Career Services Center 2013-2014 Activity At-A-Glance Career Employment Recruiting Event Participants Experience Job & Internship Board Organizations Students Positions Posted 3,227 900 850 1,442 235 133 116 39 29 Fall Job/Intern Spr Job/Intern Meet the Fair Fair Accountants 1149 188 107 43 Accounting Interviews 14 Teacher Interview Day Internships Professional jobs Student jobs Graduate assistants Experience Job & Internship Board Recruiting Event Attendees Additional On-Campus Employer Recruiting Activity 75 - Interviewed in the Career Services Center Organizations Students 62 - Scheduled Student Center information tables 9 - Held employer information sessions # Student/Alumni Registered Positions Posted 3,311 - New Registrants 11,417 - Total Active Registrants 2,575 1,000 Total # Employers Posting Jobs & Visiting Campus: 1,735 4 669 Career 130 107 Career Counselor Activity 187 113 41 30 , Education 1,284 5 938 8 9 Career Counseling Sessions 217 34 2,138 individuals were seen for career assistance (30% increase) Fall Job/Intern Spr Job/Intern Meet the Accounting Class career assistance: Fair year of those Fair seeking Accountants Interviews Teacher Interview Day 31 % (Seniors), 18% (Alumni), 17% (Junior), 12% (Graduate Student) Recruiting Event Attendees 10% (Freshmen), 9% (Sophomore), 3% (High school, community) 182 presentationsEmployers were deliveredStudents to 2,660 + attendees (9% increase) 700 Student Employment & 225 217 Students Employed on Campus 118 38 34 28 Students Positions 106 8,461 Spr Job/Intern Meet the Fair 6,060Accountants Accounting Interviews Teacher Interview Day 2,738 3,016 Recruiting Event Attendees AcademicEmployers Year Students Summer 30 FWS students were employed off campus at Hillel or PARTA. 1,000 700 11 Drop-in By appt. By phone E m Internships Professional 47, 2% Student Jobs Graduate p Jobs Assistants l o839, y39% e r 1252, s 59% a c t i Counseling Sessions Test vforCareer Credit e Drop-in By appt. By phone l Students Taking CLEP for College Credit y 60, 3% 473, r 28% 270 e students took College Level Examination Program c (CLEP) tests in order to earn academic credit, with ar qualifying score, for what they already know. u 211 i students (65%) successfully earned three or more thours of academic course credit 1,185, in 2012-2013. 69% i n g a t Career Services Center 2013 - 2014 Customer Feedback At-A-Glance Career Counseling Contacts Reason for Visit: Class Rank: Student/Alumni Satisfaction: 31% - Senior 17% - Alumni 17% - Junior (up 3%) 12% - Graduate Student 10% - Freshman (down 3%) 7% - Sophomore (down 4%) 3% - High school/community 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “The counselor was knowledgeable and I gained information and insight to take further action.” Student Action Prompted: Student Satisfaction: #1 - Have resume critiqued #2 - Visit Career Services website #3 - Attend a job/internship fair #4 - Explore major/career resources #5 - Get help locating internship #6 - Register with job/intern board 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “My understanding of the topic was improved.” Employers Recruiting For: Feedback about KSU Candidates: Employer Satisfaction: 36% - Full-time jobs 27% - Internships 17% - Increased campus visibility 14% - Potential openings 6% - Student positions Most need to improve: Knowledge of organization 100% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “The Career Services Center staff was responsive”. Strengths: 95% - Strongly agreed/ agreed that “Candidates were average or above regarding business etiquette, quality resume and communication skills.” 100% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “They would recommend this event to other organizations.” Feedback about KSU Candidates: Employer Satisfaction: Most need to improve: * Knowledge of school 97% - Felt the overall experience was excellent Top three candidate strengths: * Academic preparation * Communication skills * Attire 98% - Felt Career Services Center staff responsiveness was excellent/above average 67% - Resume/letter critique 22% - Job search 22% - Major/career exploration 6% - Internship help 5% - Interview prep 6% - Graduate school help 3% - Class assignment 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “I would recommend this service to fellow students/graduates.” Career Presentations Most Requested: #1 - Resume & Cover Letters #2 - Career Services Overview #4 - Selecting a Major/Career #5 - The Internship Advantage #3 - Interview Do’s & Don’ts #6 - Education Job Search 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “The presenter was effective.” Job & Internship Fairs Teacher Interview Day Schools Offering 2 nd Interviews: 43% - 3-5 candidates 30% - 6-10 candidates 14% - 1–2 candidates 11% - 11+ candidates CLEP – Testing for Credit Participants Enrolling at KSU: 87% - Yes How Found out about CLEP: Student Satisfaction: 43% - Academic advisor 22% - Friends/family 11% - Career Services website 18% - KSU faculty/staff/program 6% - High school counselor 100% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “The overall level of service was satisfactory.” Note: In some surveys respondents checked all options that applied. 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed: “The online test registration site was convenient to use.” 8/29/14