIN. 15 V. TAYLOR'S HYPOTHESIS It is a common and ordinarily well-justified practice to convert frequency spectra of microscale turbulence to wavenumber spectra by use of Taylor's hypothesis, the hypothesis that turbulence structure changes slowly while being advected past a point by the mean wind speed. It is tempting to also use Taylor's hypothesis to infer the statistics of mesoscale structure because time series at a single point are usually more easily obtained than spatial samples. However, the justification for using Taylor's hypothesis to infer mesoscale spatial structure is not well established. An analysis was carried out to test the validity of Taylor's hypothesis for mesoscale structure. The three wind speed and air temperature records, parts A, B and C (Table 2) were used in the analysis. The autocorrelation function of wind speed averaged over all buoys is shown in Figure 9 for each part. If Taylor's hypothesis is strictly true, the cross-correlation coefficient computed between buoys lying along the path of the mean wind will be equal to the autocorrelation function at a lag, r = x/u where x is the separation between the buoys and u is the mean wind speed. Values of the cross- correlation coefficient plotted in Figure 9 are qualitatively consistent with Taylor's hypothesis. The autocorrelation function of air temperature in parts A and B averaged over all buoys is shown in Figure 10 together with cross-correlation coefficients between buoys lying along the path of the mean wind. Part C was not included be- cause the air temperature record from B1 was incomplete. The 16 cross-correlation coefficients are qualitatively consistent with Taylor's hypothesis except that in part B the two cross-correlation coefficients involving the air temperature at B2 are in very poor agreement with Taylor's hypothesis. The reason may be the erroneous drift in the mean value of air temperature at B2 which was previously noted (Table 3). A comparison between autocorrelation functions and cross-correlation coefficients was also carried out on time series which were filtered to remove the effect of long-period fluctuations. The wind speed and air temperature records from parts A, B and C were high-pass filtered by subtraction of a running two-hr mean. This filter passes 100% of the spectral energy at a period of two hr and 50% at five hr. Two hours is long compared to the distance between buoys divided by the mean wind speed. The filtered time series of wind speed and air temperature were analyzed identically to the unfiltered series as described above. The comparison between autocorrelation functions and cross-correlation coefficients is shown in Figures 11 and 12 for wind speed and air temperature respectively. with Taylor's hypothesis in parts The results are consistent and C and inconsistent in part B. The results from part B suggest that mesoscale eddies propagate about twice as fast as the mean wind. Propagation speeds of mesoscale structures were estimated by examining cross-correlation functions of high-pass filtered wind speed and air temperature from parts A, B and C. An estimate of the propa- gation time of an eddy between a pair of buoys lying along the path of 17 the mean wind was taken as the lag at which the cross-correlation function is a maximum. An example of two cross-correlation functions, one of wind speed and the other air temperature, is shown in Figure 13. The estimates of propagation times are tabulated in Table 4 and are compared with propagation times computed by use of Taylor's hypothesis. The results from parts A and C are consistent with Taylor's hypothesis while the results from part B show eddy propa- gation times about half as large as those predicted by Taylor's hypothesis. The results in Table 4 are consistent with the comparison of autocorrelation functions and cross-correlation coefficients shown in Figures 11 and 12, i.e. mesoscale structures travel with the mean wind in parts A and C but travel twice as fast as the mean wind in part B. The reason Taylor's hypothesis fails in part B is probably associated with frontal passages. Examination of the barometric pressure record and the synoptic analysis shows that there were frontal passages on 18 August about 12 hr into part B and on 20 August near the end of part B. These frontal passages are visible as shifts in wind direction in the progressive vector diagram shown in Figure 3. The propagation in a direction approximately normal to the mean wind of pressure disturbances and air masses associated with the fronts accounts for the failure of Taylor's hypothesis in part B. 18 IV. HORIZONTAL ROLL VORTICES There is growing