EE640 STOCHASTIC SYSTEMS SPRING 2005 COMPUTER PROJECT 1 PART B: ANALYSIS(updated 4-1-05) 0. In similar way as you did in Part A, generate independent identically distributed test vectors. The target vectors are: t IID1 = g 1 + 3, t IID2 = g 2 + 3 (A-11) t IID3 = g 3 + 3 and the clutter vectors are: c IID1 = g 4 + 1, c IID2 = g 5 1 c IID3 = g 6 + 1 (A-12) 1. Histogram: Design a program, or use the MATLAB function hist.m, that will estimate the histogram of an Nx1 vector of random numbers. Have the program use specified M bin intervals. Run the program and plot for: u1 , g1 PlotB - 1 histogram PlotB - 2 s1 , s 2 , s 3 , s 4 , s 5 histogram t I1 , c I1 PlotB - 3 histogram t I2 , c I2 PlotB - 4 histogram t I3 , c I3 PlotB - 5 histogram PlotB 6 s int ensity histogram 2. Covariance estimate: Estimate covariance matrices (3x3) Kt from t1,t2,t3 Kc from c1,c2,c3 KtI from tI1,tI2,tI3 KcI from cI1,cI2,cI3 KtIID from tIID1,tIID2,tIID3 KcIID from cIID1,cIID2,cIID3 (In some context, this is called the correlation matrix) ie. 1 K(m,n) ( xm - m )T ( xn - n ) (B-1) N 1 where m is an Nx1 vector with all elements equal to the mean value of the vector xm and K(m,n) is the mth, nth element of the matrix K. 5/31/2016 EE640 PROJECT 1 1 3. Estimate mean vectors (3x1) from t I1 ,t I2 ,t I3 (B-2) such that t ,1 t t ,2 t ,3 (B-3) where t ,i 1 N t I ,i m N m 1 (B-4) likewise for clutter, use c I1 , c I2 , c I3 (B-5) to generate c,1 c c,2 c,3 (B-6) 4. Determine the peak element locations, the centroid element locations of the histograms of b binary and s int ensity . The centroid is determined by “simulating” a pdf. For example, let x[n] be a sequence and you want to approximate E{x[n]}. Let h(x) be the histogram of x[n]. First, form a pseudo pdf as f x x h x M hm m 1 where m is the bin number of a total M bins in the histogram. The value of h(x) returns the bin value that contains the value of x. The centroid is then N x xn f x xn n 1 Determine the time averages of b binary and s int ensity and compare with the centroid averages. They should be close. 5/31/2016 EE640 PROJECT 1 2 Optional Method: A conceptually easier technique for implementing the centroid is the following: The approach will first get the fractional value of the estimated bin number. Then that value is linearly mapped to the x dimension. Given your bin numbers for the histograms h[m] are equally spaced and vary from 1 to M. We can map bin values to signal values with xmin=a*1+b and xmax=a*M+b. So a=(xmax-xmin)/(M-1) and b=xmin-a. The values xmax and xmin are the center values associated with the end bins. So we find the centroid f m m hm M hm m 1 The centroid is a fractional value M m mf m m m 1 and the mean of x is then x=m*a+b. 5/31/2016 EE640 PROJECT 1 3