Source: Subject Content Rubric ATTRIBUTE EMERGING COMPETENT Explores topic with Little inquiry. curiosity. Adequate INVESTIGATE Limited knowledge knowledge from & RESEARCH shown. variety of sources displayed. ANALYZE & EXAMINE Separates into few parts. Detects few connections or patterns. Applies little information. CONSTRUCT & Combines few facts SYNTHESIZE or ideas. Needs more development. REFLECT & INTERPRET Conceives few ideas. Draws few inferences. The meaning of the topic is vague. EXEMPLARY Knowledge base displays scope, thoroughness, and quality. Sifts and organizes information. Detects patterns. Connects information to explain the topic. Prospects for patterns and connections. Uses plans or models to explain the nature of the whole topic. Assembles and combines new knowledge to form a coherent whole. Combines facts and ideas to create new knowledge that is comprehensive and significant. Point of view reveals Uses perspectives and meaning of topic with insights to explain insight into its relationships. Reflects signficance. Applies to real life. real life.