theoretical and observational evidence [Brown, 1970; Kuettner, 1972; Lemone, 1973; Agee et al., 1973; Burt et al., 1974; Agee and Dowel, 1974; Burt and Agee, 1977] that horizontal roll vortices are a common feature of the planetary boundary layer. A schematic diagram of the circulation associated with these vortices is shown in Figure 14. An analysis was carried out to investigate whether there was evidence of roll vortices in the buoy measurements. of course, It is possible, that even though there might be vortices present in the planetary boundary layer, their influence on the variability of velocity, temperature and solar radiation 2.5 m above the sea surface might be undetectable. If they are felt at the they might have impor- surface, tant influences on the circulation of the uppe ocean. Evidence for the existence of roll vortices was sought by examining the cross-correlation functions of high-pass filtered data from parts A, B and C (Table An example c 2). the cross-correlation between wind speed and air temperature durong Part C is shown in Figure 15. zero lag there is a negative correlatio1, between wind speed and air temperature associated with downward propagation excess of momentum. This result rolls shown in Figure 14. cation of the presence The result with cellular convection and perhaps ture. of cool air having an is consistent with the schematic of However, it is by no of rolls. At means conclusive verifi- would also be consistent other types The case in favor of rolls is strengthened of mesoscale strucby the periodic 19 nature of the cross-correlation function, consistent with the migra- tion of rolls normal to the mean wind direction. Assuming the rolls have cross-wind dimensions of about 1 km, the period of 1 hr is con- sistent with a migration velocity of about 30 cm/s and an angle of 2° between the roll axis and the mean wind direction. Cross-correlation functions from other buoys in part C and from buoys in parts A and B are qualitatively similar to Figure 15 except that the oscillation of the functions is usually not as periodic. The cross-correlation functions at zero lag in part B are positive as might be expected because the stratification was stable (Table 2). 20 Acknowledgments. by Frank Evans. The preparation of the instruments was carried out Jay Simpkins and James Wagnerassisted in the install- ation and retrieval of the instruments. Members of the Buoy Group of the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution installed and retrieved the moorings. We enjoyed the cooperation of the scientists, officers and crew of the R/V Atlantis II; David F. Casiles, commanding; Melbourne G. Briscoe, Chief Scientist. by the Office This research was supported of Naval Research through contracts and N000'14-79-C-0004 under project NR 083-102. N'00014-76-C-0067 21 REFERENCES Agee, E. M., T. S. Chen, and K. E. Dowell, A review of mesoscale cellular convection, Bull. Amer. Meteorol. Soc., 54, 1004-1012, 1973. Agee, E. M., and K. E. Dowell, Observational studies of mesoscale cellular convection, J. Appi. Meteorol, 13, 46-53, 1974. 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Locations and periods of buoy observations, JASIN - 1978. Location Buoy Lat. (N) Long. (W) Period 1 Begin End (GMT) Bi B2 B3 B4 590 00.4' 590 00.2' 590 590 01.6' 10.7' 12°33.6' 12°27.5' 12°27.4' 12°31.0' Period 2 Begin End (GMT) Period 3 Begin End (GMT) 8/1 8/12 8/12 8/30 8/30 9/6 1221 1538 1553 1302 1409 1100 7/29 8/12 8/12 8/30 8/30 9/6 1030 1847 1859 1235 1247 912 7/28 8/12 8/12 8/30 8/30 9/6 2206 1917 1938 1022 1040 750 7/28 8/12 1350 1253 8/12 8/30 8/30 9/3 1317 1545 1612 1328 TABLE 2. Parts of meteorological records having approximately constant wind speed and direction which were selected for cross-correlation analyses. The beginning and ending time for each part is 0000 and 1140 GMT respectively. Rig is the mean bulk Richardson number, averaged over reliable buoys and the R/V METEOR. Wind speed and direction are similarly averaged. Observations from the METEOR were reduced to a height of 2.5 m assuming a log profile and Zo = 0.015 cm. Part Time (GMT) Begin End RiB Wind Wind pee d Di rec ti on S (z = 2.5 m) (degrees) (m/s) -0.0032 357 6.6 8/6 8/8 B 8/18 8/20 0.0004 172 11.1 C 8/22 8/24 -0.0001 266 8.8 TABLE 3. Comparison of means from the buoys and the R/V METEOR. the records, parts A, B and C, are each 59 hr long and are defined in Table 3. Means from the R/V METEUR are the averages of hourly ship The symbols are defined as follows: u, wind speed; 0, wind direction; T air 1, sea temperature at 0.5 m depth (buoy) or bucket temperature (MEIEOR);8Ts2, sea temperatures at 2 m depth. The