Career Services Center 2012-2013 Activity At-A-Glance Career Employment Recruiting Event Attendees Experience Job & Internship Board Organizations Students Positions Posted 1,000 2,575 700 1,284 938 130 107 187 41 Fall Job/Intern Spr Job/Intern Meet the Fair Fair Accountants 30 217 113 Accounting Interviews 34 Teacher Interview Day Professional jobs Student jobs 4 , Career Education 1,284 5 938 8 9 Career Counseling Sessions Career Presentations & Contacts by College 217 187 E Drop-in By appt. By phone 130 41 30 113 Graduate assistants Student/Alumni Experience Job Board Registrants Positions Posted 4,619 (New) 25,851 (Total Active) 2,575 78 - Interviewed inOrganizations Career Services Students 60 - Scheduled Student Center information tables 13 - Held employer information sessions 1,000 1,823 - Total # employers actively recruiting at KSU 107 Internships Experience Job & Internship Board Recruiting Event Attendees Additional Employer Recruiting Activity 669 11 34 11 m Internships Professional Student Jobs Graduate 60, 4% p 473, Jobs Assistants l 27% Fall Job/Intern Spr Job/Intern Meet the Accounting Teacher College individuals seeking career assistance:Interview Day Fair status of Fair Accountants Interviews o y 523 (A&S), 353 (BUS), 352 (EHHS), 132 (C&I), 104 (None), 66 (US), e Recruiting Attendees 55 (ARTS), 37 (NURS), 36Event (PH), 30 (CAEST), 24 (ARCH), 14 (DS) r s 165 presentations Employers were delivered Students to 3073 + attendees 1193, a 69% 700 c t i Counseling Sessions Student Employment & Test vforCareer Credit e Drop-in By appt. By phone 225 217 l Students Employed on Campus CLEP for College Credit yStudents Taking 118 106 60, 3% 38 473, 34 28 Students Positions r 28% 321 e students took College Level Examination 7,977 Spr Job/Intern Meet the Accounting Teacher Program c (CLEP) tests in order to earn academic credit, 5,981 Fair Accountants Interviews Interview Day with ar qualifying score, for what they already know. 2,789 3,156 u 211i students (65%) successfully earned three or Recruiting Event Attendees more thours of academic course credit.1,185, 69% Students AcademicEmployers Year Summer i n g 41 students were employed off campus through FWS 1,000 contracts with Hillel, PARTA, and Davey elementary school a 700 t 1,726 individuals were seen for career assistance Career Services Center 2012- 2013 Feedback At-A-Glance Career Counseling Contacts Reason for Visit: Class Rank: Student/Alumni Satisfaction: 31% - Senior 16% - Alumni 14% - Freshman 14% - Junior 12% - Graduate Student 11% - Sophomore 2% - High school/community 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “The counselor was knowledgeable and I gained information and insight to take further action.” 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “I would recommend this service to fellow students/graduates.” Student Action Prompted: Student Satisfaction: #1 - Have resume critiqued #2 - Visit Career Services website #3 - Attend a job/internship fair #4 - Explore major/career resources #5 - Get help locating internship #6 - Register with job/intern board 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “My understanding of the topic was improved.” 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “The presenter was effective.” Employers Recruiting For: Feedback about KSU Candidates Employer Satisfaction: 78% - Full-time jobs 60% - Internships 37% - Increased campus visibility 26% - Potential openings 20% - Student positions Most need to improve: * Knowledge of organization Strengths: 96% - Strongly agreed/ agreed that “Candidates were average or above regarding business etiquette and communication skills.” 100% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “The Career Services Center staff was responsive”. 97% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “They would recommend this event to other organizations.” Feedback about KSU Candidates Employer Satisfaction: Most need to improve: * Knowledge of school Strengths: * Attire * Interview preparation/performance 97% - Felt the overall experience was excellent 100% - Felt Career Services Center staff responsiveness was excellent/above average Student Participant Feedback: Student Satisfaction: Top skills built via campus job: * Communication skills (oral/written) * Interpersonal/relationship skills * Problem solving/conflict resolution * Time management/organize/plan * Computer/technical * Flexibility/adaptability 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed “I am gaining knowledge/skills as a student employee that will assist me in my future career.” 99% - Strongly agree/agreed “My student employment has helped me feel more connected to KSU.” 62% - Resume/letter critique 23% - Major/career exploration 22% - Job search 10% - Internship help 6% - Interview help 5% - Graduate school help 3% - Class assignment Career Presentations Most Requested: #1 - Resume & Cover Letters #2 - Career Services Overview #3 - Interview Do’s & Don’ts #4 - Selecting a Major/Career #5 - The Internship Advantage #6 - Education Job Search Job & Internship Fairs Teacher Interview Day Employers Offering 2 Interviews nd 54% - 3-5 candidates 26% - 6-10 candidates 10% - 1–2 candidates 8% - 11+ candidates Students @ Work Program Program Participants: 31 student employees (Fall) 58 student employees (Spring) CLEP & ACT-Residual Testing Participants Enrolling at KSU: 86% - Yes 14% - No How Found out about CLEP: Student Satisfaction: 40% - Academic advisor 20% - Friends/family 12% - Career Services website 11% - KSU faculty/staff 11% - High school counselor 99% - Strongly agreed/agreed that the “overall level of service was satisfactory.” 98% - Strongly agreed/agreed that “the online test registration site was convenient to use.” Note: In some surveys respondents checked all options that applied. 11/4/13