Employee’s Whole Life at New York Life. A++ AAA Aaa AA+ At New York Life, we aspire to be an industry leader at the worksite by providing valuable Superior Exceptionally Exceptional Very Strong Strong protection and peace of mind for employees and their families. Best of all, by providing Standard A.M. Best Fitch Moody’s & Poor’s employees with an opportunity to purchase additional life insurance with the convenience of payroll deduction*, New York Life Employee’s Whole Life (EWL) Insurance adds value to employee benefits packages at virtually no cost to the employer. Our nationwide network Superior of agents provide personalized, professional service for an easy implementation process. Superior Exceptionally A++ AAA Aaa Aaa AA+ numbers Industry-leading AA+ and ratings: A++ AAA Strong A.M. Best Impressive statistics:1 63 Years in the worksite market protecting employees and their families since 1952. Fitch Exceptional Very Strong Moody’s Standard & Poor’s 2 Exceptionally Strong Fitch Exceptional Moody’s Very Strong Standard & Poor’s A++ AAA Aaa AA+ Superior Exceptionally Strong Exceptional Very Strong A.M. Best Fitch Moody’s Standard & Poor’s June 4, 2014 August 13, 2014 June 2, 2015 June 24, 2015 7,200 Active employer groups offering protection to their employees and their families. 160K Active employee policies providing peace of mind to policy owners and their families. #1 We are the largest mutual life insurance company in the U.S.3 $75M Of recurring premium from Employee’s Whole Life policies. 80 On the prestigious Fortune 500 list for 2015. $3.4B In face amount from Employee’s Whole Life policies. 1845 U.S. states are Employee’s Whole Life clients. 150+ 15 50 States that we have EWL clients in. Our largest clients are governments, municipalities, educational institutions, manufacturing companies, and medical professionals. A.M. Best When we first started protecting policy owners, through good times and bad. Consecutive years that New York Life has paid dividends to policy owners.4 Positive feedback from existing employers offering EWL: “It was really a no-brainer to add New York Life’s Employee’s Whole Life to our company’s benefit offerings. Since this is a voluntary plan that doesn’t cost anything to offer, there really is no reason not to give this plan consideration for your place as well!” (2015) “More employees should take the time to sign up because having a plan in place will provide peace of mind for their family.” (2015) “All of our benefit offerings cease with the end of employment, until we began to offer New York Life Employee‘s Whole Life. Our employees were thrilled to purchase a portable plan that will protect their families forever!” (2015) Positive feedback from our existing policyholders: “Thanks to New York Life’s Employee’s Whole Life policies, I was able to get my family coverage for peace of mind that we did not have before! Since premiums are deducted from my paycheck, that makes my family’s plan very affordable!” (2015) “The coverage this program offers is great. Why doesn’t every company offer this to their employees, especially since it doesn’t cost the company anything?” (2015) The experience of the people described in this material may not be representative of the experiences of other clients. Experiences obtained by these people are not indicative of the future experiences that may be obtained by our clients. *This program is not intended to be subject to the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA). The employer does not contribute to or endorse the program. Employee participation is completely voluntary. 1 New York Life worksite internal statistics as of June 1, 2015. 2 Source: Individual third-party ratings report as of June 25, 2015. 3 Based on revenues as reported by “Fortune 500 ranked within Industries, Insurance: Life, Health (Mutual),” Fortune magazine, June 15, 2015. For methodology, please see http://fortune.com/fortune500/. 4 Dividends cannot be guaranteed. In Oregon, the Employee’s Whole Life policy number is ICC12-213-52. New York Life Insurance Company 51 Madison Avenue New York, NY 10010 www.newyorklife.com 14908_072015_SMRU1655561(Exp.07.13.2016)