temperature, Tsl, in part M from the R/V METEUR was corrected by subtracting 0.4°C from the observed mean following the suggestion of A. Macklin (personal observations. temperature; T communication). Part A Part B Buoy or u 6 Ship (m/s) (deg) B1 6.82 42 B2 6.99 B3 Ta u e Ta Tsl Ts2 u e Ta (m/s) (deg) (°C) (°C) (°C) (m/s) (deg) (°C) 172 13.70 12.85 12.87 8.98 270 11.1 173 15.45 12.89 12.91 8.94 7.95 11.1 170 13.50 12.85 12.91 - 12.71 10.7 148 13.27 - 13.05 - 13.95 171 13.43 12.83 Tsl Ts2 (°C) (°C) 11.53 12.97 13.00 11.1 355 12.30 12.97 12.93 7.06 42 11.98 12.84 B4 6.58 324 11.37 METEOR 7.08 359 11.45 METEOR 5.8 @2.5m (°C) Part C 11.4 Tsl Ts2 (°C) (°C) - 12.13 12.13 264 15.30 12.07 12.14 8.90 269 12.21 12.12 12.13 12.52 8.48 226 12.03 - 12.06 - 10.39 261 12.07 12.24 - 8.5 TABLE 4. Comparison of along-wind eddy travel times estimated by use of Taylor's hypothesis (Tf), from lags (TU) associated with peaks in the cross-correlation of wind speed measured at buoys lying on a line parallel to the mean wind direction and from similar lags (Tt) associated with peaks in the cross-correlation of temperature. BUOY SEPARATION PAIR (km) Part B Part A Tf Tu Tt Tf (min) Part C Tu Tt Tf (min) Tu Tt (min) Bl-B4 19.3 46 50 43 29 16 16 ----------------- B2-B4 19.8 46 43 47 29 15 12 ----------------- B3-B4 17.2 40 38 41 25 15 15 ----------------- B2-B3 2.6 6 9 9 4 4 Bl-B2 5.9 -- ----------- --- -- ----------- --- ----------------11 10 9 28 60° N B4 f 59-ION IRELAND 83 BI B2 59-OON 10°W 12-35W I Figure 1. 12-30W I Locations of meteorological buoys, JASIN-1978. 29 20 r WIND SPEED M/S 0 WIND DIRECTION 360 DEG °C SOLAR RADIATION 600 I i W/ M2 I 0 SEA TEMP AT 0.5 M 15 °C 10 SEA TEMP AT 2.0 M 15 oC 10 3 .1 JUL AUG Figure 2. 10 20 30 1 SEP Time series of hourly averaged variables observed at B3 from 28 July to 6 September 1978. 30 +5000 K-C--) +5000 Figure 3. Progressive vector diagram of wind at B3 from 2300 GMT on 28 July to 6 September 1978. Each square is plotted at 0000 GMT. 31 PERIOD 1Oday I hr Iday 10min 107 106 105 I E xx x 103 102 10 10-7 10-6 10-5 10-4 10-3 2 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 4. Composite spectrum of wind speed from Bi and B3. The symbols X are spectra from one-hourly average p are spectra from 3.5-minute averages, and + are ectra from 1.75-minute averages. The vertical bars show the 90% confidence interval. 32 pfR100 14 OIQ' FREaUENOY Figure 5. The sy l C°mPp5jte°}s X tO ait (Nzl and B3 temperat re1edrom Figure in 4- , and I are de 33 PERIOD loday iday 1 hr 10min 106 x x 105 104 103 f 102 10 1 10-' ++ 10-2 10-3f - 10-6 .. 10.5 10_4 10-3 .....- -I 10-2 FREQUENCY (Hz) Figure 6. Composite spectrum of sea temperature from R' and B3. gure 4. The symbols X, 0, +, and I are defined in 34 fS(f) I T, I X X X S X X X X X *X xx to ° L Figure 7. Variance-preserving plot of the spectrum of wind speed from B1 and B3 together with the spectrum from Kaimal et al. [1972]. The symbols X, [3, and + are defined in Figure 4, and o is Kaimal et al's [1972] spectrum. The broken line shows the spectrum measured by Smedman-Hogstrom and Hogstrom [1975] over land. 35 I07 U U) E 106 Q -- 0 10 w a- 104 Q 0 103 102 [ 10-7 I . 10-6 10-6 .1 10-4 10-3 F (Hz) w Figure 8. Rotary spectra (A) and rotary coefficient (B) of hourly averaged wind velocity from B3. The broken line represents clockwise rotation and the solid line represents counterclockwise rotation. 36 2 3 0.5 0.5 J(hours) I Figure 9. 2 3 Mean auto-correlation functions of unfiltered wind speed from parts A, B and C. The auto-correlation functions are averages over buoys 61, B2, B3 and B4. The lengths of the vertical bars are twice the standard deviation. Cross-correlation coefficients from pairs of buoys lying along the mean wind direction are plotted. The symbols X$ and + represent the combinations B1-B4, B2-64762-B3, and B3-B4 respectively in parts A and B. The symbol X represents the combination Bl-B2 in part C. 37 3 0.5 0.5 x1 (hours) 0 Figure 10. 2 3 Mean auto-correlation functions of unfiltered air See Figure 9 for temperature from parts A and B. Part C is not included because the explanation. temperature record from Bl was incomplete. 38 i 0.5 C (hours) 2 3 0 -0.5-- Figure 11. Mean auto-correlation functions of filtered wind speed from parts A, B and C. See Figure 9 for explanation. 39 0.5 Figure 12. Mean auto-correlation functions of filtered perature from parts Aand B. Part C is not because the temperature record from plete. air temincluded Bi was incom- 40 Figure 13. Example of cross-correlation functions of wind speed (u) from Bl and B4 and air temperature (Ta) from the same buoys used to determine the eddy travel time in the downwind direction. The records are high-pass filtered, part A. 41 MIGRATION WIND VELOCITY FLUCTUATION T AIR TEMPERATURE FLUCTUATION Figure 14. Schematic diagram of horizontal roll vortices and associated fluctuations of horizontal wind velocity and air temperature (assuming unstable stratification). 2 U, 0 NOI1V138800-SS080 I 42 Figure 15. Cross-correlation function of high-passed wind speed Positive lags and air temperature at B4, part C. indicate that air temperature leads wind speed. APPENDIX 43 APPENDIX Hourly Averages From Buoy B3 There follows a listing of hourly averages from buoy B3. averaging interval extends from a half hour before the hour hour after the hour. speed; DIR, The symbols are defined as follows: wind direction; TA, air temperature; The to a half U, wind TS1, sea temperature at 0.5 m depth; TS2, sea temperature at 2 m depth; R, incoming solar radiation. Wind speed and direction and air temperature were measured 2.5 m above mean sea level. Wind speed direction has been corrected between the beginning of the observations and 1917 GMT on 12 August based on a linear regression between B2 and B3. 44 MN D Y HR l.1 (M/S;) (GMT) 7 7 28 23 29 0 29 7 1 .1. 6.36 6.15 5.97 5.62 5.01 29 a. 29 7 29 4 2.5:3 7 29 7 29 7 29 5 1.88 6 7 2.61 3.56 29 7 29 0 4.71 29 10 7 7 9 7 7 7 29 11 29 12 29 13 7 2 14 15 16 17 18 19 29 29 29 29 7 29 7 29 20 7 29 21. 9 22 7 29 23 7 30 0 7 30 1 7 30 2 7 30 3 7 30 4 7 30 5 7 30 6 7 30 7 7 30 8 7 30 9 7 30 10 7 30 11 7 30 12 7 30 13 7 30 14 7 30 15 7 30 16 7 30 17 7 30 18 7 30 19 7 30 20 , 30 21 7 30 22 7 /' 7 7 6.41 6.62 7.51 8.76 8.05 I? is R (Di..:G) 168 167 143 147 136 114 27 TA T S 1. T S2 (C) (C) (t_) 13.08 13.12 13.12 13.08 12.73 :12.2; 12. 41 12.39 12.52 12.38 12.50 12.49 12.48 12.49 12.50 12.5() 12.51 12.53 12.56 12.60 12,65 12.67 12.63 12.66 12.69 12.75 12.78 12.80 12.79 343 12.27 289 12.73 12.37 12.36 12.36 12.37 12.36 12.38 249 251 23() 237 237 229 13.0 7 12.4:1 12.17 >- i 12,44 12.48 6.42 13.47 13.36 13.29 13.45 13.51 2.17 217 13.58 215 13.69 205 13.74 195- 13.80 199 13.68 184 13.58 182 13.36 6.36 221 3 5.94 6.48 6.80 6.89 6.12 6.16 5.09 4.69 12.6:1 204 189 201 202 205 195 218 13.23 12.61 /.49 7. 0 7 6.49 6.63 6.25 6.19 6.21 068 4.33 4.00 3.91 4.32 4463 4.49 3.73 3.94 3.66 3.56 3.67 3.62 3.71 3.66 3.51 220 211 197 2(02 197 204 2:10 210 264 249 262 267 277 290 303 302 293 13. 1 8 13.15 13.20 13.15 13.:17 12.92 13.19 1.3.58 13.61 :13.60 13.61 13.59 13.56 13.58 13.84 13.139 14.03 14.07 14.08 14.21. 13.90 13.59 13.35 12.53 12.53 12.55 12.52 12.54 12.57 12 . 63 12.66 12.67 :12.66 12.6 12.61 :12.61 :12.6:1. 12.63 12.58 :12.54 12.54 12.52 12.52 12.53 12.61 12.71 12.80 1.2.87 :12.9 J.3.09 13-18 13.21 13.12 13.22 13.30. :1.2.78 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.73 12.74 12.75 :12.70 12,66 12.66 12.65 1.2.64 12.65 12.72 Q.02 12.90 12.98 13.07 13.19 13.29 :13.32 :13.14 13.30 13.34 13,42 13.38 13.27 13.14 13+27 13.26 R (W,1**' 0.82 1.2-.3 9 6.15 6.15 1.64 6.1,.! 40.5-f',' 131,96 154.05 357.37 484.4:1. 509.82 352.86 548.75 534.00 505.11 450.81. 399.99 323.76 204. 0 9 132.37 21.31 0.39 0.00 0.4:1. 0.00 0.82 0.00 0.41 9.68 137.7() 224.58 310.65J 420.07 465.56 516.79 460.98 503.26 540.15 494.25 428.68' 354,91 279.50 239.59 120.90 30.::33 0.00 ) 45 MN D Y HR (GMT) u Ii:i (,MIS) >c . 9 3f45 3.45 3a Jl2 3.8.2. 4.48 4.93 4.72 3.62 3.39 3.78 .y>.2 2.86 3.14 3.13 3.51 2.59 2.42 3.18 4.32 4.32 4ati) .S:5.t 5.25 4.61. 3.64 3.89 3.95 4.26 6.84 4.80 ;.#.,:.2 3.33 .!.y-/;.. 2.86 4.30 5.04 4.89 4.26 3.02 3.71 4.34 3.88 4.62 4.02 3.81 3.26 4.30 3.66 11:CR f.LDEU;) 2 8! 295 292 281 TA 7'i 1. 'Tr S;2 (0) (C) (C) l (Wi M**:2.) 13. 1 2 13.25 13.14 13.14 1.23 0.41 0.82 0.39 0.00 0.41 15.57 143.85 263.93 343.43 428.47 405,32 13.31 13.24 13.25 :1.:3a 16 17.08 ' 13. ! 7 12.91 12.96 13.01 13.08 :I. ,t6}Z 1.3s:{.2 3:3 1. ,3.:_w 13.82 13.88 14.00 14.14 14.18 14.33 14.10 14.02 13.19 13.30 13.46 13.62 13.70 1,3T18 291 304 314 312 293 299 13.23 13.12 13.45 13.79 13.79 .9 t04 272 270 272 260 245 226 228 240 230 234 248 229 249 223 279 10 310 308 338 1.3.08 1.2.76 1.2.96 1.2.86 277 2:30 13.00 13.01 12.95 1302 13.88 13.90 . 1 3 .81 13.84 :1.3.83 13.70 13.64 13.61. 1308 :13.00 13.04 13.08 13.14 17.20 1. 13.25 1 13.33 13.50 13.69 13.79 13.92 13.95 13.94 13 f 82 13. !'5 13.73 13.57 13.54 13,63 13.67 13.42 12.95 13.10 13.45 13.41 13.50 13.52 13.51 12o68 13. s4 7 1. ,3 ..J 9 13.44 13.43 13.36 13.57 13.55 13.48 13..; 12.46 12.46 1209 1.3.64 13.63 35t.l ! 12.66 19 ' fv31. 13.45 8 13 12.89 13.18 13.08 13.14 13.45 13.72 13.37 13.43 13.46 13.47 13.50 13.60 13.68 13.66 13.48 309 7 330 343 332 327 13.67 13.54 331. :1.3.65 349 359 13.62 13.82 13.80 13.30 12.89 12.17 3 32 54 70 13 . 68 13 f 72 13.69 13.66 13.63 13.64 13.63 1305 13 59 13.59 13.62 13.7{) 13.79 13.79 13.79 13.84 13.81 13.78 13475 13.77 13,76 R 50018 51 8.84 500.80 411.46 467.61 457.89 211.88 151.22 83.19 .43.85 .z 9.43 0.41 0.39 1.235 0.00 0.41 0.00 0.00 6.15 38.61 86.06 145.08 195.00 259.01 286.06 338.10 450.92 343.84 327.45 340.56 223.76 252+45 175,40 39.09 7.79 0.41 46 TA TS1 (C) (C) MN D Y HR R (GMT) u D i. IR. (M;'S) (DEB) 4.34 104 105 79 84 12.47 79 12.37 66 63 48 57 12.08 8 1 23 8 8 8 2 0 2 .` 5. 9 4 8 2 8 2 3 4 `; 6 6.47 5.74 5.24 8 8 8 ri L 8 8 8 5 8 8 8 3 0 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 0 .3 8 8 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 7 ri 8 9 10 11 12 13 2 14 2 2 2 .. 2 15 16 17 .I.L 19 2 20 2 21 2 22 2' 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 0 1 2 3 4 `.x 5.22 3 . 79 4.83 r.:.35 r 5 11.96 4,'+3 26 .5.2..5.2 21 20 12.28 4.68 5.29 5.36 5.12 5.66 5.90 5.99 6419 6.38 6.65 6.68 7.11 V90 6.55 6.24 7919 7.69 7.75 8.09 7.60 7.04 8' 3 1.9 8 8 3 20 3 21 3 22 1.1.68r :1.:I..97 8 9 3 18 .6 0 11.54 38 6.82 3 17 11 6 7 3 14 3 15 3 16 11 . / 11.50 6 3 1.3 12.60 51 71 is,./() 3 10 3 11 3 12 d 61 12.81 12.83 4.82 4.34 4.11 3.89 Si 8 8 $ 22 7 7 357 0 3 11 2 4 11.74 12.41 12.39 12.47 12.50 12.36 12.07 12408 12. 1 9 3 10 12.44 12.78 12.84 12.72 7 12. 46 5 5 3 5 7 12,38 12.45 12.38 12.29 12.40 13 15 :1.2.56 5.71 5.18 5.34 350 346 12.63 12.82 12.95 12.95 12.96 13.06 12.71 4.41 20 12.20 1' 12.12 4 12.2:1. 1 12.71 2 2 :1.3.12 6.1:3 3.67 3.95 5.38 6.47 6.03 8 7 1.5 5 12.99 1S2 (C) . R (W/M**:2) 13.61 13.73 0,00 13.58 13.58 13.58 13.58 13.50 13.40z 13.3 3 13.28 13.23 13.24 13.28 13.33 13.72 13.70 13.71 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 1.23 9.43 1 .37 13.38 13 . 38 13.38 13,40 13.41 13.41 13.39 13.38 13.34 13.25 13.20 13.18 13424 13.7:1. 13.62 13.53 1 3.4 5 4 13441 13.36 13.37 13.41 13.45 13.49 13.50 13.50 13.50 13.51 13.53 13.54- 13.51 13.51 13.46 13.37 13.32 13.30 13.36 22 . 95 43.85 54.51 851.24 158.69 231.55 236.47 336.87 284.42 366.38 209.83 120.37 65.98 28.69 11.08 1.64 2.87 0.00 1.16 0.00 0.00 13.27 13.26 13.23 13.24 13.23 13.18 13.10 13.04 :1.3.40 13.01 13-.14 82.78 12.93 13.05 105.32 12,88 13401 109.83 12 4 99 13.11 13.16 13.14 13.05 13,11 13.23 13.28 13.26 13.18 132.78 106.44 71.31 60.24 59.42 13.39 13.36 13.36 13.35 13.30 13.23 1.3.:1.6 0.41. 0.41 2.05 9,02 21.68 63.52 81.15 13.03 13.15 31.97 13.03 13.01 13.15 13.13 21.31 16.39 12.92 13.04 2.32 12.97 13.09 0.82 47 P1i Li DY HR (M/S) (GMT) 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 83 $3 8 8 83 8 6 8 8 83 83 8 i 8 8 ., 3 0 8 8 83 8 8 8 3 23 4 0 4 1 4 2 4 3 ,4 4 4 5 4 6 7 4 64 8 9 4 n4 4 10 4 11. 4 12 4 13 4 14 4 15 4 16 4 17 4 18 4 19 4 20 4 21 4 22 4 23 0 5 1 5 2 5 3 4 5 5 5 5 6 7 5 5 8 9 5 5 ,., 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 10 1.1. 12 13 14 15 16 DIR (.C EC .) (C:) R (W/M:,*') 0 . 82 13,26 13.22 4418 334 331 355 :13.37 13 , 10 13.36 13.11. 1.3.24 32.79 4.03 0 347 13.18 40.16 5., 2 5.20 5435 59 4.69 4.75 504 4.08 2.79 n. ::, 10 359 0 13.20 13.25 13d ?1 13.26 y 1.3.2 347 .1 3 22 1.3413 13.06 12,98 13.18 13.07 13,09 13.09 1.0 v«?? ,3 jw) :12.96 2.70 3.24 2.31 2.44 2.78 2.91 3.29 3.45 3.43 27 349 344 324 341 13.45 13,30 3.34 28 46 72 82 77 1.2.96 12,63 12.64 13.31 13.31 13.29 13.21 13.11 13.09 83 73 59 67 60 59 12445 1.3.12 x..i'ylJ 3.98 4.81 4.40 5.00 4428 4.28 5.58 6.95 6.836 6.41. 6.54 15 28 1.6 1.1 13.29 L ..3,.3 13.27 13.30 13.31 12.93 12,83 12.93 13.08 1202 10 1 18 19 6482 2 7.21. 358 7.20 7.42 7.98 9 13 4 _ 1n`7s%' {() :12.74 12.61 12.41 0.00 0-39 0.00 9.84 65.16' 13 4 2 }. 127 . 46 .1..« 13.2 111.96 +a1.n2.1 125.00 238;93 . 13 4 18 13.25 13.31 13.32 13.34 13.29 13.1.4 1.3.26 13.21 13.33 13.30 13442 13.15 13.18 13.21 13.23 .1 13.44 13.43 1.3 4 4 0 13.34 1303 1.3 4 20 1.3.25 13.15 13.18 1..:« `}.039 0.00 0.41 0.00 .7 1,) 4 1.3.06 6.05 3 13..18 12+96 13.01 13.22 13,10 12.99 13.00 13.10 12.86 5.12 13.15 13.03 13.03 41 s :l% 5.6? 1 3 4 183 12486 e:.f35 :, , .J 5.88 1 .4 13.65 13.03 6422 ({. 13 Jdl/ }' ,:), 1 13.31 13.39 13.32 13.17 12.55 2.63 12,65 12.70 76 70 63 52 ,J n 7.12 5 22 T::2 (C) 13.2() 13.22 13.24 13.23 // 6499 20 T31. (C) 13.0 2 13.06 13.02 13.05 13.00 13.10 13.13 5.72 5.56 17 5 21 TA 13.18 13.27 13+20 1.3.15 1 7 .., . 83 :1 204.50 114.34 76.64 40.64 '7 4.46 16.80 1.64 0.41. 0.00 0.41 0.39 3.28 0.41 0.00 0.41 12.() 37.29 53.41 :104.10 13.07 i :1.3.2 n;.:l. 94.67 75.82 13.11 13.08. 13+22 1 6 7.21 13.10 ) 1.;:' 13.15 13.16 13.15 13.17 :13.13 :13.14 134 14 13.14 13.20 +21. 1.3.27 13.27 13.27 13.29 13.25 1.3.27 13.25 13.24 215.16 466.38 401.33 331.14 281455 264434 80.74 17.21 2.05 0.39 48 MN LAY HR 8 5 2.3 0 8 6 6 6 2 3 4 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 -, i5 '.} 8 8 8 8 C' 8 8 8 0 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 _; 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 _; 8 8 8 8 8 8 6 6 6 6 6 , ,6 6 6 1 :.; 6 7 8 9 10 6 11 6 12 6 13 14 .; 1.C:' 6 16 6 17 6 18 6 19 20 6 a.. 6 21 6 22 6 23 7 0 6 .) 61 .1 1 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 u n 1: R (M/S) (DEG) (GMT) 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 7 10 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 11 7 1. S 7 19 7 20 12 13 14 15 16 17 7 21 7 22 8.63 8.66 8.86 9.11 8.63 8,34 8.49 8.62 8.68 8.58 8.68 8.82 8.96 8.46 8,47 8.;3:_ 2 t: 8A1 L: c3 . :. 1 8.02 7.79 7.68 7.27 6.60 7.12 6.1.8 6.78 6.69 7.04 7.49 7.08 6. 82 6.89 6.56 6,83 7.39 7.:2?'?, / 7492 7.19 7.36 7.26 6+70 6.15 6.39 5.89 5.75 5.78 5.66 5.98 6.31 10 358 347 357 352 4 7 9 16 _., 23 :16 9 8 :1.1 13 14 )0 s. 4 . 14 5 3 358 L: 7 357 356 35() 341 351. 38 339 339 ;33 7 344 332 343 344 346 349 350 344 346 TA is1 (C) (C) 182 (C) 13.12 1.3. 24 13.22 13.22 1.64 0.00 0.00 13.21 0, 13.19 13.17 13.15 0.00 0.82 0.39 13.02 13.13 'YA. .; 1.:;_9t8 :I.;:?,0y 20.49 36.88 40.57 101.23 12.69 12.62 12.51 12.17 12.12 12.40 12.50 12.4() 12.28 2 1::.:1.... 11.92 11.74 11.67 11.99 12,18 1.1..: a0 12,06 12.08 12.01 11.81 1 1. 4 9 11.522 11.59 11.56 11.65 11.64 ;A18.Y 5. 1 .I .a.. + 12 , 86 1.3.0 0 Y) )Ri" 12-99 ... 12.86 12.81 12.89 12,98 12.93 13.01 1'.2t:Y8(: {' 2 1.,_2.Jr 12.77 12 A 7 9 .l 2_ . 7, 12.89 12.90 1 2_ . 8 9 :l":2.a:.24 :I.:.2 ..7!1 :I.":.2.c3 :12,30 338 341 341 12.95 12.94 12.92 12.90 12.89 13.07 13.06 13.06 13.03 13.03 11,95 12.17 1:1.82 345 :1 :1.2.95 1.3.15 12.67 12.72 12.77 12.70 11.33 11.16 11.52 11.78 352 1 13.09 13.06 13.04 13.04 13.04 12.93 12.93 12.88 12.85 12.82 12.79 12.84 12.89 12.81 :11.65 12.41 12.57 12.56 12.73 12.40 346 350 13.11 13.11 12,32 12.34 12.30 12.30 12.26 11.98 11..60 1.2.81 12 .81 12 . 76 12.72 1 2 .71 12.73 12-74 12.77 12.81 12,85 :12.87 12,82 `.0 1.'Y.c3 12.78 12.75 12.75 1.2.73 12.76 r L..., 12.85 12.85 12.88 12.92 12.95 12.98 1.2.94 12.91 12.90 12.87 12.87 12.85 12.37 (W!M* 2) 4 1.1.81-3 141R 80 129.28 197.13 :3..: 93.85 115.16 99.1 76.64 72.9!.--; 37.54 ' 11.013 l:3 0.82 0.41 0.41 0.00 0.00 0.39 0.41 0.00 4.5.1 13.11 39.34 80.74 101.41 193.85 268.43 427-45 480.72 446.71 333.6() 195.85 152.45 99113 68.44 27.87 2.05 0.00 49 MN :ciY HR (GMT) 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 W t:i 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 C} ti 8 rt L} 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 3 7 23 0 8 1 8 2 8 8 .3 4 8 8 5 8 6 8 7 -8 8 8 9 LiIR U M/ t;) (DE::G) 6.19 328 347 349 6.18 6.71 6.97 6X5 6.42 5.64 5.29 5.91. 5.42 4.89 8 _. 1. 4.49 4.48 i:, 8 :I. 2 .1a Ei8 ci 8 13 8 14 4.91 4.94 8 10 9 15 8 16 8 17 8 18 _. 19 8 20 8 21 8 22 8 23 9 0 9 1 9 3 9 9 4 5 9 9 6 . .1 9 17 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 7 7 8 9 4.90 5.135 5.95 5.68 90 5.90 5.97 6,16 5.89 5.25 5,15 4.68 4.04 5.82 4,62 6 . 16' 6,69 TA TX31 TS2 (i:) (C) (C) 12.75 12.86 12.88 11.91 11.62 12.76 11.41 12.77 10.53 12 73 16 11.30 12.70 19 11,58 12.78 12.01.12 9 J4 10 9 11.98 .l 2 .85 8 12.17 12.73 15 12+76 12.0 8 11.96 .L2+8( 13 13..9' 3.2.85 ;'..,,!/ .I...:4)8t:i .:} 12.92 12.95 352 12.01 4 11.94 12,95 8 12.00 12.97 12.06 12.97 23 21 1005 12.97 22 12.12 12.97 26 11.99 12.95 24 . 11.96 12.95 10 11.91 12.93 24 11.77 :12.90 21.11.72 12.89 29 11.64 12.85 43 11.60 12.82 40 11.44 12.80 12.80 55 .i..1.. 33 :36 11.61 12.80 57 11.51 12.80 58 ,, 11,66 12.80 53 11.48 12.80 1. ..., > {:T CY..5°,8 ,., f :, ':: 7 .i..I.e3.., 79 89 10 6.22 4.69 3.81 11.1 11 W96 104 11.29 11.31 11.33 11.28 11.38 11,35 11.70 12.00 11.90 11.91 11.05 12.10 12.80 12.80 12.81 12.83 12.85 12.93 12.94 12.9B 12.98 .1.2.21 12 + 92 12.20 12.16 12.93 12.94 12 1:3 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 1 3.10 3.19 3.18 3.75 3.19 3.71 4.29 5.1.8 5.36 5' 6.12 :1.27 96 115 140 130 142 140 138 145 143 159 ! r' .L:_J.8 80 :1.2,97 12.95 12.94 R (w/r3**: ? 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TS I 13 t:16 13.15 13.11 13.08 13.08 13.08 13.07 13.06 13,06 13.04 13.04 13.06 13,08 13,06 13.06 13.06 13.03 13,01 360.23 292.61 153.27 62.24 3.281 000 a 0.00 0.0() 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.39 8.20 15.57 43.44 57.79 131,15 68.85 113,79 118.85 45.49 70.0;3 41.39 43.44 26.23 30.96 15.16 0.41. 0.00 52 MN DY .:: (GMT) u DI R 3 13 ...3 8 14 0 .0 13.13 13,25 6.16 222 13.11 n'r 229 210 13.09 13.06 12.95 1 3 8 14 14 2 3 5.73 8 14 0 14 8 14 14 14 8 14 8 1-. 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 14 8 15 8 15 8 15 8 8 15 ... 4 6.73 239 5 6 7 8 9 5.94 5.28 4.74 4.69 5.07 233 c, 15 8 1. 8 8 8 8 8 3 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 15 1.. 6.4() 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 ° 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 :)R 02 .:. 5.14 6.19 s :: , :f.L) 5.79 2.1.,_. 220 179 190 .I.l i 180 169 163 a 14' 13,02 1200 2a/" 12.777 1&79 :12.68 :1.2+47 12.20 12.21 1.2,20 :i. x..2.5:11,, 5.=+8 1.4:3 4.27 146 126 108 1.91. 12,69 12,71 12,47 12.25 12.5() :1.46 :1.2.94 1,70 2.46 1.48 1.19 1.93 160 175 173 225r.: 290 325 321 322 3 21 1.3.16 4.56 3.46 3.12 3,18 3.34 3.48 2.F:r;:. 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IS 14 14.20 8 18 15 11.36 ., 8 18 16 1:1.61 8 18 17 12.84 8 18 18 13.37 8 18 19 13.47 8 18 20 13.03 2.7t:i 8 1C. - 21 8 l.J - ..: 1 S 22 12.86 8 i..23 lt: 8 n 18 23 12.52 8 19 0 11.89 8 19 1 11.77 8 19 2 11.76 8 1.9 171 166 1. 6 2 8 18 8 12.04 8 18 9 1093 R 18 10 :1.3.16 8 159 168 12.06 1t: 18 riIi < Z:AE:G ) 3 11.08 4 11.35 8 19 8 19 5 1.0.81 8 19 6 :I.:1.06 8 19 7 11.35 8 19 8 11.63 8 19 9 11.69 8 19 10 11.8:1 3 19 11 11.93 8 19 12 12+00 8 19 13 11.77 8 19 14 11.58 3 19 15 11 . 9 2 8 19 16 11.52 8 19 17 10.99 8 19 18 1O.3 2 8 19 19 1.0.18 8 19 20 10.22 8 19 21 1.1.48 8 19 22 12.02 c: 15-1 TA TS1 T62 (C) (L) ($) 13.93 13.95 13.87 13.86 12.92 12.89 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 13.86 12.99 12.98 12.98 12.96 130 59 12.87 0+00 13.45 13.41 13.44 13.78 12 . 87 12.95 12.94 12.93 12.91 12.89 77 13.87 12.90 12,90 1.2.8 12A7 12.87 12.85 12.85 12.85 12.85 12.85 513.97 13 . 04 146 912.85 151 161 180 177 188 182 181 182 :1.79 190 :1.72 14.01 13.81 14.02 14.08 :13.96 13.91 13.73 13.74 13472 13466 189 173 169 13.28 181 :1.3.44 179 177 175 1.73 173 181. 174 172 :187 17 2 13 . 53 13452 13.37 13.34 13.39 13.47 1300 13.50 13.54 13.65 13.72 13.48 166 188 186 189 1.3.58 196 13.19 13.27 187 182 1.74 191 13.31 12.97 1.3.09 :13.28 12.71 12.73 12.96 12489 12.89 12.89 12 . 89 12.09 F4 (LJ/M**?) 0.00 0.00 12.70 15.98 38.93 56.56 81.55 122.70 119.26 105.73 12.89 12.87 12.87 12.90 12.95 12.88 12.80 12.78 12.74 12.73 12.72 12.73 12,74 12.77 12,78 12.78 12.73 109.01 156.96 434.41 343.43 191.59 140.98 20.90 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 0.00 12 4 65 1 2 . 70 12.68 12.68 129.91. 12..64 12.85 12.83 12.83 :1.2.86 12.91 12.84 12.76 12.72 12.68 12.66 12.66 12.66 12.69 12.71 12.73 12,71 1.2.70 12,64 12.64 12:64 12.66 12.66 12.66 12.65 12..6.4 12.64 12.65 12.66 12.66 1.2.6 5 12.64 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 -4.3+44 12.69 157.14 158.60 199.58 289.34 12.7:1. 354.91. 12468 12.71 12.71 12.70 12.68 1.2.68 12.70 12.71 12 70 12.68 1.2.68 203 27 160.65 165.66 97y54 104.9:1 99.59 54.92 18.44 0.00 0.00 55 MN DY HR (GMT) 8 1.9 20 .. i'7 E: /C 2 2 a.. .} i 20 :? } (Yi . 3 .i n:. 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'C) 8 8 8 8 0 8 IJ .?"t:'::%.' 11.95 12.05 :12.58 12.58 12.54 12.54 12.53 :12.56 12.43 1.+2,L5c5 12.66 12.67 w 12.66/ 12.60, 12.64 12.59 12.62 12456 12.61 12.55 12.59 _ . 12..54 12.54 :12.52 1.2.52 :12.32 12.50 12.34 12.,3! 12.51 12.40 12.21 12.37 12.26 :12:47 :1.2.17 :1.1.21 :12.1.8 12.52 :1:1..56 12.39 12.50 12.34 +') 1.n.. c 'T'J 12,44 I. ? . 44 12.43 12.42 12.43 12.44 12.42 :12.42 12.42 12.40r 12.36 1.2.31 12.30 121 44 :1.2.56 :1.2.33 12.55 12434 :' . 51. 12.50 12.32 12.32 12.35 250 12.40 12.37 .1 2.5.1 12.66 12.66 1.2.59 v 12.58 12.57 12.56 12.54 12.51 \i }0Y 1.r.:.29tc. 12.47 12A7 12..47 12.47 12.47 12.47 :12.47 12.47 12.46 12.43 +. 12 40 12.34 12.33 12.33 12 .33 12.33 12.33 12,35 } 12.38 . 0.00 0.00 1.16 40.16 51.23., (} a0} r_ 140.57 +f. . .1 'Y ) ^i ,++9 :% 172, 5 4 1i:) r9..I.41 152A4 :1.0.73 373.35 257.37 311.06 248.76 106.05 :18.85 0e00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0() i0/}0 S.+ L f 0.0 0 0.41 20.08 49.18 169.26 238.8:1 118,44 239.34 42068 204.91 317.61 386.05 263.97 168.03 106.14 42.21 1 1. 4 8 0.00 0400 56 MN D HR (GMT) 3 2:1. 8 .)2 u D1f' WI S; (.T'iEG) 23 10.03 0 9.77 8 22 8 22 8 22 2 3 c? _..._. 4 8,96 ... 22 5 ... o 22 8 22 i_r 22 8 w.. )2 a.. 1. .. 8 9 9.21 901 9,55 .1 . 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(C) 8.07 1.69 8 22 19 22 20 272 TA 262 257 241 2?32 266 258 253 266 255 248 255 257 267 252 21.56 255 11.98 12.01 12 :lei 12.08 12.21 12.15 12.32 12.40 12.29 12.28 12.36 12.35 12,16 12.08 12.05 12.41 12,17 12.23 12.08 :12.40 12.17 1209 12.25 12.05 :11.9:1 12.45 12.51 11.90 12.07 12.0 12.05 11.97 12.32 .12.35 :12.35 12.35 12.32 12.31 :12.30 12.29 12.27 12.25 12.21 12.18 12.09 12.00 12.06 12.06 12,12 12.17 12.17 12.16 12.08 12.04 12 . 00 11.98 11.98 1.1..98 11.98 :1.1.98 :: ) .1..2.24 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.08 0100 6 12.04 12.05 12,07 12.09 9 12.09 12.09 12.07 7. .l1. 0,41. 22.8.4 24.U.3 77.46 119.67 200.40 198.76 250.81. ry 258.55 11.97 12.11 12.22 12.30 12,33 12.35 1.2.38 12,38 12.38 12.35 12.33 12.33 1Z, 32. 12.30 12.28 12.23 12.21 12.11 12.03 12.09 12.09 1.2.14 12.19 12.19 12.18 12.09 12.06 1 2 .02 12.00 12.00 12.00 12.00 12,-00 193.44 166.80 195.08 160.24 67.62 , 7.35 0.00 WOO 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.41 7.33 33.61 50.41 100.00 104.12 158.60 405.73 269.25 427.04 345.07 369.25 109.54 89.75 38.11 7.79 0,00 0.00 57 i1 rJ. 3117;' :Cl Y 23 23 24 24 ... 8 `4 8 24 24 8 4 8 24 8 '::3 U .r. 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X7.5..! 265 265 270 2'0 290 293 12.00 95 12.13 1 2 . 033 12.19 12.21 12-04 12.58 12.73 :12.25 r. 12.43 12+::33 0.010 1018 12.95 13.00 0.0(} 1.2.19 :12.37 12.28 :12 . 23 0. 00 1203 300 288 1X07 12A9 0.00 12.12 266 259 253 0.00 :12+09 12.12 12.23 12.28 12.26 12.29 12.31 12+ I. 1 2. 31 12.31 12.28 ( :12.28 12.28 .I . ;' , 45 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 2.28 12.27 12.25 12.22 12.23 12.25 12.28 } 1is4i.1_1 f () , .1J 1 12.83 12.76 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 7i:36 4,:35 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 .2t 3 4 12 . 1 8 4.84 3.39 3,68 12.07 12.82 'f 3.:6 1.2+ 0`'.'i 0.00 0.00 :112.79 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 282 301 282 294 300 277 270 12 + 0;) 12 12.49 3.96 n 0.00 12.02 12,02 :12.4:1 4.16 n 0.00 r 12.11 302' :1.2.79 311 12.61 307 308 282 279 12.06 :12,31 :12.69 12.72 12.67 12.61 12.51 :12.5:1. 12.49 12.48 12.43 0 a0() 0.00 (L+j; t:1<< 2 12400 :12.20 12.08 288 279 274 5405 oloo 12.01 :303 .1 12,00 12.37 12.27 12.12 5.26 0.00 0.00 269 265 12.13 C"6"Y..! ^1:: 12.00 12.00 a 12401 12.03 12.12 1,.:: 90 11 +98 11 12.42 9 285 N so 5.15; 4.{;6 (A::) 11.98 11.98 263 288 293 288 6.68 6.31 5.94 (2) .i 4r1 x:.2 12-39 12.43 12.48 12.48 12.51 ': :12.54 12.55 12.45 12 . 43 1.2+51 12.50 0.00 ().00 8.61 29.80 68.85 213.93 181.55 305.32 495.89 473.76 410,23 368.84 406.95 334442 177.45 98.36 :14.34 0.00 0+00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0+00 0.00 0.00 0.00 21.72 119,67 222.12 281.14 250.81 356 . 03 472.12 487.69 388.10 371.30 279.09 161.88 90.96 38.11 .. 0.00 0.00 58 MN D'r HR DIR U 8 25 23 ti 8 2L.t.! 8 1. . :. ! 1 3.66 8 26 ,) ::? . -;._ 4.41 l c3 0 C? 8 26 8 26 8 2'-? +.. :2 r 8 l.J 8 `26 26 3 26 c; 3 8 8 8 8 .- 10 26 11 26 12 13 .? 6 .1 4 26 1f+.}(/ {I(?!y ^Y Y TS2 (C) 15 ..'? 6 16 8 2 6 17 8 26 18 8 26 19 8 2! 20 8 26 21 8 26 22 8 26 23 3 27 0 8 27 1 8 27 2 3 27 3 8 27 4 i.t 27 .J 8 27 6 8 27 7 8 27 8 8 27 9 8 27 10 8 27 11 8 27 12 8 27 13 8 27 14 1:. 3 27 15 8 27 16 8 27 17 3 27 18 8 27 19 27 20 8 2 7 21 827 22 268 255 266 259 257 12.40 12.39 0.00 / 0.00 12.49 f3 J if 0.00 12f°'i ".) 12439 0.00 12.45 ()f()() 1.i_r?.45 ,.1 1 TS1. 5.15 275 12,43 12,44 12.42 4.52 27.1 1 .. 12.43 0.00 A"1 :_ 1 A O7,) )IC 5 ,.,f(._, 4 5 6 %, 7 8[[ 9 ''.{:!.3 8 26 (C) TA (C,) (1/S) (DEB) (1:!f11) : 5.53 ,.. ,.}4 y ? J. :3.77 3A:-3 :.}79 4 *46 3.99 3.74 4.98 6.03 278 280 270 277 . }'7 . .12.40 12.40 2.3. :1.., 282. 12,35 287 281 12.64 12.83 12.77 276 3.70 4.88 4.99 5.76 6.25 6.12 p 324 303 202 290 312 316 308 293 268 256 267 272 265 273 12.10 12.14 11.74 12.02 12.10 12.07 12.11 12.12 55 283 .I .w:. 3.98 3.89 3.82 2.78 3.01 2.28 2.82 5. 5.72 5.44 5.20 4.15 2.70 2.20 3.14 3.28 2.61 4.44 4.47 3.1.1 3.17 3.84 3.90 4. 1 9 4.74 278 291 22 321 324 326 297 288 293 281. 276 280 80 300 298 280 270 y 1w .54 f 2.30 12.30 1203 12.69 12.70 :12.25 ) '1-/ .A.. 12.23 :12.35 12.19 11.90 12.07 12.84 12.91 12.86 12.99 :1.2>^>4 12.81 12.82 12.53 12.33 12.26 12.16 12.21 0,00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.43 :12.37 12.33 1:?f , ,.1 . 12.29 12.39 1.'2.,'.36 12.49 12.58 12.51 12.58 12.55 12.58 12.61 12.60 12.58 12.63 12.67 12.62 12452 0,00 12.45 12.47 12.50 12.48 ().0() 12-51 0.0() 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.61 12.58 12.49 12.51 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 12.66 12.78 12.87 12.90 12.80 12.86 12.80 0.0() 0.00 0.004l 12.47 ! 12.41 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0() 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.0() 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 R (W,'t1.{t..2) 11.6.2 :1.2.8:1 :12.88 12.94 12,91 12.92 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 6.05 36.06 61493 101..23 125.43. 153.27 282.37 269.66 278A2 325.907 225.81 159.01 80.33 42.21 5.33 0.41 0400 0.00 0.0 0 1 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.00 0.rf / "9 7.38 41.80 88.52 :131.14 236.83 368.43 230.69 237-70 194.26 214.34 142.21. 124.18 74.18 22.84 4.10 0.41 0.00 59 N 19 Ta'i' t, T 3 !. i 8 27 23 ... i:? 0 8_. 2' 'Y r'r :. ,:. 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